
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cleaning House from the Inside Out begins from the Top Down in a Sea of Guacamole

Cleaning House from the Inside Out begins from the Top Down in a Sea of Guacamole

Cleaning House from the Inside Out begins from the Top Down in a Sea of Guacamole

Of course accidents happen; your entire focus had forgotten what you were holding in your hand. The paper plate loaded with guacamole suddenly folds during a conversation you’re having with another guest and you’re ashamed that you have to go tell the Host you’ve made a mess.

On the way to grab the host and report the problem you question yourself, “Could I have resisted what looked so good in the first place, just once?” You’d never in all your life seen such awesome looking guacamole. You just had to have some! So it was the Hosts fault for making such fantastic guacamole?

Some people would say it was the Host’s fault for having paper plates at the party in the first place. Should you express that sentiment to the Host? Ultimately you know if your focus had been on that plate from the time you left the food line to the time you sat at the table, the other guest would not have guacamole now taped to their shoes as they spread it around the beautiful flush cream colored carpet you had told the host was so beautiful just an hour earlier. The thought screams inside your head, “Its Reeeeeeeed!”

It’s not their fault. They are just trying to walk around the mess you spilled. The horror picks up speed in your mind, as you see the mess spread on the carpet to encompass a much larger area then you had ever imagined it could, simply because there is such a little isle for everyone to walk through to get to the dining tables, again, you think about blaming the Host for poor planning on the construction of the party and even “his house”!

“Where in the hell is he anyway”, must you walk the entire house, search in every bedroom, and cover the entire property to find him. This is ridiculous! Is this really “your job”?

Yes it is ridiculous, and yes it is your job. Ever think about cleaning it up yourself? “No?” that had never dawned on you. You couldn’t be seen cleaning up a mess you had made right?

This is the press room in the Main Stream Media, and the lack of responsibility to investigative journalism that actually has the self governing principle of a ‘free press’. There’s very little to say about the amount of time they actually have spent vetting Barack Obama.

Whether it was harassment, intimidation, coercion or just plain ignorance, gullibility, or the thrill up their leg with the candidate, they haven’t really given the time-of-day to the principles of the qualifications of the President, when it came to the investigative reports of a Cold Case Posse’s over -2500-hour investigation; reports and court evidences that Obama’s social security number didn’t pass e-verify a system set up specifically to prohibit multiple users of a number for work related purposes. Yes, the President works for us. Draft Registrations certainly would be something that a candidate could get to and change unless they were a time traveler, or could, wait a minute, break-ins happen remember Watergate? How big of a story was it when Sen. McCain and Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama’s pass ports were found to have been targets? Oh yes, there was a murder involved with that wasn’t there?

The courts have been full of law suits. Citizens, Lawyers, and even Presidential Candidates with standing from both sides of the isle have presented their evidences to the Courts all over the land including the United States Supreme Court to report the mess, but the Host was Congress said the Judges and the check and balance system of reporting a problem just wasn’t working. A of course the guacamole was spreading around the world as the once pristine and respectable house was turning into a sea of smashed dirty and hair covered guacamole. Yuck! Who thinks this good to eat now?

When I look at the picture of the World and the respect the world has now for Russian President Putin because he is at the very least qualified under Russian standards to be President of Russia, I am ashamed at my own Country’s ability to roll in an unqualified usurpation of the Office of the President. Accidents happen - true, but pride must not be the rusty squeaking hinge we cling to now in resistance to cleaning it up.

Do you really think if the voters had known that Obama wasn’t qualified to be President under the Constitution as a natural born citizen they would have voted for him? Do you really think the voters if they had known about an identification fraud that incorporated a long form birth certificate fabrication, a miss-matched social security card, and a phony draft registration, would have voted for Obama? The answers are “No”, so why would you say he was ‘elected’?

Of course an election is not illegal, but the results of an election are most especially illegal if the Candidate elected is not who he said he was Mr. Barry Soetoro adopted Indonesian Citizen and Kenyan Born according to multiple and self reports of the candidate i.e. Obama’s own literary agent who scampered an interview, his wife, and grandmother, all have been mistakes right?

Respect from the world is not based in an antedote of America’s electing a black man but in honoring our own U.S. Constitution, if the black man is black because of the false identification that is criminal obfuscation according to the very simple standards of the United States Constitution, what harm has that done to our respect around the world? Why an immediate hearing in The House of Congress and would not be justifiably warranted is bewildering, don't you think?

Of course the United States of America is a successful sea of multiplicity that has both thrilled and enraged the world. If Russian President Putin hasn’t forgotten about restoring pride to Russia, we as Americans should never give up on restoring honor to the United States by at the very least having an unquestionably qualified President according to our own standards of the Constitution. Let stay the course of the Constitution, my Dad used to say, "When in doubt follow the route."

Cleaning House begins in our House and respect follows simply taking a stand for our Principles. We are American. Here I stand. Perhaps I am alone. Let the storm rage on, I don’t care what they say, we are free, let him go,…let him go, the cold never bothered me anyway. You’ll never see me cry over getting things right and facing the fears that want to control me. Cleaning House begins on the inside.

Just heard Rush Limbaugh's spoof on Obama's Revolving Door Bio.. White House Dot Shove. It was hilarious. "Born in Kansas, Kentucky..Kenya"

This is our Nation and when it comes to holding the Office of the President you damn well better be qualified under the U.S.C. at the very least!

Cody Robert Judy

P.S. Obama Eligibility 4 Dummies.
If you have no clue of Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse investigation concluding Obama's identification is a fraud, how you can write your elected leaders urging them to conduct hearings, I also am pushing for as a Candidate for PRES and took to the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama Case 12-5276, go to this website and take the two part challenge. With your help America is made stronger and it will cost you some time and a couple of stamps. What have you done lately to protect this opportunity we have in the United States? We need your help. Oh, and pass it on.

How You Can Help

Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Utah would most likely see more benefits come from supporting the Candidates like myself, (well, Candidate as myself because there were no other candidates in the entire U.S.A. who stood up for principle regardless of party), fighting for equal protections under the law in pushing for Open and Transparent Hearings in Congress with two million dollars on Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mitt’s Call to Leadership Responsibility- Oh How the Mighty have Fallen

Mitt’s Call to Leadership Responsibility- Oh How the Mighty have Fallen

Mitt’s Call to Leadership Responsibility- Oh How the Mighty have Fallen

One of the perks of losing a Presidential election is the ability to say “See I told you so” when something you may have represented or said in a debate actually comes to fruition. The platform you stood for looks even stronger for you as a leader when your words actually ripen on the vine. We’ve heard that exact scenario resonate from the post-presidential platform of former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Sen. McCain was the GOP Candidate in 2008 with Vice Presidential running mate Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney ran with Sen. Paul Ryan in the V.P. slot of 2012.

We have heard a lot from all four prestigious former candidates of late on a range of political hot topic issues like foreign policy, the economy, employment, taxes, healthcare and a dozen or so scandals in 2013 that mainly have to do with the failed leadership policies of Barack Obama in all of the above, right?

If you ask Democrats if our Healthcare system is any better now than it was 6 years ago when the Obamacare Tank ran it over, I think their answer is pretty transparent when they hold out one hand asking for money from the DNC, but with the other hands held up as a STOP sign saying, “Obama is welcome to stay in Washington; thank you very much.”
If you ask Democrats if the United States is more respected now then every before around the world like Obama promised it would be, I think you’ll find them hiding under rocks when it comes to Israel , UK, South America, Spain, France, Brazil, Afghanistan , European Union, India, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, China, Russia and even Saudi Arabia’s answers.

In fact, the capitulation is perhaps quite transparent when Russia, China, Iran, and Syria might agree they actually do like what’s going on with the condescending tags pillaging the Obama sanctions as examples of how pathetically weak they believe we have become in more than one arena. Of course you don’t go around with a brush and a bucket of red paint walking backwards unless your goal is to weaken.

When it comes to more jobs, unemployment answers, and production I think the America people are looking around at the skyrocketing food, gas, and premiums taking more and more out of their paychecks and writing their Congressmen saying we can’t live with a modest one dollar raise on minimum wage we need a unparalleled doubling to make ends meet. That’s far from a good sign of recovery or quantitative easing for that matter.

The signs of the times are all about redistribution and all about Americans giving up what they have had. Even the business moguls’ like Warren Buffet- yesterday predicting a stock market bubble burst any day and laying it all on Obama’s shoulders for determination of Big Government fixes isn’t a good sign; Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerman with a rallying cry for cheaper immigrant labor, a roll back on payroll taxes (which would really put a cramp in that 5-7 year unemployment benefit folks democrats have been so fond of extending); and retail consumer tax increases to pass it on and raise revenue. Oh gosh, did these guys really vote Democratic Party straight ticket?

Wait-a-minute, what happened with that great advice six years ago or weren’t these guys concerned, that we were going to have a fixed economy, a transparent government, and the hope that business as usual was coming to an end in Washington DC with a flush control of Democrats in all three Branches of the Government? Did you find Obama wasn’t listening or didn’t listen, I’m confused?

I mean, for all the hoopla of Republicans having little tea parties, has there been any repeal of law by Republicans or a refusal to fund it all? Oh yeah, there was that two weeks of panic, but it was really a glass of water spilling and not the tidal wave coming in that it was hyped up to be.

Are Republicans really ready to lay all the blame on “Democratic and Independent Voters”? Sniffle, sniffle, “Yeah, because we didn’t have a majority in the Senate and the House, so we just had to fund everything because of the squirt gun pointed at our heads?”

I felt like gasoline had been poured all over me while Mitt Romney had chucked a lit match as I read his op-ed, ‘Reminding America about the Devastating Price of Obama’s’ Failed Leadership’ printed in the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, IJ Review, Memorandum, Washington Times, the Hill, and on and on and on. He said, “Able leaders anticipate events, prepare for them, and act in time to shape them”. We’ve all heard Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin’s ad nauseum, “I told you so” when it come to Russia being the biggest foreign concern in a bid to heighten their lectern a notch or two.

What about the responsibilities of the Candidates running for President who have standing and all this money pouring in from the faithful to challenge the opposing parties illegal or unqualified candidate? What did you want your speech protected so much you wanted to make sure Obama stayed in come hell or high-water of the Constitution, was that it? Well, applause claps for you. Vomit!

Let’s talk just a moment about failed leadership? How can you debate a guy twelve feet away from you a number of times and not take issue with his being a walking talking violation of the Constitution’s requirement for a natural born citizen? How does that not get printed several hundred times in every newspaper in the Country if you’re a leader of one of the major parties in America?

Mr. Obama/Soetoro, you say you have an American mother citizen granting you citizenship, but you also have a Kenyan father granting you a Well, first the Constitution is not saying you don’t get that from your mother, the Constitution is saying what you got from your father is different and with respect Sir, a dual citizenship prohibits you from legally holding the Office of the President according to our Republic’s Constitution. That is the Supreme law of the land Sir. Say that in your debate or op-ed.

Last time I heard, and I try to keep up with Amendments to the Constitution, the “Citizen” part was a qualification for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, but the U.S. President Citizen part was only for those who were Citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, after that this dual citizen thing actually disqualified you. A Natural Born Citizen is born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. There are no tinges of foreign citizenship allowed in or for the Office of the President!

Congress has had many hearings on the record saying exactly that. John McCain’s foreign birth in Panama made him a citizen son of Panama; he was not born in a military hospital and required two acts of Congress in his lifetime to do what he has done as a ‘citizen’ and a ‘natural born citizen’ neither of which qualified him to be President. In fact both ACTS of Congress strongly witness against it as naturalization of alien citizenship action of government.

“Yes, all of this and more on Obama’s identification my friends”, cant you just hear that coming out of Sen. McCain’s speech? “More.. what could you possible mean by “more”?, Mr. Judy? Well, let’s start with a long form fabrication for a long form birth certificate handed out in 2011..hello! Of course there is the miss-matched social security number we commonly see happen with people who don’t have a legal long form birth certificate, and a phony draft registration date stamped on it. That’s not even the cherry on the top. College records sealed in secrecy, the ole whiffed waffle on the bio that your literary agent gets from you saying you were born in Kenya; and of course family, friends, and acquaintances that have all said it as witnesses. Okay, it’s a little package all wrapped up in what’s called a Sheriff’s Kit you can get for free, but you still refuse to open your big mouth about any of it? Humm, leadership failure?

Okay, so you have this little excuse called, “What you can’t do anything about you just keep your mouth shut about?” So shut your mouth about jobs, the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare already?

Last time I checked we lived in a Constitution Republic; do you know what that means? That means you don’t need a majority of the people voting for you in an election to make a difference. That’s right, look I’ve got a record that says Judy v. Obama 12-5276 in the United States Supreme Court and one that says Judy v. McCain filed in the Las Vegas Nevada Federal District Court that says Benghazi, the IRS Scandal, NSA Spying, heck all of the scandals in 2013, Obamacare, the sell out of our military, the sell out of our respect in the world, and the abuse of the Constitution in the Office of the President never would have happened because Obama wasn’t qualified to be in that office.

That’s what my leadership record shows. Your leadership record has a sign on it that says,” it’s ok with me, let it all happen!” Now, how can you even open your mouth now days and say different and not be seen as the pitiful laughing joke of the world right along with Mr. Obama?

I never tried to hide any of these findings from Mitt Romney campaign in 2012 or McCain’s campaign in 2008. I made it my mission to ask for help from them with a press release sent directly to their campaigns at least weekly full of information. In fact, I’m pretty positive the NSA has a record of that and I know the FBI does because I made a complaint with them about it.

The pledge of allegiance says, “And to the Republic for which we stand”, NEWSFLASH GOP and Mitt, it’s a Republic; you don’t need to have a majority to win on a principle like the requirements of the Office of the President in the Constitution. Heavens, one guy should be able to go in there and say look here Judge, this isn’t right, especially if you’ve got money coming out your ears and dollars rolling in a campaign like the ocean tides flowing in billions of gallons of water up on a beach that at the very least says, Judge if you don’t like the Constitution, I’m going to see to it your purged off that bench. This isn’t obscure, this is fundamental and construction laws prohibit changing the Constitution from your bench.

You know if you don’t get the Judge to hear you, guess who’s got the money to put that in the paper and broadcast it to all the voters until they see it, understand it, and can speak it. You have a million dollars worth of signs outside of the United States Supreme Court ready to re-plaster it if they don’t give it a hearing! Believe me, if it was McCain or Romney it would have been heard. You know when you run and become the nominee for a major party like the Republican GOP, what’s wrong with the truth and just taking a stand for the Constitution? Isn’t the Constitution worth preserving, protecting, and defending before you get into office or is that a sudden urge when you get to take the oath?

My hand is still extended to you in your leadership conferences because as we have seen Obama sure hasn’t started upholding the Constitution. He’s actually bound by his own actions and lies to discard it for years to come. Can you afford that?

So, what’s it really worth for you to take up the National Security threat that says the guy in the White House isn’t who he says he is? That’s usurpation. Do you think you could start asking for Congress to hear it with a majority in the House of your own party?

Think of the embarrassment in the Senate to excoriate the facts and evidence laid down by expert witnesses, testimony, and documents actually handed out by Obama himself, not to mention maybe even seeing the CIA plead the fifth on not having Obama’s DNA sample off the glass. I think that would be a recipe for a landslide in 2014 don’t you? I mean ‘fraud’, ‘forgery’, ’deceit’ all upon the people’s vote in order to get elected? Come on!

You are absolutely right: “Able leaders anticipate events, prepare for them, and act in time to shape them”, and thus far on the biggest American fraud in history, you’ve proven yourself deaf, dumb, and blind. We might be able to live with one of the three, but we can’t live with all three.

This is our Nation and when it comes to holding the Office of the President you damn well better be qualified under the U.S.C. at the very least!

Cody Robert Judy

P.S. Obama Eligibility 4 Dummies.
If you have no clue of Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse investigation concluding Obama's identification is a fraud, how you can write your elected leaders urging them to conduct hearings, I also am pushing for as a Candidate for PRES and took to the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama Case 12-5276, go to this website and take the two part challenge. With your help America is made stronger and it will cost you some time and a couple of stamps. What have you done lately to protect this opportunity we have in the United States? We need your help. Oh, and pass it on.

How You Can Help

Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Utah would most likely see more benefits come from supporting the Candidates like myself, (well, Candidate as myself because there were no other candidates in the entire U.S.A. who stood up for principle regardless of party), fighting for equal protections under the law in pushing for Open and Transparent Hearings in Congress with two million dollars on Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Anti-Birthers Addiction to Birthers - Shaken but not Stirred

The Anti-Birthers Addiction to Birthers - Shaken but not Stirred
The Anti-Conspiracy Voice v. The Anti-Birther Voice

Today an article appeared on the "Before It’s News" World Report. A community of individuals who report on what's going on around them, from all around the world, anyone can join, anyone can contribute and anyone can become informed about their world.

You can read just about anything there from the Economy and the dollar about to crumble, Ukraine turmoil, 7.0 mega Earth quakes caused by HARP WARS, Missing planes, missing nukes, Putin threatening to turn the U.S. into ash, even sodomy in the White House. I'm thinking the 'turning the U.S. into ash was not linked to the sodomy in the White House, but I guess it could be depending upon who survives.

That's why I was so surprised to see the Anti-Birther Voice of Dr. Conspiracy featured in a story at BEFORE ITS NEWS. When I did a search at BEFORE ITS NEWS for my name I came up with three or almost four pages of stories listed.

When I ran a search for the self proclaimed Anti-Birther Dr. Conspiracy (not to be confused with "King of Conspiracy", but rather "King of Anti-Conspiracy" which he hopes is always a good thing)I came up with a 10 page search list and went through about 5 of them to see they were at least cognitive of the same person.

What's interesting is the CIA actually employed the word Conspiracy to push away or block investigations into JFK's Assassination and it’s become one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time. The CIA intention was to make a conspiracy believer a target of ridicule and hostility, which ironically they were experienced with of course by foreign governments.

That's the way a foreign spy operation was suppose to work, deflecting with a skewed reflection puts someone off the mark. When did "Truth" become a conspiracy theory? Well, in a nut shell it was when it was decided by someone, usually in an authority seat, that 'For the betterment of all, it was just best to keep it hidden'.

That prevailed as the line of thought for Obama's long form birth certificate until it hit the BIG Crowd and that included about 67% of Republicans and 40% of Democrats. Then at the urging of Donald Trump, Obama produced at the White House Press Core room a long form fabrication to cut into the margin percentages, which it did in a big way. It was brilliant reflection because it really in a big sweeping way swooped up all the Media into the Obama go-cart.

That's not to say they weren't kind of there anyway, but now they were really in the slammer because of their own lack of journalism. That's the kind of weapon Dr. Conspiracy keeps by his bed stand at night. The MAIN Stream Media was put into the slammer because finding out for whatever reason they were 'wrong' actually meant they would have to disavow and could that possibly be good for the Nation?

This isn't Mission Possible, this is Mission Impossible that gets pulled off, but Obama has nothing to lose because he's in all the way. He only has to convince a few of the Mainstream Media outlets who begin to doubt that if they indeed ever doubt again, they have to disavow him completely. "Would that be for the betterment of the country?", said Mr. Obama to the United States Supreme Court in the meeting as the tangled web that was woven was put into place.

Such a heavy burden is the truth. Isn't it just better to understand the sheep cast their vote according to the information they had at the time, maybe even like SOS Kerry interprets, Crimea residence did for the Referendum today to join Russia, at gun-point? You'd think that communism had come full circle when a vote cast by the people in a referendum is disavowed by the Government of the U.S., or has it?

The part of the BEFORE ITS NEWS report that Dr. Conspiracy, (remember this guy is what's his name,hummm, well, one thing you can always be sure about when it comes to Conspiracy deception or perpetration is that you won't often find they have real names, they go by anonymous code names pictures, and scurry about threatened with their ip addresses tracking them, which is all part of the "plan" to represent the truth right? You know these guys really need the U.S. Constitution. So they don't take a lot of 'selfies' to auction off for charitable causes, "What difference does it make at this point?" Hey, who said that recently?

Oh yeah it was that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton piping loud to the crowd at a Congressional Hearing that Benghazi and who commited the horrible actions leading to the deaths including that of Ambassador Stevens that didn't really matter and neither did the truth because it was 'better for all of us' right? Well, that's not what a Congressional Hearings Report found when it examined the evidence.

Quoting the REPORT here at BEFORE ITS NEWS Dr. Conspiracy who certainly thinks he has a way with words says:

[Sheriff Arpaio’s involvement with Obama’s birth certificate was hailed widely by Birthers as the certain undoing of Obama and Zullo/Gallups do everything they can to foster anticipation. It seems to me that the roller coaster swings between exuberant optimism and loss, experienced by the birthers, mirrors the feelings of a gambler’s winning and losing.]
[This brings me to a September 2013 article by Cody Robert Judy, birther litigant and presidential candidate, titled “The Birthers are Losers! The Birthers Are Winners!” Despite some misinformation about ObamaCare, the article is pretty mainstream. Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually have any examples of birthers winning. Never mind. (Embarrassed smiley face)]

Misinformation about Obamacare..Huh? “We are in a gigantic financial asset bubble,” warns Swiss adviser and fund manager Marc Faber. “It could burst any day.” Faber doesn’t hesitate to put the blame squarely on President Obama’s big government policies and the Federal Reserve’s risky low-rate policies, which, he says, “penalize the income earners, the savers who save, your parents. Billion-dollar investor Warren Buffett is rumored to be preparing for a crash as well. The “Warren Buffett Indicator,” also known as the “Total-Market-Cap to GDP Ratio,” is breaching sell-alert status and a collapse may happen at any moment. I wonder if Dr. Conspiracy is part of the economy we are part of?

Now I thought it was quite complimentary of Dr. Conspiracy to assert, in his reference to, [my] the article was 'main stream'. Hey, that's a huge difference and turn around for anti-Birthers. I mean after the pejorative insults I've endured in the Foggy Bottoms of anti-birthers has very few limitations especially under the code of secrecy they employ with weird little names and funny little alien and creature feature pictures; they glory in anonymity. Like some kind of wild freak show they drink all kinds of colored watered ink shows.

That brings me to another point. It’s actually the Constitution that protects them in their dark of night Hunger Games Show. Under Putin, they'd be toast and behind bars. The irony of hating the Constitution so much that 2500 hours of law enforcement investigations, legally binding under statutory authority is of no consequence doesn’t make a real bit of sense. These guys at the Cold Case Posse of Sheriff Joe Arpaio have been doing this professionally.

Anti-Birthers might like to think Obama is a professional at EVERYTHING, but you know what? When it comes to investigations of a criminal nature I think I'd trust my local sheriff department to get to the bottom of criminal investigation over Obama or his appointments, especially when the investigation had to do with him. I mean who does Obama want to appoint in the investigation of Anti-Birthers the butcher the baker or the candle stick maker?

Now in fairness, Dr. Conspiracy is correct in saying that Birthers have not won anything. But what does any criminal investigation win? It’s a heart ache and a burden when someone is found to be illegal. Ask the families of those who have come across the borders illegally. Ask yourself how you feel when you've been pulled over and handed a ticket for speeding. I've never really seen a cop do a dance on his way back to his car after handing a speeding ticket out have you?

Dr. Conspiracy might have you think it was such a "glorious joy" in the words of Will Ferrell's character Jackie Moon in Semi Pro to learn he had successfully navigated his way to ownership of a real NBA Team, and that we'd be so happy we couldn't even feel our arms swinging about while they ate a big bag of horse-poop. I can assure them that is not the case.

From everything I have ever heard from lead investigator Detective Mike Zullo on the Cold Case Posse, they actually set out to prove Obama right not wrong. That's a pretty big dish or burden of proof that says innocence before being proven guilty. And that's the way anyone of us would want a criminal investigation conducted if we were the one's handing out our fraudulent long form fabrications, using a miss-matched social security card, with a complimentary draft registration that had a phony stamp on it.

Innocent before being proven guilty: That's exactly what Obama has gloriously bathed in the salts of the hot tub from a Mainstream Media that actually would not examine Obama's long form birth certificate before announcing its legitimacy. They got caught in the 'black president' sensation crawling up their legs, but that didn't do blacks any good. Look at the embarrassment they are facing because of this? That doesn't make me feel good.

Remember I testified as a Candidate for President Witness at the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial held in Harlem New York by Pastor James David Manning in a trial sanctioned by the tenth Amendment.When Obama was found guilty there was a relief truth had prevailed, and justice was somber in that reality of the truth. My testimony was chosen because I sued McCain also who wasn't born in the U.S. but is a foreign son of Panama. My testimony was non-partisan and non-racist for the principles of the truth.

That's where it all begin for McCain, no doubt about it, and it wasn't in some military hospital either. That's real and Dr. Conspiracy seems to cling to things that are real. He wants to portray himself as grounded in reality, but he's actually just a conspiracy spook for Obama, or at least for the biggest Conspiracy of all American History. That doesn't represent the truth of expert witnesses including Reed Hayes, the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) used by Perkins Coie, the law firm whose partners have provided Barack Obama’s personal defense over the last five years and Lead Posse Investigator Mike Zullo, whose report and findings went into Judy v. Obama 12-5276. These men put their careers on the line, what has Dr. Conspiracy put on the line besides his wet clothes and some chicken to jerky?

He is indeed a King of Conspiracy himself, and for a spy to admit he's a spy is actually the truth, so he digs it. For all his claims that Birthers are addicted there is indeed in the mirror at home for him. One that says, "I have an anti-birthers addiction".

As Diane Feinstein said you just can’t spy on your own country and you'd better be telling the truth when you come back here. No conspiracy there, the CIA went in and searched her Committee's computers. What's the CIA say, "Of course we are not spying on them"

Hopefully the TRUTH is the Justice for ALL Parties in a case like Obama's foreign identity crisis that is a Constitution Mandate. We can't go around trimming and gleaning at it because construction laws prohibit that. There's a way to Amend it and its been tried several times by McCain including his non-binding Sen. Res. 511 that Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama co-sponsored.

Congressional hearings have been held on a lot less important things then the President's Qualifications and Dr. Conspiracy is right in the fact no one has heard of a hearing in Congress yet, but that doesn't imply BIRTHERS have lost anything either. We just haven't had a chance yet. If he wants to beat his chest at that and gloriously wave his arms about, let him do it. I do like his cowboy hat and I’ve been known to wear one myself on occasion in my professional horsemanship days.

That is me on that beautiful purebred Arabian stallion pictured above. Fad-A-Lad was Ms. Celeste (Ci-Ci)Huston's purebred Arabian Stallion, may he rest in peace. She was movie producer John Huston’s wife the same who was the father to Angelica Huston.

I think I like Ronald Reagan might just be as happy on a horse as I am anywhere, and that is far away from Washington DC politics. There are no days where I jump up and down for joy because I was compelled to run for President because McCain and Obama were not qualified natural born citizens and I knew I had to have standing to take it to Court. So I ran as a write-in in 2008 and ran in the Democratic Party in 2012 finding my way to the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276.

There were more childhood dreams riding horses for me rather than dreams of taking people who were not qualified for President but had a billion dollars to spend in a masquerade of the principles I had come to admire as a kid in the opportunity uniquely qualified as American. I wish Congress had done their job as elected officials, but when they don't and refuse the burden is left to anyone who will pick up the burden. I guess along with horses comes a job of cleaning the stalls and I did a fair amount of that pooper-scooper work to know how to get it done. Maybe all Washington DC needs is a really good stable boy?

Cody Robert Judy

P.S. Obama Eligibility 4 Dummies.
If you have no clue of Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse investigation concluding Obama's identification is a fraud, how you can write your elected leaders urging them to conduct hearings, I also am pushing for as a Candidate for PRES and took to the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama Case 12-5276, go to this website and take the two part challenge. With your help America is made stronger and it will cost you some time and a couple of stamps. What have you done lately to protect this opportunity we have in the United States? We need your help. Oh, and pass it on.

How You Can Help

Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Utah would most likely see more benefits come from supporting the Candidates like myself, (well, Candidate as myself because there were no other candidates in the entire U.S.A. who stood up for principle regardless of party), fighting for equal protections under the law in pushing for Open and Transparent Hearings in Congress with two million dollars on Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand