
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Big Day-Sept 24th Judy v. Obama SCOTUS 12-5276 Conf. Set The Prisoners Free!

Big Day tomorrow, Monday Sept 24th, Judy v. Obama 12-5276 will be in Conference in the United States Supreme Court. My case mentioned to keep your eye on? NO. Please take a look at what's more important then our National Security Breach in Obama's eligibility. Ready 4 Media Meltdown if we somehow scored? Yes! ;)

Well its make or break day tomorrow in the United States Supreme Court. I'm flooded with patriotic memories of the enormous amount of work that it even takes to get there.

Today my mind has constantly drifted towards those who have given some, and more especially to some who gave all, that our Constitution might stand.

If the United States Supreme Court refuses to hear my case, they are essentially declaring all prisoners that are ward of the States and Federal Government on 'fraud' or 'forgery' charges/sentences free as they let Obama go, they must also let the prisoners go in the order of Justice for all.

Of course Mrs. Obama knows all about that as she advocated it was proper for all of us to follow the same rules. I don't know how many prisoners that covers but they basically should have their sentences computed based on this part of my petitioner:

Page ii
3- Question - Does evidence provided to the Court by Petitioner of a Sheriff Law Enforcement Report constituting probable cause of fraud and forgery of Candidate Barack Obama’s identity papers for qualification of the Office of President casting reasonable doubt on candidate’s qualifications, if avoided by the Court, not constitute reprisal grounds for the release and pardon of all convicted of similar crimes for equal Justice under the law?

So, everyone should pass this around, and especially get to friends and family who are under such sentences and their attorneys, for we wouldn't want "justice" for all not to prevail in the United States of America, now would we?

I certainly want to thank each and every person who has contributed to the campaign and helped in one way or another to get here. We have done our part in petitioning to the highest court the grievous acts committed in We The People's oval office.

It is my prayer that the highest integrity can and will be maintained in our Government that through our example hope may spring in the hearts of the down trodden and through justice that hope will live in every American's heart both young and old.

God bless America.


Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign


  1. God's speed and may your trial prove to be the breaking point in this scam that has been perpetrated on the American people.

  2. Uh Huh, funny how the Scotus Blog has NEVER had a single case about Obama's eligibility posted on their site, NOT A WORD.

    That is because it is run by Akin Gump Law Firm, with Sr Counsel being Vernon Jordan, who just happens to be Valerie jarrett's Great Uncle...

