
Friday, February 21, 2014

Is Hollywood Wising Up to Obama's Wise-Guys Act

Is Hollywood's Wising Up to Obama's Wise-Guys Act

Hollywood's not REALLY different in the TAX LINE but the rich did'nt get rich by Being Stupid except on Obama's Qualifications.

Now the Federal Communications Commission is going to start putting monitors in all radio, television and newspaper stations in a study of how their individual news is reported or under-reported to the public Hollywood has got to be seeing something is amiss. I'll betcha they don't even know about my walking into Clear channel with a check for an advertisement campaign of my small business that included my book, the add and campaign being agreed upon and after two adds running my being called down to the station and handed back my check in a refusal to air my campaign.

Yeah, that happened and their worried now that it could stifle freedom of the press? Forget about the cake-maker who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple getting married who was chastised by a District Court this is a political campaign that painted me as a Constitutional hero they didn't want to run. WELCOME to my world. You know the bad thing about Government regulations is sooner or later you might not have a guy in the House that is to fond of you maybe like the last one was. That is when your policy recommendations and all your contributions suddenly slam into a fire wall.

Hollywood declares good business is good business., so much for those who say they are willing to give a little extra in taxes. You knew deep down it was a poorly written and a very poorly delivered line, as Hollywood got behind Obama and declared they'd just love to give a little more of their income to taxes, but as the debate for House of Cards shows to the Maryland Legislature who provided 31 million dollars for the first two seasons of the wildly popular series House of Cards, the bottom line is they like anyone are looking for a better business deal.

“I am sure you can understand that we would not be responsible financiers and a successful production company if we did not have viable options available.”, was the coded message sent from producers of House of Cards to the State Government. Responsible Financiers.. hummm, that's interesting. Responsible Financiers of what? The Constitution? Obama's ineligibility qualification exemption? Who knows? I love the series!

‘House of Cards’ threatens to leave if Maryland comes up short on tax credits

Robyn Wright who plays a starring role in House of Cards as Mrs. Claire Underwood was recently quoted as saying its pretty sleazy in Washington DC with media journalist sleeping with their Washington DC insider informants she found in her research for the part.

Taxes considered paid by the Government to businesses by way of tax exemptions is a little like sleeping with the devil and hoping things will turn out ok and on the other side of the table the public has a good idea of what ransom means when their prison wardens walk-in to the Legislative hearings threatening to release violent criminals unless they get a new prisons and more dough.

But not 'wanting' to pay more taxes is a direct violation of what you'd say was a stand for the left leaning liberals. What? That's why when I heard this news about House of Cards, playing their cards for more tax exemption money I thought, 'Way to go! There's the good old competition, just like football in a capitalisim.' You know what Hollywood? The thing is if you keep voting 'liberal' the Government is going to blanket this Nation, so there is no place to go and you won't get out of the country to film cheaper either. That's what Big Brother does if you hire a guy who could care less about the Constitution. "Here I was led to assume, from their support of Obama, that they were standing in line ready to give more?", I'd love to hear Kevin Spacey playing Mr. Frank Underwood in House of Cards say that line!

So what's different with those celebrities who say they are in line to pay more taxes along with Obama, because I think if you take somethings into context, you might just find out the "IF" part, and understand the "IF" part isn't happening.

Will Smith says he's cool with a tax-jack of 30%m but if you read more the criteria is in the "IF", it will keep my country growing. The only thing that's been growing besides taxes is our Countries debt up 7 Trillion since Obama took office.

While paying 1 billion in taxes Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerburg is cool with higher taxes, but wait just a minute, Facebook got a tax deduction for every dollar.

Chris Rock thinks if he pays higher taxes people can have jobs, but its the small businesses that create more jobs than the Federal Government or Big Businesses in America by far.

Matt Damon says he's rather pay higher taxes than see programs cut that are helping kids, but the Federal Government did a study that "Head Start" didn't significantly make a difference after the 1st grade, so without the warrant we can suppose Matt's fine with not being charged so much on taxes.

Ben Affleck said with O'Reilly, said 'His [Obama] major policy goal of changing the tax structure so that the wealthy pay their fair share, to me, is of towering importance. However, Affleck's idea has restrictions because he thought we were just going to go to pre-Bush tax cuts, and it certainly stops with what he can't afford.
"I thought we were just going to return to the pre-Bush tax cut numbers. But, yes, I agree, you and I -- I don't know, you know, what your nut looks like, but I don't spend so much that I can't afford to pay a little bit more in taxes"

Actually when 400 of Forbes list having a networth of over a billion were asked, "“Are you, like Warren Buffett, willing to pay higher taxes?”, only eight responded in the affirmative. Oprah Winfrey, who endorsed Obama in 2008, did not respond. Nor did liberal media mogul Ted Turner. Prominent Democratic Party donors from Hollywood such as Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Barry Diller did not express a view. Philanthropists Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg — whom we queried repeatedly — refused to comment on Buffett’s argument, even as it became a central part of Washington’s political conversation.

Jay-Z says most people with a conscience are willing to pay more, if it went to the right things, like people in poverty, people who needed it, but I'm getting from him the if doesn't include those who can make more money on the dole then they can working. He also believes in 'transparency' and clear definitions, and accountability, as he says when things don't improve you have to wonder 'where's everything going?'.

The bottom line is all these people if they went out and spent their money themselves could probably create more jobs, and help the economy grow much better than a over baring, high regulating, and growth stopping unconstitutional Government making the people bow down to it, rather then serving it by getting the hell out of the way.

Here's one for him that clearly defines Obama is not a natural born citizen according to the Constitution. The grandfather clause held specifically that those born in the United States who were "Citizens" did not have to be 'Natural Born Citizens' by issuing what is called the grandfather clause on the President's qualification demand, " Or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution"

So the only way you could just be a "Citizen" and still be President is if you were living at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. Obama was not living at that time, but several of our Presidents were.

George Washington was born in Virginia but his parents were both British subjects, making him a 'citizen' but not a 'natural born citizen'.

John Adams second president born in Massachusetts but again both parents were subjects of the British crown.

Thomas Jefferson, third president born in Virginia also a Citizen, but not a natural born citizen because his folks were British subjects.

James Madison, fourth president born 25 years before the Declaration of Independence, James Monroe 5th President born in Virginia 18 years before, John Quincy Adams six President born in Massachusetts, Andrew Jackson 7th President born in South Carolina all were born in the U.S. but did not have parents who were both American citizens at the time of their birth, so they had to use the grandfather clause in order to qualify for the office.

That is why , Or a "Citizen" was used to describe the president's qualifications at the time of the adoption of the Constitution.

For those still confused and seeking divination that the standard for "Citizen" and "Natural Born Citizen" were different at the time and are still different in our time, please ask yourself why only the term "Citizen" is written regarding U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators written at the exact same time as the qualifications for President?


Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentucky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Contribute for Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

I want all to know my desire is simply to uphold our Constitution. It is the law by which I know we all will be blessed against all odds. Now enjoy the new song I wrote, performed, and produced. Crank it up and Enjoy! WHEN LOVE'S IN THE RAIN

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Featured News Update:
Just a little good news to share: Today approximately 1pm United States Representative Randy Neugebauer of the 19th District of Texas favorited a tweet I sent him with this referenced link: Dividing A Nation - The Republican Roll-Out as Birther Barrage Goes Mainstream. I replied to him how much I appreciated that "favoriting", (cept I think my phone got the closest word to it listed on my spell, I'm hoping he knew what I meant)my tweet continued, ' it means a lot to know there are Representatives who care for our U.S.C.'
Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

The second update today, mostly because this post has to do with the "Ladies", I want to give Robyn Wright a shout out today for what she said that Glenn Beck also reiterated on his broadcast this morning.

In her research for House of Cards she mentioned how sleezy Washington DC had really become, and specifically mentioned what a political-sex-trade-for-info place D.C. was stating media correspondents were regularly sleeping with their contacts for info she learned from her research on House of Cards. This is just testimonial evidence of the slime in the sewer, how sad not standing up for principles has become, but mostly how compromised the media has become losing their value along the way. This certainly is in dire need of being restored, but I want to thank Robyn her very brave comment. Truth is not always easy to admit but it certainly does set us free and lightens the load.

The family unit is the core of any successful society, so I think its worth addressing as a core issue politically. Of course we've made some mistakes, but that doesn't prevent us from learning from them making our weaknesses strengths through a little more wisdom and understanding.

Somethings been on my mind and I've been thinking about it for awhile like a little chipmunk you'd watch on the fence post not quite knowing what to do with it. I've had a powerful observation point in a study some might think I'm not qualified to give any expertise upon, but as I've been observing Honey, no one is giving you good advice on a top to bottom self recognition of your character.

I did a little research project called," Why are divorced women losers?". Guaranteed if you google those words the majority of answers you're going to get back are coming from 'women' who are generating an income on 'Divorced Women' from some field they call themselves experts in, and the majority of them are looking from a perspective of your being a loser simply based on who fairs better coming out of a 'Divorce' financially, a year or four years after a divorce rather than focusing on the weakness of your character.

You see those highlighted words, those aren't just highlights of words, those are reading assignments. Here's the advice of 10 year professional divorce coach Claudia Broome in an example of what I'm saying, " “Women can’t bury their heads in the sand and pretend that divorce won’t happen to them. They must prepare for the worst case scenario and hope for the best case! They must do what it takes to protect themselves and they must let go of their idealism believing that they will be married forever. Women must not quit their jobs to stay at home with the children until they they have a post-nup in place.“

What's the point of my telling you something you don't want to hear, or worse yet thinking perhaps a lot less of me in hearing? Well, in one word, "Happiness". Whose your "Divorce Coach"? Is she a women that understands you so well? You know what I'm mean 10 to 1 all those 'little sayings' flying around on facebook are generated by women about how "he" 'should be' and 'what's wrong with him'posted by women who are not self reflecting anything but 'negativity', whining,disgruntled un-lady like qualities of character.

Lots of advice out there by women on how to be a gentlemen, problem is they aren't gentlemen, and your right I will never be a lady. So why should you take any advice from me? Well, any man who can school a women on bras you might want to listen to just a little, and I do have a psychology degree if you must know.

Cody Robert Judy — Original Red EBbra
The Emergency Bra (EBbra) is a protective garment that can be easily and quickly be used as a gas-mask.
3 hours ago · Like · 2 ·
JoAnne Enlightened Consciousness Dang Cody.. I just got schooled in bras by a guy. Nice one.
· Unlike · 2

To that, I came across some good advice from a Doctor, but it wasn't generated just for women, but I think its really good advice for them:

If your going to find character in a man, you have first got to be able to identify it, and what better way then to identify it in yourself? So, you've decided to enter the business world and become a tycoon. Good for you, but now your faced with another dilemma right? Do you know what that is? Have you ever heard of "Power Divorces"?

Wow! What a surprise to find out “High-earning, professional women are the big losers in the divorce courts", and here's another professional, Brooke Kroeger whose going to tell you why”. The bottom line is when you get married and are successful, it works both ways, as far as the word 'half', or what Brooke called "legal hijinks for women". “‘ My husband gets part of this?’ is a typical question,”; “And the answer is yes.” The best recognition in the article reflects, “But it’s also unromantic to get a divorce.”.

Complaining is synonymous with failure, and guess what? Failure is associated with 'filing for a divorce' and guess whose doing the most of it? Its the same sex whose doing much more of the complaining in the first place. Ok, why not? Let's show you from another expert Cathy Meyer whose going to tell us, "Why Most Divorces are Filed by Women".

So, the answer if you were to become financially successful and independent as a women is the same advice you hate when it's being proposed by a man, " pre- or post-nuptial agreement ", because if someone loved you they wouldn't want one right? Well, the shoe fits on the other foot as, 'If you love him/her, it shouldn't matter' because your going to be together forever right?

Indeed fair minded people understand that marriage is indeed a agreement, and as it goes when its split its a financial agreement so why wouldn't you consider it going into the marriage, when both of you are going to consider it applicable as such if you fly out of it?

But that's not what I want to address in this article. I want to address the character traits mostly associated with divorce. If we don't address those character flaws in you how are you ever going to be successful, which is what I think a "Coach", or "Councilor" ought to be advising. Of course many won't seek counseling for one reason or the other, but the biggest reason maybe someone 'wants' to go to counseling in the 'hopes' of being proved 'right' and he should change 'his' ways...warm?

Two thirds of divorces are in fact initiated by women. That's an incredible number admitting failure in a marriage vow that states : " to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

So maybe we could figure this out together; self discovery is always the best way to change. What are the character traits needed by both sexes to be true to someone in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, and to love someone and honor them all the days of your life?

Its interesting in the study related in the above referenced article "Verbal Abuse", and "Emotional Neglect" are listed as the biggest reasons listed for women to file a divorce between the ages of 40 and 79.

"Physical abuse is easily identified. There is no doubt, once you have been hit, that you have been physically abused. You don’t second guess yourself because the bruises and scars are visible evidence that abuse has taken place. Verbal abuse is different. The damage is internal, there are no physical bruises or scars, just a wounded spirit and sense of self-esteem."

Do you remember "Stick and Stones may brake my bones but names and faces will never hurt me?" Of course unless you let them. No one can take away your self esteem unless you let them. That doesn't mean you have to get even, or let it sink in. That's always your choice. The best advice I received about 'verbal abuse' is 'let it run of your back like water runs off a ducks back". I've found it very necessary and useful advice

"Emotional intimacy is one of the most wonderful experiences we ever have. Nothing else really comes close to the experience of sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with another, of being deeply seen and known, of sharing love, passion, laughter, joy, and/or creativity. The experience of intimacy fills our souls and takes away our loneliness."

Now when reading those would you guess they were written by a women, because I'm not sure 'emotional intimacy' would be written like that from a man's perspective, but I do know women can identify with it. So, how do I know women could identify with that is a good question, but the better one is why don't women understand that's not the definition for a man? I mean, in a hetrosexual question are you marrying a man or a women?

In honoring a man wouldn't it be more successful for you if you understood his perspective? How does this not involve becoming a "Lady" anymore? You want a "Gentleman", isn't it a pretty well understood theory that to earn one, you have to become the other? So, whose teaching our little girls to be "Ladies", for I see a whole lot of divorced Mom's teaching their sons how to be 'Gentleman'.

I'm not sure of the personal lives of these women I've quoted, but I do know I've been through three divorces and they were all filed first by the female/wife. I also remember I was the one who asked or proposed marriage to them. I've lost three estates, that's not a successful marital or financial record by any means. I have a life-long male friend. We're the same 48 years of age. He's never been married and just last week he was saying to me, there is one word that has prevented me from getting married; "Half".

Well, he doesn't mess around with pinning it down, but at first glance you'd say he's worried about losing his finances right? There is a deeper problem though. Let's go deeper then even your second guess, 'selfishness', right? Yes, lets go to the heart of it "Trust".

Now when women think of a 'trust issue' what's the brain teaser flying around in your head? He's a 'cheater' right? When a man thinks of a 'trust issue' what's the brain teaser more often? Whose doing better five years after the marriage is dissolved if neither have married up the financial chain? The "Trust" for a man is indeed the "Bank", shall we call it "The Family Bank & Trust".

You know there's books that could be written and are written, but the real point I want to make is really a question. How can a women help ease the 'trust uneasiness' of a guy in the understood qualities of a 'Lady'? Buried deep is understanding the differences in sexes in a real general aspect of testosterone, the majority of which has been given to the man in the order of "The Family Bank & Trust".

Women who are not "Ladies" don't understand in the slightest that "jealousy' while painful is quite a temporary while it lies in ignorance. The advice from women in the 1800's was quite different then the advice in the 21st Century, but has that advice really been the best financial advice? Leave because your heart broken he's had an affair?

What part of the trust was broken when he had an affair "Ladies"? A Lady provides every physical need for her Gentleman, because she understands her own "jealousy" does not help increase the bank, and simultaneously‎ understands that testosterone is worth a lot more sticking with him through an affair that your honoring rather than allowing it to deplete and ruin. Allowed to fester jealousy an insatiable thirst that will push a marriage into a bankruptcy or divorce.

Communication is indeed the 'key'. Ladies know how to find out what her man really wants and then to go about providing that. When you provide that kind of 'security' to a man, your worth and value is certainly unprecedented among women. If a man doesn't see that he really is blind. What I'm saying is if you can figure out as a "Lady" how to remove the reasons for a divorce, don't you think your marriage is going to last longer?

Traditionally, a women now days seeks the instant satisfaction of filing divorce. Generally that involves a lack of patience. Patience is a virtue or character trait. Understanding phases everyone goes through and comes out of is a part of being 'understanding' and 'wise'. Again these are character traits of a "Lady". Whose teaching these out of all the Divorce Coaches?

My Mom divorced my Dad when I was four years old. She was a professional women, that had no idea or clue what she was doing to her children in that decision. It was all about 'herself' and 'changing' and 'showing' him. Did she have any idea she was wiping out her children's inheritance for a life-time of work at the time she was filing? No, she didn't, but she does now.

While in todays world the reasons for a divorce have been coached and manipulated by those who stood to gain financially from divorce, lawyers, divorce coaches, even councilors, it is very rare that the character of a "Lady" is respected and honored by all those giving advice.

This has made the value of a real "Lady" something men have almost lost hope in. Indeed, the character traits involved in the following verses describe what all women need to become "Ladies". Why would any women read the following and think it wasn't for her? While this was written quite some time ago, it seems just as true today, and the failures of filing for divorce are easily seen as a lack of honor for 'principles' much more than not being honored. Honor is earned through a life of 'principles', so go out an earn what you think your worth. It really is up to you and what you can show of yourself being a "Lady". When that is held in front of your vision your self esteem is not so shallow but grows deep as a fresh rewarding well of eternal principles.

You've heard it said a little faith can move mountains, well, a women who is a "Lady" can move a man over great distances. Ask yourself where is that advice on how to become and be a "Lady" and where would you go to find such?

Proverbs 31:10-31
10b A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. (self esteem rising as your appreciated for what?)

11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. (Trust in the Family Bank based in Principles)

12 She brings him good, not harm,all the days of her life. (She doesn't gossip or back bite him with anyone, and never would think of stabbing in the back with her mouth. She's true to him)

13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. (Humm.. looks like she can still be a professional and work??

14 She is like the merchant ships,bringing her food from afar.

15 She gets up while it is still night;she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. (If you don't have help in the house cleaning etc., because your poor whose fault is that? What do you have to give that's no skin off your nose?)

16 She considers a field and buys it;out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. (Wow,she's successful in her own so much she's got a little extra to do something for an increase for her family and the Family Bank & Trust)

17 She sets about her work vigorously;her arms are strong for her tasks (Looks like the Gym isn't excluded or keeping in shape)

18 She sees that her trading is profitable,and her lamp does not go out at night. ( Love isn't something that slacks, is lacking in energy or has a headache, ideas to please or protect in a wise way are much easier when you open your arms to include rather then exclude.)

19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. ( Using your head and understanding you can't do it all, is not a downfall, its a wisdom in recognizing facts and getting the help you need)

20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. (this is always a wonderful thing to be able to do instead of hoarding with fear that have away of playing their hand out if you are'nt choosing the principles that breed success. Fear most always follows with failure.)

21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. ( Sounds like dressing nice is still in fashion. You don't have to dress poorly to be humble)

22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. (When you act like a Lady you dress like one and a man sure notices)

23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. (Character seems to attract character here)

24 She makes linen garments and sells them,and supplies the merchants with sashes. (Isn't this using your head and using your industriousness as a tool rather than a handicap?)

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.(Interesting that clothing is referred here as character traits. How can you be clothed in 'strength' if your giving into the whims of 'jealousy'? How can dignity come to you if you haven't risen above the call of what most women might crack to because they didn't have the slightest idea of how to be a "Lady"? How can laughter come facing our weaknesses as we laugh at ourselves for silly tendencies that are petty while we are indeed recognizing the sort is increasing your strengths in every field you can possibly imagine?

26 She speaks with wisdom,and faithful instruction is on her tongue. ("Why would anyone get married?" said a great leader of women? Nancy Pelosi - A former Speaker of the House and a Representative? A shocking understanding of the happiness of a family which is the unit of any successful society she admits its because you found someone irresistible and that they had to get married.)

27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. (Being attentive to every need requires actually an open conversation of a man's real feelings which you need to be able to digest in fairness. Having it your way all the time isn't really fair right? Ignoring your husbands' feelings is eating the bread of idleness."

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;her husband also, and he praises her: ( The long term is in her sites as well as the short term and you consider this seriously, and find ways to overcome the insatiable negatives that will deprive you and your children of everything rewarding.)

29 “Many women do noble things,but you surpass them all.” (In the long haul, you find what is needed to make it work finding the honor you desire. That brings more self esteem which is a rich reward! Nothing easy is worth much, so honor yourself by honoring your vow.)

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. (Honoring a women for being a "Lady" is very much an earned character that every women can become, and its within your grasps. Make it so with all your decisions. )

So, when was the last time you whispered in your spouses ear?
Cody Robert Judy

For more articles, pieces, and thoughts Cody Robert Judy has written on dating,relationships,and marriage type those words in the search box located in the top right hand corner search box.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

I want all to know my desire is simply to uphold our Constitution. It is the law by which I know we all will be blessed against all odds. Now enjoy the new song I wrote, performed, and produced. Crank it up and Enjoy! WHEN LOVE'S IN THE RAIN

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Breaking News: S.T.O.P Obama with Standing and Proof, House Bill Res. 442 Activation Push

Breaking News: House Bill Res. 442 Activation to S.T.O.P Obama with Standing and Proof.

Breaking News: House Bill Res. 442 Activation to S.T.O.P Obama with Standing and Proof.

Report: A detailed and recorded Conversation with S.C. R- Representative Tom Rice's Congressional Aide Christen Harsha regarding H.R. 442 largely known as the S.T.O.P RESOLUTION in the House with 104 cosponsors currently in The House of Representatives.

H. Res. 442 Cosponsors (108):

Amodei (NV-2), Bachmann (MN-6), Bachus (AL-6), Barletta (PA-11), Barr (KY-6), Barton (TX-6), Benishek (MI-1), Bentivolio (MI-11), Blackburn (TN-7), Boustany (LA-3), Bridenstine (OK-1), Brooks (AL-5), Broun (GA-10), Burgess (TX-26), Byrne (AL-1), Campbell (CA-45), Carter (TX-31), Chabot (OH-1), Chaffetz (UT-3),Collins (GA-9), Cramer (ND-At Large), Culberson (TX-7), Daines (MT-At Large), Davis (IL-13), DesJarlais (TN-4), DeSantis (FL-6), Jeff Duncan (SC-3), John Duncan (TN-2), Ellmers (NC-2), Farenthold (TX-27), Fincher (TN-8), Fleischmann (TN-3), Flores (TX-17), Franks (AZ-8), Gibbs (OH-7), Gingrey (GA-11), Gosar (AZ-4), Gowdy (SC-4), Tom Graves (GA-14), Griffin (AR-2), Ralph Hall (TX-4), Harris (MD-1), Hensarling (TX-5), Hudson (NC-8), Huelskamp (KS-1), Hunter (CA-50), Johnson (OH-6), Jones (NC-3), Joyce (OH-14), Steve King (IA-4), Kingston (GA-1), LaMalfa (CA-1), Lamborn (CO-5), Lance (NJ-07), Lankford (OK-5), Latta (OH-5), Luetkemeyer (MO-3), Marchant (TX-24), Marino (PA-10), McClintock (CA-4), McHenry (NC-10), Meadows (NC-11), Messer (IN-6), Mica (FL-7), Candace Miller (MI-10), Jeff Miller (FL-1), Mullin (OK-2), Mulvaney (SC-5), Neugebauer (TX-19), Nugent (FL-11), Nunnelee (MS-1), Palazzo (MS-4), Perry (PN-4), Pittenger (NC-9), Posey (FL-8), Tom Price (GA-6), Ribble (WI-8), Roby (AL-2), Roe (TN-1), Hal Rogers (KY-5), Mike Rogers (AL-3), Rohrabacher (CA-48), Rothfus (PA-12), Salmon (AZ-5), Sanford (SC-1), Scalise (LA-1), Schweikert (AZ-6), Scott (GA-8), Sessions (TX-32), Shuster (PA-9), Simpson (ID-2), Jason Smith (MO-8), Lamar Smith (TX-21), Stewart (UT-2), Stockman (TX-36), Southerland (FL-2), Tiberi (OH-12),Walberg (MI-7),Walorski (IN-2),Weber (TX-14),Wenstrup(OH-2), Westmoreland (GA-3), Williams (TX-25), Joe Wilson (SC-2), Womack (AR-3), Woodall (GA-7), Yoho (FL-3), Don Young (AK-At Large)

I want to simply report point by point, very clearly, the conversation that I had that was recorded in detailed note taking by two of Representative Rice's Aids, the one of which I got her name as Christen Harsha 02/18/2014 at 10:48 AM lasting 10m04s., and the other one made 02/18/2014 at 10:27 AM lasting 13m10s. I did not recall. The two phone calls separate and distinct of each other.

As nearly as I can I will recollect my words.

The problem with H.R. 442 The Stop This Overreaching Presidency (S.T.O.P.) is there is no one person able to show harm directly with Obama's actions of over-reaching. Sen. Mike Lee reported that the problem, or reason Obama is doing this and no one can do anything is because no one can show 'standing',"You've got to show three things: you've got to show that the plaintiff has suffered an injury in fact--a concrete, particularized harm that's fairly traceable to the conduct of the defendant, and it is capable of being redressed or remedied by the court." Links were not shared in conversation but I provide them as a benefit for the reader here.

Representative Tom Rice invited anyone that might help to get involved on his web site of S.T.O.P. and I am calling in response to that with a solution to the standing problem H.R. 442 will face.

I related, what needs to happen is that an Amendment to it needs to be added to include the Constitutional requirements that Obama fails in his eligibility problem. My testimony in front of the House of Representatives could provide a great deal of support in the argument of standing, and I know Congress is very cautious about the charge of 'racism' being held above their heads by the main-stream media, however my testimony is very clearly on the honorable principle because I held Sen. McCain's eligibility in 2008 in contempt as well as Obama's for not being born in the United States or a military hospital as was purported by many.

Certainly if McCain was born out of the country in Panama and no one cared, and Obama was born out of the country in Kenya, and everyone screamed that wouldn't be very equal under the law. Just because I was the only one who did it in the entire country running for President doesn't make the harm to me, or my campaign less significant. In fact its entirely significant!

My case against Sen. McCain also focused on the collaboration between candidates Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, in U.S. non-binding Sen. Resolution 511 in a matter of eligibility, making those in the spot-light of eligibility partners in an unconstitutional orchestration, leaving standing to only me. I was the only presidential candidate in the whole United States standing on principle regardless of party with a viable campaign and history dating back that could clear the hurdles necessary, but compared to Obamacare that was a great deal.

I continued my action maintaining my standing in 2012 on Obama with my own Democratic Party presidential run against Obama that was recorded in Court as well and ended up in the U.S.S.C in Judy v. Obama 12-5276. This gives the Republican House a certain perception of reaching across the isle for reconciliation of a constitutional injustice as my civil rights have been violated and the courts had ignored me shuffling it off as a problem called the "political question doctrine"

Now, Congress is always saying, "we can't involved when the Courts are involved." Well, we are done and through that process and there was some very shady happenings involved in my case I would like to discuss to The House of Representatives mainly that I couldn't get a case number for 7 months! The Court clerks waited until two other cases from Georgia come up that did not have presidential candidates in them and a week after they entered the court I was also given a case number. This provided cover as my case was slipped in between the two others without a candidate in the race which created the 'standing' argument for dismissal.

I continued, this was not just me saying Obama was not a natural born citizen. I also included clear down from the State circuit court level that rose to the State Supreme Court in Georgia a detailed investigation of professional law enforcement stature. The Cold Case Posse findings released March 1st,2012 were indeed claimed as evidence of Obama's long form birth certificate being a long form fabrication, his draft registration being a fake, and his social security number not being his.

So, it wasn't simply my testimony as a candidate whose campaign for the same office was being smashed, but it was backed up by a legal testimony of professional law enforcement officials, lending proof and substantial evidence that collaborated in a legal finding of evidence and backed up my claim of unlawful harm, and a constitutional breach of qualifications.

Obama was directly involved in handing out this long form fabrication to the media in the White House Press Core room. The Media then reported it to their audiences. This was intentional use in an action of deceiving intentionally and perpetrating a fraud upon voters all to the cremation of my presidential campaign, my person, my reputation, my work.

Now I know once this passes the House that it has to go to the U.S. Senate for Trial, but I offer that if the Hearing is held in transparency, and reported upon fairly and equally, that the U.S. Senate would look incompetent to dismiss the hard facts and testimony that indeed has standing.

I related also I understood clearly the 'racist' charge that was leveled upon Mr. Donald Trump nation wide for his excoriating action, but that it lead to Obama releasing this fabrication that is a direct action, along with his candidate statement he was qualified for the Office he was running for.

The took my phone number, address, web sites very clearly and related the messages would indeed be given to Rep. Tim Rice.

Indeed the bottom line is if the House of Representatives is unwilling to hear me in a public hearing they basically have discounted the hemorrhage of Obamacare upon the people and have thrown in the "I don't care" box, the systematic disaster of all Americans estimated by the GOP to be around 4.7 million who have lost coverages, not to mention jobs, I suppose they're throwing us all in the Obamacare furnaces including whole hospitals.

In many of the same respects Sen. Mike Lee stated that no one had standing in Obama's over-reaching executive arm in issuing executive orders pushing and pulling Obamacare apart according to the will of his pen, and the democratic party prospects in 2014, and 2016, he hasn't looked at my testimony of standing which full fills all aspects of standing in the harm Obama has caused me and my campaign in the Office of the President.

Obama is there in a direct violation of the Constitution's demands for a qualified person. He's every move is a harm to my campaign continually and the cost are mounting, but don't come close to the harm being seen by the American public with no standing.

If Congress is so mired in Obama they would choose not to use my testimony simply for the sake of not being associated with someone who took a stand for the principle regardless of party, and perhaps in protecting their own, it would be likened to letting the whole house burn to the ground simply because a spark come out of the light socket that could have been put out with a glass of water.

Only problem with that is there are a lot of Americans in the House asleep and its a cowardly act to not try simply taking a stand for what's right.
Cody Robert Judy

Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.

Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.

Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.

If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Contribute for Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.

Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here

You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:

We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.

Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

I want all to know my desire is simply to uphold our Constitution. It is the law by which I know we all will be blessed against all odds. Now enjoy the new song I wrote, performed, and produced. Crank it up and Enjoy! WHEN LOVE'S IN THE RAIN