
Monday, February 18, 2019

Will BIOMETRICS become necessary for America's National Defense?

become necessary for 
America's National Defense?

Are you ready for the BIOMETRIC CHIP because it's coming?
Did a little research project on this today and in a short time come up this.


22 Trillion in debt and so many becoming dependent on: SNAP benefits cost $70.9 billion in fiscal year 2016 and supplied roughly 44.2 million Americans (14% of the population) with a monthly average of $125.51 per person in food assistance. The abuse of this is uncontrollable for Case Managers who only process. Federal housing renters assistance is becoming a huge budget crisis - Households with housing needs include low-income renters who either have one or more of the above problems or say they receive government housing assistance. That number increased a troubling 24 percent between 2005 and 2015 from 18.0 million to 22.3 million households. 

The Government 2019 shutdown exposed the March rent of 2.2 million Section 8 households would be left unpaid. Medical Payouts is exacerbating the well of Federal Funds The federal government spent nearly $1.1 trillion in fiscal year 2018. as well as FEMA $7.4 billion for FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund. $7.4 billion in Community Development Block Grant funding, which is administered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. $450 million for the Small Business Administration's Disaster Loan Program. America is about 1 National Disaster Away on the tipping scale of default, especially with Interest Rates being held down so long that SUPER INFLATION is the death penalty and the call for a re-set is mandatory.

US military racing towards biometric identification for soldiers in the field - obviously this would help commanders know the exact whereabouts and condition of troupe in a field fight [or in the case of a soldier going rogue - ie Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl A US soldier captured by the Taliban for five years has pleaded guilty at a military court in North Carolina to desertion and misbehaviour before the enemy.
]Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl now faces the possibility of life imprisonment. ]

[In 2015 Israel was set to be the first nation to be fully chipped “Every person who uses Facebook, or social networks, [they give] away biometric information. [When we tag] photos, we give away our locations, we give our biometric information to private companies and no one thinks it's a big deal. Several years ago, Israel unveiled plans to gather and collect biometric information on all of its citizens. Proposing that it wants to use the system to help “protect citizens” from identify theft and more, all citizens are being encouraged to get involved in the central biometric database. The pilot program asked citizens to voluntarily hand over a scan of their faces and fingerprints. Once the information scanned gets stored in the system, it would then become available to the military, police, and security forces, without them having to get a court order. The plan was to try out the program first and then to determine later whether or not it was going to become compulsory.]

2017 India is building a biometric database for 1.3 billion people — and enrollment is mandatory

August 2018 [The chip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, allows the user to log into computers, buy food from the canteen or vending machines and access doors. All with the wave of a hand.
Wisconsin company now embedding microchip in its employees The chips are passive and do not require any batteries. Like other RFID chips they gain power from a RFID reader. McMullan’s chip for example also includes personal information about him to grant him access to certain areas as well as basic medical information.] Interesting though there's a glitch - [However, there is an obvious security risk with the new technology. Nick Anderson, an associate professor in public health sciences at the University of California, Davis, has highlighted concerns of people with readers trying to “sniff” out the chip and steal personal information.]

A RFID sniffer or skimmer is a device that can locate and read objects that contain RFID chips in them. They have been relatively easy to construct for quite a while now and are based on simple, off the shelf, readers easily available to anyone

The race in Politics has become socialism for both Parties Republican and Democrat. Whenever Socialism-Communism runs out of money it simply goes to war to cut the fat. The biometric ID simply made a choice to every person needing Federal Aid of any kind in the fields of Medical, Food, and perhaps even protection in War could easily establish this. Considering the abuse of the Sytem now days working Americans who are paying the taxes would most likely go for it also, as it does cut the ability to abuse or game the system.

Like anything, abuse can happen.

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