
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Is Obama's Bubble about to Burst in Supreme Court because of Liberal Republicans or Conservative Democrats?

Is Obama's Bubble about to Burst in Supreme Court because of liberal Republicans or Conservative Democrats?

Is Obama's Bubble about to Burst in Supreme Court because of Liberal Republicans or Conservative Democrats? After more than six years in fighting consistently across party lines in the Judicial Branch for the principles in our Constitution with some thirteen cases and court numbers stretching from Nevada to New Hampshire and down to Georgia and back up to Washington DC, I've learned a fair amount about what is required and what isn't required in now what is my third race for the Office of the President, as have many of you.

The first thing that is noticed is during Obama's time in the White House in the Office of the President not a single elected official has mentioned Obama's ineligibility in Congress. Why? Well, they didn't have the standing that I did running for President and in passing on McCain's eligibility they would be called a racist. How else can you explain a knowledge that Obama has a fabricated long form birth certificate that has been certified by a law enforcement's report in the Cold Case Posse and a altered or phony draft registration yet sits in the honor and respect of the Office of the President without while a whimpering Congress sits on their hands knowing this?

Six years worth of elected officials sitting on their hands in House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate with the biggest fraud, I think we can soundly agree has ever been witnessed in our life times, issuing executive orders on his amnesty and healthcare program spanking Congress whose tied to the bed and held hostage why he rapes America with a race card and lack of standing. For all of the conservatives in America, who would like to lay a claim on conservatism in the Constitutional field of dreams, how does the facts that none of your elected officials have qualifications to take a stand against Obama for the conservative principle of a strong defense for America?

How does that feel conservatives? To have your real Reaganomics of Defense in the Republican Party neutered? I always thought Republicans were for a strong defense and Democrats were the ones who were always slashing and burning defense? Yet, here we are and Republicans are sitting on their hands, tied, bound, and gagged as prisoners in the political prison of Obama's national defense. Republicans have willingly refused to use the one weapon that is available to them which is a Presidential Candidate with standing who has fought for the principled national security defense of a natural born Citizen in the Office of the President. A lot of people would call that being a war hero.

If you have the Office of the President kidnapped and someone rescues that, I mean doesn't that qualify for you? First we must consider the damages to America that are possible at the hands of a usurper in the Office of the President. How about importing an illegal army into the borders, and by the executive pen making them legal? How about signing a mandate that forces Americans to buy something they have never ever been forced to buy before that concedes one fifth of the economy? How about spending with the executive pen more of America's economy and worth than all the President's between Washington and Bush combined together which is about eight trillion when the debt when he took it was about ten and now its eighteen trillion?

Still think popping Obama's bubble isn't worth a dime of your contributions to the one man who has standing and because he took a bi-partisan stand wipes his feet on the mis-used racist card of Obama? Have things really improved for minorities in this Country to the degree they had hoped they would when they cast a vote for someone...who they really didn't know all because of the color of his skin? Do you think things will improve that much if you vote for a person based on their outward appearances, maybe what sex they are will help improve your plight, as if men haven't been taking care of women with their strength since time began and if a women is elected President suddenly all that relief will come? Maybe if we elect a rich person he/she will give us their money? Has that been your hope in a Donald Trump or Mitt Romney?

That just suddenly the counsel that has been totally ignored and unheard before which they have kept a secret all their lives will be unleashed upon your bank account which will fill up. Their success will translate into your success while they have built theirs on your backs? The smart guy asks, why would he put you on his back and now change course?

Successful business people popping up with the promise to perform what, a juggling act for you? Where have they been? Evan Republican Carly Fiorina hopping spaghetti dinners in New Hampshire hoping to share the stage with Secretary Clinton to neutralize the sex issue, and I'm not referring to former President Bill Clinton's because I actually think her's personally used as an advantage, could cause us a lot more problems then his ever thought of causing.

Can't you see me on stage debating in a Primary with Secretary Clinton stating in my opening remarks similar to what Reagan did with Mondale, "Now, I'm want you to know that I will not make age or sex an issue of this Campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents sex and experience that comes with the office"?

Can you believe that? Mrs Carly Fiorina wants to get on the stage and perform with Secretary Clinton to neutralize her sex card? That's what she said. "All I need to do is perform" What exactly is the question and where have you been the last six years with the crisis of national defense happening in the White House? How have you helped any contributions or support there? No.

Oh yeah, out making money on the successful opportunity provided by the United States Constitution but not actually doing anything about it but taking advantage of it? Do you know how much money Mr. Trump, Mr. Romney, former President Clinton and his Secretary wife have contributed to the Campaign that has continued since 2008 against Obama's ineligibility that has cost us eight trillion? Not one dime. Do you know how much Congress Members have contributed to that same campaign or how much your favorite PAC has contributed towards it? Not one dime.

The value of that principle just in the last 6 years totals what in life,liberty, property or the pursuit of happiness?
So what now? The White House has been overrun, a usurper sits in the Office of the President importing as fast as he can the army of illegals and Judy v. Obama 14-9396 is in the Supreme Court of the United States of America which has the standing and the damages to blow Obama's bubble. Should we help that Campaign? Let me think a minute?

Recently, well April 24th, 2015 a online Post called The National Patriot featured a story called "Too Many Hats in the ring" by Craig Andresen and I was given an unfavorable mention in it as follows:
"Naturally, there will be those who will, again, run social media campaigns like John Dummett Jr., Cody Robert Judy, Sam Tittle and others but let’s face it…between all of them, they couldn’t come to a consensus on what time in the morning to open a doughnut shop much less how to run the affairs of state or a nation. They’re just in it for their own aggrandizement on Facebook and as shills for whoever the liberal nominee turns out to be."

This is what's been written about me since Judy v. Obama 14-9396 has entered the Supreme Court of the United States. That's it. Not a single other word other than the Post & Emails publishing as Featured Editorial the two post really declaring we are on the official record.

Now since that has happened and I have declared my Candidacy in the Democratic Party I want to announce how much we have taken in like U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz announced he's taken 4 Million so far, and U.S. Sen. Rubio announced their first day they raked in 1.25 million.
My Campaign has not taken one dime in from Conservatives across this Nation since announcing a couple of things:

1)That for the first time in our Nations history, both major Parties, since both unqualified candidates Sen Cruz and Sen. Rubio having divided loyalties in their history of place and time as well as Obama, have an equal consideration at stake in the Supreme Court of the United States. This is not a partisan issue since the political fields have changed.

2) That for the first time Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse' report is available for review by the Supreme Court of the United States that includes the fabrication of identification officially issued from the White House Office of the President brought to them by a Presidential Candidate who has maintained standing in 2008, 2012 and now 2016 as a Candidate for the Office of the United States President.

You know when the email scandal broke that considered Secretary Clinton's private server being used for government position and her discretion deleting 30,000 emails, and then the "Cash Scandal" appeared a few days ago on Secretary Clinton's itinerary and she asked for more cash I begin to wonder who the opponent was on Candidate Clinton's campaign? These are stories that have been waiting for just the right time to appear or be released to the Media.
UPDATE: 4-28-15
YOUR PROPERTY YOUR TAX DOLLARS Baltimore Mayor decides to let it go. @ 7:40 "Its a very delicate balancing act because while we tried to make sure they were protected from the cars.. and the other things that were going on..umm, We also gave those who WISHED to DESTROY space to do that too and we worked very hard to keep that balance..and and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate." To bad they didn't escort them over to the junk yard but they may be asking for Federal Help and Emergency Assistance which is their "best position" to be in. As the law gets closer to Obama I think we can expect more lawlessness and panic to compel squashing Obama's ineligibility with the use of violence.

Of course I personally believe Obama is behind the release of Clinton's Cash and Email Server disclosures to the press, because there is not any agreement by Republicans who their nominee will be. So its a real concern for Democrats and I'll tell you its open season when debates come around if Clinton wins the Democratic Primary for a loss. What I really wanted to say though may actually bode a little empathy for Secretary Clinton for desperately trying to get the cash that is needed to run for Office because Americans simply don't seem to think any responsibility towards a Presidential Campaign exist for them.

I can vouch as a three time Presidential Candidate fighting and barely hanging on for dear life to my Campaigns. We have been scraping the bottom of the barrel often times scrambling to come up with mailing, printing, and postage money. Its that serious and the seriousness that America in general has given to Obama's ineligibility is laughable. So in Mrs. Clinton's desperation she's turned to foreign contributions that have now placed a real wedge between the morality and ethics of government positions and family fund raising.

Do supposedly poor foreign governments give aid to Candidates for U.S President unless in the hope that its an investment that will come back to them? I don't think that foreign governments are bound by our U.S. Constitution that's for sure. Former Secretary Hillary Clinton's actual defense for the U.S. Constitution, and let's not forget that is a primary job as the oath asserts for President 'to protect, preserve, and defend the U.S. Constitution', certainly consist of visiting a lot of Country's, but flight time is an activity not an accomplishment.

On the other hand, a United States Supreme Court case delivered to the Supreme Court of the United States against Obama with the evidence in hand for consideration in a Civil Rights and Congressional Acts violation law suit is an accomplishment. Sen. Cruz touts his accomplishments in the U.S. Senate his freshman year for holding up Congress for 21 hours in a filibuster, but did those words and all the words he has spoken in Congress amount to any legislation? They were grand standing for sure, but the possibilities of removing the threat to America with Obama amnesty and Obama Care, and every other executive over reach was like a wind blowing a single leaf down the road as we watched it go by and applauded the effort. It amounts to activity without accomplishment.

Now I do not know if the Supreme Court is going to hear my case, but I do know I do not need 60% of Congress to support it. So are my chances better and is my accomplishment worthy of your support? We need your help to support my Campaign. We need gas money, computers, signs, posters, commercials and all those things that makes up a Campaign.

What exactly is important to you as a conservative Republican or a conservative Democrat? I think both would agree civil rights, individual rights under our Constitution are important. Then why not support a Campaign for President holding these dear and fighting for them? You know as well as I do that the closer you get to Communism the less the individual matters. The collective good as a mob is able to run over with the State as the authority the individual. That is probably the most important aspect of our United States Constitution that STOPS the State from deciding your property is there property and your money is their money.

So you really think my Campaign is just about me and I'm just doing this, spending my own time and my own money for all things that have been needed desperately to muster a Campaign, for the satisfaction of "likes" on Facebook? I can assure you there are many a beautiful girls who dwarf me in 'likes' on a single pinup on Facebook on the 'like' button.
That idea is contemptuous to me in the face of garbage it is so untrue and my accomplishments in trial, court proceeding, and miles all over this Country from sea to shining sea the last six years is a testament to it! Just because it was 'noticed' or documented in a story in the Washington Post or New York Times doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Of course your right, if my Case is lost in the Supreme Court of the United States it is probably your fault because I know without a doubt every American in this Country has $5 dollars in their pocket or the ability to get it and you just haven't. These are the things that make politicians like Secretary Clinton desperate for foreign money. I think I've got close to 5,000 friends on Facebook and maybe three that have given my Campaign any contribution over the last six years. Sometimes I think they think their $5, or $10, or $20 wouldn't help, or maybe they don't see that a contribution to another Charity actually helps more people and wouldn't be wasted?

Of course all Charities have expenses; and Campaigns Contributions are not tax exempt but Campaigns like this one do not come a long every day either. How many Presidential Campaigns so far have announced for the U.S. Presidency with a Case in the Supreme Court of the United States declaring Obama's ineligibility, that at the same time threatens the two freshman Republican Senators hoping to be rewarded with the minority Cuban/Spanish vote? Again, a physical feature based on the color of skin that Republicans think they need to capitalize on to get minority votes.

What ever happened to just taking a stand for the Constitution that protects every American Citizen of the United States of America in justice for all? I'm really fed up with this 'outward appearances' thing as you can probably tell mostly because America is about more then the good the bad and the ugly. Its about what's on the inside, not what's on the outside and we need to protect and defend that.

Thank you for considering my Campaign worth something to you.

Cody Robert Judy
Now Read: The Invitation for Scholars to Write in with a Practicing SCOTUS Lawyer their Amicus Curiae

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


P.S. I don't get anything for the sales of this coin. No contributions or anything , I just think its kinda cool. Get your commemorative 2015 Birther coin today!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: A Little Sugar for all - Storm of Ineligibility in Supreme Court Docketed Judy v. Obama Solicitor General's Response

BREAKING NEWS - Little Sugar for all - Storm of Ineligibility in Supreme Court Docketed Judy v. Obama Solicitor General's Response Due

Well Ladies and Gentleman, a little Sugar Post for all of you today from the Supreme Court of the United States which has Docketed the case JUDY V. OBAMA et. al, 14-9396. We are on Official Record. As a matter of NOTICE from yesterday's post, we in fact were recognized as being correct in the March 30th Original Petition and Motions to proceed Informa Pauperis. So the Court did indeed recognized this as an error on their part, which of course happens from time to time. We haven't won anything but to be on and in the Record of the Supreme Court of the United States of America is very honorable.

1) Sheriff Joe's COLD CASE POSSEE's Report on Obama's long form birth birth certificate being a fabrication along with his Draft Registration being fabricated are there.

2)And, a Presidential Candidate with Standing has a Supreme Court Case in the United States representing that Obama is not a natural born Citizen qualified for the Office of the President.

The Solicitor General's response on behalf of Barack Obama is due May 20th, 2015.

Today let us all join hands and say "We Are Birthers!" We do not think fabricated identifications on the person in the Office of the President is okay. We do think our United States Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. We hold these truths to be evidenced, and that politicians of any party in the United States of America have a responsibility to "We The People" of the United States, who have entrusted to them, under a solemn oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution of the United States so help us God.

For those who have and continue to deride us for simply taking a stand for the Constitution's demand that a natural born Citizen, Born in the United States to Citizen Parents, be upheld as a key qualification for the person in the Office of the President now, or until such time as it is changed by lawful proceeding in the Congress of the United States, I hope your voice will join us at this time and write, and proffer, and argue that the Case be Heard for the truth we all in our heart desire. I know in your right minds that you do not advocate fabrications and fraudulent identifications for the Office of the President and that you to want law to be in order, and identifications of our elected leaders to be true.

We all don't want to see our votes wasted or to be treated with such nonchalance that the Citizens of our Country lose hope of inspiring hope and change that America will continue to be a land of opportunity with Justice for all who come here and find themselves under the jurisdiction of the United States Constitution.

It is sweet to understand and know that at the very least Individual Citizens, you, and I, have acquired so great a blessing that we can submit and request from the highest Court in the land, the Supreme Court of the United States, a request for justice. If our United States Constitution were not valid, neither would the Court be valid, and neither would any elected official be valid in our land.

We are valid and together with this promise we call our United States Constitution we have the opportunity for Justice. Let us all be very grateful for this and treasure it as the sweetest and purest honey we taste and hold dear for our children and their futures.

I want to especially thank all of you for making the post yesterday break the #TRENDING and #VIRAL thresh hold. Because American's care,.. that's what the message is. We do care and it is important. Thank you so much for sharing and caring for one another as Americans under the umbrella of our United States Constitution.

There will be much more to follow, so do check in and we certainly need all the help we can get. There will be much to consider and I personally thank everyone for their genuine support and help to get us this far, but we have much farther to go so do please chip in if you can. Those who have been with us awhile, take care to help and be kind and patient with those who are new. Thank you.

Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for President 2016 - D

Writ of Certiorari

2015 U.S. Supreme Court Judy v. Obama Writ Certiorari

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Get your commemorative 2015 Birther coin today!

Monday, April 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: The Ineligibility Storm in the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Judy v. Obama

BREAKING NEWS: The Ineligibility Storm in the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Judy v. Obama

In the interest of so many people wanting to know where the Writ of Certiorari is and why it has not yet been docketed in the Supreme Court of the United States up to this this date of April 20th, it having been served and noticed on this blog and Featured in Editorials here and here , it has come upon me to explain or perhaps redirect focus to where I have found the troubling storm to be in the Supreme Court of the United States.

It is not my wish to draw a scathing picture of criticism or ineptitude upon the brilliance of what is considered the highest Court in the United States of America and I have sat on this very frustrating experience since the Court received and returned my Writ of Certiorari stating to me something that just was not true, that my Motion for Informa Pauperis and Affidavit to the Supreme Court of the United States was not 'signed'.

Indeed, this was not true, clearly there are two signatures. It was a false statement made by the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States. Your right, you would not expect that. I mean its the Supreme Court with the top brass of scholastic legal achievers coming out great schools and high recommendations. Let's face it, there are not to many who get to Clerk for the top Court in the Nation. This is what makes this so disconcerting and inviting to the distortion of the administration of Justice.

With the discretion of the glass being half full, Court Error and Mistakes indeed can occur and it no doubt would be the 'justification' of any Clerk of the Court, but you know there is a standard of difficulty in filing a Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States. Shall we say those that have done it know, and if you haven't tried it you wouldn't know. If you've paid for a lawyer to do it you did understand it wasn't cheap and it was a much bigger deal than filing a motion.

Because the Court Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States passed the writ of certiorari as acceptable by not objecting to any part of that in the letter; the only objection or discretionary review that was troublesome to the Clerk was really a complete bewilderment to me. The court clerk stated there was "no signature" on the Motion and Affidavit to proceed with the cost of the proceeding deferred in what is referred to as Informa Pauperis status. There was though. Both the Motion and Affidavit were signed and dated March 30th, 2015 which is the same date the Clerk noticed or acknowledged it was postmarked.

Indeed, we must all scratch our heads about this because on page 2 of that Motion and on page 3 which was the Affidavit is a big fat signature with a date of March 30th, 2015. Now to complicate this just a little bit in so doing the Supreme Court advises that the 'writ of certiorari' cannot be altered in any way as to content. That affirms there isn't anything technically or majorly wrong with it. The backhand to the face comes to the petitioner with the declaration from the Court clerk that the whole petition with the altered Motion and Affidavit must be re-served upon the Defendant/Respondents. The approximated time or purpose in requiring just that basically is shall we say an extra thirty days, more printing cost, and is very burdensome upon the poor or economically challenged class that I myself understand. The disadvantage also cost me a back seat to the Court's schedule and term in 2012 as the back and forth went on something like six times before being docketed finally when a bunch of other cases came up from Georgia that oddly had no Presidential Candidate in them. This of course is an easy shuffle to hide if you wanted to do that sort of thing.

Like I said, most people don't know what's involved. Just to review for those not filing informa pauperis status forty copies of a 54 page printed document in booklet form is required.The cost with the $300 dollar filing fee just for printing and service for mine would be $1386.81 and you can imagine if it cost that much to print it's going to cost a lot more for an attorney to write it especially when the stakes of the circumstances of the writ are factored in. Of course that's chump change for those making over $100,000 in the land of opportunity in the United States economy able to focus their full time effort in doing just that.

But what about those like myself, who are concerned about the opportunity being protected? We have and are dedicating and focusing so much effort into seeing that it is protected that our time is taken, and also is not compensated for? Elected leaders get a paycheck every month that you the tax payer have signed. If you lose elections you don't get a paycheck.

Barack Obama has been getting a paycheck from you the last six years of half a million dollars, as well all the Senators and Representatives with their compensations and appropriations who have been hired across the nation to represent the people none of whom I might add have taken Obama's ineligibility to Court. No not one has their name attached to a Court Record. Does that make the principle of the Constitution that the Office of the President be filled with someone who is a natural born Citizen, -Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents-, less valuable, true, of little consequence if its trampled? Secretary Hillary Clinton's words she wanted to be a Champion, a Champion for the working class People in her declaration and kick off Candidacy? Where or Who is the Champion of the Constitution's 'natural born Citizen' clause for the Office of the President?

'Hillary Clinton’s campaign announcement to the press included an embarrassing typo, as it declared the candidate has “fought children and families all her career.” It was, of course, supposed to claim that she fought for children and families.''The hard truth beneath all the gauzy campaign rhetoric is that government power tends to enrich those plugged into government. The ruling Party and its special friends make out like bandits, while everyone else is taught to make do with less. Obama’s tenure has offered an incredibly clear demonstration of this truth'

Well, I'm one of those people who has had to make do with less and make the most out of what I have. That has meant sacrificing tremendously on the focus of making a living for the sake of being a Champion for the U.S. Constitution's demand that a qualified person be in the Office of the President. Indeed, most know that 'standing' requirements for even bringing this to Court are required and notably fall upon someone in the presidential race as a candidate. The translation of that is there is no lawyer, no elected official whose not running for President, no Judge, no Officer of the Law that can Champion this "natural born Citizen' requirement legally. That burden has been mine and I'm the only Candidate for President in the entire United States of America who has done it on a bi-partisan non-racist level. see: McCain Obama consistently.

Now the main stream media, MSM , doesn't want or hasn't thought to tell you this. They continually trump Birthers as 'racist' and even point to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio who have just entered the ring as Presidential Candidates as proof Birthers are Racist. Now, what do you think of someone who 'hides' and keeps 'secret' in their stories to the public what is plainly available on Court Records for the public? Well, that's seems a little like what the United States Supreme Court Clerk has done to me, actually seeing right there in plain site my signature twice on the first two pages of a document but yet stating its not there. It is there..right there! Everyone can type the numbers in I've provided and see they were delivered. I offer any Political Reporter who would like to see the certification in a submission, but they could also see the 10th Circuit and lower Court had already granted the Informa Pauperis status and its been less then a year since July 7th, 2014 when the original action was filed.

There is no affirmative action ACT OF CONGRESS upon the Office of the President and there is no gender diversity clause as an ACT OF CONGRESS upon the Office of the President. There's no family genealogy name required for the Office of the President and no former elected office requirement for the Office of the President. There's no economic millionaire status for the Office of the President, but there is a 'natural born Citizen' status or requirement. I really think its a dis-service to journalism to see so many 'racist' and 'sexist' reviews for the Office of the President but that is exactly what is happening when you withhold vital information that is pertinent to the Constitution's requirements.

Not building my story on 'racism' or 'sexism' hasn't been hard. Why it has been withheld from the public in the form of media print is what an example of 'secretive journalism', 'stealth reporting' or 'camouflaged court referencing' what is it? You know one thing the Reporters really hate is when a Government Representative in affect 'frame' a story by withholding very important information that would either make the story completely different or at least completely change the affect of the story. Well, don't you think "Reporters" that the public feels the same way about you 'forgetting' information or 'failing' to run a Court search or read a Court record before you print a story that is handed to you for your convenience on this blog? The truthfulness of a Record is an accounting of all the facts, not dust sweeping a few of them for the convenience of the political popular under the carpet.

The mirage of stability that has been built upon a weak foundation or lies is a credibility problem. It certainly is not little old me who threatens everything Obama has built, it is Obama's own weak foundation that threatens his own work. He didn't build it on truth, but built it on a lie. It doesn't matter how high it is or how grand it is if the foundation isn't true any structural engineer will tell you that it won't last. The United States of America's foundation has proven strong. Principle is much greater in power than any particular party or person. The principles will stand long after we are gone.

That all being said, I have tried to hold my tongue or key board, hoping the Supreme Court would see this error but it seems more and more likely that if they can sweep anything under the carpet that has Obama's name on it, especially coming from someone who is a eligible and qualified Candidate for Office of the U.S. President who has standing, they will do it. Let's hope it just a clerical error, but their error cost me another $14 dollars in mailing. Of course that's just nickels and dimes for rich people who sometimes it seems just don't get it.


Redacted Writ of Certiorari for Judy ( A U.S. Presidential Candidate ’08, ’12, ‘16) v. Obama (President Elect failing to Qualify Amend XX) et. al., signed and submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States post marked March 30th, 2015. Included are the important Ltr 2, and Ltr. 1 to the Court Clerk with the assigned United States Postal Service tracking numbers available for anyone to look up at as proof that they were served and received, and in so describe no fault of the Petitioner as to the delay of docketing this Case. It should be noted the page numbers of this redacted version are meant as a convenience but are otherwise in order as prescribed by each section having its own page numbers in the Supreme Court of the United States. The Informa pauperis Motion and Affidavit are acknowledged by the Clerk’s letter but are redacted from this document.

Writ of Certiorari

2015 U.S. Supreme Court Judy v. Obama Writ Certiorari

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"