
Friday, January 20, 2012

WND Breaking News Cody Robert Judy for Pres 2012 Wins Subpoena Battle w Obama

Boy the last few days have been BIG DAYs... GOOD DAYs!

The campaign was featured at The Post and Email in the BLOG OF THE DAY-
, which is a very nice honor as they receive so many.

The campaign was also featured in another publication World Net Daily (

1- Jan 3rd 2012 Obama must be Constitutionally Eligible

2- Jan 18th 2012 Obama argues against appearing at eligibility hearing

3- Jan 20th 2012 Judge regects Obama demand to quash subpoena

In an effort to help Americans understand more of what was happening with our Campaign the following email exchanges were made between Mr. Judy and Mr. Unruh. We publish these as a matter of record for all to see so that we don't have to keep responding to individuals who are asking us why Cody Robert Judy doesn't contain a link in the WND articles, which is just basically a consideration of professional consideration in a Presidential Election that would help people link Cody Robert Judy's name with at the very least a link to his web site

We at the here at the Cody Robert Judy Camp would also like to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to Orly Taitz Esq. for a great job in representing Cody with great American Zeal in the Opposition to the Motion to Quash the Subpoena. Obama's attorney got a little quiver in his lip as the Judge denied his Motion with his bully and defamation tactics which were disgusting.

Of course these are small battles and victories but they are moving in the right direction and we certainly can share her celebration for the Constitution's Principles we endeavor to defend as a Plaintiff in the case Farrer v. Obama.

Subject: Again? Will you Please link my name? FW: Your story Obama argues against appearing at eligiblity hearing
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 02:42:17 +0000

Dear Mr. Unruh,

Well, thanks for the updated story however you did it again , not having the courtesty to place a link on my name as a Plaintiff at , and this time you made it sound like all of Mrs. Taitz Plaintiffs are Georgia Citizens...
I'd really appreciate your understanding that this is not "all " about Obama being taken off the ballot, but also allowing "other Democrat Candidates" on the ballot. I have been denied on the ballot. A reading of the Complaint makes that very clear but your story is really missing entirely this angle of the complaint.

Thank you for your consideration in this and your attention to the last email I sent you that you promised to address this morning.

Cody Robert Judy
Subject: RE: Your story Obama argues against appearing at eligiblity hearing
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 19:27:58 -0700

thanks for your note. am swamped with assignments that need to get finished tonight right now. will take a look first thing in the morning. regards. bob

From: cody judy []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 6:59 PM
To: WND Rpt Unruh; WNDCEO
Subject: Re: Your story Obama argues against appearing at eligiblity hearing

RE: Obama argues against appearing at eligibility hearing

Dear Mr. Unruh;

Thank you so much for covering the story entitled "Obama argues against appearing at eligibility hearing". Your article was very well understood, the approach, and angle appreciated.

Mr. Unruh, this article represents the second article that my name, Cody Judy, ( I prefer Cody Robert Judy which is also listed in the body of pleadings from my attorney Orly Taitz, as an honor to my father who also served in the army, and to distinguish me from others with the same name.) has been mentioned in the context of the article as a Plaintiff in Farrar v. Obama, which I really appreciate also. I'm running a campaign for President and have been working very hard on exposure and building this campaign for the last 6 months.

If at all possible, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to insert a link on my name at , just as a service for people to see my campaign site, platform, and get to know me a little better at their discretion?

You know I was published today at the Post & Email and received the honor post of BLOG-OF-THE-DAY over there and what I wrote in that article I'd really appreciate your taking the time to read, if at all possible, because you should know after 68 cases dismissed it "Takes a Good Plaintiff ", and I am a good Plaintiff for Orly Taitz for many reasons, a few I mention in this article.

Of course it takes a good lawyer too, but without the Plaintiff there is no case for the Lawyer, and with Obama sitting in the White House you can bet the Judges are doing a little research on the Plaintiffs on their own.

We need to band together as Birthers and help one another fight for our Constitution, and people need to know who they can support that is taking on Obama with "Competitive Standing" don't you think? Some people don't even know what that is or how a candidate achieves it.

Please read this article and I'd be very happy to answer any questions you may have that might come of it.

I'm not sure if just being a Democrat and standing up within the Democrat Party is such a bad thing to WND that they haven't mentioned my campaign or if its just because I haven't been elected before, but it would really be an appreciated gesture if WND could at least place a link on my name to my web site for those who are curious and would like to know more.

Of course they can google it if they are interested to, .. I understand that, but I just think that it would say something about WND if they just gave a little respect to those standing up in this case for all of America.

WND has been a leader in the Birther Movement and has spent millions of dollars in campaigns for the public eye and I for one have appreciated that so much I've even featured the Bill Board Campaign and some articles on my Station!

There are expenses to a campaign as your well aware of no matter what, and those expenses must be absorbed by contributors or the candidate. So far I'm the one absorbing the cost as I've only had $435 worth of contributions which doesn't even pay phone bill for 6 months, but I am very greatful for them coming in from TX, NC, NY, MIN.,AZ.,CA.,UT.,FL.,WA.,WY. These are meaningful contributions coming from folks who care a great deal about our Country and our Constitution in tough times. I ask God to bless every one who makes an effort to help and it touches my heart to read notes within them.., " don't let us down", " keep fighting ", " We are behind you".

As far as time goes it has been all consuming even though you may not have heard of my campaign: The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign. I have put so much work into it building my web site, making commercials. I mean it takes a week to outline,shoot, an edit a commercial and I have 141 on my YouTube Station CODE4PRES, most of them dealing with the usurpation of Obama.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this, I appreciate it.


Cody Robert Judy

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign


Latest Video- Here's My Subpoena for Obama Where's Yours Congress?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What are Competitive Standing and the Political Doctrine Question in Obama’s Q?

What are Competitive Standing and the Political Doctrine Question in Obama’s Q?

“We The People” must consider and ascertain how a small minority is capable of moving a majority. The secret of the Republic for which we stand is indeed bound in our Constitution, but there are weapons that also embolden the mob against the individual in the perfect storm of legal terminology: “Competitive Standing” and “The Political Doctrine Question” are double edged swords.

If anyone thought that Republicans , Democrats or Independents in the back of their mind did not appreciate the Constitution’s base that allowed both a private land owner to tell 300 million others to get off his property with a ‘no trespassing sign’ Amend. IV., as it also is protecting the civil right of a women, a black man or someone with prior servitude on record to vote against the cry of gender bias, the mob, or the indignation of holier-than-thou Christians picking up stones against a debt that had been paid to society Article XV. - We all have reasons to stand up for the Constitution no matter what party affiliation we are from.

When it comes down to it Americans would fall on their face against the mob pitted against independence in many areas of our life that we all too often may take for granted. As we head into the 2012 Election Year unchartered waters make for dangerous tides to navigate on the Constitutional Eligibility demand for President Obama as is relevant in the Georgia Trial scheduled January 26th, 2012.

Those who have been involved affectionately in the Birther Movement or Article II Patriot Stand, which is bigger than the Tea Party as statistics have repeatedly shown us,( ) know that in 2008 many law suits were dismissed on the basis of “Standing”. Those who were not in the Presidential race spun out as Citizens demanding from the race a qualified candidate, and there were very few actual Presidential Candidates who had the courage to take a stand against Obama.

By the time Obama was made a nominee for the Democrat Party his wheel was running so fast no one could stop it so many people were involved in yielding the sound ground of the Constitution up. That included all U.S. Senate Republicans who in 2008 saw fit to give Sen. John McCain non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 that was co-sponsored by Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama of the Democrat controlled U.S. Senate, declaring McCain a natural born citizen.

This was the second Congressional Action needed to allow Sen. McCain to run for President. The first was a special Congressional Act needed to first declare him a Citizen of the U.S. by naturalization from his birth hospital of Panama when he was 11 months old.

The irony of getting the Republicans help to actual insulate Obama from eligibility permeated Republicans down to V.P. Dick Cheney not asking for objections in the Electoral Vote Count in Congress which is documented well here: YouTube: Elector Vote Count

Understanding this is crucial to understanding why main stream Republican Candidates refused to pick up the duty towards the Constitution as Candidates for President in 2008 and Judges in the Judicial Branch of the Government in charge of interpreting the Constitution took an obvious cowardice stance to what had taken place in the Legislative Branch. One of the ways justice became water in the Justices hands is termed the Political Question Doctrine.

The political question doctrine encourages courts to decline to rule in certain categories of controversial cases. The theory portends, a court acknowledges that the Constitution might have been violated but declines to act in a see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, do-no-evil crouch. It is often described as a type of judicial restraint, although it can be considered a form of judicial activism against plaintiffs whose rights have been violated and find their cases dismissed.

In the insight of “Standing” we learned from 2008 recently in 2011 of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that Presidential Candidates who are in the race have the best standing and, active military personnel; former military personnel; state representatives; federal taxpayers; relatives of President Obama did not.

The remaining category “Presidential Candidates” were basically summarily denied because they failed to challenge soon enough for the court to provide redress before the U-Haul pulled up to the White House unloading Obama’s things in it and living there 3 years; citing it would be impossible for the Federal Courts to grant removing him from office. The Court basically giving Obama’s imminent domain of the White House illegally standing over and above the Constitution with the political question doctrine.

My name is Cody Robert Judy and I ran for President in 2008 suing both McCain and Obama and I am currently the only candidate in 2012 who did so and is still in the fight against Obama’s eligibility in Court as well as in Public.

The arguments of not objecting to Obama as Candidates in 2008 will plague candidates legally who are standing up against him in 2012 for the popularity of running for office in all parties Republican, Democrats and Independents but that is the second hole to the media calling them racist, and Obama’s attorneys calling them out as non-completive candidates in a legal concept termed “Competitive Standing”.

This covers two areas: The first is the fact that Republicans and Independents actually have nothing to do with the Democrats until after each have selected their National Candidate. So the courts receiving complaints from a republican candidate could say that the complaint is not ripe for hearing and dismiss the case until the Republicans decided who was going to be their nominee.

The second area considers the breadth and width of a candidate’s campaign that could actually sustain damages warranting relief. How many thousands of dollars have been contributed to the candidate, how many campaign commercials does the candidate have, how professional is the web site, and how big is the structure of the campaign in scope of competitiveness.

This has been the reason for such hard work at my campaign to make and establish the parameters of a national campaign with commercials specifically addressing key states and primaries applicable to the race within the Democrat Party against Obama, because ultimately there is not one Republican Candidate standing up for the Eligibility of Obama whose going to become the Republican Nominee and win that parties nomination. That’s a reality we all can agree on.

Now consider the opposite happening in the Democrat Party with myself. What happens if because of my objections to Obama since 2008 and in the Democrat party he is disqualified from being on a State Ballot and an ensuing domino affect actually takes him completely out of the race, and out of the White House?

Do you think that anyone working for Obama as Secretary of State or in his Cabinet that has stood by and watched him work destroying the Constitution is going to receive any Independent votes or Republican Vote that is necessary to win an election? Anyone on Obama’s coat tails is gonna have no chance in competing nationally, however I would.

I would have the Democrat Party shaped up in an instant for my stand against Obama, and I would be courting the Independent vote and Republican Vote based on their candidates silence on a matter of the biggest fraud and national security threat that has faced our Nation since Pearl Harbor. That defines “Competitive Standing” in my favor and with 141 Campaign Commercials and Videos about me and my campaign featured on my YouTube station: CODE4PRES with a comparison of say Mitt Romney’s current 98 videos and campaign commercials, my campaign is competitive.

This is information that should be considered because it is very relevant in the success that we Birthers or Article II Patriots are going to have in the defense of our Constitution. I hope that it will indeed sway support for those who want to see our Constitution win the eligibility contest as they consider the different candidates to support and the reasons for that support.

I am and have been a Plaintiff represented by Orly Taitz Esq., in the New Hampshire Supreme Court Challenge as well as the Georgia Trial that is set to take place January 26th, 2012 that has trumped Obama’s Motion to Dismiss and warranted a Subpoena issued by a Judge that Obama received for his documents.

Mrs. Taitz is doing a tremendous job and is representing me pro bono and I encourage those wanting to contribute to her justice foundation to do so if possible, but please don’t forget by Obama’s count 68 cases have been concluded based on plaintiffs with no standing, plaintiffs in the wrong party, plaintiffs without competitive standing, so it takes a good Plaintiff to make a case. Your support is all a part of making a good Plaintiff.

By supporting my candidacy your dollars are going to count for “Standing” that is Competitive, and has insulation against the racist charge being flung at the Birther Movement, because I am and have the longest running challenge to Obama’s Eligibility in the entire United States of America. That is very unique to say, so say it a few times and let it sink in.

The message that will be sent to Washington D.C. by sending Cody Robert Judy ( me) there will be one of Restoring our Republic for which we all pledge our allegiance.
Those who would like to visit my web site, catch the 3 Ropes of my Platform, and see the work I’ve done legally are welcome and please make your contribution to a campaign that has been going since before Republican Gov. Rick Perry got in the race and has outlasted Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Gov. Jon Huntsman, Gov. Gary Johnson, and Businessmen Herman Cain campaign and all the money that was contributed to those campaigns.

We at this Campaign are pulling teeth and working so very hard to Defend our Constitution providing a Vision To Believe In - Thank you for your time and your consideration.

Make a contribution now.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prep: January 26 trial Atlanta, GA for Obama's Ballot Woes

Update on logistics of January 26 trial in Atlanta, GA

Petit Fotze
January 15th, 2012 @ 1:48 am
I guess you’re in for another shock when you’ll realize an administrative hearing is not a “trial” and none of your witnesses will get heard…

1.orly taitz
January 15th, 2012 @ 3:10 am
are you stupid? the judge specifically asked for the number of witnesses, that we want to put on the stand and time we need for it

Cody Robert Judy
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
January 15th, 2012 @ 12:05 pm

Some have stated that this is an Administrative Hearing and/or Trail, but let's not forget who has given the power to this Administrative Judicial Authority; the entire Georgia Legislature.

It is also very interesting that those who are getting nervous about this are belittling it due to the fact it’s not the U.S. Supreme Court. Hey, wake-up call; justice doesn't have to start at the top and go down, in fact it is truly meant to begin from the bottom and go up and there are many Americans who actually choose the right every day instead of waking up and asking the U.S. Supreme Court if they can go to the bathroom as Obama would have us think we must.

If Obama is ruled ineligible for the ballot, as he should be, Obama should be the one appealing the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court as the Plaintiff delivering his own plight on objective-obama-racism to the U.S. Supreme Court about the injustice of our Constitution, in which case he will probably not make the election of November before his Appeal gets reviewed.

How’s it feel to be on the short end of the stick? We Article II Patriots have known what a 'Bully' Obama has been and we all know the courage that is sorely lacking in a Bully. While Republican Candidates bask in the glory of the media afraid of taking a stand for our Constitution’s demands for a Natural Born Citizen and glean America’s pockets for contributions they are missing the revolution for our Constitution happening right under the noses.

I’m so happy to be part of such Patriots and honored to be an American running for President who is qualified and standing up for our Constitution. This is much more than can be said about Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Jon Huntsman. In fact, any Republican who’s given them money ought to ask for it back.

If they can’t stand for the Constitution while running for President what makes any of us think they could stand for it in office? I f anyone doubts the gravity of Obama’s ineligibility upon our National Security and our Economy please take note of the oath our President takes upon the office.

It doesn’t say I will preserve and protect and defend the American Economy does it?
I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Cody Robert Judy

Please help Cody Robert Judy with your contribution today he's standing up for our fair elections and our Constitution and is the only 2012 President Candidate who also ran in 2008 and objected in Federal Court to Obama and McCain natural born citizen requirement demanded by our Constitution. Lend your hand and contribute now for the vision of America is in our hands and the fight for our Constitution on our shoulders. With your help Washington DC will see!:

Update from Orly Taitz Esq.

Update on logistics of January 26 trial in Atlanta, GA
Posted on | January 14, 2012 | 6 Comments

So far confirmed witnesses for January 26 trial against Obama in Atlanta GA:

1. Felicito Papa

2. Douglas Vogt

3. Susan Daniels

4. Dr. Ron Polland

5. Linda Jordan

6. Chris Strunk

7. I will attest on my search in the Selective Service records

8. Plaintiffs David Farrar and Cody Robert Judy

9. I asked another attorney with over 20 years of experience to be there in case I need any additional help. I will pay for his expenses and time.

10. One or two TV reporters told me, they will apply for permits to record the proceedings

Cody's latest Commercial:

Cody Judy Pres. 2012-"Here's My Subpoena Obama, Congress where's yours? "