
Friday, June 5, 2015



The Month of June is forecast to be one that is quite challenging and perhaps even rocky for the psyche of Americans in many different arenas. Chief nauseate maybe the details of putting lipstick on a pig and deciding what label best suits reinventing the pork chop, which is still a pork chop. Of course on the eve of the Bel Monte Stakes Race with American Pharaoh scientifically prophesied to lose the last race of the Triple Crown, the premonitions of doom looms grandiose; "if it hasn't happened in modern history, it isn't going to happen!". Yet quietly our heart 'hopes' that indeed greater things can and will happen that defy the-egoes-of-intelligence. Take for instance the U.S. Supreme Court deciding to hear Judy v. Obama 14-9396 which lays before the Court on a silver platter as to the testing qualifications of the Office of the President that used to be considered elementary American intelligence, but also acts as a double edged sword upon the Achilles heel of any Presidential Candidate who is not a 'natural born Citizen' - Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

The whole Nation hopes against these 'prophets-of-doom' for a greater cause and a greater hope to be unleashed that defies their small mindedness packaged as Dark Vader's controllers of the universe. Snuff out 'hope' and what do you have? Control, it's not meant to be 'fair', it's not meant to be 'equal', and it most certainly is not meant to include 'Justice for all'. That notion is absolutely ridiculous to these malicious arbitrators who also harold the American Dream deceased; just as soon as their pockets are padded well enough of course. The protection of current elected Politicians is to put up with, endure, and to stamp out 'hope' of a Triple Crown winner that comes out of America's Justice system. Alas, where would we expect to find 'justice','truth', 'integrity', and 'wisdom' and the courage it takes to actually implement them?


The empty-handed and insolvent strategy 'dealing' with Obama's identification cover-up?

What else could it be called when your long form birth certificate has been proven a fabrication by law enforcement; you social security number can't even be put in the system to sign up for Obamacare because it comes up 'used'; your selective service registration just doesn't match up with the stamps used at the time; and you've made matters altogether un-transparent by your own executive order and unwillingness to open up other forms of identification like College Transcripts, marriage licences,divorce records, and professional licencing bureaus; like Obama has done? Obama has made transparency when it comes to his name a 'dirty word' by his own actions.

The excuses:
1."It's to late",- which translates- 'If it isn't instant, its not worth it to me, as long as my car, wallet, and identity haven't been stold'
2."Citizen" and "Natural Born Citizen" mean the same thing - which translates- the Founders were just idiots anyway and put the two terms in the same sentence as a repetitive word so we would all be so confused.
3."Credibility" of the Whistle Blower - which translates- Someone 'perfect' like Jesus Christ is the only one who could bring this action to Court and since he isn't an American natural born Citizen running for President, he has no 'standing' and is not within the 'jurisdiction' in our United States Courts.

Does that mean, not even Jesus Christ can help us in this domestic Mess?

Everything has been used and manipulated to avoid the issue in Court. The saddest prospect of Obama's empty promises of "hope and change" has been placed upon a crumbling foundation. The building is tall and a lot of material has been placed on the faulty foundation. Any engineer will tell you that no matter how much material you pile on a foundation, that will not help the quality of the foundation. In fact the more you pile on, the more obvious it becomes that it is faulty and will fail. Cosmetologist and Surgeons will tell you they can use make-up and surgery to dress a person but the laws of nature cannot be altered nor the gender of the baby changed which is the foundation of a person.

Of course the strategy of ALL of this was running and skirting through the years as quickly as possible for Obama, after he made the devilish deal with the Republicans in U.S. Senate Resolution 511 co-sponsored for McCain by H.Clinton and Obama. The HOPE then was no one was qualified with standing to challenge the devil in any of the details. If that sounds familiar to you your not alone.

Carly Fiorina , the former Hewlett-Packard CEO and 2016 Republican presidential candidate questioning the TPP said the 'devils in the details', but thus far seems to notice no problem at all with Obama's 'job-application' that spells out FRAUD. What does that tell you of her 'business experience'? Is she willing to hire illegal immigrants without work permits? That shouldn't surprise us if she's willing to let the Office of the President be usurped by someone who fails the Constitution's qualifications set as the Standard by WE THE PEOPLE, throughout a much greater period of time than our modern day.

Of course none of the other Republican Candidates making FOX Debate criteria of popularity in the Polls, has had the courage to tackle the foul play on America either. You'd think if they were going to be a Champion for the People they would check the foundation very closely upon which they build. Governor Rick Perry's grasping answer as he announced his 2016 Candidacy for President? "We'll make it through the Obama years", and, "The question of every candidate will be this: When have you led?" Perry said in a slightly-edited Cruz line. Then he turned it. "Leadership is not a speech on the Senate floor. It is not what you say. It is what you have done."

So, what has Governor Rick Perry said or done about Obama's ineligibility in the Office of the President? (crickets)

I challenge them, "What have any of the Republican Candidates for President said or done?" Donald Trump is predicted to enter the race June 16 and says he was proud of getting Obama to release his 'long form birth certificate' but with all Trump's money do you know he has not supported a Candidate for President who challenged Obama as ineligible in Civil Court with a single dollar bill of his? What does that tell you about the importance Mr. Trump places upon our U.S. Constitution and the Domestic Mess we are in? Those actions really seems to advocate a policy that 'rewards power and influence' while 'disposing calls of the poor and minorities' as garbage in the way of his road paving prosperity? Is that the kind of defender America wants preserving, protecting,and defending the Constitution?

Now Obama's mess has been piling up for years and years while my challenges in Court have been proceeding in a civil way. I had to exhaust State remedies first as process requires and moving continually upward until now it has finally arrived at the U.S. Supreme Court in a Federal Civil Rights Claim and a Congressional ACT Violating Claim. One third of what I hear is pedantic to say the least, "you mis-spelled a word" so your credibility is lost? Excuse Me? I'm not running a newspaper here, its a Blog. No other Presidential Candidate has taken the most serious problem that we face as a Crisis or Domestic Mess piling up since 2008 as I have on a bi-partisan stand. Its not going to move itself out or retire which is the 'hope' Gov. Perry expressed.

The dereliction of my grammatical syntax is that you are to darn lazy to print out my Blog Post, walk it down to YOUR local Reporter who is a polished professional writer and ask them to re-write the story. They make a living at it I don't. Ask them to type out a story that is, well, "professional". Why haven't you done that?! There's a lot of Reporters in this Nation in most every city, town, and corner. On top of that, you do not donate a single dollar to my Campaign so I can hire it done? Yeah, I'm not feeling sorry for your laziness and lack of support. I'm working my fingers to the bone and my time-crunch on the bridge that I have to work with? Imagine yourself, suddenly running for President and at the same time paying all your bills and maintaining your Campaign? That's me. Didn't even President Bill Clinton say, " I have to pay my bills" in affect defending his need to accept foreign money in the pay-to-play Clinton Foundation?

Domestic Mess! Believe me, I've cleaned the horse, cow, and pig pens out as a boy long enough to know that a tractor and manure spreader don't operate by themselves. You actually have to get on the tractor, hook up the spreader, get the pitch fork, pile it up, get the loader, load the spreader, and take it out where it belongs to help the wheat and barley pitch up. Its a messy stinky job. I believe what the other Presidential Candidates are proposing is that "the piles built up over the last few years just don't exist", which is delusional. WE ALL SEE IT! The fabricated identifications, the policies, the favors, and the arming of our enemies before they are converted to America's Freedom and Liberty as allies. That's the recipe of harm to America and I've always said, its a national security nightmare.

Asking for your help humbly doesn't come through frivolously motivation but with action you CAN SEE HAPPENING. So, if your able to help get your check book or card out and put your complaint to work in an honest way instead of riding my back and coat-tails in a hope for you and your family to live the American Dream. I do pray for your humble pardon and forgiveness for what I have done, or perhaps could not do under circumstances present, that you might have seen as a mistake that was 'preventable'.

Allowing your mind to 'excuse' me for all of the many reasons you have excused 'others', I would very much appreciate knowing my own weaknesses are many and my character yet rough on the edges while this task is monumental. My love for you in my actions are very strong and I pray you will let this work its way into your heart. This love which I express is as best as I can describe the Love of our Creator inspiring our Constitution through great men of our history and thus should not be taken lightly.

Now for some GOOD NEWS!
The REPORT on this Blog posted yesterday has exceeded really any expectations with nearing 6,000 views. It was the TRIPLE CROWN of this Blog won by American Pharaoh by five lengths! Wow! We thank you for passing it on which is the only way that happened. As a comparison in 2012 when we went to the U.S. Supreme Court we peaked at 10,000 for that 30 days/or month. So what does it say to see that double to over 20,000 on the announcement of the June 18th U.S. Supreme Court Case in 2015? Well, it tells us everyday Americans are seeing a much greater value in the qualifications of the Office of the President and perhaps more importantly the disaster created by not strictly adhering to the Constitution's Qualifications. That's good news that should be spread.
[We here at the Campaign would like to Celebrate and thank you for the over 225,000 Views!]

We just went over 225,000 total Views here and this is as grass roots as it gets. We haven't had a single National Story done on our Campaign. These are very big grass roots numbers and we need you to take courage and spread the word. We are being limited just like you on FB at times and Twitter, so we do need you to take an initiative and spread the word and our Post around to your own social media groups. We are very close to breaking the Quarter-Of-A-Million bench mark and with your help we're going to do just that. Informing and Education is Key, because when people know they can act upon the information. Perhaps they can send contributions where you can't, but you were the key of information for them. May you take Courage and Honor by the handlebars and ride for Freedom and Liberty on this Campaign vehicle.

This is at this time in our History the BEST WAY you can Help. Together, We are Restoring America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. We were very excited yesterday to receive the biggest contribution we have ever received. Of course we haven't reached the $5,000 dollar thresh-hold yet required by the FEC, but we are encouraged by this generous and heartfelt contribution by a pretty famous song writer. TVZ Records LLC (Townes Van Zandt) THANK YOU! Wow! Oh my gosh, Do you know who that is? Its Townes Van Zandt his hit song very cool.. "Pancho and Lefty" Here he is playing it. We accepted that contribution as a heartfelt understanding for the uphill battle we have faced and hope you will not spare yours today.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Wednesday, June 3, 2015



Today the United States Supreme Court announced that the Case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 dealing with Obama's Ineligibility would indeed go to Conference June 18th,2015!

"Probably the most important thing for people to know", '08,'12 Cody Robert Judy - Candidate for U.S. President 2016 said, "is that there is no reason to panic or not to continue your daily routines while the Government sorts this out because it is primarily just that, a sorting out the Government will address. So there's no reason that we all can't still have some fun while this is going on. I went swimming the other day for the first time this Summer and went to the new movie San Andreas which was Earth Shattering to say the least. So, work hard, Go to the movie, go shopping, relax and watch an amazing process unfold that was figured out at the founding of our Nation by those who hoped our generation would remain free; the liberty of her Citizens preserved, protected, and defended by our United States Constitution."

Of course the anticipation for this Case has been rising ever since it first hit the U.S. Supreme Court docket Report! American's are definitely in tune, and tuning in more and more on this from many different angles and perspectives. Key among those for Republicans is indeed wither three declared Presidential Candidates, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, will be forced to retire their Campaigns for President, because they are indeed not eligible for the Office of the President failing the 'natural born Citizen' test of "Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents"; again quite different than the qualifications in the Constitution set for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators which is "Citizen".

This definition and differences of the Qualifications of those Offices has never reached the United States Supreme Court with two Presidential Candidates: one at odds with the qualification of the other, in our entire American History. This is presented as one of the KEY questions in this particular Case before the Justices of the Court.

The date first anticipated for this Conference was indeed June 4th, 2015, but the Cert Pool site for the Tenth Circuit Cases in the U.S. Supreme Court was so overwhelmed with inquiries after our post its been shut down with technical problems every since, so we can not give you any more information off of that at this time.

To explain a little about what will happen now that the United States Supreme Court has Docketed this case for certain Conference the 3rd Thursday of June,2015.

All that is needed in the Rule of Four test for Writ of Certioraris' is that four of the Justices must desire to hear further argument of the Case. The importance of that should be understood as you do not need a majority of the Court of nine, but a minority of four suffices. We do anticipate this to quite easily be the case, especially given the new relativity and neutrality given the Court because plainly it is not partisan, but affects both sides of the isle in the major political arena with Republicans and Democrats.

Of course they do not make up the entirety of America. In fact recent polls released indicate a greater and greater number of Americans are entering the voting fields for elections as Independents, many because of the desertion and estrangement they feel towards the major parties abandonment of the principles characterized in the United States Constitution. In a recent Gallup Poll conducted January 2015 in fact Independents outnumbered both Republicans and Democrats in percentages: Republicans- 26% Democrats 30% and Independents 43%. This is just one of the many reasons Cody Robert Judy explained to the Court that deference to Republicans and Democrats should not be given in the representation of JUSTICE for America, especially in the Political Arena.

Cody said, "We are constantly seeing the Media feed America the stories of the Republicans and Democrats but though I've run in the Democratic Party primaries, I've always ended up in the Independent Arena because the old guard establishments acted as bullies in many ways. For instance not giving me as a Candidate in their party the names and email addresses of the members of the Democratic Party nation wide or even refusing to send out an Email I asked them as a Candidate to send out. This constantly happened in the 2012 Election while I was challenging Barack Obama for the Democratic Nomination. Of course a Court battle over something like that would take you a year, so its beyond the election and any Court would say so. This is not really representing America and all her interest and diversity as the Parties Champion in appearing to have BIG TENTs.

Of course this is a political contest, a political race, and you have people in at the Control Booths making things difficult for those Candidates they personally don't favor. I have Emails to Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2012 testifying of what I'm saying. As the Democratic National Chairmen her name is on my law suit for just this particular reason. The one thing that is not, or we hope is not, confounded or controlled by the BIG Party money and influence is JUSTICE. If Justice has been bought and sold out to the political party than principle is indeed lost.

The entire reason for an Independent Branch of Government we call the Judiciary, or Judicial Branch is that at its head are Justices that have life tenure for the very reason of not being forced to cater to an 'elections' process requiring money and influence. These Justices in the United States Supreme Court have a very high seat in that neither Republicans or Democrats can particularly tell them what to do as far as voting. That neutrality was the goal anyway for the most part it works. We saw Justice Roberts go a different direction than what many in the Republican Party expected on Obamacare the first go-around. He didn't get impeached for his position.

So is "Independent" America being represented in Justice? This is a good question. One of the KEY reasons, I have never endorsed after the Primary Barack Obama was to maintain my 'good standing' in opposing his qualifications. That is why after the Primaries and the Democratic Party had chosen him in 2008, and 2012 to be their nominee I went as a write-in or an Independent Candidate.

The Standing Argument holds that only a Presidential Candidate can challenge the qualifications of 'natural born Citizen' on another Candidate because they are the ones receiving 'direct' harm where 'voters' are not in the Race. But what we have seen in the past reflections of the Court, for instance the U.S. Supreme Court Case I had in 2012 Judy v. Obama 12-5276 that originated from State Ballot Challenges from New Hampshire and then down to Georgia were not even granted a hearing by any Court in the Judicial Branch. On its face, that is quite an outrage to Independent Voting Americans.

Of course its never been articulated by any Court in a hearing, and both major parties have marginalized the request for Justice in hearings at the Legislative Level in Congress in what has been articulated as a protection of their own or good ole boys club formed in 2008 against the 'natural born Citizen' clause in a union between Republicans and Democrats legislatively in non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 for R-U.S. Senator John McCain, but also co-sponsored by then D-U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton and non other than D-U.S. Senator Barack Obama ILL. talked more about on the June 2nd Post of this Blog.

We here at the Campaign would certainly wish to extend a GENUINE HAT-TIP to The Drudge Report for saying in so many words with 5 Favorites of CRJ2016 Tweets "I don't have a HEADLINE to put on The Drudge Report about this!". We were quite excited Drudge shared that pain with us. At least someone in the Major Political Arena of Reporting recognizes the dedicated hard work Cody has gone through over the last six years unsung and unwritten in the pursuit of Justice for our Republic in really what is an unparalleled story of taking a stand for principle that holds the keys to the United States of America's national security. The fact it was as reported 'the most influential man in the American Media' is simply and undeniably an honor to Cody Robert Judy's 2016 Campaign for United States President and his fight for Principle over Political Party.

We here at the Campaign Head Quarters of Cody Robert Judy would like to thank everyone who has and will participate in passing this along as a service to Justice in America. As Americans across party lines, our interest should be in hoping the United States Supreme Court chooses to Form an Opinion on this Case as it is a very important matter affecting every voting American, our Elections, our Constitution, indeed our way of life, and Sovereignty. Justice is indeed the KEY to upholding our Union in the United States of America. Those apposed to the Court hearing this really are labeling themselves opposed to our Union under the umbrella of our U.S. Constitution.

"I sincerely pray in earnest every day my fellow Patriots for the Justices of the United States of America as well for all the Candidates that the establishment of our Supreme Law in the U.S. Constitution will be kept in tact that the Judgments of God will be stayed upon our Nation without measure upon all the inhabitants of all genders and ages. The heart of my plea is for those who are really innocent who I plead some how some way can be represented by my Championing of our Civil Rights."

"Though my claim in the U.S. Supreme Court has only my name as the Plaintiff, I would that every American could see their name by mine in a Representation of Individual Rights here in America that so many have come for and enjoyed. To that end, I dedicated this song today as my Song of the Day. The words are inclusive of everyone. BIG THINGS HAPPEN EVERY DAY and at the beginning of the video you see the U.S. Supreme Court. Let's all say a prayer tonight, I'd sure appreciate that from everyone of you, that our United States Constitution can and will be upheld in this most precious and plain principle for the Office of the President- Thank You - and God Bless You and may God Bless America"

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
We here at the Campaign would like to Celebrate and thank you for the 220,000 Views here at!

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Schieffer's Take on the Fourth Estate - Nasty Business of "Dirty-Trick Politics" To Report or Not to Report 14-9396?

Schieffer's Take on the Fourth Estate - Nasty Business of "Dirty-Trick Politics" To Report or Not to Report?

This week Bob Schieffer admitted The Media had not been diligent in vetting Obama. In a stunningly candid format Schieffer painfully minimized the damage soft padding and coddling Obama had caused by placing the burden where he thought it should go. The answer not surprisingly deflected responsibility shifting it to "The Other Candidates". This of course goes in line with the responsibility placed upon "Candidates" running for Office in managing their Campaigns to under 'fair and equal protections' challenge unqualified candidates as well as character of opposing candidates. Mr. Sheiffer's comments were lit up by Glenn Beck on The Blaze Radio broadcast this morning and here is quick 1 min:30 second highlight reel from The Birther Report:

CBS News Bob Schieffer's Take on Candidates Responsibility

The most compelling evidence from a senior news Reporter now unfolds upon his retirement announcement? Its on the Candidates? Well, let's thank Bob for his candid revelation and statutory endorsement of my own Candidacy that has flailed in the mud slinging thrown upon it as a "Birther Candidate" from the Fourth Estate Media, while attempting to honorably do the job of vetting opposing Candidates in 2008 with Sen. John McCain who received 'citizenship' by statute, and some alien form of 'natural born Citizenship' also by statute, and Sen. Obama as well in 2012 that stands in the U.S. Supreme Court now as Judy v. Obama Case No. 14-9396.

The Media seemed all to willing to report to the public on the Birther Law Suits headed in the U.S. Supreme Court 2008 and 2012 that reached the U.S. Supreme Court as long as they did not have a Presidential Candidate involved, especially one who couldn't be accused of 'racism' based upon equal treatment under the principle of the law. It shouldn't be forgotten that the Media's willingness to publicly rehearse the dirt Obama's Campaign dug for in his 2004 U.S. Senate Campaign, was in fact how Obama won the incumbent Republican he faced Jack Ryan.

Through the upheaval and standing there remains only one Candidate for President who has consistently stood for the principle of the Constitution's qualifications for the Office of the President regardless of party, and that was myself, Cody Robert Judy. I think it was an excellent statement that Bob Schieffer made because it is true. As a Candidate for President you do have a responsibility to first size up your opponent's qualifications for the office that your both running for. Why would anyone need to say anything about someone's character if his whole Identity was a violation of the qualifications of the Office he sought? It seemed very simply Obama is not qualified by the Constitutions different qualifications for Representatives and Senators as "Citizens" and the Office of the President's requirement of natural born Citizen. That requirement was not included for Representatives and Senators.

At the trunk of the tree is the eligibility of a Candidate for any Office and the requirements for that office in the Constitution. Those are the parameters of the Trust of that Office given to we Candidates as principles afforded by "WE THE PEOPLE". The Courts should respect that power and parameter so it should not be any surprise they have complaints come to them on any violations of that TRUST.

Now I think it is saying much more about a Candidates honest character to go after that if another Candidate doesn't measure up to the TRUST first,, before you go after anything else. I did not particularly agree with the line of thinking that other Candidates brought up as a way to go after Obama as Sarah Palin mentioned in this video , as she states "an attempt was made to destroy those who were telling the truth in bringing up the name of Jeremy Wright the pastor of Obama's church, and Bill Ayers Obama's friend and candidate for ghost writing for Obama's Dreams of my Fathers.

Yes, the attempts to destroy those telling the truth was made, but in 2008 I think Reverend Wright's "America's Chickens are coming home to roost" video had gone viral and I didn't see any shortage of Bill Ayers's name mentioned. What was particularly noticeable was the silence on Obama's Eligibility, and Sarah would have been dropping anchor on her own V.P. selection to go after Obama on that because McCain's was just as vulnerable. That explained the quid pro quo good ole boys agreement made in U.S. Sen. Res. 511 as plain as day which was for McCain but co-sponsored by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama making a nice tryst. Sarah Palin was just as culpable as a cherry on top. Did she have a choice? Yes, as a Governor she could have used her Bully Pulpit to influence a public outcry on the devastation. I'd have been screaming at the top of my lungs about McCain if I were her at the Republican convention and I did in Federal Court days before he was even made the nominee.

You can be an anchor baby and serve in the military. Just serving in the military doesn't make you eligible for the Office of the President. That's just really stupid to think about if you just imagine Putin crossing the border with his wife, dropping a kid in Texas, and financing him to the Presidency in 35 years as a qualified Candidate. Are you really that stupid to think that if that was an option to ascend to America's highest post it would not be implemented?

There was just one thing wrong with U.S. Senate Resolution 511, it failed to inform America that the United States Constitution had been breached in an unlawful manner in the TRUST the People had given politicians. If Americans could not depend on Republicans and Democrats to stand up for the 'natural born Citizen' qualification for the Office of the President because of this unholy or unconstitutional alliance had been struck between three Candidates, and Mitt Romney's mouth was gagged shut because every Republican Senator had signed on, who was left? Only Candidates like myself even come close to having Standing demanded by the Courts. If the Courts' hear my case your dang right the Media is going to tell THAT story!

Nixon said in his discussion that he believed "If the President does it that means that it is not illegal", so is the will of one Hall of Congress all that is needed to Amend the Constitution, or does it require both Halls and a President's signature?

It is a fact that the Constitution can only be amended with 2/3rds of Congress including both the House and the Senate and it must be signed by a qualified President. Why would the 'natural born Citizen' requirement even need to be considered by The U.S. Senate if in fact there was even a question. I am a natural born Citizen, born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents and Congress has not had to consider whether I'm qualified with a resolution. McCain had two! That tells us something was not right in the first place and these elected officials were up to something.

In fact over the last two Presidential Elections haven't those three Candidates been considered the major party Candidates? So, does Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain think they can destroy the TRUST America has given to politicians by breaching the U.S. Constitution's qualifications for the Office of the President?

Here is a stunning tail-to-tell everyone including the Fourth Estate Branch - Media. If the U.S. Supreme Court in their soon to be scheduled conference fails to hear Judy v. Obama 14-9396 than that's exactly what happened! American's had their basic qualifications for the office of the President changed illegally simply because the U.S. Supreme Court fails to hear a Candidate for President who was not "in on the deal", "in on the illegal cartel" that formed a monopoly against the public TRUST.

If any other Candidate for a major party were to stand up and challenge this my Case, Judy v. Obama 14-9396 would be brought up as the Court having already decided that issue in the negative, and what say you that the Court becomes irrelevant upon any Actions the Legislature takes that are unconstitutional? The gates open and hell marches in! The entire reason the Third Estate or Judicial Branch was formed to check and balance the other two is made null and void, and what's worse is my case becomes the precedent case to prove that for incoming Presidents.

People think my question to the U.S. Supreme Court's existence was too strong of language in questions for the Court to consider, but it is not and this reasoning forms the very real and logical conclusion, but would any of the Main Stream Media consider that a report of a Campaign to Report to the Public? We are not seeing it yet that's for sure.

We here at the Campaign would certainly wish to extend a GENUINE HAT-TIP to The Drudge Report for saying in so many words with 4 Favorites of CRJ2016 Tweets "I don't have a HEADLINE to put on The Drudge Report about this!". We were quite excited Drudge shared that pain with us. At least someone in the Major Political Arena of Reporting recognizes the dedicated hard work Cody has gone through over the last six years unsung and unwritten in the pursuit of Justice for our Republic in really what is an unparalleled story of taking a stand for principle that holds the keys to the United States of America's national security. The fact it was as reported 'the most influential man in the American Media' is simply and undeniably an honor to Cody Robert Judy's 2016 Campaign for United States President and his fight for Principle over Political Party.

The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"