
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Democrats In Trouble w Obama's Political Polling Nightmare Unfolds

Do you think fair reporting matters? To all those news-castors and reporters gleefully reporting that Obama's sails are full of wind, you might consider the polls full of sh*%.

While Obama maintains crème de la crème media reports, the only ones that will really have the jaws dropping are the ones reporting the half baked measures known as polls.

Imagine Democrats being the most hood-winked political party in America when it comes to election morning blues as in disbelief Romney wins in a landslide.

Riding atop the polls is about like riding atop a fountain of water that from a single valve can be shut off letting you down very quickly.

Here's hoping that the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT moves very quickly to hear the report on their desk in the conference set for Monday, Sept 24th,2012 in Judy v. Obama 12-5276 and gets back to attracting Americans with a dose of Truth: Obama's not a natural born citizen eligible to occupy the oval office say nothing about defrauding every democratic party voter.

Hasn't this got to stop somewhere?

Democrats in trouble with oversampling of Dem voters in most all the polls Obama's political polling nightmare

UnSkewed Polling Data
Sunday, September 23, 2012 12:20:09 AM
Poll Date Sample MoE Obama(D) Romney(R) Spread
UnSkewed Avg. 9/4 - 9/20 -- -- 44.0 51.8 Romney +7.8
Reason/Rupe 9/13 - 9/17 787 LV 4.3 45.0 52.0 Romney +7
Reuters/Ipsos 9/12 - 9/20 1437 LV 2.9 44.0 54.0 Romney +10
NBC News/WSJ 9/12 - 9/16 736 LV 3.6 44.0 51.0 Romney +7
Monmouth Univ. 9/13 - 9/16 1344 LV 2.5 45.0 50.0 Romney +5
QStarNews 9/10 - 9/15 2075 3.0 44.0 55.0 Romney +11
NY Times/CBS News 9/8 - 9/12 1162 LV 3.0 44.0 51.0 Romney +7
Democracy Corps 9/8 - 9/12 1000 LV 3.1 43.0 52.0 Romney +8
Fox News 9/9 - 9/11 1056 LV 3.0 45.0 48.0 Romney +3
Wash. Post/ABC News 9/7 - 9/9 826 LV 4.0 45.0 52.0 Romney +7
CNN/ORC 9/7 - 9/9 875 RV 3.5 45.0 53.0 Romney +8
IBD/CSM/TIPP 9/4 - 9/9 808 RV 3.5 41.0 50.0 Romney +9
ARG 9/4 - 9/6 1200 LV 3.0 43.0 53.0 Romney +10

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