
Friday, August 28, 2015

Joe Biden's Wait - The Real Story-Obama's Ineligibility and the U.S. Supreme Court Sept. 28th Conference?

-Joe Biden's Wait - 
What's the Real Story
Obama's Ineligibility and the U.S. Supreme Court Sept. 28th Conference?

The Main Stream Media Pretends the U.S. Supreme Court Case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 on Obama's Ineligibility doesn't exist, but the signs are everywhere you look that the 2nd Conference in the United States Supreme Court, just one month from Today (Sept. 28th), are having political ramifications in the 2016 Field of Candidates and Potential Candidates aka Mr. Joe Biden noticed October 1st date to decide whether to get into the 2016 Presidential Race as a Candidate at all for Obama's third term.

Political pundits are scratching their heads wondering what could be the reasons the Go Joe Camp hasn't entered the political fray as a Candidate scrambling like everyone else for the limited and precious dollars all agree are necessary for a competitive run.

CNN ran 'Team Biden leaning towards 2016 bid' exclaiming 'Biden has been told by aides he should make the decision by October 1st.'

West Wing Reports - Will He or Won't He - Biden probably has until October 1st Reports - 'Just why are they Biden their Time?' 

Washington Post  - 'Possible Biden run puts Obama Fund raising network on high alert' [ Many of the president’s fundraisers are still up for grabs. Of the 770 people who collected checks for Obama’s 2012 reelection bid, just 52 have signed on as a “Hillblazer” bundler for Clinton or have held a fundraiser for her, according to a Washington Post analysis.]

And we learn only 10% of Big Bundlers for Obama have trotted over to the Clinton Camp. This raises the big question what's everyone waiting for?

 Speculations are running rampant from the crushing emotional blow Mr. Biden suffered with the passing of his 46 year old son Beau May 31st this year, from a long battle that begin August 2013 with brain cancer. Many expected Beau to run for Governor next year in Delaware.

On the other side of the speculations list is the melting pot former Secretary of State and 2016 Candidate Hillary Clinton seems to be in with her Email Server confiscated by the FBI after she initially refused to hand it over and joked about wiping it clean.  What does Joe Know from the Atlantic  speculated Mr. Biden may know of more bone crushing elements coming off of Hillary's Server than the rest of us do right now from his insider DC intelligence. 


1- Mr. Joe Biden's been dealing with his son's cancer for a full two years. Of course the final loss is pain-strikingly clear, but with such a condition its also normal to prepare for the worst emotionally.

2- Hillary's Email Server? What did that have to do with getting in a Race Early enough to drum up the base of supporters and really prepare like approximately 17 Candidates on the Republican side and 18 Candidates on the Democratic Party side already have? If anything its speaks loudly of a lack of preparation and shooting from the hip as far as a public preception and also bids well that the Democrats have already seeded the election to Republicans.

3-Mr. Biden undoubtedly knows that Mr. Obama's Ineligibility has been called into Question and the United States Supreme Court is set to make another decision in Conference September 28th about the Case. This perfectly coincides with Biden's Team's reality notice of a October 1st decision date.

By Political Pundits savvy Mr. Jeb Bush was getting in late as he declared on June 15th, but he was taking advantage of the Exploratory Stage of a Candidate collecting a lot more money that is not subject to the same scrutiny as after an Official Declaration- understandable reason for the late call.

 Mr. Trump unheard of in the Political Polls before his official declaration June 16th now leads Bush who was widely polled as the leader in the exploratory phase of his Candidacy. Again, understandable call for timing of declaration. Mr. Biden retains none of these excuses or ambitions.

The Reality of Door Number Three for Mr. Biden is based as a very loyal supporter of and for Mr. Obama. The U.S. doesn't elect Vice President's anymore. They elect a President who has chosen a Vice President. It is clear as a bell if Mr. Obama is removed as unqualified or a disability of the Office of the President his decision and choice of Mr. Joe Biden is also removed. Mr. Biden crashes in flames along with Mr. Obama and it could be rather instantly. 

Many presume Mr. Biden would be the next in line if Mr. Obama is declared ineligible or unqualified and that might be the case if Mr. Biden had been elected separately as a Vice President the way our first elections were handled where the person receiving the second most votes for President became the Vice President. See  Original Election Process and Reform  However Mr. Biden was elected in an indirect manner with Obama as a Team. Thus, where Obama goes so does Joe.

The Constitution in the 25 Amendment states that no person ineligible for the office of the President shall be fit for the Vice President of the United States. Thus the Vice President must also be equal in qualifications set out for the President. Mr. Biden of course meets the criteria for President, however he was not directly elected. The Constitution provides the Senate can temporarily elect a President Pro Tempore which can be chosen from anyone of its members or even an outside person they feel could reasonably assume the position responsibly until an election could be organized. Who knows maybe Mr. Trump's wishes that an election be expedited could come by sooner than he thinks?

Mr. Biden's support of Obama could also be subject to charges of rebellion against the United States having sworn an oath according to the 14 Amendment Section 3. Joe's defense would be Joe didn't Know, which seems rather nonsensical at best. Mr. Biden hoped along with every other Obama supporter that no one with any Standing would ever be allowed in the United States Supreme Court asserting damages as a Presidential Candidate and citing the Constitution's Qualifications for the Office of the President as the Standard upon which damage was done.

Yes, Mrs. Clinton's prospects and poll numbers are going down based on her own many choices, but she's not feeling good about it either as she denied invitations to assert the Constitution as a retired Secretary of State not holding office any longer in a Amicus Curiae on this Case in February but refused to do so repeatedly.

If justice does not have a perfect way, then of course injustice has become the normal condition of our Government from top to bottom. The very long and hard fight I have had to go through to even get this case to the U.S. Supreme Court is largely unknown by the American population not based on any kind of stand for justice, but based on a real lack of respect for justice by the Main Stream Media in reporting about it.

That of course is something that is our problem. That I do my best with every Post on my blog, sending it out to over 300 Main Stream Media and Press Reporters in multiple news papers in every single state of the Union is a given and of course is my Record. The Post & Email and The Birther Report are up to this point really the only covering Internet Sources that verify this account.

People like to assume that Obama owns the United States Supreme Court Justices because they have felt so helpless to demand a change speaking into the wind to their Representatives and Senators in the Republican and Democratic Parties who were all in on Obama's ineligibility cover-up from the beginning in the non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 co-sponsored by Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama for Sen. McCain. The Fact the Supreme Court has thus far refused to acknowledge Standing by any Party is largely responsible for this rather then the assumption Obama is qualified by the Court's Decision. 

The Media has looked at the Court's Decisions on most 'Birther Cases' dismissals over Standing as if the Court's had said being a citizen required for Representatives and Senators had become the new norm for Presidential Candidates excluding, convoluting, and polluting the distinct and separately unique qualification of 'natural born Citizen' ie born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents definition from the entire Constitution without Amendment.

This of course ultimately is the worst kind of constitutional construction we have every seen and it is expressly prohibited. When two terms of the Constitution come into a clash one cannot over ride the other, and both must be given their unique diligence. This means you cannot by pollution remove the 'natural born Citizen' requirement by saying all of a sudden that the same qualifications exist for Reps, Sens and President. 
See Supremacy Clause and the Doctrine of Preemption  as well as Marbury v. Madision decision where if two laws conflict with one another the Courts must decided on the operation of each.

[This is of the very essence of judicial duty. If, then, the Courts are to regard the Constitution, and the Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the Legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply.
Those, then, who controvert the principle that the Constitution is to be considered in court as a paramount law are reduced to the necessity of maintaining that courts must close their eyes on the Constitution, and see only the law [e.g., the statute or treaty].
This doctrine would subvert the very foundation of all written constitutions]

House Keeping- We want to thank you for pushing us over 285,000 Views!!! Thank YOU Folks! Keep spreading the word and the post on your social media sites - Great Job!

Keep up and in Touch with the Latest News happening with the Obama Ineligibility Conference scheduled September 28th, 2015 in  the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Thursday, August 27, 2015

The SUPER Citizen - Heads or Tails - Q & A with Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy

-The SUPER Citizen - 
Q & A with D-2016 Presidential Candidate 

There are a lot of opinions about the 'natural born Citizen' and what it constitutes and how it is distinct from the qualifications of a Senator or Representative in Congress, but not many delve into the "Why" a 'natural born Citizen' was authored with an iron pen into the United States Constitution only for the position of the Commander-in-Chief  which is the Office of the President.

Of course you've heard the "How" - The man who would become the New Nations very first United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay wrote July 25,1787 a letter to the influential Commander of the American Army General George Washington while in the deliberations of the Convention drafting what would become the U.S. Constitution and said, "Permit me to hint whither it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our National Government; and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen. "

Of course this was taken up and ratified by the States present and it has remarkably lasted even through modern times and eight attempts since 2003 to change it. So what is the Key to its value. A friend of mine recently offered a wonderful insight in that there are two sides of a coin that look entirely different, but as they come together in one, there is a 'value' assigned to them. This is similar to the two pronged description of 'natural born Citizen' ie. Heads- Born in the U.S. to Tails of Citizen Parents.

Similarly, a coined statement provides a reward- you may have heard- Your Feelings are nothing, but Behind every Principle there is a Promise. Of course this takes into account 'feelings' are like the tide washing in and out. They change daily. However, Principles do not. They are fixed, solid, like the post of a Pier the Ocean is free to encircle. The Principles are our safety or firm foundation.

 So, what exactly is the Promise to Americans if they will hold the Principle of the 'natural born Citizen' ie born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents in the Office of the President? This question pondered gets into the all important "Why" of the Principle. These are the considerations of many Legislatures presiding in American Congress's that when asked to change the 'natural born Citizen' qualification of the president, said "No".

Oh But Why?

There are many Candidates for President who are terrific Leaders and have been very good in both Government and Business that we would call highly successful. In fact I recently had a Democratic County Representative write me and tell that I should get behind one of the Main Stream Candidates after he posed that he thought I must be a joke.

I keep my eye on quite a few of the Republican Candidates and recently saw an interview that Bloomberg conducted with Mr. Donald Trump where he was asked if he liked the Bible, if he had a favorite verse, whether he favored the Old Testament or a New Testament. As I watched Mr. Trump devolve into the recess of Generalities rather than specifics on the subject I thought of course he is playing it safe and it is easy to do on the subject of the Bible. If he takes the chance of specifics he risks alienating segments or particulars of Christianity.

Many Principles we have Today, you can see in both the Old and New Testament that a lot of people think are a pretty good idea. These Principles outlive feelings, and exist in a multiple generational time frame. In fact, there's 10 Principles you can find in the Ten Commandments and Prohibition failed to last in the Constitution. We understand 'murder' and 'stealing' is not very good as a Principle or way to run our lives.

Some of these Principles are very obvious because they have an immediate cause and affect. Some of the harder ones to see might have a prolonged negative affect that isn't as easy to see as the horror of someone laying dead in the street. Most Professional Politicians are really good at jumping on the 'immediate principles' because they are very easily recognized and easy to place a solution or conclusion to for immediate popularity. It's easy to jump on a 'feeling' bandwagon when 'feelings' are running high and you've just had a particular loss.

Hillary Clinton come out in a statement against guns due to the horrible shooting of the nine members of the church shot in NC and reiterated it again about the TV Reporters shot yesterday in Virginia. Why does Hillary Clinton require the Secret Service to wear guns to protect her? She certainly will not give those brave men and women up. She's scared to act by example first giving her guns up and then ask others to. She wants to dis-arm you first and then she'll think about it, but I'm really guessing she wouldn't . Self Defense is a Principle that has lasted quite a long time.

 The "Why" of a Principle is also the 'Cause' or value of it. Why is it important that the 'natural born Citizen' clause be upheld? Well, in John Jay's letter to General Washington the why was to keep Foreigners out and that of course was seen as the fear of being snuffed out by Traitors who would not hold the american nation up and allow it to survive. The inclination was we were threatened with extinction and our Principles would not be upheld if loyalty against the United States prevailed to some other Foreign nation's desires.

Benedict Arnold was a character in our History who obtained a post in the Army who was loyal to Britain. When the opportunity come about he planned to surrender his post to the British, but it was found out. He was relieved of his command and took up with the British in September of 1780 as a brigadier general. Most Media sources claim that there is no such thing as a Benedict Arnold in today's modern United States. That means we are really and truly not desired by the World or any other Nation?

How foolish is that? Yet, many are considering me 'foolish' for standing up for the qualifications found in the Constitution over the 'natural born Citizen' clause against Barack Obama. I think if you were able to scan Obama's brain for information, he would tell you, Cody Robert Judy knows what he is talking about.

Going deeper into the 'natural born Citizen' clause requirement requires a consideration of two things most people can agree on that quite naturally have influence on someone: Place of Birth and their Parents- this is the nature verses nature argument and the 'natural born Citizen' sought to incorporate both Factors in consideration as two sides of a coin coming together as a value.

1. Birth Place - The Place of Nature Factor- and loyalty considered by the "Spirit" of Place for a person born and that being a Principle for that Person. This covers 'nature'

2. Parents- The Nurturing Factor- Emer de Vattel often referred to as a heavy influence by his writings on the subject of citizenship and the varying forms of government wrote in summary of my own discernment, if the child is a anchor baby it will only be the Country of his birth and not the one he has allegiance to by the teachings of his Parents if they are foreigners.

 The argument of the Place Factor is one which presumes or considers truly the Counsels of Heaven  and the Order of God and his Plan. If you do not believe in that, you certainly cannot believe in Christ being spoken of in detail by Old Testament Prophets and prophesied to come in the meridian of time with such specifics that "Prophesy" even gained a foothold in being 'Correct' or 'right'. How in the world is prophesy even possible?

The Spirit of a person is known and understood by God who places a person on the Earth at a particular moment considering Time & Place in an intelligence of God foreordained. The Founders knew this and understood it from as far back in the Bible as Deuteronomy 17:15 where God told Moses, "Do not let Foreigners lead over you, appoint leaders of Israel from your Countrymen". Of course that Principle made as much sense as breakfast in the morning in their experience of being ensnared and enslaved by the Egyptians and Pharaoh for 400 years, but remember there were many Foreigners among them who were tagging along for lots of different reasons.

The Principle of something comes with a Promise and if I had found someone who I thought would Stand Up for the Principle of the 'natural born Citizen' clause of our Constitution, I certainly would not be running for President. Now, considering whether someone who is not willing to stand up for this principle like Republican Jeb Bush, for instance who just recently laid out the red carpet for great individuals like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, of which there is little doubt about their quality of person.

Of course its obvious these two men are indeed great leaders. Cruz was born in Canada to foreign Parents -its is not entirely understood as far as know whether Cruz's mother became a Canadian Citizen along with her husband when he became Canadian turning his back on his Cuban natural born Citizenship. Marco Rubio was born in the U.S. to foreign parents who were not yet U.S. Citizens. He is an anchor baby.

Imagine Jeb Bush as Moses going back to God and saying, "Hey Listen, I know what you said about Rubio and Cruz and the whole you know pick a 'natural born Citizen' thing, but these guys are really good and I do not see anything wrong with slipping them into the Oval Office Heavenly Father? What's the big deal? Let them through? You all good with that?"

You see Jeb Bush has just slipped on his face and denied a Principle based on his feelings about someone rather than based on the Principle. What happens when you do that? Well, the Promise attached to the Principle is revoked.

Now I am the only Candidate for President who has upheld the 'natural born Citizen' clause on both the Republicans and the Democrats. That was me saying "No" to Jindal, Cruz, Rubio, McCain, Obama, not because I thought particularly that they were total poor persons, but for that Office they were very poor. Unable ,infirm, and wholly incapable of leading or steering the Nation where it needs to go and right now I would compare the Nation as heading down the wrong direction on the Freeway in the early morning.

You might get a little ways without running head on into a collision and there is still time to TURN AROUND! That's why I am running for President. Of course I have a Platform for President and let's just say there are some good idea's in it? What's to prevent an unqualified President from implementing the good idea's I have and coming up with the same result? In other words, Why are you Cody Robert Judy so valuable that no one else could do what you might do as President anyway?

Well, its true. You could have an unqualified Candidate for President who won the election and implemented my Platform. The Problem with that is you will have patterns of traffic changing on the Freeway and will need Guidance.  The same Spirit which lead me to be the ONLY Candidate in the Nation to file against both the Republican McCain and the Democrat Obama is that Spirit which can safely turn the Nation around on the Freeway in perilous times.

That TRUST is what I'm asking you to believe in. You see every Candidate for President who is unwilling to take that stand against non-natural born Citizens. They give in and yield the Principle and in turn lose the Promise. Its not easy to say "Your NOT QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT" to capable people based on Principle, but it should be if your judgement is good and you understand Principle and the rewards of the Promise.

Does Jeb Bush have the tenacity to say you should not commit murder or steal from other people? Yes, he can do that. He understands that quick tenant, but he does not understand the BIG PICTURES that incorporates the problems of the future with the Principles we must rely on to get us safely there and he has set a precedent for himself over the Constitution. That' is the recipe for usurping the Law and the belief  that if the President does it its not wrong- something President Nixon also said to his chagrin of Watergate.

People have chided me that because I haven't been elected before I have no business running for President. Indeed, that is one of the reasons People are liking Mr. Trump plus he is worth 10 Billion, (smile) and can finance his own Campaign. I really haven't made my first Billion yet and Mr. Trump has 10!

So, the Main Stream Media has decided that they will cover people who are 'Wealthy' successful Business People or People who have been elected before which is a Popularity consideration. Where does that leave me and what category of consideration do I fit in?

Well, I think I fit in as a SUPER CITIZEN. Can you imagine me at the tail of an army put in the very back because I was not the Best? Wow! That is an incredible army! There is not too much relief when you break through the front line, get dragged down in the middle hoping to have it easy at the end is there? (smile) I am wonderfully a man who is really among you with a great testimony of the Principles of our Constitution inside of me.

If the Main Stream Media doesn't think that much of my stand both in Platform and Principle in the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 it is the Spirit of Good Judgement they are missing what I am and have represented- Good Judgement that no one else has had. To be the only Candidate for President in America who has a bi-partisan Federal Court Record on the Principle of the 'natural born Citizen' means I have attached myself to a Promise for standing up for the Principle.

That is what makes me distinct. I am not liked because of the riches of wealth I have, nor the family name, nor the former elected position I held once, that are required in the U.S. Constitution?  Oh..wait a minute. Those are not required by our Constitution to run or occupy the Office of the President legally. How wonderful is that!!!

Good Judgement over a long period of time, gosh 9 years now and three Presidential Campaigns to get to here. I'd say that was looking down the road a ways. But guess what? I had no idea that everyone who didn't sue McCain who opposed Obama would be called a 'racist'. If you remember we didn't even know who was going to be the Democratic Party nominee at that time Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

The soundness of Spirit I am very grateful for because I see now more clearly by connecting the dots that God was in fact protecting me and that the Principle in fact was rewarded with a Promise that even now I celebrate not boasting of myself, but boasting in the wisdom of God for our Hope and his Promise. These are the tested and tried things that are steady and required in perilous times.

While it is easy to say "Yes" because of political popularity, it is imperative that a Candidate for President of these United States be able to say "No", because 'preserving, protecting, and defending' the Constitution is in the oath. Its the job of the President.

House Keeping- We want to thank you for pushing us over 285,000 Views!!! Thank YOU Folks! Keep spreading the word and the post on your social media sites - Great Job!

Keep up and in Touch with the Latest News happening with the Obama Ineligibility Conference scheduled September 28th, 2015 in  the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Wednesday, August 26, 2015


for Democratic Party HEALTH?

The CRJ Today for a Better America Tomorrow has released another political campaign commercial emphasizing the need for a REAL Debate between the Primary Democratic Candidates that Cody Robert Judy should be involved in.

Of course healthy debate is good for the Democratic Primary Candidates for President to help them get warmed up to meet the Republican Nominee. By picking and choosing easy Debate Primary Challengers the Democratic Party is doing its best to cover up for Mrs. Clinton .. again, and it is a quick way to assure Democrats lose.

The Video is divided into clear segments that haunt Mrs. Clinton's past as Secretary of State and are bound to come up in Debate and Commercial barrages by the Republican Nominee and the march of Super PACs stashing money for the election in 2016.

Segment 1 - Benghazi - If Mrs. Clinton is willing to 'use' radicals Islamist to further an election agenda, how will American's Trust her or believe she will not turn them over or give the enemies of the United States weapons that will be used to kill American sons and daughters?

Mrs. Clinton essentially was willing to blame a little known videotape which was ultimately American's free speech, for the attack on Benghazi, when now it is known the attack was preempted 10 days prior to it happening, in collusion with weapons be funneled from Qatar to Turkey details coming from the re-opened investigation of Benghazi and Judicial Watch'es uncovering SECRET EMAILS. [Judicial Watch announced today that newly revealed testimony from the Obama State Department under court order directly ties Hillary Clinton, for the first time, to the now-debunked Benghazi talking points used by United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to claim that the attack was the result of a “spontaneous protest” gone awry.  The Obama administration also sent false talking points about the attack to Congress.  The State Department is refusing to divulge the contents of the email, citing a discretionary “deliberative process” privilege.]

Segment 2 - The Clinton Foundation Foreign Money Contributors and Public Speaking making Mrs. Clinton filthy rich in a very short time which really begins to look like a 'Pay-To-Play' scheme has been worked out for those seeking access to the White House. This then could count to compromise Mrs. Clinton's decisions by dozens of  Foreign Corporations as well as American Corporations working in the interest of promoting foreign slave labor for higher and higher profits.

Segment 3- Begins with Mrs. Clinton's Email Server being confiscated by the FBI after she had told she would not turn over the Server. Of course government business as an official employee with a top 20 Security Clearance has a funny way of compromising your 'privacy' when you make the decision and choice as Mrs. Clinton did choose to use her own private server for Government Business while on duty.

The objectives of course in Mrs. Clinton's words were that it was a simple convenience for her. The result was that Government Freedom of Information Access or FOIA request could actually be fuddled because the Server was not Government Property. Also, as you see at the end of the Commercial Mrs. Clinton make very clear she is the one who makes the decisions on what is private and what was work.

So, she compromises Government Security for her own protection from FOIA request that allows for full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States Government.  In short, Hillary assures the U.S. Government cannot look over her shoulder, but she insist they look over yours. Its the old adage of wanting to have your cake and eat it too, which makes no sense when it comes to transparency and working for Americans as their public servant.

There is no doubt Mrs. Clinton's in a partnership with The Clinton Foundation has received literally millions of dollars from Foreign Governments and it is known that some of these were received during her tenure as Secretary of State which is highly suspect of a pay-to-play conspiracy that could compromise U.S. Intelligence. This places Hillary Clinton in a key position for a bidding war also in order for the access. Her husband Bill Clinton also paid literally millions of dollars for speaking engagements while his wife is that position.

This is not centered in just 'Foreign Contributions' to the Clinton Foundation but spills over into the Domestic Corporations of which have done the same thing easily presumed to be a compromise of the Office of the President when/if she gets there. How does a President stand up against an unruly Corporation if that Corporation owns her and threatens her if they are subject to laws that pertain to smaller businesses? Its the recipe for disaster and America just cannot afford Mrs. Hillary Clinton and neither can a healthy Democratic Party.

Candidate for President Mr. Judy understands he also has his weaknesses being incarcerated by Republicans in the State of Utah who paid no attention to the Constitution, with an unlawful prosecution, but that could work a little better than the cover-up of Benghazi through the 'video tape' fable Mrs. Clinton paraded around the networks, as well as compromising National Security that was alone Mrs. Clinton's choice with no one but herself to blame it on. 

Democrats should be very concerned that Mrs. Clinton is in the position to take a fall for Democrats leadership in the White House and we should stand strong and appose this.  Don't let Mrs. Clinton be the Candidate for Republicans hope for.

Thanks for watching, passing it on, and encouraging your Democratic Party Leaders and Country Chairs to support a healthy and open debate between the Democratic Presidential Candidate Challengers. If its a choice the Democratic Party truly believes in for women, why not give them the choice in the Debates?

Its very hypocritical to Represent as a Party of inclusiveness and choice for women and then take it away from the Primary Voters of the Democratic Party in the Caucuses and Primaries, don't you think? Would that be a sign that Mrs. Clinton as a women President would also take away your choices? It seems it would be a telling sign to consider.

House Keeping- We want to thank you for pushing us over 285,000 Views!!! Thank YOU Folks! Keep spreading the word and the post on your social media sites - Great Job!

Keep up and in Touch with the Latest News happening with the Obama Ineligibility Conference scheduled September 28th, 2015 in  the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Monday, August 24, 2015



Often the Cases of the United States Supreme Court are what the general public might call 'word-salad'. While it may be hard to understand the purposes of such are often just the opposite of trying to be difficult. The are truly in the interest of being able to say the most in as little space as possible or that is permissible by the rules of the Court. The Main Stream Media has even been known, in their rush to report the findings of the Court, to get it wrong and have to back track their Reports. Most people will not even read this or understand what is happening, but when it does they may want to come back and see what happened and why, and that is quite simply the purpose of this Report.

According to an ABC Report last year 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christian that would have to include a pretty large portion of both the Republican and Democratic Parties of America who at least believe that Politicians ought to be true and faithful rather than dishonest and untrustworthy in a moral attribute of their faith's identity of the Big 10 and those who are not Christians probably have some affinity with the basics of Trust and Truth as those who would also share a hope to walk into their Bank and not find their money missing?

What I'm saying is you really have to be an idiot not to ascribe the desire most have in many circumstances and situations in our life to at least desire the Truth in the Order of being True and Faithful. Oh how happy are the people when they find those two things in their life and how sad they are when they come up missing.

Most all Christian Faiths find their treasures in expanding canonical text of the Bible that their Church Leaders refer and read to them as they gather together and worship considering how they apply to them in their daily lives. That has been a tradition handed down for many thousands of years as we have witnessed many old Testament Prophesies come true in the New Testament. In that spirit of prophesy, which we read, see, and bear witness to in Christ how glorious are they that publish glad tidings from the truly astoundingly true words found in Isaiah 52:7:
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"

The prophesies of the Old Testament didn't stop with the New Testament, nor did prophesies made in both the Old and the New Testament stop which were understood to be a Record of those things which were yet to come to pass, even in our modern day or what was termed the last days or in the end of times. The scripture of Isaiah 52:7 hold every bit of a wonderful articulate description for things that were prophesied to come to pass in our day that we see and will yet see.

With that in mind I wanted to expand upon what exactly the United States Supreme Court had in front of them in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 as far as an important Record for our time to help us understand what is happening and why in the interest of  Trust and Truth we are seeing in it's development a quite remarkable and astounding record to consider by which we might also be found apposed or supporting.

So let me go through as I know the case quite well and communicate to you in very simple terms what is inside the 'word-salad' of Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the TOP-10 Main considerations of the Case in a legal sense without all the Case Law backing up every point ad nauseam.

  • Judy v. Obama 14-9396 at its core reports to the court the damages caused by the Constitutionally unlawful Candidacy found in Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro based upon the Constitution's Qualifications asserted that the President and Vice President must be a 'natural born Citizen' ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents upon the Presidential Campaigns of Cody Robert Judy in 2008 and 2012 as well 2016.
  • The Argument constitutes that the Constitution's Qualifications for the President and Vice President of (Natural Born Citizen) are separate or distinct from those qualifications of Representatives and Senators (Citizen) and that combining them without a Constitutional Amendment is considered illegal or an action prohibited by standards of constitutional construction restraints found in Case Law.
  • The Argument brings to light what is considered a Legislative Mandate or The Peoples' Will through their Representatives in Congress in that eight attempts since 2003 that have failed to make the legal change required that would then be the Judicial Branches duty to uphold if it had changed. The fact it did not change is a witness to the Court of what should be upheld in their positions for the Constitution and also The People's Will. Never before had two certifications been necessary underscoring the illegal intent.
  • The Argument brings to the attention what would be considered a quid pro quo alliance between three major Presidential Candidates representing two major parties in the Republicans and Democrats who through manipulation and agreement sought to change the Constitution's Qualifications but only got half of Congress to support it in the U.S. Senate, as a non-binding resolution numbered as 511. The three Candidates for President were Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, and Sen. John McCain. 
  • The Argument advocates that once this was undertaken a Cabal was created in the Order of a Cartel or illegal Monopoly formed by Barack Obama's Campaign Corporation and the Democratic National Committee Corporation which acted illegally by certifying Barack Obama as a legal Candidate. The evidence of this secret combination was Rep. Nancy Pelosi's signature on not one, but two distinct and separate certifications, for Obama as the parties nominee, which declared the Candidate legal by Constitutional Standards in the Constitution, while he was not.
  •   The Argument advocates that the combination of these Corporations in the illegal actions constitutes the formation of an illegal cartel formed with the intent of monopolizing against the Campaign and Candidacy for President Cody Robert Judy who would not yield his Civil Rights of a fair and equal race according to the Standards set as the Constitution's Qualifications against the Cartel's illegal actions.
  • The Argument advocates that Mr. Judy is within his rights to report directly to the Courts without an Attorney General representing him, according to the parameters dedicated by Congress in the Sherman/Clayton Acts of Congress specifically mentioning such authority, and that it was then the Court's obligation through the Presiding Judge of the Case to refer the Case to the Attorney General for back up and that this did not happen in the lower District Court or in the Appeal to the 10th Circuit.
  • The Argument advocates that the United States Supreme Court can also hear the Case De Novo and ask the Court to do as much.  De Novo is a Latin expression meaning 'from the beginning", "afresh", "anew", or "beginning again", which would set aside any of the lower Court's assumptions that the Defendant was not served properly and thereby make the findings of the lower Court's opinions obsolete in any technicality that might disrupt the interest of Justice on such an important matter as to be affecting millions of lives and the very fabric of soundness in the United States Election process and voters ability to at least have the opportunity to vote for a legally qualified Candidate rather than be subjects to the ill-gotten and nefarious whims of celebrity politicians deliberately obstructing the Constitution.  
  • The Argument advocates that this is not a 'one party' issue of concern when it comes to the considerations of the Court because both major parties in the Republicans and Democrats are involved heavily with what would be considered as main stream Candidates in McCain, Obama, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal and Obama mentioned in Application 15A25 , so is not just a consideration of damages of 2008 and 2012, but also a consideration of the future integrity of the Presidential Race in 2016 and all those Americans caught in cross-fire of fraud or supporting a Candidate for President who should he be elected would not be qualified for the Office of the President or Vice President. 
  • The Argument advocates that Mr. Judy is the only Presidential Candidate in the entire United States who has also advocated the Principle for both parties equally and justly as he served McCain and Obama Federal Law Suits in the past and has continually kept his Standing by either suing them or entering the race once a Candidate was illegally chosen by the Democratic Party as was the case with Obama in 2012, as a write-in Candidate sustaining the damages and harm caused until the next election where he then again entered the race as a Candidate with Standing claiming harm in the next election thus showing continuity of the damages. This relieves any derogatory or ill-gotten 'race card' Obama or the Main Stream Media might trump or assess as an inequality or unfairness against Obama personally. Mr. Judy also includes a the law enforcement investigation of AZ. Sheriff Joe Arpaio's cold case posse as evidence of identification fraud in Obama's long form birth certificate and draft registration.
    • September 28th, 2015 is the scheduled 2nd Conference Date on this Case in the United States Supreme Court.

With so many Candidates running for President who have not undertaken the grueling road of upholding the Principle of the 'natural born Citizen' qualification, bound by the Constitution's outline as the Supreme Law of the Land, a real consideration must be made by Voters and Supporters of what they actually hope for in the reasonable support of their favored Candidate.

  • To understand the Candidates who are running that have held some form or Government Position by election during or since Obama's usurpation begin, is to identify that Candidates use of that Office in any form to advocate opposition to the highly visible usurpation of the Office of the President. Did he/she say anything regarding about the Crime of the Century high-jacking the American Elections and the office of the President by someone who was unqualified and certainly had no business whatsoever being in that Office using the Constitution as a Standard of Defense?
  • If they did not do that.. you have a Coward of the Constitution you can identify very quickly! 
  • If they were not elected in any previous elected Office, and as a business person did not raise their voice against the usurpation of the Office of the President in the capacity of their prominence as a business person considered as a leader in the community, then you have someone who either does not understand the Constitution and the precepts it identifies as needing to be upheld or does not even understand the qualifications of the Office they are running for and thus are rather incompetent or would be very infirm in the office of the president for your consideration.
  • If they spoke out as an unelected person on the usurpation of the Office of the President in Obama as a particularly successful business person and then ultimately refused to support a Candidate who was the only one in America with a bi-partisan Federal Court Record you can assume either two things:
    • Their motive was not honest in speaking out and was perhaps even cultivated or garnered for a quid pro quo government/business favor. In other words they did it as a favor in order to move themselves ahead financially obtaining some kind of leverage that might also be important in the future. OR
    • If their motive was honest and true and they withheld their support specifically asked for, then they are just stupid in which case you wouldn't want to trust them with the Office of the President anyway. They ultimately would prove no better then the politicians in the offices now who have kept their ears shut, their mouths shut, and their eyes shut, lending the infirm consequence of being led by the deaf, dumb, and the blind. 
  • That basically covers every Candidate for President now running in the 2016 Field for both Parties as well as the Independent Candidates and leaves only one who has actually been Faithful and True to you. One is better then none.

It doesn't take long if you consider the Republican Candidates, who have been elected before in some form, to understand they consider Obama's reign to be every bit as un-constitutional as I do by the simple fact that they want to undue every executive order and piece of legislation he is credited for. According to their own words most would spend their first day writing out executive orders that would over-ride the executive orders and legislation like Obamacare that had been passed they disagreed with over the last seven years.

In other words, they want to do exactly what Judy v. Obama 14-9396 will do, but they just want to do it denying the concepts of the qualifications of the Constitution for the Office of the President and rather in their own election as President. 

What does that tell you? What that tells you is they do not want to bound by the Constitution when they get in the Office of the President either, just the same as Obama. Don't be fooled. How could their motives and desires be found out more truly than simply asking them, "If Obama was found ineligible wouldn't that negate every piece of legislation he has signed rather than legitimize it first, so that you can illegitimize  it with your executive orders?"

The other Democratic Party Candidates either don't have a clue or are in on not understanding the ramifications of what has happened. That is no indication of leadership you need or want right now. 

Of course. They do not want to be held to accountability for Obama's usurpation so they have to legitimize Obama as legal first, so they can have the honor of disavowing him and his decisions. Are they ashamed of the Constitution's Standards and afraid of actually standing up for them as Candidates for President in their responsibility of holding "Standing" against any Candidate in their party who is illegal?

While I can't tell you how to vote or who to support, I can show you why you shouldn't support or vote for any of the Candidates, and I can also show you how if you start looking you will start seeing, how the Bible in Gods' own words to his Prophets seen so many centuries ago, is also testifying to you that this is the way it was going to be for America. Consider the three literal things we see happening right now in the captioned picture of this Post referencing REVELATION Chapter 19.

  • You would only have One who was Faithful and True to the Constitution
  • He would ride a White Horse as sign you would see.
  • His Word would be his Sword
 How does the word become so powerful as to be considered a weapon like a sword? Can we not consider when it comes out of the Supreme Court as affecting the Law of the Land, that everyone adheres to that its pretty powerful, but still didn't act as a regular sword which just cuts the heads off of those who defy the law putting them up on a stake for everyone to see?

It might be a nuance that you don't want to see, but really that is me on that "White" Arabian stallion in the picture. I trained horses professionally for years and both my parents were teachers of horsemanship. Ironically,  the Stallion's name was Fad-A-Lad and he has long ago retired to his heavenly home being the faithful friend of Celeste Huston, the widow of  John Huston who also directed The Bible: In the Beginning .

Another interesting fact to consider. Who among the Presidential Candidates do you know my fellow Christians, that has actually suffered and been imprisoned for testifying of God's word to a religious congregation and has as part of his Record a reputation as a Prophet not forgotten twenty-two years ago?

What are the Facts of the Record:
No physical weapon substantiate

The Word contrived in a religious meeting by The State as to a fixed meaning which is unconstitutional AND unrepresentative of the actual evidence.

The physical evidence actually being what Cody had stated was in the brief case containing his Bible and B.O.M. or Book of Mormon that the SWAT team opened up saw and decided to blow up for the camera's anyway in a symbolic destruction of what is and should be considered most holy to God. His own words.

Newspaper accounts related to the event say Cody testified at the time, it was an action of God in lawful correction. This really should have protected Cody under the Constitution's free exercise of religion and Utah's even more adamant defense of 'religious sentiment'.

Does the United States of America regularly harbor  Religious Protesters in their Prisons for eight years who caused no harm, made no financial demands, hurt no property or person, and in whom their was no weapon found accept the word of God in Cannon Text?

Does in the course of loving the Facts, if that is important to you, the UNION of Church and State coming together in the evidence used in a Court to prosecute a person, in the Video of the event, denied to the accused count as a willful neglect constituting an unlawful prosecution? Of course it does, especially when the accused accounts of being viciously beaten by the mob who sought to excuse themselves from prosecution and never have faced Trial on their own actions in the mob and unconstitutional prosecution.

Does the presiding Judge in the Case also hold allegiance to the LDS Church as a Bishop at the time under the same authority of the person so interrupted at the event called a Church Fireside? Of course he does receiving many letters and directions from the LDS Church Presidency.

These FACTS cannot be denied.


How is it possible that the one person who that unlawful prosecution happened to, is actually also the ONE and only Candidate for President in America with a bi-partisan federal court record of upholding the Constitution's Principle Qualifications for the Office of the President upon which Trillions of dollars rest in USA DEBT and many lives have been lost over?

Was is not the Jews in the Bible who also are accredited to the religious persecution of the Prophet/Savior Jesus Christ? The one who had labeled at the head of his cross THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS (in his own opinion) the Jews protested and might have added, but Pilate wouldn't allow it to be changed? Luke 23:38

At the heading of my introduction referencing the picture with Gov. Christie below, these people wrote, "Cody Robert Judy is the next prophet of the Mormon Church" - in his opinion.

When you start looking at the ironies of how much of the same thing is going on with our Government and the corruption of the law you start understanding why God sends prophets to make Records by which Judgement can come and be found Faithful and True, and for those who actually have their eyes open and ears open it is not to big of a leap of faith to understand God's love is the same today as it ever has been and always will be.

One thing I know. You can ridicule, make fun, mock, taunt, jeer, sneer, deride, scorn, laugh, and point all you want at me but it will catch up to you. Clearly, my message is not just Domestic. Yes, I'm also talking to foreign Governments who 'think' that compromising America's Constitution will come without consequence to them as they seek disruption of civility here in America. You think you can sell America, buy America, and sink America as the United States of America, give it a try, for in that your Communism may rise a bit in popularity but clearly you have not understood the Almighty Creator's love and tender mercies for America.

This land is a choice land, but can only be ruled under the Supreme Law of the Land in healthy attribution to the world. That law is the U.S. Constitution. When you seek or anyone seeks to disrupt that, they seek the wrath of the whirlwind inside the most powerful force understood by the human mind. Clearly, what I am plainly referring, to the enemies of the United States Constitution foreign and domestic, you will lose.

Believe me when I say for Foreigners bent on the destruction of the USA, "Perhaps we have not thought this through clearly?", will be the deafening understatement echoed across the Universe by your children, and your children's children. Do not suppose you can mock God in his Supreme Law for this Land. Pitting your will against His will be your undoing.

Believe me, I know when your wife begins to make comments about the money not being what it used to be. I know the problems of which you will go through and I know just how fast God can take it all away from you and give it to someone else. I have suffered the likeness of these while you talked about me and the days were not easy nor were they short.

You may have thought 'CHANGE' sounded good screamed at the podium by and from Barack Hussein Obama, but you will find 'REPENT' whispered from Cody Robert Judy to sink so deep within your Soul that a Restoration is made very clear in your mind. And what must be Restored?

If you do not Restore the Constitution of the United States of America as Supreme Law of this Land, and I mean that by getting the USURPER out of the White House with the use of the Constitution in the Right way BLACK MONDAY will continue to BLACK TUESDAY and that will continue to BLACK WEDNESDAY and BLACK THURSDAY etc etc until one SUNDAY you'll wake up and find its ALL GONE.

 Believe me, it gets really hard to try to pay a multiple thousand dollar mortgage earning $20 dollar bills instead of $1,000 dollar bills.

And what will I say to you? Yes, I understand, but there is a penalty affixed that I cannot remove for what you have done to me. I suffered greatly because of you and now you want me to pay for your baby-sitter? Let us think about that for awhile, while we watch this ECONOMIC STORM you thought Obama was worth?

If you do not think this has anything to do with me, you really do not understand the Bible you profess to believe in. And you certainly do not think it has anything to do with you. You really do not value the United States Constitution or think its precepts apply to you or are something you should care about and support.

Let me share with you God has a very clear way of making things very personal because he does love each and every one of you and you will feel it. Believe me.... you will feel it.

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You