Mitt’s Call to Leadership Responsibility- Oh How the Mighty have Fallen
Mitt’s Call to Leadership Responsibility- Oh How the Mighty have Fallen
One of the perks of losing a Presidential election is the ability to say “See I told you so” when something you may have represented or said in a debate actually comes to fruition. The platform you stood for looks even stronger for you as a leader when your words actually ripen on the vine. We’ve heard that exact scenario resonate from the post-presidential platform of former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Sen. McCain was the GOP Candidate in 2008 with Vice Presidential running mate Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney ran with Sen. Paul Ryan in the V.P. slot of 2012.
We have heard a lot from all four prestigious former candidates of late on a range of political hot topic issues like foreign policy, the economy, employment, taxes, healthcare and a dozen or so scandals in 2013 that mainly have to do with the failed leadership policies of Barack Obama in all of the above, right?
If you ask Democrats if our Healthcare system is any better now than it was 6 years ago when the Obamacare Tank ran it over, I think their answer is pretty transparent when they hold out one hand asking for money from the DNC, but with the other hands held up as a STOP sign saying, “Obama is welcome to stay in Washington; thank you very much.”
If you ask Democrats if the United States is more respected now then every before around the world like Obama promised it would be, I think you’ll find them hiding under rocks when it comes to Israel , UK, South America, Spain, France, Brazil, Afghanistan , European Union, India, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, China, Russia and even Saudi Arabia’s answers.
In fact, the capitulation is perhaps quite transparent when Russia, China, Iran, and Syria might agree they actually do like what’s going on with the condescending tags pillaging the Obama sanctions as examples of how pathetically weak they believe we have become in more than one arena. Of course you don’t go around with a brush and a bucket of red paint walking backwards unless your goal is to weaken.
When it comes to more jobs, unemployment answers, and production I think the America people are looking around at the skyrocketing food, gas, and premiums taking more and more out of their paychecks and writing their Congressmen saying we can’t live with a modest one dollar raise on minimum wage we need a unparalleled doubling to make ends meet. That’s far from a good sign of recovery or quantitative easing for that matter.
The signs of the times are all about redistribution and all about Americans giving up what they have had. Even the business moguls’ like Warren Buffet- yesterday predicting a stock market bubble burst any day and laying it all on Obama’s shoulders for determination of Big Government fixes isn’t a good sign; Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerman with a rallying cry for cheaper immigrant labor, a roll back on payroll taxes (which would really put a cramp in that 5-7 year unemployment benefit folks democrats have been so fond of extending); and retail consumer tax increases to pass it on and raise revenue. Oh gosh, did these guys really vote Democratic Party straight ticket?
Wait-a-minute, what happened with that great advice six years ago or weren’t these guys concerned, that we were going to have a fixed economy, a transparent government, and the hope that business as usual was coming to an end in Washington DC with a flush control of Democrats in all three Branches of the Government? Did you find Obama wasn’t listening or didn’t listen, I’m confused?
I mean, for all the hoopla of Republicans having little tea parties, has there been any repeal of law by Republicans or a refusal to fund it all? Oh yeah, there was that two weeks of panic, but it was really a glass of water spilling and not the tidal wave coming in that it was hyped up to be.
Are Republicans really ready to lay all the blame on “Democratic and Independent Voters”? Sniffle, sniffle, “Yeah, because we didn’t have a majority in the Senate and the House, so we just had to fund everything because of the squirt gun pointed at our heads?”
I felt like gasoline had been poured all over me while Mitt Romney had chucked a lit match as I read his op-ed, ‘Reminding America about the Devastating Price of Obama’s’ Failed Leadership’ printed in the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, IJ Review, Memorandum, Washington Times, the Hill, and on and on and on. He said, “Able leaders anticipate events, prepare for them, and act in time to shape them”. We’ve all heard Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin’s ad nauseum, “I told you so” when it come to Russia being the biggest foreign concern in a bid to heighten their lectern a notch or two.
What about the responsibilities of the Candidates running for President who have standing and all this money pouring in from the faithful to challenge the opposing parties illegal or unqualified candidate? What did you want your speech protected so much you wanted to make sure Obama stayed in come hell or high-water of the Constitution, was that it? Well, applause claps for you. Vomit!
Let’s talk just a moment about failed leadership? How can you debate a guy twelve feet away from you a number of times and not take issue with his being a walking talking violation of the Constitution’s requirement for a natural born citizen? How does that not get printed several hundred times in every newspaper in the Country if you’re a leader of one of the major parties in America?
Mr. Obama/Soetoro, you say you have an American mother citizen granting you citizenship, but you also have a Kenyan father granting you a Well, first the Constitution is not saying you don’t get that from your mother, the Constitution is saying what you got from your father is different and with respect Sir, a dual citizenship prohibits you from legally holding the Office of the President according to our Republic’s Constitution. That is the Supreme law of the land Sir. Say that in your debate or op-ed.
Last time I heard, and I try to keep up with Amendments to the Constitution, the “Citizen” part was a qualification for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate, but the U.S. President Citizen part was only for those who were Citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, after that this dual citizen thing actually disqualified you. A Natural Born Citizen is born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. There are no tinges of foreign citizenship allowed in or for the Office of the President!
Congress has had many hearings on the record saying exactly that. John McCain’s foreign birth in Panama made him a citizen son of Panama; he was not born in a military hospital and required two acts of Congress in his lifetime to do what he has done as a ‘citizen’ and a ‘natural born citizen’ neither of which qualified him to be President. In fact both ACTS of Congress strongly witness against it as naturalization of alien citizenship action of government.
“Yes, all of this and more on Obama’s identification my friends”, cant you just hear that coming out of Sen. McCain’s speech? “More.. what could you possible mean by “more”?, Mr. Judy? Well, let’s start with a long form fabrication for a long form birth certificate handed out in 2011..hello! Of course there is the miss-matched social security number we commonly see happen with people who don’t have a legal long form birth certificate, and a phony draft registration date stamped on it. That’s not even the cherry on the top. College records sealed in secrecy, the ole whiffed waffle on the bio that your literary agent gets from you saying you were born in Kenya; and of course family, friends, and acquaintances that have all said it as witnesses. Okay, it’s a little package all wrapped up in what’s called a Sheriff’s Kit you can get for free, but you still refuse to open your big mouth about any of it? Humm, leadership failure?
Okay, so you have this little excuse called, “What you can’t do anything about you just keep your mouth shut about?” So shut your mouth about jobs, the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare already?
Last time I checked we lived in a Constitution Republic; do you know what that means? That means you don’t need a majority of the people voting for you in an election to make a difference. That’s right, look I’ve got a record that says Judy v. Obama 12-5276 in the United States Supreme Court and one that says Judy v. McCain filed in the Las Vegas Nevada Federal District Court that says Benghazi, the IRS Scandal, NSA Spying, heck all of the scandals in 2013, Obamacare, the sell out of our military, the sell out of our respect in the world, and the abuse of the Constitution in the Office of the President never would have happened because Obama wasn’t qualified to be in that office.
That’s what my leadership record shows. Your leadership record has a sign on it that says,” it’s ok with me, let it all happen!” Now, how can you even open your mouth now days and say different and not be seen as the pitiful laughing joke of the world right along with Mr. Obama?
I never tried to hide any of these findings from Mitt Romney campaign in 2012 or McCain’s campaign in 2008. I made it my mission to ask for help from them with a press release sent directly to their campaigns at least weekly full of information. In fact, I’m pretty positive the NSA has a record of that and I know the FBI does because I made a complaint with them about it.
The pledge of allegiance says, “And to the Republic for which we stand”, NEWSFLASH GOP and Mitt, it’s a Republic; you don’t need to have a majority to win on a principle like the requirements of the Office of the President in the Constitution. Heavens, one guy should be able to go in there and say look here Judge, this isn’t right, especially if you’ve got money coming out your ears and dollars rolling in a campaign like the ocean tides flowing in billions of gallons of water up on a beach that at the very least says, Judge if you don’t like the Constitution, I’m going to see to it your purged off that bench. This isn’t obscure, this is fundamental and construction laws prohibit changing the Constitution from your bench.
You know if you don’t get the Judge to hear you, guess who’s got the money to put that in the paper and broadcast it to all the voters until they see it, understand it, and can speak it. You have a million dollars worth of signs outside of the United States Supreme Court ready to re-plaster it if they don’t give it a hearing! Believe me, if it was McCain or Romney it would have been heard. You know when you run and become the nominee for a major party like the Republican GOP, what’s wrong with the truth and just taking a stand for the Constitution? Isn’t the Constitution worth preserving, protecting, and defending before you get into office or is that a sudden urge when you get to take the oath?
My hand is still extended to you in your leadership conferences because as we have seen Obama sure hasn’t started upholding the Constitution. He’s actually bound by his own actions and lies to discard it for years to come. Can you afford that?
So, what’s it really worth for you to take up the National Security threat that says the guy in the White House isn’t who he says he is? That’s usurpation. Do you think you could start asking for Congress to hear it with a majority in the House of your own party?
Think of the embarrassment in the Senate to excoriate the facts and evidence laid down by expert witnesses, testimony, and documents actually handed out by Obama himself, not to mention maybe even seeing the CIA plead the fifth on not having Obama’s DNA sample off the glass. I think that would be a recipe for a landslide in 2014 don’t you? I mean ‘fraud’, ‘forgery’, ’deceit’ all upon the people’s vote in order to get elected? Come on!
You are absolutely right: “Able leaders anticipate events, prepare for them, and act in time to shape them”, and thus far on the biggest American fraud in history, you’ve proven yourself deaf, dumb, and blind. We might be able to live with one of the three, but we can’t live with all three.
This is our Nation and when it comes to holding the Office of the President you damn well better be qualified under the U.S.C. at the very least!
Cody Robert Judy
P.S. Obama Eligibility 4 Dummies.
If you have no clue of Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse investigation concluding Obama's identification is a fraud, how you can write your elected leaders urging them to conduct hearings, I also am pushing for as a Candidate for PRES and took to the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama Case 12-5276, go to this website and take the two part challenge. With your help America is made stronger and it will cost you some time and a couple of stamps. What have you done lately to protect this opportunity we have in the United States? We need your help. Oh, and pass it on.
How You Can Help
Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.
Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.
Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.
If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Utah would most likely see more benefits come from supporting the Candidates like myself, (well, Candidate as myself because there were no other candidates in the entire U.S.A. who stood up for principle regardless of party), fighting for equal protections under the law in pushing for Open and Transparent Hearings in Congress with two million dollars on Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.
Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here
You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:
We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.
Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand

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