The Eligibility Teeth Might Be the Stop to Obama's Preferred Road of Cover-ups vs. The Road of Law
Re: Obama's Eligibility
[We need to stop with this.. it's never going to go anywhere. Republicans just come under ridicule because the press is on his side.. He's got fewer years left than he's served.. so let's go after his support.. the Senate and the House.. need to be fully in conservative hands.]
You may be right, however O's shown a real capacity to do a lot in a short time. Look at Obamacare done in 1 year. The reason I think this eligibility stand and Constitutional Principle is important, and that it is handled in Court which is now in Alabama Supreme Court where by chance two of the Supreme there have stated Obama's shown nothing proving his eligibility, is that it goes down the same road.
“The highest law in this country is not the order of the Supreme Court of the U.S., not the order of the commander in chief, or any subordinate officer,”
Judge Roy Moore said. So we have a Supreme Court Justice in Alabama now who understands in this sentence that we are a Nation of Laws, and those in authority positions are not exempted from the law as Obama thinks he is in the Constitutions demand for a natural born citizen.
“The same thing applies in the military as in the judicial system,” he explained. “The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, it’s not the order of a higher officer, not the order of a judge.”
In a 2010 interview with WND, Moore said he’d seen
no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.
“This is the strangest thing indeed,” he said. “The president has never produced [evidence] in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country. People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law.”
Another Alabama Supreme Court Justice wrote in a previous case on eligibilty “Mclnnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the ‘short form’ and the ‘long form’ birth certificates of [President] Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public.”
The certain documentation” Parker refers to is the findings of an investigation conducted by Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio which I also submitted to the United States Supreme Court for the first time in
Judy v. Obama 12-5276 that came up through the Georgia State and then Georgia Supreme Court to rest in SCOTUS and which has not received ANY Justice signed dismissal or Justice rendered decision from the highest court. We just don't know if they have reviewed it or if a Court Clerk got to it before the Justices could see it.
Obama's road is one of deception and cover-up. Obama actually prefers the road of "Cover-Up" rather then the "Road of Law". What does this mean?
Well, just take a look at the Administrations actions in a few instances and I think you'll get the idea that the Road of Law is one that just doesn't work for Obama, so he's chosen a road which he believes is more palatable, to perhaps himself, and in his eye, The People.
1- Obama's Birth Certificate is
clearly manipulated and thus is not a valid piece of evidence and no Court has ever made a decision on the merits of the evidence of this and the two prong test we all know Obama fails of being born in the U.S. to two Citizen parents.
2- The killing of Osama bin Laden on May 1st, 2011 which I have called Obama's
Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!, precisely at the same time Donald Trump was forcing Obama's forged long form fabrication out into the open. Has it been forgotten that
Osama's body was dumped over-board before reaching U.S. Shores? Has it been forgotten that the media actually addressed the mis-handling of Osama bin Laden's body?
3- Fast & Furious
Gun Running operation - An Administration operation in which guns were being given to known drug lords and drug dealers which led to the death of United States border agent Brian Terry and Attorney General Eric Holder being held in Contempt by Congress June 28,2012.
4-Many who think the eligibility challenge should be stopped also would say the same thing about
Benghazi terror attack, where 4 people were killed including Ambassador Chris Stevens, after all its been a whole year. There is speculation that this was a bigger gun running operation to Syrian rebels then Fast & Furious was.
Face the Nation Sunday had a piece on the new witnesses coming forward as whistle blowers to what's been called the greatest embarrassment of our Nation. Rush Limbaugh who uttered "Compassion is no substitute for justice" said today May 6th,2013 ...its not going away. New witnesses and evidence. The lesson learned if we do drop it is one of what? If you can dodge the Law long enough it will go away?