
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

When is the U.S. Constitution VIP to Democrats Clinton & Sanders?

 When is the U.S. Constitution VIP to Democrats 
Clinton & Sanders?

WHEN IS THE CONSTITUTION VIP? Article II (very important to Obama now he wants to Nominate another #SCOTUS Jurist), also contains in Section 1, Clause 5 a Qualification for President. [ a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution ] Why was, [or a Citizen at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution], carefully placed?

The reason is because our Founders were not [natural born Citizens] of the New Nation. They were distinguished Patriot [Citizens] of the Revolution. They reserved wisely the Office of President by Qualification as mutually an [incentive] and a [national security barrier] of Time.

There has only been 42 Qualified Presidents in U.S. History out of all the people of over two Centuries here. Barack Obama Fabricated his long form birth certificate which simply restates he still want not qualified as his Father was never a U.S. Citizen. Chester Arther reportedly burned his identification from Canada inheriting the Presidency as Vice President for less than full term- to an assassination of Pres. James Garfield before the 25th Amendment was passed in 1967. He was not re-elected for a 2nd Term.

It's been a grievous and very trying 7 years with Obama in the Office of President as a defacto President essentially usurping the Office. He's been the most well financed Debt Laden Person combining astronomical debt amounting to more than all previous Presidents put together -10 Trillion Dollars amounting to 70K for every man, women, and child in the USA.

This is something I've understood from the Lord as aloud - not because it was right, but to teach [you] here and now, for multitudes in our Nation have no clue, the Value of the U.S. Constitution. You will hiss at Obama after your lessons are learned. You will wonder how you could have been so blind?

It began with a fudge of Sen McCain in stealthily sponsored non binding U.S. Sen Resolution 511. In that Candidates of apposing parties Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain set up essentially a hi-jack of [The People's Will] by attempting to [naturalize] by statute [natural born Citizen] a feat wholly fraudulent and apposing the laws of nature.

It was unassuming but very wicked; nefarious to the core protections of Americans national security. Now, one of those people is embedded with a similar yet consistent contention against, yet again, another serious National Security compromise.

Hillary Clinton set up her private server trafficking over 2000 sensitive and up to TOP SECRET intelligence emails through a non secure basic open line to avoid responsibility of FOIA which is an essential responsibility to The People, the FBI has had 147 Agents on this for near two years.

Hillary Clinton has consistently been an absolute [national security nightmare] for America. Many others are involved, but they are not running for President either. What is really surprising is Hillary is actually a natural born Citizen. She's qualified! #Clinton2016 #Democrats

So WHY? 26 Million Dollars in 26 Months is a pretty big clue isn't it?

What she is missing is Courage, and you can put that between her legs or anywhere you want but it all adds up to not preserving, protecting, and defending this Nation's Constitution which minorities need, which gays and lesbians and transgenders depend on, which abused women depend on. Hillary is the antithesis of what minorities need for protection.

It's TIME you recognized, YES a women can be PRESIDENT but It's going to take a women with more courage in her back then she's got and Obama and McCain in 2008 prove that! #EmailGate simply continues to prove that!

Courage stands up to Bullies. Courage stands up for the innocent. Courage in the U.S. Office of the President, that is indeed first and foremost an Election for the U.S, does not shirk The People's Will or the protections of our People for the platitudes of Foreign Interest.

Perhaps I'm not Popular in the Media because I took that fight on, but I'm not ashamed that I did anymore than Americans should be ashamed of being Americans. The World might guilt that but the U.S. is not the World.

Judy v. McCain and Judy v. Obama SCOTUS 14-9396 was a Protection of your children -a Defense for our innocent. Those who are here with the prospects of an American Life rich in Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for ALL.

I see and hear women every day who say, 'My children are my world". I want to believe them. But WHY? Why would you sacrifice "your whole world" , your precious children and not defend your children, after saying something like that? WHY would you Vote for someone to put your Children in Harms Way?!

My Record America without the glitz, glamor, cheese or song- 7 Years 15 Cases all over this Nation defending our children, defending your children through the natural born Citizen Core of the Constitution. I AM and have been fighting for the Silent Majority.

 [1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396] [Other Courts 12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial 13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008 14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case 15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin]

I have not had your Support, but I have had your Back , and that only by the Love of God you have not known or understood, but the day will come you do. It might not be a good day for you.

That Day your regret will encompass you and you Will Stand with me. We will be Lions in the flocks of Sheep and no one will Stand against us for the grapes of wrath are tread and our Silence will be a Roar more terrible to the bones than any weapon. God Bless You.



In a Washington State Rally a little bird landed on the podium of Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. It was a little sparrow. The excitement was electric and there is just nothing like a little bird, so delicate, agile, frail, yet quick and a masterful flyer. The crowd roared! It was so cute. Spontaneous, unplanned, what a feeling such a small creature could give such a large crowd.

Bernie used the symbolism of a sparrow to be that of a dove in a sign of love and peace. Of course a little sparrow is not a dove, nor is the qualifications for the Office of the President a [Citizen] as in the qualifications of Representatives or Senators unless you were born at the [Time] of the Adoption of the Constitution.

Those [Citizens] fought a Revolution, gave their blood in sacrificing for us that our Constitution might live. That is a supreme sacrifice and that is why [Citizen] was the grandfather clause needing to be embedded in the Constitution because no [natural born Citizens] existed. That would take Time for the New Nation to propagate.

GIVE-BERNIE-THE-BIRD-Birthers I haven't said to much about Sen. Bernie Sanders but he just said a lot here which illustrates the reason the American People "should-give-him-the-bird".

It's very telling when a Candidate for President, who is an Elected Official, in the attempt to denigrate a person sacrifices his oath to defend the Constitution.

Bernie takes a lot of things out of context and exaggerates them to create division if you notice. He does this masterfully by taking the sum of a few "illegal and criminal actions" perpetrated upon Americans in the criminal acts of first trespassing, and then committing crimes here, to generalizing these into classes of Law abiding Americans examples - African, Mexican, Latino.

Its the most Grandiose Spectacle of Exploitation I've ever seen and it's delinquency at its height of juvenile.

This is Division based on Color and Culture and at its core is division and plain Racism; but Bernie calls people racist who talk about people coming here illegally which is a Crime upon Americans. Everyone crossing a border illegally is Trespassing and that is a Crime that has as little to do with color as speeding.

You never really here Bernie talk about Caucasion Americans or the places we come from why is that? But he always classifies Black U.S. Citizens as African Americans?

Does Bernie not know Blacks have a multi Continental heritage? Blacks are not all from 'Africa' and they did not all originate from Africa any more than Canaan; Same with Brown people who did not all come from Mexico or Whites from Sweden.

Now the thing that made my blood boil in this video clip, (and it's a theme in Bernie's Stump Speech often repeated), was when Bernie classified a "Movement" in our Country to uphold the Qualifications of the Office of President as 'racist' or de-legitimate and called those of us who have fought long and hard for our U.S. Constitution "Birthers" as a pejorative.

This Constitutional Article II "Birther" Movement did nothing short of stand for the Constitution and all that is pure American- no divided allegiances no dual citizenship. The Office of President reserved for those who have done the Time here faithfully and true to the United States of America- simply [Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents].

Americans embarrassed about that who actually have no "dual allegiance" to another Country as "dual citizens" should take notice: people with one foot in one country and one foot in another with Dual Citizenship are in their lifetime making a commitment that was already made for you long ago.

When they stay, have children here, those children are 2nd Generation and only have 1 Country allegiance. Engraving a Country upon the hearts of the children takes time.

We only have 2 Offices requiring that Commitment of Time - President and Vice President requiring pure American no foreign allegiance aloud by birth place or by parents. Don't like it you can be a Representative, Senator, or even a Supreme Court Justice. Plenty of other Offices.

The unique Qualification for President/VP called [natural born Citizen] is also limited by two four year terms, and there's very good reason for it as incentive to come and stick around, as well because it is a natural barrier from foreign influence in the Executive Branch that could compromise Americans in many ways economically as well as militarily.

Yes I am a Birther if you want to call me that Senator Sanders, but I am American. We Birthers are American Patriots who love the Constitution.

The Birther Movement is no more about Sen. Barack Obama then it is also about Sen. John McCain, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen.Marco Rubio, or Gov. Bobby Jindal all of who have been mentioned in my Litigation in the U.S. Supreme Court - Cases 12-5276 and 14-9396 as unqualified under the Standard.

You will NOTICE Sen. ‪#‎BernieSanders‬ ‪#‎Sanders2016‬ [every color] is included in the [Qualification for President] in the Constitution because no color is excluded from the Office of President!

This is not about [Color] it's about [TIME]! Your denigration of American is sickening to me and nauseating. You denigrate Americans under the Supreme Law of this Land in the Office of a Senator? That is despicable and unworthy character needed for the Office.

If Bernie Sanders can't respect the U.S. Constitution and the qualifications of the Office of the President he's for the birds and Americans should give him the bird. Resign! Swim to Cuba enjoy the Socialistic Communism Experience there if you can't stand the U.S. Constitution. We here in the United States of America are United under the U.S. Constitution and the Office of President and that is much bigger and much more than a Defacto President in "Barack Obama".

Cody Robert Judy
Democratic Party Candidate for President

We salute The People who honor that which is unique in the world. We salute you AMERICA. May God Bless Our Union!


ELITISM Most Dangerous Fear for Americans

Here's one called INSPIRING


Please consider a contribution to Cody Robert Judy's Campaign - Working Today for a Better America Tomorrow

Here's the Link to Contribute if you'd like to Cody's Campaign improve your record for Taking A Stand for the Constitution.


My Writ before the Court has not been denied. Please read these post for a detail of why my Forma Pauperis Motion has been denied.

Cody Robert Judy
D-Candidate for President 2016

Cody Robert Judy Campaign
Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.

Web Site
Keep coming back!

INSPIRING - I believe in You

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.


1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts

12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial

13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008

14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case

15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

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