
Wednesday, June 27, 2012





June is not shaping up to be the best month for Barack Obama, as more and more Democrats are looking at the toxicity of Obama and realizing that standing by the man is one thing, but declaring their own political future over is quite another.

Just how much weight must be placed upon the anchor before rational democrats who are still supporting Obama decide the same? I’m proud of Utah Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson here in my home state for realizing the truth when it comes to covering up weapon involvement in border patrol agent murders, dealing arms over the border to drug trafficking, and pulling federal programs meant to work with local law enforcement in enforcing laws passed for persons illegally entering the United States such as Obama did the day of the U.S. Supreme Court decision, are not really things that Democrats should be supporting.

Catering to the Hispanic/Mexican/Latino population vote has become all too clearly a mix of bad intention, and so it is with Obama clearly defying our U.S. Constitution’s demands for a ‘natural born citizen’, yet swearing out an oath and allegiance to preserve, protect and defend it. I can think of no better way to U.S.C. Amend. 14, Sect. 3- his sorry but blatant fraud and forgery.

For those hard working industrious people here working legally how big of a slap in the face is it for Obama/Holder/Clinton team to gun-traffic across the border? Why would they do that to people they claim to be working hard for?

Weapons to people known to be running illegal traffic across the border, drugs, sex-slaves, intelligence, and people are okay with that? That kind of makes standing up in a religious meeting where freedom of expression is the most important element of religious tenant and declaring I had a Book of Mormon abbreviated ‘BOM’ clearly represented as the evidence produced, in the Mormon Religion something that deserved 8 years in prison 20 years ago, while the other is seen as electable? WOW!

Come on , come on, come on – People I just know you anti-birthers on the Republican and Democrat side can do better than this. Your judgment is being strung out like a scrotum on the chopping block.

Has that been a service for the people here legally working hard on establishing good reputations or a dis-service?
Utah Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson said Tuesday he plans to vote in favor of holding Holder in contempt over his refusal to comply with a subpoena into the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.

“It just compounds the tragedy when both sides play politics instead of releasing the facts. The Terry family, the public and Congress deserve answers,” Matheson said in remarks first reported by the Salt Lake Tribune in his home state. “Sadly, it seems that it will take holding the attorney general in contempt to communicate that evasiveness is unacceptable.”

To make matters worse for Holder, President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, more Democrats are expected to join Matheson in holding Holder in contempt. House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, the House Democrats’ chief vote-counter, isn’t even sure how many Democrats will break ranks. According to the Associated Press — which framed the Democratic defections as a result of the NRA’s decision to score the vote — Hoyer wouldn’t say how many Democrats he expected to vote in favor of Holder in contempt, but confirmed he expects some, like Matheson, to abandon party lines.

Now additionally to compound the doom of June for Obama, the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC received today, (June 27th,2012) at 10:49am the Petition for Writ of Certiorari, appealed from the Georgia Supreme Court denial of June 21st,2012.

Folks we are talking speed train 'fast-track', in the truest meaning of the word, and we may be talking just in time?

[Date: 06/27/2012
The following is in response to your 06/27/2012 request for delivery information on your
Signature Confirmation(TM) item number 2308 3250 0000 2916 0065. The delivery record
shows that this item was delivered on 06/27/2012 at 10:49 AM in WASHINGTON, DC 20543
to L JOHNSON. The scanned image of the recipient information is provided below.]

There is a whole mess of problems the U.S. Supreme Court is dealing with the constitutionality of Obamacare, however wouldn’t it be shocking if they discovered in the late hour of deliberation they had a case that clearly met the criteria 3 legs of ‘standing’, and gave them power to rule upon Obama’s eligibility in the first place?

I felt like it was a slide into 3rd base and being called ‘SAFE!’ to have gotten the APPEAL in to the U.S. Supreme Court before the close of this session. I know it’s a nightmare but I didn’t plan it this way, it just happened.

Dealing with’ the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’, the court has extended its session now till presumably Thursday, or tomorrow, at which time they planned to close shop until October 5th,2012. It is notable however that the Court has at times stayed open till even the 1st of July.

That’s 30 days after the Sept. 5th, 2012 Democratic National Convention and clearly their recess would biased not just my complaint, but the whole Democratic Party primary season, and certainly every delegate vote cast for an ineligible candidate.

Just to gain some inkling of what just happened let me reiterate; “Shake & Bake!” is the United States Constitution- parroting the famous line from movie Talladega Nights of which those who saw it can have a smile, and those who didn’t might have a look at a YouTube Clip here to grasp.

I really don’t have a clue to what the U.S. Supreme Court will do, but I do know a couple of things that I will relate as facts to the anti-birther community that continues to roast the Birther movement as wing-nuts with a clue to any facts. Are you ready?

1- NEVER before has the U.S. Supreme Court received a Writ of Certiorari from a Presidential Candidate within the same party, clearing all 3 hurdles of standing, against Obama’s eligibility before the Democratic National Convention.

2- NEVER before has the U.S. Supreme Court received in such an appeal, a total disregard for their own precedent as they have from Judge Michael Malihi whose decision/opinion re-writes the Constitution’s unique qualification for our President that contrary to his opinion was not obliterated by the 14th Amendment’s “Citizen” clause found in Sect 1, which is an insult to the Constitution construction taboo.

Recently U.S. Supreme Court denied the Orly Taitz represented case that took a little over 3 years to get to the U.S. Supreme Court from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals starting in Central California Federal District Court in Keyes v. Obama. Allan Keyes was a presidential candidate but the 9th Circuit ruled he candidacy issue was moot as he didn’t continue in 2012 and the U.S. Supreme Court concluded the case on June 11th, 2012 with a denial of the Writ of Certiorari.

As a Presidential Candidate Allan Keyes was running in the Republican Party and never really had a clear shot at getting the Republican nomination from contenders like Mitt Romney or John McCain in 2008, so the standing was questionable at best. A similar ruling was just handed down on Presidential Candidate John Dummett represented by Liberty Legal Foundation in a Tennessee Federal District Court case that was basically made fun of by the Judge.

Defendants restate their position that Plaintiffs lack standing. Specifically with respect to Plaintiff Dummett, Defendants concede that Dummett is a candidate in Tennessee for the Republican Party’s nomination for President of the United States. As such, Plaintiff Dummett is not a competitive opponent of President Obama in any election and accordingly cannot establish that he has competitive standing to bring this suit. Furthermore, Defendants assert that Plaintiff Dummett has not taken steps to appear on a ballot in the state of Tennessee. For these reasons, Plaintiff Dummett cannot establish an injury-in-fact in this case.

Speaking on John Dummett’s write-in campaign for President filed a day after the defense argument that he would not likely face Obama as a Republican nominee as he ran in that party the court said:

Plaintiff Dummett’s certificate only came into existence after Defendants filed their reply brief. The introduction of a new argument with new evidentiary support would likely require that Defendants be given the opportunity to respond. Third, even if the Court considered the certificate, the exhibit on its face does not indicate that Plaintiff Dummett will actually be a write-in candidate simply by filing the certificate or whether other steps are required to establish his status. It is not clear then that the certificate proves that Plaintiff Dummett will face the President in general election. Finally, the exhibit is curiously dated the day after Defendants filed their reply, giving the appearance that the certificate is a device to cure whatever standing problems Plaintiffs may have. At this point in the proceedings, Plaintiffs have not properly brought that issue before the Court. For all of these reasons, Plaintiffs’ Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Response is DENIED.

Now I bring these cases up not to belittle the hard work that went into them, nor the desire to see the Constitution upheld, for I feel these cases had that intent, but I bring them up to point out the complete difference that is represented in my case to the U.S. Supreme Court case with the direct competition between Obama and I in the Democratic Party for the nomination, and the complete disregard I have received from getting on the Ballots from the Democratic Chairmen’s bias towards Obama who I have shown is ineligible to be represented to the Secretary of States as eligible.
Indeed it’s a fraud in my mind to represent one candidate in the Democratic Party as the potential nominee who is voted for and recommended to use the States primary funds collected from tax payers in the actions of voting for him when he is ineligible for the Office of the President.

Indeed my campaign has represented itself competitive as say Mitt Romney’s on the internet with over 160 campaign commercials and videos, a blog with near 200 entries, a maintained web site with some 100 pages and campaign contributions coming in from near half the states. My campaign started the week before Gov. Rick Perry got into the Republican Campaign for president just to let you know how long it’s been around, and how long it’s lasted.

Anyone who discounts the time and effort and money and sacrifice that has gone into my campaign ought to just itemize themselves my campaign using estimates of the Republican Candidates side for what they had as far as the campaign items I’ve mentioned. I think one of the least of these was former Gov. and China Ambassador John Huntsman’s who was into it over 11 million dollars before he resigned his campaign- Santorum near 18.7 million and Paul 35 million-

These campaigns, all of them didn’t come close to challenging Obama directly as mine does now. So what will the U.S. Supreme Court do? It's anyone's guess but they sure wouldn't have to release any decision on Obamacare if they find he is not an eligible person qualified for the Office of the President and certainly could not sign any law.

That is why my case ought to take precedence over their deliberation of Obama care and they ought to immediately set up a time and schedule to hear my case.

Cody Robert Judy

Just as an add I wanted to put the link up of Esq. Larry Klayman's proposed Order denying the Motions to Dismiss which I thought was very informative, professional, and thorough.


  1. Mr. Judy -

    I hope and pray that all goes well! Thank you for keeping us all updated!

  2. Well thank you so much Pastor Nathan Bickel. I thank you for your comment and also very humbly thank you for the open arms you have represented in a matter that is so close to the Savior Jesus Christ's heart noted very well in the Bible, in the preservation of liberty and freedom that men might worship according to conscience so outlined in our U.S. Constitution. The precepts therein ought to be seen as principles pertinent to the churches prosperity and I thank you as a man of God warming to those of us who are fighting for the principles that ought to be maintained by the highest office of our land, or Office of the President. By God's grace may we find success over our own infirmities and weaknesses.
    Cody Robert Judy
