
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Charlie, We'd like to Report "You're Fired"


Charlie, We'd like to Report "You're Fired"

Here we thought you were interested in reporting news Charlie. We've contacted your publisher/editor and informed them of your rude discourtesy at receiving press releases.

Dear Ogden Standard Examiner Editor-In-Chief:

We have received the following email from Charlie Pomerleau and would like to report it as a discourtesy, not simply to the Campaign, but to the subscribers and readers of the Ogden Standard Examiner.

Mr. Pomerleau has been a reporter for political events like "Occupy" and other political active events here in Utah, and it is frankly surprising to us here at the Campaign to find such a bias in the reporting atmosphere at the Ogden Standard Examiner.

Our Press Releases are a matter of public notices as Mr. Judy is a registered candidate in the Federal Election Commission record, and he has also taken Barack Obama clear to the United States Supreme Court case no Judy v. Obama 12-5276, and this is not simply the assertion of Mr. Judy, but the conviction of thousands of hours of law enforcement personal, that Mr. Pomerleau has referred as a "rant".

We would like an apology from Mr. Pomerleau, or we will consider publicly protesting the Ogden Standard Examiner in front of the community as endorsing and fully representative of Mr. Pomerleau's comments, and position on "the news" that's reported.

If this is the position of the Ogden Standard Examiner, we would not expect any reply. In the National News it is worth a mention that the Ogden Standard Examiner is "receiving" the news from reporters afar.
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Oh look, story number 5 an actual Standard Examiner reporter, and we also notice 6 simply to highlight preceptable 'rants' as actually report able assuming at least a kernel of truth in Mr. Pomerleau's professional insult. Thank goodness for Becky Wright's concern over Utah's past time Mardi Gras, "barely registers in the history books". In real time comparison a Ogden Utah Candidate for U.S. President in the Democratic Party, has the man in the White House on record as ineligible with the results of a full law enforcement investigation included.

In fact as we scan popular stories from the Ogden Standard Examiner we see barely a glimpse of Obama criticism. Even for a Republican State reporting unbiased news that seems a little strange.

While the watch-dog for the Public may be concerned with an actual authority to report Obama's fraud and forgery presented to the public out of the White House Press Room, his fabricated selective service card, his total non-transparency on college transcripts and registration profile we assume based on his foreign student gifts from the U.S., his law licence being stripped based on his failure to report going under any other name, and his social security card number not even passing e-verify, (also a big problem for other illegals using forged birth certificates, we have to wonder why exactly the law requires any age restriction on a drivers licence, or entry into a bar, for all must similarly be dismissed to allow the same rules Obama is playing by under the Constitution), ultimately a simple report to the The People, might be a place to start.

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As we assume frankly the Ogden Standard Examiner is remiss to report anything remotely 'national' that doesn't come from Washington DC, we simply can think of no better excoriation than to public transfer this report to every possible colleague of Mr. Pomerleau, as the definitive definition of a lame reporter using his own rant's to define the public news.

While it might be an easier story to sell of a disgruntled political loser whose crying because the media won't report a case in the United States Supreme Court against the occupant of the White House, ... wait a minute... disgruntled political losers don't get to the United States Supreme Court. Call up any attorney and ask them what it cost to take a case from ground zero to the United States Supreme Court, then do a detailed analysis of every republican candidate's expenses from the time they entered the presidential race to the time they ended it.

Now consider the time necessary to create some 180 Commercials and a 500 page blog that you don't get paid for, all while maintaining your bills and you might come up with a simple dedication to the public trust, our Country and Constitution, that has motivated Cody Robert Judy. If that kind of dedication, tenaciousness, and courage against all odds is simply deserving of no more than a dismissive rant, it seems the real friends to the Country and the Constitution must be parked in some unreported battle giving their life's in a raging war also. God forbid that's your son or daughter.

Mr. Judy said, " You know I myself did not expect to still be in the Presidential Race in September of 2012 when we entered a week before Republican Gov. Rick Perry which I believe was Aug 13,2011. Its been an unbelievable test of grit working through the Courts on this very important issue of Obama's eligibility. The whole State of Kansas is seriously considering taking Obama off the ballot, it just seems the general population is just catching on but we started this defensive fight the first round in the New Hampshire Primary and then worked into Georgia both states going to the Supreme Courts. Ultimately we do believe the U.S. Constitution is the hallmark of the United States Supreme Court it just takes time to get there, but we did it and did so before the general election. I'm so unbelievably proud of every person and contributor that helped us get here. It wasn't done with big PACs or corporations, this is politics at the Mom and Pop stage and I can think of no better claim or compliment for America in general."

Charlie- We'd like to report three things to you 1) You're fired. 2) This blog has sold over 50,000 newspapers , , not bad for a city like Ogden, Utah. 3) of course we've reported it to far more. We look forward to Washington DC reporting the news to you after Sept. 24th, 2012, at which time you'll look even more ridiculous then you already do for not informing the General Public of the story handed to you. Of course, that's a bet we know your willing to take and its one we've put far more time and money in than you, so you shouldn't have to worry about your losses?

While we're no fan of Mitt Romney and have highlighted his lack of courage for the eligibility issue we consider to be a national security issue and a direct link to our slagged economy, with friends like this we don't think Mitt Romney needs enemies.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Staff Report

Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:01:39 -0600
Subject: Re: The Dark Days of America's Scammers in Presidential Politics

Please unsubscribe me from your rants. I don't care to receive your material.

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