
Friday, February 14, 2014

DIVIDING A NATION - The Republican Roll Out as Birther Barrage goes Main-Stream

DIVIDING A NATION - The Republican Roll Out as Birther Barrage goes Main-Stream

FEATURED EDITORIAL at Birther Report /and/ The Post & Email

Defending what Obama is doing by not holding a hearing on Obama's national security breach, or the standard of the natural born citizen qualification in the Constitution for the Office of the President, is essentially exactly what Republicans need to keep doing in order to lose. Rand Paul declared the Republican party may not win the Presidency again in his lifetime.

I said one time that the Republican party was going into extinction, not because that is what I hoped for or anything, but because of the abandonment of the principles of the Constitution I saw happening in the Republican party by a lack of defense for it. Jan 26th, 2012 I wrote with this commercial:

[“It is time to jump into the life boats, and begin representing a clear and Constitutional choice in my candidacy, which is clearly a clean message compared to the mainstream Republican Candidates who we see are very willing to sweep the dirt under the carpet, as well as our Constitution, and that’s not the President’s job or oath!”]

Glenn Beck today related he had spoke to a big GOP elected leader who was concerned about the #defundtheGOP verbrato over the air the last four months. What Glenn said made a lot of sense today here.

So many Republican leaders looked at me and scoffed, "How could the qualification of Obama for the Office of the President held in the demands of the Constitution even compare to the importance of "health-care", or "Our National Debt", or "The Arab Springs"?

Tyrannical dictatorial power is unleashed in ways Rush Limbaugh says today he has never seen with Obama stepping and hopping to the tunes of the 2014 and 2016 election in regards to what parts of the law are enforceable and what parts he decides not to enforce. The impeding play is certainly wrecking Republican strategy to let the law play out and let people see what a disaster Obamacare is.

How can people see what a disaster it is unless its allowed to hit them behind the barn?

What could leaving the Constitution behind bring financially? What is the Birther's Barrage?
Birther's Barrage

Essentially the BIRTHER BARRAGE is indeed more and more people going Birther as the Constitution is going 'main-stream' instead of becoming a dead-stream as so many in Washington perceive it to be going.

Is it safe to say now that if Obamacare had indeed been allowed to unfold as it was intended, without all these exclusions, that the United States would be in open revolt right now against Obama and all Washington Insiders?

You better believe if the people with money were made to tow the line of Obamacare in the big corporations, small businesses, and even federal agencies now, without the decrees of exemptions handed down from Obama by personal executive order, that they would be demanding their elected leaders in the House and Senate begin disability impeachment proceedings immediately.

This was the Republican strategy on Obamacare, let it play out and be seen as the disaster it is! However, its backfired on them once again, just as they hoped Obama would look like the paria, he reverses that upon them by executive order which has totally infuriated Sen. Mike Lee admitting on Fox News Sunday, there's no standing on Obamacare's harm, or time to find someone, calling it a 'shameless power grab' and ruling by his own pen.

Obama then is seen as the savior by these people for not holding them accountable to Obamacare the way he has all the low people on the totem pole known as main-stream Americans. BUT, Senator Lee has also been unwilling to make the case on Obama's eligibility as a way to stop him which indeed it does, and you have to ask yourself why?

Indeed, Obama's savior'esk trend continues extending to all those employees of Federal Contracts a minimum wage of $10.10 an hour. Of course, main street businesses would either have to raise their prices by a percentage equal or lay off workers in order to clear the same profit margin if they were forced to pay that minimum wage.

How would anyone like paying an additional 30% on milk, peanut butter, soy, wheat, barley, corn, and meat?


Of course Obama's decree is intentionally ordered to divide, something that does seem to come quite naturally to him. How do all the employees making minimum wage feel about working that don't get paid $10.10?

What if about election time 2014 he promises them also a decree of raising their wage if they will vote Democratic Party ticket?

That's one thing that Obama's discrimination provides. If Obama doesn't equally give to everyone equally he creates out of thin air a favorite child who was seen as deserving while the other child was seen as mean, undeserving, and rebellious.

While it would seem common sense to see this as unequal and discrimination, someone gets the reward someone doesn't, the Republican Party is not willing to exploit it as such, mostly because they fear it being turned on them.

The same mentality exist when it comes to the excuses used by elected leaders not to hold a disability impeachment hearing in The House of Representatives on Obama simply because the U.S. Senate is controlled by Democrats and the point seems 'moot', but lets take a closer look at how that might play out.


Assuming the U.S. Senate just because its controlled by the Democratic party would never remove Obama under a Disability Impeachment process or trial certainly demands the thought process that EVERY single Democratic Party U.S. Senator is
1) Condoning the use of fabricated long form birth certificates
2) Condoning the use and fabrication or theft of social security numbers
3) Condoning the manipulation of past records of identity like draft registration and college records

Are ALL the Democratic Party leaders really advocating directly and recommending these things? Has the integrity of ALL those elected leaders bottomed out into the abyss of the mob?

Well, if the Republican Majority had a hearing on all of these factors publically, wouldn't that be seen as a light upon the darkness of all those elected leaders indeed right in time for the 2014 elections?

So what's the down side for Republicans holding a hearing on it? Oh, maybe you think boldly standing in front of Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, and Diane Sawyer and asking them if they indeed recommend, condone, and represent this deceitful learning tactic for all of our children is a really bad idea because it just wouldn't fly? Come on!

Believe it, one of the very reasons threats of a collective variety have been issued to all media persons is precisely because of FEAR. Fear based on the reality that if someone is recommending fraud, deceit, forgery, intentionally to harm, most generally the American People are opposed to that.

Its not a hard story to sell to the generally good natured people of the United States of America who in general understand the reasons for our criminal code. Sen. Cruz stated in his objection argument in the debt ceiling debate he filibustered which was catalyst for 11 Republicans to turn into Democrats arms, "that the rules are the rules, the laws are the laws, and we need to follow them and not break them for political expediency.”

One wonders if Sen. Ted Cruz really understands Obama's not a natural born citizen according to the constitution, or if he is secretly hoping that no one is watching him under a microscope as he has passed on vocalizing Obama's real achilles heal he may share in his eligibility or qualification for the Office of the President? Sen. Cruz is set to visit Iowa and N.H. in March and April to a hero's welcome, according to The Hill for his stand in the debt ceiling debate?

Indeed as we speak, News Max is taking an urgent poll to see if you support Sen. Ted Cruz for President.

This shows more fodder for the excuse of 'racism' being used by Republicans and Ann Coulter when she said referring to Obama as "the first black president", if he hadn't have been he would have been impeached by now".

Rush Limbaugh says the leaders are just petrified of being accused of 'racism'. The reason I think that this is now the Republicans lame excuse is because when it comes to equality under the law, they are showing an unwillingness to put Obama under the law for the same reason they don't want Sen. Ted Cruz scoured for his dual citizenship with Canada, as the Huffington Post reports, Cruz denies as McCain did in non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 the step is a concerted effort to go around the law.

This 'racist tactic' they lay on Obama is I believe turning into a very calculated strategy to avoid the justice of the Constitution themselves, in perhaps the Presidential run of another unqualified candidate as McCain was in 2008.

Which party has more people with sites on the 2016 White House who are unqualified Republicans or Democrats? I can name 4 or 5 Republicans who have their sites on the White House who are not natural born citizens who would just be wiped out of that prospect if justice is leveled on Obama.

Besides that, I'm not sure there is not a single member of the House of Representatives that doesn't know that I sued McCain in 2008 and Obama for the natural born citizen clause of the Constitution standing up for the principle of the qualification demands of the Constitution, and continued in the standing in 2012 and 2013 in the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276., and still maintain that standing in a 2016 run.

Indeed, Democratic Party tactics would not stay dormant for Obama's qualifications long if Senator Ted Cruz became the nominee for the Republican Party and they would essentially be forced to say, "Well, the Birthers were right, Obama wasn't qualified but he made it, but that was then and this is now and we have to stand for the Constitution, and Sen. Ted Cruz can't be President". Can't you see that coming from the Huffington Post, the WSJ, and The Washington Post?

The fact that I stood up for the principle regardless of party or race for that matter completely shows that the Republican argument of race is indeed a ruse, excuse, or a 'reverse racist tactic'. The need to quiver in fear of being a racist is indeed made 'moot' with a Presidential Candidate with standing and a legal record documenting the stand to hand the media in a frying pan like a nice T-Bone steak.

I think the Republican fabrication or pretense objection on raising the debt ceiling without any concessions on Obamacare or any remotely substantial give-and-take is also a witness to what I'm advocating. They pretty much went willy-nilly along with Obama and the Democrats and we all have seen and witnessed it.


The only remaining conclusion is that the Republicans are also in so deep they can't compete and what I said as far as the Republican Party going into extinction and never winning again is the reality most conservatives are going to have to come to grips with.

Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, as well as Sean Hannity are indeed recognizing the writing on the wall. If our society has indeed slipped into the abyss of the deep, like Robert Redford's outstanding film without dialogue is named, " All Is Lost", perhaps it really is for the Republican Party?

How You Can Help, well besides encouraging Rush, Glenn, Sean, and Ann to come out of the closet as Birthers, as well as admitting there are a whole lot of Birthers sitting in waiting for Sen. Ted Cruz that are of the Democratic Party sort, encourage them to start respecting what's right and stop berating Birthers like they are'nt taking a stand for the Constitution, because BIRTHERS are of both parties and we are coming out into the main stream and we sure aren't going away. Indeed its now safe to say that anti-birthers are only those with an interest in destroying the Union.

I want all to know my desire is simply to uphold our Constitution. It is the law by which I know we all will be blessed against all odds. Now enjoy the new song I wrote, performed, and produced for Valentines Day. Crank it up and Enjoy! WHEN LOVE'S IN THE RAIN

Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Contribute for Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Torrent of Communication Coming Down the Hill - Rush,Glenn,Sean and Ann finally- Go Birther Go Tea Party!

The Torrent of Communication Coming Down the Hill - Does the GOP Evan Care?

As the tiny drops of water descended like suicide jumpers they hit the jagged cliffs and splattered leaving what you’d think was nothing behind. The jagged cliffs ascended high into the sky and provided a certain death and the steepest of slides for each rain drop as it hit hard. One drop, two drops, three drops, the mighty mountains absorbed them all, but when a million had hit the brakes come off and it was as if the drops coming down were actually catching a tubular ride down the steep face!

I hiked up the grade a short distance and climbed a fence getting just high enough to see the wall of water coming down in an out of control gushing just barreling down the mountain.

Running down in front of the water I reached the people with a warning, “Your going to get hit with a flood in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..”, and in came the rushing water right into the Walmart!

The immediate crash took everyone quite by spectacular fashion, and I blurted out, “We need a sandbag line, right there!”. We managed to divert the water into a circulating flow that kept the water out when I noticed a bunch of men carrying an actual 5 foot wall of water they dumped into the rushing water without a care.

I startled out of my sleep and pondered the dream.

The Nations debt-limit ceiling war is on, but Republicans are in fact dumping their responsibility to fight right on to the people! They might as well not even be there!

Whose happy with this? Is Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or Ann Coulter?

Hell no they aren’t, and today they let their voices crash upon the GOP in no uncertain circumstances as they all raised their voices like a chorus of doubt against the Republican Establishment.

Ann Coulter may have even felt a tinge of guilt for her discrimination against Birthers who she referred to as 'right wingers' as she spoke to Howie Carr: We've spent 7 years trying to persuade right-wingers, no, he really was born in Hawaii, we have his birth certificate, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories. But, lets just think- for a thought experiment, for a moment; If Obama were born in another country, had no love for this country, had set out to destroy America, what would he be doing differently? [.]

Hey Ann! Are you a documents expert with a PHD in forensics and criminal investigation or just another lib with a lip of disgusting defense for Obama's fraud and forgery? What do you have against "The Right", or are you just bent on defending the "Wrong"?

Because in the context of Obama's long form fabrication there's RIGHT and there's WRONG, its not a right or left and defending an absolute fraud and forgery is what the American People would call wrong. How do you even still have a job,or is defending Obama's long form fabrication part of actually being 'employed' in America?
Maybe that's the secret behind those who have a job and those who don't in America. Hey folks we might have discovered what's wrong with those who are unemployed and can't find work? Are they the one's who actually don't think its right bringing their long form fabricated documents of identification to the employer?

Maybe you don't want to be associated with those who shop at Walmart huh Ann? Are they just to low to the ground for you?
Don't Taze Me Bro
[Police approached a suspected shoplifter that had been observed by Walmart Loss Prevention. Deciding he didn’t want to be arrested, the shoplifter resisted and attempted to run. After numerous commands to “GET DOWN ON THE GROUND,” he did not comply, so the police officers offered to help him out, with the aid of a taser gun! Which is awesome. If you’ve never seen someone get tasered in person I highly suggest you put that on your bucket list.]

Maybe Ann, and I'm just speculating here, Maybe if you started defending the people who shop-lift at Walmart the same way you do Obama, shop-lifting wouldn't be a crime? Maybe you think shop-lifting generations of our childrens futures is okay, and all that 'profit' making capitalism is a facade for you like the Constitution's demand the Office of the President be held only by a 'natural born citizen' whose 35 or over?

Maybe in your opinion its discrimination to think that a true second generations American, Born in the United States to Citizen parents, doesn't have any more natural inclination to protect his homeland then a native born son of Kenya or a native born son of Panama for that matter, but we do agree on one thing Ann?

Would Obama or McCain be doing anything different if they really didnt' agree with our Founders and Framers?

You know what I'm really sick of? I'm really sick of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and the rest of the radio show host commentary Republican Frogs who 'ribbit-ribbit' about how they are so disappointed in the GOP and how much they admire Sen. Ted Cruz R-TX and Sen. Mike Lee R-UT and the 40 or so Representatives who stood up to the Obama Regime in not wanting Obamacare funded in a fight of not raising the debt ceiling and shut down the government over that, yet they will go to great lengths to defend Obama's ineligibility?

Have you heard what a complimentary networking protocol the Tea-Party has been getting lately from these guys, yet none of them have declared themselves to be Birthers with any integrity towards the Constitution's demand for the Office of the President.

How can you stand with the Tea Party if you don't understand that the best way to remove Obama is by first having a hearing conducted by The House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility?

Is this some kind of common-core trance on mathematics that Rush, Glenn, Sean and Ann have come to understand that 7+7 doesn't in fact equal 14 anymore, but that it could add up to 10 + 4 by skip counting, or explaining away the fraud and forgery of Obama's long form fabrication?

Dont' you just hate people who skip the really big crimes in favor of pointing out the little ones? Why not give Obama a pass to commit financial genocide upon the little Walmart shoppers who he refuses to exempt or subsidize on Obamacare? I heard Obama say, "Make the Walmart Shoppers pay"? Is that it GOP and company?

You'd think the GOP's hands would be fit-to-be-tied about Obama's ruling edicts emperroring Obamacare like pinocchio's strings in order to favorable play the cards right for the 2014 and now the 2016 election without Congress's approval? Instead, they seem to be cheering him on just like the Democrats with a blank check on raising the nation's debt ceiling.

Sure, you can blame Obama all you want, just like you can the parents (The House of Representatives) who keep the kid's wallet filled with cash whose buying crack cocaine and heroin with it. Do you think the House of Representatives doesn't have a hand on the purse strings guys?

Without their approval nothing gets funded. The House of Representatives controlled by the GOP right now, and since 2010, has been entirely responsible, if we want to start taking responsibility for your actions, for funding Obama and his Fast & Furious operations, his Benghazi operations, his NSA operations, and like Obama says, "whatever he wants to do", because there's no one taking a stand against him.

You no I don't like to be hard on people, but unless I miss my guess if we don't exact the Constitution upon the Office of the President, the hurt is going to come down upon a lot more of the little people who the Representatives seem to be oppressing rather than serving in defending the Constitution's demand for a natural born citizen in the Office of the President. Let me give you a little example of what might be coming down the unconstitutional pike in a very short time.

The graph below parallels the Scary 1929 Stock Market Crash that has been making the rounds in Wall Street, or is that Walmart? From the linked article, " ..what is important, McClellan said, is that the time scales of the two data series need to be the same. And, he stresses, there has been no stretching of the time dimension to make them fit".

Aren't we a little bit tired of Obama's claims after 6 trillion, that Bush is responsible for the debt? And, at the same time aren't we a little bit tired that while The House of Representatives has been controlled by the Republicans since 2010, they won't check Obama through the checks and balances of the Constitution as per their responsibility by eligibility requirements and the purse strings?

If the stock market crashes and the GOP has been in charge of the purse whose going to get the blame? Obama? Fat chance, and that's why the eligibility requirement for the Office of the President is something that the GOP in the House of Representatives could indeed take a stand for, just like The Tea Party.

It was a raucous of laughter when Sean Hannity had his guy out trying to ask Democratic Party people what exactly they could name that The Tea Party had done that was 'racist'? They could find no one that could mention anything. What are the Tea Party beliefs anyway if they aren't racist?

Eliminate Excessive Taxes
Eliminate the National Debt
Eliminate Deficit Spending
Protect Free Markets
Abide By the Constitution of the United States - including the demand the President be a 'natural born citizen'.
Promote Civic Responsibility
Reduce the Overall size of Government
Believe in the People
Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
Maintain local Independence

The Birth or Restoration of the United States is called for from what could easily be called the abomination of desolation in the White House. The desolation of which could very easily be the biggest stock market crash we've ever seen in our life times which would affect everyone! What do you want a count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..?

How You Can Help, well besides encouraging Rush, Glenn, Sean, and Ann to come out of the closet as Birthers you mean and start respecting what's right and stop hurting on Birthers like they are'nt part of taking a stand for the Constitution?

Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Utah would most likely see more benefits come from supporting the Candidates like myself, (well, Candidate as myself because there were no other candidates in the entire U.S.A. who stood up for principle regardless of party), fighting for equal protections under the law in pushing for Open and Transparent Hearings in Congress with two million dollars on Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand