
Thursday, October 3, 2013

As Government Shows Obama Eligibility Stock Going Up with Shut down Congress Called to Open Hearing

“Defund the GOP”, was the startling call of Glenn Beck yesterday during the second day of the partial Government shutdown over the Republican controlled House’s rejected Budget Proposal to fund the Government entirely excluding Obamacare by the Democratic Party controlled U.S. Senate. What?

Why would Glenn Beck be calling for defunding of the GOP/Republicans, who control the House of Representatives if they finally grew a spine and took a stand against Democrats who controlled the U.S. Senate?

The answer lies in the temper tantrum of both D-NV. Sen. Reid who is the U.S. Senate Majority Leader and Obama saying they will not compromise or negotiate to avert a Government shutdown, and in their anger and resolute spite, released a letter from the Chief of Staff of R Majority House Speaker John Boehner’s to Sen. Reid’s Chief of staff, that showed Boehner in bed with Obama in a secret meeting with him to assure the exemption status /subsidy of members of Congress in Obamacare in the cloak of a meeting disguised and admitted in the letter as a meeting on immigration.

The revelation revealed both the problem of the Republicans subversion with the Democrats as well as the extent to
which Democrats are willing to blackmail Republicans’ by whipping or shoving them into shape with a bullying tactic meant to expose and create a fear of them in order to propagate Republican or conservative behavior that opposes Obamacare.

We all have to remember when Obamacare was voted on all three Branches of the Government was controlled by the Democratic Party and there was no resistance or official vocalization able to withstand the bull of pinnacle power the Democratic Party, for the last time, was enjoying or shall we say “blowing”.

Indeed we all remember D-CA. Representative Pelosi standing up and championing a bill with the words “We have to pass this bill so you can find out what is in it”, so we clearly understood that though Democrats were the champions of Obamacare, they themselves didn’t know what was in it, and the proof of that is how much it’s already morphed as more and more big companies were given subsidy of some kind in 2012.

While Sen. Reid, in a surprising credit of merited discomfort, called the Republicans ruled by overlords known as The Tea Party, he also incompetently cited the House as having no rights to pass a budget! “What right do they have to pick and choose” said Reid. That’s because Sen. Harry Reid has either no idea what the Constitution says anymore, which is doubtful for a person of his intelligence, or he is stubbornly disregarding it.

The House is the branch who is directed to pass Budgets to fund the Government, but what would we expect from a Sen. Majority leader who is blocking for the usurpation of the White House?

The number of people signing up the first day for Obamacare is microscopic in comparison to the people being put out of work around the Nation by the Democratic Parties rule in the U.S. Senate with complete and total unwillingness to compromise with Republicans to fund the Government completely and furlough Obamacare a year for everyone, along with the big companies that have already been given the grant as the House purposed.

So what is the good news when it comes to this fight actually spilling over into personal grudge matches that are palatable with the “leaked letter” by the Democratic Party headquarters of Sen. Reid when it comes to the measure of Constitutional discipline willingly reached for by those embarrassed by such?

Glenn Beck’s pulpit is getting very big with The Blaze morphing into a growing Giant amongst the Television and Media networks. How many days can you live with Glenn on the Nation’s bullhorn screaming “Defund the GOP” and it being the number three story passed around on facebook, without needing a redeeming of the reprehensible Congressmen Boehner?
What possible recipe could be put together in a short time that could be served up by the House’s Judicial Committee that would give Sen. Reid the runs to the bathroom with a big dose of the Constitution and perhaps permanently furlough Obamacare?

The Constitution has been given the “value” by Congress as a junk bond or poor penny stock would be by the New York Stock Exchange. However,the fight between Republicans and Democrats over Obamacare is just the kind of fight that Birthers need that could elevate the junk bond of Obama’s eligibility to be in the White House as a qualified person to that of a preferred blue chip stock with fat dividends.

While the elected Congress’ believe they are elite the fight over Obamacare’s beach could easily escalate into a full fledged fight to remove Obama entirely from the White House with a House Judicial Committee Evidentiary Hearing that would pale in contrast to the exact same type of hearing Bill Clinton went through that led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives.

With substantial more evidence coming to light in the public eye on Obama’s identification fraud and deception then Bill Clinton's escapade of lying to the House under oath, the U.S. Senate along with their leader Sen. Reid would be seen as completely incompetent to reject the House Bill of an Obama Disability/Impeachment in light of that evidence.

As an Independent Candidate for President in 2016, a Democratic Party Presidential Candidate in 2012 and an Independent Candidate for President 2008 that called McCain on the carpet for his lack of eligibility as a natural born citizen, I charge the Republican House Judicial Committee to advance my testimony with the investigation verification qualification hearings on Obama as an occupant of the White House capable of vetoing the House’s Budget recommendation.

I am simply asking the Judicial Committee of the House for a hearing to at least document and hear the evidence officially that I have in United States Supreme Court Case Judy v. Obama 12-5276 that includes the lawful and professional investigations exceeding over 2500 hours that prove with prima fascia evidence the value of my case based on the value of our Constitution.

Send that to the U.S. Senate and not only would you put Obamacare on furlough but you could change the entire Executive or 3rd Branch with the power of the Constitution we are all suppose to respect anyway.

The Constitution is the rider that holds the reins on the Kings in Washington DC. It’s the Supreme Law of the Land that bridles the Kings and Queens of America. Yes we do have Kings and Queens in America, but the big difference between Kings and Queens in America who are elected to office is that their ‘royal’ power is actually controlled by every Citizen in America who is also a King and a Queen as a Citizen of the United States of America.

That is the value of the individual person in America Sen. Harry Reid. I know you think I’m puny and small and of no account. You probably have never known a day of homelessness in your life nor would you presumably understand my resolute stand when I as a poor person in America, nevertheless a Natural Born Citizen, ran for President in 2008 and sued in your own home State of Nevada John McCain as unqualified for the Office of the President days before he was made the Republican nominee in 2008, because he wasn’t born in America or in a military hospital showing he needed a Congressional Act to prove his citizenship first when he was 11 months old, and another one in 2007-8 in order to run for President as a “natural born citizen”. Judy v. McCain

You probably would not have a clue about choosing generations of Americans over your own family’s security as I pitched my tent in the night of the Nevada deserts and made and deposited the money the next day for a check I’d wrote out to the Court on that case that was far more expensive then I originally had thought.

I dare say you’ve never known a day like that in your life, but I’ve known quite a few of them. To say Americans are not willing to sacrifice as Americans for our Constitution if they are poor is to say the whole of the Army fighting the American Revolution were paid mercenaries of some sort.

Many of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have took pains to make fun and poke fun of me and the value I took in our Constitution. That I invested and have invested the last 5 years in the “junk” bonds of Obama’s Eligibility on the principle of our Constitution regardless of race, religion, gender, or color.

I didn’t need to be in Office to take a stand. I’m a natural born citizen qualified for the Office of the President. I’m a King in my own tent, or home that I rent. I have sacrificed my time, talent, and much of the money I have earned to upholding the United States Constitution better then you have. That is your record – Your history - and one you will have to meet your Maker about as we all will.

If you can excuse fraud, deception, forgery for yourself in upholding Obama you will earn the stock of America’s dis-respect, and dishonorable conduct the value of which you are worthy of and acting to encourage by subverting the justice of our Constitution in Obama’s fraud and deception.

Republicans have been in on the game also America, I mentioned the leader of the Republican Party as the Presidential Nominee of Sen. John McCain who now you’ve learned you can’t stomach either, its only taken you 4 years to understand what I did in 2008 when he underhanded the Constitution in spite of Judicial Committee Hearings on the natural born citizen clause.

While Glenn Beck hopes that McCain and the rest of the Rhino’s will depart the Republican Party leaving the framework for the Constitution and the Tea party, (which I now understand has endorsed Hearings on Obama’s Eligibility, they heretofore have opposed in the election of 2012 with the fear of the media playing into their prior weakness) they have seen the light, and its very doubtful the R party can clean itself up without opening hearings on Obama's eligibility.

What is the light? Well, the Tea Party learned it didn't matter where their position was on Obama's eligibility, they were going to be hated by mainstream media anyway, so they decided on being hated for the truth wasn't such a bad idea. The light is that those wanting to subvert the Constitution are in a sense working to destroy the opportunity America afforded in the freedoms and liberties incorporated therein.

We've got to start calling out those who want to destroy your freedoms and liberties. While they call it your choice and give you a free cell phone, they look at you as nothing more then a slave based on the odds against you. If you didn't have America's opportunity, they'd be right.

Americans are seeing first hand now in the dozen or so scandals of 2013 the nefarious work Obama is up to that all would have been stopped if I were elected President. American’s no longer need to speculate about what a Communist Marxist non-natural born citizen would do – Obama is there example. If Obama is allowed to continue to subvert the Constitution he will successfully destroy America because the United States will not stay together without the Constitution.

Glenn Beck is calling to defund the GOP and we need to actually fund someone who is taking a stand for the Constitution in order for the defunding to be seen as cognitively coherent. I do need your help in contributions as we can take a stand but we need funding. I can't fund it all myself but I've given it my all and will continue to do so. Please take a minute and click on my link below and join me in the service of our Constitution. Please enjoy the song I wrote and produced that kinda puts the Congress on notice the rap says:

American King -
You can say what you want to- About the royal Brits – They have their place – It’s nice – And you know its not the pits.

I’m an American boy – I’m no King’s toy – Here in my land – I got oil, gas, and gold in the sand

Now I work hard for my money – But that’s okay – The politicians I elect – Gotta do what I say.

If they don’t – We kick the bums out – And I send them home – I call them up and – Scream on my telephone.

I’m a king in my den – I give orders to the hens – If I want something nice – I don’t have to call twice.

But I gotta confess – I got my eyes on you – The thing you do with those hips – Is making my pants love you.

Chorus: I’m an American King – I got everything – but you – I want you - I want you


[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here: ]

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Moral Road of Conscience, Choice, and Liberty in the 3rd Choice- Pro Choice For Life

The Moral Road of Conscience, Choice, and Liberty

Of all the growing concerns in America’s political arena that are championing a third party the principle pillar of moderation is taking more weight than the rest combined. If conservative principles have a problem it’s because Republicans have swung so far right they can’t see the beam in their own eye whilst they point out slivers, while at the same time when liberal principles have swung so far left that it alienates Christian’s by poking fun of the United States Constitution and the Bible. By no surprise, what is left is a whole lot of center field that represents the moral road of conscience, choice, and liberty in moderation Americans find themselves drifting towards.

As a champion of moderation, who has been imprisoned eight years twenty years ago for calling the far right to repent in a religious meeting by a bullying state with much the same mentality as those suspending a seventh grader for the rest of the year for shooting his friend with an air gun in his own yard, I have fought for conservative principles more especially articulated in the Constitution, even taking Barack Obama to the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276 for not being a “natural born citizen” while my better known colleagues in the Presidential Race of 2008, and 2012, have given Obama a pass on the fraud and forgery used to deceive every single voting American in his long form fabrication.

Democrats on the far left mock me as a “Birther” for simply fighting for our Constitution that includes the bill of rights the ACLU has spent its entirety supporting. Republicans hate me for pointing out in Las Vegas District court Judy v. Sen. John McCain the Republican Nominee of 2008 was not a natural born citizen because he wasn’t born in the United States. The deception propagated by both parties’ leaders has reached a level so far out of bounds that it can easily be called criminal, but none of them have spent a day prison and have enacted laws prohibiting even the law from having any claim on them for their choices.

The moral road of conscience, choice, and liberty really could be summed up as the road that led to America’s founding the Republic for which we stand in the first place. In the news of “choice” as it pertains to abortion Governor R-TX Rick Perry’s wife Mrs. Anita Perry was yesterday filleted by Glenn Beck for stating she didn’t believe she would make the choice for an abortion, but that she didn’t want to infringe on another women’s choice.

Glenn Beck and Team jumped on her and Mrs. Laura Bush, for pretty much saying the same thing, stating in so many words, “That’s what everyone argues as an advocate for “choice”, and “That abortion is murder” indirectly calling Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Bush advocates of murder.

I believe there is a third party principle that is called “Pro Choice for Life” that actually incorporates what Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Bush advocate and articulate, which I have also championed since I entered into the political office running arena, and for those interested, I would briefly outline my reasoning as a Natural Born Citizen and also a Christian man.

First as a natural born citizen (Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents), one of the first lessons we learn in America is the power of choice we are able to make with the liberty given to all of us under the Supreme Law of the United States Constitution. Conservatives champion this liberty, and in fact in the world is full of Countries that would call our Constitution liberal as it protects “individuals” irrespective of gender, race, or color. This liberty our Constitutions champions protects all individuals in its perfect principle from slavery or forced indentured servitude that would be demanded, upon a women in particular, forced to carry a baby full term.

Men of course are exempted from pregnancy so our own ambition for liberty and desire for freedom of our bodies, equally distributed demands that choice be protected. Interestingly enough Obamacare championed by the Democratic Party takes one big giant step towards ending “choice” as the population control is handed to the Government in the subtle argument of health care for all, controlled by the Government.

Most advocates for pro-life also advocate exceptions such as rape or incest for abortions and in the purest attitude of “pro-life” taking away all choices, Glenn Beck and the rest of those who call abortion murder, must look deep inside themselves as they consider their wife raped and impregnated and taking that child into their family and raising the child under their roof, or in fact killing that bastards seed/body that raped their wife. I’m really thinking under those circumstances Glenn says to his wife, “Honey, I won’t divorce you for murder, in fact I’ll become an accomplice with you.”, but then it wouldn't be murder.

Now I want to express further my own Christian based morality on being an advocate for life and simultaneously being an advocate for choice that to me represents a third choice in being “Pro-Choice for Life.”, if I may.

The most profound scripture to me read from the Bible apart from the liberty advocated in the Exodus that champions freedom and apposes slavery, is found in the book where it all begin Genesis. Before I get to that though let me make a very powerful point to purest of pro-life found in Exodus 20:16 that mirrors 20:13 “Thou shalt not kill” that is the powerful point of their argument. Exodus 20:16 states “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”, that stating someone is a murder is in fact doing. So you better hope you real clear on this subject before you start throwing around the term ‘murder’ because I’m not real sure you’d be excused from 1 of the big 10 Commandments simply based on their order.

We not only learn in Genesis 2:7 what constitutes a living soul but we learn the process of it. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground”. This was the first part of the process. The body itself was formed. Do we suppose God made an arm without a leg and called it good? No, the whole body was formed arms legs head spine heart brain fingers toes in its perfect form.

Now with the whole body formed did God yet call it a living soul? The answer is no. The rest of the verse continues and details the second part of the process, “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;” this was the spirit we know at the very least to be the necessary ingredient separating the corpses in the casket that have passed away leaving a fully formed body from the person we once knew.

The last part of the verse states “and man became a living soul”. Now we understand it takes a body plus a spirit to equal a living soul according to the Bible. Now if you go dig up a grave cut the head off a dead body did you commit a murder? No, under those circumstances our law states you could be found guilty of desecrating a body murder doesn’t even enter the equation really in anyone’s mind. There’s a big difference.

Yet another story in the Bible has an intriguing set of circumstances in it for us to consider. Can the spirit of a man reside in a body other than human the death of which would have to be considered murder by those extreme pro-lifers? Certainly if they consider the spirit the soul factor alone, to be consistent, they would have to assume killing an animal of some kind murder also.

To prove this fact all we would need was an example of spirits being cast into the body of an animal or a tree. So we see the choice the spirits made when Jesus cast them out of the human body, pleading for a body and their choice was the pigs in the field. The 2000 swine lived long enough to run off into the sea proving the spirit of a man in form can at least run a fair distance in a pig’s body. The record shows us not every spirit is worthy a body in God’s judgment, the pigs ran off into the sea, they didn’t drop dead in their tracks. (Mark chapter 5).

The point being I don’t see Pro-Lifer’s advocating against the killing of animals bodies as murder.

Now you say, Cody, how can the body move and make facial changes without a spirit? Well, go hook up a dead body to an electrical current and see what happens. Watch the mole on your face grow, change shapes, and spread cancer through your body as a disease that is alive. Doesn’t cancer deserve to live, why do you want to kill it?

Now still thinking as a Christian ask yourself, how we determine a separated soul from the mother’s soul? Wouldn’t two souls in one body be considered possession or did Jesus leave more than one in the body when he cast out spirits? I have stated two things are required for a soul to enter the body. Number one and most important was the Mothers Choice to carry the baby. Don’t you think God knows if that is her choice or not? Do you think as Christians she could really hide that fact from God and then spring it on God the last minute?

Number two is of course the ‘breathe of life’, when that baby grabs a big gulp of air and the umbilical cord is cut don’t we understand a complete separation of souls between the mother and the child. I don’t know about you but I certainly couldn’t live in a tank of water or fluid without drowning making me dead.

So how can we as Christians exempt a non-life or dead circumstance for our own soul but give it to a baby in the womb? Isn’t the baby weaker then you are as an adult, yet you would attribute the baby in the womb stronger or endowed with powers you don’t have?

What bothers me the very most however about those people claiming abortion is in fact ‘murder’ like Glenn Beck has been rambling on about for quite some time now, is it in fact denies God’s own mercy and promise to every spirit child that they will get and receive a body. The arrogance of this position knows no bounds and the following hypothetical conversation exemplifies it.

Spirit Child: Oh I’m so excited to get my chance on Earth.

God: Well, I’m really sorry about that, you’re not going to get your chance because the doctor just killed your body and I don’t have any power over life, or over man to remedy that.

Spirit Child: What? I thought you made the Heavens and the Earth? Called the land to rise above the water creating whole continents? Placed the Earth in space at just the right distance so we wouldn’t freeze or burn up due to the Sun’s distance? I thought you created man from the dust of the Earth which would make you the potter for the vessel, the carpenter for the frame? You can’t make me another one?

God: Nope..I’m sorry.

That whole conversation is really absurd, but even worse when Christians act on it in calling abortion ‘murder’ they really are assuming their power is greater than God himself on the behalf of someone else. The charge of murder is a very serious charge that we would expect God to advocate a justice for or completely cease being God.

Advocating life by encouraging teens receive some form of counseling before an abortion is indeed a protection afforded to the living in a decision that certainly God has ears for. God’s mercy in our behalf is so encapsulated in love why would we accuse our brother falsely of a very heinous crime?

Now I certainly understand there are a lot of Christians that don’t want to face these facts or even consider the alternative especially if they have at the top of their lungs advocated that everyone receiving an abortion was guilty of murder. That’s a lot of violation of the Commandment not to accuse your brother falsely.

I understand being accused falsely and the pain that represents very poignantly in my own life and my heart aches for those who have been accused of murder who for whatever reason they determined chose to have an abortion. I also appreciate the gift of life as essentially given to me from God through my mother and father who also being his children, chose to accept that mission, although at times they may have regretted it. (smile)But I certainly don't believe if they had not that I as a child of God would not have been given different parents.

Indeed it is a subject not only for medical science to determine but by Faith and Religion in God because of the element of the spirit which is not understood or documented with the authority of modern medical science in any Masters or Doctors Degree.

I hope this explains somewhat to the reader the argument I have made in my theory of being “Pro Choice for Life” and being comfortable as a Christian, and representing myself well. I hope others will at least consider the points of reason that I have made and consider them in their own debate.


[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here: ]

Sunday, September 29, 2013

When the Trust is broken Only the Truth will set you Free - Obama's Cover-Up Plagues Trust

When the Trust is broken Only the Truth will set you Free - Obama's Cover-Up Plagues Trust

The greatest consumers of the World have indigestion, but its not being articulated or diagnosed as anything but a 'lack of control' by the institutions we grew up with. While America's credit deteriorates the leaders of America's Institutions are bewildered with the ossification process of truth and how to restore Trust.

The restoration of Trust might just be the key to America's problems on a grand or macro scale as the articulation of the trust is seen on an Institutional level or scale according to Gallup poll's 2013 article.

By far the biggest contributor of Trust in America is Congress that includes Independents, Republicans, and Democrats in the political arena. Not only does Congress control the purse strings or "TRUST" in printing money and distributing it out, but they in large part dole out Information that is assessed, percolated, and swallowed up by Americans.

So what happens when Americans find themselves thrown off balance by the information coming out of the Trust, which has been given, perplexed by the falsehoods, the lies,deceit, and fraud? The correlation between truth and trust may go hand-in-hand as the value of money in the American Bank Account and what follows is a deterioration of credit and finally a collapse all together of the money system: One everyone finds themselves in.

Look at the Truth that is being covered-up by Congress and the United States Supreme Court whose trust has plummeted in Obama's own identity fraud as Obama/ Barry Soetoro- the Indonesian/ British/ Kenyan Born subject, whose got more problems with being a natural born citizen than the big bad wolf has with being a pig, handed out his long form fabrication in the White House press core room and thus far neither Institution has even officially set a hearing on the matter with the evidence collected over the last 5 years including over 2500 hours of the crime fighting professional Investigators in the Cold Case Posse which was submitted by a Democratic Party Candidate for President in myself in 2012 and 2013 in Judy v. Obama 12-5276.

Translation and what we are experiencing now: Destroy America - How? Destroy the Trust , first destroy the truth and America's "Belief". Do that with fraud, the money will follow with full faith and credit deteriorating like the straw and stick house blown down by the big bad wolf in the three little pigs children's story, or, as we learn from "L'il Bad Wolf" 99% of catching pigs is "surprise" "Secrecy", "Ingenuity", "Using what's at hand - translation never let a good tragedy go to waste" and of course "Fraud" follows. The big bad wolf uses his own kin like a puppet-on-a-string to get what he wants in a deceptive trap, much the same as Congress has ignored Obama's fraud and forged identity documents, and the fact he isn't a natural born citizen qualified for the Office of the President according to the brick house of the Constitution.

Trust =
1-belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.
2- An arrangement in which someone's property or money is legally held or managed by someone else or by an organization (such as a bank) for usually a set period of time
3- An organization that results from the creation of a trust

The first thing that you'd expect to go in reporting news organization would be "comments" on news articles subverting the "doctrines" being preached from the fraudulent pulpits of these "Institutions" especially below the 50% Trust Line in America. Presto... comments being curtailed - unpublished - or even taken down after their controlled and paid manipulation failed.

With the new super highways of the Truth Revolution a new day is dawning in America. It is the Age of Enlightenment - information - and education that we Americans are in fact on. While we can expect delays the world is on course and the mighty are falling simply because of their abhorrence of truth- they would not hear, see, or tell the Truth to build our Trust and they did it in order to control.

We in America don't go for that "bullying mentality" much, especially given our Constitution's principles. Our land has been one of liberty and freedom and where at all cost we have found ways to cohabitate with many different religions founded in the freedom of our own conscience.

We'll figure it out as Americans' always do, certainly with the help of our Creator who has given us the principles of Truth and common sense, while our Founders left for us a great list of opportunity we favor as our Supreme Law called the United States Constitution. Even for the most ardent Obama supporters, the crash of credit will come back as a backlash of time telling pain for their support of fraud and forgery as the Trust they treasure becomes elusive.

It follows that the Institutions called into such question, by the revelations of deteriorating trust like Congress and the United States Supreme Court, News Organizations, Big Labor, and Big Corporations would at least be interested in the greatest single case in history that would elevate their "trust" by the people simply hearing the truth and then watching it elevate their profit?

If Truth is necessary to elevate Profit or "Trust", what are you waiting for?

What could it hurt to have a hearing? It sure wouldn't hurt Congress or The United States Supreme Court to come towards the truth instead of subverting it.

In short, a miraculous hope and change would in fact inspire Americans to pinnacles and heights heretofore dreamed of.


[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here: ]

9-30-2013 Special Update for Viewers on a new demo The Cody Robert Judy Band released today.

Enjoy this little unfinished demo while I was lost in the studio today singing/producing/rendering a demo of "He Is Her King" that I can only say is full bodied and a challenging song. Yes, this baby is not shallow at all. You can listen for days and pick out new things. I'll give you a sneak peak but I'm singing both parts here and I'll need to get my female star on board,but you can enjoy this little demo.
Words:M- Male voice F - Female voice B-Both
He is Her King
vs. 1.
M- I have a little girl that I lost
F- A little girl that was taken at great cost
M- She didn't understand the love I had
F- I did't understand, I thought he was bad
M-The world took its toll on my soul
F-And I played my role, as the bells did tole
...never knowing he was my king.
Chorus -
M-Never knowing he was her king
F-Never knowing he was my king
M-Never knowing he was her king
F-Never knowing he was my king
B-He is my king (echo 3 timed)
M-He is her King and I will sing
M-He is her King and I will sing.. F- I will sing
M-and I will sing...he is her King
M-and I will sing...he is her King
2nd V.
M- My little girl grew up a beauty Queen
F-This little girl grew up not knowing her King
... I didn't know what this life would bring
M-She fell in love with a music man
..never knowing the love of this kings hand
F- He is my world - He is my love
He is my act - and I am his scene
I find myself wanting to be his Queen
M-He is her King- and my time is past
..He is her King - but my love still last
..And I know in him there's a music-man
..And I want to help them if I can
F- He is my king - and now I know
..the love he feels - Has always been real
Repeat Chorus.