
Monday, August 6, 2018

A New U.S. Senate Candidate for Utah! Write-In Cody Judy

Cody Judy Write-In Candidate 

U.S. Senate UTAH 2018 

 Campaign HQ Farmington UT 8402
 Campaign PR Contact – Volunteer Kim Barry PH: 385-319-1584

 Social Media Connections:
 YouTube: CodyJudy - Watch the latest Commercials Spots and Video Interviews
Twitter @codyrobertjudy
 Instagram: CodyRobertJudy Facebook: CodyRobertJudy

We are pleased to announce a Declaration of Candidacy for the United States Senate Office as a Choice for Voters in the State of Utah- Write-In - Cody Judy. Cody is well- known and a qualified Candidate for Utah.  Here is a Link to a short Brief of Cody Judy’s Political Record and some personal facts you may be surprised to learn. 

-Statement from the Candidate-

Providing a Choice for Utah Voters is the biggest reason I have decided to run as a WRITE-IN Candidate in the U.S. Senate Race. Utah has some of the greatest scenery on Earth in my opinion, but some of the deepest darkest most corrupt judges, political arenas, government leaders, and judgmental swamps in History of the United States.  My Candidacy simply offers a Choice Difference- Freedom and Liberty in Harmony with the Supreme Law of the Land without which the people perish for want of fresh air, food, and water drowning in swamps of deception, fraud, fabrication and corrupt cover-up. Utah doesn’t need another suit Utah needs a Superman-I am Cody Judy and I am that Choice.

Declaration Part I. -
Declaration Part II.


Friday, April 20, 2018




Update:6:45pm MST


April 20th, 2018 WASHINGTON DC

Hillary Clinton and the DNC on Friday April 18th,2018 sued President Trump's Campaign alleging a conspiracy between his campaign and the Russian Government with the circumstantial evidence of her losing based upon hacking from the Romanian source of Guccifer and Wikileaks with no mention of the 'Details' of the released documentation being the culprit of the loss.

Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani joins President Trumps Legal Team 
In other words, they are [not] mad about the solicitous, harmful, and fowl dialogue they consumed themselves in, (leading to Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Resigning from DNC Chairman) but are mad it was stolen and distributed through the hacking of foreign actors. They are not mad about the Democratic Party Primaries being "Rigged", as was stated by Elizabeth Warren, Donna Brazille-DNC Chairman, Bernie Sanders and of course Cody Robert Jud both Presidential Candidates in the Democratic Party in 2016.

They aren't mad about the favorable and fewer Debates Hillary garnered on weekends, nor turning the debate stage into their own hand picked candidates surely she could handle. The Cabalish Cartel, likened to the dark embalming tombs fertile for the fawning scarab beetles to lay in, had "promised" Hillary the Democratic Party Nomination for President with the great gifts bestowed upon her from the one and only usurping leader Barack Hussein Obama.

Favors like the Secretary of State Office with an open leash to usurp the office from The People with her own private email system leveraged in the shadows of the blackmail she had, been did not use, in the constitutionally ineligible, usurping, and disbarred Barack Hussein Obama aka. Barry Soetoro Allegedly failed to state his alias to the Bar: Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois
Congressman Keith Ellison - who backed Mr Sanders and is now the deputy chairman of the DNC - said in a statement "it is our responsibility to acknowledge that millions of Americans still feel hurt and betrayed by the events of the 2016 presidential primary".
One might report, if you were of the Media-Propaganda-Democratic -Party-Foundation-Supporter mentality over the last twelve years,  Hillary Clinton was acting like a [Birther], with much less circumstantial evidence and Constitutional Support  than the Cold Case Posse commissioned by now Senate Candidate and former six-term Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff -Joe Arpaio.

Presented in the conclusive CSI like forensics reports of two separate specialty examining fields, on two different continents for genuine ID documentation examination, the final Press Conference confirmed 9 points of Forgery confirming and presenting the actual theft of birth certificate information, representing ID Fraud which is a Felony on the document Barack Hussein Obama presented as his at the White House Press Briefing April 27th of 2011.

Seen Here as evidence presented to the COURT

Today it is still being discussed and talked about. The Post & Email Editor and Chief just released a News Story entitled:


[(Apr. 20, 2018) — During the 6 AM hour on Friday’s “Fox & Friends,” co-host Steve Doocy quickly reviewed the qualifications for the President of the United States gleaned from Article II of the U.S. Constitution. ]

The discussion arose after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called himself “undocumented” in remarks made during an April 12 bill-signing in an effort to protest President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.][“I’m undocumented. You want to deport an undocumented person, start with me because I’m an undocumented person,” Cuomo said on April 12 in opposition to Trump’s policies. His full remarks can be heard here.]

[During a December 2007 broadcast of his “Hardball” show, MSNBC host Chris Matthews stated unequivocally that Obama was “born in Indonesia.” Previously, credible news sources had reported Obama as having been “born in Kenya.”]

[In 1991 Obama’s own literary agent issued a promotional pamphlet which said that the new author was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” The publication went unchallenged until April 2007, two months after Obama declared himself a presidential candidate on a cold, windy day in Springfield, Illinois.]

[As most Americans understand the term “natural born Citizen” to mean “born in the United States,” reportage indicating otherwise cast doubt for some as to Obama’s eligibility. Likewise, McCain’s birth in Panama while his father was serving as an admiral in the U.S. Navy raised doubts as to his presidential eligibility, as it had during the 2000 Republican primaries.]

[In 2008, then-presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy sued both McCain and Obama, claiming that neither was eligible to serve as president and commander-in-chief. As Obama has for some time publicly claimed he was born in Hawaii, Judy deemed him ineligible as a result of his father’s foreign citizenship.]

Under normal circumstances you might think the FBI or the CIA might  be the appropriate agency to turn to with evidence of fabricated and forged identification in the American Government, but these do not seem to be 'normal times'.

Murder Mysteries that the CIA and FBI have not found
answers to including Seth Rich and three really close friends
of Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro losing their lives
with gun shots to the head.
[Nearly a dozen Republican members of Congress on Wednesday sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department and FBI seeking an investigation of former bureau boss James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton in connection with 2016 campaign controversies.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions already announced last month he had assigned a federal prosecutor to review some of those broader issues, while resisting calls for a second special counsel. But the referral represents an escalation of Republican pressure to probe top Democrats and Trump critics.]

The fact remains had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 Presidential Election the snake pit unfolding would have never been understood or known to the American Public.

You might think that the Judicial Branch has not been tainted with the Political Bias allegedly referred by Members of Congress, but you would be a fool to read the Cases of Cody Robert Judy v. Barack Hussein Obama et. al., in the United States Supreme Court Case Number 12-5276 & 14-9396, as well as 17-4055 in the 10th Circuit which houses in the Docket a Courtesy Copy of the Individual Petition to Justice Gorsuch. That petition was received by the Court Clerks in the U.S. Supreme Court but never docketed. 

Catastrophic Corruption has become wormwood in the United States of America. Wormwood in the Ukraine is Chernobyl, which refers to the nuclear spill of horrendous proportions. If their was a principle in the United States Constitution that might have saved otherwise good people that ended up selling their souls the mighty simple but powerful qualification requirement in Article II, Section 1. Clause 5, might have been the one to cling to like the trunk of the tree during a category 5 hurricane. 

Next time you talk to Hillary Clinton, why don't you ask her about the 'conspiracy theory' differences between the Trump-Russia Collusion Case and the Barack Hussein Obama Birther case?

I think the most notable differences are Mueller's Special Counsel, that has got to be costing over one million dollars a day with seventeen of his hand picked working for a over a year now and
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein telling President Trump he is not a Target yesterday verses Sheriff Joe Arpiao's Cold Case Posse coming out with 9 points of Forgery on a Government Identification Document.

It may come to President Trump's attention that as long as he appeases Obama's Ineligibility the root of the problem will never come out. The Swamp will never get drained. It may also come to President Trump's attention, especially with these law suits, that its either him or Obama that's going down because they won't stop until he's gone. 

It may indeed be self preservation that makes Trump come out on top of Obama. Understanding that when you have a U.S. Supreme Court that is fundamentally flawed in upholding the U.S. Constitution in the most basic values and understandings of the difference between [naturalization] or in other words a statute or act of Congress and [natural born Citizen] covering nature's law of soil and both parents, (separating the office by two generations as a wall of protection), you fundamentally feed a swamp you must wade through again, and again.


If this lawsuit proceeds, the Trump Campaign will be prepared to leverage the discovery process and explore the DNC’s now-secret records about the actual corruption they perpetrated to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Everything will be on the table, including:

• How the DNC contributed to the fake dossier, using Fusion GPS along with the Clinton Campaign as the basis for the launch of a phony investigation.

• Why the FBI was never allowed access to the DNC servers in the course of their investigation into the Clinton e-mail scandal.

• How the DNC conspired to hand Hillary Clinton the nomination over Bernie Sanders.

• How officials at the highest levels of the DNC colluded with the news media to influence the outcome of the DNC nomination.

• Management decisions by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, Tom Perez, and John Podesta; their e-mails, personnel decisions, budgets, opposition research, and more.

This Article Also:


Saturday, April 7, 2018

OBAMA COULD LOSE TITLE of #POTUS -Story Behind the Story

πŸ’£πŸ’₯ REVOLUTION-RADIO Studio BπŸ’₯πŸ’£
2 hour show wG Cody Robert Judy


#RevolutionRadio #DrTrueOtt #Obama #SCOTUS #Utpol #MAGA #Birther #Patriots #Qanon @realDonaldTrump #Trump

Friday, April 6, 2018

America May Be Called to Serve & Cleaned Up -CHINA - RUSSIA

America May Be Called to Serve
 & Cleaned Up 


Has God witnessed the Prayers of The People of Persecution with the compulsion of China to War? Will America set the People of China free? It may be a calling which advocates the greatest American Challenge in U.S. History!

[China will not hesitate with 'major response' to new tariffs: Ministry of Commerce

"We will immediately fight back with a major response," a Ministry of Commerce representative said during a Chinese-language briefing with reporters Friday in Beijing. "We have no other choice."

"We feel America is very arrogant. They have taken a wrong action. The result is that they will hurt themselves. If they release the list of $100 billion tariffs, China is prepared. And will not hesitate," he added.

"We have prepared with a bottom line mindset and have planned detailed action. We won't start a war, but if someone does, we will definitely fight back," the representative said." ]

China's Trade Nuke
Bush-Clinton Sell Out of Rare Metals has a nuclear option.

[I'm referring to rare earth metals.

These are elements like dysprosium, neodymium, gadolinium, and ytterbium. They aren't actually rare, but they do play crucial roles in everything from smart phones to electric car motors, hard drives, wind turbines, military radar, smart bombs, laser guidance, and more. They're also quite difficult to mine and process.

And it certainly wasn't prudent to allow China to corner the rare earth metal market. But ultimately China is just a hard-nosed global player, pursuing what it sees as its national interest.

But regardless, blaming the hippies for America's rare earth metal woes is doubling down on a bad strategy. Blinkered enthusiasm for free market solutions is how we lost domestic operations in the first place. Furthermore, China itself solved the environmental problem by just not caring, and created dystopian wastelands in the process.]

We may see with China's 6 Billion Dollar yearly Trade Surplus a resistance to level the field. It's been bullying for decades, and a bully rarely recognizes their own actions if such because if the positive incentives of the past rewards.

America's Choice of President Trump may have been the best choice for knowing what was happening matched with the courage and will to stop it by standing up to it.

There may indeed be a much bigger force at work than anyone realizes. God's hand in answering the People if China's Prayers as a Persecuted People in the Restrictions of Religeius worship.

As Christains cannot deny, the hand of God often opens his arms to a fold where many of his children are denied that they might receive the inheritance of Jesus Christ's Redemption and partake in the marvelous wonderful love He has Prepared for them!

Where Dictators and Policies of Tyranny and Racism exist the history of God has performed mighty works as the world noticed at just the right Time, Israel was suddenly and remarkably restored as a Nation!

As Christain's we cannot give in or be silent in the dark. We are taught to let our light shine in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.

We are urged to put on the armor of God and fight the good fight as free men. When silence is slavery and fighting and dying as free men entitle us to the Kingdom of God.

we must take up the burdens of our Lord as happy and joyfully as we know Freedom and Liberty is the Cause of our God in his Son Jesus Christ who is One with the Father even as Moses went after the Israelites to free them from Egypt as "Property" or Slaves of the State.

That a Choice may be brought to our Brothers and Sisters who are a Persecuted People the Lord God intends to set Free with Liberty and Individual Redemption!

So, is it any wonder these forces of Dictatorship are wailing, waxing, stomping and enraged as the Devil? No... no surprise at all. We may rest in the witness of God being laid out before them that they may say, "Your God is God!", and perhaps the pains of hell might release the grip of destruction upon them.

RUSSIA,  IRAN, TURKEY  SYRIA spark Alliance?
 Is the Bear having Turkey for Syria? The surprise comes from Turkey listed on the NATO Alliance ( North American and European Allies) formed April 4th, 1949 after WWII.

[President Putin, President Erdogan and President Rouhani vowed to work together to create a 'lasting ceasefire', build a hospital for wounded civilians in Eastern Ghouta and allow refugees to return home.The leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran met in Ankara for talks yesterday as they cemented their unlikely alliance over (Asadd's) Syria in a challenge to US and western influence in the region.]


Daniels Dream

And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: ...
Daniel 7:1-8 


Things may be looking up as April Showers are forecast.

Still, the week of April 14-21 Has a history for the US of being one of the most painful months including but certainly noy limiyed to the Titanic Sinking, Bay Of Pigs, Assasination of President Lincoln,  Waco, Columbine, Missippi Overflowing, Virginia Tech and the Federal Building Bombing in Oklahoma.


24 foreigners were just indicted by Mueller for their part in the Russian Collusion. The execution of such includes a freeze on foreign and domestic transactions of presumably personal and business banking accounts.

We may wonder if the Domestic Treason investigations may yield the same Hook.

Manafort and Page have now been history researched and alleged as [Plants] to the Trump Campaign.

And Utah Attorney Huber has been working since November with the authority of A.G. Jeff Sessions embarked on the discoveries for Uranium One and possible collusion with the Democrats to under mine the US National Security especially focused on the Clinton Campaign and her usurpation of the Office of Secretary of State alleged with a personal server used in context for a pay-to-play foreign favor private ambassy with Obama's Permission and use of it.

Monday, March 12, 2018


 Brief INTEL Report:

In asking yourself the question if you were Rulers in China, Russia, NK, and Iran, "Does it make sense to wait?"- (for America to become great again, with Trump raising Defense Spending,  Stopping Incentives for AMERICA'S CORPORATIONS to import goods with the assist to exploit cheap labor costs), the answers are "No".

  We are left with the common sense trajectory of Dictators. In China's recent life-time appointment of Xi, and Russia's re-appointment of Putin pitted against America's throwing off Obama's Corruption and foreign un-American appeasments,  we see a difference in Power sources. 

It's better for them to attack now than risk detection by their own people. 

Rather then to wait for America to become better Prepared and risk the Hope America provides in example infiltrating and freeing their own people, with Hope against Tyranny, it has come to war with the [framed] blame squarely on the American People. 

In the Order of saving America's Future we begin to offer BEAR Prepare REPORTS. 


Q-Anon - Note- Cut Ties CIA Comp - 300K Chinese on  NK Border significant as a Defense against America's - Bloody Nose and China Control of NK. Also, Russia-Ukraine nuke artifice to NK.  Is Kim a Pawn for Russia-China? SideSalad: EMP Nuke rotating Globe Why is it still there? CA. West Coast Earthquake Warning  build up of pressure significant.

This Video is VERY FORTHRIGHT in Modern Day Application of Old Testament Bibical Prophesy that is often to hard for people to understand.  That is why I'm Posting it with Encouragement to WATCH! And PREPARE! my Friends.

I am so Grateful Spring is upon us and Winter Behind!🚨


I. & II. 3-8-2018 BEFORE MAY



President Donald Trump has accepted North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un's dramatic offer to meet, and he'll do it by May, a South Korean official said Thursday evening.

Trump agrees to meet Kim Jong-un by MAY: North Korean despot invites President to talks and agrees to suspend missile tests


Friday, February 16, 2018

The Birther Hang-Over - Mitt Romney Enters US Senate Race

The Birther Hang-Over - Mitt Romney
 Enters US Utah Senate Race

"I am running for United States Senate to serve the people of Utah and bring Utah's values to Washington."

If values are on the Table from Utah to Washington DC with Mitt Romney, there isn't much Mitt Romney can contribute politically speaking towards the Stop of the Republic's peril. The Cabal/Cartel in Washington DC collectively speaking is steeped in a Corruption unparalleled in U.S. History with the players identified as Defendants in a Utah Federal District Court Case appealed to the 10th Circuit Court; a M.I.A. Petition to the U.S. Supreme Court was Recorded in the 10th Circuit for safe keeping. This Individual Justice Petition to Gorsuch was recorded as received by the U.S. Supreme Court but Clerks failed to give it a Case Number.

That Case stomps unqualified Candidate Barack Hussein Obama with roots back to Kenya with a dual citizenship inherited from his self styled father Obama Sr., and begin in 2008 with a challenge to McCain's foreign birth inherited as a native son of Panama. Definitely not one of the 50 States of the Union. At Constitutional Principle Issue of [natural born Citizen] ie. (Born in the U.S. to U.S. Citizen Parents) is the qualification unique to the Office of the President and Vice President.

It seems Russia has been prowling in U.S. Elections long before 2016. The wave of identity politics that Obama road in on was staggeringly predicted long before Obama entered the race for President by guess who- Russia. Report 1 12-10-12 Report 2 dated 11-20-08
Tom Fife - American Physicist & Gov.Contractor
Moscow, Russia – A Russian government official bragged that Barack Obama was a KGB operative and that his presidency had been planned since birth, an American physicist and government contractor reports.Tom Fife, an American computer networking specialist and international businessman, reported the alarming facts about the Kremlin’s connection to Barack Obama. The boast from a Communist Party official reportedly occurred during a business trip to Russia, 16 years before Barack Obama was ushered into the presidency of the United States
 “His name is Barack,” she sneered. “His mother is white and his father is an African black. He has gone to the best schools, he is what you would call ‘Ivy League’.”
Fife recalls being stunned and shocked at the words flowing from the Communist’s mouth as she continued to rattle off an incredibly precise set of details about this Communist operative who was to supposedly become president of the United States.
The Communist official then stated that he was from Hawaii, but would very soon be elected to the Chicago state legislature. This has turned out to be an eerily prescient prediction, as Barack Obama was not elected State Senator until 1996, a full 4 years afterwards, as he took Alice Palmer’s seat.
One might ask "WHY?" in consideration of the lengths Obama, His DOJ, Hillary Clinton, the DNC including Schultz & Brazille , OFA, former FBI Director James Comey, Special Investigator Commander Mueller, Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Representative Nancy Pelosi, and many others all have in common besides selling 20% of America's Uranium to Moscow?

In asking that question we must ask ourselves "WHY?" these individuals were willing to go to such great lengths to propagate and  dish out something as salacious as the Duping Trump Dossier as a method to oust President Donald Trump? 

One might call their actions stupid, crazy, even mentally deranged but when you have usurped the Office of the President of the United States and dug into the Treasury 10 Trillion, hey, the sky is the limits-  what can't you do? 

This just serves as proof that with enough money and media exposure in America, and maybe some coercive threats to silence potential leaks, that Russian NATIONALS , who Mitt Romney in theory supports being able to obtain the Office of the President, meaning first generation Americans either from birth on American Soil, or having one American Parent, have been fully indoctrinated as American Citizens.

Unfortunately, for Mitt Romney, Mueller's own investigation has just indicted 13 Russian Nationals for interfering with the Election.

Mitt Romney's no stranger to being called an outsider unworthy of representing what he supposedly feels qualified to represent, and it comes from his own GOP Party. Although carpet bagging is not specifically or officially mentioned in the United States Constitution, the qualifications for President enumerated in the Constitution were definitely placed carefully within to prohibit essentially carpet-baggers.

 Mitt Romney's biggest criticism from the GOP Utah Republican Party Chairman invokes in par lance just exactly what the [natural born Citizen] clause of Article II. Section 1. C-5 was placed in the U.S. Constitution for. He is a foreigner of the State of Utah, this also came from Democratic Party Senate Candidate Jenny Wilson.

The Utah Republican Party chairman blasted Mitt Romney’s anticipated Senate run, hitting him for “essentially doing what Hillary Clinton did in New York” — campaigning in a state he hasn’t spent much time in.

“I think he’s keeping out candidates that I think would be a better fit for Utah because, let’s face it, Mitt Romney doesn’t live here, his kids weren’t born here, he doesn’t shop here,” Rob Anderson told The Salt Lake Tribune in an interview.]
“I think [Romney] is miscast as a candidate for Utah,” she said. “If he’s interested in the U.S. Senate, Massachusetts is the better place for him to return to.” - Jenny Wilson D U.S. Senate Candidate Utah

If Democratic Party U.S. Utah Senate Candidate Jenny Wilson were to cast the same doubt upon Obama in 2008 she would have asked him to return to Kenya or his adopted state of Indonesia.

Of course, Mitt Romney's actions along with Hillary Clinton's are consistent with their support for Barack Hussein Obama's carpet-bagging ineligibility for the Office of the President contrary to Constitutional Law. Let's take a look at the motivation for keeping those who were born on American soil from foreign nationals commonly referred as anchor babies, and citizenship through marriage naturalization ie. [ You don't have to wait until you've had a green card for five years to apply for citizenship through the process known as naturalization. Assuming you stay married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse the whole time, you can apply for citizenship three years after obtaining a green card] from the Office of the President.
These ACTIONS represent a timely and honored distinction to the Root of the qualifications for President that found its way into the United States Constitution constructed in the seed of John Jay's letter to George Washington ultimately portraying the men who were becoming the First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and First U.S. President in the following: 
​​​​​[Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.]

Ultimately, Congress recognized the need for a first generation acclimation period into American Tradition and Laws from that of Foreign Countries in the defeat of nine changes proposed since 2000 that was really begun with Sen. McCain's own question he was not qualified. This persisted into the second Congressional Act on his behalf termed non-binding senate resolution 511 stating he was basically the first congressional statute natural born Citizen. The first Congressional Act on his behalf made him a Citizen through a naturalization process familiar to many immigrants through a type of congressional amnesty including that which is sought now from Obama's brain-child-birther concoction  DACA.

Mitt Romney as the 2008 Republican Party Presidential Nominee ran against Barack Obama Democratic Party Presidential nominee and was seen in large part by the crowd who elected Donald Trump 2016, as the failure in taking a stand for the Constitution of the United States. Ultimately that failure is what ushered in the Obama-nation that America suffered for eight years and continues now to suffer in the Cabal/Cartel infesting the Government in the Russia-Gate Propagation towards the Presidency of Donald Trump.