
Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney Went Where Angels Fear to Tread

Romney Went Where Angels Fear To Tread
and its freaking Democrats out!

Well as you may or may not know I am a Democrat running for President against Obama in the party, and against Romney by the party, and I have to say Romney’s speech left pundits of most of the media outlets moping around where Angels fear to tread.
The 65 year old Romney who in 2008 was looking pretty spry has somehow eclipsed the 51 year old Obama in youth. That in a nutshell tells you exactly how smart Mitt Romney is.

Obama’s supporters have hoped to death that Romney couldn’t change his image from 2008 of Frankenstein, but they must face the reality that with Romney’s acceptance speech tonight he has become as likeable as Reagan.

Romney didn’t look like Frankenstein tonight. His face was more genuine, his look smoother, and much cooler while improving his elegant charismatic polished look, the Romney Camp has taken down considerably one of the offensive strategies of the Obama Camp to propagate Romney’s likability as a negative.

I was left after seeing Romney’s speech like I didn’t know what the media was talking about when they said Obama was just more likable then Romney. That doesn’t even make any sense now.

The well spoken vibrant Romney appeared from the roots of every teenage girls ‘dreams of my father’, who could no more speak an unkind word about his daughter or find a single fault with her than shoot down the sun in which she set in his eyes.

Romney pulled the stunt of century off coming in through the crowd looking as if he was coming through the halls of Congress for a State of the Union address, but still managed the stage with the grace of a well trained athlete.

There was nair’ a hint of mistake nor a hair out of place, and Democrats must begin asking themselves a poignant yet simple question. How has Obama’s rockstar power diminished so much in four years and Mitt Romney become so much more attractive?

Obama looked like an old warn out horse compared to Romney tonight; leading one to not only agree with Republicans that they might have a horse that can win this time that is far and away a better then 2008 GOP Nominee John McCain, but they have to begin facing the reality that Obama wasn’t that good from the inside out in the first place. And that my friend explains it.

When you’re a shallow and empty shell of American Principle in the first place, and Obama is in regards to the principles of the Constitution, that is going to be found out especially given the amount of jargon Obama has laced upon the American ear for four years. There’s been no lack of words, there’s been an over-arching flood of it, and America plainly wants nothing more now than to shut Obama’s mouth up.

Indeed the best thing for the Democratic National Convention clearly is to cut Obama off the ticket.

We’ve had too much of his voice, too much of his face, too much of his everything and America is indeed ready to cut out Obama from their diet like a body builder would trim off the fat to really get that cut worthy of competition.

The Democratic Party is lacking desperately in genuine American attractiveness that Ryan and Rubio were spraying out over the air like baseball, Hollywood, and apple pie and had better turn to plan C, because plan A and plan B are in the toilet.

Romney’s delivery was on time, and his message was right smack in the middle of America, which is where Obama didn’t want to see him. The DNC was no doubt hoping for a further to the right hit out in the ball park, but Romney is so clever he wasn’t going anywhere but center.

I can’t imagine any women not tearing up at hearing the story of Romney’s mother going to look for his father the day he died because she was missing the daily rose he had faithfully given to her. Wow! Its hard to compare that with Obama’s father not even being an American Citizen and dying in an inebriated car accident over in Kenya abandoning his children and the responsibility of a husband and father.

Clearly America does fall in love with “happy endings” and just as Obama’s father begin to be rejected by his own people in Kenya causing him grief and depression, Obama seems to have lost the respect and more importantly the love America had for his story because of the falsehoods, lies, and cover-ups of Obama’s origins that make him unqualified for the job as a natural born citizen.

It’s a hard truth Democrats have got to face and quickly.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate ID P20003372
Committee ID C00501593

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cody Robert Judy's U.S. Supreme Court Case Boosted for Conference

As seen on

Cody Robert Judy's U.S. Supreme Court Case Boosted for Conference

In David Weldon v. Obama you'll notice it was docketed July 2nd, and now was scheduled for distribution of conference Aug 8th for Sept. 24th. That is 36 days in between the time it was docketed and the time a docket report was made Aug 8th of the distribution for conference.

My case Judy v. Obama My case was docketed July 17th and its been 44 days and it is still there has been no docketed date for it or when it is distributed for conference.

Now, according to Van Irions- Liberty Legal "Some have suggested that the Court’s failure to order the President to respond to LLF’s petition is a sign that the Court has already decided that it will deny our petition. Normally it is true that if the Court is interested in a case it will order the opposing side to file a response to the petition.However, because of the importance of this case it could be that the Court has decided to accept the case without needing to review a response from Mr. Obama. It is also possible that the Court has recognized that ordering a response could delay the case beyond the November election.
As we learned last June, it is very difficult to determine what the Supreme Court will do in any given situation. We are glad to know that we will have an answer before the end of next month."

Van Irions also has promised to file an Emergency Motion that the case be heard before the Nov. Election, but no record indicates it has been done. I filed my Emergency Motion and it was docketed as "Petitioner's Supplemental Brief" on the docket.

Of course I'm wondering what might be up. Logically, the court might have received more cases so that the ratio of time of docket to time of setting for conference is not kept. I thought I shouldn't be more then 14 days behind their case, but I'm also wondering if what Van Irions is saying is correct- and the Court was indeed forwarded my Emergency Brief and has looked at my case.

Understanding that Obama's lawyer also received my Emergency Brief and refused to answer, and because my Emergency Brief outlined time to respond and time to argue, that the Court would consider Obama's Team in default to ANY RESPONSE OR ORAL ARGUMENT, and thus simply rule on the merits of my case THAT they are free to make a decision on now anytime. I wonder if we could be actually that close and not even realize it?

This morning, Aug 30th,2012 9:30AM, I called the United States Supreme Court Court case analyst assigned to me and inquired of the discrepancy and it was immediately rectified, in away that surprised me.

Not only was my case set for conference, but it was set for the very first date available for conference after Summer Recess which was Sept 24th, 2012 and is the same day that Weldon v. Obama was set.

Now the interesting thing about this is the Court will consider all the Georgia Cases appealed at the same time. What they will find however is the normal dismissal for standing and cause of action upon which relief can be granted that thus far has been the BIGGEST factor in dismissing the cases does not exist in my case.

The other factor that must be considered now also is the IF Obama is made the Democratic Party nominee in the Sept 6th at the Democratic Party National Convention, Mitt Romney could conceivably contend Obama is NOT QUALIFIED as a Natural Born Citizen, and it would send the Democratic Party back to a state prior to the National Convention in which delegates would perhaps have to re-think their nomination or ultimately sacrifice the election to Mitt Romney entirely.

I am very pleased to have actually been boosted at least 2 weeks from my docketing date and to receive the Sept. 24th, 2012 conference date as of today, August 30th, 2012.

Please enjoy the latest commercials that the Campaign has put out.

30 Sec. Spot Mitt Romney Believes in America?

30 Sec Spot Birtherism American Eceptualism

1 Min Spot The Trial of Leadership- Obama's not a Natural Born Citizen


The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Cody Robert Judy
Candidate ID P20003372
Committee ID C00501593

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pledge Allegiance to the Republic - The Trial of Leadership

As seen on - As seen on -


Hello and Good Day from The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign. We hope you are having a good day and we are looking forward to a great Convention. A couple of things to share:

Today we release the 3rd Commercial in as many days. Yes, we are working hard because we believe that Cody's Law Suit in the United States Supreme Court is going to be a factor in the upcoming election.

This 60 Second Commercial brings something very important that both the Mitt Romney Campaign and the Barack Obama Campaign seem to be purposely glossing over. The Constitution is certainly not only about "Obama's Eligibility as disability to the Natural Born Citizen demand for President", however we must all pause briefly and understand just how big of a part that clause is when it comes to our individual rights.

We have seen Obama sign Executive Orders like we have never seen before, and for the most part, we believe Mitt Romney is right behind him in making comments like, " Yeah, I'd sign that one too, and I'll just promise never to use it". Our Nation has run at times at a stand still, and often wise men have inclined that 'standing still' was better than progressing over a cliff, or sliding back into an abyss.

Indeed Conservatives actually like it slow because more trouble is avoided in far more instances at being slow then in rushing off in a knee jerk reaction, such as we saw Congress do with the Patriot Act which opened the door wide open for the Government to spy and search and detain on Americans without a warrant from the Judicial Branch. Now Obama can just kill you if he wants too.

You see as those precious liberties are infringed we see the rise of intensity toward Tyranny. Perhaps you think Mitt Romney would never use those powers, or Obama would never detain Americans without cause or charges, but these intense deprivations and dilapidation's of the Constitution have English Writers memorializing our Constitution as something that has indeed passed away.

There is no greater force within our Constitution than the trust the People have given the American President, and that is why the demands of a natural born citizen, (born in the United States to Citizen Parents) was detailed so wisely into the Constitution. What was to make us different from England or any other Democracy but our Republic. Its the Republic , the Constitutional Republic for which we stand. Remember that 'Pledge of Allegiance"? How long has it been since you recited it?

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all." Did you know that "under God" was added in 1954? What about that liberty and justice for all? Has it become just to hard, or burdensome to protect the individuals rights?

Boy, wait till you need them, and believe me you will want them someday, and could really say they wouldn't want them for their children or grandchildren? Speaking of this I just have to say how much I enjoyed Ann Romney's speech at the Republican Convention. I know I'm running as a Democrat, but I'll tell you she is one elegant, classy, intelligent, heart warming women and certainly is the love of Mitt Romney's life.

I was just thrilled to hear her story and romance and courage echoing throughout America of what is possible. They have had a great life and it is really nice to see that love that is out there. As she spoke of wanting that for her children, and grandchildren, I just had to bite my lip and wonder if she realized how important our Constitution was and how important it was to uphold on the eligibility of the Office of the President?

How could she not understand that? She spoke of the security that is wanted for women who are single and how women were the ones that really did the hardest work at home holding the family together. I wondered, "What responsibility do women have for Obama's eligibility?"

I wondered at a flash forward horror show that Ann Romney might see if our Constitution is not upheld specifically on Obama's Eligibility? What would happen to our children and grandchildren if the umbrella under which we find ourselves under God, is folded up and our Nation plummets into the ravages of dictatorship, tyranny, chaos, not on some foreign battle field, but in our own backyards?

For one reason or anther Mitt Romney just doesn't get it. It doesn't matter why, he just doesn't get it, but I do and I understand the danger that compromising our Constitution places us all in, both economically and militarily. That's why I had to run for President. No one else was seeing this and I just couldn't understand why.

Well, Judy v. Obama Case No. 12-5276 is in the United States Supreme Court now, and it will have its day in Court. I pray not for Obama's reputation not to be smeared or stained, I pray for our children and our grandchildren and their lives. How they will know the freedom and liberty in America if we don't take a stand? Wherever you are, whoever you are, I pray earnestly that your heart feels the same as mine and that you will forward this to someone your heart cares for in the great concern of this election.

New 60 Second Spot- The Trial of Leadership- Obama's not a Natural Born Citizen

The trial of leadership begins with the defense of the Constitution in America because without the Constitution individual rights are compromised. Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign 60 Sec. Spot.

Also, The Campaign was pleased to earn a Principle Focus on MORAL MATTERS. ORG with this important story.

Cody Robert Judy: Mitt Romney soft on Obama America and the Constitution

Cody's in 2nd place now on the poll being conducted over at Birther Headlines, so check that out and if you haven't voted, please have some fun and vote in a fun poll.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Cody Robert Judy
Candidate ID P20003372
Committee ID C00501593

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Birtherism American Exceptualism -Mitt Romney apologizes for America


BIRTHERISM IS AMERICAN EXCEPTUALISM- Mitt Romney apologizes for America.

Yesterday Barack Obama's Camp flew a Banner over Mitt Romney's gathering that said, "America is better then Birtherism", though misspelled the Romney Camp refused to take the Constitution on its demand for a natural born citizen for the office of the President seriously, and instead of sounding a resolute, "Democrats better have a qualified candidate if I'm made the nominee", Romney couched and didn't have the courage for the Constitution that is requisite with someone's character to hold the office.

See yesterdays' post for the news report Here:

This basically was an apology for America, which Mitt was on record of accusing Barack Obama for doing; apologizing for America's Constitution? What kind of a leader would do such a thing about our Constitution?

Citizens wonder what kind of character it takes to be President? Well, this was a perfect example of the kind of character that would not be a good example ,or leader, or voice, or defender for the preservation, protection, and defense of the Constitution as the oath requires.

If Mitt Romney can not stand against Barack Obama in simply demanding our Constitution be upheld for the office of which he is running outlined by the Constitution, that is taking a stand for American Exceptualism, how would he ever be able to protect America's national security against enemies foreign?

Cody Robert Judy has taken a stand for America and her Constitution against Barack Obama's slander at American exceptualism of which Birtherism is so intertwined and is on record with the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama Case no. 12-5276 for the defense of our Constitution. This is the kind of character we need for our President and Cody is running for President in the Democratic Party looking for the nomination of his party in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Mitt Romney has declined on the Constitution to represent the qualifications of the President. Barack Obama doesn't like the Constitution because he's not a natural born citizen as is represented in SCOTUS Judy v. Obama 12-5276 from the Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mitt Romney Believes In America?


The Founders of America invested their life's and fortunes in America. Mitt Romney has invested in the Cayman Islands. Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign points out that American Banks are Federally Insured, so if you believe in America invest in America. Taking savings outside the U.S.- is that a Republican trickle down economics principle?

Also, as Mitt Romney's rally was sabotaged by Obama's fly-over, please note Cody Robert Judy isn't the only campaign with spelling errors. Obama's team with a fly over that said, "America is better then Birtherism" was a laughing stock of the crowd as most realized it should have been a "than".

Rather then dig in on the long form birth certificate fabrication Mitt Romney again sides with Obama making the sign that Obama put up true in Romney's eyes, and again just another example of Mitt Romney NOT believing in America or her Constitution that an American President swears to uphold.

At least Cody Robert Judy believes in the Constitution and has Obama in the United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama Case No. 12-5276. Romney doesn't care about the Constitution any more than Obama does, both men's defense of the Constitution illustrated plainly in the banner of Obama's and banner remark by Romney.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Democratic National Convention Delegates Consider Tea Party as Tipper in Presidential Candidates

Democratic National Convention Delegates Consider Tea Party as Tipper in Presidential Candidates

Its easy to see that in the Presidential Race of 2012 its a close call with Obama and Romney especially if The Tea Party-Birthers-& Independents abandon Obama based on the Economy drudging and lack luster. There is one scenario the Democrats have to play which may bring the Tea Party, Birthers, and Independents back out of the Romney camp and onto the Democratic Party ticket for a win of the White House in 2012.

Cody Robert Judy though relatively unknown by the national media is very well known in the Tea Party , Birther, and Independent circles and is running as a Presidential Candidate on the Democratic Party ticket and could conceivably wrestle the nomination away from Obama especially given he has an eligibility challenge on Obama in the United States Supreme Court.

Its no secret any more that Mitt Romney is courting the Tea Party, Independents and Birthers with the shot over the bow he made this last week in a comment that "no one had asked him for his birth certificate".

The comment drew a huge response from the crowd and was necessarily a defining sentence at what Mitt Romney is prepared to do to win the Presidency. In a close down-to-the-wire call Mitt Romney very conceivable as the Republican Nominee after his nomination at the Republican National Convention could challenge Obama's eligibility after the Democratic Party National Convention, if Obama were to be made the nominee.

The United States Supreme Court precedent case Minor v. Happersett has concluded that a 'natural born citizen' was a person born in the United States to Citizen parents. Obama's declared father was not a citizen of the United States at any time, and because Obama's long form birth certificate has been proven a forgery by a law enforcement agency investigation, doubts have surfaced on whether Obama was even born in the United States.

Why go to the trouble of forging a birth certificate,draft registration, and using a social security card that doesn't pass e-verify if everything is legit with your identity? This is obviously an Achilles problem for Obama under the Constitution's demands for a natural born citizen.

In addition Obama's law licence earned from a degree at Harvard was suspended permanently for his failure to disclose that he had indeed gone under the name of Barry Soetoro. Over 2200 hours of investigation from the Cold Case Posse of Sheriff Joe Arpaio has shown further evidence of identity tampering from other government agencies further eroding the trust America has in her own government.

Cody has the whole law enforcement investigation forwarded to the United States Supreme Court. With the election in November, and possible challenge coming from Mitt Romney should he come up just short of enough electorate votes, Obama's eligibility question could throw the whole election into the Untied States Supreme Court anyway at an even more precarious time.

Cody Robert Judy's Case in the United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama Case No. 12-5276 could be the answer before the critical General Election whereby millions of Democratic Party votes would not be dis-enfranchised, and moreover could spell out a win for the Democratic Party in the White House much more friendly than a Mitt Romney win.

The time has come for the Democratic National Delegates to consider the possibilities if the United States Supreme Court refuses to answer the urgent request of Cody to hear his Emergency Appeal for its decision before the Democratic Party National Convention Sept 5th, 2012 in Charlotte,North Carolina.

The quandary has inspired Cody to write,produce, and perform the song "The Birther Train- Money Can't Buy You Love'.

Its dual purpose was both a warning to the Democratic Party Delegates that Obama's Campaign, though well funded, may not be the ticket for 'love' or the win in 2012, and simultaneously act as a declaration to Mitt Romney, that though he has millions of dollars stashed off shore refusing to invest it in America, that balking on actually defending the Constitution as the President's oath declares is both a harbinger and a definition of his character that ultimately will not win him any 'love' from the voters in the general election.

Cody Robert Judy has consistently asserted in his political platform and decade long political activism running for office in elections '02,'04,'08,'10 and now 2012, that America can handle and face the truth and understand that the Economy can recover if America will turn back to its founding principles espoused in the Constitution.

Cody said today, " Its time America woke up and realized that Mitt Romney has been around for a long time and if he has some 'magic key' for the economy has indeed refused to give it unless he was 'President'? That sounds more like a hostage or ransomed price to pay. I didn't tell America that I would take a stand for the Constitution against any usurper if they would elect me. I just did it because it was right and I did it before being elected as a gift that necessarily would not have or hasn't had any immediate reward. I may never get paid for it, but living in America and having the opportunities I have has helped me understand that freedom isn't free and is something to be grateful for. The gift of our Constitution under the banner of our Creator came at great financial sacrifice and the ultimate price of many lives."

Perhaps its time America realized that deeds for the Constitution aren't cheap, and though Mitt Romney is very wealthy and blessed in the standard of the dollar, he has performed very poorly in the defense of the Constitution as a candidate for President in 2008 and 2012 in defending the qualifications of the President declared in the Constitution, that represents a breach in the national security of our nation, and necessarily the key to Obama's actions on the economy thus far. Mitt Romney let's face it has been an Obama supporter for many years.

Now you know the story, enjoy the Original Music Video written,produced, and performed by The Cody Robert Judy Band.

Democratic Party National Convention in Charlotte , NC Aboard the Birther Train Money Can't Buy You Love

The Birther Train- Money Can’t Buy You Love is an exclusive CRJ campaign video that describes the cover-up of the Constitution by the Republican Candidate Mitt Romney. America has one campaign in the Democratic Party that puts the Constitution, America’s sovereignty, and our national security on the big train of the platform. Cody Robert Judy’s taking a stand and showing that through the principles of our Constitution our Economy can get back on track. Visit Cody’s Camp at and enjoy the show where you as a Citizen of America have the courage to go.

Money Can’t Buy You Love

Vs.1 You say its just a cover-up
While you were sleeping I had woken up
Now your wondering at the site you see
Baby there’s no way your going to blame me
Worry’n about the dough failing to hear my whistle blow
Don’t you know you reap what you sew?

Vs.2 While I begged for your attention
You know God gave me his redemption
You know I love you it’s just how I feel
But your still passing on me as a good deal
The tide comes in there’s an ebb and a flow
You bought his lie now there’s nowhere to go… there’s just no where to go

Vs.3 If you swim deep the heart won’t hide
The love for you I’m feeling inside
You know his love for you was always shallow
He shared nothing deep his shell always hollow
Now your seeing I’m the man – he’s just a ribbon boy
And I can see your about to grow up out of that toy… your about to grow up out of that toy.

Speaking- Money can’t buy you love - Money can’t buy you love.
End Chorus:
Money can’t buy you love, Money can’t buy you love
The lust just turns to rust; the lust just turns to rust
And now you’ve got no trust, now you’ve got no trust
Money can’t buy your love, Money can’t buy your love

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign