
Saturday, February 7, 2015


Recently I have come under a barrage of criticism from folks both for and against the Article Two Patriot or Birther Platform, and it has a lot less to do with agreeing with the issue and general format of taking a stand then it does with nit-picking. Of course I expect it from anti-Birthers. People pitted so far against the Constitution they'd invite Vladimir Putin here to run for President and contribute to his campaign wholeheartedly. I don't have anything against Putin being President in Russia, but this isn't Russia. This is the United States of America and our standards are afforded us by and under the United States Constitution.

Once in a while the Coach gets the team together and reflects to them in a manner of discipline what can only be considered for their good, by telling them 'They suck', 'are very poor as a team', are engrossed so much in their individual stardom and self importance that they are not acting like a team. This is one of those days and from the broader picture from which I have a unique view, I'm going to tell you suck Birthers and your tacit lack of discipline in defense of our U.S. Constitution sucks to. I mean that in a positive way and relate it to you in a hope that you will get your act together,take a good look in the mirror, and start acting the way your speaking, and start supporting the way you believe for the cause irrespective of your individual aspiration to be a star on some kind of frivolous and even malicious off-the-field attempt at arm-chair spoiled little brat quarterbacking.

Minus about six individuals who have contributed to my campaign in 2012, this applies to you. Its my job to ask and beg you for your help after that the burden upon me is lifted and its on you. You haven't donated or contributed to my campaign(s). You haven't thought $5 dollars in your change drawer would make a difference. You have expected someone with 'deep pockets' to finance your 'freedom and liberty' and they are doing it in the opposite direction because they don't see you as thinking it worth to you what you spend running down to the 7/11 for a drink and a candy bar. Believe me when I tell you that you suck it is with my the deepest reluctance to do so.

I want to say that you're awesome and report to God that you actually are willing to sacrifice one trip to the Circle K or convenience store for your 'freedom and liberty', but I really can't make that recommendation because it just wouldn't be true. You have paid more attention to syntax errors and grammatical spelling errors than the errors of your not supporting with any of your dollars this effort in which our whole Country and way of life depend. This report is made possible by the absolute total drought of donations in 2014 and 2015. I could NOT give up or I lose my you understand that? I quit its gone!

Now you say, "Cody, you're really over-stating your own importance and we don't need you on our team, coaching our team, and we sure as heck are not going to support a former convict who has paid dearly for his crimes in reputation".

Oh yea, but you will support every Candidate and elected official who has stung and hung you out to dry, taking part in the biggest fraud and collaborated effort against the Constitution in upholding Barack Obama's fabrications that you know have been fabricated from the information report of a legal criminal investigation team? Your excusing all the Republican Candidates and for that matter former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from those crimes of reputation you have witnessed and they have never paid for and probably never will? Do you think that's ok?

Ask yourself, "What is involved in this massive Criminal Cover Up?" Does it involve murder? Yes, ask those who have died in Fast and Furious? Ask those who have died in Benghazi? Ask those who have died out in Hawaii? Ask those who have been murdered and had their own deaths covered up? Ask those families who have had their military sons and daughters flown home in caskets' draped in a U.S. flag. Does it involve criminal actions against the public? Ask the IRS Profiling Investigation. Ask Verizon and so many of the social media corporations who have been tapped by the Government. You excuse all of these alleged crimes but refuse to support one candidate who stands against the root of the problem legally. You really suck. Have you left the room yet? If you have you were really weak anyway. if that's you, I don't want you and I don't need you because your playing better ball for the opposition than you are for me and the cause.

You Article Two Patriot Platform Birthers know better than anyone in the Country that nothing goes anywhere without two very important things in the Court. Number one 'standing', meaning you have to be in the Presidential Race as a Candidate to assert damages in the three prong test of standing and number two and this is a doozy, you better have made the same claim against Sen. John McCain in 2008 you're making against Obama for not being "Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' or the Mainstream Media is going to crucify you as they did Donald Trump as the example of being a racist. The problem for you is there is only one candidate for President in 2008, 2012, and 2016 whose got that clean and good record. What's his name? Well, its my name - Cody Robert Judy.

I've never run on anyone that I wasn't. I've never said my reputation was without sin. Rather I've nearly kept up and alive the very reasons that you know who I am because at the very least that is real. Its not a cover-up. It embraces the truth, it encompasses honesty, and is inclusive of truth. I'm not going to deny I have been to prison...are you going to deny that those covering up the BIGGEST CRIME to ever hit American Elections in our lives are free from sin,free to be supported, and free of collaborating in these criminal acts against America? Where is your conviction for truth? If that's the case, you certainly need to take a priorities look in the mirror and see what's staring back at you in your appreciation for freedom and liberty.

Now, please don't think that I was not once in your shoes because I was. When I take a look in the mirror and realize I rolled past many prison or jails and never gave two cents to those in them or circumstances in which they were in them and I said to myself I would never do anything to jeopardize my freedom and liberty and every one was guilty who went there. Understand that when your saying that your also saying Jesus Christ was. According to record he was considered a male-factor or felon to the corrupt Government. He wasn't the only one to suffer that place. Most of the apostles and prophets were and that fact mine actually occurred in a Church a lone makes it highly suspicious when you analyze no one being hurt, no property damage, no harm or weapons and realize I spent as much time as some murderers in prison. All I had was a B.O.M. (Book of Mormon and a Bible.) But no matter what your reasoning is I paid for it dearly. I paid the price that society asked. Even the Media paints a false picture, which is a fraud used to frame me as a fabrication of the truth. This was the subject of Comedy in 2002 but it doesn't take away from eight years of my freedom and liberty starting twenty two years ago.

The irony of the wonderful experience in prison I was dealt with that included nearly four and half years in solitary confinement was the appreciation of our freedom and liberty and realization of how very important our U.S. Constitution is. If I had not experienced the loss I would not have known or gained this appreciation. How can I be bitter about that? I can't. If anything it was an enrichment and a school of discipline that shocked me into what exactly our framers and founders had faced before our Revolution. You can point fingers but I wouldn't be here if I had not gone to prison that's for sure and considering I'm the only one in America as a Candidate who sued on a bi-partisan approach to the principle of our qualifications for president, that means you'd have no one without me. One is better than none.

So why keep punishing me? Why continue to look past all the corruption happening with your elected officials in office now while they refute with assertiveness Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse Report is false? Glenn Beck a few days ago, maybe yesterday said, "I believe Obama was born in Hawaii", yet asserted Obama was nearly a foreigner surrounded by foreigners and communist. Yes, explain away the only thing that has any teeth to nail the usurper by stating he was born in Hawaii and tell us why a long form birth certificate needs to be fabricated Mr. Glenn Beck of the Truth lies here in The Blaze. What do you mean by that? Truth is going down in flames or you're just better at lies?

If Glenn Beck's words here is not an example of a false belief or an inability to remove the beam in his own eye because he refuses a law enforcement investigations results, but clings to a 'belief' that is false because in reality it is not backed up with sound evidence I don't know what is. There's more evidence to support through testimony and documented evidence that Obama's long form birth certificate is a fabrication and his draft card along with it, not to mention a social security number fraud than ABC, NBC,CBS, and Fox News are part of the MainStream Media. The very elect are being deceived but is it willful or do they know that there is a champion who can get them out of it, but they refuse to support him because of "Pride"? What is it?

Here's Glenn Beck's LDS Faith stating, "If we support Cody Robert Judy for President? Oh my God, we sent him to Prison for eight years! Hell will freeze over first before we support him because he just can't be a Champion for our Constitution! He just can't! So, let's regather ourselves let Obama finish and move on",?

This Lead's me to another justification that is being unfurled for Obama that involves some kind of imagined 'statute of limitations' I guess. It goes something like this. What you have going in Court's of Law Cody is "To little too late", meaning Obama's got away with robbing us for six years continually what's another two going to hurt? Or, how about we were robbed 6 years ago, we can see the burglar, know what he did, but decide what he took from us was ok? Why don't you release everyone from prison on the same basis? If you have forgiveness for Obama why don't you relate that to about 3 million others?

I guess that would depend on how fast you think he can lay down your borders, import fighters, and arm them. Seems he did that pretty good as an example to you in Libya and Syria and the Arab Springs. Surprised about the effectiveness of his spending Ten Trillion? How could you doubt his ability to open the southern borders and arm a bunch of rebels with our own guns in what's purported to be a sting operation? Wasn't that what happened in Fast & Furious? You think in matters of your national security two years is a short time and you'll make it? I would say the evidence is against you and once again your 'belief' is false. ISIS and ISIL and the Muslim Brotherhood have all been armed and now we're seeing reports pop up that actually confirm suspects supporting these groups militarily are in the U.S. ,are in your neighborhoods! You think they got all of them?

Still, you have that 'pride' to consider don't you and refuse to support a Candidate who has been true for the cause in which you have stated you are such a supporter of. You suck. Take a look at the computer now that is eight years old and has typed out the Court Pleadings you did not support. I haven't received a dollar of support for almost two years and did I quit? Did I stop fighting for you? Do I suck? I've spent my money, my time, my talents in fighting our cause, but I just can't do it alone. I'm hitting a wall here folks. You get emails from major parties that don't support what you believe in every day telling you they desperately need you to support them but I have to tell you their cause is proven false over and over again.

They suck campaign contributions out of you so that when a good Campaign comes a long your broke? I'm broke but I still have a jar of pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters that if a good cause arrived I could hand over to gladly with my freedom and liberty in mind. Do you?

I need new computers, I need secretaries to spell check who live where I'm at, I need gas money, I need web site money, I need advertising dollars, I need a Campaign Staff again and that doesn't come cheap.

See that rubber band holding the window of my computer together? See those ice trays under the blowing fans? You know it cost a lot of money just to keep from having your computer blown apart by viruses and hackers of which I can't even keep up with. Thank you for allowing me to vent. I feel better but things haven't changed. Your contribution would really help. I'm a little upset about people correcting my spelling errors who won't give up the price of a six pack to contribute towards the cause.

Do you believe that a Candidate who has defended your cause in 2008, and 2012 with nearly every dime he had was fighting for profit or was he standing up for a principle that you believe in but have no Champion worthy or accredited by a Court to hold a serious standing? My case did not receive the standing thrashing by the Court..any reason for that you would not call a victory?

"Ohhhh", You say, "It will take care of itself". "You have to have deep pockets and be rich to run for Office". Excuse me, I wasn't aware of the fact that a certain level of wealth was required in our Constitution qualifications. I am aware you need to be Born in the U.S. to Citizen parents and of the fact that many of our founding fathers actually gave and pledged their lives and their fortunes and were only sad they only had one life to give for the cause. What is your story?

Not willing to hock a old ring you never wear? Not willing to give up a third trip to the convenience store and press the contribution button at the Cody Robert Judy Contribution page? Not willing to spend a whole day spreading a story I've released to a hundred different sites or place them as a comment in national stories? I'm pretty dog-gone aware of the supporters who are doing that and they are very few, God Bless them richly for that support, but what about the 60% of so-called Republicans or conservatives who at the time Donald Trump was receiving his 'racist' whipping boy badge believed Obama was not eligible for the Office of the President? Where are they now? Supporting the Cruz and Rubio Ships? How about supporting the candidates that never said a word about the BIGGEST COVER-UP in our HISTORY?

You need to ask yourself who has more power? A few big donors or let's say 1/3rd of the population of the United States giving $5? Do you realize how much power you have in those numbers if you will move on them? That's 106 million giving $5. That's 530 Million dollars and I think would be formidable against any of the big corporate candidates. I guess if you're like Glenn Beck and want to believe in falses and want to believe in shall we say your own 'pride', we can pretty well say it's going to be your own pride that brings you down, because the truth will have its day.

Now when that day comes around do we really want it to be "JUDGEMENT DAY" in front of the Savior? Do you really want to put that 'belief' to the test so you can say you followed Mitt Romney's example and chose not to give one dime to the only Candidate in American History who has stood up to the BIGGEST FRAUD in American History. How tall are you going to be able to stand up to President George Washington when you die? Do you think you deserve a place at the table for Patriot's in American History when the cost is only $5 a plate?

Do you think you'd be honored at the table of these current Elected Legislatures and the usurper in the White House at $2500 dollars a plate? Do you think hearing from a women who has been at Obama's side as a Democrat readying her Campaign and speaking to audiences for a speaking fee of a quarter of a million dollars is your honor? I tell you to seriously consider those at the table your choosing to support and those you're hurting because of your lack of support.

It is felt and I am hurting and needing your help for the cause upon which you say you believe but refuse for a whatever reasons to come together on. Those reasons is what I'm asking you to evaluate because I do believe you have $5 for me that you can send. God Bless you if you do with a seat at a table in the company of those who before us have lived in this honor of standing up for the U.S. Constitution.

Yes, we may lose but there is not doubt that we will lose if you don't get off your behind and start supporting the team that has the teeth to win!

Its been an honor to serve you
Cody Robert Judy
Captain of The United States Constitution Team as a Candidate for President 2008,2012,2016 by word and deed more than the rest. You might deny it, but I think you'll lose the high ground in the debate.

The Court cannot simply continue to refuse justice to third parties and independent political stands for fair and equal treatment under the laws. Our Country allows third party candidates allows write-in candidates, and those laws while exercised rarely have claim on precedent cases of the U.S. Supreme Court: Namely Minor v. Happersett which declares a natural born Citizen to be born in the U.S. to Citizen parents! Obama fails this and it’s a decision rendered in a higher court that the lower courts are suppose to uphold!

This panel of Judges in the 10th Circuit Court have not only compromised themselves by not recusing two of the three judges with conflicts of interest favoring the defendant/Appellee, but have set out to flip the bird at the United States Supreme Court precedent case law. It is on those conditions we must at the least recognize this as a big win!

You can read the ORDER and JUDGEMENT here and... you can read my RESPONSE or request for a REHEARING En Blanc here.

Update: Here are the three very important questions I posed to the Court to justify Rehearing if:

Question #1- Does Justice Gregory A. Phillips having ENTERED FOR THE COURT the ORDER AND JUDGEMENT on this case February 3rd,2015 having been considered to the U.S. Senate for Confirmation with the favor of the Appellee/Defendant in this case, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro in the nomination process and thus his very employment as a Justice in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals constitute an prejudiced dismissal summarily instigated upon the Plaintiff that would seem at best a compromise of judicial discipline in recusal decorum and at worst an impeachable offense?

Question#2- June 25th, 2014 this Court handed down a decision favorable to ‘individual rights’, considered standing and upheld marriage in Kitchen v. Herbert No. 13-4178 and considered the rights of an individual who is unpopular more important per the conflicting referendum of all the people in the entire State of Utah and it’s Constitutional Amendment in the State, which does not come on political easy street; isn’t the ORDER AND JUDGEMENT of this case dismissing it as frivolous a conflict of the Court’s own interest and judgment in that case in the interest of Individual Rights?

Question#3- The conflicting statements in the ORDER and JUDGEMENT asserted by the Court leave criminal mischief, fraud, forgery, and a declaration of the precedent case in Minor v. Happersett regarding a natural born Citizen being “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents” by the U.S. Supreme Court undefended and a wreck; and fair elections on equal terms for all the Candidates, per race, per qualifications within the U.S. Constitution in total disarray and the Appellant/Plaintiff without recourse in the infringements of his Civil Rights to a fair race; Does this not deserve the attention of the full Court and the political corrections that might be made for the next general election where the entire U.S. population has a stake and claim for fairness, equal treatment under the law in the considerations of our Republic?

I'll keep you updated as things happen and discuss this more in detail so pass it on and keep checking back. Thanks so much for your help and support needed at this time more then ever.
Yours Truly
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Thursday, February 5, 2015



Shepard Smith anchor at Fox News complained January 20th, 2015 that the White House had dropped the word ‘News’ from Fox News Placeholders at the State of the Union Lunch Obama held to map out all of their key talking points for his address, hoping no doubt to assure they got it right. Shepard pointed out as he sat next to Brian Williams he noticed his placeholder sign read ‘Brian Williams NBC News’. Then he looked over at David Muir’s from ABC and it read ‘David Muir ABC News’. Both his and fellow anchor from Fox News Bret Baier’s simple read their names with the word “Fox” under it. Remember in 2009 the Obama Administration’s attempt to shut Fox News completely out of the White House Press Core?

Many of the comments over at the NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Story defended the sleight of hand story claiming Fox News didn’t report ‘news’ and I quickly thought none of the other networks have either when it comes to the Appeal over at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, the stories of history are being made, but no one is covering it. No one is writing stories about it. What story you ask? Hummmmm.

Yet another first has happened in American political and judicial History and no one see’s the story? ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX news have not called in their political and judicial experts to review the fact that two very experienced Justices have just been laced with corruption charges for failing to recuse themselves destroying a whole panels ORDER and JUDGEMENT and causing a shadow of embarrassment for the whole U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit Court. That’s actually the biggest win in the Nation yet for Birthers who have been protesting that the United States Constitution was in jeopardy!

Of course if the United States Constitution is in jeopardy then so is every black robe in every Court including those of the United States Supreme Court under it, as well as every U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator’s seat, I think and hope you get the point of how important the U.S. Constitution is for all of these positions. Without the U.S. Constitution they simply don’t exist. Ask George Washington how many times King George wiped out the Congress or elected spokesman for the people and called for new elections before our Revolution? That was one of the very angering ways decisions by the elected were subverted entirely by the King and what led to our Revolution. Minus that and it might not have ever happened.

What has happened in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals is by all accounts fascinating for political junkies. Never in all of Birther History for sure has a Judgment and Order by a panel of Judges been wiped out so cleanly. Ok, break it down why is this fascinating?

Well, when you consider how many Birther Cases have gone up to the United States Supreme Court now and been denied. How many? I can think of more than six, maybe even more than a dozen starting with Phil Berg’s case since 2008 I’ll let NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX News work on that details of that one, (Do you feel vindicated now Shepard Smith (smile), you will see that we never see which Justices are involved in the Conferences if a panel is used or whose on the panel? All we have ever received is “No” answer meaning in conference the Justices refused to take it up.

As we take a step down on the decisions or opinion’s rendered to get to the U.S. Supreme Court we are necessarily faced with two general Courts. Those of a State Supreme Court’s often also deciding not to take it up with no opinion; just a denial or a affirmation of the lower Courts decision, or a U.S. Court of Appeals Circuit Court decision.

So out of all the Court’s in the United States rendered on Birther or the Article II Patriot Platform, we have essentially no word from whose decision was “No” on the U.S. Supreme Court cases, and no opinion’s from the U.S. Supreme Court. Further we have a few Court of Appeal’s opinion’s and a few State Court Decisions that basically upheld the lower Court’s Standing arguments against the plaintiff’s or petitioners smashing their cases into a billion pieces. That’s all we have. Probably the most significant of those was in fact the one from the 9th Circuit Court Orly Taitz argued with a candidate for office in toe Allan Keyes Barnett v. Debra Bowen, but this made no claim for damages to a Campaign and was leveled at the California Secretary of State for basically failing to vet Obama.

That case did not level a claim of damages against Obama for say the infraction of stating he was qualified under oath for the office he was seeking should he be elected. In defense of The Secretary of State(s) they are more or less either relying on what the Candidate says or what the Party’s nomination form states for the Candidate. Rep. Nancy Pelosi filed two forms for Obama in 2008 one for Hawaii and one for the other 49 states dues to Hawaii’s assertion that it must be known that he was qualified under the U.S. Constitution’s demands and not for simply the parties choice. To my knowledge there has never been damage assessment made from any Campaign accept mine against Obama’s Campaign based on his not being qualified. This figures that a Campaign against Obama has not suffered injury or loss due to the investment of the Campaign including commercials, web pages, travel and on and on and on.

In truth I don’t think Allan Keyes Campaign even made commercials at all and sure didn’t come close to Mitt Romney’s Campaign, my campaign actually kept up and so suffered a much heavier or substantial loss or damage as a result of Obama’s ineligibility. So in a sense you had a big claim for damages but the only real damages was a claim against the office of the President itself. No monetary claim whatsoever.

Now to understand the special circumstances coming out of the loss February 3rd, 2015 of Judy v. Obama, is to look at the real victory that unfolded. Unparalleled in any Birther Case History is a total destruction of a Circuit Court of Appeals opinion which has imploded upon that Court by its own dereliction of Justice. You might even call that a manifestation of the Case’s Merit or else why would the Court lower itself to such an implosion of Court corruption?
Two of the three Justices of that panel have received direct favor from two presidential candidates who I opposed in 2012- Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The Defendant’s/Appellee’s in this case are Barack Obama his Campaign Corporation(s) and the DNC Officials and the DNC as a Corporation.

Justice Gregory A. Phillips received his nomination from Defendant Obama. Justice Carlos F. Lucero received his nomination from President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband. Their very employment in the 10th Circuit Court would not be possible without that favor, so it’s very significant as it encompasses the defendant’s of the case in relation to competitors with or against the Plaintiff, me. If these two Justices would not have their jobs without Obama and Clinton I’d say they favored them and to say otherwise is …what was the words they used to describe my case…wholly incredible, frivolous, and malicious? That fits pretty well actually. Never before in any case against Obama’s eligibility has this happened and it’s a big win! It puts the Court itself on defense, smashes or renders the opinion into a billion pieces and requires the further Action of the Court on the question, “What are they going to do now?”.

To deny that favor exist of which recusal was merited invokes a real claim for corruption that pretty much anyone could comprehend. That’ doesn’t take a legal genius or a great understanding of law. What are the options? Well, they can regroup, form another Panel of three or five they feel has no bias or issue in the Campaign Races and Presidential Appointments of the last decade and render another decision. They could defer the question to the United States Supreme Court for settlement saying “hey, listen we have a problem down here and don’t know the best way to handle it. Could you assist?”

Either way it invokes careful consideration and maybe more eyes on the case itself. In Birther or Article II Patriot Platform history has that ever happened in a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals? The answer is no, and that means we are in new territory never explored which is for all intensive purposes a victory of progress for we have never been able like this to lay a claim on ‘injustice’ in the Court the population could understand.

Ok so we have established a connection between the Defendant’s and two Justices of the three-Judge- panel. Did their decision reflect that partiality in a reasonable consideration? Let’s break that down.


To understand the absurdity of the Justices declaration that “no claim upon which relief could be granted has been made” would be like stating while looking at a dead body with a head chopped off, no murder has taken place upon which the death penalty exist for; or while looking at a recently robbed banks vault that the joker had just emptied and saying, ‘no burglary has taken place upon which a relief exist. I mean you could say that because maybe the murder didn’t happen in our Country or the Joker is a foreigner not subject to our laws, but that really gets into the absurd realms of extremism and the far limbs and twigs of justice. I think with all of the legal experience we do in this nation, all the brilliant legal minds that we have, that we can do better.

The Justices in the panel decision basically said two things upon two different subjects. First, allowing me third person leeway here speaking as my lawyer, regarding Cody’s Civil Rights as a Candidate for the Office of the President they said in so many words that Cody has no right to a fair and equal race that is based upon the rules within the Constitution’s declarations in the qualifications for the Office of the President because there are no penalties that exist or that have been let’s say criminally or congressionally codified. This is not true.

Acknowledging the truth, Cody has stated, well the entire race for my Presidency has cost around this much and those are the damages that have been received upon me personally, and upon my Campaign based on Obama’s Campaign in this particular race. Its’ like an accident and any insurance job that the defendant should be responsible for because of his reckless and irresponsible driving. Obama should have known better. He claims a license of responsibility. I mean if someone comes up and totals your car wouldn’t you want it fixed by his insurance?

This case not only shows Cody’s civil rights were violated which are absolutely declared in the Constitution by the rules, and the disregard of those rules comporting a standard of illegality, further by some pretty well known Constitutional Acts of Congress (Sherman & Clayton Acts) that actually spell out penalties for the Court to uphold and declare Cody has a right to spell them out to the Court without an Attorney General doing it. That’s Big! It certainly doesn’t happen often, and perhaps never has been seen in the Court. As such it is really new for the Court’s consideration.

To back that up, the Panel of Three Judges did entertain in their language that Cody could not point to a single case like it, but it was done in more of a mocking way to shall we say scuttle ingenuity and unique creativity afforded to an individual, oh say like the recent plea’s for same sex marriage to be given the same tax breaks as heterosexual marriages? Yes, the Court’s have not upheld that for a very long time, it’s pretty unique and the Court even mentions that in their decision June 25th, 2014 in Kitchen v. Herbert.

To for instance render a decision like the Court’s ORDER and JUDGEMENT gave me to the same-sex marriage Plaintiff’s would be for the Court to tell them they were sick and wrong, needed to repent, and find opposite sex relationships to assist in population growth and the continuation of the species BECAUSE that was normal. I pointed this out to the Court. Just because they haven’t seen a case like this in their lifetime or our American History in the Judicial Branch doesn’t give weight to dismissing the principles and good reason they haven’t – No one’s violated them like this usurper since they have been alive!

Now the Court might say “well, no other candidate for President has come to the Court and asked for recompense.” To which, Cody has stated, “You know what there is a good reason for that? The reason Mitt Romney hasn’t come in is because he was actually made an indirect recipient of good will or favor if he wouldn’t. The evidence of that is in U.S. Sen. Res. 511 where all the Republican U.S. Senators voted for a non-binding resolution that naturalized McCain’s ‘natural born citizenship’ in a similar process that an alien would be naturalized. Yes, the Court received this in my pleadings.

This didn’t go through The House of Representatives and it wasn’t signed by an eligible President so it’s non-binding however, the favors that are attached to it are very binding in support politically for his candidacy for President. Would anyone deny that if Mitt Romney really embarrassed the entire spectrum of Republican Senators exposing their drunkenness at a party they were all involved in that they would support him? Think about every State having two Senators and that body being controlled by Democrats. That means Mitt Romney can’t afford to lose a single U.S. Senator, he needs everyone of their support.

Now it wasn’t Mitt Romney’s fault that every single Republican U.S. Senator in 2008 made a deal with all three candidates in U.S. Sen. Res 511 co-sponsor Hillary Clinton and co-sponsor Barack Obama for Sen. McCain but it sure was the ticket he was running on and he had to procure the favor of support and the compromise to that was not to claim damages against Obama’s Campaign for his not being qualified as a natural born Citizen. He also backed away from McCain in 2008 who he’d lost to and failed to bring it up in-house Republican nomination. I didn’t. I jumped in and sued McCain before Obama in fact like the good little write-in Candidate I was.

To say otherwise, Mitt Romney would have to publically declare he didn’t care or need any Republican U.S. Senator’s support. Then he would also have to declare that he didn’t believe in the U.S. Constitution’s demand and qualifications for the Office of the President and he’d rather subvert them in much the same manner Obama has handed out exemptions for Obamacare and ObamaAmnesty which grants Amnesty by Executive Order refusing to uphold Congressional Legislated laws based on a term referred to as deferred prosecution which amounts to a Presidential Favor or pardon from a particular law, order or judgment. Can you imagine those questions being aired on ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox news and discussed in their panels over coffee?

Some say the Democrats want more naturalization populations in any form possible Amnesty included because they can get people on the political dole by giving them help and support and telling them if they vote Republican they would necessarily have all this help they are receiving taken away. Some say Republicans don’t mind the same process because it attracts people who are hard workers and want also to preserve the opportunity America offers in keeping the fruits of your own labors and private property ownership along with a slew of other civil rights not afforded in other Countries.

Really the totality of the argument rest upon how big of a swath and how fast it happens because America has always maintained an open door for legal immigration and we are a Country of historical immigrants if you want to walk the trail backwards in every family that has come under the umbrella of the United States Constitution. The problem has been how to handle a rush and break down on the door for those who chose to smash it down or not come through the front door legally. Its’ Congress’s job to decide how big that door is but if they make it the whole border our Nations sovereignty can be placed in jeopardy for a nation without borders is no nation at all and most Nations would agree with that.

If the U.S. all of a sudden decided to not respect borders, oh let’s just say Obama invaded Libya supplied weapons to the gangs taking over the Country killing the President, then pretty soon other nations wouldn’t think very highly of us. Oh I’m sorry, I used an example of Democrats not respecting borders and using our military complex to take over things. That’s kind of a bad example because that’s actually why people want to come to America because they are fleeing oppressive governments and if we are one there’s no reason to come. Maybe that’s what Obama is trying to get across and no one’s printing the story of it? Let’s get back to our discussion as we’ve digressed three paragraphs.

So in theory for the Court, I have argued former Governor Mitt Romney actually has already received his compensation by an award of favor and so he didn’t need to go to Court to get one. I on the other hand have not received any favor from the Republican U.S. Senate and their might be a good reason for that. I sued Sen. McCain in 2008 for not being a ‘natural born Citizen.’ If all of McCain’s U.S. Senator buddies voted for U.S. Sen. Res. 511, and they did, that would necessarily put me on the outside of their favor and I explained this to the Court as a reason they didn’t hear from Gov. Romney as the Republican Nominee in 2012.

The Court cannot simply continue to refuse justice to third parties and independent political stands for fair and equal treatment under the laws. Our Country allows third party candidates allows write-in candidates, and those laws while exercised rarely have claim on precedent cases of the U.S. Supreme Court: Namely Minor v. Happersett which declares a natural born Citizen to be born in the U.S. to Citizen parents! Obama fails this and it’s a decision rendered in a higher court that the lower courts are suppose to uphold!

This panel of Judges in the 10th Circuit Court have not only compromised themselves by not recusing two of the three judges with conflicts of interest favoring the defendant/Appellee, but have set out to flip the bird at the United States Supreme Court precedent case law. It is on those conditions we must at the least recognize this as a big win!

You can read the ORDER and JUDGEMENT here and... you can read my RESPONSE or request for a REHEARING En Blanc here.

Update: Here are the three very important questions I posed to the Court to justify Rehearing if:

Question #1- Does Justice Gregory A. Phillips having ENTERED FOR THE COURT the ORDER AND JUDGEMENT on this case February 3rd,2015 having been considered to the U.S. Senate for Confirmation with the favor of the Appellee/Defendant in this case, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro in the nomination process and thus his very employment as a Justice in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals constitute an prejudiced dismissal summarily instigated upon the Plaintiff that would seem at best a compromise of judicial discipline in recusal decorum and at worst an impeachable offense?

Question#2- June 25th, 2014 this Court handed down a decision favorable to ‘individual rights’, considered standing and upheld marriage in Kitchen v. Herbert No. 13-4178 and considered the rights of an individual who is unpopular more important per the conflicting referendum of all the people in the entire State of Utah and it’s Constitutional Amendment in the State, which does not come on political easy street; isn’t the ORDER AND JUDGEMENT of this case dismissing it as frivolous a conflict of the Court’s own interest and judgment in that case in the interest of Individual Rights?

Question#3- The conflicting statements in the ORDER and JUDGEMENT asserted by the Court leave criminal mischief, fraud, forgery, and a declaration of the precedent case in Minor v. Happersett regarding a natural born Citizen being “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents” by the U.S. Supreme Court undefended and a wreck; and fair elections on equal terms for all the Candidates, per race, per qualifications within the U.S. Constitution in total disarray and the Appellant/Plaintiff without recourse in the infringements of his Civil Rights to a fair race; Does this not deserve the attention of the full Court and the political corrections that might be made for the next general election where the entire U.S. population has a stake and claim for fairness, equal treatment under the law in the considerations of our Republic?

I'll keep you updated as things happen and discuss this more in detail so pass it on and keep checking back. Thanks so much for your help and support needed at this time more then ever.
Yours Truly
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

BREAKING NEWS - Obama Eligibility Case Decision and Response Includes Obama's Justice Nomination

BREAKING NEWS - Obama Eligibility Case Decision and Response Includes Obama's Justice Nomination

The U.S. 10th Circuit delivered a punishing blow to Judy v. Obama, 14-4136 dismissing it and upholding the lower U.S. District Courts decision calling it frivolous, malicious, and wholly incredible. The 5 page decision was rendered to day out of the Denver Appellate Court after being reported in chambers for more than a month.

My initial reaction was one of being pretty disappointed and hurt. I'm not sure being dismissed as frivolous and malicious was as insulting as if I'd been dismissed for a lack of standing, but the result is all the same. It was flabbergasting to read the Court's Order and Judgement to say the least understanding first hand how very harmful allowing Obama to run roughshod over my legitimate qualified and Constitutionally adherent Campaign was and how deceitful and fabricated his was.

As I begin delving into the decision after my initial shock thinking this was just incredibly awful, came the question on who were these Justices? That's when I looked them up and found one of the three had in fact been nominated by the Defendant/Appellee of the case Barack Obama and the other Democrat was nominated by President Bill Clinton. I could not have imagined a more ridiculous scenario then to think that the Judge entering this decision was receiving his paycheck based on a defendant I was making a claim against?

All the thousands of hours and hard work just goes up in smoke to something far less deserving and destructive of the U.S. Constitution in Obama's forged and fraudulent identifications known as the fabricated long form birth certificate and draft registration. Yes, he is in the Office of the President but under what horror and fraudulent circumstances?

Yes, receiving more votes but for who in the consideration of the fabricated long form birth certificate and certainly Obama's own admission his father Obama Sr. was a foreign citizen at the time of his birth. Indeed, the founders and framers had expressed interest firmly that the Office of the President was not to devolve upon foreign or alien persons. That was the reason they expressly formulated a higher criteria of demands for qualifications in the Office of the President from that of U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators.

A two generation protection was laid out for the Office of the President cited as a natural born Citizen, rather then a Citizen cited for the lower Congressional House and Senate. No foreign influence was discerned as meaning 'born in the U.S. to Citizen parents.'

The eight attempts since 2003 to legally change the qualifications for the Office of the President bear the greatest testament to that definition as they all wanted to change the meaning mentioned to something along side the qualifications of U.S. Reps and U.S. Senators requirement of "Citizen". These attempts failed but do broadcast to all that Congress knows exactly what I'm saying to be true. If it wasn't so, why would it have been necessary to change at all?

I think the American People know that something is a foul, and the trust has been spoiled but still without a champion to lead the Court cases being in the Presidential Race, everyone shrugs their shoulders in hopelessness and despair. Not even the strongest politicians have any hope of moving it into the Courts without being called racist by the Media because they cite McCain as not being questioned about his foreign birth. I did take McCain to Court but the Court ruled after the election that it was moot because he had lost.

So Obama won and is ineligible and now what does the Court say? Its highly unlikely going to be successful. Well it sure as heck isn't if the Court won't even hear it that's for sure.

You can read the ORDER and JUDGEMENT here and... you can read my RESPONSE or request for a REHEARING En Blanc here.

Update: Here are the three very important questions I posed to the Court to justify Rehearing if:

Question #1- Does Justice Gregory A. Phillips having ENTERED FOR THE COURT the ORDER AND JUDGEMENT on this case February 3rd,2015 having been considered to the U.S. Senate for Confirmation with the favor of the Appellee/Defendant in this case, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro in the nomination process and thus his very employment as a Justice in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals constitute an prejudiced dismissal summarily instigated upon the Plaintiff that would seem at best a compromise of judicial discipline in recusal decorum and at worst an impeachable offense?

Question#2- June 25th, 2014 this Court handed down a decision favorable to ‘individual rights’, considered standing and upheld marriage in Kitchen v. Herbert No. 13-4178 and considered the rights of an individual who is unpopular more important per the conflicting referendum of all the people in the entire State of Utah and it’s Constitutional Amendment in the State, which does not come on political easy street; isn’t the ORDER AND JUDGEMENT of this case dismissing it as frivolous a conflict of the Court’s own interest and judgment in that case in the interest of Individual Rights?

Question#3- The conflicting statements in the ORDER and JUDGEMENT asserted by the Court leave criminal mischief, fraud, forgery, and a declaration of the precedent case in Minor v. Happersett regarding a natural born Citizen being “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents” by the U.S. Supreme Court undefended and a wreck; and fair elections on equal terms for all the Candidates, per race, per qualifications within the U.S. Constitution in total disarray and the Appellant/Plaintiff without recourse in the infringements of his Civil Rights to a fair race; Does this not deserve the attention of the full Court and the political corrections that might be made for the next general election where the entire U.S. population has a stake and claim for fairness, equal treatment under the law in the considerations of our Republic?


To decipher this a little, the Order and Judgement released today was authorized by a panel of three judges. The whole or full Court considered to a panel of five or more. So, the decision released today was by a panel of three justices and my asking for a rehearing en banc is a request for a bigger panel of Justices to make a decision on wither to hear it.

I've basically asked the Court to recuse both the two Democrat Judges nominated by Obama and President Clinton because as I stated in the Petition for Rehearing Clinton's appointment conflicts with Hillary potentially being a Candidate for the Office of the President in 2016 and there is a interest to protect that.

So that's the news, we'll submit this and see what happens. I could sure use your help and thank you for passing it on and considering this essential to our national security.

Yours Truly
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX Patriots v. Seahawks - Deflategate v. National Security Where's the Fair Game?

Super Bowl XLIX Patriots v. Seahawks - Deflategate v. National Security Where's the Fair Game?

There is really something about the excitement in the air on Super Bowl Sunday as the culminating Championship for the National Football League. All the pain, sweat, blood and tears of practice and losses, all the pats on the shoulders and encouragement for and from your team-mates through out your wins smiling, yelling,jumping up and down in excitement and victory.

Players know how much work has gone into all those practices nearly all year long and how through the regular season, the playoffs, and conference championships thirty-two teams whittles down to two teams for the Superbowl. All the drills and practices comes down to a laser focus on two teams.

From my own 13 year career in football I know a lot about the game. I remember starting in 4th grade a little later than most of my friends whose parents were married, but it just so happened that year my Mom got remarried to a nice man named Glenn Woodyatt. Glenn had two sons who were 4 and 5 years older than I was Danny and Harvey.

Harvey and Danny became my big brothers who I'd never had and somehow through Harvey's suggestions I was able to get into football and start playing in the Brigham City Little League Football program on the 85 pound B team. I hadn't every played so was really a rookie to many others who were on the 85 pound A team, but I didn't care. At least there was a team for me. Well, we did pretty good that year and I was the fastest so earned a running back position. The next year I was on the 105 lb. A Team and we never looked back or lost a game or season or mini-bowl for some ten years.

That's the kind of team I put on shoulder pads with, and the caliber of boys I grew up with. Harvey's question after Friday's game was not did you score a touchdown, but how many touchdowns did you make today? We sailed through elementary, Jr. High, and Highschool showing everyone what winning was all about. I was one of only two sophmores in Highschool brought up on the Varsity Team and lettering. My Senior Year I was named MVP of our High School Football Team and Best Offensive Player.

Losing is apart of every position in life and our luck ran out in the semi finals of our Senior Year in the biggest game of our life's. I had never played or practiced on astro-turf until that day and what a bad day it was for the Box Elder Bees against the Davis Darts, who beat us and went on to win the State Championship. It was a foreign field, and foreign turf to me and I spent the first half learning that when you cut on that turf you stopped a lot quicker and I just couldn't seem to get my footing.

We played our best for the experience we had on that ground but we got beat and Davis High School was heard reporting after they had won that it was the Box Elder Bees who had given them the biggest fight. I had averaged that year as the lead running back 6.7 yards per carry and over 800 yards. That meant if you got the football to me you were never not going to get a first down in an average of two plays.

Football teaches you a lot about discipline and pushing yourself hard to do the best you can. That's all that was every expected. I had the honor of running circles around Merril Hodge who was a year ahead of me and notably played Quarterback my freshman year there.

He went on to be one of the best running backs in the Pittsburgh Steelers franchise. In his career, Hoge gained 3,139 rushing yards and 2,133 receiving yards, scoring 34 touchdowns. While playing fullback in the Steelers offense, he scored 10 touchdowns in 1990. It was an honor to play football with him as he was always friendly to me though I was the walk-on.In 1996, Hoge was hired as an on-air analyst for ESPN.

Being on the meat squad opposing the Idaho State Defense in 1985 was actually a bigger task than playing against the Oakland Raiders as our team was bigger. It was really incredible and for some reason I begin to think walking on a Professional Team might be the smarter play if I was going to keep this football career up as even if I was on a scholarship it posed a greater degree for injury and the same risk would be paying better in the Professional League.

I had played with the big boys, knew I could, but that's when I hung up my football shoes and decided to retire and pursue my career in horsemanship which provided for me a satisfying means of competitive sports with a lot less risk to my body. Although horses are bigger then those football players the dressage foundation that had been given to me by both my parents was ingrained proved so successful we could literally break a horse in front of an audience with no buck. That's me in 1988 on a pure Spanish bred Stallion named Numaa on a training recommendation I received from Alfredo Ortega who was Wayne Newton's Head Trainer.

A lot's happened in between the cracks and in 2008 I put it all down in a book called Taking A Stand - The Conservative Independent Voice that was rushed out for the 2008 United States Presidential Election making my football and horsemanship arena just a little big bigger with the Political Arena. I had started in Congress in 2002 and attracted enough attention for Jon Stewart to take notice on The Daily Show and went on to run for U.S. Senate in 2004, and 2010 which you might say was running on a field I had not been on before.

To maintain the 'standing' I had in 2008, I had to run in 2012, and thusly 2016. I can't say I have won any Super Bowls in the political arena yet, but I can say the work I've done in the field has been a lot of blood, sweat and tears, without a lot of slaps or pats on the back. The joy of the work has come only from actually taking a stand for our United States Constitution and knowing that there are approximately 320 Million Americans who are out there I'm playing for. The team has gotten bigger and the stakes have gotten higher.

Fighting for Truth has been my interest for the American People and I've taken a stand in the qualifications for the Office of the President on a bi-partisan platform that has pitted me against Sen. John McCain and Sen. Obama for not being 'natural born Citizens' ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. This has undoubtedly been the hardest most criticized and despised team to play for in America over the last six years.

The interest of powerful people have compromised the national security of our Country in that office and that office is the easiest way to destroy everything that the United States of America as a team has put together, which is the reason I dug myself in for that defense right on the front line and have written over 400 post here about that. I've even wrote and sang songs about Obama not being a 'natural born Citizen'. Here's one.


Rocky Balboa's words in Rocky Balboa are as true today as they were in the movie when he was talking to his son. There isn't anyone that is going to hit harder then life.Sometimes life isn't fair and it will beat you down. But its not about how hard you hit, its about how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.

Standing for the truth and understanding that the qualifications as a "Citizen" were given to the Office of Representatives and Senators was different than the qualification of 'natural born Citizen' given to the Office of the President, after the adoption of the Constitution is a second generation safety issue on our national security.
The qualification for the President was "Citizen" but only for those who were "Citizens" at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. They have all passed away now and fighting for that truth has been my game for six years now.

I am the only Presidential Candidate in the United States of America who sued McCain and Obama for not being 'born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' that U.S. Supreme Court case Minor v. Happersett declares there is no doubt about. Foreign Citizenship can be acquired from either parent or birth place outside of the U.S. and quite simply the whole idea was to keep the Office of the President away from foreign allegiances. People think one life time is enough to establish loyalty, but the qualification itself required more than one lifetime. Its a time qualification that requires two full uninterrupted or foreign free generations from either parent or birth place.

If loyalty alone was a mark established by time as an example, how loyal has Sen Ted Cruz been to Canadian Citizenship? If he proved to discard his native born Canadian citizenship so easily and turn his back on them, don't you think he could do the exact same thing to the United States of America? In fact, he is sworn to uphold our U.S. Constitution as a U.S. Senator which he has been given the opportunity for meeting the age, time in America, and Citizen qualification for as a brilliant freshman U.S. Senator. However, his plans to run for President and his not taking a stand for the qualifications of "natural born Citizen" are really all we need to put up as an example of why the Office of the President was actually given a stricter qualification in age and time that was free of foreign or alien-ships for two full generations. The same thing could be said of U.S Sen. Marco Rubio also a rising star in the Republican party whose inherited from his father and mother Cuban citizenship at the time of his birth.

You might have noticed the air needles in my picture commemorating and wishing both teams playing tonight 'good luck'. I have been thinking this last couple of weeks about the air pressure in the balls receiving so much attention by the Media with due diligence to making sure a fair game is played. The NFL to their credit has brought in experts to analyze a theory as well have conducted an investigation interviewing some 40 people in a very short period of time termed 'Deflategate'.

Congress has never passed a alteration of the U.S. Constitution's qualifications for the Office of the President although 8 attempts of doing just that have been made since 2003. Imagine if Congress exercised not only due diligence but duty to uphold a 'fair game' or 'elections '08 '12 ' as the NFL has with the subpoena power it has?

Is'nt it a terror upon the American Public to witness a subversion of the U.S. Constitution's demands for a natural born Citizen in the Office of the President, while witnessing the generous media publish with virality the story of proper air placed in a football for an important game? Which should have been a higher priority?

To the credit of the NFL Patriot Football TEAM who was subject to 'deflategate' they fully cooperated with the investigation, but the Democrats and Republicans while having the duty to uphold the rules have done just the opposite and that is with the evidence of a criminal investigation on their desks in the Sheriff's Kits.

This is very upsetting news to digest with your chicken wings over Super Bowl Sunday I understand, but its more important then any Football Super Bowl Game and its a extreme discourteous outright dereliction of duty for Congress not to at the very least put Obama's Ineligibility in the cross-hairs of a qualification hearing based on the intelligence of his not being a 'natural born Citizen' even according to the foreign citizenship Obama has divulged himself to them.

This is where hopefully you might see the Judicial Branch come into the play like a call from the referee simply because both the Republicans and Democrats have been unwilling to call any of their own 'ineligible' by the facts of foreign citizen-ships inherited or received from birth and thus negate the time of two generations required for the Office of the President. Hopefully, a neutral position could be had in the Courts that separated party loyalty from facts.

Just because a few Republicans and Democrats in our modern history ganged up to subvert the qualifications, that America's Congress's and Courts over two centuries have upheld, in U.S. Sen. Res. 511 which ultimately was not binding, not seen by the House, not signed by a President, and certainly did involve three Presidential Candidates in Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, and Sen. John McCain, does not mean that the Court doesn't have the authority to say,"Listen, you haven't been able to change it legally since 2003 with 8 attempts, why should we not uphold a third parties defense for the Constitution as it stands now"?

You know how horrible it is when a 'bad call' in the referee's department ruins a game like the Super Bowl? Imagine compounding it 100 times by fleecing 320 Million Americans out of a national security defense and that's why I have fought and played so hard for the Constitution as a Patriot. That's my team! We haven't won really anything. For all intensive purposes the Media calls us losers and birthers as derogatory terms rather than heroic ones.

Still in my heart burns the innocents of so many who just don't know and don't understand. Would you fight for children who had not learned their times tables yet? I hope we all would. It is in certain terms of responsibility those who do knows duty. I know I fight for the truth and I'm doing my best to score touchdowns for our Team. God Help Us.

Very Truly Yours,
Cody Robert Judy

Ignoring the facts just like Congress has ignored them isn’t going to change them and the thing about facts is they eventually catch up with you.

Judy v. Obama case No. 14-4136 is indeed in chambers and is set to be ruled on shortly. I don’t know exactly when it was submitted for a decision as ripe by the Clerks and I don’t know how long it may be in chambers much like one doesn’t know how long it will take for a jury to reach a decision but we do know now for certain that the process of a decision is underway and has been since Dec 29th,2014, and that all arguments have been submitted and are now closed.

For those wishing to read the court action I have filed in Judy v. Obama filed in the Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Denver, CO. I invite you to here. I also would like to make an appeal to you for contributions which you can send to the address listed on the Court document to me if you'd like or you can now do that online at the web site now.

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"