
Saturday, February 25, 2017

YOU NEVER KNOW - WHOSE DOOR You're Knocking On, or, WHO'S Knocking?

YOU NEVER KNOW - WHOSE DOOR You're  Knocking On, or, WHO'S Knocking? 

 In what-i-call my boring-old-meat- and-potatoes-job, the one that I've survived on and still had time to Politic with, I've knocked doors selling meat on a bulk wholesale basis. Let me say it's provided me with a great door knocking experience and some insite into Jesus knocking doors with no door knob.

This has provided me a great many fun and interesting story one of which happened recently I've decided to share. I knock maybe around 400 doors on a good day and it's not easy. Some people use that as an example of the last job they'd ever wanna do, and I've done it 12 years now and cover 5 States!
So I was knocking doors in an affluent neighborhood. Believe me, that doesn't mean 'easy sales' as quite often those folks are in such a demanding house payment they are eating Ramen noodles, and the poor neighborhoods are eating steak, seafood, chicken, and pork!

At this very nice newly built kind-of-a-mansion, (I'd even asked the neighbor if anyone lived there yet because of the construction zone of a front yard apparent), a nice gentleman greeted me and I began my sales pitch of Great Steaks!

He was immediately interested in the variety offered, quality and price at least letting me blow wind and gasp for a second breath and second sentence without slamming the door on my face. This is what you hope for anyway.

As I ran to get the Cases of Meat to do a Show, I returned to find he'd also retrieved his wife for the quick presentation. She was a tough customer and I felt more than once the sale ground into hamburger and a freezing hault!

It dangled perilously close to my excusing myself and thanking them for their time. Still, he would offer some word of hope that beat back her resistance like, "They look very nice", and, "Might be nice to have around for company".

Finally she was sold,  not so much by me but by him. I was wrapping it up,  getting the Sale Receipt ready,  and packing the boxes back up neatly in the Cases.

The 20 minute kind of-a-long sale finally had wound down  to his Question of who do I write the check to? I said as usual "Cody Judy". He paused with his pen, and sighed.

"Well", he said, "I knew your Mother". I was taken back, and from the way he had said it, I suspected some time ago. Perhaps she had trained a horse for him, or given a son or daughter riding lessons in her past Horsemanship Career?

Not wanting to jump to conclusions I said, "Oh yeah, How's that?"

" I was her Bishop 2 years ago before we moved"

Quite instantly I was overcome with gratitude to this man, recalling the abundance of help and assistance he, his wife, and their congregation
had given my Mom in her trials and the tremendous battle of chemotherapy treatments for cancer we had gone through the 5 years previous.

They had been such angels to our family. Helping with a food order, or a ride to the doctor if I couldn't make it, and certainly for a check-in- on and arm-around for comfort and encouragement.

I was stunned as he related recognizing the last name he politely put, " for obvious reasons". 😊

I quickly related, and racking my brain for occurrence, asked if we had met before? As I'd come with her to Church a few times on occasion of her singing in the choir or what not i thought it possible but could not off the cuff place him in my memory.

There was one time he related. "You came to our Halloween Ward Christmas Party , but you were dressed up as a Lion with such a make-up job we'd never have recognized you!"😂

I did recall that. We all broke out and laughed our heads off.

They told me how much they thought of my Mom and how she related to them how her son took such good care of her. They just loved her!

My heart swelled with gratitude for that and their understanding how very difficult juggling everything had been. Indeed, my heart was so thankful for these two people who I hadn't spent any real time with but who through my Mom knew so much about our Family and really had been ministering angels to us.

He handed me the check for the meat and said, " Tell your Mom we bought from you". We laughed again!

" I will!", I related. Grabbing his hand and starring deep into his eyes I said, " Thank you and God Bless you for helping my Mom so much!'

Of course my Mom was just tickled to hear the story and giggled herself silly with appreciation for them to.

Quite a remarkable story given the circumstances and my own prayer that morning for direction from God on where to go and sell that day as my rent in a judgement to pay or vacate the premises was due and I felt I was in quite a pickle if I didn't get it paid and have success in my sales.

Just another great Story on how God and his mercy in such wisdom blossomed and touched our Family and why we are so greatful for Jesus Christ our Savior.

The End.


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