
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Millions Now Understanding the "Republi-con Corruption in UnConstitutional Cruz

Millions Now Understanding the "Republi-Con Corruption in Un-Constitutional Cruz

New TV Spot Who Are The Birthers Rakes Cruz Crusaders

Whom ever described 'Conservatism' as part of the anti-Constitution Establishment would certainly have had President Ronald Reagan scratching his head, unless it was the Truth. The Gipper would have shook his head and said "No - No", but that is not what Republicans are doing with the word-flatulence contorting out of Sen. Cruz now.

"Once a Tea Party darling, not always a Tea Party darling", might be the the reward for Cruz from the Tea Party as he throws his hat in as an unqualified Candidate in the race for U.S. President. The Cruz Crusaders are fighting tooth and nail for him proving themselves unified with the Obots in a terror upon the Constitution's demand for a 'natural born Citizen'- Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

Putting two and two together is actually striking when you start looking at Cruz and Obama and wondering what Cruz would really do with the power as President? But first, let's see what stark comparisons intertwine the two.

Cruz accomplishments mirror Obama's.

Not to many realizing the multiple tricks.

Very presumptive of you to recall Obama's stage craft in Europe's Rock Concerts as if they were there for Obama's speech mirroring Cruz's first Announcement he was running for President with the mandatory attendance of all the Students at Liberty University.

Both of Cruz and Obama have degrees at Harvard , both were Constitutional law professors. Obama was said to be financed by Saudi Arabia with a 20 million dollar Grant to Harvard and was the unpublished President of the Harvard Law Review, while Cruz just had a published Harvard law Review stating he was eligible by two former U.S. Solicitor Generals.

Both have communist sympathizing stories Obama's of communist mentor Frank Marshal Davis, Cruz's of his own Cuba/Canadian father's surprising escape after first fighting for Fidel Castro in the early revolution and than being incarcerated for a year which qualified him with just enough time for asylum after a stint in Canada were Cruz was born.

[While the issue of Mr. Castro escaped Monday night’s conversation, Rafael Cruz, an evangelical Protestant pastor, told this reporter more than a year ago that he was wrong as a young man to have supported Mr. Castro and had subsequently “fought against” him.]Like Obama supporters who 'forgot' about the Communist Links for a winner, Cruz supporters seem willing enough to let it go if they can take the White House.

Family's are similar..2 girls. Not that it has anything to do with being qualified, but it does have an image of similarity and its really hard to critique a man with such a darling family.

And... Both Cruz and Obama are most definitely not 'natural born Citizens' -Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents, and are relying on the sympathizer aspects of a minority to coalesce support as a winner. It actually worked for Obama.

Freshman Senators running for Pres before their first term is over, who gave big speeches to attract a national following. Cruz filibuster in the Sen. Obama Democratic Theatre 2004 .

"Imagine" the odds!

This all worked for Obama and it was predicted by Communist quite some time ago so is Cruz phase two for the work not quite finished? The easiest form of relief is to have a back up plan or strategy which people run away from and right into and with all the similarities its hard not to see Cruz as the undercut coming from the right hand as the eye is on the left hay-maker both set to knock out an opponent.

I wish Mitt would have challenged O's Eligibility. I've always thought the reason he lost was because he was embarrassed about standing up for the Constitution, and that's really the #1 job for the Pres. To preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution, wish Mitt Romney would have challenged Obama but Mitt Quit, and I have to shake my head at the fools who think 'conservatism' embraces the desire to shred the U.S. Constitution and our Civil Rights.

While Cruz announces "It's time for Truth", he's busy avoiding it in his run for President as an ineligible candidate collecting Grandma and Grandpa's contributions in fact in a fraudulent bait-n-switch. At the heart of his tenant for usurping power is the fact that he assumes the Framers and Founders were so puckered up on sour mash that they actually conveyed "Citizen" meant the same as "natural born Citizen" in the same paragraph of the U.S. Constitution even though the clearly distinguish a clear time frame as a separation of the terms.


"Citizen" at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, "natural born Citizen" for those afterwards. I don't personally believe Cruz is a constitutional illiterate and he's merging the two terms actually makes him a charlatan of a most extreme deception worthy of the label "Imposter" candidate for President.

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

(e) a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person;


Now let's look at the following where the person is born outside the USA which requires both parents to be US citizens at the time of birth in a foreign nation:

8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

(c) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person;

This person, above, is also a naturalized at birth (legally granted) citizen, not a natural born citizen.

The only category missing (see for yourself 8 U.S. Code § 1401 sections a-h) is a person born within the USA to parents both of whom are US citizens. Why is that? Because you cannot grant natural condition given all laws establish an artificial effect.

U.S. News just published the fact at Cruz's Presidential Announcement that Cruz inherits Birthers. So who are these Birthers making U.S. News Headlines?

Today we at the Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Camp unveil a new little TV Spot that helps clarify to the Nation exactly who The Birthers are and while U.S. News keeps failing to identify the only Candidate as representing a tri-partisan stand inclusive of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, we keep on doing what we do and hoping you'll pass it on to your neighbors.

The Birthers are a Coalition of Americans serving and recognizing the Jurisdiction of "Time & Place" in the United States of America's Republic under the U.S. Constitution. Cody Robert Judy is the only Presidential Candidate in America who has taken a stand in U.S. Fed. Courts of Law against both Sen. McCain and Obama in 2008, 2012 and now in 2016 clear to the U.S. Supreme Court. CRJ continues his pursuit of Individual Rights in "Justice for All" in this TV Spot. Follow the Script here-
Script: Time & Place
[Hello, I'm here to tell you about something happening that is very inspiring and unique in the world-

Its about a group of people who have, and are suffering the ridicule, sneers, and contempt of the world for taking a stand for the truth.
Taking a stand for one of the most plain, well considered, and fundamentally vital principles enveloped in our U.S. Constitution.

Did you know President George Washington's copies of the Constitution and Bill of Rights sold just three years ago for 9.8 million dollars?

Its amazing the simple rules that govern over 320 million of us can be carried in your pocket.

Over 30 million copies have been handed out, distributed and where the world was once ruled by kings, emperors, czars, tribal chiefs, and thugs over half of the world now favors Democracy.

Our Republic is founded as a Constitution Republic and it is this Republic for which we take a stand.

The Birthers are a coalition of Americans who understand that time and place are important factors in consideration of the United States of America's Jurisdiction.

Across millions of dinner tables all over America now a discussion of the qualifications for the Office of the President is happening.

And at the heart of this discussion is a paragraph of the U.S. Constitution that contains two distinctions in regards to qualification found in Art. II, Section 1, Clause 5.

The word "Citizen" is used for those present at the time of the adoption of the constitution and the words "natural born Citizen" are used for those after, dispelling anyone as a foreign national by time and place for two generations from the Office of the President.

This has served as a national security interest for America and is the primary concern and passion of the Birthers.

We are patriots among the traitors and tyrants in the world using twisted contortions and perversions in their quest for power.

I'm Cody Robert Judy, a Candidate for U.S. President in 2016 with a tri-partisan stand representing this Principle across America and across all party lines, in U.S. Courts of Law.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

Cody Robert Judy

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Monday, March 23, 2015

TED CRUZ -When National Figures Tread on National Principles

TED CRUZ -When National Figures Tread on National Principles
Also of interst please read "Cruz Controlled"

Its 9:43 AM, Sen. Ted Cruz has just made a terrible blunder in announcing his Candidacy for U.S. President. Let me say that I agree with everyone that Sen. Ted Cruz is a very good speaker and his family is just adorable. At first glance the Cruz Family is just picture perfect of a beautiful American Family that has come from obscurity in a single generation which is really a remarkable inspiration for every immigrant family coming to America for a better life; for the unique American experience, opportunity, and freedom.

In the interest of Freedom and Liberty, There has to be some lines drawn for the U.S. Constitution, our Government and Courts of Law as well as our Government Elected Leaders to even function under the protections of our Nations Laws. If there are no lines their authority quickly is diminished and overtaken. Judges simply would not be Judges in a valid Court of Law if our Constitution is not honored. Elected leaders would not be authorized under any law and even their very positions defined under the U.S. Constitution would be invalid. This explains very quickly to everyone the importance of honoring our U.S. Constitution in the simplest terms.

Many people do not even understand the legal obligations considered when taking immigrants in to the United States and that includes both the mother and father as both very important figures in a child's life which is honored with U.S. Citizenship if either parent is a U.S. Citizen at the time of the birth of the child. There are only two positions in our whole Government which require a 'natural born Citizen' that requires a full two generations indicated by Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents, and that is the President and Vice President positions in the Executive Branch.

In entering the U.S. Race for President of the United States Sen. Ted Cruz violates that simply because he is now taking contributions for a Office he affirms that should he win in the election he could qualify for. Many do not understand that people can be elected but fail to qualify. Our Constitution understands this in Amendment XX it states, " or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify ".

There are only a few qualifications in Government for every office that can be reasons people fail to qualify. If someone has not reached the age requirement of 35 years of age, they might be a U.S. Senator at age 32 but cannot run for President. If they are 25 years old they cannot run for U.S. Senator but could run for U.S. Representative. The 'natural born Citizen' clause unique for the Offices of the President and Vice President are as unique and understandable as the age requirements that we all seem to respect and understand. The qualification is a distinct American loyalty by birth and parental heritage that includes two generations at the time of the child's birth we call two generations of time.

If this qualification is not just as important as the age requirement why don't we see Mark Levine throwing a fit about someone who is 34 years of age not being able to run for President because of a single year as he diminishes the importance of a single border or a single foreign parent? The President functions as the Commander-In-Chief of the entire Defense of the United States of America. Its a rather important position and even though the qualifications have nothing to do with 'earned income', 'education', 'previous offices elected to', or 'family heritage or Genealogy', Americans are missing the significance in large part to even more fundamentally important aspects of the qualifications for the two offices that require a natural born Citizen. No foreign alienship or foreign national loyalty, shall occupy the Office of the President and Sen. Ted Cruz at the time of his birth which is the time we lawfully account the credit fails twice. He was not born under the Unites States of America's jurisdiction and his father was not a U.S. Citizen. Those allegiances are foreign in his person. Now his children would qualify when they come of age.

Ted Cruz himself has yet to call himself anything else but a 'Citizen' as if we would not notice or know the distinction and this simply requires a mass educational effort we cannot make without your help. We hoped you had learned it in the basics of grade school and that it had not been forgotten but apparently our education system is failing Americans big time.

I watched the live broadcast on C-Span's Road To the White House and made this short comment:

SHORT ON SEN. TED CRUZ Announcement:

Just finished watching Ted Cruz's declaration and announcement to officially run and all I could think about was a wobble from Left to Right by two unqualified people in the White House that finally made America fall down.
It's just heart breaking to me to understand so many Americans supporting what is so bad that they perceive is so good, and not supporting someone who looks so bad but is standing up for what is so good.

I haven't been elected but have stood firm across party lines as a Candidate for President for what I believe is the most important qualification in our Nation ..for our national security in the interest of the Office of the President but there has just been so little support for it because of this populist trend of national figures who have agreed amongst themselves to tread on the Constitution but say they support it and want to get back to it.

In addressing a comment that has been spread wide across my post on FB that a 'natural born Citizen' was someone who was born to Citizen Parents I have made the following remark which I feel is important and will help American's understand why the "Born in the United States", part of definition of the 'natural born Citizen' requirement for the Office of the President is just one part of Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents but no less significant.

@R.C. Jackman thank you for your comment. I respectfully would disagree only because you left out "Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents" Without the birth jurisdictional value or soil affirmation is lost. With jurisdictional claims of U.S. Constitution importance, territories, foreign bases, and foreign soil do not have the full weight and measure as do the States under the United States Constitution. Its the simple fact that our U.S. Constitution does not have jurisdiction over foreign territories as they are not "a State" of the Union in the United States whose umbrella is the United States of America's Constitution.

In helping Americans I have developed a free American 9 Point Defense Card for Article II Patriots who wish to educate in a help for a greater understanding. Its not everything but its enough to send whoever is questioning you back to the dog house for not knowing these things that are very obvious and require a little deductive reasoning to understand. We should all be able to understand these things.

Appreciate your help and support in this fight and as far as Sen. Ted Cruz is concerned and the near fifty times he called the Liberty University Students to attention with the word "IMAGINE" in reference to a better and secure United States of America, can you please with me imagine at least an American Son or Daughter who in fact is qualified under the United States Constitution for President.

If you would please do that for me, I dare say the lawful and civil battles I have fought over the last six years with McCain and Obama would be over and I might retire from politics still unelected but very happy to leave the Presidential Arena as a Candidate for 2016. Until such time as that, I am filled with such respect and honor for those who have bled and died on the battlefields for the United States of America with sworn oaths to support and defend the U.S. Constitution that I can't give up on them as they didn't give up on me.

Though my family has been separated by Divorces as near 50% of America has, I have never been elected to Office, and I am economical considered in a class as 'living in poverty', and I have spent 3018 days in the Prisons of America (now 1/5 Americans have experienced in some form) over protests under free speech, I have a vision for America that turns the elected offices of America from the top down back into serving America instead of being served so eloquently stated in the President Kennedy's words, "Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country".

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

Cody Robert Judy

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"