
Friday, July 17, 2015



Judges Recused in OBAMA's INELIGIBLE Case?

What may come down to the most important APPLICATION filed in the United States Supreme Court History the Court received today the reason they cannot accept an unqualified person in the Office of the President. "Without a qualified President under the United States Constitution's demand, in Obama's case for a 'natural born Citizen' ie., 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents', the People's Vote dismisses the U.S. Supreme Court's Jurisdiction under the U.S. Constitution. It's one or the other", said Petitioner and Candidate for President Cody Robert Judy.

If you have only just begin to watch or tune-in-to the longest lasting Case challenging Obama's eligibility under the United States Constitution, The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for President has a Special Feature for you. We have prepared a 60 Second Video for you to catch up on what has happened thus far.



The Document is here on SCRIBD and following it I will discuss some of the 'Why's' of its importance if you care to stick around after reading it.

Document Found also embedded at the End of this Post. Delivery Noticed by By: J KOUROS  //  WASHINGTON,  DC  20543 //  11:04 am


The obvious reason that Obama has nominated Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan may seem the obvious reasons to all, so they real reasons have more to do with the 'hostile judgments' that have been received by Justice Sotomayor's own hand which have lent the credibility to the APPLICATION. 

In other words, I haven't just 'supposed' from the get-go that a simple 'nomination', much different by-the-way and should not be confused with the word 'appointment'. Obama did not 'appoint' Justice Sotomayor or Justice Kagan. The were 'nominated' and then received their confirmations from the Congress.

Now I have left it to Justice Sotomayor to reveal or implicate the magnitude of impact that has and by her own judgments implicate the reasons Justice Kagan should also be considered in the RECUSAL also. We already know the Justice Sotomayor has refused to recuse herself on this matter as she has been the one that issued a judgement on the APPLICATION FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME.  

Justice Sotomayor has in my opinion 'Denied' something the extension of time request in a hostile act towards justice. It just doesn't make sense to anyone. The Court had set a September 28th 2nd Conference and the APPLICATION simply made a more formal path towards that. 

At times a Court will assign "Forma Pauperis" (IFP) motions to a Magistrate Judge. This is to say a Jr. under them. While I do not know the Judge who 'Denied' my forma pauperis status, in the U.S. Supreme Court, we do know Justice Sotomayor is in charge of motions and applications coming out of the Tenth Circuit/Utah Division and that my forma pauperis status was 'confirmed' by both the Tenth Circuit and Utah District Court. In the latter it was indeed a Magistrate Judge and not the Judge of the Case that granted my forma pauperis status.

So we do know that under Justice Sotomayor, what has been relatively a simply admission into the Lower Circuit and District Courts by the lack of funds presented to the Court in a quite lengthy 5 page report that includes things as intricate as 'clothing allowances', 'mileage on your car', down to your utilities and food budget , as well as the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012 in case 12-5276 which also granted my forma pauperis status with no problem and my financial status not getting better through the last three years but rather worse, that Justice Sotomayor has ruled in a way that would be seen as hostile towards the poor, and hostile towards justice.

We could surmise differently by the Court's Scheduling a September 28th hearing after I submitted a Motion for Reconsideration and Review on my IFP status, however, the DENIAL on the 25A15 Application for a Time Extension that is very elemental as a request for the Court really stacks the deck about an un-hostile judicial environment. 

It rather comes down to understanding that if I was a beggar on the streets about to die of thirst without a drink of water and Justice Sotomayor was passing with a six pack of water, she would let me die rather then give me one. I have allowed her to make that very clear to me before moving for a Recusal, and why would I take another chance with Kagan in the room understanding the conditions of Sotomayor and Kagan are similar? I just couldn't in all fairness myself.

It is impossible to notice that no Supreme Court Justice can make it to the Confirmation Hearings of the Congress without a 'Nomination' by a qualified President. While it may be token for the President it is still vitally important and if the Court were to find in my Case damages were properly actuate undertaking the Case  De Novo,  which it can and which has been requested, there would indeed have to be 'further proceedings' in the Cases of consideration which might come in the form of an Act of Congress also then signed by a qualified President. 

For all those people out there who consider Obama a friend, I say to them, you can continue to be his friend, but in considering the actions required by our Constitution, are you willing to give up every right you have under the Constitution's powers based on friendship? We are not considering Obama as a friend, we are considering him in these deliberations as a unqualified person in the Office of the President. 

In other words, you can still have a friend after he is kicked out of the Office of the President, nothing changes, but you simply cannot afford sacrificing any one of the Constitutional Rights we have under the umbrella. Shall we discuss some of those rights? 

Well, just recently the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage was a guaranteed right under the 14th Amendment. If there is no Constitution there certainly is no 14th Amendment. 

The Court also ruled recently that you as a private citizen have the right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. If there is no Constitution there is no 2nd Amendment.

Here's a list of Cases the Supreme Court has ruled upon that allow free religion, free speech, a free press, and freedom to assemble under the First Amendment. How many of you enjoy rights under the 1st Amendment and are willing to sacrifice those because Obama's your friend?  

The point is those apposed to my action in Court actually are opposing their own rights under the Constitution of the United States and the Justices of the Supreme Court opposed to my Case are apposing their own tenure. We can see how important the Constitution is on both sides of the isle liberal and conservative and to secure your rights, those rights,  you simply must have a Constitution and a qualified person in the Office of the President. 

I need your help in passing this on to your neighbors so everyone gets an understanding of what is happening and can thus support or pass on it. I can't think of a much crueler punishment though then for people to suddenly wake up one morning and have the Constitution of the United States gone and all the rights established under it. That happened to me you know and it is I have to say the biggest reason I have fought so hard. I understand it's ramifications.


What this APPLICATION actually does is request or demand that the entire Court come in for a decision on Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan, consider the actions in the APPLICATION and the Full Court can 'STAY' her denial of the Time Extension and also consider the basis of a Recusal. I wrote once we had to get the EYE of the Court, and we did with Justice Sotomayor acting. Now we gain the EYE of the Entire Court if we didn't have it. What this action does is ruin any probability that this Case can be channeled into a dismissal by a single Justice. Sotomayer controls the entire Tenth Circuit and Kagan controls for the Court both the Sixth and Seventh Circuits. This combines to cover, well see for yourself. This a Court within a Court. ( UT.,WY.,CO.,KS.,OK.,N.M.,WI.,ILL.,IN.,MI.,OH.,KY.,TN.,) From the APPLICATION  FOR STAY ON SOTOMAYERS DENIAL which asks for a Full Review, meaning from the Full Court.

"    The reason this Court cannot exempt an unqualified President is because the Constitution is then made null and void. By that this Court’s official Jurisdiction is also ended under the U.S. Constitution, overruled by the People’s vote.
   It is therefore requisite of the Court to consider very seriously the qualifications for the Office of the President this Case affords and the People’s vote particularly relevant under fraudulent circumstances is not valid."

Now I think the people who have money are about the least likely people to understand this. The Lord says it is very difficult for a rich man to understand. In fact he says its easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than a wealthy man into the kingdom of God, nevertheless it is possible.( ref. Holy Bible-Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25) At the same time, I can think of no man who needs the Constitution more than a rich man, for without it things change very quickly. 

There is no rich people who have supported my Case. It is very true they do not know or understand what is at stake. If they did, they would be supporting it. That is why it is important for we poor people to help them see and understand. We as poor people are rich in understanding and it is our job to help the rich people in their poverty of understanding this. 

Cody Robert Judy - Candidate for President '08-'12-'16

You get to decide that. I'd say don't trust bad legal advice and contribute what you can TODAY FOR A BETTER AMERICA TOMORROW

Cody Robert Judy- Presidential Candidate '08-'12-'16

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The First Trip of Trump might be Floating Cruz as Eligible V.P.?

The First Trip of Trump might be Floating Cruz as Eligible V.P?

Everyone, including Trump now, seems to think the 'Birther/Eligibility' Question is off the table. When asked by a reporter directly Trump referred to it an 'old subject' after NBC's Katy Turr asked why people should believe his numbers on illegal immigration when he 'led' the birther movement and sent investigators out to Hawaii to investigate whether Obama was was born there, [Read more at ]
 but we are reminded everyday it is a very important part of the Constitution of the United States and often the Main Stream Media highlights it reminding us they understand it quite well.

TRUMP TO NBC : Alot of People don't believe the Birth Certificate is Real

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump meet Wednesday in New York

On the heels of that interview, it is reported this morning in the Washington Post U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Mr. Trump also a Presidential Candidate contender may be making an informal compromise on the Constitution's demand for a natural born Citizen based  on Cruz's defense for Trumps stand on 'illegal immigration'. Cruz fails the standard of natural born Citizen just as Obama both having 'foreign' fathers. Cruz's father is noted as a Cuban while Obama's is listed as Kenyan.

The only citizenship status definition for naturalization purposes most notably missing in Congress's definition  found in the "Aliens and Nationals Title 8 Act" is 'born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. This is presumably because it has never been doubted that 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' was indeed a respect for man's recognition of 'nature's definition' being indisputable.

Those apposed to the clear definition have seized on the fact that 'natural born Citizen' was not defined in the Constitution, leaving out the fact that neither was 'Citizen', the standard for U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives along with 'pirating' also found in the Constitution.  According to the Aliens and Nationals Title 8 §1401 Code there are no less than ten (10) different circumstances of Citizenship considered that the Constitution failed to identify or outline understood in a-h.

 'Being Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' is the requirement that you will not find in the Title 8 Actions of naturalization , and thus was reserved for the Vice President and President as a requirement. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz's naturalization is described by Congress in(d):

 [a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;] , [i]f of course Cruz's mother did not also become a Canadian Citizen at the same time as her husband did immigrating from Cuba. 

If Cruz's mother and father were registered current Canadian Citizens at the time of  Cruz birth in Canada his 'American Citizenship' is as questionable in documentation as Arnold Schwarzenegger  born to foreign parents in Austria. The interesting claim Sen. Cruz makes is that regardless of his mother's devotion to her husbands' citizenship in Canada, and whether she acclimated to Canada as he did with his citizenship from Cuba, is that regardless of that perhaps being a fact she was "born" in the U.S. and maintained the native citizenship regardless of any foreign paperwork regarding official status. This claim would not bode well for Sen. John McCain who was born in the foreign country of Panama  as I maintained in my action barring him from the Office of the President due to an unfaltering statement of nature that Panama would always be where it began for him instead of the United States. He will always be a Panama son, and certainly one of their more famous.

Reference and Respect for both of one's parents and place has been forgotten to cheat in the race for President of the United States. At this point in the race, Mr. Trump ought to be suing Mr. Cruz in Federal Court for being in the race illegally and collecting campaign contributions for an Office he is not qualified for.

While the Main Stream Media will not let Mr. Trump forget he led the Birther Movement, although not a single case in Court bears Mr. Trumps name and it has been myself who has born the Standard on a bi-partisan level, the highlights of Mr. Cruz's 'citizenship status' in the Washington Post relays the message that Mr. Trump is not true to that standard that he placed upon Mr. Obama in objecting to his eligibility in Office.

Of course the Trump's Campaign is new, but the fact he complained about Obama's Qualification is seasoned back to 2012. It is therefore a poor excuse for him to not public excoriate Mr. Cruz for his ineligibility. The failure to do so, certainly does not bode well for him in conservative circles or the Main Stream Media's 'standard policy' of asking politicians about the double standard.

The question remains how long will the Main Stream Media allow Mr. Trump's money to affect the political tides before putting the ax to the tree and watching Mr. Trump fall from number one in the Polls to out of the running completely. Doesn't it seem odd to you to see the Democratic Party *welcome Mr. Trump into the Republican Presidential Race with a hearty recommendations, and yet still see that it's Mr. Bush that Mrs. Clinton's **campaign is worried about with the Main Stream Media lauded by Podesta Hillary's Campaign Chairman,  as in the palm of her hand?

What a cozy relationship for them.  Can you think of a greater accolade the Main Stream Media craves as being a puppet for Hillary?


While it may be a very controversial subject, I feel it is very important subject to bring up and one that is also much more difficult than bringing up the qualifications for the Office of the President, if you can imagine one in our current circumstances. There are many 'religious prophesies, predictions, revelations' floating about in the political arena of the United States. Of course religious sentiment is protected free speech and should be.

The subject of such I wish to contend are those advocating that there will be no 2016 Election. That war, famine, and natural catastrophic events will engulf the United States due to subjects separating  the Republican and Democratic Parties such as 'pro-life or pro-choice', same-sex or equal citizenship marriage protections stances among all. I have to say to you these claims are false and those feeling their strategy of standing on one side or the other on these issues merits some 'protection' from what they feel are God's Judgments that are coming are indeed fooled by the spirits.

It would no more seem rational for the good Lord to bring such disasters upon us now for such then it would have 20 or even 40 years ago as the issues were contended back then. What is undeniably has far as change is concerned is 'both' the Republicans and Democrats near universal support of the very simple line drawn on 'natural born Citizen' as 'born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents as the subject nearly all know about but truly only a handful have actually supported as an imperative of our national security.

As the spirit directs me strongly, to the language of our first President George Washington's statement 1792 concerning this:
" I am sure there never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe, that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God, who is alone able to protect them." (The Writings of George Washington, by John C. Fitzpatrick, GPO, 1931-44. Vol. 32:2.)

Consider for yourselves every person who has contributed to the only Presidential Campaign offering support in the defense of our national security, regardless of Republican or Democratic Parties, for there is only one Campaign over the last 6 years in the Nation who stands supreme upon the principle of the defense spoken of very clearly here.

It is a very foolish spirit that directs as unsound the seriousness of the national security problem we now face or the whimsical loftiness the much greater unity of both the republican, democratic, as well as independent political affiliations together have nearly bonded against and tendered this simple phrase almost in a non-nonsensical manner.

It therefore comes upon me to assure its importance above any and all other considerations. As the nucleus of our Constitution, there is little doubt among scholars of its vital importance. Posed as the foundation of our freedom's our Constitution is the umbrella of countless rights and privileges, and at the heart the President's powers and the principle candidly sacrificed.

Will not be God's punishment, but the umbrella you have refused, in the storm that gets you. President Washington's words are as true today as they were when penned. Tis only God that alone can protect you and upon that we have survived thus far under the Constitution as the Title of Liberty and Standard of Freedom.

When the heart of it is sacrificed by the greatest majority unanimously, a supercilious manner accredited upon myself as seriously defending it in a historic bi-partisan manner, by that you shall know why the Judgments you have spoken of shall fall justly upon you and not by any other stand you have made in a pretended righteousness that shall exempt you. To those very few who have contributed, with monetary support or even passing it in social media, you have more of promise from God than any act understood to lay claim upon such as Pres. Washington refers,  because it is the greatest act in defense for freedom and liberty upon the most.

That means you deserve the promises. May God Bless You and for those who wish to join us that choice is still available to you.  You may support this effort and or pass it on. Here.


* Democratic Party Response to Trump here and here.
1- "Everything is awesome," - Democratic National Committee Press Secretary Holly Shulman
2-“Today, Donald Trump became the second major Republican candidate to announce for president in two days. He adds some much-needed seriousness that has previously been lacking from the GOP field, and we look forward [to] hearing more about his ideas for the nation.”

**Why Hillary is worrying about Jeb Bush
John Podesta, Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton Campaign, has already decided that Governor Jeb Bush will be the Republican nominee for President.
[“psychosis of the media . . .which is something we created.” He added with a humble chuckle ]
Podesta quipped at one point, “Let’s face it– our strategy always seems to work.” Then he told the person he was chatting with that “they [Hillary’s campaign team] had spent all weekend talking about strategy.”]
[ limit his media interviews like Hillary’s been doing. If he must do an interview here or there, Jeb should consent only to request from conservative press –just as Hillary did when she cherry-picked CNN to do her first “unserious” interview. Fewer interviews means less ammunition for the liberal media to use to harpoon Jeb, should he become the 2016 GOP nominee. Let’s face: the verbal bullets are going to fly from Republicans at one another starting August when the first GOP debate is scheduled.]

You get to decide that. I'd say don't trust bad legal advice and contribute what you can TODAY FOR A BETTER AMERICA TOMORROW

Cody Robert Judy- Presidential Candidate '08-'12-'16

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You

Tuesday, July 14, 2015



Today I  mention the incredible heart felt lump in my throat when a contribution comes in. Its hard for me to explain to you how tenderly felt each one is. We notice FL., CA., TX., OR., PA., N.C., UT., S.D, VA., MA.,MI., AZ., and one from a U.S. Citizen in the United Kingdom now. We hope to see your State there soon supporting the longest lasting Obama's Ineligible Case in the Supreme Court of the United States in U.S. History! There is a reason for that, no one is talking about and it has to do with being a Presidential Candidate.

You see about 200 laws suits were dismissed for a 'lack of standing', meaning there was no Presidential Candidate claiming damages. Some attorney's just keep making the same mistakes over and over and trying to justify they had standing in really odd ways. The reason for this is they either didn't want to acknowledge the hard work a Presidential Candidate goes through. Making Commercials, Web Pages, being available nearly 24 hours a day, answering questions, putting a platform for the Country together, even writing a book like I have done.  Orly Taitz has done a ton of work, but continues to get her cases dismissed because of what I am talking about- Raw Story just featured it, and again what-do-you-know, a lack of standing.

In fact another Judge just sent her packing. One thing about my cases, I've never been dismissed for a 'lack of standing'. Nope, they have to reach deeper into the bucket of excuses than that one at least. My Presidential Campaigns claiming damages are legit, and the damages are real, hurting badly, but the notice to that is seen by the Media about the same way as American Children getting raped and murdered by illegal aliens/or/immigrants, 'undocumented' as Rep. Nancy Pelosi likes to refer to them politely.  I think she'd refer to someone who murdered her children as someone who 'deposed of their atmosphere'. They are unsympathetic with the damages Obama has caused and is causing.  They have no feelings whatsoever about this, but I do.

 Times are hard and bound to get harder, but I haven't shirked from this fight one bit. All the other Candidates have.  I have shouldered this 'Ineligibility' fight since 2008 with my first Federal LawSuit/Complaint against Sen. McCain who was not 'Born in the United States', but was born in the foreign Country of Panama in the Colon, Panama Hospital; making me the only Candidate for President in U.S. History to be bi-partisan on the Eligibility Principle on Court Record. That's as close to not being called a "Racist" by the Main Stream Media as you can't. I tell you their 'agenda' is just as cold to American's getting good jobs, or a trade deal that doesn't sacrifice our children's futures as generational theft.

Six Months! That's right, but do you see any Main Stream Articles about it? Nope! They are petrified justice might come for Obama's occupation in the White House they propped up not caring about the damages.  The longest lasting "Active Petition" in the United States Supreme Court citing Obama's Ineligibility in United States History now with action starting there on the Docket March 30th and dates of a 2nd Conference scheduled for September 28th 2015. That's 6 months in that Court alone.

 No case has managed through the 1st Conference before being put on the 'DENIED LIST'. Nothing has come close to the staying power my case has had and for good reason.  I've got three Campaigns backing up damages that have amounted to tons of work you can see, and all I wanted was the rules equally applied under the Constitution for Obama as myself and everyone else. Is that to much to ask?

The people supporting the demolition of our Constitution's demand that 'natural born Citizen' doesn't mean anything other than 'Citizen' and denying its unique qualification singled out just for the President and Vice President's Office,  never mentioned for Senator's and Representative's in their qualifications,  the idea of giving the Power of the President to foreign nationals and new immigrants is not a threat to our national security. We might suppose under-age drinking and permission to marry at 11 is just as easily on their radar?

The 'natural born Citizen' clause for just those two offices was designed as a 'Time Frame' just like the time frame of being 35 Years of Age for President, 30 Years of Age for Senator, and 25 Years of Age for Representatives is different. "Natural Born Citizen" understood to be Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents, actually requires longer than 35 years by at least one year.

In other words, an immigrant couple could legally come into the Country obtaining legal status as Citizens, have a child here and that child could grow up and be a Vice President or even President.

Now, if "Time" doesn't matter to you, than why would you say drinking alchohol at 7 years of age is any different than 21? Why not lower the age we feel a young lady can be married from 16 in some states, to 11? People would scream, "You are out of your mind!!! " Well, guess what?  We who support the qualifications for President as 'born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' also recognize the difference is usually much longer time.

It absolutely creates a buffer from foreign powers entering in and controlling our nuclear codes as well as curbing the interest in arming our enemies, or those who may be more interested in doing us harm by distributing out wealth, and selling to anyone at the highest price. People who don't support "Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents", we think are just as "Out of their mind!" because it is a National Security Problem placing our children and futures at a high risk. That's why I think so ill of Politicians elected who haven't thought enough of you or our Constitution to open their objections and insist on hearings on this.

They have no idea what the consequences, and there is always consequences, will be. Along the lines of our 'recovery'? We have 'financed' this 'recovery' by adding 7 Trillion to the Debt! There's no Recovery Stupid! It's only gotten worse for our children, and the statistics have been manipulated. Obama doesn't want to take the credit for being in the White House illegally, or the ramifications for it, because consequences don't exist in his mind for his actions of lying and deception .. "You can keep your Doctor?" .. hahaha! What a joke that has become! Do know what's coming down the pike? As soon as its admitted by Congress, guess whose fault its' going to be? That's right. They will say its your own damn fault. They are never wrong.

 Its is really hard not to recognize the arms that have either been confiscated, given, or sold to 'rebel groups' who said on one hand they were interested in 'freedom' and 'democracy' but also set up Theocracies under Islam (Egypt) or were actual listed as  'terrorist Groups' (Libya-Syria 'Rebels' are linked to Al-Queda and ISIS), that have gotten arms from us legally through Qatar I've mentioned in the last two post.

 It never made sense to me to 'discriminate' against McCain, because Obama "may have" been born somewhere's else or for only listing one parent from Kenya, even if he was born in the U.S., his respecting his father's Kenyan Citizenship eliminates him as a natural born Citizen.   Neither hospital in Hawaii has claimed his birth.  He actually claimed two at one time in the beginning- first Queens and then Kapaloni, and then there was his Step- Grandmother who in an interview by WND in Africa claimed she was present at Obama's birth in Mombasa Kenya along with two quite highly respected Christian Ministers who also verified her claim by affidavits. Then of course there is Sheriff Joe's CCP Report also inserted into our SCOTUS Case, and I'm not sure Sheriff's like to lie either along with waste 2500 hours of expert criminal investigation and whole lifetimes of law enforcement credibility just for Obama? No way.

"Ms. Sara Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States," the Christain Rev. Kweli",  Shuhubia said.  Of course you and I know how those Grandmothers and Christian Ministers love to lie, and after six years in the Office Obama has yet to have a plague of any sort erected by a Hospital in Hawaii proud of the first black President who just happened to be born there? That seems very strange to me. Has the press asked why his Grandmother would lie or why Christian Ministers would lie about his birth?


We do not know if we are going to be successful. Of course there are always people who rob other people who just get away with it. That has never made robbing someone right though. Americans understanding this have been contributing to the only Presidential Campaign in America with an active Petition in the Supreme Court of the United States. We could always do more advertising about this to others if you'd contribute today. We'd love to have the Billions that Mr. Trump has, but we just don't, but guess what?

You know $5 from 1 million makes $5 Million? $20 dollars from 1 million makes $20 Million. There are nearly 4 million in just the city of L.A., and you know nearly 50% of America understands and knows Obama is not eligible for the Office of the President, yet they are complaining about all the damages of ObamaCare, ObamaAmnesty, Obama's Executive Orders, and Obama's Economy.  Don't you think its odd that people are willing to defend their families with a box of shells for their gun, but not supporting defending the Nation with the equivalent to a Candidate for President standing up for this National Security Principle?

I guess if you have given up you have given up. If your hope is that Obama just finishes up and goes down in history as an eligible President,  wait a minute do you really want that? Are you telling me like Glenn Beck tells everyone or Rush Limbaugh that a contribution to a Candidate's Campaign where standing is fulfilled is a waste? I can not imagine their giving you any poorer advise for our Country. Its legally unsound., you know that right? 

They have sacrificed our National Security over being called a 'Racist' - not giving a damn about our National Security Interest. What about a Candidate who can't be called a racist because he sued both McCain and Obama equally? Does the 'racist' profile still fit supporting that Candidate for President or do you just not care about the national security of our Country? 

You get to decide that. I'd say don't trust bad legal advice and contribute what you can TODAY FOR A BETTER AMERICA TOMORROW

Cody Robert Judy- Presidential Candidate '08-'12-'16

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You

Monday, July 13, 2015

Part II. Understanding the Change -Hillary Clinton's Compromised- The Trust Issue through Qatar

            The Trust Issue through Qatar

In a July  12th, 2015 feature by S.V.  DA'TE,  spotlighted on The Drudge Report, entitled 'Hillary Clinton's White Male Voter Problem, gender and race are articulated as challenges to overcome rather than integrity and trust. That's what happens when Polls take over your Political Campaign Course of action. While 'Males' are singled out in the article's title featured in National Journal, the underlying problem identified by 'Males' simply hasn't been translated by 'Females' yet. The "Trust and Integrity" problem is a much bigger problem than the 'White Male' problem.

   Clinton has made this pie herself. In decisions reported by FOX by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano detailing how Hillary Clinton lied to Congress, gave arms to terrorists and destroyed her emails,  and followed Obama as Secretary of State, that included a payload of weapons delivered through Qatar that then was delivered to Al-Qaeda, I.S.I.S, used in"Libya's district of Benghazi" and "Syria", using her own "Server" that also lead to a cache of foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation being deleted as Yoga Emails, has destroyed her credibility as badly as 'Iran-Contra' hurt Ronald Reagan.

Napolitano described the legal trouble plaguing, as a defamation of 'Trust & Integrity' that has knocked the wind out of  America for Hillary Clinton, to be like a punch in the gut while your not looking. "She's in a lot of legal trouble", he said. While calling herself 'transparent' she willfully deleted and happily skirted the rules. Is it any wonder she just recently sold 2,000 tickets to a rally where 10,000 where available?

Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Provided Material Assistance To Terrorists And Lied To Congress

[FOX News chief legal correspondent Judge Andrew Napolitano told FBN host Charles Payne a "conspiracy existed" among President Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Treasury Department and various Congressional leaders to have arms sent to rebels in Syria and Libya. Napolitano came to the conclusion after going through several hundred pages of documents with FOX News' intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge.]

Blaming the 'White Male' is more consistent with the Clinton Camp than 'losing the mail', or the excuse that the 'dog ate the mail'. They are tough and can take it. On the flip side the liberal media caused quite an uproar printing half sentences of Donald Trump's opening Campaign Speech regarding Mexico and illegal immigrants stationed in what has really just hit America's psyche, 'sanctuary cities', and an excellent cover-up of 'illegal immigrant crimes' only now coming into the political fray.

Protecting 'illegal immigrant' crimes, while American children are raped and murdered, doesn't really seem to be a working campaign strategy for Americans regardless of 'race, color, gender, or previous conditions of servitude as is spelled out in the United States Constitution's 15 Amendment and 19th Amendments'.

One interesting fact that was spelled out in the article was that for every 1 percentage point of loss in the minority male Caucasian vote, the ratio would have to be made up by increases of 4 to 5 percentage points in the other minorities groups.

As a Democratic Party Candidate for President hoping to reach that threshold of contributions that the F.E.C. requires for Candidates to Report officially, I have no problem asserting the painfully excoriating nausea that has gripped America with the Democratic Party loss of 'protection for Americans' that illegal immigration poses. While Donald Trump is on the other side of the isle from me, I have no problem whatsoever promoting the crisis of protection being denied by those on the same side of the isle as I am. Understanding empathetically the loss of children because of the laws that have failed protections of all Americans regardless of race, color, gender or previous conditions of servitude I have felt that pain.

Viewed over 45,000 times already are the victim impact statements we should all take a really close look at.

How Americans, regardless of race, color, gender, or previous conditions of servitude, could listen to these impact Statements and not understand that the United States has a very big problem with remaining the United States is beyond my own understanding.

Under-reported has been my consistent stand on Border Security and Legal Immigration, spotlighted over the last two election cycles as a Democratic Party Candidate for President as well as a Write-In Candidate in the General Elections, of '08, and '12, that Mr. Trump is gaining traction over now. As Americans when we see a problem and a solution, it shouldn't matter what party is 'featured', 'brings it up', or has had it 'on record', what matters is that the problem is dealt with.

It probably would be a political point for me to say that Mr. Trump has taken a look at my Three Point Platform and using the Trump Name Recognition with those three points, and is in his first race for political office leading with the republican Polls with them now with his fellow Republican Presidential Candidates as well as Democratic Party Candidates taking a close look at what's happening.

While many have pointed to my losses as failures, I've often remarked in the 1 Congressional Race, 2 Senatorial Races, and now 3 Presidential Platforms I've been involved with , if I can pass the baton of a good idea on, my Campaigns have not been failures at all. I am thrilled Mr. Trump is placing light on a subject that needs to be spotlighted!

As for the media nay-sayers that see Mr. Trump as a threat to Mrs. Clinton's campaign, I say why has she and Obama been threatening American's by serving those who are not American Voters in the first place?
While the portion of Mexican/Latino/Spanish/Cuban Americans who are here legally, did their part to come through the front door, instead of crawling over your back yard fence, or going through the broken window, why in the world would they place their American 'Vote' for someone 'breaking' the Law? I don't think they would; and those who would, are not respecting their own American Citizenship now.

Flooding a system illegally over the wall, is no more right than a gang flooding a department store and looting it. That seems to be what the liberal left has been busy at reporting and hoping for. Its the bully tactic that I have highlighted over and over again that is wrong and against our individually protected rights. Obama has failed miserably at this, and while statistics of particular cities on the borders  may be drawn upon for 'useful' purposes to further the agenda, the 1/16 of an inch on the border map that city represents is betrayed by the thousands of miles that demonstrate the real picture of failed policies breaking the backs of Americans.

["Obama says the border has never been more secure and is urging a series of legislative steps to legalize millions of undocumented immigrants, streamline the visa system and further fortify the border. He has already moved to protect certain undocumented immigrants from deportation through executive actions. But these actions have faced resistance in the courts.."]

Statistics has been something Obama has specialized in manipulating, just like the unemployment rate that doesn't include missing workers. Official unemployment rates are at 5.3% but when you add the missing employers from the work force you add 7.3% . The unemployment rate Obama clings to is vastly understating the actual employment problem America is facing in Today's Labor Force.

This unemployment and M.I.A Labor Force is a direct result of what is indeed a deportation of American Jobs by the incentive for Companies to go to cheaper labor markets outside the states where the product comes back in the U.S. un-taxed for the American Consumer to cobble up. Its the use of foreign slavery that dictatorial governments do not mind engaging for the distribution of wealth and transformation of America Obama is engaged in as a usurper.

Yes, Obama has never been qualified by America's Constitution according to the release of his own Campaigns' identifications of him in birth certification, or long form birth certificate. Both those documents identify Obama's father as Kenyan which means Obama fails the two prong test of the Constitution's demands that the President and Vice President be 'natural born Citizen(s)' ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

While Mr. Trump is gaining ground, and has explicitly taken credit for getting Obama to release his long form birth certificate, he has not been responsible for funding any action that might Constitutionally remove Obama from the usurped office of the President, although he has been asked repeatedly for help.

It has been Mr. Cody Robert Judy, (myself) who has taken the burden to the United States Supreme Court, and also tasked Republicans in complying with the Constitutional Qualifications for the Office of the President formally understood in Judy v. Obama 14-9396.  See also Judy v. McCain & Judy's Application for Time 25A15 regarding Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal.

At nearly the same point in the Race as Mr. Trump is right now, I was engaging as a Democratic Candidate for President in 2012 against Obama in Iowa Caucus's , New Hampshire, and Georgia spotlighting Obama as an 'unqualified Candidate' and objecting to his siphoning of funds off in my Party. That same action by Mr. Trump would require he stand up against Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal with like addressed Ballot Challenges and certainly Public Press Conferences right now deploring contributions to them, which we are not seeing.

This failure has always been attributed to those in the Birther Movement. They pick on Obama but fail within their own Party's Nomination to excoriate illegal Candidates for the Office of the President. It has been a tremendous burden upon me and my Campaigns to undertake this all alone, but it is our American Constitution. The qualifications of the President are like the nucleus of that document.

It requires a strength of character to fight both the left and the right when political ambitions run deep. I could only wish that Hillary Clinton would have had more strength of character to shoulder the burden, but she has not and this is of her own making as far as a liability in consideration for the Office of the President regardless of how much money she has collected.

I have no doubt that when you abandon the central core of the Constitution, you open yourself up to being compromised in many different ways. Please, if you'd like to continue this fight I invite and ask for your help and support here.

Back to Part I. 

Cody Robert Judy

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You