
Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Dark Horse in the Race for President 2016 Defends Police

If you missed the recent Interview on USA NETWORK with Chuck Morse and Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy
CATCH THE INTERVIEW NOW ON PODCAST at your convenience Link PODCAST OF RADIO USA NETWORK INTERVIEW of Chuck Morse with 2016 Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy. Interview starts at 51 min. 34 sec.

A Dark Horse in the Race for President 2016 Defends Police

The 2015 riots in Baltimore, Maryland that have stemmed from what began as peaceful protest for an individual who was in the act of committing a criminal violation of have cultivated a seedy call from Al Sharpton that the Department of Justice needed to take over all local city and town Police forces. I don't think there are to many people understanding 'police violence' in a deliberate maleficence of going after a subject resisting arrest, failing to stop, or as this case may be 'evading arrest on foot'.

One very sad element about this so many people failing to quantify the Crime committed when running from the Police and we understand that as has been reported a preliminary test of the subject of protest has tested positive for heroin and marijuana and that the police were witnessing a possible drug transaction. While none of these offenses have the 'death penalty' as a criminal penalty, it should be widely agreed upon that when you run from the police you not only put yourself in jeopardy of losing life, limb and property, but the lives of others as well in many instances are also brought into that circle of death and injury, from a wide variety of circumstances that erupt from that decision to flee from police.

Don't act as if I don't know, because I do. Been there done that.. But the chances you take of serious accidents happening in the process of running from Police put yr life on the line as well the life's of others. Everyone knows that or should know as an adult or a juvenile. A new 2m:52sec video on the FB Police Training Page circulating the internet is very perceptive in articulating exactly what a 'small' problem that has gained such a big audience and is further escalating concerns of a politically motivated agenda that could even be linking back directly to Obama in his own fear of being convicted as usurper unqualified by the Constitution's demands for a 'natural born Citizen' as well as being a conspirator of knowingly handing out or using fabricated identification documents to gain public office.

I've been charged with a Class C misdemeanor for running, and suffered the consequences. My determination for justifying running was not considered relevant in Court but did serve a purpose of indemnity as you might remember the movie The Fugitive did in his pursuit of justice to clear his name rather then have it particularly scabbed by the Media out for a story that sells newspapers. Indeed false imprisonment and unlawful prosecution exist and where ever possible are subjects in need of Justice equally.

Evading arrest on foot (sometimes called flight) is committed by knowingly running away from an officer to escape capture, detention, or arrest. While many of your comments reflect bad on Police, none reflect badly on the 'element/action' that got police pursuit and attention in the first place. We all know peaceful cooperation and respect under normal circumstances and following orders of the police are generally the safest way to stay healthy. This is not what I would call truly pathetic. What is very sad is the way one protester put it: "We demonstrate peacefully no one pays attention; we burn a city everyone pays attention.", but is that attention the kind of attention you want and does it serve a purpose?

While American Pharaoh is favored 3:1 in the Kentucky Derby being run today, which is a lot more exciting then the Presidential Race of 2016 at this time, we as Americans really need to watch the Pharaoh's of our society- Those who would not respect our United States Constitution and the qualifications of the Presidential Race requiring a natural born Citizen that is very different from the qualifications of a U.S. Senator or a U.S. Representative that is written as "Citizen" as it is perfectly explained in this two minute Constitutional Reckoning Video.

As I mentioned earlier the political agenda of this escalation is indeed articulated by Al Sharpton in this quick video as he mentions:
[“That’s why we’re going to do this march from here to Washington. We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.” He also added that it would take fighting states’ rights to do so.]

Baltimore Maryland burning and rioting and looting was afterwards condemned by Obama, but the Baltimore Mayor said she 'gave space to those who wished to destroy'. She's is not a little ole mayor who heads out to vote Democratic Party every four years and Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is also Vice President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and has a close connection with Obama as the secretary of the Democratic National Committee or DNC.


Can you imagine the State Budget "take over" of all the States Police Forces by the Feds if the DOJ took over State Police? As if the Feds don't have some jurisdiction now with Federal Law Suits that can be brought against "bad policing" as Civil Rights are infringed.

This idea of the "take over" is money oriented. Just look at the Police Budgets of every, City, and Town in every State and the Feds getting into that. That Budget is what is being sought after here, not Justice. The DOJ can't handle "justice" in their own department of corruption in that a Usurper is at the head of it. Can you imagine them competently handling justice in every city and town in your State?

Indeed if this "No Justice No Peace" slogan were in fact sympathetically 'true' to an agenda of "Justice for All", as our Pledge of Allegiance is indicative of, wouldn't those who are presently advocate for Justice also be advocating that Obama is Ineligible by the standards of the United States Constitution and that those so damaged should be justly compensated for the damages in honoring justice? Indeed, isn't it in fact the mockery of Justice and the devotion to inequality that says otherwise?

If "justice" is only about the money, then you have to be rich to get justice. Those poor kids on the streets stating they want justice or their isn't going to be any peace are either simply being used or don't have the slightest idea where 'justice' begins and this is being harrowed up in the Media and exploited. Well, Obama might not agree that trickle down economics works, but we certainly see it works from the top down and that those at the bottom of the economic ladder do not get the same kind of justice that the rich often do myself included.

There is irony in the statement that people 'want elections to be controlled by the people' instead of big corporations and PACs that support Candidates with loads of cash but in the request that a candidate fund his own campaign with his own money and if he doesn't have any to mock him about it as has been done plenty to me. The irony of saying you want justice and your Civil Rights protected is that then you support a cause that really seeks to derail your Civil Rights and put an end to, once-and-for-all, your rights as citizens in the Order of making you subjects like those we might call American Pharaohs. You keep a close eye on American Pharaoh as he runs the race in the Kentucky Derby and let's see what happens to him.

Cody Robert Judy
5-2-2015 Post Script He Won! Congratulations American Pharaoh!

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


P.S. I don't get anything for the sales of this coin. No contributions or anything , I just think its kinda cool. Get your commemorative 2015 Birther coin today!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Eligibility Battle Being Fought in The U.S. Supreme Court Demands we Stand Up not Stand Down.

BREAKING NEWS: Eligibility Battle Being Fought in The U.S. Supreme Court Demands we Stand Up not Stand Down.
Disinformation and Computer Hacks Key for Obama in the Eligibility Battle

Disinformation and Computer Hacks Keys for Obama in the Eligibility Battle Being Fought in The U.S. Supreme Court as well as diversions set just so American's will take their eye off the ball and fumble the very case that has the potential to dismember an illegal Executive Branch.

A very big story was written by Sharon Randeau Editor-In-Chief over at The Post & Email here and was printed with permission at Birther Report here.

It is important to realize that, you know, there just isn't a lot of experience happening at the Supreme Court of the United States when it comes to Birther Cases or the Article II Eligibility Qualification Requirements for the Office of the President. These things don't happen very often with Presidential Candidates themselves taking other Candidates to Court claiming damages to their Campaigns because some Candidate is violating the Constitution's Qualifications for Office.

Now have we been alone in the matter? The answer is "No". In fact, many have looked upon the same sex (SS) Marriage(SSM) fight happening that was just heard in the United States Supreme Court yesterday as a seven year battle. In fact there is an article printed at the Salt Lake Tribune called "The little gay-marriage case in Utah that roared and made history" citing Kitchen v. Herbert and the denial of certioari in seven appeals from five different states.

The one case that has been heard is a combination of cases brought to the Supreme Court in Court Case Numbers 14-556, 14-562, 14-571, and 14-574 under James Obergefell et al, Petitioners v. Richard Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health. Now what I really want to point out in these cases that seems to be the problem or disinformation that is being used against the ineligibility case against Obama is in the question:


The disinformation campaign is telling people who are seeking those who are qualified to file "NO". The Amicus Curiae Brief or friend of the Court if you look at the docket of the SSM Case Obergefell v. Hodges has no fewer than three "Briefs of Amicus Curiae filed before it went to Conference in the U.S. Supreme Court after it was docketed November 14,2014 and the Response stated was due Dec. 15,2014 :

1)Brief Amici Curiae From Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter field Dec 15,2014
2)Brief Amici Curiae of Colage: Eqaulity Federation, et al filed Dec. 15,2014
3)Brief Amici Curiae of 76 Scholars fo Marriage filed Dec 19, 2014

After it was Distributed to Conference and consequently "granted" meaning the Case would be heard, no fewer than 140 Amicus Curiae's have come in. Of course everyone gets excited when the Court agrees to hear a case but what was the impact of those first three that took a chance and filed before it even went to conference?

That case was distributed for conference January 16th,2015 and the Petition was granted January 16th,2015.

This just gives us a little idea of how things were run on the track, and what plays were made by whom, in that particular Supreme Court Case of the United States. You may also notice on that Docket Case the "Consent to the filing of Amicus Curiae Brief's was filed by Respondent's Dec. 8th, 2014.

Of course in that case the Respondent's were expecting some very big high profile and notable Amicus Brief's to be filed with the Court which would undoubtedly compel attention and it did.


Tomorrow morning I will be a guest on the CHUCK MORSE SPEAKS show discussing this Case and some of the harrowing trials that are coming right along with it that people just don't see. For instance, it is an incredible state of stamina that we have had to pursue in the entire course of this race since 2008 when I filed the first of what is now thirteen Cases in Court trying to get a Court to hear it.

PODCAST OF RADIO USA NETWORK INTERVIEW of Chuck Morse with 2016 Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy. Interview starts at 51 min. 34 sec. if you'd like to catch it and were busy, now you can tune in at your convenience.

It is just unbelievable that all the Courts have even refused to give so much as a hearing on this vitally important national security concern as if they had no part in shaping and also shouldering much of the blame in retrospect that indeed their is a check and balance decidedly directed towards the Judicial Branch as a check and balance of the Executive Branch of Government, as well the Legislative Branch.

I can think of no greater defense of the Constitution given to the Judicial Branch then to, when called upon, rise to the occasion of discernment upon the qualifications so called for in the United States Constitution upon the qualifications of the Offices listed there in that document. If that concern and case be for the Office of the President the political doctrine question is not an escape hatch to the most important office of the United States of America's Executive Branch defined in said United States Constitution!

Believe me there are scores of attorneys reading,ingesting, and dissecting this argument. In fact, before the story at the Post & Email came out and only two days after it had been uploaded the Petition for Writ of Certiorari I have submitted had 777 reads on Scribd and after the story 2,666 reads. Lawyers and Scholars are the only ones' who give a hoot about reading what most Americans would call gobelty-goop and can't pronounce these documents much less make any sense out of them.

This has been one incredible journey since 2008 when I filed my first law suit against McCain in the Las Vegas, Nevada District Court. Without the slightest promotion the Scribd Site that has kept guard over most of the documents I have filed has surged to 27,000 individual views. This is certainly indication that the legal work I have been engaged in is leaving a foot print in the legal minds of our Nation.

Of course I am small part to the Principle of the 'natural born Citizen' requirement in the Constitution very directly stated and standing alone with the office of the Vice President from the requirement of 'Citizen' mentioned in the Constitution for the Offices of Senators and Representatives. When asked if I thought it was odd that a wall would be put up against those elected to those offices from the Office of the President, I said, "No, that is not strange at all. In fact, there are two other walls that are also very distinct placed to impede those elected to Representatives and Senators and those walls also have to do with age and time in the States.

This natural born Citizen 'requirement' for the Office of the President is probably the single biggest natural defense mote that has encircled the United States of America's borders from foreigners, aliens, and nationals. You hope that your own Representatives and Senators would see it as a defense and not go on the offence or be offended with it but it is just not the case. When ever their are power seeking men inflamed with the lusts of power, there must be constraints and restraints on those men and our Constitution has served We the People well in honoring that tradition for 44 Presidents minus Chester who burned his identification and Obama who passed his fabricated long form out.

You know probably the saddest thing about this battle being waged silently in the Civil Judicial Courts is that in spite of the attention of lawyers, scholars, and those who concern themselves with the laws that govern and protect us, those who respect the laws, those who understand that its the laws that protect American Opportunity, from assault, from gang violence, from bullies and thugs yet the single most important position that constrains those spheres of anarchy in the POTUS is not quantified in the eyes of the Mainstream Media to the American Public.

Baltimore Maryland burning and rioting and looting was afterwards condemned by Obama, but the Baltimore Mayor whose said she 'gave space to those who wished to destroy', has a very close connection with the Obama as the secretary of the Democratic National Committee or DNC. She's is not a little ole mayor who heads out to vote Democratic Party every four years and Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is also Vice President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

How many millions of dollars has beefing up and calling in cops from every corner of Maryland and the National Guard cost tax payers for a protest that when Officers saw getting out of hand with a rock being thrown, or a crowbar at the liquor door, or bottles of booze being thrown at them were told by their superiors to, "Stand Down!". While property and businesses were burned. While the Media sensationalized and dramatized it to the entire United States! Leadership doesn't do that, but an 'Agenda' does!

"Stand Down!", was also the words we were told the same Administration issued to those wanting to save Ambassador Chris Stevens the night of his death and those fighting to protect him and those trapped in the burning embassy. Do you see anything familiar with this? When our military and police can do their job, it gets done and the safety of Americans are the better for it.

Of course their are bad cops just like there are bad Presidents, but who can do the most damage to our Nation the quickest? Of course that distinction is in the Office of the President and is also why a mote was laid around the Office of the President's qualification that required no divided loyalties or foreign sympathies on the day of birth. That requirement qualification was not because some cute baby who didn't understand the language of his parents or the borders and boundaries where he was born. It was a time honored tradition of two generations that performed a purpose of separating foreign loyalties and sympathies. In fact, those sympathies we see Obama acting out every day are testimonies of exactly what the purpose was in digging that mote around the office of the President and Vice President.

I'm under a constant assault from hackers invading everything from my i-phone to my computer. American's do not know the battle I am fighting and have fought just to bring the case to the United States Supreme Court with a hope of defending our national security. For the 2011 fiscal year, the president's base budget for the Department of Defense and spending on "overseas contingency operations" combine to bring the sum to $664.84 billion and how much is one City in America not protected from 1,000 rioters one week end going to cost? What is the long term cost for Baltimore? How many businesses will now avoid building in Baltimore? How about the Police Officers injured in the line of duty?

We don't have very many people supporting and helping us. In fact, compared to the Country even the near 205,000 views on this Blog pales in comparison to what most American's are focused in on. I don't know if we will prevail, but at least Justice has a chance here in the United States Supreme Court. Without my case, it is gone and I think you understand and know that, yet, we are fighting with very little support and we do need your help in what every way you can manage.

Thank you for your consideration in supporting this battle and helping us with the keys that are necessary to uphold our Constitution and protect this Nation. We don't urge you to 'Stand Down', we urge you to 'Stand Up' and Take A Stand!

Cody Robert Judy

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


P.S. I don't get anything for the sales of this coin. No contributions or anything , I just think its kinda cool. Get your commemorative 2015 Birther coin today!

Monday, April 27, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Candidate for President Invites All Scholar Reviews for Natural Born Citizen to Amicus Curiae Review in U.S. Supreme Court

BREAKING NEWS: Candidate for President Invites All Scholar Reviews for Natural Born Citizen to Amicus Curiae Review in U.S. Supreme Court
Put up or Shut up is the clear message from Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy

The Amicus Curiae or Friend of the Court

In the most critical and controversial court, which is that of the court of public opinion, the vital artery of national defense understood as the 'natural born Citizen' qualification requirement for the Office of President and Vice President is being cut into by both Republicans and Democrats. In 2007 "Birthers" were a yet unknown group upon the American Pyche but the incubation was about to burst as in 2008 with Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never had a case involving two Presidential Candidates squared off with one citing the other is ineligible based on one not being a 'natural born Citizen' and causing harm to the others Campaign in American History, but that is exactly what has happen and is happening in the newly docketed Case in the Supreme Court Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

Many would say the issue is over with Obama in the White House, but scholarly reviews differ in points of view. A consensus is building at least with the political ground shifting with Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio and even former Governor of California weighing in on the circumstances of the civil battle which offsets the turf Obama has already infringed upon. If it stopped Arnold Schwarzenegger who emphazised so much appreciation to the opportunity America has given, shouldn't it stop Sen. Ted Cruz? Indeed, a few of America's Presidents were not born here, or didn't have parents who were Citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the exemption was tied into the Constitution as part of the requirement recognizing the jurisdictional importance of the ratification of the Constitution as Supreme Law.

Three such reviews all being used as weapons at the bully pulpit have come in the reviews published by scholastic establishments but are notably missing actual legal case numbers we associate with the interpretation of law and the United States Constitution.

1-The Harvard Law Review published a Commentary by two former Solicitor Generals in Neal Katyal and Paul Clement published as "On the Meaning of "Natural Born Citizen" March 11,2015.

2-Professor Sarah Duggin
stated: “No, I don't think it's an open-and-shut case. I think the better argument is that Senator Cruz is eligible to run for president and to serve as president of the United States. But absent a Supreme Court ruling or a constitutional amendment, it is not open-and-shut.”

'The potential controversy attached to Cruz’s legal standing to run for president has precedent in recent times. The late Sen. Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona while it was still a territory and not technically part of the United States. More recently, some people argued that his birth in the Panama Canal Zone should have disqualified Sen. John McCain from running.'

She wrote " Is Ted Cruz a natural born citizen eligible to serve as president?" acknowledging the very difficult standards for the Supreme Court to even be able to weigh in on the subject because of the laws conducting 'standing' really requiring another Presidential Candidate to bring it to the Court, and then hurdling the 'political doctrine question' which disfavors the Court interfering with elections for one party or the other.

3- Regent University Law Professor C. Scott Pryor highlighted the paper in a recent blog post also taking a swipe at the recent Harvard Law Review citing a John Jones published a scholarly paper, "Natural Born Shenanigans: How the Birther Movement Exacerbated Confusion Over the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen" published in the Regent University Law Review on the Article II "natural born Citizen" requirement controversy stating "Whatever its merits, the birther movement’s persistent advocacy against Obama’s eligibility in the face of hard facts may have actually helped to downplay and discredit a distinct, more legally credible challenge to the candidate’s status as a natural born citizen."


While scholarly reports and commentaries are valuable they indeed to not have the impact of being law and when the laws are especially uncomfortable to politicians every effort may be used to bully the law or jar it out of place for the convenience of politicians in this case wanting to take advantage and pursue ulterior political ambition.


A recent natural born Citizen documentary video was featured winning a prestigious Telly Award. This video is very informative and highlights in seven minutes the origins and real founding of the natural born Citizen clause as a requirement for the Office of the President.

In Cohens v. Virginia 19 US 264 (1821)the Chief Justice of the United States Honorable John Marshall stated: "It is most true that this Court will not take jurisdiction if it should not: but it is equally true, that it must take jurisdiction if it should"

"The Judiciary cannot, as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches the confines of the constitution."

"We cannot pass it by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, we must decide it,if it be brought before us."

"We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the constitution."

In the controversial issue of wither a State must recognize another States marriage of same-sex couples, and wither States should be compelled to offer a Same Sex (SS) Marriage licence as it does a Opposite Sex (OS) Marriage Licence the Supreme Court has agreed to here a dissenting Circuit Court Case Appeal that could really bring the remaining 13 States outlawing SS Marriage into harmony with the 37 that have adopted it as a featured 'Citizens' right. This is a case of individuals and their rights in love to marry and receive the benefits and be held accountable to the same tax laws and credits given to OS Marriage couples. That case is under James Obergefell, et al v. Richard Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health. Docket 14-556 and featured three briefs before it was sent to Conference in the Supreme Court.

After it was decided the Case would be heard by the Supreme Court, meaning at least 4 of the Justices voted to hear it, when it went to conference, and at current near 140 Amicus Curiae Briefs have been filed by individuals and organizations all over the United States both 'for' and 'against' the issue for the Court to reference.

Now think of this. The defense in modern terms has always been a primary concern that the Republicans and its various groups and PACS that have supported and apposed cut backs. You could say the Republicans are better at appropriating money for defense programs. So what does it say about Republicans who love "Defense" of the Country when it comes to fighting and protecting America's interest abroad, to not care who is in the Office of the President or what Qualifications have been violated? Isn't that a "WELCOME SIGN" to anyone who can tunnel under the U.S. Constitution into the White House and then be protected by the very defense that we were suppose to be protected by with all that Defense appropriations money?

What's the message Republicans have propagated from their pulpit? Its not really the Defense of Americans and our Future Generations that were concerned about its really not our concern. We just want to grease the defense building war machines and target practice on foreign soil? They don't give a muscrats whisker about the 'natural born Citizen' national defense security measure as a qualification that no foreign loyalty be divested in the Commander-In-Chief with his finger on the red nuke codes and his executive pen able to legalize a foreign army invading America? Gosh, they strong on national defense for foreign fights but weak on domestic tranquility?

In other words, if we have domestic enemies get in we have no defense? Well, Democrats don't have a much better record accept for the one Democratic Candidate running for President who has upheld in Court Records the national defense of the 'natural born Citizen' clause across Party Lines in Judy v. McCain and Judy v. Obama that is now finally in the United States Supreme Court.


LETTER OF CONSENT BY PETITIONER for all Amicus Curiae Briefs for or against to weigh in on Natural Born Citizen qualifications for President

Letter of Consent Amicus Curiae via Petitioner

The invitation is and has been given for anyone who is concerned and who is able to find an attorney who is legally qualified to practice in the United States Supreme Court to file their concern or assist in this great national security defense of our Country. Are their any groups or PACs interested I suppose we will see but at least it is brought to the Court as a matter of RECORD. The Response is due May 20th, and it usually goes to conference soon thereafter, so there is not a lot of time for those interested to file one.

This case like the SS Marriage Case, is a fight for Individual Rights and certainly effects every American who isn't concerned with who they are have or don't have a right to marry. This case effects Health Care, Amnesty, and the very vital vein individual rights we all want protected so in this sense effects many more Americans then the single issue of SS Marriage.

How much good is it going to do you if when you finally win at the Supreme court the right to marry that a Commander-In-Chief walks in and dismisses Congress and the Courts with an indictment upon all Gay People to report to the internment camp? That right there is the respect or the lack of respect for upholding the Constitution and in it the vital artery of the 'natural born Citizen' clause required for the Office of the President and the Vice President.

Let me point out that the support for Principle over Party is so ambiguous and disingenuous that it may seem partisan with Republicans and Democrats in the same field as wanting to adopt the same communism that runs over 'individual rights' and rounds up and imprisons those who would twurk in front of a national monument which is what happened in Russia who has not adopted the United States Constitution as an import. If you do not appreciate freedom of speech, freedom of the press and any other right as an individual here in America, by all means the fastest way to violate each and every one is through the current Office of the President's invitation to abolish the 'natural born Citizen' clause all together.

Forgive me if I do not share your sentiment that it is not important and may God forgive you for treading upon your own freedom and liberty on one hand, and saying you wanted it on the other. One of the things I know God didn't like was a hypocrite and sometimes it is very hard not to be seen like that, which is why "Change" is invited through Repentance with the Good Lord in my humble opinion.

In short, this INVITATION,I hope you will share with your favorite law professor,and certainly gives all of the Scholastic and Scholarly Opinion Writers a 'chance' to actually get it on the RECORD of the United States Supreme Court. If they do not accept the invitation then of course you know they're 'opinion's' are nothing more than that and they are not willing to come to the Court with them with any degree of integrity.

Cody Robert Judy
Now Read: Obama's Bubble About to Burst!

Enjoy our newly March Released THREE MINUTE infomercial entitled The Birthers and please join us anyway you can in supporting the restoration of our U.S. Constitution along with our Nation and the opportunity we all want. Please understand that however benign you may attribute a Candidate who is not qualified by being 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the very process of dismissing and not honoring the Office of the President with its unique qualification is a process to destroy the umbrella with the Office that sits in the middle of the United States Constitution, as its most important key holder.
The compromise on the 'natural born Citizen' clause is a compromise on the Blessings of God our Nation has been protected by, and a witness that time and place included in describing the Birth of our Nation are of no value.

Join us in taking a stand for "this place" and "this time" honored tradition in the United States of America.]

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 find us on Facebook, Twitter and the Web.

Please visit my web site and study the 3 point platform and 7 point platform.
Thanks You so much!
Cody Robert Judy

We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? Indeed, it is time to Restore America's Trust Today for a Better America Tomorrow.

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to take the 10th Circuit Court's Decision not to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.


Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


P.S. I don't get anything for the sales of this coin. No contributions or anything , I just think its kinda cool. Get your commemorative 2015 Birther coin today!