
Friday, April 3, 2015

Obama Served in Supreme Court of the United States as a USURPER while visiting Utah

Obama Served in Supreme Court of the United States as a USURPER while visiting Utah

UPDATE: 4-8-15 *
While R-Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, wanted to use Obama's visit to talk about Benghazi; R-Utah. Sen. Mike Lee hoped to use it to remind people on his email list of all the sins the Obama administration has committed to date in the order of racking in donations for Utah Republican's party; Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker praised the president for coming; and Gov. Gary Herbert said he hoped to get a private meeting with Obama; Cody Robert Judy, the only un-elected one in the bunch living in Utah having run as a losing Candidate for the 1st Congressional District in 2002, the U.S. Senate office in 2004 and 2010 that Sen. Mike Lee won,was actually serving Obama as a Presidential Candidate in 2008, 2012, and 2016 in the Supreme Court of the United States, due to Obama's ineligibility as a natural born Citizen. -Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents-

In defense of the United States Constitution's natural born Citizen clause, Key to our Country's national defense, and our future, Obama is not technically eligible to even fly in Air Force one as President" Judy said, "He is dis-honoring the Office of the President every day he occupies it as a Usurper and your elect aren't doing a pence of salt about it. It's nearly unbearable here where the salt of the earth has lost its savor", Judy said in a reference to Luke 14:34 and comporting Mormon Doctrine of Covenants 101:39-41."

Resident Occupier of the White House Barack Obama greeted people on the tarmac after Air Force One safely landed, Thursday, April 2, 2015, at Hill Air Force Base 8:10 p.m , in Roy Utah, just five miles from where Cody Robert Judy's Campaign Headquarters here in Ogden, Utah are. You can imagine my surprise as I saw Air Force One landing then I thought today was a great day!" Judy said, serving his papers in the Supreme Court of the United States and muscling up for his Presidential Interview that night at WNLM Radio's Meat & Potatoes Show in Massachusetts while Obama was sound asleep at the Sheratan Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.

"Yes, it was rather interesting; the timing and everything. It just came together and coincided perfectly", Judy said, "One of the most interesting coincidences I've ever been involved with in politics. I felt very humbled and honored to be serving We The People, in serving Obama this humble appeal for Justice in the highest Court or Supreme Court of the United States. Of course Obama has gotten away with a lot but this Nation is not for sale nor will it be blackmailed by fraud or treacherous trickery. This has been my duty as a Presidential Candidate who has standing. Running in the race carries a very big responsibility and I hope America sees I've carried that well and not taken it for granted."

There has been a lot of speculation amid Sen. Ted Cruz's announcement to enter the race for President in the coming 2016 election. "I'm sure he knows he is not qualified, and a witness says Sen. Cruz acknowledged in a 2012 interview that Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents was the requirement and Obama failed. Obama knew too, but what these men also know is how dog-gone hard it is to catch a thief. The problem has been being able to prosecute and hold the line even as the qualification for President as a natural born Citizen were being usurped by bullies. The Court processes take a long time. I've been involved with them since 2008 and sued McCain and Obama.

Judy points to long uphill court battle the LGBT community fought and how long it has taken them for their individual rights to be recognized in sanctioned unions of marriage by the Government and a fair tax credit. "I'm no different in wanting my Individual Rights recognized to run a fair race with all requirements of qualifications expected from every Candidate for the Office of the President", Judy said.

During Obama's visit to Utah he met with some of the Mormon Leaders there. LDS Church spokesman Eric Hawkins said LDS President Thomas S. Monson, age 87, skipped a meeting with Obama to preserve his strength for the LDS Church's General Conference this weekend. Shortly after President Barack Obama landed at Hill Air Force Base, he rode by motorcade to Salt Lake City where he had a private meeting at the Sheraton Hotel with Presidents Henry B. Eyring and Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency and apostles L. Tom Perry and D. Todd Christofferson and it was noticed that Obama thanked them for their support in the new LGBT Law prohibiting discrimination, acknowledging the individual rights, and religious freedom.The measure took seven years to pass.
Your item was delivered at 4:12 am on April 8, 2015 in WASHINGTON, DC 20500 to 20500 WH PU. The item was signed for by A SWANN.
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That's about how long it seems I've been working through the loops of the Court in the emphasis of the Office of the President's unique qualification as a natural born Citizen and its a tough battle not only fought in the Court but fought in campaign of the public arena. Especially when the Media paints such a tough "racist" head strong wind to go against even though Sen. McCain was the first on my list to check check in U.S. Federal Court. That's happened a lot with Obama with others like Donald Trump, and Obama himself has insinuated the racist card many times in efforts to bring this issue of qualifications to the Court of Justice calling those Birthers circus acts and carnival barkers the day he handed out his fabricated long form birth certificate.

It took us back. We had to do some checking all the while Obama is redirecting the press as a big war hero getting Osama bin Laden the next day. There we are scrambling to check out a document almost immediately reported a forged document but it took law enforcement over 2500 hours and many many test were performed to come up with the official analysis signed in affidavit by the law enforcement investigation included to the Supreme Court of the United States in this Writ.

That hasn't been the only challenge to work through. We've had scholastic academic professors who have ventured over the line trying to merge the term "Citizen" and "natural born Citizen" in spite of the Constitution's clear distinction that Citizen was the requirement "at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution" U.S.C. Art. II, Sect. 1, Clause 5. These are respected and intelligent people from prestigious universities offering their commentaries. Still, Congress since 2003 has attempted to change the 'natural born Citizen' qualification to "Citzen" in the qualifications for Office for President. Its failed every time, which in summary is the witness and voice of the People not wanting it changed. There is a process to Amend the U.S. Constitution and it is not by listening to a few commentaries who wish to see it changed. Our elected leaders have more authority over the term then they do by the voice of many.

The fingers have been pointed that the Constitution didn't explain or didn't come with a dictionary of terms but with using deductive reasoning we can suppose that every type of "Citizenship" discussed in 3 U.S. Code: Title 8 Aliens and Nationality §1401 a-h really describes for us every event of Citizen. The only one missing is "Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents which is natural born Citizen. The Constitution didn't define pirate either, but we know what one is.


While Birthers have been getting slammed by Republicans and Conservatives for Sen. Ted Cruz it might prove the best thing to happen because suddenly a decision from the Court is bi-partisan. Title 8 (g) describes his circumstances as naturalized or codified by Government. [Nationals and citizens of United States at birth (g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of who is an alien and the other a citizen of the United States.] A person fitting this outline is Sen. Ted Cruz born in Canada to maybe one U.S. Citizen. His mother may have a Canadian citizenship if she naturalized like her husband. If that's the Case, Texas did not elect someone who was even a U.S. Citizen qualified but a Canadian natural born Citizen.

There really are only two kinds naturalized and natural. A natural born Citizen actually is the only circumstances prohibited in or from Title 8. and the reason is it is never doubted that one born in the Country to Citizens are natural born Citizens, and that is the requirement for the Office of the President. So asking what is a natural born Citizen hasn't been the right question. Its the deductive reasoning that is very available in Court that asks, "What isn't a natural born Citizen? We find that out in Title 8 describing all the types and variations or qualifications of "Citizen".

The good thing about this is it subsides the Court's own hesitation based on what's termed the doctrine political question.


This Writ is diverse as it is capturing calling witnesses of profound importance to testimony. Like former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton to witness under oath at things they have been reported to say and to have said as to evidences they posses that Obama was not qualified and the complications and perils they faced in retaliations for their witness of which I will not elaborate upon at this time, but are key in the chilling effects doctrine of standing and important witnesses.

There's a lot more to come so stay tuned in and share the good news. The Usurper has been served in the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States by someone with Standing. Again a hearty thank you for those who have thought enough about our Country to chip in and help with the printing and mailing of this very important work for the United States of America. God Bless You! All of America thanks you! It is very sad for many of us to understand so many do not appreciate our the freedoms and liberties our U.S. Constitution give us which otherwise are wiped out. It is a precious document and we are not at liberty to wipe out, dilute, or merge terms that have been a great defense for us all except the very rights you as an individual cherish will be wiped off the face of the Earth and you will have nothing to turn to because you turned your back and diluted the Office of the President and thought so little about the sacrifices made for you by those who gave their lives that our Nation might be Born.

Again thank you for visiting us. This week we have been celebrating over 500 Post on this blog and 200,000 views. Thanks to you! Keep on keeping on.

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

PARTY TO PRINCIPLE Part II Restoration Is Necessary


Yesterday this Blog Featured "PARTY TO PRINCIPLE- Birth of the Nation - Announcing U.S. Supreme Court Appeal on Cruz'N Obama Ineligibility" and today we wanted to focus just a little bit more on the key elements of why being a Party to Principle is so important and why a Restoration is indeed necessary for a stabilization of our Nation we hope to begin again with the appeal of Judy v. Obama 14-4136 to the U.S. Supreme Court in a Writ of Certiorari.

Our Nation was Born, and it has grown in leaps and bounds into a young teenager who is gangly, rebellious, and inherently clumsy. It is a natural course. It takes teenagers a good 10 to 15 years to look back and say, "You know Mom and Dad, I want to thank you for teaching me what you did, because I now see the value in it. Stapling this point to the board we need only look around at just how many of us no longer see the U.S. Constitution as preciously valuable.

Our Writ of Certiorari goes into this a little noticing a correlating anthem that is somewhat flat from respected academia. It is very easy for someone who can sing very well to hit some flat notes. All that has to happen is for the voice not to be heard for an instant which scores the great importance of hearing and listening. Amazing is the voice that is in tune and awful is the one that is just a little off. Of course we have honest mistakes that we can bear but the when voice begins to nauseate our stomach we must stop and find out how to best correct it.

We all have weaknesses and we all have strengths. My strength might not be,. let me correct that, is not spelling. Its unfortunate good spelling is considered such an important detail in communication because I feel often like I am in a constant state of apology for misspelling and grammatical errors which seem to come so easily to others I admire. I have and constantly work hard to improve my weaknesses and make them stronger. We are celebrating this week going over 500 post on this Blog and 200,000 views and as you roll back the blog I believe you can see improvement. My point in this is academic professors all though schooled and trained in certain aspects of detail and having great strength in some areas can also be infants in others.

We all know President Elect Barack Obama (U.S.C. Amend. XX Sect. 3 'if the President elect shall have failed to qualify') and Sen. Ted Cruz were once Professors of Constitutional Law and both attended Harvard. In the political arena you'd have to be a recluse to not see the two former Solicitor Generals who have had their Commentary - On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen” published in the Harvard Law Review MAR 11, 2015 128 Harv. L. Rev. F. 161,Neal Katyal & Paul Clement, of which Obama was elected as President at one time. An opposing view of the article from notable Mario Appuzzo is here.

I might add here that their may or may not have been a Twenty Million Dollar grant and for sure there was major influence from Saudi Arabia at about the same time.
Saudi Prince Paid for Obama
1987 Bill Ayers solicited Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (a.k.a. Donald Warden) to raise money for Obama’s Harvard Law School education. al-Mansour is an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an outspoken enemy of Israel, and mentor to Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale. At the time al-Mansour associate Percy Sutton was raising money for Obama’s education, al-Mansour was the top financial advisor to mega-billionaire Prince Alwaleed (Alwalid) bin Talal of the Saudi royal family.

1988-1991 Obama attended Harvard Law School.

This brings me to another academically respected Professor teaching at the Columbus School of Law of Catholic University of America Sarah Helene Duggin. She is well noticed of late, because of her research as a Professor who was published Oct. 28th 2013 specifically: Is Sen. Ted Cruz a natural born Citizen eligible to serve as president Constitution Daily's theme is 'Smart conversation from the National Constitution Center', is "The first and only institution in America established by Congress to "disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a non-partisan basis in order to increase the awareness and understanding of the Constitution among the American people."

Now in this article she specifically states that "There are no more Princes wanting to infiltrate America's Presidency which Obama's financed education and adoption is a walking talking repudiation of. She says: "Finally, the natural born citizenship clause is both an anomaly and an anachronism. The way in which the clause differentiates among United States citizens is contrary to the overall spirit of the Constitution; the risk that foreign nobility will infiltrate our government is long past; and place of birth is a poor surrogate for loyalty to one’s homeland in our increasingly mobile society and our ever more interconnected world. The best solution would be to amend the Constitution, as many legislators on both sides of the aisle have proposed over the years. In the absence of an amendment, the clause should be narrowly interpreted."

While admitting "Foreign Influence" was the historical scope of Supreme Court Chief Jay's Letter to President Washington as the check and motive for 'natural born Citizen' in the qualifications for Office of President, she cites the Naturalization Act of 1790 - The Naturalization Act of 1790 probably constitutes the most significant evidence available. Congress enacted this legislation just three years after the drafting of the Constitution, and many of those who voted on it had participated in the Constitutional Convention. The act provided that “children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens.”- but does not mention the specific detailed repeal in 1795 of "natural born Citizen" words replaced with "Citizen".

While recognizing the problems with getting a Presidential Candidate with standing to repudiate an infringement clear to the U.S. Supreme Court she argues Sen. McCain's case with no mention of Judy v. McCain or past U.S.S.C case Judy v. Obama as if these records were unknown to her enlightenment and research. To her credit she admits the subject is not decided and is in need of U.S. Supreme Court Review, but advises until then that the Constitutional Key of the Office of the President in qualifications be run over or 'narrowly interpreted', assuming the great difficulty that I indeed face in getting to the U.S. Supreme Court properly, and representing a bi-partisan effort, is never going to happen.

The United States Naturalization Act of January 29, 1795 (1 Stat. 414) repealed and replaced the Naturalization Act of 1790. The 1795 Act differed from the 1790 Act by increasing the period of required residence from two to five years in the United States, by introducing the Declaration of Intention requirement, or "first papers", which created a two-step naturalization process, and by conferring the status of citizen and not natural born citizen. The Act specified that naturalized citizenship was reserved only for "free white person[s]." It also changed the requirement in the 1790 Act of "good character" to read "good moral character."

How interesting that the act of 1795 as well changing the absolute conundrum of naturalization with natural law in Citizen and natural born Citizen, as well made the distinction of "good character" and "good moral character". While maintaining as professors 'good character' in their esteemed and respected positions of scholastic reputation a morality of the Constitution is certainly lost as the integrity of boundaries is breached in their assertions that 'time' and 'place' in the term 'natural born Citizen' - Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents - is worth being narrowly interpreted. Now is it benign or malicious?

What would we as Americans say to someone who says, The time of the Convention Monday, September 17th, 1787 never happened. This nation was never born and the United States of America has no boundaries or place attributing anything considered as opposing that view as 'contrary to the overall spirit of the Constitution'? Wouldn't you say that person is really stupid or is acting as a domestic enemy of the United States?

We are forced to address these issues in the Writ of Certiorari because of the respect our own U.S. Supreme Court Justices indeed have for these men and women. I don't like to have to make it a public record, but they obviously have no hesitation in making their's public and without argument it can indeed become policy. Way down the road it may seem like an obvious mistake which was regretted and would need to be changed just as that Naturalization Act of 1790 which lasted 5 years and was regretted.

Why do we keep going the rounds and dipping and diving on this issue? Its because there is and always will be a hunger in the belly for power, recognition, and fame. If those hungry for it see a boundary against their acquisition they will tend to take the fence down and hope no one notices their prying the squeaky nails out of the boards and pulling the post till the fence is down and then they will say the fence never existed.

This is why a Restoration is necessary and why I feel like I'm in a meat grinder being disposed as frivolous. SHOCKING! When you have a U.S. Supreme Court Justice in a mainstream report headline read, "Antonin Scalia: The Constitution is 'dead', you better believe a restoration is necessary. 'Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says the Constitution is “dead, dead, dead,” rather than a “living document.”. If he meant that it is cut and dried and should not be added to or taken away from he also dismisses the 2/3rds majority of Congress necessary to change it. (U.S.C. Art. V)If he meant that it is not the U.S. Supreme Law of the Land then he's occupying a office as a Justice De Facto rather than De Jure.

I would like to announce it will be my pleasure to address on The Meat and Potatoes Show, which is great for an Idaho Born spud like me, (smile)some of the detail of this Writ of Certiorari and the importance of the the natural born Citizen clause in our Constitution as a qualifier that we must take a stand for as Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

The issues and hurdles that I have to bring to the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court in this Writ of Certiorari are indeed of great importance to our Nation and the future for our children. One of the most basic cruel critiques of natural born Citizen is that it is some how 'against' the spirit of our Constitution in that it is seen as a discriminating disqualifier like some kind of a nasty racist remark, rather then a wise standard of qualification. For those insinuations a defense must also be made. You never see those who say they want to change or merge the terms 'Citizen' and 'natural born Citizen' say anything about equalizing the qualifications for every office in the Constitution including the varying age requirements and time requirements that differentiate U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, and U.S. President. This to me is clearly their agreement that age is important and time in the U.S. is important as these two qualifications differ between all three offices.

What they don't see is that 'natural born Citizen' is also an age requirement as it takes more "time" to fully ripen. In fact that's all it is is another time oriented qualifier encapsulating or enveloping two generations. This is a huge crack in their side walk for to rant and rave about one age qualifier and not care about another is self defeating of their own argument. Indeed a maturity is seen in U.S. Reps 25 year age qualifier, a U.S. Senator's 30 year age qualifier and 35 year of age qualifier for U.S. President. The time in the U.S. requirement also is progressive in a different way 7 years a Citizen of the U.S. for Representatives, 9 years a Citizen for U.S. Senators, and 14 years a resident within the U.S. where 'Citizen' is not even mentioned. You don't see eight challenges to these qualifications made since 2003 that have failed, you only see an attack on the 'natural born Citizen' qualifier for President. Its just sad to me that such blatant immorality exist for so many of our elected leaders.

In closing I would like to say I think Sen. Ted Cruz entering the arena of the race for U.S. President 2016 is probably the best thing to happen because it finally gives a bi-partisan loss or equality to both Republicans and Democrats in the determination rather then being inflammatory to one of the respective major parties. This has a powerful effect upon the Court to be able to say this is a bi-partisan issue that effects all of America and does not necessarily effect one party in favor of another. This in fact neuters the political doctrine question argument which is very encouraging for this Petition.

I hope to empower you with the intelligence necessary to ignore the Media who either deliberately ignores the actions I've taken to stand up for the Constitution's qualifications for President, or who is so enumerated and inundated with information they themselves don't know I exist. It does seem the likelihood of the former is greater than the latter simply because I make it a point to email at least 1 or 2 reporters and editors in 2 to 4 Newspapers in every State of the Union hoping to educate and inform the population if nothing else by a note from them that their are different opinions that do count among us and these scholars of respected institutions.

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may
attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as it most important key holder. The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

PARTY TO PRINCIPLE- Birth of the Nation - Announcing U.S. Supreme Court Appeal on Cruz'N Obama Ineligibility

PARTY TO PRINCIPLE- Birth of the Nation - Announcing U.S. Supreme Court Appeal on Cruz'N Obama Ineligibility

PART II of this Article

This week we are going to be Celebrating 500TH POST a heartfelt and appreciative 200,000 views on this Blog and we want to do it sharing a couple of stories with you and of course the news that we are going to appeal the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissal of Judy v. Obama, 14-4136 and are hoping to submit that this week.

Yesterday we sent out an appeal of ourselves for help that was very much needed in the printing and mailing expenses of over 7,000 pages and the Mailing Expenses of them, of this important work to the U.S. Supreme Court. The response is so inspiring we wanted to share just a little bit of it with you from differing points of view. So many feel alone and overwhelmed with the prospects of success in the endeavor of standing up for our U.S. Constitution because of so many losses.

Truly, our efforts have thus far fallen on deaf ears in the Court, and truly if President George Washington after losing thirteen battles had just sent the army home the new Nation "under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all", would not have been born. Let me say we have a very good knock out Writ of Certiorari for the U.S. Supreme Court consideration that includes things that the U.S. Supreme Court has not even seen like the updated collections of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse and these are brought to the Court under authority afforded just as an attorney general would bring it to the Court under the laws so designated by Congressional ACTs that legally govern Corporations.

Many people are focused on the past and all the losses, but there are cases that lower Courts decide themselves this really is a U.S. Supreme Court matter. Sometimes focusing on the past and all the losses perpetuates a losing process or a losing cycle in what is called a self full filling prophesy affect. Last week fellow candidate for President's U.S. Supreme Court case was dismissed from the U.S. Supreme Court against a secretary of state.John Albert Dummett, Jr., et al., Petitioners v. Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State, et al. Docketed:January 13, 2015 was dismissed March 20, 2015. Another case by Tracy A. Fair, Petitioner v.Robert Walker, et al. hoping to get a definition out of the Court of natural born Citizen is scheduled for conference April 3rd, 2015 that is set to be most likely denied because of the waiver to file a response which is typical for petitions that are on the chopping block the moment they enter door.

Many of the cases filed against Obama in theory are filed under other people's names as if the responsibility rested upon their shoulders that Obama ran as an ineligible candidate. Petition's also hope to swerve around the Candidate hoping to bank a shot in on the issue that will effect him. All of the petition's like this have failed thus far and so have the one's directly citing Obama's name. Mine was among those in my ballot challenges in New Hampshire taken to the State Supreme Court, Georgia taken to the Georgia State Supreme Court and appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court as Judy v. Obama 12-5276.

These were exhausting processes taken up a lot of resources and time, but they were also processes that just had to done as they were the 'best course' to follow at that given time. I was in fact challenging Obama within the Democratic Party as a Presidential Candidate myself for that party. Certainly proof not all Democratic Party Candidates supported Obama's ineligibility or alleged crime spree in identification and many other types of fraud in our election.

This case now being appealed from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals known under Judy v. Obama, 14-4136 has taken Obama, his Campaign Corporations and the Democratic National Committee Corporations as well as several key elected persons like Representative Nancy Pelosi the majority leader in the House at the time in 2008, and and U.S. Sen. Harry Reid majority leader in the U.S. Senate not particularly acting in their elected offices positions, but acting in differant colleague elected offices in their respective Houses of Congress, and brought all of these actions together showing the illegality of those in the direction of usurping the Office of the President with an unqualified Candidate. This action has shown the illegal actions that took place during this effort. Obama certainly didn't act alone. He had a lot of help and there were illegal actions taking place collaborating under an umbrella of what we would term a illegal active monopoly or Cartel. The point is this action is completely different then the U.S. Supreme Court case in Judy v. Obama 12-5276 in so many ways they are very different.

One originated out of ballot challenges or appeals from State Courts the other originated out of U.S Federal Courts under Civil Rights and Acts of Congress having to do with Corporations and their collusion in the formulation of Cartels. I mention this to explain briefly the reasons that hope can be assumed for this case in the U.S. Supreme Court. Even though it is still a long shot as are all U.S. Supreme Court cases by the simple fact so few are chosen to be heard by the Court with the burden of showing a HUGE IMPACT on our society to gain any merit at all and still requiring all the legal aspects and technical hoops of standing and the requirements set by standards of the Court. The process is like facing a jump off a sky scraper with a couple of gunny-sacks sown together as a parachute-daunting to say the least. So was the prospect of militia fighting the most well trained and disciplined British army on Earth in our American Revolution, but the American experiment has certainly shown a grit that has faced many superior forces down.

Yesterday we sent out an appeal for help. Some of the forty comments and my answers in a group that is called "Barack Hussein Obama Sucks' that boast 4,457 members follows:

Ginger Tillwell- 'You've got to be kidding me?'-CRJ- No, could you help out a little?I mean if you want to Contribute more you can. It's an opportunity to actually do a little something rather then just talk.'

Ginger Tillwell 'Are convicted felons eligible to be president?'
-CRJ- Yes.. The Constituion actually states "the rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denide or abridged...on accout of "prior servitude". U.S.C. Art. XV Sect.I. The actual qualifications for President found in Article II. Section I., Clause 5 are:
35 years of age.
At least14 years a U.S resident
AND natural born Citizen.

Born in the U.S, to Citizen Parents.

Now Obama has a fabricated long form Birth certificate and a fabricated draft registration. These are unprosecuted felonies while he sits in the White House.
These are verified and certified by law enforcement officials and are part of my writ.

Will you help us out now?'

Drusilla Loudon: I do vote. And acting like a president isn't more important than being president.

CRJ-Well the point if you missed it, was I am serving my Country and not expecting my Country to serve me.
And actually, if a President is serving his Country, and everyone acted like a President in serving their country the actions of the many would far supercede the position of one.

That's what I meant, and why acting like a President is indeed more powerful than being one.

Mike Palacio photo comment:

CRJ Comment:
You guys are really funny for being in a group that supposedly thinks "Barack Hussein Obama Sucks", if I didn't know better I'd think what you really hated was 'action' against his illegal identification fraud and usurpation in the Office of the President. For all your words, not a single dollar has been contributed as of yet by this group. Why don't you change the name of the group to Obama Sympathizers? That or maybe also your all just as broke as I am, and the Obama economic promise isn't really panning out that well for you. All the same, it seems counter productive to make fun of me while representing that we are in the same boat.

Stewart Pedastle Please photoshop a medal on my chest, plz. Whichever one is the most important.

CRJ- Stewart Pedastle we all where uniforms of some kind. There's the one we all see, and the one God sees. We get to do in this life what we choose, but remember the Good Lord says "Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven" Matt: 6:20 the medals of heaven are what we receive for standing up for truth, and defending our Constitution in the political arena.

I actually have fought fights military personal couldn't fight. They are grateful I'm fighting where they can't.

I wrote an Amicus Curiae for Lt Dr. Terry Lakin Defending him and the truth he stood up for. He was decorated to the hilt and they stripped him, took away his pension and sent him to Ft. Leavenworth for 6 months refusing to deploy because Obama wasn't qualified.

Do you think I would reinstate his honor if I were President?

The point being the Media and all the hype b.s. isn't really what fashions character. I hope Americans start looking at the heart instead of what's outside.
See Article Here on "Painting the Heart of the Eligibility Requirement in the U.S. Constitution"
That's where God sees us and that's how we should see each other. Not through the eyes of man's delivered medals, but through the medals or treasures in heaven.

The actual qualifications for President found in Article II. Section I., Clause 5 are:
35 years of age.
At least14 years a U.S resident
AND natural born Citizen.

Born in the U.S, to Citizen Parents.

Now Obama has a fabricated long form Birth certificate and a fabricated draft registration. These are unprosecuted felonies while he sits in the White House.
These are verified and certified by law enforcement officials and are part of my writ.

Will you help us out now?'
All of these comments came from this humble little request for help:
HELP WANTED -TIME TO PITCH IN! Could you help a little? Lot a people complain, talk is cheap, how about a little action on your part? We have a $91 dollar print bill at 12th and Washington's Ogden, UT Office Max and about $25 in mailing expenses for the last chance U.S. Supreme Court Obama filing. If you would help out it would be greatly appreciated. ❤Thank you for your consideration❤.

Now I want to contrast all of those comments with a truly inspiring story about a lady in California by the name of Victoria Drake. I met Victoria sometime between 2008-10 I don't really recall exactly when, but I had entered the Presidential Election and my action against Sen. McCain had been served just before he became the Republican Nominee: being served upon the RNC and McCain at the headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada. I'd knocked on her door a stranger on a very hot day as I was knocking doors and delivering meat to customers which I do to pay my own living expenses. At times it to can be the most discouraging job on the planet but it has been something I could do, while at the same time contributing more than half my time to the duties of my Campaigns.

I remember Victoria saying that I looked like a brother of hers she was very fond of and didn't see a whole lot of. I do not recall why; anyway, total I could probably count the number of face to face conversations we had on one hand and the number of internet conversations on two since then. She was famous in my eyes for a divine creamy snow cone on a hot day which she insisted I try after purchasing some meat from me that I was grateful for. Its not really my normal process to discuss politics when I'm selling meat I try very hard to keep them separate and would venture to say Victoria was in the 99.8 percent bracket of customers that somehow took that barrier down; perhaps it was the snow cone and shade and her inquisitiveness on the Internet in searching. Its not hard to put two and two together when I wear a hat that announces my name and web site, but most people would not expect a Presidential Candidate to be knocking on their door selling meat and I just leave it that way.

Victoria and I became Facebook Friends only this year and she saw my post and IM'd me and her words probably describe best the inspiring story.
Victoria - "I live in a community that are all against Obama..which is rare in California. I can contribute some..How do I do that" I sent the link again for her.
CRJ- ..Well tell them to quit complaining and contribute at your BARN RAISING CRJ CAMPAIGN hotdog roast. Because if we get the U.S. Supreme Court to hear this, we will need more than $150.00. I've been writing on this Writ of Certiorari for 30 of the last 50 hours! And I just can't do it all alone. Its a huge job. 57 pages! 750 pages are sitting at Office Max my visa card (Cody Robert Judy for President 2012-2016) declined lol. I need help..So if you have anyone you who you think could help we need it. They can contribute on line at my contribution link Help Wanted.We have a $91 dollar print bill at 12th and Washington's Ogden, UT Office Max and about $25 in mailing expenses for the last chance U.S. Supreme Court Obama filing. If you would help out it would be greatly appreciated. ❤Thank you for your consideration❤. (smile)

Victoria - I can contribute some..How do I do that...Call them with my card info?
CRJ You bet.. or you can go to my link (PayPal- very safe and secure)and contribute a smaller amount that will help because we have to mail it to Washington DC.
Victoria - Ok

This morning I woke up and checked to see if we had enough money to go. Victoria's Contribution of $50 as well one other for $20 dollar were there and I messaged Victoria.

CRJ Thank you SO MUCH for that $50 contribution Victoria. Way more than I thought. YOu're such a sweetheart!!! Victoria Rocks!
VictoriaWish I could do more but carrying three mortgages right now. Luv ya and totally support you 100%.

CRJ You don't how much that means to God Bless you 100 fold!!!
VictoriaThank you my dear friend. We are always here for you.

CRJ Would you mind if I featured your story, our story, just a little on a blog piece? I'm willing to change your name if you'd like but if you wouldn't mind would love to use it. I think its a wonderful tribute to sacrificing for our Country even though your strapped!
Absolutely. I have always admired you for the sacrifices you have made to stand for what you believe in. Not many people are that true to their convictions. I am proud to be your friend.

CRJ So sweet. Thank you.

I do know Victoria and her family have been forced to move around because of the lack of work here in America and that the biggest part of her family having to carry three mortgages is moving for work and not being able to sell a house as quickly as they needed to before they just had to move for work. That is one of the hardest things to endure and face as a family and I believe between her and her husband they have six children under the roof. They have in my eyes every reason in the world to just say you know what we just can't afford a dime and I would totally understand their money is tied up.

That's why under those circumstances I chose to feature her story. Like so many Americans who just can't afford to spare any because of circumstances beyond their control it is understandable. There is just one little question and responsibility that comes to mind- What kind of a Country are my children going to grow up in?

I suppose this question doesn't often hit parents who are not involved with politics really accept for voting day. People somehow manage to go to a movie or hit the seven eleven while they are falling into an abyss and somehow they don't think a $5 or $10 would make a difference. Pretty soon no one thinks their money makes a difference or their efforts and the Country can go to hell in a hand basket for all they care. They will just have to deal with socialism or communism or whatever or whoever knocks on their door and tells them what to do, when to do it, and where to do it.

The same hopeless state that gripped similar populations of history has gripped our own with the help of propaganda and the funnel of a steady and strict diet of misdirection and misinformation. The saving grace seems to be the information channel that has not closed yet we call the Internet. A communication superhighway that enables you and I to continue to communicate and you and your friends. Its a channel of truth not yet closed but that is also threatened and we have got to fight intelligently against the closure with all that we have.

The two contributions that came in were the only two from over 150 groups that got the same information as Victoria did with literally close to a million people having access to it at one time and only two contributions came in. How do you explain that but with a certain 'HOPELESSNESS' that grips the Nation; orchestrated by the same ineligible unqualified usurper that promised 'hope and change' and vowed to transform that Nation?

in closing let me share a letter I also wrote to Dr. Grace after listening to Carl Gallups interview her on his Freedom Friday Show. She perked my ears up particularly by her patriotism to America as a person who has been 'naturalized from Canada and for certain feels strongly about the same things I have taken a stand for in my own way of Contributing and serving our Country.

Dear Dr. Grace.
Sure enjoyed your guest appearance and your sentiment expressed Dr. Grace on natural born Citizen on Carl Gallups Freedom Friday Show.
I am the only Presidential Candidate in 2008 and 2012 to sue with standing in U.S. Supreme Court Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama.
My stand is on principle Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. I have McCain's short and long form. He was not born on a military base. He was born in the Panama Hospital and will always maintain a native born citizenship to Panama.
Jurisdiction under the United States comes from within the U.S. and Courts have indeed ruled that military bases and foreign installations are not under the full jurisdiction as a State of the Union.
My last case and chance to the U.S. Supreme Court is coming up on an appeal from the U.S.Tenth Circuit Crt. I've just finished writing the writ if certiorari and will be submitting it this week as I continue in my efforts of Cody Robert Judy for President 2016.
Of course among the tributes of suing McCain came the ability to sue Obama without being stigmatized a racist, but the MSM doesn't want to seem to blow that card for Obama.
I also am the only Presidential Candidate in history to swear under oath in Court, a Tenth Amendment Sanctioned Court, in the CIA COLUMBIA Obama Sedition and Treason Trial held in NY,( transcripts on Scribd) regarding the Ineligibility of another presidential candidate Obama. He was found Guilty by a jury trial of citizens from all over the United States. Really an amazing Trial.
Would love to be on your show and appreciate so sincerely your American Patriotism. If I had a choice between an ineligible candidate like Cruz and an eligible one like H. Clinton, I'd pull the lever for her.
You can see where the Birther line is weak and where it is strong.
Please feel free to check my web site and Blog out. There are some 50 out of 500 pieces on my blog viewed by 200,000 now, also published as Featured Editorials at The Post and Email and Birther Report. I am published premiering at Barnes & Noble: "Taking a Stand- The Conservative Independent Voice".
Thank you.
Cody Robert Judy

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may
attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as it most important key holder. The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

PART II of this Article
Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

Cody Robert Judy

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"