
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The ‘After Election’ Hangover- For Candidates

The ‘After Election’ Hangover- For Candidates

While the morning after election results are more or less the sign of what voters did the previous day and they may have no regrets or hangovers from the choices they made for at least 6 months anyway, candidates face a far greater hangover the day after, especially the losers.

I admit it would be nice to take off to a nice warm beach and sip a nice fruit filled drink for 3 days after an election because so much has been poured into it the race, you feel you need to re-charge. Most of the time you’re so broke after putting so much into your campaign that the getaway just isn’t going to happen. More likely you will suffer the effects similar to coming home after a vacation from post election, then go on one.

The public may have an anger or hostility towards candidates of any race, ruthlessly turning their back on them as if they were a peddler who had tried once too many times. The facts though are that if you eliminated every loser from every election, you would be left with a dictatorship.

That’s right; the losers of any particular election are the celebration of our Republic. We live in a democracy but it’s a Constitution Republic, and our Constitution clearly enumerates the manner and time of our elections as well as the qualifications for a candidate. Without that, we would simply live in a tyrannical dictatorship. Please don't think you haven't heard the last from me regarding Obama's eligibility, simply because he hasn' put it to rest.

As a candidate I hope that my platform stimulated some debate, invigorated interest, and provided a choice for every voter who would be left with less had I not run. My sincere and best wishes go to the winners, however by appreciation and gratitude goes to all the losers.

This isn’t my first rodeo, couldn’t say it was going to be my last. Bret Favre keeps coming back and so do I. I remember my first loss in an election and how I said to myself, “I will NEVER RUN for public office again!” Indeed, one election loss is generally enough for any one person who actually put good faith effort into one-including commercials, signs, web sites, travel, and the public and co-candidate grilling and bashing that inevitably comes in many directions.Even as a write-in candidate thousands of hours went into the campaign 50 page web site,52 commercials,voting issues, platform, signs, and cross the country travel. I didn't get paid a dime to do it. Running an election race is tantamount to volunteering to some remote venture that will be forgotten in a week.

I’m asked occasionally “Was it worth it?” My considered response is personal. I’ve never run any campaign or election race wherein a lot of soul searching didn’t go on, sometimes for weeks or even months, especially knowing of the lost elections of my own past, and having some idea of what is expected, and what it will take to have a respectable showing.

That effort was always considered with prayer and supplication to God to help me see it through, if indeed I was to do it. In every campaign I’ve lost, there were moments and times when I said to myself, “okay, that’s it, this one is over. I can’t go on. The way is hedged up so high I won’t make it.

In every situation and circumstance I’ve been in when those circumstances came up and that included being short on money, being stranded in a vehicle, car problems, travel problems, and personal problems that seemed insurmountable, the unexplainable has happened.

Somehow, the engine was fixed, the car didn’t quit, the money came in, and the traveling was cleared. My own witness of miracles has happened. The process of seeing them and being a part of them made me grateful to God for preservation. I don’t use the word “preservation” lightly but rather mindfully with the opposite of being made “extinct” the very real possibility. While the steep mountains set before me have been climbed from the deepest valleys you’ve ever seen, in the darkest places and moments imaginable, the light has come and broke through all of them. I’m left with triumph at what seemed impossible.

If you saw the movie “The Replacements” Shane Falco played by Keanu Reeves says as the quarterback in the football huddle something to the affect “pain heals, chicks dig scars, and glory last forever.”

It’s true, but glory isn’t always received simply in the win, but it’s the journey!
I contributed the help from above as clear as a bell and who am I to complain, or to bemoan the clarity of Gods helping hand? If the whole world voted against you, and you were able to see God’s little finger in action, you wouldn’t care about the whole world voting against you, and that’s the comparison I’m so thankful for. I know that’s a little personal, but it’s the truth. Thankfully the truth sets us and keeps us free.

If you received 49% of the vote and lost, you’re still faced with as much as a hangover as someone like me who received much less and ended up in the exact same boat as you did. We have to face it, we lost, but we are not losers, because all of America stands upon our Constitution, and without those elections the whole idea of America would die. Without the losers, our elections would be a sham.

So, that is why in some measure I submit a virtual tropical paradise 3 day weekend to all the losers who tried is not a bad idea; they in the process made America stronger then she was and I’m thankful to have been a part of that. Look deep into the picture on this post and spend as much time as you like gazing at it because it’s all I can afford right now.

Cody Judy

Monday, November 1, 2010

Free American Elections - The New Endangered Species?

Free American Elections – The New Endangered Species?

A startling and very troubling stand the media has taken in slanting the election choices of the public is very acutely seen in the latest pre-election poll.
While it’s true Mike Lee’s numbers are plummeting, the election question to voters in taking the poll is slanted without a fair choice of all the candidates asked in the question to those polled.

Mike Lee has dropped to 48% while Sam Granato is at 38% and Scott Bradley showing just 5%, with a 15% undecided factor, my name, Cody Judy, is not mentioned and this in the face of being registered as a candidate in the State of Utah’s Election office and on their web site.

The “Polling” people want credit for being accurate, but have failed the people, by asking the question in a slanted format. It’s easy to see, and is widely accepted as “media bias’ that is also accepted; but are the people served by this action? My considered thought is “No, The People are not served well, when the choices that are available are not shown in polls, not given fair media coverage, and not invited to debates.

I have to ask “The People”, wouldn’t you have liked to have seen all your choices in a debate when it comes to the U.S. Senate vacancy? Are you satisfied with the decisions that have been made for you by the Pollsters, by the Media who have spoon fed you the choices they felt were viable while the Utah State elections office represents something different and intended for your service and choices?

In past years the media has even done a little better job with doing at least a paper story in the Ogden Standard Examiner, or the Salt Lake Tribune of candidates who hoped they were ‘write”, meaning they were write-in candidates. This at least informed the casual paper reader of a broader choice.

This year has been the newspapers,television and radio stations most horrendously controlled political election yet. Controlled by those who were less then genuine about a concern for and a journalistic responsibility of letting the people know all of the choices available to them. The Sun Advocate in Price and the Salt Lake City Weekly, and the BYU Universe were the only papers that remotely covered my candidacy with so much as a reference of my web site that I am aware of.

This was not in the face of a quickly put together campaign, but one that has labored all year long with a web site, Radio Commercials that were featured in southern Utah as early as February and March against Senator Bennett, more YouTube commercials than any other candidate in the race, and a report that labored across the entire country in the defense of the U.S. Constitution as I traveled back to New York to testify about Obama’s ineligibility, which has to do with the Constitutional Crisis we are facing in America this very day with un-constitutionally signed bills that are being fraudulent fed to the public as policy. We have never faced such a crisis in America like this one we face today.

The way in which we face it will reasonably detail the cost we pay, it also stands to reason. This is my deep concern and regret in not being able to do more.

While Mike Lee, Sam Granato, and Scott Bradley have also no doubt put in hundreds if not thousands of hours throughout the year, I have also, but I have not been recognized as a qualified and legitimate choice by Utah’s big newspapers, or in debates or commentary by the major networks, and that is not because I didn’t challenge my opponents or extend an invitation for debate, which has gone unanswered.

This was in fact articulated to the public in Rolly & Wells feature actually telling The People of Utah of their desire to keep quite a campaign featured as a choice by the State' Elections Office saying " Then,as now, I believe that he deserved no attention from the press. Just because you declare yourself a political candidate, or a minister for that matter, doesn’t automatically make you newsworthy." Well, there is a lot more work then just declaring yourself as a candidate, and to that work they show no respect, nor any to society's decisions to forgive, nor our Constitutions' to allow me to run.

No tighter control of the public's choices, could be seen or stated in a controlled press as this one does, and I wrote them a letter about it, stating if they were going to make such statements they ought to have at least read my book, so they could make such from an intelligent perspective. I'm betting they didn't go out and get a copy of my book Taking A Stand- The Conservative Independent Voice.

While it is within a candidate’s right to refuse debate or contention within a race, I just don’t think the public is served very well, when the media as a public service engages in the same behavior. It’s simply the manifestation of poor journalism, biased networks, and certainly can be seen as a sickness of what we would call a free press, and in such a free America.

If the lack of debate has become so dis-interesting to the public and the use of lack of information used covertly as a champion to win is the main tool for politics, our future American Elections are indeed an endangered species.

While news papers holler that their readerships are down, the insidious journalism might be more of a problem to them then they care to take a closer look at. Harder times are virtually guaranteed with slop pouring out the press these days. While harder times are bemoaned by the citizen voter, he/she assures no relief with the sloppiness continually lapped up by these traditional sources that slight the choices available to the public.

The internet is a great tool that remains a new frontier fair and balanced, but even that is being jeopardized now by the Government, and most certainly to the degree that the older generations who consistently vote, threaten to use it.

So , as the last campaign message I’m able to publish to those who may hear or read this, I will not waste my breath by saying, I hope you write-in Cody Judy for U.S. Senate tomorrow and surprise them with more homework done at home than they expected you to do.
Cody Judy- write-in U.S. Senate 2010 Utah