If you run a search on Obama's long form birth certificate you'll find a plethora of evidence it is a forged document. As the evidence mounts and everyone get into the game of proving Obama's birth doc's are fakes, you have to wonder at what point that the kids will start to lose faith in the government.
Here you have the office of the President becoming a joke to the population of elementary, junior high and high school student basically finding out that there is no integrity in Government. Its a very quick draw for them to lose respect for adults in the major political parties.
That can spell trouble for both the Democrats for supporting the fraud, and the Republicans for being accomplices. Here's a sample of what’s happening.
Donald Trump has even got back in the game, telling Jerome Corsi author of the new best selling "Where's The Birth Certificate", that in a World News Daily article, that "I always said I wanted to know if it was real"
Read more: You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=303181#ixzz1NU9PtzW1
One really has to start to wonder at what point the Representatives and Senators representing the united States get serious about maintaining credability themselves. When you have highschoolers telling the Congress how stupid they look you know that can't last long. As the scriptures say in Isaiah 11:16 speaking of the wild animals... "And a Child shall lead them"
Post Script May 27,2011
Dr. Jerome Corsi best selling author of "The Birth Certificate" is interviewed here by Mr. Alex Jones. The information in this interview is important and a crunch of The Whitehouse BirthGate scandel.
Post Script II.
I found the following link of information to bring to light more of the darkness created in the Obama Certificate of Life Birth and this link and testimony also alludes to the circumstances of Mr. Tim Smiths work at the Hawaii Health Dept. The other interesting thing in this analysis is that the report does not rely on that as evidence of the forgery.
Expanded Analysis: Forged Birth Certificate
How many of the R's running for President even know the true definition of natural born citizen? If they don’t know it, how much do they really care about the Constitution?
■natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.
■As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.
■The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children;
■in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.
THREE Republican officials in Hawaii have confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Notices of Obama's birth appeared in the newspapers in 1961. And they were not ads that could have been purchased by the family. Hawaii newspapers did not run birth notice ads in 1961. They only took their notices from the Hawaii government, which did not issue them for births outside of Hawaii, and which demanded proof whenever there was a claim of a birth outside of a hospital.
ReplyDeleteThe birth certificate was not forged. The director of health of Hawaii certified in writing that she had seen the document being copied and that the copy was exactly the same as the original. At least two Republican officials had stated that they had seen the original. So, if there were anything different between the original and what they saw, they could have said, and they said nothing.
And numerous document experts have said that the document was not forged:
For example:
Dr. Neal Krawetz (http://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/428-After-Birth.html)
And the conservative National Review : http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/265767/pdf-l...
Thanks for your comment and I published because of your links suggestions. Good discussion is needed and while most of us may not be professionals, it certainly follows we depend upon others. Your comment regarding the newspapers is incorrect though as anyone requesting a certification of birth, from Hawaii, even from a foreign birth, receives a write up. I'm kind of tired of that one being used for back up. Hawaii has allowed foreign births to register for certificates of life birth, that are not birth certificates. This much we do know, so drop the newpaper bit. Besides it was registered to his grandparents house. While that is a focus on one of the two prong test for being a natural born citizen, the other is literally un mentioned. Obama's father is listed on the long form he produced as a Kenyan Citizen. I do prescribe to the Law of Nations theory the Founders of the Constitution also did, even mentioning it in the Constitution, and the 'natural born citizen' in their book, along with a few Supreme court cases, and Sen. Res 511 stating John McCain's 2 parents as Citizens, leaves Obama 1 parent shy of being a natural born citizen as per requirement of the Constitution.
ReplyDeleteRe: "Your comment regarding the newspapers is incorrect though as anyone requesting a certification of birth, from Hawaii, even from a foreign birth, receives a write up."
ReplyDeleteAnswer: That was NOT the case in 1961. Until the law was change in 1982, Hawaii did not issue birth certificates of any kind to someone who was born outside of Hawaii.
So, let us say that a parent comes to the DOH and says "my child was born at home, not in a hospital." What happened then? Hawaii would not issue a birth certificate until it had checked the claim out. It required the statement of witnesses, generally the doctor or midwife who had been at the birth or failing that the taxi-driver or another witness. Without such a witness, it would not issue a birth certificate.
And even after the change in the law the same principle applies. Hawaii will not issue a birth certificate with the words "born in Honolulu" on it unless there as proof that the child was born in Honolulu. Obama's has the words "born in Honolulu" on it.
Re: "Besides it was registered to his grandparents house."
Answer: When you do not have a permanent address yet, it is perfectly legal to use your parent's address.
Re: The Law of Nations theory.
Answer: Did you know that the words "Natural Born Citizen" did not appear in an English translation of that book until TEN years after the writing of the US Constitution?
Did you know that a search of the writings of Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, John Jay, James Madison and others shows that they NEVER use the phrase Natural Born to refer to the parents of a citizen? They only used the phrase to refer to citizenship due to the PLACE of birth.
“Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are "natural born citizens" and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are "natural born citizens" eligible to serve as President ..."---- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]
“Natural born citizen. Persons who are born within the jurisdiction of a national government, i.e. in its territorial limits, or those born of citizens temporarily residing abroad.” — Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition
“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)--Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT).
Just a few comments on your comment I published because you have obviously put some time and work in discovery and I respect that.
ReplyDeleteMy prevailing thought is this has no bearing here, we should really be in front of Congress, where what we said actually mattered. For those who might actually take the time to read down through this novel : ) I would make the following brief statements directed to the points of the above comment;
Hawaii has actual laws that assert their certificates of birth are not authentic of being born in the State. I would suggest listening to the testimony of a Hawaii Resident and super gal who ran for Congress Miki Booth, who also testified in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason on the 5th day. If you'd like to see that run a search on it.
What your saying is Hawaii, in 1982, started registering foriegn births, with certificates of life birth, which seems reverse of logic that our records have gotten worse rather then better. I'm not buying that premis. I graduated in 1984 and while I was a sophomore in highschool I don't think Hawaii started dumbing down foreign births. Its much more logical to expect the exact opposite, but the real point is you are coming around to Hawaii's loss of integrity towards documentation.
Re: The book Law of Nations- are you saying our forfathers couldn't read French? The book influenced many of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton. de Vattel's work was heavily influenced by Christian Wolff.
Centuries after his death it was found that United States President George Washington had a number of overdue library books dating back over 221 years. One of them was The Law of Nations.
Swiss editor Charles W.F. Dumas sent Benjamin Franklin three original French copies of the book. Franklin presented one copy to the Library Company of Philadelphia. On December 9, 1775, Franklin thanked Dumas
I think the real point is seen in our Founders realizing, as was actually asserted in Congressional Hearings in 2000, that a foreign influence could penetrate the office of the President in 1 generation if the 'Natural born Citizen" definintion didn't account for 2 generations. This was affirmed in the Congressional Hearings counting both soil and parental citizenship and it just makes sense to me. It covers both nature and nurture which is a point I think most Americans don't have to swallow to hard to understand. What the above anonymousy commentor is saying is foreigners can basically run over squat on a military base any where in the world and that baby can be President.
As for Sen. Orrin Hatch's statement, I will and have made it abundently clear to him with letters and he has made it abundently clear with return letters he believes the qualification of Natural Born Citizen was dissolved from the Constitution with the 14th Amendment which to me is about as clarion call as he could state that the Constitution is not that important. Of course he is a Senator and I am not which doesnt mean I'm wrong... it really means Senator Hatch often can be seen with his head somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. I don't say its that way all the time, but in this case I thank God he was never elected President, and I hope to some degree on this issue he can change.
Re: Vattel. The book that George Washington took out of the Library (A private library in New York, which still exists) was the English language translation. Moreover, the fact that it was in New York should tell you something.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Well the fact that Washington was in New York and not in Philadelphia means that he was already president. He read the book AFTER the Constitutional Convention, not before. (Well, maybe he read another copy earlier. That's certainly possible.)
But, more importantly, HE READ A LOT OF OTHER BOOKS TOO. And so did Ben Franklin, and the other writers of the Constitution. What was the most popular book that they read, by far? Blackstone. What did Blackstone say: That all children born in England, regardless of their parents' citizenship (unless the parents were invading enemies or foreign diplomats) was a Natural Born Subject.
Is a subject different from a citizen? Sure, but several early states used the word Subject in their first constitutions. More importantly, the requirement for citizenship at birth does not automatically and by natural law (or any law) change from birth in the country to two citizen parents when subjects become citizens. Sure, the states or the writers of the US Constitution had the power to make the change.
But they did not actually write anything that indicated that they had made the change.
As for foreign influence. Sure, the writers of the US Constitution did not want actual foreigners to become president. That is why there is the citizen part of Natural Born Citizen. And they did not want naturalized citizens to become president. That is the reason for the Natural Born part of Natural Born Citizen.
But there is no evidence that the writers of the Constitution thought that the US-born children of foreigners were foreigners, or that the US-born children of foreigners (such as justices Scalia and Alito) were less reliable citizens than the US-born children of US citizens.
Sure, IF they had said that they believed that the US-born children of foreigners were likely to be less reliable, that would be the law. BUT THEY DIDN'T SAY IT.
As for the Congressional hearings you refer to. Are you referring to the hearings on John McCain?
If so, that was to add McCain's criterion, birth outside of the USA to US parents, to the existing criterion, birth in the USA regardless of the citizenship of the parents.
You see there are two criteria:
“Natural born citizen. Persons who are born within the jurisdiction of a national government, i.e. in its territorial limits, or those born of citizens temporarily residing abroad.” — Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition
Obama falls under the first of those, birth within the jurisdiction. McCain falls under the second, birth abroad to citizen parents. The criterion is either one of those, not necessarily both. One can use both suspenders AND a belt, but it is not required.
Re the law in Hawaii. The law did change in 1982. Before then if you came to the DOH and said, "my son was born in Bermuda." They would say: "That's nice. What do you want us to do?" And you'd say: "I'd like a birth certificate from Hawaii." And they'd say, "but he was born in Bermuda, get a Bermuda BC."
The new rule, which of course does not apply to Obama born in 1961, is that you can get a Hawaii BC if the parents had fulfilled certain residence requirements of Hawaii, but the birth certificate would not and cannot lie about the place of birth. So you would get a Hawaii BC that would say on it: "Location of birth: Bermuda." (Obama's says: "Location of birth: Honolulu.")
As for Hawaii BCs not being authentic of birth in the state. YES. Post-1982 Hawaii BCs are allowed to be issued with other locations of birth on them. But a Hawaii BC before 1982 or a Hawaii BC with a Hawaii location of birth on it IS indicative of birth in Hawaii, and thousands of people use them to get their US passports every year.
Thank you for your comments and time. I have to say so far your opinions and position has much more credit than mine do. So... if your winning the game already why ya tryn so hard?
ReplyDeleteI wish that weren't so, but that is a fact I must swallow though I don't agree with that pill for America. ;)
I was hoping you would reveal your name and creditials and the reason you care so much? For all the time you spent here on my lowly blog I think your educated, articulate, and wrong. ;) lol.
Take care, we'll have to see how it goes I suppose. No doubt America will have to make a decision about Obama's qualfications, and forgery and our opionions and positions will undoubtedly come into the spot light more and more as Obama finds himself debating me about the bullshit he's asked America to swallow about transparency, but my sentiments exist on the same level for Sen. McCain. I sued both over the issue but I have found what MLK said to be true; "The wheels of Justice turn slowly... but they do turn."
This will all catch up to those whores who think so little of the U.S.A. that they would sell it for such a small price because I'll see their souls in hell someday and I won't be bailing them out.
How many of R's running for President in 212 even know the true definition of natural born citizen? If they don’t know it, how much do they really care about the Constitution?
ReplyDelete■ natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.
■ As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.
■ The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children;
■ In order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.