
Saturday, September 12, 2015

NATURAL BORN CITIZEN WALL - TRUMP v. JUDY Failing the Art of the Deal R.I.P. TX Gov. Rick Perry

failing the art of the deal
 Endorses TX Cruz as Constitutionally Qualified- R.I.P. TX Gov. Rick Perry
Featured Editorial: The Post & Email 

In my third political race as a presidential candidate I've experienced some things that those making 2016 their first presidential political race have not. For instance I've experienced making it past the first one to drop out three times now R.I.P Gov. Rick Perry. TX-R. I've also experienced in the two presidential elections that I made it to the general election on, casting a write-in vote for myself on, watching a few Candidates make big mistakes that didn't end their races, and watching a few candidates make minor mistakes that people credited their dropping out of the race on. That is what I'd like to address in this post.

Last night I had a dream kind of exposing this theme and made a comment last night on Facebook that also may have contributed to this line of thought. In my dream I was showing up for a college test in a class that was rather like a social studies test. I had missed only one hour of the class during the year forgetting for some reason where it was held. In other words, I hadn't missed it because I wanted to sluff it or thought it unimportant. So it was it seemed I was showing up for the Finals Test slightly not as prepared as I'd like, and a little nervous.

I asked one of my class mates who was quite a brain in the class about the pronunciation  in identifying the body parts ending in the suffix aux and whether the "O" was pronounced or the "X" was sounded out. She looked at me and grinned and said it didn't really matter and advised me to just take the test and do the best I could because the teacher was going to be very lenient in grading such and that it wouldn't count as much as I thought which relieved my nervousness somewhat. This was the end of the dream.

Many of the articles I read about TX. Gov. Rick Perry dropping out related in their reports that he just was never able to overcome his fumble in the debate of 2012 in which he failed to recall at the instant which of the three Government Cabinet positions or Agencies of Government he was proposing to cut. If you missed that here's the clip from the 2012 debate:

Now you notice in the video Gov. Perry turns to his fellow Texan 2013 Rep. Ron Paul- 14th District acknowledging him for his plan to cut  5 burgeoning bureaucratic agencies down. Ron Paul had detailed an economic savings package for the Government by terminating over 200,000 jobs in the Departments of Commerce, Education, Energy, Interior, and Housing & Urban Development he felt were counter productive. Rep. Paul offered not one life-saving word to assist his own Texas Governor instead opting to watched him sink and drowned on the stage of the debate even though Governor Perry has acknowledged that there was some good ideas in Paul's plan. But I don't think that had much to do with Perry's Popularity.

The question then became who did the American People think had failed more in the debate? Would Gov. Perry's gaffe -[(/gaf/)  an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder] or Rep Paul's faux pas  [(fō ˈpä/) an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation] end up worse?

I really do not think there has been one story written about Rep. Paul's unwillingness to throw a 'one word' life saving rope to Gov. Perry's rescue. We are left with the word "Energy" effectively contributing according to the Media to the entire downfall of Perry's Presidential Campaign in 2012 and still effectively recognized in now an exiting 2016 bid for the Office of the President. I'll tell you one thing, I wouldn't hesitate when it comes to experience in Texas and our nations borders asking Governor Rick Perry for advice. I really feel in my heart he loves America.

Consider for a moment what we are regulating the Office of the President to if we are simply subjecting our debating Presidential Candidates to a spelling bee - memorization test- or academic social studies class they can have no notes for on stage? I noticed FL. Gov. Jeb Bush didn't hesitate to push this as an advantage when Reported in a September 3rd story he said, "You gotta know the who the players are" referring to an interview Trump did with Hugh Hewitt where Trump accused him of asking 'Gotcha Questions'. Hugh Hewitt had quizzed Trump on knowing the leaders of the four terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Nusra and ISIS as well as not knowing the General of the Iranian elite Quds forces, he took for Kurds.

Presidential Candidate Fiorina jabbed Trump also on the lapse stating it was important to have 'requisite knowledge'. She stated on Hugh Hewitt's Radio Show, "I think it is very difficult to lead if you don't have the requisite knowledge," Sunday morning of Trump's mix-up of the Kurds and Quds Forces.

I wonder if Fiorina could have named our own U.S. Military Leaders in the Marines-Commandant Joesph F. Dunford Jr., Army-Secretary John McHugh, Navy-Secretary Ray Maybus, Air force-General Mark A. Welsh III, Special Forces-General Joseph L. Votel, and Coast Guard Admiral Paul F. Zukufnt ?

Academic tests are for the most part graded upon the memorization of ingested answers and comprehension of material that is downloaded in your brain for recall. The answers in the presidential race can be googled by anyone really to make any 'natural born Citizen' qualified, look pretty smart. Not allowing the Candidates to have an iPhone available to google things along with a 30 second time period with which to 'call a friend' to solicit a brief, or 'google', is essentially regulating the Office of the President to 'Google knowledge' without 'Google' or 'Friends to call upon'. This is essentially like basing your vote on a game-show type criteria rather than the reality of the parameters understood for the Office of the President.

The only problem with that is it's not real. While in the Office of the President any person has access to google and a host of friends and colleagues to call upon in order to be briefed on any pressing subject. Gov. Perry's record in Texas is quite impressive as Aaron Gardner wrote in Red State 's Sept. 11,entitled article 'They Will Fall One By One, An Unpitied Sacrifice in a Contemptible Struggle:

"It troubles me greatly that we are at a moment in the conservative movement, and the Republican Party as a whole, in which a 14 year Governor of the world's 12th largest economy, a state that created 1.5 million jobs when the rest of the nation lost 400,000, is rejected out of hand for a pompous T.V. reality star attempting to purchase the GOP Primary. Even more troubling is the movement conservatives who have been either complacent, or complicit in the rise of Trump. I can't honestly remain a registered Republican if Donald Trump is to be the standard bearer."

Gardner makes a couple of mistakes in his reasoning here as far as the United States of America's leadership. Number one, he assumes that Gov. Perry is more qualified than Presidential Candidate Donald Trump to run the Country based on Perry's experience as an elected official. As I've written about before, Kenya does have a regulation for their Deputy President that we do not. For instance their President must come from a prior government position as well as having a scholastic requirement. This instigates very easily a ruling elite class based on economics and a social ladder that can easily become corrupted in what we see as an 'Establishment' that is stumbling here now in America in both major parties because of their poor performances.

If one of those requirements were implemented in our U.S. Constitution for the Office of the President do you realize Mr. Trump, Mrs. Fiorina, and Mr. Carson would be constitutionally unqualified? Now, rather then respect the wisdom and soundness of this, these three have not said a word about Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal being constitutionally unqualified as 'natural born Citizens' ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

One thing that was very *poignant however about Gardner's article was this paragraph I found enthralling as a "tell" if you will, or give-a-way of a gambler you could count on to know if he's bluffing or has a good hand:

*"Running for President, especially as a movement conservative, must be done from principle. Those who compromise their principle for a temporary tactical advantage, those who are more concerned with positioning in the polls and wither at the risk involved to associate with the good.. these people have displayed a serious flaw in their character." How true that is...and it applies to Gov. Perry's lack of principle in the interest of our national security 'natural born Citizen clause he has not used his bully pulpit for.

I commented on my FBF Bettina Viviano page posting of Gardner's article understanding she is a Gov. Rick Perry fan on steroids: " Wonder if all the Gov. Rick Perry supporters will support me if my SCOTUS Case hammers out Obama, Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal, or, if they would just hope Gov. Perry gets back in?" She hasn't "liked" the comment yet but three others have and four others 'liked' my reflection of Gardner's paragraph as *'poignant' including the author.

The reasons I like this paragraph and the reasons others like it are probably on different sides of the planet and the only reason they would be is because rooted in the 'conservative principles' certainly most any conservative would admit is Article II., Sect I, clause 5 which holds the qualifications of the Office of the President to be a higher standard than those of a U.S. Rep., and U.S. Senator including the 'natural born Citizen' clause unmentioned in the latter's qualifications.

Now if you want to make history and case law your friends in that defense, why do you not acknowledge we have had 41 President's who were qualified under the Constitution's terms of 'natural born Citizen' or 'Citizen' at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and 1 who burned his identification records and 1 in the Office now who posted something that resembles more of a cut and paste job rather than what an original 1961 typewriter could hammer out, and on that you have a disqualifying dual citizenship recognized as inherited from his Kenyan father who was never a U.S. Citizen?

You might also recognize the purpose of the 'national security' principle was to strictly prohibit Kings, Prime Ministers, Dictators,Tyrants, and Foreign Despots from bedding an American gal down and inheriting the U.S. Office as the President he financed himself to, entirely possible without the WALL.

Now what difference does it make if Donald Trump builds a WALL for our national security purposes but adopts a 'constitutional construction' format that lets the WALL placed in our Constitution to be breached by foreigners to that office because the assailant of that WALL is certainly not going to enforce the parameter of the one built by Trump at the border. So which WALL is more important to uphold first?

Of course you gotta protect the inside of the vessel or protecting the outside of the vessel doesn't make any sense and is necessarily moot. If you allow a grenade to be placed on the inside of a ceramic vase while you protect the outside with a fence so it doesn't get knocked over, how much sense does that make? If you pull the pin in the grenade how long will your outside parameter fence last before the vase is blown up from the inside? Right! Maybe three seconds!

Now let me illustrate this in real time with real issues applying to us right now.

Trump just endorsed Cruz as eligible for the Office of the President read it on FLIP FLOP: DONALD TRUMP
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has reversed his position on Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for president, now saying his Canadian birthplace shouldn’t disqualify him. 
“I hear it was checked out by every attorney and every which way and I understand Ted is in fine shape,” Trump told ABC News just before speaking at a Capitol Hill rally blasting the Iran nuclear deal. 
That stands in stark contrast to what Trump said about Cruz in December, when he told ABC News that Cruz’s Canadian birth could prevent him from running.
This stand in stark contrast to the one of this Campaigns Latest Video's spotlighting Trump's birther comments in the Media:


Now let's just pretend for an instant that what the Republican Side of the isle is saying is true - That the Iran Deal is a bad deal with grave consequences for decades as Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell suggested, and House Republican Leader John Boehner said that Obama violated the law because he didn't give Congress all the information on the Iran nuclear deal. 

Would Congress even be considering anything from Obama's Desk if he is not eligible or is unqualified according to the 'natural born Citizen' clause of the Constitution for the Office of the President? Absolutely not. 

So why Republicans wring the hands and wipe the sweat off their brow about Obama's lawlessness, they ignore Obama's constitutional ineligibility, which is the Law, themselves. How much sense does that make?
We are also faced now with Israel being wiped off the face of the map, and terrorist attacks escalating into the nuclear realm all because of three words "natural born Citizen" not being enforced. 

We all know the Iran Deal had to be sent to Congress for consideration with a signature of an eligible qualified person in the Office of the White House. So if its approved by Congress and they did not have the votes to stop it while they winked at the 'natural born Citizen' clause as a trivial national security measure, perhaps if in the future Iran has and releases the nuclear bomb wiping Israel out or a major city like New York in the U.S. , you all might come to the reality that the 'natural born Citizen' qualification in the Constitution was actually very important words and was a WALL that was taken down, by most all the politicians as well as the leading Republican Candidate for President now in Mr. Trump.

It's interesting he has called the Iran Nuclear Deal a bad deal, but just endorsed it with an endorsement of Cruz. If you do not start drawing lines from point to point, your choices are going to haunt you for the rest of your life America. Can you imagine the horror of hearing not that a building was knocked down by a plane and some explosions, but that an entire city with a population of 8-9 million was gone?

By God I'll bet that would get your attention wouldn't it! Yes, well I'm trying to get your attention before that happens and have been begging you to listen. Is Israel listening to me? No. Is the Republican Party Listening to me? No. Is the Democratic Party listening to me? No. Is the United States Supreme Court listening to me?  Well, we are going to see. We will see in the Conference of September 28th, 2015 how favored the Justices are in wiping Israel off the map or a large city in the U.S because they failed to take a stand with three words in the Constitution raised by someone with legal standing.

I wonder how much of Mr. Donald's Trump's wealth would vanish if New York City was wiped out? Its interesting because he really could be reduced to ashes by his endorsement of Cruz as qualified. That's how fast it can happen. Mr. Trump reduced to ashes because he didn't have the courage for the Constitution and now look at him? A man who was worth 10 Billion reduced to a negative pittance. 

You know what if Mr. Trump were so smart he would have 10 lawyers at my door by noon today with red carpet, champagne,sweet potato and roasted onion triscuits and caviar making sure I didn't stub my toe in
getting to the U.S. Supreme Court to protect his fortune... but it appears in that way he's just not that intelligent.

As for 'conservative principles' Gardner nailed it but not in a genuine defense of conservative principles because he fails to recognize how important of a 'conservative principle' the 'natural born Citizen' requirement is for the Office of the President. While it maybe a test, its in the Constitution and none of the Candidate's running that are cow-tipped by the Media have stood up for it. It is a much greater 'national security' concern than anything we face at this point as is made very clear now with the Iran Nuclear Deal.

In fact, I urged Bettina, who also is a witness on my SCOTUS Case by-the-way that Bill and Hillary Clinton know Obama's not qualified, to get Gov. Perry to start to rally for my cause and the Birthers when he nose dived in the Polls. I have posted a message myself on Gov. Perry's FB board, but it was just on deaf ears. I really do not see any difference between Trump's art of the deal than he places as a void upon all the other candidates including Perry- and now you know why.

Let me say this and I think there is truth to be seen in the Republican Leadership not going full tilt boogie on Obama and this Iran deal especially given the Corker Principle applied. My intelligence sources tell me Iran's already got the nuke. The Iran Nuclear Deal is really a $150 Billion dollar hush-puppy-money deal made so they don't use it on Obama's watch, but it will be 20/20 hindsight regarding Obama's watch that he did let them get it. That's kind of like President Bill Clinton not inheriting the devastation the reversal of the Glass-Steagall Act caused in the housing market on his watch, but it happened.

You don't think the General to Iran's elite fighting Quds Force- Qasem Soleimani was meeting with Russia President Putin just for better caviar do you? Remember Pakistan was able to acquire a Nuclear Bomb without the world knowing until after they had it also with a cover-up. We know Russia is selling the S-300 Anti-Aircraft System to Iran  and China has made a new air force being purchased by Iran with the $150 Billion proceeds Obama is lifting, and for what its worth, the systems and protections must be now very necessary to protect what would be nuclear devastation to Iran if it were hit.

Do we really suppose Obama failed to get our 4 hostages, set up a 24 day waiting period of time and what could be a weeks-end-process to get to the 24 days as a firm grip on Iran, while they receive 150 Billion in lifted sanctions because they do not have a bomb?

Can we make a better deal or does Iran already have us over a barrel? Both seem to ring true unfortunately. Do you suppose just because Iran got a nuclear weapon they would use it instantly, or would they use it as Mr. Trump so often quotes as leverage to squeeze the best possible circumstances out of it becoming a favored nation?  Has Obama fudged a little on what was happening in Benghazi to the American People to protect his reputation and election of 2012? Why do you suppose less is happening with Iran when the deal is so bad?

Why doesn't Obama just hold up a sign that says:
 "Welcome to the Nuclear World Iran- Paid for by the U.S.A." 

Began this Post with the defending Gov. Perry's mistakes on the debate stage. Defended his gaffes on the stage as most irrelevant compared to his mistakes of not standing up against Obama's ineligibility. We see in understanding this a much greater judgement is necessarily in the deliberations for choosing a person to be president. It will be to navigate our ship through the mine fields we have as a challenge and really President George Washington had it right when he referred our defense to the omnipotence of that God alone able to protect us.

Tis not schooling or memorization we need now America. It's the ability to receive REVELATION from God. I am humbled by the fact that I alone am the only one who has a bi-partisan record in federal court on this 'natural born Citizen' clause as the nucleus of our Constitution to which there is a grenade. That is my stand in the U.S. Supreme Court folks. The stand not one Republican or Democratic Party Candidate for president supports in a recognition of conservative principles that binds our nation together. I recognize myself this revelation in doing what I have been doing the last six and a half years.

There are many things I am weak in and grammar, punctuation, spelling, and articulation are among them I admit. If I were elected President I would do my very best not to embarrass our People in representing myself well. As a component of that I would employ getting Briefings from the very best we had in varying points of views. But basically much comes down to a simple yes or no given the circumstances we find ourselves in weighed in the balance of preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution of the United States, which is in the President's Oath.

Moses also referred himself to be a little slower in speech which is why the Lord gave him Aaron who was a mouthpiece.Exodus 4:10 but Moses was able to guide the children of Israel through the deserts and out of harms way with a navigation we understand to be Revelation. You might wisely check that in your box as a consideration for who you choose for President considering also how Cody Robert Judy is the only Candidate for President who has a bi-partisan Record on the 'natural born Citizen' clause of our Constitution and then remember how important it is with what we are facing now.

Americans, get smart, get educated, and then stand up and support that which has given you so much, as a well that never fails. It does remind me that this time was foretold: Amos 8:11
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD"
God Bless You!

Please, consider a Contribution Now by clicking the secure Paypal link. You contribution Today will help make a Better America Tomorrow!

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You



Friday, September 11, 2015

The New 911 Call For Help America Sends Out- LEADERSHIP

The New 911 Call For Help America Sends Out

Today marks the Remembrance of the tragedies we as a Nation have suffered on 9-11, symbolic of a 911 call for help in both 2001 when tragically 5,000 Americans died you can remember in this 18 minute video of what started out a normal day and ended with the Twin Towers coming down  as well as terrorist attacks  2012 leading  in the death of those at Benghazi.

It certainly strikes at the heart of those living as we recall those lives lost in the solemn recognition of President Thomas Jefferson's 1787 quote rehearsed at American Creation  made in a letter while he was living in France asserting the rights of people to rebel against government when it had devolved into a tyranny in his own advocacy for civil dialogue:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. 
It is it's natural manure."


Look at far Hillary Clinton has come.  As a young aspiring lawyer she was let go without a letter of accommodation for actually advocating and objecting to President Richard Nixon being able to be represented by a lawyer after she had agreed not to engage in changing the Judicial Committee rules according to a recent *2014 story carried on FOX NATION from **Hotair in 2008 "*“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality." **"Hillary assured me that she had not drafted, and would not advocate, any such rules changes. However, as documented in my personal diary, I soon learned that she had lied. She had already drafted changes, and continued to advocate them. In one written legal memorandum, she advocated denying President Nixon representation by counsel. In so doing she  simply ingnored the fact that in the committee's then more recent prior impeachment proceeding, the committee had afforded the right to counsel to Supreme Court Justice William O Douglas.”  "

Apposing Zeifman's account we find at Snopes ""in April [1974], Rodino began recommending that we deny Nixon the right to be represented by counsel". (Whether such a "right" existed is far from certain: the committee was engaged in neither a criminal proceeding nor an impeachment trial; they were merely investigating whether grounds for impeachment might be present.) Accordingly, Hillary drafted a brief in support of Rodino's position under orders from her supervisor, John Doar. One might assert, as Chief Minority Counsel Frank Polk did, that Hillary could have taken a better approach to the task and "should have mentioned [the Douglas case], and then tried to argue whether that was a change of policy or not instead of just ignoring it and taking the precedent out of the opinion," but it's highly subjective to suggest she was "unethical" and "dishonest" for carrying out the instructions of her immediate supervisor and his boss. One could just as plausibly argue that it would have been unethical and dishonest (not to mention insubordinate) for Hillary to presume to substitute her own judgment for that of her superiors and to refuse to comply with their directions. 

Yes, you can decide if the problem plaguing Hillary's present email approach she admits was a judgement error on her part matches Snopes account when they wrote as a presumption of opposition to Zeifman's account, "One might assert..that Hillary could have taken a better approach to the task and should have.." with her own words after the emailgate fiasco in which she took 6 months to apologize stating:

"On Friday, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell repeatedly asked Clinton if she was sorry, but the Democratic presidential candidate said only that she regretted “the confusion” surrounding her emails. Then in a new interview with ABC News Tuesday, Clinton said the words she has declined to say for so long. “That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” she told anchorman David Muir Tuesday.

 In fact are we not seeing exactly the theme permeated her campaign also unmasked with the latest O'Keefe Video highlighting her Campaign Lawyer and staff in Nevada allegedly violating registration laws in Nevada and sporting "Ask for forgiveness not for permission"

The 911 of Benghazi
According to an outline of wiki the SECRETARY OF STATE is the lead official of the U.S. Department of State and is the highest ranking appointed executive branch official in the presidential line of succession and order of precedence.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said that before the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, "The State Department not only failed to honor repeated request for additional security, but instead actually reduced security in Libya." 
One wonders if some of the video equipment ISIS has used in the elaborate decapitation video's actually were part of the weapon stash delivered? He asserted Clinton contributed to the deaths of those lost in the 9-11 attack on Benghazi due to a 'dereliction of duty'. Of course, in Hillary's words, 'what difference does it make now'?

You might recall the Apology Tour Hillary Clinton went on in the Middle East after Benghazi asserting the 'videotape' was at fault, and American's free speech laws had insulted and caused the death of Ambassador Christ Stephens along with those trying to protect him after Hillary refused request for back up multiple times at the embassy while funneling arms to Syrian Rebels/Sunni Jihadist through Libya that has "morphed into ISIS."
If you haven't seen the apology tour in Pakistan Hillary Clinton and Obama went on, you have got to watch this September 20th, 2012 short clip appearing as a paid television commercial in Pakistan just prior to the coming November 2012 Election.


The above video has always been in my heart as we face in our Nation a call for Truth and a call for new political leadership in the wake of the 911 Tragedy depicted at the end of the video. If anything is apparent with the 'establishment's problems' it is that clearly America does not feel represented in the common sense court of pubic concern. Their leaders have let them down, but in that interest of being fair, perhaps we must consider that America has also been a factor in picking their leaders?

Three people who have nailed it of late, but still refuse to see Obama as an unqualified candidate for the Office of the President and a usurper in the Office- Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wassermann Schulz, and Liz Cheney.

Hillary Clinton: "“I'm gonna fight for all the people like my mother who need somebody in their corner,” Clinton said, before adding: “And they need a leader who cares about them again.”

Debbie Wassermann Schulz: ""People just want to have confidence in their government again,

Liz Cheney: " The real challenge is going to be for Sec. Clinton to try to separate herself from what we detail in the book, very well documented set of issues, in terms of the danger this president has put us in, and of course was there for a large part of it."

How curious it is to see the recognition of our national security compromised as well the welfare of the American people by those who really refuse to support and defend the action in the U.S. Supreme Court now in Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

It seems a case of denial in the face of overwhelming evidence and facts we struggle to label 'Cover-Up'. How can you on one hand throw and sling the mud at Obama about all of his actions that have put America in a weakened condition across the board, militarily, economically, socially in the world, and refuse the fact our Constitution's simple demand that only a 'natural born Citizen', clearly recognized by the Courts as 'Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' in a precedent case illustrating the same language in Minor v. Happersett, takes care of it all?

Those succumbing to the disillusionment do so upon their own behest approving a usurpation for whatever reason they have in their mind, or more simply still are found looking into a mirror of being very foolish towards the wisdom our framers and founders gave us within the Constitution as a protection of our national security?

This certainly is my own struggle also. For I see in the sunsets of history when I am fast asleep and have gone from this Earth in a retirement, that being taught in our Social Studies and History Classes in text book form a detailed version of the national defense The Birthers put up. And I see the students shaking their heads at the wonder of such stupidity, betrayal, and treason upon the U.S. Constitution that is sung in history as the greatest document understood by man respecting freedom and liberty.

And in those chapters and book if you will, where are the leaders that today are in power? They are found where the sun doesn't shine in the history of the Idiots Guide to screwing up National Security. I really think as history goes, they would much rather have had been remembered as being a supporter of Cody Robert Judy in that effort than every their ego supposed might be glorious in apposing.

I'll tell you this Summer may have been the Trump Summer, but its been one of the toughest droughts Cody Robert Judy has been through in lack of support. We have had two donations in the last 60 days totaling $50 in the face of 50 Post on this blog since June 18th begging for Americans to help.

I am very concerned about Americans 'mentality' that either want Mr. Trump to finance his own way to the White House or look to Politicians who figure out a 'foreign method' of accommodation in bulking up their campaign chest because Americans will not pitch in. That certainly is a consideration in the pay-to-play Playbooks.

My concern given as a burden upon my shoulders by the Creator is a great concern about American's unwillingness to support someone who is standing up for the U.S. Constitution verses someone who says they will give them a job and make them a worker; for freedom and liberty are not in the service of such. They are in fact in the depths of control by a communist regime we call an oligarchy and are for sure very uncertain about the more debutante title of U.S. Citizen and the responsibilities that go with such. I am very fearful of the claws of Justice catching them and ripping their guts and their hearts out like a bear would based on the 'dereliction of duty' and justly so.

 My prayer is for certain that some word, some sign, some mercy might be given to us together by a benevolent God  that might cast aside this imminent danger far from you, and would cast the Almighty God's balance of Justice on your side for which you would be satisfied to claim in your own good judgement smiling at His smile for you. I know in my heart if you could see Jesus's smiling face that you would cast down your disregard for this national security sanctuary we have been given and take up this cause with me.

Americans, get smart, get educated, and then stand up and support that which has given you so much as a well that never fails. It does remind me that this time was foretold: Amos 8:11
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD"
God Bless You!

Please, consider a Contribution Now by clicking the secure Paypal link. You contribution Today will help make a Better America Tomorrow!

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

PLATFORM of a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE - Shield of Reflected Truth and the Value Appreciated by Trump

 The Shield of Reflected Truth & Value Appreciated by Trump
What does your Candidate for President Reflect in his Shield of Truth? 
Featured Editorial - The Post & Email

Within the political platforms of every Candidate for the United States are of course their very ideas of how they would be the very best President and the reason why people should consider them in their vote. A Platform is a very important thing to have as a Candidate for President of the United States. It is the mirror of ideas that are representative as a Reflection or guide for that Candidate by which people put their trust in a vote for that person. It is invaluable and is not taken lightly, but is nearly sacred and lifesaving. It will be used as shield against the fiery darts of an adversary and those whom use their shields well are then protected, and able wield their sword.

Psalms 91:4 " He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler'.

Many people might know me because of my Case in the United States Supreme Court which challenges the very audacity of Barack Obama to actually even be in the Office of the President with the standards of the U.S. Constitution's qualifications for that office which are unique from a U.S. Representative or U.S. Senator.

Like three degrees of glory in the stars, the moon, and the sun, every category of the three designed qualifications in our U.S. Constitution are extended and made harder and higher for the Office of the President then those of Senator or Representative.

So what does it say about those who wish to lower the standards of the Office of the President, and who would actually wish it so? Tell you what, let's get back to that later and let's talk a little about Platform, why its so important and we will do a little investigating on mine, and why it is so good that other Major Candidates are borrowing or plagiarizing my ideas.

You might say that a Platform is very easily copied. What is to stop one candidate from say, checking out the platform of another Candidate and saying, "Hey, that works could and I think I'll use it in the same order and try to win with it"? How serious is this when it comes to unique and special ideas when your looking at Candidates?

Well its very serious to Candidates. Especially if they come with a unique and special idea in their Platform, someone picks it out of their wallet, and moves on for the win in the same office they were going for.  The same can be said of any original artist and their song, movie, poem, or speech.  How successful is a Candidate who gets up and says, "I have a Dream" and then tells everyone that's original and trademarked when everyone knows Martin Luther King Jr. uttered those words in a very famous speech.

Another example I love Democratic Party President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's speech in that he said, "My fellow Americans, Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country.", and he continued, "To my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for freedom."

Now these are very famous speeches heard round the world. They have well deserved reputations by the number of ears who have heard them. We just would not expect the two leaders of the Major Parties to jump up on their podium and re-state those words without a credit to them in passing respectful reference to whose speech they were. Just to give you an idea of how important speeches are and the credit that should be assigned, or sought out with all diligence you may recall a Candidate for President named Joe Biden who didn't think anyone would notice as he didn't mention the words of a speech made by a Leader of the Labor Party over in the United Kingdom for heck sake for his own benefit in 1988. It wasn't even in the U.S. and still was a major factor!


It doomed his Campaign!
[ Biden announced his candidacy in June 1987, and was considered one of the potentially strongest candidates in the field. However, in September 1987, newspaper stories stated he had plagiarized a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. Other allegations of past law school plagiarism and exaggerating his academic record soon followed. Biden withdrew from the race later that month
Major controversy beset Biden's candidacy, beginning on September 12, 1987 with high-profile articles in The New York Times and The Des Moines Register.[19]Biden was accused of plagiarizing a speech by Neil Kinnock, leader of the British Labour Party.[20] Kinnock's speech, delivered to a Welsh Labour Party conference on May 15, 1987, and then rebroadcast during the UK 1987 general election, included the lines:
While Biden's speech included the lines:
Isn't that amazing ..1988 twenty-seven years ago, during a Presidential Election he blows it and the Democrats are thinking about bringing Joe back hoping no one remembers and suddenly Joe Biden's awash in new and transforming ideas that's going to get us out of the mess we are in? The subjects in the speeches were for all intensive purposes benign of course, but it was enough to raise questions about authenticity, genuineness, and truth.

When it comes to being American, Truth, Genuineness, and Authenticity are things that we look for in the Vision of where we want to go and how we want to get there. Now Mr. Biden's not sure he's got the mojo for another Presidential Race and we'd all have to kind of agree his escort up to the 'wings' of the stage is really due to Mrs. Clinton's sack-of-emails on her private server during a tenure at Secretary of State being mopped up by Carly Fiorina now, and also the list of play-to-pay foreign and domestic contributors to the Clinton Foundation which do cross over through Sidney Blumenthol and perhaps the destruction of evidence in Mrs. Clinton's choices to pick and choose which emails on her server got deleted and which ones did not.

This has the affect of self policing but it also is anti-FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Request which in many ways acts as the people's and press's Public Court. These problems are a direct result of a 9 point cannon ball drop in Mrs. Clinton's poll numbers and a 15 point drop among Democrats.


Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Gov. Bobby Jindal have actually been the subjects of a controversy in the U.S. Supreme Court considerations of eligibility, not many people know, in a current case in the U.S. Supreme Court. Judy v. Obama 14-9396 asked for an extension of time the Court ultimately refused as Application 25A15   Not Reported by the News.

Sen. Rand Paul in many stories favored and thought to be the wonder of the Republican Party Primary at one time released a book- Taking A Stand -moving beyond partisan politics to united America. Now, one would have thought if you were the publishers of this book and the author, that a little research on the Title of the book and related authors might have been in order. He stole the title of my book Taking A Stand -the conservative independent voice which came out in 2008 and we are running for the same office. How stupid is that? You would think even in the same arena as politics, you might change your title, but simply running a search on the title and Presidential Candidates you would definitely change the title. He didn't. Now he's way down in the Polls.  Not Reported by the News.

And the Leading Republican Poll Candidate for President Donald Trump has for all intensive purposes plagiarized my Platform for President. Mr. Trump blast the other Candidates for President are stupid- America's got stupid leaders compared to Mexico, Japan, China. How many times have we heard that now?

So what does it say for Mr. Trump when he is swiping pretty specifically, which you can identify very clearly here, two of the three Ropes of my THREE ROPES INITIATIVES PLATFORM that have been around in my Presidential Platform in 2008, and 2012?  Well, I'm thrilled. Good Idea's should indeed cross the isles of republican and democrat if they are indeed good ideas don't you think?

But remember what happened to Joe Biden for basically referring to his family,  a thousand generations, and college in the same mouthful as England's Leader in the Labor Party? What? Should Mr. Trump now be accused of siphoning good Democratic Party ideas because I ran as a Democratic Party Candidate and he is now leading the Republican Party by double digits with my ideas and Platform toting that he is the one who  brought it up and without him we wouldn't even be discussing 'illegal immigration' and  a strategy of war reparations I have announced as a 35% tax upon foreign governments using our Military and then saying 'good bye' and 'thanks', but we do not like investing in America?

Watch my Three Ropes Initiatives Platform Video and then compare Donald Trump's Platform and realize how many people are thinking he is great for these ideas that I have had on my Presidential Web Site in 2008 and 2012. Look, this video was uploaded December 17th, 2011 and Mr. Trump is using it to lead the whole Republican Party and all 16 other Candidates. What does that tell you about CRJ's Platform? Its' dynamite!


Now here are some clips of Mr. Trump 'using the same ideas' of my Platform:
1- Building a Wall to Secure the Border- 10 Must read Quotes for Sean Hannity Interview

DONALD TRUMP, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATEIn China, the great China wall, I mean, you want to talk about a wall, that is a serious wall, OK. That you don't climb over it with a ladder. You don't even go under it, OK?
That wall is 13,000 miles. If you add up everything in the kitchen sink with what we're talking about on our border, it's less than 2,000 miles and a lot of it you don't have to do because you covered it with terrain and you covered with areas that you have already built.
2-TRUMP SAYS MIDDLE EAST WOULD PAY FOR US TROOPS Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is outlining a foreign policy in which the United States would put ground troops in the fight against Islamic State militants and demand money from Middle East countries supported by the U.S.

"Let me tell you what I also would have done. Germany and all these countries -- Germany's doing a lot better than we're doing. Isn't it their battle more than ours? Why aren't they more involved? Why are we fighting so hard, and all of these countries in Europe are sort of, like, Well, OK, we'll keep taking the oil, we'll keep taking the gas, we'll keep giving money.

"What is it about us? We're so far away. We're fighting for -- I'm not saying don't do it, but I'll tell you what. I would make sure that all of those countries that have a much bigger stake than we do 
I'll give you an example. Saudi Arabia makes a billion dollars a day. We're protecting them. Why aren't they taking care of us? Why aren't they?"

Listen to what Mr. Trump say about Kuwait about the 9 minute to 11 minute mark.

Could we deduct from this that Mr. Trump watched my THREE ROPES INITIATIVES Platform video and is picking the very good ideas from it for his own rise and political popularity for the same office we are both running for?

I think that is a very easily drawn point with such specifics Mr. Trump has used even going so far to say a 30% tax for foreign governments who use our military. I agree as you can tell I mentioned years ago in my Candidacy for President and video 35% gratuity tax on foreign interventions. It is not right that American Citizens bear the total financial burden as well the blood burden and Kuwait is an excellent example of what kind of appreciation and respect we get after our good hearts stepped in against a dictator, while the other Countries in the Middle East enjoy our military protection.

Desert Storm was estimated at 61 Billion in cost. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia picked up a tab of 36 Billion. Germany and Japan covered 16 Billion, which left a 9 Billion dollar short fall and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have made trillions since. This is a total lack of respect. 25% of Saudi Arabia's tab was in the form of 'in-kind' services and America lost the most blood of the allied forces, near 150 lives.

The foreign countries neither appreciate or respect us as we protected their money machine. Freedom and Liberty is never free, we as Americans live on the back of those who have given their lives for our U.S. Constitution. There should not be a question as to my defense, honor, and respect for that in my legal action to the U.S. Supreme Court which is going to brought up again September 28th which draws the picture of an  illegal usurpation of our Executive Branch in the Office of the President the total tab which could be estimated at about 10 Trillion. If we do not respect ourselves, who is going to respect us? We have to love ourselves and love that which has made us in the first place in order to continue.

 People might see this as a ploy or use of our military as a mercenary-for-hire, but that would mean we could be bought for money without a cause. America has a cause and that the Judgement in our call to assist is not reckoned in the interest of freedom and liberty would be an obnoxious malady. Protection is a big part of maintaining freedom and liberty and it is a viable export America can also earn respect for with those who get into trouble. Where they have an interest to protect their borders, and we have an interest in the ability, a fair and just respect mutually assured is certainly more of a common sense, then a very generous gift that keeps on giving forever and is totally unappreciated.

Of course encouraging our own oil production as well natural gas, and shale oil extraction can help us to push the next generation of innovative travel. We need to encourage this and wean ourselves off of carbon automobiles in favor of air streaming propulsion technologies for the public consumer. Carbon dependent Automobiles will become a thing of the past and we will not need to import as much and in a sense limit ourselves with dependency. I believe we can wean ourselves off this dependency and increase our innovative jobs in air travel and the next big thing many will desire that we export in staying ahead of the innovative mobility industry.

There are many many other things I have stored in my head that I believe will surprise a lot of people and my Platform is an outline that will indeed put America back on course. I am very happy Mr. Trump has elevated these items in my platform and hope he will appreciate them as coming from a Democratic Party Candidate for President, even if he's running in the Republican Party.

What does that also tell Democrats? Well, it should tell Democrats that if I am selected as their nominee that I have a very big capacity to attract a very large portion of the Republican Party necessary to win the White House. I look forward to the U.S. Supreme Court Justices again taking up the Judy v. Obama 14-9396 Case in less than 20 days now. I hope and pray our U.S. Constitution is upheld in the Qualifications of the President, more especially the 'natural born Citizen' clause that has been run over by Obama's tanks.

While this is a good reason to support my candidacy for President it certainly is not the only reason to and Mr. Trump's popularity among the Republicans and his platform that has been copied from my platform is a good reason to Notice that. Again, here is the Constitutional Reckoning of the Office of the President's qualifications in contrast to those of the Senator and Representative in a very short 2 minute video.

Americans, get smart, get educated, and then stand up for what has given you so much. God Bless You!

Please, consider a Contribution Now by clicking the secure Paypal link. You contribution Today will help make a Better America Tomorrow!

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You