Author - Cody Robert Judy
Conservative Independent American
Candidate for Pres 16, 12, 08
U.S. Senate 18, 10, 04, 00
U.S. Rep. 02
Book: Taking A Stand - The conservative independent Voice
MEDIA CONFESSES: JUDY v. OBAMA 14-9396 Should be Heard Because "We Don't Know there is a Difference?"
There's someday's it really does feel like we are drowning and about to be swallowed up by the lazy river of Media biased against us and the Constitution's demand that only the President be a 'natural born Citizen', not just a 'Citizen' as is the requirement in the Constitution for Senators and Representatives. It seems the Media is very pro positive politically correct on words and meanings of those words as we have seen there is no shortage of cutting off business when businessmen enter politics with business deals and contracts when it comes to Mr. Donald Trump being cut out by Macy's stores for controversial comments, Univision and NBC cutting out the Miss America telecast. The question is who is making the bigger mistake as far as Defending Free Speech? The other question is what do you do when the Media is the one who doesn't understand that words in fact have meaning in the Constitution?
If we followed the Macy's and the Main Stream Media's example of combining business and politics, we would in fact STOP their ability to function in broadcast at all when it comes to not understanding the Constitution's demands for the President to be a 'natural born Citizen' which is different then the Constitution's demands for a U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative to be a 'Citizen'.
They have played "dumb-down" politics for awhile now, but this new trend towards 'nixing a candidate for President' based on words, after they can't get it straight themselves is a very dangerous road for them to take. It actually makes the Media a Target of anti-American and anti-Constitutional rhetoric. People have frowned upon Palestinians hiding their military hardware in schools and hospitals and using women and children as human shields to protect those ammunitions of war, but it appears the tactic is employed quite easily when Univision and NBC thinks nothing about the little girls with their Mommy's wanting to watch the Miss America Pageant. They don't care about their wishes do they? They only care about themselves.
Who cares what Donald Trump says? Doesn't the Media think we the people still have the right to let it pass in one ear and out the other if we choose, or do they think people should start going to prison for free speech? Its a freedom of speech issue especially when running for U.S. President in an elected office. NBC will be broadcasting their own ruin when Mr. Trump legally starts buying advertising on their stations telling the little girls and their Mommy's mean old NBC and Univision will not be broadcasting their favorite show of the year based on political free speech of a Candidate for President? Do you want to support that happening?
We used to think the Main Stream Media was a neutral source for equality at least when it comes to 'free speech' more especially when it comes to politics, but its just not the case. Gallup Poll in January 2015 showed 46% of Americans registered as Independence, but where is the coverage of the United States Supreme Court case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 that has the power with Justice to totally send Obama packing out of the White House because of the fraud of being unqualified for the Office of the President?
It is really not hard at all to understand that qualifications for President are higher then those of the qualifications for U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives; Even the age and time progresses higher than those offices of Congress. So now, all of a sudden, the Media 'thinks' that 'Citizen' and 'natural born Citizen' mean the same thing and the Office of the President's qualifications have been arbitrarily lowered without a Constitutional Amendment?
Why doesn't the Media asks themselves why 'natural born Citizen' was even placed in the Constitution and understand that with the Office of the President 'more' security was wanted not 'less' when it comes to the demands of two full American generations being the qualifications in natural born Citizen that entail Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents? Support that definition today on Independence Day.
They don't like discrimination? What about the discrimination that we have that 11 year old girls can not marry? Do they not like that discrimination either? What about the discrimination that 8 year olds cannot legally get a liscence to drive a car? Do they non like that discrimination? You see the Media does like discrimination and they employ it daily. Look for instance at their silence on Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro's potential of being kicked out on his butt and erased from U.S. history as POTUS based on the very Justice that the Office of the President does not allow anyone except a natural born Citizen to be President- [Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents].
Do you know if/when that happens the People of the United States will have virtually been caught unaware of it, because the Media hold no difference between 'Citizen' and 'natural born Citizen', but they do hold difference between 'nigga' and 'crackr'. They will cover a fight over those words, but 'silence' on the words 'natural born Citizen' and 'Citizen' they are the same.
You hear people say that the Constitution does not say what the term 'natural born Citizen' means. What they fail to relate in the next breath is the Constitution does not say that 'Citizen' and 'natural born Citizen' mean the same thing either. That leaves us on INDEPENDENCE DAY celebrating our nations independence from intelligence? I mean, why did Congress try to change the 'natural born citizen' clause 8 times since 2008 and fail? Why did the Framers and Signers put in the qualifications for President harder qualifications of time to achieve before being allowed as an elected official President in that Office? Will you not support someone today who has a Record now in the Supreme Court of the United States against Obama Case #14-9396?
Well they didn't and we don't want that office usurped as it has been since 2008. Obama doesn't care, because he believes 'his elections' overrode the Constitution. One little problem with the LGBT community with that representing a recent ruling in favor of them based on the 14th Amendment. If the Constitution doesn't exist and Obama has lawfully overrode it with his elections,there is no 14th Amendment or right prohibiting the States to reject same-sex marriages and to deny performances of them. Obamacare is unenforceable to States, you can do whatever you'd like, honor whatever parts of the Constitution you'd like but deny the parts you don't like?
That's a little like talking out both sides of your mouth and that's kind of what we call 'crazy' or 'nuts' huh? Obama liked that 14th Amendment being upheld. He even lit up the White House in pretty colors, but does he really like the Constitution's demands that he move out of the White House because he is a usurper of that Office? Honoring his father Obama is not qualified as a Kenyan or British Subject. If he'd like to dishonor his father and all of America,..well,.. that's what he has done.
This is a very difficult thing to realize, but Obama by his actions have left my Campaigns in 2008 and 2012 smashed unconstitutionally! That means he destroyed them without any right to. People never see the damages Obama's ineligibility has caused. They don't see the victims of his unconstitutional actions, but they are being made every day. The biggest difference between most of them and myself, is they haven't got a United States Supreme Court Case against him named Judy v. Obama aka Soetoro 14-9396.
Now, if you are a victim of Obama's I want you to contribute to my cause and my campaign in this Case. We need to fight together on this. You may not like everything about me, but together we are Obama's victims and we have a Case against him in the United States Supreme Court. Let's join hands together and celebrate this Independence Day regardless of Party as one for our Nation!
Please consider your loyalty to Country and Constitution TODAY a contribution Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate who has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot of America's Independence!".
God Bless You and God Bless America!
Happy Independence Day America!
Cody Robert Judy
Enjoy my new song- Dawn Your Light America
Another Campaign Commercial put out by the CRJ 2106 CAMP unfolds entitled: CONSTITUTIONAL RECKONING
To all Americans I bid a safe and very Happy Fourth of July- HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Remember what this Day stands for. Remember those who thought so much of you that they were willing to die for you. Remember in your hearts and minds that to honor them we ourselves must do all within our means and power to continue their traditions handed down to us with their very sweet sacrifices and love. May God help us to hand to our children a free Nation. Free of debt, Free of dictatorship, Free of the usurpers of those rights, freedoms, and liberties we hold dear. Help me Patriots Today to make a Better America Tomorrow!
Cody Robert Judy
We here at the Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Camp would like to give you a little bit of an update on our Fund Raising. We thank those of you who are digging in and helping. We know there are many more of you out there sitting on the fence. We do not have the luxury of time to waste. Get off the fence and quit hoping for a better America Tomorrow and start helping us make a better America Today. We need your contribution today! The link here is a safe and secure Paypal account for your convenience.
Please continue to check back and we will post UPDATED information here on our FUND RAISING GOAL. We notice contributions coming in from all over this Nation and hope you will get your state on the board here. We notice FL.,CA.,TX.,OR.,PA.,N.C.,UT.,S.D,VA.,MA.,MI., now and one from a U.S. Citizen in the United Kingdom Thank You!
*If there is an UPDATE of ORDERS from the U.S. Supreme Court Today we will update that here.
UPDATE: On the ORDERS LIST of 6-29-15 of SCOTUS there are none for this Case
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President Camp 2016
Quick Reminder Cody's interview with Mike Volin is up on Demand at WOBC Radio so tune in when you'd like!Tune in here: -
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
FOURTH OF JULY - OBAMA is ASKED to RESIGN White House by Candidate for President/Petitioner in U.S. Supreme Court HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY -THE FOURTH OF JULY
One year-a-go tomorrow, during the 4th of July weekend, I was writing out the Civil Rights Law Suit Judy v. Obama that would become Cody Robert Judy v. Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro 14-9396 in the Supreme Court of the United States based very simply on my rights to run a fair Presidential Race as the Constitution provides for, among all Candidates that are qualified, without the 'dirty-tricks' of Corporations Combining within the political arena that combined to cover-up a fraud that would run over my Campaigns in 2008, 2012 and 2016 and the Public Elections of '08 and '12.
I remember scrambling around for the change I knew I would need to feed the meter. I really had no way of knowing then that my Case would be in the Supreme Court of the United States in a year. I do recall the urgency deep in my soul to make sure it was filed the 7th of July which was the Monday right after the 4th of July Holiday Weekend. I felt as if I was filing my DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and calling upon the United States Constitution ratified in 1787 Convention as my defense.
While the commitment to Justice is bitterly opposed by the exasperation of corruption, and we all know that which is and does make a lie to be the corruption which clings on to the darkness hoping the light will never come, the Day does Dawn as the light of the sun chases off the dark of the night for a new day to begin. So to it has been my Faith of that process guided gently by the civility of the Courts of Law rather than the Sword of Death and Guns of War for which my hope rested. To the tribute of Civility the Supreme Law of the Land has given us understood as the Constitution of the United States I have dedicated this song of mine. DAWN YOUR LIGHT AMERICA
Paid for in the bloody battles of our American Revolution came a Light that has dawned upon the World as the United States Constitution outlining a defense for the principles enshrined within its ironed penned words that have forged a Nation that has also become a marvelous work and a wonder to the world resting on Freedom and Liberty protected by the heavens declared Divinity.
It comes upon us today to understand that the rights within the Constitution are void without our own vigilance, diligence, and perseverance. The thoughts that kings and princes would not be born anew to assault the freedom and liberty the Declaration of Independence declared and the Union of States under the Constitution outlined, as well as the guards placed within expressly declaring a set "Qualifying Time Period" for the Office of the President and Vice President that could not be breached by fraud or fabrication, is false.
The treasures of our history and our value are known around the world and a great defense is necessary from those who would seek to rob or even destroy us. The greatest civil defense in the United States of America in regards to our National Defense was also placed in the Constitution itself as the requirements for the Office of the President and Vice President were made stricter than those of a U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Governor, or Judge of the States.
That qualification defined in Article II., Section 1, Clause 5 required no name, no rank, no official title, or net worth, but did require a matter of time. The time that a family would need to become Citizens, bear children here was what was called for unless you were a Citizen of the new Nation at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. Those born in the United States to Citizen Parents would become the heirs of the most coveted position in the world understood to be President and Vice President of the United States of America.
What a great hope that inspired in an honored tradition of not only becoming American but planting the seeds here that could grow and Lead this Nation. Obama has disgraced this requirement that our soldiers have given their lives and lost their limbs over and there are more Republicans vying to do just the same by the names of Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, and McCain who I held the issue with in Federal Court in 2008.
We offered them great hope as first generations Americans to leading positions of our Government as Senators and Governor, but that was not enough for their incessant and ravenous greed. They seek to dishonor all Americans and the whole Constitution with their egos of pomp and empty promises displaying for all the domestic treason upon their oaths to defend the Constitution. Even the Eight attempts of Congress that have failed since 2003 to change the qualifications for President testify to this charge I do not make lightly. I ask them quite humbly to repent and change their minds now while there is still time left for them to do so.
Another Campaign Commercial put out by the CRJ 2106 CAMP unfolds entitled: CONSTITUTIONAL RECKONING
To all Americans I bid a safe and very Happy Fourth of July- HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Remember what this Day stands for. Remember those who thought so much of you that they were willing to die for you. Remember in your hearts and minds that to honor them we ourselves must do all within our means and power to continue their traditions handed down to us with their very sweet sacrifices and love. May God help us to hand to our children a free Nation. Free of debt, Free of dictatorship, Free of the usurpers of those rights, freedoms, and liberties we hold dear. Help me Patriots Today to make a Better America Tomorrow!
Cody Robert Judy
We here at the Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Camp would like to give you a little bit of an update on our Fund Raising. We thank those of you who are digging in and helping. We know there are many more of you out there sitting on the fence. We do not have the luxury of time to waste. Get off the fence and quit hoping for a better America Tomorrow and start helping us make a better America Today. We need your contribution today! The link here is a safe and secure Paypal account for your convenience.
Please continue to check back and we will post UPDATED information here on our FUND RAISING GOAL. We notice contributions coming in from all over this Nation and hope you will get your state on the board here. We notice FL.,CA.,TX.,OR.,PA.,N.C.,UT.,S.D,VA.,MA.,MI., now and one from a U.S. Citizen in the United Kingdom Thank You!
*If there is an UPDATE of ORDERS from the U.S. Supreme Court Today we will update that here.
UPDATE: On the ORDERS LIST of 6-29-15 of SCOTUS there are none for this Case
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President Camp 2016
Quick Reminder Cody's interview with Mike Volin is up on Demand at WOBC Radio so tune in when you'd like!Tune in here: -
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot!".
It should be Noticed this is an unsigned rough draft of the original Document and the SCOTUS COPY reflects: "Gov. Bobby Jindal & Mr. Judy's original Signature. This has been done as a safety and authenticity measure which has become CRJ common practice DUE to misguided or malicious purposes".
In one stunning and sweeping Motion in the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 U.S. Senator Cruz, U.S. Senator Rubio and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal were squarely addressed with collecting contributions for an Office they are not qualified for. Cody Robert Judy '08, '12 and '16 Democratic Party Candidate for President asked Justice Sotomayer Wednesday in a Motion for the Court to Rule on during the Recess Period of the Court where Active Cases are continued to consider millions of dollars in contributions that are being siphoned off from legitimate Candidates Qualified under the qualifying grounds of the Constitution of the United States pressing the issue that contributions need to be returned or properly administered to Candidates who are at least qualified for the Office of the President according to the Constitution's guidelines of 'natural born Citizen' [Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents].
The MOTIONS pivotal statement reads:re: SCOTUS 14-9396 [9- DELAY is detrimental for Petitioner as well as Respondent(s) due in part to the Presidential Election in 2016. Fully six months exist before the Iowa Caucus in January 2016. This case revolves around an interpretation of ‘natural born Citizen’ in U.S.C. Art. II, Sect. 1, Clause 5. , that the Republicans U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, LA. Gov. Bobby Jindal, and U.S. Senator Marco Rubio are in effect in violation of as Candidates for President with no timely recourse or due process available. Without a ruling by the SUPREME COURT, Campaign donations as well as confusion exist among the VOTING PUBLIC. This is siphoning off important support to the Petitioner in contributions necessarily going to unqualified Candidates.]
"I urge people to reconsider these illegal and fraudulent Campaigns collecting dollars without authority under the United States Constitution", said Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy. "These guys", referring to Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal, "no better." They are trying to follow in Obama's wake and People need to understand that it doesn't matter how big a wake is, if its FRAUD its FRAUD. Stating you are qualified for an Office that you are not qualified in the 'hopes' that no one will have the due-diligence or time needed to get to Court for an ORDER to STOP your actions of fraud is like looting a store in a mob type rampage and that's what they are doing!"
"We Candidates for the Office of the President who are qualified under the Constitution of the United States are working very hard in our Campaigns", said Judy, "and there is a limited amount of money out there and a lot of Candidates vying for every dollar. I don't mind those Candidates who are at least qualified for the Office of the President or whatever the Office they are running for, but it is just ludicrous and an outrage to see Senator Cruz go on Nation Programs and in a scathing visceral wipe out the United States Constitution's demands for the Office of the President as if they were the same qualifications set for Senators and Representatives. They are not the same qualifications and Senator Cruz needs to be called on the carpet along with Rubio and Jindal for trying to 'hood-wink' the public out of Contributions. Silence does not give consent, because our Constitution is not silent."
"Perhaps other candidates out of some kind of immoral respect towards the public will keep their mouth shuts, but I won't. My American Parents taught me differently and I have more moral respect and esteem for the public than that. My Motion in the United States Supreme Court, that's something just a little bit higher than the internet Senator Cruz,", purportedly a swipe at Cruz's recent interview with Katie Couric on News clip featured link- Update: Rush Limbaugh talked about it today also]," named U.S. Senator Cruz, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, and Governor Bobby Jindal for un-american activities in their grab-n-go mugging of contributions with the perceived authority of the offices they hold which really ought to be yanked out from under them by the authority of the Constitution's 14th Amendment Section three which states:
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of an State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
In the strongest language any Candidate for President has come out with as a defense of the public trust on the subject of the violations Judy said, "If collecting money for an Office of the United States of America whilst you are unqualified by the demands of the Constitution for that Office, yet elected and maintaining an Office you are Qualified for, with the tacit implications of authority for the office you are in being considered and used as a tool to convince the innocent victims of your would-be fraud collecting for an Office you know you are not qualified for, with the complicit motivation in your own head that you will not have any authority that has standing come down on you, that constitutes and is a rebellion against your oath, and a rebellion against the People of the United States of America and a Rebellion against the Trust they have placed in you in the Offices that you hold, regardless of your race or religion or gender! It's UN- AMERICAN."
The Cody Robert Judy v. Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro, 14-9396 Case has gone further than any other eligibility principled law suit has gone in the United States Supreme Court. The Docket of the U.S. Supreme Court now shows a 2ND CONFERENCE has been scheduled.
Judy was asked, " Do you see any advantage to and for the Public in this new scheduled Conference? "
" I sure do! Number one, we have been given 'Time', and have NOT been dismissed and have not been denied. The case is wide open again for Amicus Curiae's or 'Friend of the Court Briefs'. Frankly, I think the Court was shocked that Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, and even Hillary Clinton have failed to weigh in on this in recommendations in their particular interest of the Case as current and former Presidential Candidates. Without their Legal Analysis placed in the highest Court on this very important and crucial interest, they are basically stating to the Court they don't care if their Campaigns are toasted with an adverse decision. Candidate Clinton is an eligible Candidate, but she is not doing anything to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution in this pivotal and crucial fight on behalf and for the Public Trust and it is certainly a show of incompetence in really what we all must admit is the most powerful position of our Government."
All 220 Law suits with Case Numbers some included in SCOTUS Records were not even considered because of a 'standing' issue either not brought directly by another Candidate for President or a jurisdictional error of not siting the actual Candidate in litigation ie. Many Cases were dismissed because petitioner's took Secretary of States to Court instead of the ineligible Candidate. Cody Robert Judy's Case fulfills both as he has been a Candidate for President in 2008 and 2012 and maintains his rights in the Presidential Field with his 2016 Campaign. Judy also maintains his stand is not partisan politics as he has taken both McCain in 2008 and Obama to task for violating the principle of 'natural born Citizen ie. '[Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.]
Another Campaign Commercial put out by the CRJ 2106 CAMP unfolds entitled: CONSTITUTIONAL RECKONING
We here at the Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Camp would like to give you a little bit of an update on our Fund Raising. We thank those of you who are digging in and helping. We know there are many more of you out there sitting on the fence. We do not have the luxury of time to waste. Get off the fence and quit hoping for a better America Tomorrow and start helping us make a better America Today. We need your contribution today! The link here is a safe and secure Paypal account for your convenience.
Please continue to check back and we will post UPDATED information here on our FUND RAISING GOAL. We notice contributions coming in from all over this Nation and hope you will get your state on the board here. We notice FL.,CA.,TX.,OR.,PA.,N.C.,UT.,S.D,VA.,MA.,MI., now and one from a U.S. Citizen in the United Kingdom Thank You!
*If there is an UPDATE of ORDERS from the U.S. Supreme Court Today we will update that here.
UPDATE: On the ORDERS LIST of 6-29-15 of SCOTUS there are none for this Case
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President Camp 2016
Quick Reminder Cody's interview with Mike Volin is up on Demand at WOBC Radio so tune in when you'd like!Tune in here: -
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot!".
It should be Noticed this is an unsigned rough draft of the original Document and the SCOTUS COPY reflects: "Gov. Bobby Jindal & Mr. Judy's original Signature. This has been done as a safety and authenticity measure which has become CRJ common practice DUE to misguided or malicious purposes".
From the ROCKY MOUNTAINS located in Utah's Western Region of the United States of America the 2016 Cody Robert Judy for President Campaign releases BREAKING NEWS about JUDY v. OBAMA aka SOETORO Case No. 14-9396 in the U.S. Supreme Court. From the 2008, 2012, and hopeful 2016 Candidate this Breaking News Release is made for IMMEDIATE PRESS & PUBLIC RELEASE. For those simply wishing to see the Document Filed/&/Delivered to the Court today you may find it embedded at the bottom of this post as a convenience for that interest.
My report to you today comes with a little bit of mixed emotions. Maybe the most difficult thing to say in the midst of needing your support is together we can't even get off the first Tee because we can't find anything to launch our golf ball off of when it comes to my law suit in the United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama 14-9396. You have to imagine how embarrassing it is when setting your ball up on the first Tee to see it keep failing or falling off because your Tee won't support the ball for whatever reason.
Exasperated you do not have any solid wood Tee to simply set your ball on so that you can hit it with your driver down the fairway. People always watch the first Tee shot at a golf match. There is usually a crowd there watching their golfer Tee off. What happens there is something of a story people will talk about as if that first Tee shot is an indication of how he's going to do the entire 18 holes of golf. "He T'd off well", "Did you see that first shot!", "Wow!", are all part of confidence and indeed a part of 'Hope'.
It's a little bit of a false narrative because so many people screw up their second shot after making a good Tee shot, but fewer people are watching that second shot. It is also true that more golfers blow it in the middle of the course when their nerves start to fray and just a little more fatigue has set in that is fertilizer for growing their sloppy zone. Blowing it on the first Tee, or not even being able to get the ball on a stable Tee has been my problem in Judy v. Obama 14-9396.
Normally, you submit your Writ of Certiorari, the Court dockets it, and your Original Conference is your first shot off the Tee. If you are lacking support you file a Motion to go in forma pauperis. This asks the Court to waive the filing fee, and an additional non-Court fee that entails the expense of printing 45-48 booklet style pamphlets of your Writ that can cost any where from two to four thousand dollars just to print and serve up. The Court denied my Motion to proceed that way which was my first 'Failed' attempt to Tee the ball up.
My second failure has come in the way of trying to Tee it up with a second Motion for a Reconsideration of that Denial with new evidence provided showing primarily I just don't have the funds to come up with that, and secondarily if I did by July 13th it would require having the document at the printer by July 1, because we have the 4th of July holiday to get around. That's the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th of July which puts us at Monday the 8th with only 5 days until the 13th of July which I have learned is really not enough time to even depend upon PRIORITY MAIL.
Now why do I call this 2nd attempt a failure if it was just docketed in the Court June 24th? Well, because seven days later which was the 29th of June the Court didn't rule on it and call it an inconvenience or referee interference but the end of June was it as far as finishing the term of the Court. The Supreme Court recesses all of July, all of August, and all of September.
So, yesterday June 30th I called the Supreme Court and after being channeled away through three levels of Clerks finally got an answering machine at the Office of the Clerks that deals with forma pauperis proceedings. I left a message. Jeff called me back and here are the bullet points I was told.
Q. When will my Motion for a Reconsideration Review on the Denial of my forma pauperis proceeding be able to take place? I waited about 75 days from March 30th to June 18th for it to be denied originally?
1) A.The Court unfortunately has recessed at the end of June so the Motion for Reconsideration will be addressed after the Summer recess which would be October 1st.
What Jeff was telling me was that I had waited 75 days to have the first one fail and it was going to take another 90 days to get another shot at it. Can everyone say their favorite swear words with me? (smile)
Q. Will the Court consider my Motion for Reconsideration with the updated information in it to be a stay on their dismissing my Case if I don't pay the fees by July 13th?
2) A. NO. The court will not consider your Motion for Reconsideration to be a Stay on dismissal July 13th if fees are not paid.
What Jeff had just told me was conundrum. On both hands my Case was doomed. It would be dismissed by July 13th without the "Motion for a Review of the Denial of forma pauperis" even being considered that he said would happen October 1st. There lays, on the other hand of the Court, within that circumstance the ability for the Court in its consideration of my Motion of June 24 post up for the Court's consideration October 1st, to take a look at the Case and see it was dismissed July 13th, and say, well, this Motion doesn't really need to be considered anyway and DENIED.
If the Case were to be considered in October and let's just say the Court decided to hear it in the most favorable circumstances available. It is a tremendous blow to me and here is why. Waiting until October and then asking for Briefs and anticipating from the Respondent(s) to act in the most 'normal' way as far as proceeding in the Court would have them asking for a thirty day extension of time to file a Brief in Response (B.I.O.) from the thirty days the Court gave them already. That means their response comes into the Court the 1st of December.
Now what happens in 2016 whilst nine months of 2015 were simply wasted in time delays either by the Court or by the Respondent's because my Case was docketed March 30th? Does 2016 seem like a good year to hash this out? Its not. Its horrible! I'll tell you why. Because then its a Presidential election year. The Court has simply through delay wasted my Candidacy for President because it allows the steam engines of all the other Candidates for President to get going stuck in the fog of the question of 'everyone' being a 'natural born Citizen' and having all of them qualified for their runs without due process or judicial remedy, because of the 'time' factor it takes in the Courts.
Civil Cases do not require the guarantee of a 'speedy trial' like criminal cases. I saw the same thing happen in 2012 as my Case against Obama hit the Docket of the Court and take six months to get docketed, and then be dismissed after the Summer recess which placed us just two months before the election of November. The Courts do not like to be the arbitrators of bad news in our Republic during an election year, especially if that bad news means disqualifying a Candidate, the Campaign of millions of dollars of that Candidate, and dashing the hopes and dreams of all those who had supported the Candidate even if the Candidate had taken all the money of the supporters by Fraud because he/she was not qualified.
Its called 'the Political Question Doctrine'. [The political question doctrine holds that some questions, in their nature, are fundamentally political, and not legal, and if a question is fundamentally political ... then the court will refuse to hear that case. It will claim that it doesn't have jurisdiction. And it will leave that question to some other aspect of the political process to settle out.
—John E. Finn, professor of government, 2006 ]
Now all of this should help us see the 'VALUE' of addressing this in 2015. You might have noticed three Republican Candidates for President all polling in single digits like U.S. Sen. Cruz, U.S. Sen. Rubio, and Gov. Bobby Jindal none of whom are qualified for the Office of the President. As single candidates you might say that's not much, but together they combine to represent up to 30% of the whole Republican Party ramping up behind Candidates who are not qualified for the Office of President as a 'natural born Citizen(s)' i.e. [Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents]
The joy of seeking 'Justice' or wading through all of this is like enjoying the ride in a blender. This is my third run for President and I've witnessed Justice skirt the law with time delays that were very damaging in 2008 and 2012 and we are witnessing the same thing happening in 2016. "Perseverance, perseverance, perseverance..please God.. give me patients patients patients.", all the while your being told Justice and Truth don't matter any more and being given a list of reasons why you should 'give it up',all including an attack on your own sanity because you keep trying and hoping maybe there was something you did that was incorrect. Maybe there was something that the Court actually did require you didn't provide. Maybe there was a process that the Court required you to go through first before addressing the issue.
I'm telling you folks, I've been that route. I have filed for the Principle against both parties in Republicans McCain and Democrat's Obama aka Soetoro. I have exhausted State Remedies in 2012 that pushed us into the U.S. Supreme Court in October only to be dismissed because of the election. Should Justice sacrifice the integrity of our Elections or Justice itself because of the timing of our elections? Our own Constitution says "No" because in the XX Amendment it clearly states someone can be 'elected and still fail to qualify', and the ability to remove someone for a disability exist at any time as well as the impeachment process for those who are qualified. Our Constitution says nothing about upholding corruption at any time; including before, during, and after an Election! So why do we have a person in the White House who has fraudulent identifications according to law enforcement investigations and is not qualified according to a simple understanding of the Constitution that our President be a 'natural born Citizen' unless a 'Citizen' at the time of the adoption of the Constitution which is still the requirement for Representatives and Senators to this day?
I had two more questions for the SCOTUS Clerk
Q. Who is the Justice receiving MOTIONS for those Appealing out of the 10th Circuit Court?
3. A. That is Justice Sotomayer.
Remember, Justice Sotomayer was indeed nominated by Barack Obama in 2009 when everything was controlled by Democrats. i.e. The House, The Senate, and the Executive Branch or Presidency. However, perhaps if true to form, " Sotomayor has been identified with concern for the rights of defendants, calls for reform of the criminal justice system, and making impassioned dissents on issues of race, gender and ethnic identity". Would those principles overrule her gratitude of being nominated by Obama? My feeling is that deep within the soul of a person is a greater loyalty to the principles that guide the person than any particular political person. If she is the reason my Motion for forma pauperis has been denied in the first place, she has done a great injustice to those principles she has advocated for. Keep reading, I'll show you how we're going to find out which it is.
Q. Would the Court specifically state "Pursuant Rule 39.8" if that is the reason a Case of forma pauperis is denied?
4. A. Yes
SCOTUS RULES 39.8 STATES [8. If satisfied that a petition for a writ of certiorari, jurisdictional statement, or petition for an extraordinary writ is frivolous or malicious, the Court may deny leave to proceed in forma pauperis]
The reason this is very important is because there is a lot of speculation that because the lower Courts found my case frivolous that this was the reason that the SCOTUS denied my forma pauperis, where I have contended a couple of the biggest reasons the Utah Division and Tenth Circuit ruled that way was because 1) They thought it should be handled by the SCOTUS. 2) There is ample evidence that there are BIG reasons in Utah and Justices now on the TENTH CIRCUIT panel that support a Case of injustice based on prior commitments and appointments rather than in the order of 'Justice', which is also included in my Petition to the SCOTUS for consideration.
People wonder why they matter? Why does justice, and truth, honor and love even matter? When you find yourself amidst corruption, lies, disrespecting abuse and hate you have a whole new world opened up to you that actually places hope in seeds for justice, truth, honor and love to sprout and live. How many married couples really hope their partner cheats and lies to them today? How many people will walk into a bank hoping that their money is gone and they have been cheated out of it? To say 'these' things don't matter to everyone of us is just a lie. They do matter, and they matter a lot. That's why it matters that we have a Constitutionally qualified person in the White House as President, because Fraud even with a smile on it, makes us ill.
Obviously we have a big character problem here in America. We can blame everyone around us but ultimately we have to take a look in the mirror and ask ourselves individually, " Do I like having someone taking advantage of me? Does that help enforce my self esteem? Do I appreciate a good fraud upon my finances? Probably the most important question politically speaking- Do I want to place my vote on the ballot for someone who is a Fraud?
Let's get real, means how about we try being honest today? Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro is representing the biggest identity fraud in the history of America and all of Congress knows it. They know it but they are not in a position to do anything about it. However, they are in a position to support someone who is and can do something about it and they are not doing that. What that tells you is they are more comfortable supporting the Fraud than they are supporting the Truth when it comes to Obama.
I've had several complaints from people who say, "Why don't you just give an 'executive summary' of what happened in Court instead of making us read an entire page of gibberish? Ask yourself why the U.S. Supreme Court chooses to make what could be stated in one sentence i.e. "Same-Sex Couples have the right to marry in all 50 States" , into a 35 page document most Americans have not and will not even take the time to read? Quite obviously, if Obama got the votes of half of America and he did so under the auspices of Fraud that was known and has been continually revealed in greater and greater detail, we have a problem that requires some very sincere thought about what I just discussed in the prior three paragraphs. If you won't read 35 pages of the Supreme Court Decision legalizing same-sex marriage, maybe you will read three paragraphs and begin to ask yourself some important questions about who and why your supporting for President who you are?
You know I've had people tell me plainly with a straight face: "I hope you win your Case at the United States Supreme Court. I'm praying you do.", and in the next sentence say, "I've already committed my support to another Candidate for President".
Had people tell me, "I hope you win your Case. Pray to God you win! How do I support your SCOTUS Case alone, but not support you as a Candidate for President?"
So let's get this straight? Your sincere prayers and hopes are for me to win my Case which has been fought for like six years with the intent of upholding the foundation and central key of our Constitution in the Office of the President's requirement for a 'natural born Citizen'-[Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents], but your $$$ is being sent to another Candidate for President? (smile)
Its kind of easy to see God up in Heaven scratching his head thinking, "Gosh, I have such a big pile of Treasure up here in Heaven coming in the way of Prayers and Hope for Cody's Case in the United States Supreme Court. Look at that big Pile of Hope and Prayers! What's happening with his Campaign's Bank Account? About 30 Contributions totaling a little over a $1,000. What should we do? Hummm... How much is in Rubio's Campaign Bank Account? How much is in Cruz's Campaign's Bank Account? How much is in Jindal's Campaign Bank Account? How much is in all of the other Candidates Campaign bank accounts including all Candidates on both sides of the isle Republican and Democrat that Americans are supporting?"
Do you see what I mean? It makes no sense at all for you not to support with even a couple of dollars what you are hoping and praying for. That is why we need lessons on what is REAL.. and lessons in GETTING REAL. Now I do not presume to be the one to teach everyone a lesson. My hand would get tired slapping the snot out of everyone. (laugh) You know, I .. I really do love each and everyone of you. That love has been the overall empowering force of motivation for me to take this seemingly impossible stand.
Justice is never impossible and it is always probable. You know I keep thinking about an example that is famous around the world in everyone's mind, and how long it has lasted? The example is one of Pharaoh of Egypt hardening his heart against God through Moses until his family was wiped out, his entire army was wiped out, and until his entire kingdom was wiped out in the history books as one who fought against God. In the last days we are told there are some really disastrous plagues coming and we have to question the reasons for them being just like they were in the days of Pharaoh of Egypt.
Why do I bring that up. Well in the back of mind sometimes I have thought of my failures not as failures as much as a witness to all. This is where the RECORD in the United States Supreme Court is very important. For it is from the Records we will be judged. If a Witness Stands against you in the site of God, you can be sure you are in deep trouble and its really time to get your house in order.
If I am successful at what I am doing without your help, instead of because of your help, what will that tell you? You know I heard a really big compliment to the LGBT Community the other day that I think all Patriots should hear. That compliment, I will paraphrase somewhat was along the lines of , "It is a credit to the LGBT Community that they can organize a rally of 50,000 people in two days!" What credit is there for Patriots around the Country for the support of this very central issue of our Constitution, that everyone of them will stomp and spit fumes over, as FRAUD upon the office of the President with a known Case in the United States Supreme Court?
"Any Rally's going?", said one Supreme Court Justice to the other one sitting inside of his office. "Nope, all is clear". "Ahhh good, Let's put DENIED on that Motion".
I've tried a couple of things so far that have failed.. but I have one more thing I did yesterday which also represented the last day of June, so actually could be considered still within the time constraints of the Court being in Session because it is technically before the noticed 4th of July Holiday that really precipitates that. In fact on the U.S. Supreme Court page it says, that the Court's end of June Calendar can slip into the first few days of July.
So failed two Tee attempts at getting the Court to Rule on the Case, I found one more alternative that would enable us, me and all of those lovely Patriots out there who have supported this action I'm thrilled with (you know who you are!),that really consist of three balls placed closely together while setting the ball your going to Tee off on on top of the three placed on the ground. To say the least, its Creative. Here it is, ALREADY delivered this morning at 11:02AM and signed for by W. Lee -SCOTUS- TRACKING NO. EK 55936063 US [MOTION/APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME] Find the entire document embedded at the bottom of this Post.
This MOTION/APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME is only 2 pages long and has 10 main points briefly establishing the Record and Reasons the Motion should be granted, but they are all very important. The last two in fact go into the harm the Court is actually doing in avoiding the PRINCIPLE during the last six months of this year and the dis-service that is to 46% of Americans.
What I really hope happens is that a Clerk runs into Justice Sotomayer's Office and says, " I have an extension of time Motion here and its legit. Will you sign here and grant it before you take off?" If that happens, she Grants it, she also Grants Certiorari and we can use the next three months taking care of B.I.O's so during the October-Dec quarter oral argument could happen and a decision could happen actually prior to our new election year of 2016. The next three months could be very important to preparing Briefs rather then just being wasted and taking a chance that the political doctrine question is used to encourage the Court to forget about it, whilst our Constitution is hijacked without due process or even a chance to discuss it.
If Justice Sotomayer actually gets the chance to read it, guess what? We have broke into the Justice's knowing about the Case for sure and we know it is not something that is being kept from them by the Clerks. This in and of itself could be a huge break through.I remind you I went through 3 levels of Clerks before getting to the one who deals with just the forma pauperis proceedings. Just getting the eye of the Justices as compared to the Clerks of the Court is a big deal
We here at the Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Camp would like to give you a little bit of an update on our Fund Raising. We thank those of you who are digging in and helping. We know there are many more of you out there sitting on the fence. We do not have the luxury of time to waste. Get off the fence and quit hoping for a better America Tomorrow and start helping us make a better America Today. We need your contribution today! The link here is a safe and secure Paypal account for your convenience.
Please continue to check back and we will post UPDATED information here on our FUND RAISING GOAL. We notice contributions coming in from all over this Nation and hope you will get your state on the board here. We notice FL.,CA.,TX.,OR.,PA.,N.C.,UT.,S.D,VA.,MA.,MI., now and one from a U.S. Citizen in the United Kingdom Thank You!
*If there is an UPDATE of ORDERS from the U.S. Supreme Court Today we will update that here.
UPDATE: On the ORDERS LIST of 6-29-15 of SCOTUS there are none for this Case
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President Camp 2016
Quick Reminder Cody's interview with Mike Volin is up on Demand at WOBC Radio so tune in when you'd like!Tune in here: -
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot!".
It should be Noticed this is an unsigned rough draft of the original Document and the SCOTUS COPY reflects: "Gov. Bobby Jindal & Mr. Judy's original Signature. This has been done as a safety and authenticity measure which has become CRJ common practice DUE to misguided or malicious purposes".
FEATURED EDITORIAL: The Post & Email The PATRIOT FIGHT in SCOTUS for the Constitution JUDY v. OBAMA 14-9396 Hanging by a THREAD Help Cody with your Change now4-A-Change.
As we approach the end of June many people have been making comments and asking questions about the United States Supreme Court case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 that I'd like to take a little bit of time to discuss in this post. Just to update briefly June 18th The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) had a conference date for my Case. The case was placed on the "Pending Motions List" rather then being outright put out to pasture on the "Dismissed List", which very easily could have happened. What that did essentially was breath a little oxygen into this Case. No other case having to do with Obama's Ineligibility has made it past the Original SCOTUS Conference date given to it in the nearly six years challenges have been being made. Now, what is happening in the contentious waves of the oceans of people becoming aware of this?
Many more people are becoming aware of this Case, and realizing that most of the Cases that Obama has been involved with in some way challenging his eligibility to be President according to the Constitution's demands for the Office of the President have never even seen the light of day insomuch as being given a hearing within a Court of Law, let alone the Supreme Court of the United States. What is the logistics or cause of this?
Well, among Obama die-hard supporters there is a theory that Obama is the ONLY acting Office really legally holding any authority in the jurisdiction of the United States right now. As preposterous as the Media has made "Birthers" out to be, this theory running through and very much outwardly spoken and written about among "Obots", or Obama Supporters, is really haunting. The theory supposes that because Obama was elected as an ineligible Candidate by The People of the United States of America, the Constitution is actually no longer a valid document. As you know the U.S. Constitution outlines the Offices of U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators and outlines the individual States. [Image Source Gaateway Pundit .com]
So, this very theory is the way that Obama thinks and its how he is governing. You may have heard about Obama wanting to redistrict neighborhoods using the 'Federal cart-rope' of subsidized housing that communities and States receive. With this "tool" Obama claims authority to withhold Federal Funds if say there is not enough "subsidized" housing opportunity in that neighborhood. The States could lose millions upon millions if they didn't meet a criteria of getting subsidized housing in rich neighborhoods.
The affect of this is a redistricting of the vote essentially neighborhood by neighborhood and its being said Obama's been saving "the best for last". The Goal is to displace by the numbers the voters in areas more responsible for upholding economic class difference. It will annihilate the prospects of Republicans in the vote by moving people in neighborhoods and districts that are dependent upon Government subsidies, but we've already talked about the Republicans never gaining the White House as a party again because they will not and refuse to actually "use" the Constitution against Obama in his ineligibility. Now ask yourself "Why?"
As Obama's policies begin to reflect and resonate his strategy among the people, an exponential alarm is resounding. This explains the high PROFILE reasons my Case is gaining attention not seen before, even in 2012! The Elected Office in our Government as Representatives, Senators and the "States" and their elected Governors and Legislatures who depend upon BORDERS and outlines for their authority has been 'washed away', according to Obama and his minions and their 'proof' is that Obama was elected as an ineligible Person into the Office of the President. These same folks are stating that the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as the lower Tenth Circuit and United States District Court actually has not authority to even rule on my case and that is why it was ruled as 'frivolous' from the beginning. They are stating the Courts of Law have no authority over Obama whatsoever and neither does Congress because Obama won over the authority by and through the People's Vote. Could that possibly be the Case?
People have not understood how serious this is. Now you might say, as I do and my Petition States, that Obama was 'elected' under false circumstances, conditions, under an identification that was false. That because of these facts, this so-called 'winner take all' authority and mentality of his is also false. My Court Case in the United States Supreme Court asserts in the FIRST QUESTION, that if the Court refuses my Case it negates and disbands its entire authority under the United States Constitution. People have mocked me because of that assertion, but its true and Obama and his Supporters believe it also.
Now the comment coming out of this guy over at was banned and the reason is Obama and his supporters don't want this information getting out to the general public and going viral because he's second term isn't finished yet. It did not represent correctly that I sought 'damages' from injury after the Government refused to recognize an ineligible President. The Government in fact has not recognized any of that evidence yet and very importantly, there are more people involved than just Government officials forming an illegal Cartel. Obama's actions as a Candidate, his Campaign for President is for example an entity not subject to Government protections of immunity. The Government Leaders like Rep. Nancy Pelosi were not 'acting' under the color of her position either. When she certified Obama '08 that was not under the duty of her elected position, but rather from her being speaker of the House a position she was acting in elected by her colleagues not the public. Other people named in the suit do not hold elected offices who are DNC Leaders and do not have such immunities at all, nevertheless are involved heavily round down to the local level. Also it is incorrect that if my Judge in the District Court level recognized Obama as ineligible he would have found himself out of a job. Simply stated my suit begins before Obama was even in the Office of the President and contends that over two elections. Its not my fault the Government hasn't given it hearing and they have received evidence from law enforcement authority.
Obama's second term isn't over yet. This story depicts in its headlines "Obama sheds cool style for fearless final lap". It states, [It may also be in recognition that he has few big-ticket policy achievements left to enjoy in polarized Washington as the end of his two-term presidency approaches.In a remarkable week for the president, a victory on Pacific Rim trade was snatched from the jaws of defeat on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. The Supreme Court on Thursday validated his signature healthcare law, guaranteeing he would accomplish a central second-term goal, to protect the 2010 Affordable Care Act from being dismantled by Republicans. The icing on the cake came on Friday with the high court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage,.. After the court decision was announced, Obama took a Rose Garden victory lap.]
I don't recall Obama being the one that was at the Court, but it appears he feels this decision is due to his authority more than the Courts. I disagree and recognizing a 'two term presidency approaching' leaves what a third term kind a maybe open, maybe through Sanders or Biden as Hillary's Campaign is threatened by racketeering charges set for a January 2016 Trial?
Now its really anyones guess as to the circumstances that may unfold prior to the 2016 elections fully 18 months away with economic and military sabers rattling the world over. I mean really, if fraudulent circumstances can accommodate two United States Elections in the Presidency Race of 2008 and 2012, why not WWWIII to keep it going? Without the U.S. Constitution there is no 14th Amendment for which the decision to honor same-sex marriage exist. Stated more plainly, Obama opposes the same-sex union under the auspices of a United States Constitution he is a walking talking violation of in the Office of President. The LGBT Community has not done themselves any favors supporting Obama and in fact have caused themselves harm. Its very important to realize that as I related more heavily in my last post.
The picture is becoming clearer and clearer to more and more people as well elected officials who have couched and shied away from the qualification demand for the Office of the President that Obama fails. As they begin to look to see really what Law is Governing who and why more questions then answers are coming. Have the People actually unknowingly disbanded the Officers Elected as Representatives and Senators, Disbanded the Court's held under the United States Constitution's Standards, and Disbanded even the outline of the States and their respective Officers under the Constitution by electing an ineligible unqualified person in the Office of the President? The tangible evidence against Obama's being elected under fraudulent identity is clearly a Ghost Buster. Here's a video I put out in 2012 Campaign that enumerated some of these.
I believe Obama feels as a Constitutional Law Professor their is weight to that theory and he is taking full advantage of it while the Courts and the Officers of the Government under the Constitution try to fight with one hand tied behind their back because they have no standing in Court to challenge Obama's two election wins. The only one who does and hasn't been labeled a 'racist' by the Main Stream Media because he also sued McCain in 2008, is Presidential Candidate in '08, '12. and '16 Cody Robert Judy, (me). That Case is Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States of America's Supreme Court right now, because I have never ceded a loss to Obama in those elections technically in Court holding my standing firm.
Now they got a few things wrong in the assumption. That story over at was actually published before the Court upheld my Case on the "Pending Motions List". The author of it pretentiously publishing it at Midnight the day of the June 18th Conference, and admitted after my Case was not Dismissed that it had to be rewritten or reworded.
The Court did not Dismiss my Case, but his story is out there when you google my name creating uncertainty and question that forces me to address the issue and his headline as a lie. The story is damaging our fundraising abilities and I'm sure that is figured in its purpose. The Founder admits in a story "The ephemeral nature of the Birther Movement" his purpose has been served and plans retirement in 2017, and that should tell you very clearly how vital the site has been in Support of Obama. [I’m giving Cody Judy the kind of coverage that would have been reserved for someone like Orly Taitz just a few years ago.][I can’t remember when the last birther lawsuit was filed. Come my retirement in 2017, we’ll see if there is anything left.]
The public outrage in the assumption that they were "Taken Advantage Of by Fraud" in the elections of 2008 and 2012, and that they did not know or understand that they were in theory voting the United States Constitution completely void and all its Officers, Courts, and Boundaries out with their vote for Obama while understood in the legal minds is not something I believe the public is in agreement with. However, their support is extremely lacking to say different as my Case hangs by a thread in the Supreme Court of the United States!
I'm telling you people if you do not start supporting this Case and I mean by the hundred, and thousands, and millions of dollars of contributions we are headed for a hell of which you cannot imagine! Far be it for me not to have spelled it out very plain and clear to you because I have done that and it is a matter of public Record within the Halls of the United States Courts now pondering the totality of the Obama Elections.
I have to say I am very grateful for those who have responded, but we are very short to our stated goal. We had a little uptick, but its quite now and we are short. We do not have the money needed. Anticipating this, I have delivered to the Court a "Motion for Reconsideration and Review of my inform pauperis status", which you can review here. Though the Court recesses at the end of June it does continue to take and rule on Motions. It should be noted that the Justices do continue to study the Cases pending before it as is stated on its website during recess that you can read yourself here.
Now you will see on the Court's calendar of June tomorrow is the last day for ORDERS to be released on its normal in session condition. The condition of the Court changes in July, August, September and resumes again in October. My hope was to get that Motion Reconsideration Review into the Court at least a week before its ending June Session and perhaps be granted Cert along with it in Monday June 29th, 2015 (tomorrows) Orders.
The Motion for Reconsideration and Review was fast-tracked overnight and was Docketed June 24th. That means the Court has had a full week to consider overturning the denial of informa pauperis which had been denied with the new and pertinent updated evidence that I provided them. In the best case scenario, they good Grant my Informa Pauperis standing over turning their decision of June 18th, that forces me to comply with printing and court fees that approximate between two thousand and four thousand dollars by July 13th. Complying with that Order means having the Document in the Printing Office this July 7th at the latest to get it finished and into the Court by July 13th also which we simply do not have the money for yet.
Its just not there yet. I have done my best at trying to motivate you to move now and received with grateful heart letters and contributions of support like this . I'd like to share with you this very heart wrenching Card. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it with you. I'm having a difficult time even typing it with my eyes leaking.
"Dear Cody - Thank you - - Patriot - - for your courage and perseverance in standing up for the Constitution against the usurper. You took a big risk in fighting Obama for the sake of the United States of America and We The People. Hopefully SCOTUS will decide to hear your case and it will result in Obama's ouster and the restoration of the nation. God Bless You and God Bless America - Mr.Jack X. XXXXXXX Florida." A ten dollar check attended the card.
If 3% of America would do that do you know how much the Campaign would bank? There's roughly 325 million Americans. 3% is roughly 3 million at $10 a piece puts the Campaign Treasure Chest needed to fight this fight at $30 Million. Will you now, knowing and understanding the implications of an Ineligible person in the Office of the President join this Patriot's Campaign?
You have got to understand that little ole me, Cody Robert Judy is the only one who has standing to fight this. If Governor Christie or Governor Walker or even Mr. Donald Trump went into to Court today and tried they would be dismissed because they missed the fight beginning in 2008. This is not a 'grandiose' statement but one of facts. The Courts would say they were a day late and a dollar short and kick them out. You have just got to understand how important and valuable that word "perseverance" as a Presidential Candidate in '08 '12 and now '16 is. Without it we do not have a single person in this Nation with Standing the Court can remotely honor to ascertain its own legitimacy through the fog of fraudulent elections.
That is why we can't go forward. We have to go back and reset the damages. I hope that is crystal clear to everyone reading this and that you will pass it on. If you have decided to support another Candidate for President it could well be understood you have decided to give up the United States Constitution also. Please re-read if you haven't got it yet. Its a little complicated but this post is in fact a nutshell from the volumes that could be written about it.
We here at the Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Camp would like to give you a little bit of an update on our Fund Raising. We thank those of you who are digging in and helping. We know there are many more of you out there sitting on the fence. We do not have the luxury of time to waste. Get off the fence and quit hoping for a better America Tomorrow and start helping us make a better America Today. We need your contribution today! The link here is a safe and secure Paypal account for your convenience.
Please continue to check back and we will post UPDATED information here on our FUND RAISING GOAL. We notice contributions coming in from all over this Nation and hope you will get your state on the board here. We notice FL.,CA.,TX.,OR.,PA.,N.C.,UT.,S.D,VA.,MA., now and one from a U.S. Citizen in the United Kingdom Thank You!
*If there is an UPDATE of ORDERS from the U.S. Supreme Court Today we will update that here.
UPDATE: On the ORDERS LIST of 6-29-15 of SCOTUS there are none for this Case
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President Camp 2016
Quick Reminder Cody's interview with Mike Volin is up on Demand at WOBC Radio so tune in when you'd like!Tune in here: -
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot!".