
Thursday, December 15, 2016




Mike Zullo lead investigator of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse, Maricopa County, Arizona, turned up the heat on Obama's Legacy of Fraud and may have just smoked the Secret Clown out of the Carnival Obama hailed when he released his fabricated long form birth certificate to the White House Press Core April 27th, 2011. 

During the somber 70 Minute Press Conference LIVE STREAMed by FOX 10 NEWS Phoenix Arizona  ,seen in it's entirety below,  was a "9 Points of Forgery" Show Cased Video extrapolating Evidence confirming what multiple forensic examiners from different agencies concluded in findings; that an identification fraud of Obama's long form birth certificate was prominent as announced by lead investigator Mike Zullo. 

There is no way Obama can take his hands off the red-heated plate of his long form birth certificate as they melded together with his handing it out to the White House Press core. The implications have far reaching consequences for Congress to consider with the falsification of identity and the reasons why such a crime would needs take place in the beginning?

Obama himself was well aware of the clamor for authentication of his being Constitutionally Qualified for the office of President during the three years from the time he occupied the White House in 2008 until the time of the release of the long form fabrication April 27th, 2012 assuring there would be Carnival Barkers in what now appears to be his Circus Act who were not convinced. 

The general conclusion was that the Cold Case Posse had indeed figured out and obtained the base document the Obama Fabricated Long Form Birth Certificate had indeed come from! That in itself seems like a needle in the haystack but the evidence concludes the percentage of error on that conclusion is higher than 1000% (percent) confirmed by two very reputable forensic document examinations on two different continents that have excellent resumes of professional work.

That Hawaii Document that served the base for the fabrication of Obama's long form birth certificate belonged to  Johanna Ah’Nee Randolph-Hawaii Resident & Commuter Graphics Artist and sweet dear friend to Miki Booth and Al who is also her employer that owns a printing shop in Hawaii 
listed on a report made June 4th, 2014 on this Blog!

The Blog Post was entitled NATIONAL TREASURE 2 - I AM THE BIRTHER KING - SECRETS OF THE CLOWN. Mike Zullo in the Press Conference today did announce a couple of key things that when or if you read the June 4th Blog Piece you will see a contrast in. Mike Zullo specifically stated that Miki Booth was not a suspect in or of the forgery even though she had a close personal friendship relationship with Johanna Ah'Nee which she also acknowledges in her book Memoirs of a Community Organizer,  and Mr. Zullo specifically defended Miki Booth and stated he had interviewed johanna Ah'Nee twice in the investigation although he did not explain why or how Miki Booth as a friend of Ah'Nee's could be completely ruled out as a suspect.

In my report on the Blog Post I noticed what seemed the odd or same "E", or what was termed a "smiley face" on the Miki Booth's father-in-law Francis Nathanel Booth's Birth Certificate she had published herself, that was [not] apparent on other Hawaii Birth Certificates Jerome Corsi had stated to be looking over in his investigations and collections as is shown below. 

Zullo stated that there was indeed information he elaborated was indeed more classified that he could not release at this time and that would be passed on to 'other investigating organizations and Congress.

I will now also publically state for the record that I have never had a conversation with Mike Zullo.

Now moving on with the implications of the Cold Case Posse's revelations today, I am indeed obliged without any remunerations from this Cold Case Posse or the entire investigations investigative body as a Candidate for President of the United States 2008; 2012; and 2016 to affirm the positive report I delivered with standing to the appropriate Courts I have in not only defending the natural born Citizen requirement, but also informing, educating, and alerting the Justices of the highest Court of these findings. Beginning on Page 10 of the Response to the Motion to Dismiss in Georgia  and ending with SCOTUS 12-5276 & 14-9396

These facts relate to the General Public that a presidential Candidate with Standing was indeed alerting the Judicial Branch of Government NOTICE of crime that was now we know for sure being committed. The facts have simply gained momentum but the conclusions remain the same as they were related and reported March 1st, 2011. This indeed should implicate REVERSALS on the Courts own JUDGEMENTS upon the Court's own admission of TRUTH or TREACHERY? 

Beginning in 2008 as a Candidate for President, (seen as the last entry on this Wiki Page), I filed a Civil Rights Law suit against Sen. John McCain and the RNC , that included Obama. 

The nightmare of Obama begin with the leeway or head start the court granted Obama from the 2008 Cases I was involved with including a Amicus Curiae filed with SCOTUS in Berg v. Obama.

This covers questions about inheritance of father Kenya
[Through extensive investigation, learned that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya. Obama’s
  biological father was a Kenyan citizen and Obama’s mother a U.S. citizen who was not old enough to register Obama’s birth in Hawaii as a “natural born” United States Citizen]
The Congress both the House Judiciary Committee and Senate Rules Committee was served NOTICE November 14th, 2016 to impeach the CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE DEFACTO PRESIDENT that now impales dishonorably the Office of President in front of the entire world!

Americans now understand without a doubt that Barack Obama in obvious order to maintain the Office of President has incorporated the use of criminal enterprise and identity fabrication in his own identity documents. Congress must now assume the reasons were to cover up his own Achilles heel of Constitutional consideration for qualification or in other words, Usurpation of the Office of the United States President!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Sheriff Posse Finale Can of Worms Exposed to the Nation

 Sheriff Posse Finale 
Can of Worms Exposed to the Nation
UPDATE Dec 14th,2016

Presiding over the biggest blow to the Integrity of Law and Order has been just one of the notorious enterprises of Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro. The pride and joy of Law Enforcement across the USA is Trust and when it's shattered the People lose hope, crime becomes the unhinged Epidemic scarring the population forever.

People Trusted and they were played as fools in the Elections of 2008 and 2012 by a cabal of organized crime that formed a Cartel against them and their Constitutional Republic lead by Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama as she leading the certification forged the two differant verifications of eligibility for the same reason Hillary Rodham Clinton repeated she set up her Private Server usurping the communications of the Secretary of State Office, "for convenience".

Has Government Crime become a Convenience Folks? When the Speeder hit 80 miles per hour going through the Flashing Lit 20mph school-crossing sign at 3:10PM did the community get together and pass an 80mph new School Crossing speed limit as Precedent or did they mourn the 10 children who lost their lives due to the Speed-Freaks negligence and disregard for Law & Order?

One community had the courage to take a Stand against the foreign fathered Candidate wrapped so far up in coke he thought he was invincible with his foot on the gas. A Healthcare freight-train loaded  up called Obamacare Grubber extolled  was passed upon the shoulders of Stupid Americans. Just as stupid in voting for an ineligible person in their Office of President.
Excerpt in Red Reads: [I find know fault with the introductory clause, which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born [within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language  of your Constitution itself, a natural-born citizen]; but sir, I may be allowed to say further, that I deny that the Congress of the United States ever had the power or color of power to say that [any man born within the jurisdiction of the United States not owing a foreign allegiance, is not and shall not be a citizen of the United States.] Citizenship is his birthright and neither the Congress  nor the States can justly or lawfully take it from him. But while this is admitted, can you declare by congressional enactment as to citizens of the United States within the States that there be no discrimination among them of civil rights?]

Obama was never born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents- the Qualification known as [natural born Citizen] unique for the Office of President, so there had to be some white collar crime indulged in for the Order to pass the Constitution Hounds that the Elected fear getting to close.
Four Known Different Long Forms Produced
with connections to Obama's Hands 

Even President Elect Donald Trump was castigated for simply asking after three years that Obama produce proof of his place of birth and his inherited citizenship from mother and father. If it was all American, of course there would be no problem.

That community was around 250 residence of one of the largest Counties in the United States lead by a Sheriff who had lasted longer than any U.S. President - some 6 terms! Sheriff Joe Arpaio was a no non-sense lawman who cared deeply for Law and Order and took the Trust seriously in his jurisdiction which involved precarious balances of safety for his constituents in heavy drug trafficking and crime common by illegal aliens because of the foreign country border shared near his County.

It took a communities petition to extract a serious look into their concern-the sincerity and integrity of a man whose past was colliding with the Qualifications demanded in the U.S. Constitution. Obama's American Allegiance had not passed the test of time demanded by two generations in [ natural born Citizen] that included soil or Jurisdiction of Law born under as well equally the ability of each Parent to Vote as a U.S. Citizen which Obama's father was never able to do owning to his allegiance to Kenya over the USA. Parents not owing any foreign allegiance - this qualification requirement makes Obama ineligible by itself and the exception was to those born  during or as the Constitution says "at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution" as a new Jurisdiction or Nation. Article II.Section 1, Clause 5.

Alarmed by the Constitutional Hounds getting close, Obama after three years released what was termed his $10 long form birth certificate.  The community of the Surprise Tea Party wanted their Sheriff to confirm it's validity, as three years of denials it even existed was met with wonderment in it's sudden production or what's been termed it's fabrication.

The U.S. Supreme Court was first furnished the preliminary results of the Cold Case Posse in the First National Press Conference of March 31st 2012, through a Presidential Candidate in the Democratic Party coming up through the Georgia State Supreme Court as a Ballot Challenge in the Democratic Party Primary of 2011 in Case No. 12-5276 .

That case evolved into the second U S. Supreme Court Case 14-9396 by once again ,a Democratic Party Candidate Cody Robert Judy pressing as a Candidate in 2016 for damages and alerting the Court through the Congressional Sherman/and /Clayton Acts unique for not requiring an Attorney General for the notification of Crimes of the cartel formed by the Corporations of the DNC and Obama's Election Corporation acting in concert to subvert the Constitution's Qualifications.

Court Cases Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judyhas been involved in
across the Nation defending American National Security
The case was not heard by the U.S. Supreme Court's own indulgences of discrimination against the poor for the Court's attention. Though the lower UT. Federal Court and the Denver Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals heard the case with a waiver of fees, the U.S. Supreme Court in the same year denied the Facts the lower Courts found conclusive.

The insult by the Highest Court to hear from two Presidential Candidates locked in opposition concerning the Qualifications unique to the Office of the President/VP, which is a Precedent Case in U.S. History , was denied over printing cost and Court fees the Court's below had granted and the U.S. Supreme Court had granted itself in 12-5276.

It's was completely absurd- An anomaly of Injustice. The 2016 Election procured much more expensively what was happening in coronations of the Candidates- Barack Obama in 2008 and Hillary Clinton to follow against Bernie Sanders who also sued the DNC. WikiLeaks served the Cherry on top leading to the DNC's Chair woman's Resignation.

Cody Robert Judy is the only Presidential Candidate in the United States of America with an Equality Record as a Plaintiff in Federal Court from 2008 through 2016 in a bi-Partisan stand against both Republicans and Democrats with law suits against McCain and Obama.

The issue of corruption combining in cronyism the Candidates John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama in non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 as subject or co-sponsors.

Sheriff Joe held a Second National Press Conference confirming probable cause had been exceeded by confirmation the Documents held in question were forgeries constituting crime.

The Cold Case Posse's Investigation continued with new leads and new information being revealed but held close by the Posse's Investigators and the Sheriff.

Sheriff Joe lost at 80 years old his 7th bid for re-Election in 2016. But true to form, the promises to his constituencies will culminate in a third and Final Posse Finale round up reporting all that is now known with the culmination of the Posse's work since 2012's Second Press conference.

On Thursday, December 15th, 2016 at 4pm the Can-of-Worms which encompasses the Evidence of Obama's Forged Identifications that we know consisted of Birth certificate, Draft Registration, and perhaps Social Security numbers will be opened again in a Conclusion Conference sending shivers down Congress , the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, The Mainstream Media , and perhaps even PEOTUS Donald J. Trump's spines!

Indeed, the Conference will be Live-streamed on Links soon to be available and Updated here.

UPDATE Dec 14th,2016
This event will be closed but publicly streamed for all to view. If interested, please feel free to re-share this post on your own timeline.
You can tune into the live stream by visiting the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Official FaceBook page at the following link:
Thank you,
Cold Case Posse Administration ~
The presser begins at 4:00 PM Mountain Time/6:00 PM EST on Thursday, December 15.
The posse’s announcement of the presser states that it will last approximately an hour.

UPDATE Dec 15th, 2016 4pm
Here is another Link
WATCH LIVE HERE #SheriffJoePressConference #ColdCasePosse
I can tell you Folks if crime has become common place for our Elected Leaders our Nation will never last through our generation. If you would like to help and assistance in getting the word out of this conference and Posse Finale , please pass it on in your Social Networks.

Accountability and Responsibility entails your children's and our futures in National Security.  Please show the same concern for this as you would your concern at witnessing a High-Speed Chase through your child's School Crossing.


Assist Cody Robert Judy' Campaign Debt here thank you