
Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Gov. Jon Huntsman would not be a good President America?

Why former Gov. Jon Huntsman would not be a good President America? He fails to protect, preserve, and defend the Constitution. Quite frankly Gov. Huntsman, with your inflated use of the word 'germane' in the following interview seen at the end of this post, I'm surprised you don't find running for President 'germane' to upholding the Constitution.

This email was sent to Mr. Huntsman at his campaign website between Oct. 10th and October 24th,2011 and the video at was loaded up on October 29th,2011.

Dear Mr. Jon Huntsman:
RE: 2 suggestions for you to change the tide.

I am a candidate for President on the Democrat side, and with your help I think a mutual benefit could take place-Obama called in by a Congress for verification of Constitutional Qualification Hearings.

1-Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen with a foreign born father- Our Constitution demands that only a natural born citizen is qualified to be President. There are no GOP Candidates who have the courage or political resume to bring this up with the main stream media without being labeled a racist, as Donald Trump was, accept for me(accept I'm running as a D), because of the strings attached to them with McCain’s good ole boy non-binding U.S. Sen. Resolution 511 endorsed by all Republicans.

I apposed McCain in Fed Court Judy v. McCain as well as Obama as a candidate in 2008 thus do not have the 'racist' tag around my neck. I hope and pray you will find that in running for President you now can be a bigger voice in support for the Constitutional Principle demanding a natural born citizen then Mr. Donald Trump.

You could help to unite The Birther Movement across party lines totally eliminating Obama from the Democrat nomination in 2012, as well as dismantling in history Obama as the legitimate 44th president of the United States made secure only by the biggest perpetrated fraud and forgery upon the American People in our history. Obama’s sitting in the White House is an embarrassment to our Nation, our Constitution, and the blood of all that has been defensively spilt and this by God cannot stand.

The Birther Movement among Republicans was around 75% who felt Obama was not qualified. While partisan politics may play out running for President, we should be able to come together for the Constitution and agree the law at the time of Obama's birth demanded "born in the U.S. with Citizen parents."

If you took this issue on by yourself, I think you'd be hammered just like Trump was. However, if you brought this up with me, with my resume in suing McCain, I believe you would gain a huge bump for courage in the Republican party setting your campaign out from all the rest. One only need ask the question, who would any of the Republican Candidates rather go up against in a General Election, myself or Obama?

That said, defending the Constitution and coming together with a Democrat Candidate for president in that common goal, would and could necessarily put many more Republicans and Independents in your corner as well as attracting for your campaign an infusion of courage.

The story of your coming out in support of Art 2, Sect 1, Clause 5 and calling our Constitution more than just rhetoric, and Obama a moron (referenced for Jon using the word that week) for thinking he could get away with it, would garner you tremendous support for standing for the truth while your fellow GOP Candidates for President were willing to sweep it under the carpet.

Its bold, beautiful, and could be the biggest national boost to separate you from the pack politically available. The key would be not to alienate someone like me who has been in the fight. I sued McCain before he was made the nominee at the RNC in 2008.

This could actually be seen as your reaching your hand across the aisle, because I am running as a Democrat. I was ready to offer my Birther Resume to Trump but he was a plant for Obama to release his Long Form B.C. and cement it without review and Oprah's endorsement. I believe the Presidential Race is the only arena that could bring this out again for review with the same force Obama tried to close it with putting out the forgery. With so many candidates in the GOP Presidential Race funds are hard to come by, and setting oneself apart even harder with voters. Standing up for the Constitution Mr. Huntsmen is never and could never be even framed as a bad thing when the President's job is to preserve and to protect it. I extend my hand to you in this patriotic endeavor.

Emailing me or calling the number and leaving a number for me to call back would probably be the best way to get together if you'd like to pursue this endeavor. "Utah boys make good on the Constitution", that’s the kind of story the restores faith in Government and Politics for our up and coming generations who are so demoralized by the crookedness and corruption that hope is all but lost.

Cody Robert Judy

After Receiving this letter Gov. Huntsman blows it with the following remarks which refer our U.S. Constitution's demands for a President to be a natural born citizen as 'NonSensical". Quite frankly, I find running for President 'germane' to defending the U.S. Constitution Gov. Huntsman and I've found your position afar left of the Constitution along with your fellow Republican Candidates for President.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Standard Betrayal- Its the other guy Kicking Cain to the Curb

The standards of service that the Media has become accustomed to serving the public now is akin to the repugnant regurgitation standards most politicians dish-up as policy citing the economy as priority over the Constitution.

Gone are the standards that lifted us up with fair and unbiased journalism, replaced with the fear that reporting something without ridicule, cynicism, and a blatant misperception would raise the ire of fellow colleagues?

Recently there was an article I found myself in that was simply a case in point vis-à-vis entitled: “What’s ahead Nov. 1: for 2012 GOP hopefuls, it’s the economy”, by James Q. Lynch.

While committed for reporting to the Iowa Public concerns about the Iowa Caucus coming their way in just two short months, the author at 2011 was unmercifully blatant in this degenerate transformation of journalism for no other reason that could be ascertained but for pure political motive. That motive is and would be to get Barack Obama re-elected.

Now I resolutely understand that presidential candidates can’t tell a reporter what to say, or how to say it, nor will they probably ever be completely satisfied with what a reporter would call a ‘gleaming article full of softballs’, however, such a gross misrepresentation to the public which I’m about to express, is either highway robbery of the truth or such a gleaning of the kernels of truth that the ear of corn is easily rendered as barren.

I am also aware that in the industry of print, 5 paragraphs of a straggly 14, which included the unimpressive action of some 7 GOP hopeful presidential candidates in the National Association of Manufacturers forum at the Vermeer Corporation headquarters, is considered a literary climax about my campaign, the best of which for a strident reader at least includes a place to go: “his website”.

The introductory paragraph rivals me as a challenger to Obama, along with anti-abortionist Randall Terry who also has toted his campaign to Eastern Iowa, and the two closing paragraphs are mostly filled with exact quotes from my email. I can’t complain about those or I’d have to eat my own words, something Mitt Romney is acclimatized towards with his, and Herman Cain is getting a lesson in now.

The most important framing two paragraphs, which sum collectively up for the reader some facts, may make his reader’s faces resemble the Texas Rangers who lost in the World Series; filled with such hope just before losing game 7 to the dark horse,St. Lois Cardinals, that paraded their way back to win.

To quote his third paragraph, “ However Judy, who according to his website, is single but thrice married father of three, 5’10”,200 pounds, graduate of- I’m not making this up- Box Elder High School and now a meat wholesaler, believes the president can use some toughening up.”

Now to get a sensible grasp of the gravitational pull downward you need to go to my web site and read CRJ’s Bio Page. While the author excuses himself pre-mortally by saying it was a ‘quick read’ of my email that suggested to him, rather wisely, I wasn’t convinced I could win the nomination, Mr. Lynch really hangs three things out to fry; my family, my education, and my political point of view.

My family: he says I have 3 children when I have 4, which are all recognized in the same paragraph of my bio. He says’ I’ve been ‘thrice’ married? Is that even a word? How about “once, twice, three times a lady”? That’s the equivalent of a homophobic calling a homosexual a queer in public. I’m heterosexual and am not opposed to being married; big deal. 50% of the American populations been divorced if I got all their votes I’d win. Could I be offended?

In the same connotation of personal attack, Herman Cain gets excited about the word ‘nigger’ he says, white guy Gov. Rick Perry can’t say it, write it, or think about saying it or he’s offended? Is there a better word to describe every American’s portion of 14 Trillion in debt?

Yeah, I understand his version of “freedom of speech” perfectly and where he draws the line on hate speech and potentially incarcerating violators singular to their race and vocabulary. So yea I’ve been married three times and I’m single now. I haven’t been married for 25 years. At least there’s potential for all the eligible single ladies to decorate the White House, but Mr. Cain better understand that when he plays the race card, it’s not his race to win, and its a cheap way to get nominated for debates with Obama. I don't think America's gonna go for it a second time.

My education: Mr. Lynch doesn’t recognize a 3.7 GPA throughout a B.A. Degree from Utah State University that is printed in the exact same paragraph that he got my high school name from. It’s an insult to both, as there is a box elder bug, and a U.S.U, however the good news is unlike Obama, I’m a natural born citizen, won’t seal my education records, and my social security card hasn’t been someone else’s. These things are supposed to be 'mainstream'.

And finally, my political point of view- Mr. Lynch merely says the page suggest I am a Birther. My oh my, I don’t know of a suggestion that could be so blatantly minimized when it calls for exclamation. Hell yes I’m a birther! I’m the only Presidential Candidate in his whole article that is taking a stand for the Constitution, which I remind everyone is the only document that holds 50 separate States together in the greatest hope of united freedom and liberty the world has ever seen. I’m a Patriot of the United States.

I am not like the other mealy mouthed, fraud and forgery defenders, tromping the constitution mentioned in his article whom actually call the occupant of the White House the “P” word rather than the Occupant, disgracing and discrediting the Supreme Law of the Land with the very breath of life it takes in honoring those whom have been valiant for our Country with their blood, dying for our Constitution and its united demands in our Republic. I am the Reviver of the true Democrat Party.

Yes, I am different in that I don’t carry a push-broom around so I can sweep under the carpet the very document I’m prepared and will swear to preserve and protect so help me God, like all those Republican Candidates have in front of them to protect their racist stands for presidential qualifications, and warrants for civil unrest and protest.

We all know they gave the foreign born, 2 time Congressional Action, Panama loving McCain a pass so they had to put tape on their mouth about Obama’s not being a natural born citizen while they sold 2 generations of Americans down the slave entrenched China river, rather than taking a stand for the United States Constitution, but I did not.

Those 7 GOP Candidates you call “hopefuls” represent protocol for the 7 deadly disasters with which if you elect you will serve up every American Youth as a sacrifice to indentured servitude; there again violating our Constitution Amendment abolishing slavery started from Clinton's revokation of Glass Steagal Act running right through Bush's Iraq-Afghanistan and Obama's Tarp II spending sprees. We've been betrayed and sound Constitutional principle would have prevented this debacle.

On high horses they wonder what mal-content the youth in the occupy WallStreet protest could possibly have against your Republi-Cons and their blow horns Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, who can’t even recognize the demands our Constitution has made from Sept 17th 1787 till now, near 225 years, on the President’s qualification demands, while fraud and forgery flash before their eyes, and they sold out the very people who elected them for protection from slavery?

My name’s Cody Robert Judy and I’m running for President of the United States of America because there isn’t another Presidential Candidate who’s taking a stand for our Constitution. If you like those values and believe their credible you’ll have no problem supporting my candidacy. If you don’t like those values well there’s a host of disasters to choose from.