
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Charity Trumps Obamacare at the Two Day Annual CRJ Birthday Bash & Charity Drive

Well, its been an exciting fun 48th Annual CRJ Birthday Bash & Charity Drive which lasted two days this year and was held at Club Habits in Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec 27th and 28th,2013 but is ongoing in the charity of little Kohyn Smith and his family. I received the following from his Grandma who is Molly Behunin, a good friend of mine, whose is a well known and inspiring star marathoner and cross country racer.

"I have set up a charity fund account at America First Credit Union for Kohyn Smith with Amalia Johnson Smith... this precious angel is only 3 months old and the couples first child...Kohyn has been admitted to Primary's Children's Hospital for a serious heart condition... please lets all pull together for this family and give them a helping hand, it would break my heart to see my children laying in a hospital bed not knowing when I could bring them home and especially during the holidays...All you need to do is go to any America First Credit Union branch and let them know you want to deposit into ***Kohyn Smith Charitable Account***"

Close to 200 Guest attending the first night were entertained by John Moyer's Comedy and Hypnosis Show and got some big laughs at Cody and 10 others being hypnotized. The highlight of that had to be John telling two of the other people being hypnotized that they only spoke Chinese while four others were designated interpreters of the language.

If laughing at the tongue of the 'made-up Chinese' by the two wasn't funny enough, the differing interpretations was very funny but it didn't stop there. You see every time John said the word "language" Cody had been hypnotized to stand up and say "I love HAPPY ENDINGS!" while another gal had been given the cue that when she heard the words "I love HAPPY ENDINGS" she would in turn stand up and say, "Me so horny".

John Moyer in his entertaining genius fully used this to keep the audience laughing. Among other aspects of the show, another of the funniest rendition was inspired by the song written by June Carter Cash and performed by Johnny Cash which you'll all recognize "I fell into a burning ring of fire...I went down down down ...and the fire got hotter. And it burned burned burned the ring of fire..the ring of fire." Whenever John played this song one gentlemen sitting next to Cody would get down and drag his butt across the floor to cool it that had been coded to burn with the song playing.
Cody was very thankful he'd worn white pants because he was certain John would have had him doing that if he hadn't.

At the same time as the gentlemen was dragging his hindy across the floor, that song would quit and Alicia Keys would start, "That girl is on Fire" where a lady was cued to jump up and flap her arms like a chicken to cool the burning bra she had on.

It was a great time and a great show. We decided to share some of the fun pictures of the two day event and certainly hope you will consider contributing a few dollars to the Smith family for their son Kohyn Smith which you can do through any AMERICA FIRST Credit Union which are easily found located in the great State of Utah.

The very serious side of what's happening in our Country in a summation of Cody's remarks was that in a big picture, Charity is being snuffed out by Obamacare. The bottom line is America's Charity is unparalleled in the world. One thing that is very true is that Charity is the envy of all Governments.

Governments will never be able to compete with Charity and its a big part of most every Americans life. Obamacare is threatening that charitable ability by forcing a tax collected by the IRS and enforced by penalty of fines and maybe even imprisonment.

In a desperate attempt for Government to control love and charity, they went all in on the action with Obamacare. Where good intentions to insure people to the best quality healthcare in the world go bad is in the intersection of Obamacare's penalties, mandates, and force. Quite simply healthcare at the bottom of a gun barrel.

In a pure and simple way, God doesn't work that way, so why should we be compelled to follow a Government who implores the devils tactics of force when it comes to healthcare? Volunteering and Charity contributions have always been able to do more, because of the prevailing attraction of "love". Much of that stops at the barrel of a cocked revolver held by Obama and his Obamacare.

Cody has emphasized to Congress in his law suits against McCain and Obama for not being 'natural born citizens' qualified for the Office of the President that every law passed by Congress actually by law needs a legal President's signature to become law, the lack thereof in technical adherence to the law, which Obama and Congress seem to think Obamacare is now, is unsigned.

While the 5 year legal battle,most all of which has been financed by Cody personally , has entrenched Cody in courts as far away as New Hampshire's State Supreme Court and Georgia's State Supreme Court both of which were appealed in plight to the U.S. Supreme Court, Cody's legal standing was never given so much as a hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The nefarious thing about this was Cody's Writ contained actual evidence that was verified and obtained by legal qualified professionals and authorities, Sheriff Joe Arpaio's cold case posse evidence, was first submitted to Georgia's State Court March 2nd by Cody and worked its way up the chain. Cody's case was refused for 6 months by the Clerks of the U.S. Supreme Court tactically away from the election of 2012 and finally receiving a case number after the same month two other cases from Georgia appeared with out any Presidential Candidate. This was the cardinal way of dismissing cases with no standing and Cody's case was slipped in between the other two as having "no standing" another fraud and deception.

When the courts of law refuse to see the evidence, or hear the case, that has standing and has stood up universally for the principle of the U.S. Constitution regardless of party, we have a big problem in America and one that Congress must address to save face and the Republic. Meantime Democrat leaders are putting out signs like this one regarding Obama's impeachment as a disability.

Trust, Respect, and Honor of the law is in fact what Obama's regime relies on, and what the U.S. Government has traditionally been upheld for by the citizens of this Nation who determined, by the rule of the Republic, what we take a stand for.

The breakdown of that law of the elite deception of the Obama fraud must come down sooner or later and/or the release of such dis-respect dis-trust and contempt shall permeate the People that Government will no longer find a cent of cooperation.
Cody said he often thinks of the children like little Kohyn Smith and admits there are many children worth fighting for and that the quality of charity is being undermined by the force of Government in Obamacare under the fraud of a deceptively qualified usurpation of the Office of the President. "Truth has an uncanny way of coming out and filling in the blanks of a crossword puzzle or fitting in the shoe of Cinderella where lies and witches just won't fit.' Cody said.

The master of ceremonies Troy Menlove, stunned Cody has he had him stand up during his brief opening comedy routine asking Cody, "What are you 50 now?" to the roar of the crowd. Cody said, "No.., 48" and Troy said, "Well, that's what we all say when we're over the hill.", as he launched into a little wit on the side effects of Cialis & Viagra that scared him to death.

We hope to see you at the next CRJ Birthday Bash in 2014!
Contributing Staff Editors

We'd like to thank you for forwarding and passing on Cody's blog as we are also celebrating 95,000 Views now!

Note Dec 26th,2013: Breaking News : Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me
[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

Let me now wish everyone a very happy and warm New Year as we pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves and the principles of the Constitution in, for this I am Taking A Stand>Taking A Stand.


Cody Robert Judy
Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Communism Not a Star on the American Christmas Tree and Neither is Obamacare

Nixon bugged one office, while Obama has bugged every phone call and millions of Americans... excuse me for calling him the Grinch who bugged Christmas but America is no longer dealing with a serious threat; we have many that are glittering on the tree in plain site and from where I can see, we had better have a real serious discussion on communism here before we find out first hand all that glitters is not gold and we had better understand Republicans if they don't stand up are letting us down. The NSA is pretty good at keeping their officials in line if blackmail is the fix but I have doubts about Sen. Harry Reid and who? I guess the spying doesn't stop at just the people, leaders are subjects too.

a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. A way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property.

Can you understand now the motives behind one of Obama's most notable sayings, " You didn't build that ", speaking of your business, your home, your property in a little better light now? One of the key features of the United States is being able to own property, enjoy the fruits of your labor, eat the fruit from the tree you grew.

In a Dec. 4th , 2013 article entitled " Obama defends redistribution " by Chris Stirewalt he admits " the basic message is likely to be the same one he (Obama) has made in his other “major” economic addresses over the years: the need for more redistribution of wealth to deal with income inequality. Remember that while the redistributive properties of ObamaCare are causing mainstream Americans to recoil from the president and his health law, redistribution is its cardinal virtue to many on the left."

From Reuters: “Health plans will estimate how much they are owed, and submit that estimate to the government. Once the system is built, the government and insurers can reconcile the payments made with the plan data to ‘true up’ payments…”

Today I opened and email from D-FL Debbie Wasserman Schultz who just happens to be the first Jewish Congressmen elected from Florida.
Cody --

Tell Paul Ryan what you think about the default.
Every Republican who holds elected office in the U.S. Congress is an adult.

Adults usually learn from their mistakes. So when October's government shutdown cost us something around $24 billion, you might have thought Republicans learned their lesson.

Per usual, they disappointed us.

Paul Ryan recently said he's willing to do it all over again -- but this time, to our entire economy. He wants concessions from President Obama to avoid a federal default, and he's willing to hold the economy hostage to get them.

President Obama has made it very clear that he won't tolerate this kind of hostage-taking again. And the results of October's shutdown have shown us an example of what's on the line.

We have to head this one off at the pass, and then we have to elect representatives who will speak for the middle class, American families, and who will think about our future instead of destroying our economy in one massive temper tantrum.

Help make that happen right now:

Thanks for standing with Democrats.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Democratic National Committee

I am just floored by Rep. Schultz's support for Obamacare. I am absolutely astounded at her willingness to tax and sign-up Americans' under the penalty of Obamacare under the IRS.

From, [The Obama administration is terrified that too few people are signing up for Obamacare, that too many of those who have enrolled are older and sicker, and that millions of Americans will transition from being insured to uninsured in January directly because of the president's law. An absolute mess]

This is what always happens when a Government takes over the healthcare of its Citizens in such detail, there is no secret in communism's failures. Today we are infiltrated by communist spreading the rumor that communism is gold. It is anything but gold, more especially from leaders who "sign-up" for their own program as 'token' support and deception of the reality of the fraudulent disaster.

It is not unusual for a leader to have conflicts between his personal life and his political detail. In other words often politicians will say one thing and do another, or worse yet, simply 'say what they think needs to be said to get the public pushed in the direction of law they want the public to go to achieve their goal in the obvious dereliction of duty or harmony at applying the same the law unto themselves.

Such has been the case since Obama entered the Presidential race in 2008 declaring himself qualified for office in obvious contortion of law that a 'natural born citizen' have no alien citizenship for two generations encompassed without flaw and determined as "born in the U.S. to Citizen parents" as a qualification for the Office of the President. Obama is not "Born in the U.S. to Citizen parents" and so is in contrast to the law. Hitler excused himself from the standards he set repeatedly declaring himself to be a fraud.

Hitler's public and private statements on religion were often in conflict, as Obama's are about being a Christian and being a Muslim. Hitler scorned Christianity to his friends, but when out campaigning for power in Germany, he publicly made statements in favor of the religion. Had Hitler distanced himself or his movement too much from Christianity it is all but impossible to see how he could ever have been successful in a free election.

Obamacare is nothing more then a Hitler's Enabling Act. Hitler promised Health care for everyone, jobs for 100% of the German people and protection from what he called the beginning of a widespread uprising. Obama has promised healthcare for everyone, that you wouldn't lose your healthcare, that you could keep your doctor and continues to embolden America's enemies.

While Hitler blamed the communist Obama has the Tea Party and the far right of the Republican party to blame and the rally cry against Paul Ryan's budget is a good ticket to blame the Tea Party and Conservatives for the Government shutdown. Again by law, we are bound but according to Obama we are potential domestic terrorist, while he excuses from the law himself and anyone he needs.

One of the biggest reasons we have a Republic is that under the law we have justice for all. That means any President must be a qualified 'natural born citizen' and Obama sees himself excempt from that law as he also feels so many companies and small business now should receive an exception from Obamacare. Funny Obamacare didn't recognize Obama even had an identity, perhaps he should have tried Barry Soetoro?

The lessons we learn from eyewitness accounts of Hitler's Regime should be echoed loudly because the voices tell us of the dangerous parallels we are seeing today with Obama. The account of Kitty Werthmann ought to be the account that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is relating in her letters! I have highlighted a few parts of the testimony but I encourage everyone to read the full report.

"We want the bill or fire and murder!" was Hitlers taunt that took over Austria and lost their independence. Jews voted for Hitler. "“Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group – Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone in Germany was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria. We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back.
“Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.

“Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn’t support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.

A National Education Curriculum was enacted:
.."Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum of the schools. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail.” Sound like Obamacare?

Under the total care of Government, parents could leave their children 24/7 and a whole generation was raised by the Government. Soon food was rationed and you couldn't buy food unless you were on 'food stamps' and you didn't get food stamps unless you worked.

“Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna..
“After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything.

“When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full.

“Then they took our guns

“Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long afterwards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.

Kitty Werthmann

“No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.

“Totalitarianism didn’t come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria. Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.”

“This is my eye-witness account.

“It’s true. Those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.

“America is truly is the greatest country in the world.

“Don’t let freedom slip away.

“After America, there is no place to go.”

While there is a Republican who can take a stand against funding Obamacare and understand that it is not authorized by law according to the law that it must have had to be signed by a President who is actually qualified, and Obama is not qualified, I hope and pray this Christmas you will understand that communism is something that glitters like gold but certainly does not have its value. America must not lose its spine against communism and addressing it for everything that it is "glitter" with no value of 'gold'.

Americans must continue to unite under the banner of the truth of our Republic and the justice of equal protections under the law. My campaigns of 2008 and 2012 have been rolled over by Obama's campaigns and is a casualty of the political wars of taking a stand for our Constitution that ought to be brought to Congress in the light of truth and indeed has been as injustice- As discrimination- As inequality! If Congress is to fund a nightmare in the wreck of my campaigns by Obama in the illegal acts of fraud and deception, with no sense of integrity or justice under the law, your property and freedoms are not far behind.

I am simply the witness of the assault upon the law with standing and damages from Obama's monster truck rolling over my property. If you will not fight for my justice you will have none when he comes for your property, your rights, your freedoms and your liberties with Obama's taxes and executive orders "with or without Congress" as he says, and you will lose what has been so precious. My cases against McCain and Obama were unique in America as the only Presidential Candidate claiming in Court both parties to the standard. The good thing about this is there was not a race card to throw at the principle in my claims. I was fair. I was equal. I held the law up. I did not trample it. That is plain and simple for anyone to understand.

Note Dec 26th,2013: Breaking News : Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me
[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

Let me now wish everyone a very happy and warm Merry Christmas as we pray for the Lord to save our Country and remember the Christ in Christmas as the only one who we should put our firm trust in to restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves and the principles of the Constitution in, for this I am Taking A Stand">Taking A Stand.


Cody Robert Judy
Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: TWEET'n Through The Ice of Congress Hearings Rumble & Favored

BREAKING NEWS: TWEET'n Through The Ice of Congress Hearings Rumble & Favored

Representative Neugebauer of the 19th District of Texas just 'favorited' a 'tweet' sent to him by Cody Robert Judy. As a Write-in Presidential Candidate in 2008 and Democratic Party Presidential Candidate in 2012 Cody did more than raise his voice but fired upon both R- McCain and D- Obama the principle of qualification as a 'natural born citizen' demanded in the United States Constitution for the Office of the President -Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

The 32 Representatives most responsible for taking a stand on Obamacare and the Debt Ceiling with conservative limits apposed by those who caused the Government Shutdown received the following 'tweet' from Cody Robert Judy and with this 'favorited' report, we all certainly understand the rumblings happening behind the closed doors of Congress now.

Anti-Birthers, or those who don't understand the concept that a natural born citizen actually excludes any foreign allegiance or alien citzenship from the Office of the President for the purposes of national security for two generations are constantly raking people over the coals who have taken a stand. As an example:
Post: 2542 Oct 31st,2013
[And Cody Robert Judy schedules Impeachment Hearings for the House this coming January.
Too bad the House doesn't know about them.]

Well, it appears I guess that the House knows now right?

Cody Robert Judy said today, " Actually I am filled with a lot of gratitude for the gracious response or public acknowledgement of Representative Neugebauer. My campaigns in 2008 and 2012 have suffered empirically and inexorably by Obama's lack of regard for the rudimentary qualifications afforded to us in the rock-bed of our Constitution which demands a 'natural born citizen' in the Office of the President. Without a qualified person in the Office of course we have two branches of Government considering legislation, like Obamacare, but we do not have a competent Executive Branch that is removed of 'disability' according to Amend 14, Sec. 3. Obama has handicapped everyone out of sheer ego I guess and the compounded problem is beginning to hit home with Americans who have put their trust in a place where it was subject to a Fraud and his fraudulent actions."

Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 15:31:00 +0000
Subject: Randy Neugebauer (@RepNeugebauer) favorited one of your Tweets!

Cody Robert Judy2016,
Your Tweet got favorited! Cody Robert Judy2016

Cody Robert Judy2016 Cody Robert Judy2016
@RepNeugebauer Please champion hearing elimintng O-care based on Obama's ineligibility to sign law- 2012 D Candidate…
12:52 AM - 09 Dec 13
Favorited by
Randy Neugebauer Randy Neugebauer @RepNeugebauer
I represent the 19th District of Texas, which stretches across 29 counties and includes the cities of Abilene, Big Spring, and Lubbock.
See what else @RepNeugebauer is favoriting.
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Cody continued, " I have been fighting this fight because I knew how important our freedom and liberty is and that the precepts embedded in the Constitution when they are not followed by any political party act out very negatively upon the people. In my actions against McCain's eligibility and Obama's in 2008 and 2012 a great cost has been paid in time, talent, and money that of course would have been spent elsewhere if this problem wasn't staring us in the eye. I'm very sorry to those losing their insurance, being forced out of their doctors and health care programs, and who of course have had their accounts debited illegally and I have done everything I could think of to make this known to the proper authorities at every turn. "

"Representatives Neugebauer's gracious expression shows many of those who have held me in contempt and derision as to Congress's awareness of this crisis and scandal which is the mother-of-all Obama scandals, that I have been under a code of silence to respect the Congressional process that takes place before hearings are calendered and official hearings take place. I do respect the intense pressure our Representatives are under at this time in deliberations, but I sure feel a little relief today, and public encouragement.The wealth of information he received in the tweet is here" and as you can see if you follow the links covered, is not transient or light-of-foot."

"We hope in my 2016 Campaign for President to begin to gain the trust and understanding of more and more Americans of the stand we have been taking for years on their behalf in not so much party as principle, and that we are sympathetic to their desire for transparency Obama promised them in his identity as well as the policies coming out of Washington DC which seems cloaked in the many scandals coming out of the both major parties, which is setting ablaze the independence, freedom and liberty we have always enjoyed in our pursuit for happiness in the United States, even Judges now are acknowledging."

"I encourage all Americans and their Representatives and Senators to take the higher road less traveled in order to come together under a standard of what we know to be true embracing even the hard times we must go through to sort this Obama-fiasco out and get back on the right road we know we should be on. Americans have never shirked from their duty if at least they were informed."

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me
[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

Cody Robert Judy
Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Viral Forbes OP/ED Cites the Powers of Principle in Congressional Check of Executive Powers & U.S. News LTR

Viral Forbes OP/ED Cites the Powers of Principle in Congressional Check of Executive Powers & U.S. News LTR.
The Republicans are beginning to see the light dawning but is it to little to late?

One of the very key elements of political opposition is being able to corner your opponent so you can focus or clarify with razor sharpness the positives of your point and the negatives of your opponents in order to win your argument or perhaps even win your political race.

When you become the focus of laser sharp attacks its probably best that you make like the drabbest wallpaper you can conjure up. Obama did that as a U.S. Senator voting present 129 times which was about 3% of the his total votes. Voting "present" on key issues was a way Obama could avoid becoming a target of focus groups that he very well might need for his presidential contest. It was a way to keep more people on his side then focused against him.

Indeed the strategy has been employed on the issue of Obama's eligibility by nearly all of Congress at one time or another as they coward to the card of 'racism' orchestrated by the media upon the whipping boy Donald Trump in the site of every elected official with great crescendo and vibrato.
Obama's 5th Amendment Cancelled w Release of Long Form Fabrication

Now defenders of Obama say he, "used the 'present vote' to protest bills that he believed had been drafted unconstitutionally or as part of a broader legislative strategy." In the tyrannical world of despotism Obama is not only good at this he's brilliant, but in a Republic that same brilliance can be seen as absolute stupidity and the argument for Obama being "constitutional" in the realms of policy, as well as qualified for the Office according to the Constitution, are beginning to pave a familiar road that may very well become one in the near future.

Did you see this OP/ED by chance in Forbes Magazine "Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic"

Now when in the world do you see an OP/ED in Forbes magazine like this and do not understand that even the Republicans have a limit to which they are willing to yank the leash of their dog bent on chasing a rabbit? That's the checks and balances of our Government and the ability for everyone of the three branches of Government to remind the opposing party as well as the other two branches of Government that they are part of the equation walking down the road trying to maintain some sort of etiquette.

What's all the 'hub-bub' about? Well, Republicans are livid that Obama has basically soiled their plan in the 2014 election by changing Obamacare solely on his wish. A President can propose and veto legislation, what he's not suppose to do is change existing law all by himself.

Okay, Obamacare became law with the passage of it through the House and Senate with a Presidential signature? This of course is where I part ways with most people because Obama is not a qualified President as he fails the qualification of the Constitution demanding a 'natural born citizen' which by the nature of its importance in the first place removes any alien citizenship of birth place or parentage for two generations which we can encapsulate in the term "Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents" of which there are no doubts Obama fails.

But just assuming the Constitution demanded the same qualification for the Representatives and Senators and President for one instance, and Obama was qualified under the sub-standard afforded us, Obama has changed the law of Obamacare 5 times in a negligence of his duty to enforce or execute the laws.

As an example, after the Obamacare crash many Congressmen urged Obama to change the individual mandate the same way he had changed the employer mandate. I believe November 27th,2013 announced a one year delay or exception of small businesses under 50 employees from online enrollment which was said to be a major setback for, however we notice that delay is after the 2014 elections. The ramifications of which are undoubtedly to delay the postage pre-paid pain of Obamacare for Democrats out for re-election or election.

The tactical delay of the law dis-favors Republicans because they can't sit back and watch the public coming in droves to vote for them based on the disaster of Obamacare debiting accounts illegally and generally soaking the public for all they are worth in the name of a tax-hike for their health insurance, mind you that's still not health care, its just the business of insurance. If the Government wanted to be in the insurance business they should have chosen 'car' insurance and not 'health' insurance as the odds are better and the promises easier kept.

In this sense, Obama has chosen not minding his name placed on the biggest disaster since his own illegal or unconstitutional election which is probably fitting. Now Congress is just catching on to the little Constitutional Game-Changer Obama plays, or what we should say is they are starting to get a clear picture of impending defeat and grasp some semblance of the Constitution as the life jacket of their drowning death.

Obama certainly doesn't see it that way. Obama see's it as his way of just picking the convenient times to enforce certain provisions of the law by electoral convenience. Its not like Obama has another election to run either, so you have to see he's paying up on the IOU's of people who are up for election who went to bat for him earlier.

I would like you to inspect the writings of George Washington to Madison Nov. 5,1786 in thinking of the time right now we are going urging Congress to check the Executive Branch for proper qualifications and in such the very necessity of signture making any law indeed lawful?

"How melancholy is the reflection, that in so short a space, we should have made such large strides towards fulfilling the prediction of our transatlantic foe! "leave them to themselves, and their government will soon dissolve." Will not the wise and good strive hard to avert this evil? Or will their supineness suffer ignorance, and the arts of self-interested designing disaffected and desperate characters, to involve this rising empire in wretchedness and contempt? What stronger evidence can be given of the want of energy in our governments than these disorders?"

"If there exists not a power to check them, what security has a man for life, liberty, or property? To you, I am sure I need not add aught on this subject, the consequences of a lax, or inefficient government, are too obvious to be dwelt on. Thirteen Sovereignties pulling against each other, and all tugging at the foederal head will soon bring ruin on the whole; whereas a liberal, and energetic Constitution, well guarded and closely watched, to prevent incroachments, might restore us to that degree of respectability and consequence, to which we had a fair claim, and the brightest prospect of attaining. With sentiments of the sincerest esteem etc."

Obama's words "With or Without Congress" show's the impasse of Obama and in no way shows the bulwark of Congress's authority laid deep within the Constitution's foundation. However if wisdom will yield to 'unbridaled racism's rabidity enough to deny my own stand for "principle" in the legal documents filed in the order of protecting the Constitution's natural born citizen qualification from Republicans and Democrats in McCain and Obama's assault then those coming up through the ranks of Congress have not yielded their own passion to their oaths for the Constitution and might as well stand aside and as the article says "Cheer or Jeer" for Obama as impotent specs of dust.

Now a little housekeeping - I sure need your help right now. My campaign needs computers, printers,phone lines,travel expenses and I certainly can't do this alone. I need your help and through the PAC ABC Campaign and our ABC Leadership Pac we will be able to receive larger contributions and put them to good use. If you can please help us in this fight.

Recently I sent a letter to U.S. News Reporter Steve Nelson as a derision towards the Birther Movement has been constantly riddled by the press and I thought it necessary that we set the record straight and there is a lot of information that is very important that still many people do not understand and education and information is a big part of the American Birther Movement or ABC Campaign.

Dear Mr. Steve Nelson:
U.S. News Reporter-
With reservations upon a few statements in your story, I would like to thank you for writing the following story.
Donald Trump and Orly Taitz Reinvigorate 'Birtherism' After Hawaii Plane Crash

Let me preface my comments with these pretty startling and indeed rare facts never reported nationally. I am the only candidate for President of 2008, and 2012 in the entire Country to sue both McCain and Obama which maintains both an impartiality on race regarding the principle or qualification of the Constitution and maintains the credibility of standing. Now there are some very unethical things that have happened with my case Judy v. Obama 12-5276 in the United States Supreme Court that are very well known within the Birther Movement but have never been reported by the mainstream media. Don't you think that's odd?

Mr. Nelson it has become customary in journalism to self aggrandize the "Birther Movement" with Mrs. Taitz ( a lawyer) and Donald Trump ( a might-gonna-run- candidate-for-President) to which there is so many reasons for exception, continuing that tradition as you have, does damage to the full faith and credit of not only the supreme law of the land with a unique qualification for president entrusted as a 'natural born citizen' in Art. II, Sect. I, Clause 5, but it sure's-up the door against the truth and those responsible for it in a lawful manner. I do hope that is not your intent?

If I may elaborate very briefly, giving you the benefit of the doubt that perhaps your ignorant and don't know, and you would like to maintain your integrity as a professional journalist, I think you would understand exactly what I mean. In the last paragraph of the story, which of course is the lasting impression on the readers minds you wrote:
"Arpaio, however, seems to be on the outs with the "birther" movement. Taitz published on her blog a letter from a self-described Arpaio donor, who promised not to send the 81-year-old sheriff another contribution until he acts on "the 100 [percent] evidence [he] claims to have showing that Obama committed fraud in Maricopa county by running for president."
First, let me show you first hand how very incorrect that statement is with factual information you most certainly probably have not had the benefit of.

1) With the exception of cases dismissed on lack of jurisdiction or technical error in court 100% of the cases against Obama's Eligibility have been dismissed because of a "lack of standing" with the exception of one, and that is mine: U.S.S.C Judy v. Obama 12-5276 the lastest review coming this past January 2013.

2) My case included, from the Superior State Court entrance of examination in the Response to Motion to Dismiss Georgia Ballot Challenge of Obama filed March 2nd 2012 clear through the Georgia State Supreme Court to the United States Supreme Court, the evidence of the Cold Case Posse findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio released March 1st,2012 seen on page 10.

3) Mrs Taitz was dismissed in that Response to Motion to Dismiss; the circumstances of which are found on page 7 and from that moment on Mrs. Taitz treated me with a great deal of hostility and continues to do so this day, I believe for no other reason than she cannot lay hold of the truth of the arguments defeating her personally as a lawyer, and she has acted in a way that is in a total disregard of the people she was suppose to be representing, as if she was the one being represented by herself. Nothing could be further from the duty of a lawyer.If anyone is on the "outs" of the Birther Movement, it is Mrs. Orly Taitz who you well know has not won a single case she has filed and has been sanctioned by I believe 2 courts for beleaguering the courts with the same argument that the courts have ruled upon which ultimately was the "lack of standing".

4) In regards to Mr. Donald Trump , three very important things.
a) Donald Trump knows first hand of my challenge and hasn't done anything to back the effort.

b) He was called a racist by I believe by all of the major networks here, here, and even here in U.S. News for no other reason than we could say challenging Obama but not challenging McCain with any Republican Candidate for President. That is the unique thing I did as a Presidential Candidate in 2008 and 2012 with McCain and Obama that no one in the entire Country can say they did.

McCain in fact received a non-binding resolution 511 from the U.S. Senate sponsored by Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama. This was the second Congressional Act of McCain to alter his status as a 'Citizen'.

c) You know as well as I do Trump never ran for President and though he scooped it as if he were, he never had any standing, nor did he file a single document in court, or have any kind of a campaign that was run-over and hurt by Obama's Campaign from the onset in the Democratic Party as I did in 2012 and 2008.

I am forced to ask myself if you are not deliberately undermining the credibility of the Birther Movement with people who have no standing like Donald Trump or who are representing people who have no standing like Mrs. Orly Taitz?

I am forced to ask myself, are you determined in the partisan polarization of politics so zealously that you highlight in public those who are easily made targets of the term 'racist' by their actions as you spot light them in greater favor of the subject than the one who has represented principle as I have impartially?

I am forced to ask myself, are you in no uncertain terms engaged in doing everything in your power to maintain the status-quo with the "Good Ole Boys" ultimately in the dis-service of the public in the bald face lie or deceptive representation?

Do you believe these fair questions of me to you knowing what I know? Now if you'd like to know the mischievous things going down with my case at the U.S.S.C level, as a legitimate challenge with standing, which would just be a huge story, I'll let you decide if you want the story because there is no sense in my telling it to you if you don't want it, or if you are indeed determined in the negative attacks of the Birther Movement which insist on 'framing deceitfully' the truth by continually highlighting people who have less to do with facts, standing, and evidence and throwing dirt on those who have combined the actually standing with the professional law enforcement credentials in a complaint and thorough investigation?

You have to have both for it to stick, you can't have the imprints of a crime or violation of law without a victim of the crime and a perpetrator.

I do hope that you do want to maintain the dignity of the Office of the President, because what is happening in the mainstream media is a real dis-service to the office and what happens in Congress in the near future might surprise you.

Cody Robert Judy

Cody Robert Judy
Two Media Sources WND TP&E
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
End of LTR-

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me
[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

Cody Robert Judy
Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Releasing the Principles From Prison- AWAKENING THE SLEEPING GIANT

Releasing the Principles From Prison -AWAKENING THE SLEEPING GIANT
Republican Boys: In the Plastic Bubble of Obama Drinking the Kool-Aid v. Conservatives Taking A Stand for Principles

News Updated: Friday -Dec 13,2013 "Sheriiff Joe's Cold Case Posse information was submitted by me in the first Court Case March 2nd 2012 which worked its way up to the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276. The implications will be far reaching! "

There is something about Obama and Obamacare that is good that is being seen by the U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators and more importantly by the eyes of the American People that is just remarkable. That something revolves around the fraud that is represented by Obama as a qualified person for the office of the President but even more importantly now, the fraud of his policies and representations.

We normally would associate a “negative” like this to be a break down in trust, confidence, and even stability, and the recognition of this to be like a double negative that now is positive. Here we are at the end of December nearly and in my state there was an initial sign up of Obamacare of 350 and now there’s been about 1300.

This is much more telling then a simple web-site glitch I believe, and many are missing it. This goes to the core of the dis-trust of Obama and Obamacare that is innately within the public. The translation of this has not had an opportunity to see its magnificence in an election yet, but I think its undoubtedly going to be in 2014 and no one is going to feel it more now then Republicans and Democrats as they see what being politically out of touch really means.

One of the really good things in America is a Federal election rolls around every two years. In 2014 we are seeing a need to restore the trust, confidence, and integrity of Government in ways not seen since the founding of our Nation. At the time of our American Revolution from England a dis-trust of Government had reached levels that were unparalleled simply because of the actions of a King in England that had chipped away at the trust to a point of maddening frustration which came to war.

Can you imagine the power of England right now if they had just buggered off a few taxes, and not fired the representatives elected to represent the people to the King over and over and over again? I think one of the fundamental flaws of progressive-ism is the lack of restraint to move to fast.
Now progressives I know would argue with me and say we have moved very slow so as to not arouse the sleeping giant until our snake was wrapped around her so tightly when she did awake she could not escape the slithering muscle around.

Indeed, not only have progressives not caught their own lack of patience but they have fundamentally not calculated the strength of the sleeping giant. I think about the solid chains around King Kong’s wrist and his drugged state as the fraudulent Ann Darrow was raised up and King Kong looked to see if it was her and then recognized the fraud perpetrated upon him and started pulling at the chains with more and more strength.

More and more people are waking up and seeing Obama as not only a fraud in representing himself as a qualified candidate for the office of the President, because he wasn’t “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents” and in such is not a ‘natural born citizen’ qualified to sign anything like Obamacare into law, but they are seeing that a fraud has fraudulent policies.

Although a house of cards can be dazzling, its still built on cards and when the wind starts blowing it doesn’t matter how much time and work and money has been spent building the house of cards, it will blow down. The lack of trust is in fact the angry wind winding up to blow Obama and all those who have continued to prop him up down, like Republican House speaker Boehner and unfortunately people like R- Paul Ryan who find negotiating with a crook representing a fraud to be wise rather then relying upon the principles of trust found in our Constitution that flat out declares Obama to be a fraud.

Now I think it’s a good thing that people are waking up and asking themselves questions. Finally, people are saying, “Wait-a-minute, Obama said this and then did that. Obama said I could keep my insurance and now I’ve been canceled.
Obama said he was a ‘native born citizen’ and now has released from the White House Press Core room a long form fabrication.”

I have to chuckle at Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity lately. I mean they’ve been on a “Obama – Obama Liar Liar pants on fire”
rant since the diabolical roll-out of Obama-care. They’re like little kids screaming at the crook who just barged in the White House and won two elections with the deception of fraud, “Liar Liar!” I have to ask Rush from Obama’s point of view don’t you think he’s just laughing at you?

Obama’s coasting on the second election and has not only barged in the House but he now has the deed in his hand and is ready to call the police to report the kids to juvenile detention authorities and or just kick the kids out of his house and into the street as a nuisance, because ranting “liar liar pants on fire” to someone in the White House with no more elections to win is a tiny bit like beating a dead horse and pounding your chest like you’re King Kong right? You got anything more, or is that it? At least I have the Constitution and as long as the Constitution exist as the Supreme Law of the Land, Obama's presidential library is certainly not a sure thing yet.

There is no doubt that if you take away Obama from Rush, Glenn, and Sean that they no longer have a horse to ride and actually find themselves walking because they, and you know this to be true, do not find Obama’s fraudulent long form birth certificate to be offensive nor do they find the principle of the Constitution for qualification violated with Obama. The same one signed by the founders of this Nation they proport to honor and find so much respect for, demanding a unique qualification for only the Office of the President separate and distinct from the qualification of “Citizen” found for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators distinguished as a ‘natural born citizen’ which we know removes all foreign alien-ship from the Office of the President for two generations with the demands of “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents” of which there is no doubt.

Now if you want to place “doubts” in the White House, if you want to place “doubts” in our National Security, if you want to place “doubts” in our United States Economy, if you wish to place “doubts” in every single household in America, then destroy the trust by placing someone in that position which fundamentally transforms the “TRUST” of Americans and replaces the trust with doubts. Hey, all you Judges, do you know what doubts do to courage? Well, its kind of the same thing maggots do to a dead carcass.

Oh yes, that’s exactly what you do if you’re the devil. It’s a brilliant plan and one that almost worked. I say almost, because though the plan seems brilliant its fundamentally flawed in the principles of God. You know I don’t celebrate myself as anyone special by way of being elected, or being brilliantly popular by any standard of the world. What I celebrate is the inspiration and revelation that flows from Heaven to me that I am so deeply grateful for that teaches popular principles of Eternity and Heaven.

These popular principles of Eternity and Heaven through the channels of inspiration and revelation are indeed how our United States Constitution was written and oh how beautiful it is in its simplicity and oh how it frustrates the devil.

You know Sen. John McCain stomped and ranted and raised hell against the “natural born citizen” qualification clause for the Office of the President in the Constitution just like every anti-birther in 2000, and when it failed to change in 2008 he begged and pleaded and snuggled up like a little puppy to his little snuggly friends who owned the majority of the U.S. Senate the Democratic Party U.S. Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to get a non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution passed called 511, which kind of reminds me of 911 but that’s another story.

Sen. John McCain wasn’t born in the U.S. but is a native born son of Panama and he graduated I think like 4th from the bottom of his class in the Navy after nearly destroying a carrier single-handedly with a wet start of a plane. Sen. Obama had a C average in Occidental College and miracle of miracle got into Columbia University and then Harvard. Isn’t it interesting these two have been holding hands from so long ago and have been pitted against the principle of the Constitution but the people “bought it”?

What I find even more interesting then that honestly is I’m in such a different class. I was in prison for 8 years for taking a stand against a fraud of the principles of heaven. There’s just no other way to say it when you look at the reality and the facts backed up with the evidences of my case if your really willing to look at it honestly. I graduated from College with a 3.7 GPA and have been through 5 elections but the people have “never bought it”?

Now its not only interesting that I have never won an election, but its interesting that I am the only candidate in the entire United States running for President in 2008 and 2012 that sued McCain and Obama for not being qualified for the Office of the President by the virtue of not being a “natural born citizen”. That's pretty unique if you think about it first having to be inspired. The rudimentary and simple basics or principles of our Constitution should not be partisan. We as Americans should be able to come together on the core principles and we have to our credit in many instances done just that.

But on this “natural born citizen” requirement we haven’t yet come together. In fact to a large degree I have been as isolated in that principle as I was in prison in maximum security fighting for the religious rights of all prisoners but especially the ones who had suffered there for decades based on their looks and a discrimination of their gender. You’d think things like that wouldn’t happen in America but they did and do. Go into your bathroom and lock yourself in it for four and half years opening the door one hour a day to walk around the house and you’ll have a little taste of what I went through over principles in prison. Add to it antagonizing guards nearly every day and you'll understand why anti-birthers are not news and about as important in lawful enterprises of Congress as trolls.

Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned for 27 years was praised by Obama as in the same class as Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King and Obama was indeed introduced by commentators as a son of Africa. Obama has not stood on the ground of principles in America. If he was grounded in those principles he would have never run for President as a professor who taught the Constitution, because he’d know he was a walking talking fraud of those principles that would destabilize America’s national security and act as a force to ruin the trust each and every American had in their Government.

When you look at all the scandals coming out of our Government in 2013 with the IRS, NSA, the White House from Benghazi to Fast & Furious, you see a ruin or an abomination. It doesn’t have anything to do with Obama’s color, anymore then Abraham Lincoln’s color had anything to do with fighting for the freedom of all men, it has to do with Obama’s lack of grounding principles and respect for law. In a job that requires an oath of protecting, preserving, and defending the Constitution a fraud just won’t cut it. In fact, a fraud will sell you down the river and that’s exactly what the American people are seeing in the biggest tax hike in American history - Obamacare.

Obama’s willing to sell you down the river, but that’s what we’d expect from a fraud right? That is exactly what we’d expect from a walking talking violation of the Constitution. Now, where would we find the principles of trust if a walking talking violation of the Constitution was in the White House? Of course, we’d find those principles in prison wouldn’t we? Because if those principles were out of prison there would be no room for Obama in the White House that’s for sure and Obamacare would have been a success in the public eye. So, we need Congress to release the principles from prison.

All the Kings’ horses and all the Kings men sure wouldn’t be trying to prop up Humpty Dumpty and negotiate a budget with him, but that’s what Rep. Paul Ryan and Speaker Boehnor are doing. I didn’t sue McCain and Obama on the natural born citizen principle because I didn’t like them. I sued them because I got the inspiration and revelation that it was a very important principle to take a stand for.

Now what most Republicans and anti-birthers don’t get, don’t understand, or just plain refuse to face is exactly what “Removing Doubt”, “Repairing the Trust”, “Restore Credibility” in every household in America will do in the action of removing Obama as a ‘disability’according to the demands of our Constitution.

What do you think would happen if you remove fraud, doubt, and insecurity and replace it with trust, courage, integrity/honesty? Now if you can put a price tag on that your pretty good, but its in the neighborhood of our National Debt, so don’t tell me its not worth it. You’d be very surprised at what God can release if you will but take a stand for principles.

In President George Washington’s words in 1792, “I am sure there never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe, that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God, who is alone able to protect them.”

I stand all amazed at the Lord in Heaven, our Creator and the amazing grace he has given me. I celebrate his mercy upon us because of that inspiration and revelation that stands as a witness! How I am so honored I do not know, but I am very grateful and humbly honored to the defense and service of these principles that our founders also felt as the dews of Heaven so wonderfully descended upon them.

This is just incredible love my friends and is such a testimony of God’s love upon you. I hope you as I will spread it and share it and understand how much Jesus Christ loves you this Christmas. The United States of America is all I want for Christmas under the Supreme Law of the United States Constitution because its such a wonderful gift to have liberty and freedom Congress. I appreciate it so very much, and I hope you as well as every United States Citizen does to.

It is very important that we are all seen Taking A Stand for these principles and celebrating them this Christmas and understanding that to repair this broken bond of trust we must have an Open Hearing on Obama’s lack of qualification for the Office of the President and his being a disability that must be excused from the Office of the President based on principle.

This is my witness. You don't have to "Embrace the Suck".

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me
[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

Cody Robert Judy
Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Can Congress Lead the Blind

Can Congress Lead The Blind?

Yesterday I watched and listened intently as Rep Michelle Bachman reported the House Judiciary Committee was actually entertaining a hearing on “constraining” Presidential powers in the executive order arena. Representative Bachman used some of the most provocative and exciting language I’ve ever heard about Obama including “he’s not a king”, “he’s acting like a dictator”, “he doesn’t want to uphold the Constitution”, “ he wants to be a law unto himself rather than have everyone come under the law, he wants to be above the law”.

Breaking News: Bachmann reports House Judiciary Committee meeting discussing over-reach of the White House. Obama is not a King, no man is above the law.

Well, I see only one minor problem with that. The fuel for Congressmen Bachman’s assertions as well as the House Judiciary Committee comes more from the executive order of Obama’s exempting ‘small businesses’ from signing up for Obamacare until after the 2014 elections.

Republicans have staked their whole existence on America’s outrage over Obamacare and Obama’s out smarting them by exempting every vote the Democratic Party needs to gain control of the House and keep control of the Senate, while hopefully maintaining the White House with whomever they decide to run in 2014.

What this shows you exactly is the Republicans lack of ability to actually employ the Constitution upon themselves in an Open Hearing on Obama’s eligibility to even sign laws into existence that the House and Senate have passed. If the Republican controlled House Judiciary Committee actually employed an investigation Hearing into the fraud and deception of Obama as a natural born citizen they’d find his long form birth certificate that he actually handed out from the White House press core room to be nothing more then a fabrication, and they’d also find Obama is not a ‘natural born citizen’ who was born in the U.S. to Citizen parents.

They would find in this Hearing that even mentioning Obama as “president” is actually a verification and authentication of complicity of this fraud and deception that quite frankly is summed up with one word: usurpation.
The House’s Judiciary Committee undertaking a hearing to rein in the President’s ability to issue ‘executive orders’ however does expose for all of us that the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall and it says “LOSER 2014 AGAIN”. The undertaking of the committee shows the near panic mode of squirming the Republicans are in over Obama’s ability to rule by ‘executive order’ in putting off anything really painful to those political donations coming in from small businesses and large businesses and those working for the federal government.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to see just how much the Democratic Party has taken in as far as political contributions over the last little while from small business owners if indeed the exemption was solicited? I mean why is it that more and more its getting easier to count the people who have an exemption to Obamacare rather then to count the people who have the wonderful opportunity to sign up and pay for the spectacularly expensive Obamacare? I mean look at what the Government rolled out for a web site with a billion dollars and you haven’t yet begun to understand the cost of Obamacare as a tax hike.

Of course you and I know that all the ‘rest of us’ would also get an exemption if the House Judiciary Committee would simply OPEN A HEARING on Obama’s eligibility to sign laws into existence. They actually have the power to show in a hearing Obama has no legal qualification to sign any executive order because he’s not a qualified occupant of the White House. He’s very existence in the White House is predicated upon a violation of our Constitution.

I was thinking its kind of fun but certainly a conundrum to be a rebel for the Constitution against the Government of the United States filled with men and women who have sworn oaths to the Constitution as hypocrites. The relative ease at which the Republicans could hold Obama’s feet to the Constitutional fire on his qualifications by simply OPENING A HEARING on the matter, shows you the core issue of exactly why Glen Beck is screaming “DEFUND THE GOP”.

They have refused to do it so far, however, the latest attempt at curbing executive orders of the President, shows you they are fit-to-be-tied over the presumption of brilliance Obama has to exempt any major donors and voting blocks from obamacare until after the election.

So are Republicans just dumb when it comes to Constitutional OPEN HEARINGS on Obama’s eligibility as a qualified person brought to them by a Presidential Candidate actually who ran in the Democratic Party, or are they just embarrassed by their own record over the past 5 years as Obama’s whipping boy as they see their plans for 2014 vanish into thin air?

Republican law makers right now are headed for a dirt run way with a giant plane hoping things work out in a landing.
You know I have come to respect immensely the ‘conservative’ ways of Republicans when it comes to financial matters, but I think that’s about it. My State of Utah Governor Gary Herbert actually announced yesterday something like a 242 Million dollar surplus in our State Budget. I was so dog-gone proud of that I felt like walking over to the capital and giving him a great big hug. Wow! Out of all the States of the Union mine was one who after all was said and done had a ‘surplus’. The State of Utah’s credit rating has got to be pretty high on the charts and our state emblem of the ‘bee-hive’ definitely a tell of industry and resourcefulness of the population.

We actually have a State Government willing to not spend everything coming in and less willing to rob you blind. He did mention this could be wiped out very easily with Federal Tax hikes. "The $120 million in added rainy-day funding brings the state's total rainy-day balance to $400 million, up from $277 million last year, according to figures provided by the governor's office."

Now what did I like about the Democratic Party that caused me to run in 2004 in the U.S. Senate Race? I loved the sense of justice and conservative values under the Constitution that was represented by the 10% that stopped the rest of the Democratic Party from rolling over our Constitutional rights. The power of the minority and respect for the individual that the Democratic Party used to represent was at that time an attraction for me that I did not see in the Republican Party whatsoever and believe it or not that 10% came from the Gay and Lesbian caucuses.

So there’s two conservative principles that both parties have had at different times in just the state of Utah that I have admired. Obviously in divulging the few things I liked you may surmise there is a host of things I know longer associate myself with Republicans or Democrats for what have to do with their embarrassment and the lack of responsibility towards the Constitution.

The Democratic Party has gone over the cliff with Obama’s operative transformation of the rights of the individual. Obama himself has no conscience towards the constitution he swore an oath to as an Senator to uphold and in announcing his candidacy for President decided to lift up the dress of the Constitution and sodomize it, and in the process my Campaign for President as a legitimately qualified candidate in the same party. Obama didn’t give one ounce of care or have any regret about ramming the Constitution and me into the ground; he still doesn’t, nor do the obots who applaud his efforts of degradation of their own individual rights.

They may not have been impaled on Obama’s pole but their time is coming for sure if he is not removed from office. Perhaps that’s the only justice that will come if Obama remains in office and his illegitimate child Obamacare is allowed to be law inspite of its invalid status. All those businesses and federal employees applauding Obama in his power thrust upon the Constitution is just sickening to me. People might as well be applauding for the rape and sodomy of their own children sold into slavery and the Senator Harry Reid’s explanation and rationalization that the kids were excited about it.

If the Republicans are complicent in refusing to hold an OPEN HEARING on Obama’s ineligibility it should show you very plainly that they are either in on the act, or responsible for selling tickets and funding the pornographic carnival & festival and are so drunk, but not with wine, they can’t see straight.

I sued McCain and Obama which you can see here and here because they were not 'natural born citizens' qualified for the office of the President. I was the only one who ran for President in 2008 and 2012 that did in all of America. I assure you I did it because of 'principle' not popularity.

One of the very central features of my campaign can be articulated in changing the way you see things by taking your blinders off. The way in which you see things is central to your actions upon them. If you continue to see “porno” as the actions of a few porn stars on the internet rather than the actions of the Government against the Constitution, your never going to get well because your looking at the sliver and missing the beam in your own.

If people who are happily married and wonderfully in love continue to point their fingers in judgments against people who are single not seeing for example that by their own definition of “porno” they are starring in a porno every night with their spouse in bed in front of God and that these judgements are perverted with their lack of understanding and wisdom, we are on course for destruction. People have got to stop pointing at what they are pointing at and look behind them to see the devil.

The change can be summed up in the way you look at things by trying very hard to look for the truth in all things rather then looking for the falses. I have tried very hard to look for the truth in all things rather then the falses. That’s probably why you don’t see me in many more fights then you do and why when I do take a stand on a law that has been violated, I take a stand upon the principle and not upon party lines. I sued McCain as well as Obama for not being a natural born citizen qualified for the office of the president, not because it would be popular but because it was based upon the principles of our national security, something the GOP once prided themselves in.

Look at how many people are affected by Obama and his policy of Obamacare and you began to understand that the root of the fraud is based on Obama’s ineligibility in the first place. The good Lord says do you really expect to get the healthy fruit you need from briers and thorny bushes? If you went to the Lord and asked for some bread how would you feel about being handed a stone with the instructions to eat it while he’s holding a loaf of bread in his other hand.

Well, you’d think that was crazy, but it’s a little crazy to understand that the qualification for the President included two full generations void of alien citizenship which is full filled by the requirement of being born in the United States to Citizen parents. To this definition of the qualification there has never been any doubt, and when it comes to our National Security why are our elected leaders vacillating and allowing the doubt to supersede the law?

Indeed we usually say "Can the blind lead the blind?", but in the same context if Congress can't see that having an open hearing on Obama's eligibility can save them in the 2014 elections we could rephrase it as, "Can Congress Lead the Blind?" Actually I can't complain to much as the Republicans and Democrats are right on course to secure and Independent White House in 2016 that will be necessary to keep both parties in more of a constitutional check and balance.

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[ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

Cody Robert Judy
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