
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Media Group Gamechanger Salon of 1,000 discovered as Ebola kills 1,000

Imagine coming together with all your colleagues in an order of peace; a rest from what was formally a competitive nature normally associated with your identified field of expertise removed in favor of what you collectively agreed upon. All the major plumbers of America coming together, joining hands and singing songs that harmonize in one voice, the sounds of which were heavenly thrilling to your ear.

Now imagine a speaker that was set a couple of notes off and did not allow the group to hear their collective or individual voices as they actually sounded and the rest of America listening to the absolute shrieks of flats and sharps altering what was thought to be good as really the definition of a choir of hell.

Rather than nice tidy plungers and snakes meant to dispose waste and direct it in the right direction, the tools of the group backfired exploding waste and creating logs and jams where no one would want them. The combination of their work instead of making everything smell nice really dispensed sewage and a horrible smell upon everyone.
How many wrong turns does it take to put you on a course for a different destination? Of course freedoms and liberties in the fields of speech and the press are holy grails of media so you can imagine the horror descending upon them as they hear as they are heard, and are exposed as they are seen.

Under the speaker Barack Obama who is not qualified or eligible to be in the Office of the President according to the Constitution’s requirement for a natural born Citizen, the protections of free speech are squelched, the liberties of a free press are distorted. They have to be or he is not allowed to succeed.

The law must be altered and distorted but the people of the press must be re-educated by the new state of affairs that changes the direction of all the waste that used to go down to the sewer but now is meant to cover everyone in shame or really bad smelling incarnations.

In the name of “Good Causes” like clean air and water, good nutritious food, healthy discussions, individual rights, a union of left wing media 1,000 associates plugged in under the name of “Gamechanger Salon” was recently uncovered by Media Trackers. Ordinarily normal people would not be opposed to such an effort but what do you expect to happen to good causes when they are fundamentally begun under a doctrine of corruption?

Well, instead of clean air and water you find a horrible field of pollution. Instead of finding a respect for individual rights you find a bizarre disregard for the individual and almost an eager willingness to sacrifice for the collective corporation. Instead of a conservative moderation of power you find an environment of extortion, disdaining gluttony and extreme displays of exploitation in an executive abuse of power. Instead of healthy dining you find troughs of slop; instead of a sweet smell you find a repugnant stench.

The idea of coming together in groups is not a bad one. In fact in the United States Constitution Amendment I we find the right of the people to “peacefully assemble”. So it comes as a great surprise to see 1,000 of our Countries finest media personalities assembled in what amounts to the game changer of destruction.

When you’re not as interested in the qualifications in the Constitution set up for the Office of the President as much as you are defending the right to peacefully assemble, or defending an individual whose protesting in an exercise against the abridgement of free speech and a free press then you are well on your way to defining your mission as destroying the United States Constitution and all the freedom and liberty rights set therein in favor of prison, slavery, and despotic tyranny.

When you look at the actions of Vladimir Putin’s retaliations of trade made willingly on food or the life support system you understand perfectly that politics and protein are terrible bedfellows with the dollar. Obama’s willingness to dismiss the Constitution’s demand for a natural born Citizen authorizing instead a definition that would allow Putin’s son from an American mother to become President of the U.S. in a clear violation of the qualifications for the Office of the President’s distinct and unique qualifications from U.S. Representatives or U.S. Senators, is way off tune and spreading disease and scandalous corruption all across America.

I believe clean water and food as well as a protection of all our individual rights are fundamentally at the foundation of most everyone's common sense and while near 1,000 people have died from Ebola 106,000 have died from taking prescription medication as it was ordered from a doctor. The idea that the qualification demands for the Office of the President don't add up to raw sewage being dumped on every Citizen in the United States is like saying you should always follow your doctors orders even if it kills you. Wake Up People the Constitution does matter just like what you eat matters, and you are what you eat! There are some groups of 1,000 you just do not want to be apart of.

I'd sure appreciate your helping me out in the American Birther Campaign (ABC) Campaign for Cody Robert Judy for President 2016. Thank you for your consideration.

The Commercial is simply called "America"

With the new patriotic hit being written, produced, and performed by myself. ( 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy) here: "Dawn Your Light America"

Meant as a wake-up call to America of the dire circumstances we now face in our Republic, and all the beautiful reason we need to take an active part now in our political process, I hoped to inspire and at the same time warn America that if the goal of immigration has 'changed' from the opportunity to produce and enjoy the fruits of your own labor to being able to devour someone one elses we have a very clear reason to be concerned with Obama's transformation of America and a very clear reason we need to enforce the qualifications of the Office of the President as its described in the United States Constitution for our own national defense.

Those wishing to read the U.S. Federal Civil Rights Complaint may now do so here now as it is public information: Judy v. Obama 2014 U.S. FED Case No. 1:14cv00093

Wow!Just found my book, Taking A Stand, on sale at your local B&N for nook users if you prefer over soft or hard bound - only $8.49 That's a Great price

Last, but certainly not least we want to Thank You for tuning in and reading this blog. We celebrate today 150,000 Views and appreciate every single one.

Cody Robert Judy
For U.S. President 2016

If you think “Truth” is worth it, support it and quit supporting the lie. That is the beginning of change, or we can just keep on going down this road and see where it leads with Obama. Which is it going to be?


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How Can Obama Avoid a Jury Trial?

How Can Obama Avoid a Jury Trial?


Part III. of the Exclusive Interview I did with the Editor-in-Chief Sharon Rondeau of The Post & Email has been published today which you can read here. I certainly don’t want to take anything away from the Interview she has spent so much time doing, but I will elaborate just a little bit on the Judy v. Obama 2014 case. The 20 Summons by the Court is basically due today, so the Defendants will have it filed in the Court or at least stamped by the U.S. Postal Service today.

The courts allow 3 days for mailing time but do expect a post mark at the very least today. If the Complaint is answered electronically today is indeed the last day to get that to and filed in the Court.

What I want to discuss today is a little bit more of what I am thinking we should expect and why. I actually don’t expect an answer to be filed and the biggest reason for that is because Obama et al., in my humble opinion wants to avoid a Jury Trial which of course was demanded in the Complaint.

The reasons for that are multi-faceted. Normally, you would expect that if a “Jury Trial” was avoided by the Defendants that the Justice would come down on the defendants as if a Jury Trial had actually happened and they were found guilty, and the full measure of what the law would allow would be handed down as kind of a reprimand for not responding to the Court’s 20 Day Summons for a response, but that isn’t necessarily the case anymore then taking a decision out of 12 people’s hands and putting it in one persons hands would net the same decision.

By not responding at all, Obama basically eliminates 12 People hearing the evidence, and puts the Judge in charge of what to do. I as the Plaintiff do not receive any reward for Obama not responding without of course a Judge’s Order, either following the Jury’s recommendations or an Order of the Judge’s own legal sentence in the form of an Order.

Although the Judge is not supposed to act as an attorney for the Defendants, that process can be postulated with the Judge’s Decision on whether to grant or deny the demands of the argument based on the legal analysis of the facts of the case under his authority. Included in that arsenal are the slightest technical requirements, jurisdiction disputes, and even the laws disputed in the case upon which his expert analysis forms a decision, for or against the Plaintiff as well as for or against the Defendant.

In a sense even without a disputing attorney for the Defendants, the Judge has authority to throw out a case if it doesn’t meet a standard of basic legal correctness. This of course is easier to do with a pro se litigant who hasn’t been to law school and is hoping and doing the best he can with the little he does know.

Practice of course makes almost anything easier from mowing your own lawn to pitching a golf ball to within three feet of the hole for an easy putt. Although I’ve had a few cases I’ve had to take to Court myself, I in no way would compare my experience to that of a legal professional who is seasoned in legal filings and argument.

Of course this doesn’t even account for the possibility that the Judge just plain out makes a wrong decision that a higher panel of Judges would overturn throwing the case back to the lower court. That can happen to and does so nearly every day.
In a perfect form Justice would necessarily see right through a Defendants decision or choice not to respond as a thumb-in-the-eye to the authority of the Judicial Branch in interpreting the law. This actually happened to me already one time with Obama in an executive court of law or administrative law court in Georgia in the Ballot Challenge in Georgia in 2012.
Obama was summoned to that Court and required to file an answer. The secretary state of Georgia even remarked directly to Obama’s attorney that if he chose not to answer he did so at his own peril. Judge Malihi in that case offered a default to the attorneys fighting the case, which they refused opting instead to argue facts to the Judge. The Judge basically acted as Obama’s attorney and made a defense for him.
There is a big difference in the standard of law requirement for review in an executive branch court and a judicial branch court. They are after all basically in two completely different branches of the Government. Anyway, in that particular experience we saw Obama didn’t show up and it certainly didn’t work to his peril.

This case is not an “Election Case” as a Ballot Challenge is or was prior to an election. This is completely different and those who choose to lump them together are mistaken in their legal analysis. A Ballot Challenge is not a Civil Rights Complaint by any stretch of the imagination, although I’m almost positive every public opinion arguing for Obama’s side would like to lump them together.

So to say we know what, or how or why the Judge is going to rule on this case based on the history of Obama’s successes to skirt the law or manipulate the law so as not to be held accountable as has happened in the past cases due to jurisdiction, technical errors, or lack of standing might happen, but there is also an argument that it is not appropriate in this case that is indeed not a ballot challenge or a law suit against any State’s Secretary of State.

The appropriate conduct for myself as a Plaintiff is to simply remind the Court with a Notice for a Decision on the Defendants’ failure to respond to the Court issued 20 day Summons probably this Friday (August 8th, 2014).

We will know something if no answer is filed by the Defendants’ for me to respond to from the Judge in the case within 30 days. The Judge will have a broad discretion from which to make a decision and I’m certain he will make that decision according to law, the least of which could include slamming Obama for not filing an answer, if no answer is filed.
I have no illusive conclusions of that being necessarily in fact granted in this case, but it would be a fool’s mind who says it’s not possible. Indeed the possibility exist that a monetary Order is made that demands full reparations based on damages according to statutes and applicable laws requiring such. The possibility also exist that Felony Charges are leveled, and a Judge by Order assigns them to an Attorney General for Formal Criminal Charges and to deny otherwise denies principles established by The Sherman Act.

By not answering however, Obama et. al., does accomplish one thing. They basically make the silent argument they do not want this brought before a Jury Trial. If you are playing the odds on the merits of the case, I think Obama understands bringing in a Jury Trial opens a can of worms much less controlled then pinning this on one person, or the Judge.

Let me say, I don’t like particularly being the person bringing the action before the Judge. I do feel a responsibility as a Candidate for President to fulfill the qualifications of the Office if I were so elected and at the very least recognizing legally in my standing as a Candidate a responsibility to those who have contributed to my campaign as well as the oath I took as a Candidate in pointing out if someone is not.

People that contributed to my campaign should not be held responsible for a loss of their contributions on an illegal merit of another Candidate in the same race, or for that matter losing their confidence in me because I kept my mouth shut when a blatant violation and foul of the rules happened.

Maybe Mitt Romney and John McCain can keep their mouth shut but I think in 2012 as well as 2008 it was a real dis-service of the faith and credit towards those contributing to their respective campaigns and much less than what their contributing public deserved. As you know that is a staggering amount of money; Amazing to thing that just in the presidential contest of 2008 and 2012 1.4 Billion Dollars was used just on the Democratic Party side of Obama.

At the same time, I cannot imagine a Judge either, filled with any sense for Justice, really being excited about having a case like this put in his lap. Even though appeals can be made either way with any decision, this is a really heavy burden. At stake might be one of the greatest David v. Goliath stories in our history as the individual is pinned up against the Giant Collective of such a large amount of money, support, and cover-up.

Will or can the law under the principles of ‘justice for all’ hold up one individual and and repel the massive tsunami of corruption? One might ask could any one man part a 200 foot tidal wave coming in? Of course the odds say once something gets that big it can’t be taken down. We’ve even been conditioned to the saying, “To Big to fail”.

I would certainly concur if I thought we were depending on our own selves, but I don’t. I think sacrifices of time, talent, and money as well as the very lives of those who have perished make a bigger force than the one collectively acting as an adversary to the Constitution’s demands and that while it is a big problem; big problems can be solved one baby step at a time adding up to the correct answers.

The Commercial is simply called "America"

With the new patriotic hit being written, produced, and performed by myself. ( 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy) here: "Dawn Your Light America"

Meant as a wake-up call to America of the dire circumstances we now face in our Republic, and all the beautiful reason we need to take an active part now in our political process, I hoped to inspire and at the same time warn America that if the goal of immigration has 'changed' from the opportunity to produce and enjoy the fruits of your own labor to being able to devour someone one elses we have a very clear reason to be concerned with Obama's transformation of America and a very clear reason we need to enforce the qualifications of the Office of the President as its described in the United States Constitution for our own national defense.

Those wishing to read the U.S. Federal Civil Rights Complaint may now do so here now as it is public information: Judy v. Obama 2014 U.S. FED Case No. 1:14cv00093

Wow!Just found my book, Taking A Stand, on sale at your local B&N for nook users if you prefer over soft or hard bound - only $8.49 That's a Great price

Last, but certainly not least we want to Thank You for tuning in and reading this blog. We celebrate today 150,000 Views and appreciate every single one.

Cody Robert Judy
For U.S. President 2016

If you think “Truth” is worth it, support it and quit supporting the lie. That is the beginning of change, or we can just keep on going down this road and see where it leads with Obama. Which is it going to be?


I'd sure appreciate your helping me out in the American Birther Campaign (ABC) Campaign for Cody Robert Judy for President 2016. Thank you for your consideration.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Madness Manipulated by The Media - You can't handle the Truth?

The PSYCH JOB - Playing Out on America by the Media's Fear Culture


Part II. of the exclusive interview I did with Editor-in-Chief Sharon Rondeau of The Post & Email has just been published there regarding Judy v. Obama et. al.,. The Complaint has a return of summons and service filed that would put an answer to the complaint and summons due this coming Tuesday –August 5th, 2014.

The Complaint is of course public information now and is available for anyone to read and last time I checked there were 116 reads. From the time it was published after the law suit was filed and served there is 116 reads.

It’s a 30 page document double spaced which is about 15 pages of reading that might take an average reader about 15 minutes to scan through. It really is a boring process to read someone else’s complaint when it doesn’t apply to you isn’t it? Besides, filing a complaint and actually winning a case are two different things.

I might expect that from the average citizen who really didn’t see a connection between the corruption happening in front of their face but it’s a little more difficult to say excuse the media from reporting it in a format that readers could understand or at least be notified about and this is what I wanted to kind of focus on today.

All of us are part of a community and in many respects are parts of what is happening around us in our communities. Local news is alive and well last time I checked. The news usually comes on about 5:30pm, 6:30pm and again at 10 pm in my community. Last night coming home from work I passed a multiple car accident scene that had happened about 5 minutes before my coming upon the gruesome scene.

The police and ambulances had not arrived yet, but had been called. I passed slowly noticing a man still pinned in the driver’s seat with an air bag exploded in his chest. He looked around and seemed a little dazed to his surroundings. The front end of his car was totaled, set right in the middle of a four lane street in kind of an intersection of urban areas, where the speed limit was appropriately set at 55mph.

At least 10 other cars were pulled over. They had happened on the accident as probable witnesses of the scene. Some had set themselves as post to steer traffic to the side and past the accident until police got there. At least six others were attending as best they could to a women with grey hair laid out flat on the paved road. I noticed blood on her head and thought she looked the worst at the scene with her car mangled.

Another car at the scene looked like it had actually been sandwiched in a crushing machine, the remains of a convertible I thought that had rolled completely over at least once. Debris was scattered in what looked like an area you could put a football field in. 55mph doesn’t seem that fast until you hit someone going the opposite direction at the same speed combining the force in whopping 110mph collision. I had no idea what had happened and my mind struggled to put the scene together, as it was not an intersection and the cars involved all faced the same direction.

Had it been a part failure, like a tire blow out where someone had lost control while passing? Had someone become distracted and then looked up and over corrected?

You pass a scene like that and your heart just melts with horror for those involved and with your even being in such close proximity to the accident. My mind traced my steps back where I had been delayed just 5 minutes which would have had me watching or even being a fatality at the accident scene.

“This had happened in the community where I live”, I thought. Three police cars passed me within the 10 seconds after I had passed the accident. Imagine the lives that had changed upon waking up this morning. Someone’s grandma is either in the hospital or the family is planning a funeral; someone’s dad wouldn’t be going to work this morning and all the bills would just keep on coming.

Can you imagine an accident happening like that that affected every community in the entire United States of America?

Barack Hussein Obama has shown us a fabricated long form birth certificate. His draft registration card has a fabricated year date stamp on it. He’s using a social security card someone else assigned to a dead man. Why?
Explain the “Why?” Can you tell me what the “Why Question” even is?

[Cody Robert Judy We are 4700 here and 219 dots here all over the Country representing every state in the Union now and spreading the news in our own little ways as one spoke in the wheel. Join us on Facebook here if you enjoy the truth.]

Glenn Beck had an interesting man on his Radio Program yesterday I took in bits and pieces of. He defined the positives for businesses in tending to What, Where, and Why and the extreme success for businesses like Apple who answered the “Why” for people in the business goals rather than just their product representation discussed by “Start with Why”’s ( ) Simon Sinek- Author of “Leaders Eat Last”.

He discussed how ‘fear’ in a company’s management style is much different then ‘trust’ which allows for ‘risk’and ‘freedom’. See a clip of the episode here.

Simon said, “The world is filled with danger, but when we feel safe within our community’s we can face the dangers and seize the opportunities. When we have to protect (or feel we have to protect) ourselves from each other than the organization starts to break down.” I thought of the people at the accident and what they were doing before any officers or paramedics had arrived. A character was being shown to me of a culture or group right there in plain site.

“Culture is the character of a group of people”, so how does the culture of the media, act as a group when it comes to Obama’s fraudulent identification and being a watchdog for the public? What is their ‘collective belief’ on the subject and why are they in such denial?

Is that truly based in ‘fear’ and ‘covering their butts’ so they won’t get fired, or so they won’t get sued, or lose their license by the threats of some Government Organization in charge of manipulating them like the Federal Communications Commission - FCC? Why is that considered a 'service to the public'?

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been involved with law enforcement some 55 years. Elected 5 times I believe to his Office as Sheriff and was asked in 2012 by constituents to thoroughly investigated something no other law enforcement agency has investigated in Obama's identification credentials that Obama himself handed out and posted on the White House web site for all Americans; he responded with forming a Cold Case Posse. That investigation led to the acertation that the long form birth certificate is a forgery and so is Obama's draft registration.

While that investigation has little to do with Obama not being a 'natural born Citizen' qualified for the Office of the President, the conclusions reached are a mirror image of Obama's culture and the horrific accident happening to the United States of America in and upon probably the most important aspect of our culture - Our Elections.

People are hurt in this accident, some people are stopping by assisting those involved in the accident, some rolled up after the accident happened and are just watching or passing it by because it looks like everything is being handled and they can't help, don't want to help, or are just not of the mind that it is going to effect them.

The bully tactic is one used often by those in authority positions. They are used to telling people what to do without explaining themselves. They get away with it almost all the time. Its where they use their offices to move people where they want them. Of course in some situations and circumstances you really do need to obey without question or you could be the cause of an accident.

If a policeman tells you to move your vehicle there is probably a really good reason to move it. When a policeman tells you to strip on the side of the road and you notice he turns his video camera off, there's probably a pretty good idea in your mind he is abusing or is about to abuse his authority in moving you and if you don't question it, your absolutely living in fear of the police, rather than the comfort of your rights detailed in the United States Constitution as well as the laws in your community.

With the exception of a very few brave souls in the Media exhibiting courage, our Media is living in a fear zone that is unprecedented in our Country. The rewards of this are not serving us, but are really hurting us and that culture is bound to break down. Hitler didn't win, but he did leave a pretty big wake in his path to remember.

If I lose the Civil Rights Complaint I have filed I'm sure the Media will think, 'We were right not to cover that', even though in reading the Complaint you could come up with a few facts acting as a jury member yourself. If I won the law suit, can you imagine the Media's blank stair at not having even read the complaint, or understood the merits of the case?

The elite culture of fear is truly an amazing belief many in the media have in the justice system not being a culture of equal justice under the law for everyone, but one of a perceived justice for those who are elite and have money. Inspiring a culture of character is indeed about setting a precedent of courage for the right; for the truth; for the Constitution that has come to be rewarded with a faith in liberty and freedom so many were willing to die for with only a reward in heaven.

Having courage for the truth actually does apply to the mercy and forgiveness your sowing as seeds of character. Many complain about others living off of them rather than choosing to work, but we are all less inspired by a culture of hypocrisy which denies Obama is qualified to serve in the Office of the President. That root is the biggest problem with the GOP at this time and it is not inspiring a culture of character.

The Psychological job conspiring fear rather than trust is at the root of our problem here in America and identifying "Why?" is also a key to change. That's the 'Why?' of my own action. I love America and am inspired by the actions of those who also were inspired to defend, protect, and preserve our Constitution and declaring the 'Why?' of our Nation in the first place in the Declaration of Independence.

The Commercial is simply called "America"

With the new patriotic hit being written, produced, and performed by myself. ( 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy) here: "Dawn Your Light America"

Meant as a wake-up call to America of the dire circumstances we now face in our Republic, and all the beautiful reason we need to take an active part now in our political process, I hoped to inspire and at the same time warn America that if the goal of immigration has 'changed' from the opportunity to produce and enjoy the fruits of your own labor to being able to devour someone one elses we have a very clear reason to be concerned with Obama's transformation of America and a very clear reason we need to enforce the qualifications of the Office of the President as its described in the United States Constitution for our own national defense.

Those wishing to read the U.S. Federal Civil Rights Complaint may now do so here now as it is public information: Judy v. Obama 2014 U.S. FED Case No. 1:14cv00093

Wow!Just found my book, Taking A Stand, on sale at your local B&N for nook users if you prefer over soft or hard bound - only $8.49 That's a Great price

Last, but certainly not least we want to Thank You for tuning in and reading this blog. We celebrate today 150,000 Views and appreciate every single one.

Cody Robert Judy
For U.S. President 2016

If you think “Truth” is worth it, support it and quit supporting the lie. That is the beginning of change, or we can just keep on going down this road and see where it leads with Obama. Which is it going to be?


I'd sure appreciate your helping me out in the American Birther Campaign (ABC) Campaign for Cody Robert Judy for President 2016. Thank you for your consideration.