
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

DISCERNMENT - Why haven't you used your GIFT very well?


DISCERNMENT - Why haven't you used your GIFT?

You are given a GIFT from GOD in continuing levels of discernment. Discernment for what? CRJ relays a word from the Lord in "That you have not used your gift very well with him".
Also, for many Christians and Saints "thinking" piously or as if their rules dictate God,, the question arises, "What can the Lord Jesus Christ do or not do with "his body"? The answer symbolically representing the "Body of Christians - Saints - or often referred to as "The Church" is whatever he wants to.
It's his "BODY".. no one else has sacrificed or paid the price for sins. No one has bought or purchased it. So to say, The Lord can't is way off base.
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DISCERNMENT - Why haven't you used your GIFT very well?


2 Hebrews 5:9-14
1 Corinthiians 11:27-32