Bringing Your Audience a broad range of intriguing thought
The Cody Robert Judy Speaking Engagement
Captivating Your Audience with A Great Experience & Memory
Captivating Your Audience with A Great Experience & Memory
Cody Robert Judy brings a wealth of perspective and inspiration to the national microphone to a wide variety of audiences with experience inside America's political, prison,musical, small business, and marathon arenas, highlighting the Constitutional challenges we face today preserving and championing the individual and civil rights so many have lost an understanding for. If your looking for inspiring and climbing motivation Cody's experiences and speaking excites with a range from the bottom up.
Range:$30,000.00 - $75,000.00 - Speaking engagement + travel expenses from Utah including Airfare expenses - requires 2 hotel room accommodations high speed internet services appreciated but not essential, ground transportation- local expenses for two. Cody offers an 80% discount on his speaking fees if children under 18 of age represent 80% of the audience.
Cody Robert Judy's experience in running for Office includes:
1st District Utah Congressional Representative 2002
U.S. Senate 2004 - 2010
U.S. President 2008 2012 2016
To Book Your Cody Robert Judy' Speaking Engagement make your RESERVATION Speaking Engagement Here SPEAKING ENGAGMENT with your refundable Booking Fee of $10K and Date Requested. Be sure to include your phone, email address, and contact information.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Have you ever thought about actually running for President
and what it takes, even when you lose?
CRJ Response: 355 Youtube Videos 200,000 Views more than half of which are Political Commercials internet Videos
725 Blog Post – 405,000 Views
15 Cases through out the U.S.
2 U.S. Supreme Court Cases 12-5276 14-9396
Eight Year Standing Web Site- 80 pages on most every subject of Politica.
Staff volunteer
Over 1,000 Radio Commercials
Published Book with Platform – Taking A Stand
Social Media Representation Facebook, Twitter, Scripd, Web Interviews, Other Reports filled out by Candidates for dozens of organizations.
200+ Featured Editorials
if you think it is so easy to be a Candidate for President with Standing or a responsibility to represent those who do not have standing, I encourage you to go for it.\
One of the best things about booking a Cody Robert Judy's speaking Experience is knowing the range of topics. 24 years ago Cody spent a little over 8 years in Prison - half of it was spent in Maximum Security Prison based upon the judgement of what he looked like. Cody fought a Civil Rights fight even in Prison with Native Americans for the Civil Right of equality in the grooming Code and with his fight was able to release many of an unjust penalty simply due to what they looked like. This remarkable experience is recorded in Cody's Book Taking A Stand.
Contact Cody Robert Judy email: and message him on his facebook sites with your contact reply.
Biographical Book : TAKING A STAND - The Conservative Independent Voice /Released for 2008 run for President is heralded as one of the most remarkable intriguing stories of modern U.S. Political History!
Google Review
Barnes & Noble

Online Blog May 1014 - Just celebrated over 405,000 views world wide
Feature Editorials- 200+ Feature Editorials The Post & Email
Political Races Congress:
2002 1st District Utah Candidate Democratic Party - highlight : Featured on The Daily Show w John Stewart
2004 U.S. Senate Utah Candidate Democratic Party -
2010- U.S. Senate Utah Candidate Independent : highlight: What Are People saying about CRJ
Political Race President
2016- President of the United States(Democrat) Current
2012- President of the United State Democratic P. Highlight: Featured Judy v. Obama United States Supreme Crt.Commercials
2008 -President of the United States Independent Highlight: Featured Judy v. McCain
2010 Witness CIA COLUMBIA Obama Sedition and Treason Trial - New York
Cody Robert Judy is the first candidate in American history to testify against another candidate in a trial under oath.
Beginning on page 48 of this link
Court Cases
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 14-00093 10) Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396 12.)Judy v. Obama Application to Independent Justice Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS 13.Judy v. Obama Tenth Circuit 17-4055
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
Business Owner:
Cody Robert Judy is the CEO of his own small business Review: Zoom info -USA LEGACY ENTREES
Other Businesses Cody has owned
Hang 10 Tan & Coffee Boutique
Creative Country
Golden West Training Centre
Political Show
The Lion's Den Show - Host 2010 57 Episodes
ALBUM - The Cody Robert Judy Band has now completed 6 Albums.
Generation X - Vimeo
The CRJ Band 70 MIV's - YouTube Music Internet Videos
Cody Robert Judy ran his first Marathon in 2013 entering in The Deseret News Classic and running from Park City, Utah to Salt Lake City, Ut the 24th of July and placing 2nd in his age and weight classification as a Clydesdale (over 200 lbs). Cody finished in 4hr:44min. Feature Story
Incarcerated 1993-2002 - As Political Prisoner in America Cody Robert Judy endured more then 8 years incarcerated 4 of which were spent in solitary confinement fighting for the rights of all (including native Americans) to be released from maximum security simply because of the length of their hair which he won. Cody's incarceration is termed an "Unlawful Prosecution" .
Cody has been a professional horse trainer and instructor and has experience training and showing horses from beginning to prix st. george levels in dressage.
Cody has enjoyed sculpting in wood with a hammer and chisel the following 2 pieces are family heirlooms
Even the New York Times recognized that the U.S. Supreme Court was faulty at Hearing and upholding Minor v. Happersett in the face of the Obama's assault on Civil Rights.
Next the Cold Case Posse make the Case Obama's Birth Certificate is a Fraud.
50,000 + Hits in four weeks!
Obama's Last Press Conference BLOWS UP with Birth Certificate
50,000 + Hits in four weeks!
Obama's Last Press Conference BLOWS UP with Birth Certificate
To Book Your Cody Robert Judy' Speaking Engagement make your RESERVATION Speaking Engagement Here SPEAKING ENGAGMENT with your refundable Booking Fee of 10K and Date Requested. Be sure to include your phone, email address, and contact information.
Thank you.
The reason Cody wants you to understand that the Race for the Presidency is a really tough marathon race is because of the Standards of the Race that are defined in the U.S. Constitution have been something he specifically has stood up for with the standing that is represented by competitors in the Race.
Check Mate is still a question as long as the U.S. Supreme Court has Action Available. That action could be sustained as a Court Error or Clerical Error very easily.
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