
Saturday, May 23, 2015

NEW YORK TIMES Hint- Clinton build on that Birther Wall? Second Biggest Mistake Missing Rubio Early! May the Ghost Democrats Choose Come to Haunt Them

NEW YORK TIMES Hint- Clinton build on that Birther Wall? Second Biggest Mistake Missing Rubio Early!
May the Ghost Democrats Choose Come to Haunt Them

The NEW YORK TIMES article released hours ago, hints the window may be closing for Hillary's Candidacy if you have followed the recent Clinton Cash and Clinton Email debacles tormenting her headlines and putting a bad taste in the American Baked apple pie of the Clinton Camp: but the window is closing faster on Hillary's chance to actually lead by filing a brief in Court that could place the nail in the coffin for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Bobby Jindal. The problem: it also places the nail in the coffin for Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton faces a decision that actually requires early leadership in her Campaign which may just be the same decision that blew the tires out of her 2008 Campaign by not putting Barack Obama's lack of Constitutional Qualifications to the test. Not seizing an opportunity to indirectly take Rubio out now is one the Clinton Camp could come to regret in a 2008 repeat of defeat, or self fulfilling prophesy.

Hillary's Camp was a Birther against Sen. John McCain Mid-Stream in 2008; also A FEATURED New York Times Article "Hint of New Life to McCain Birth Issue if you recall, raising questions and then succumbing early based on Obama. Articles HERE and HEAR. If Hillary Clinton doesn't file an amicus curiae in Judy v. Obama 14-9396, she has just made the second biggest political mistake of her life not taking out three top tier Republican Candidates. The first was NOT doing it with Obama and the New York Times just put the "Birther" writing on the wall.

Remember this? She'd shaken hands at a factory gate in Toledo, Ohio, then before flying to Texas held a media availability where she said: "Sen. McCain brings a lifetime of experience to the campaign. I bring a lifetime of experience. And Sen. Obama brings a speech he gave in 2002." If it didn't work well in 2008, how well is that strategy going to work in 2016 against Sen. Marco Rubio that even the Blaze ran a story on early in 2011 referencing what has become the stand in the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama: that natural born Citizen means "born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. This is a two generation protection from foreign alliance/allegiance for the Office of the President in the interest of our national security? If national security is not an interest in the Republican Platform to pick a bone with I don't know what is.


If Democrats have lost their will to fight for Minorities that's another story. Of course I am not being paid to counsel Hillary Clinton and if she was faced with facing me or a handsome Cuban who brings women to tears and pulls the heart strings right out of your chest with the humble immigrant story as the New York Times Report capitulated multiple times referring to Marco's parents as immigrants of Cuba who did not become U.S. Citizens until their son was four years of age, WHO do you think she'd rather face? This then proves Rubio qualified as a Citizen to be a U.S. Senator. Rubio remains unqualified to be U.S. President for failure of being a "natural born Citizen". The Standard has served America well as a wall from foreigners seizing the reins until the wall was cracked with Barack Obama. I say cracked because its not busted down yet, but is teetering precariously from assault.

Let's face it now. If you put Hillary Clinton on the political debating stage with Barack Obama and she couldn't win eight years ago smashing his lack of experience all over the Media, and the Presidential 2016 Candidate has eight more years of wrinkles, eight more years towards a fading memory, and eight more years of political garbage, how on earth are you going to sway independent voters away from U.S. Senator Marco Rubio? Hillary does not win with her supporters. She wins by swaying those who are sitting on the wall as Independents.

If Republican Challenger Jeb Bush looks old on the debating stage of fresh horses in the Republican Arena, how does Hillary pave away to the finish line and not get tripped up crossing it against a Souped Up Republican Charge over the qualifications inspection of the Constitution as Independents look on at the unconstitutional state of affairs placed in front of them by Democrats? That's why Democrats have to change. The future is here and Barack Obama is not part of the American Future. He is the past, he's enjoyed the White House, now its over. Why not lower the boom on a lame duck to protect America's future Democrats especially when Republicans have a much deeper field of unqualified candidates?

Your just not going to be able to put enough make-up in those wrinkles when you allow unconstitutional Candidates to wear suits, and that's why Hillary Clinton has perhaps two weeks to show some leadership skills by finessing a amicus brief in the case of Judy v. Obama 14-9396. That takes three Candidates out of the picture very quickly who are siphoning gas. Three TOP TIER Republican Candidates GONE, who are set out for the early debating stage in August that threaten her Campaign.

Hillary Clinton hasn't had to do a thing in Court. She capitalizes on the work of a no-name unelected Candidate for President like me. Her name is not recognized in Court as a Birther, she simply gives a nod to the U.S. Supreme Court that says, "You know what, this has been a problem continues to be and we need to get it cleared up and now is a good time".

If Hillary Clinton doesn't do this she doesn't want to be President and she certainly doesn't want a women to be President. You can't help but wonder if there is some nagging housewife in her head that actually remains there screeching. "women don't follow women, they follow men", in some sort of blurry astigmatic self destruction? It would actually take real Leadership for Hillary to file an Amici or friend of the Court Brief with the potential to knock out three men across the isle with as little as one Brief in the United States Supreme Court that says, "Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Bobby Jindal are not qualified as natural born Citizens and this is a problem for me, but more importantly its a problem for the Country".

Far from being discriminatory, its a national security interest, and if a female Presidential Candidate doesn't have the courage to take a stand for our national security interest here at home, she sure doesn't have the courage to lead our Nation abroad. The "natural born Citizen" clause of the qualification for the Office of the President is the key to our Constitution and that Constitution includes the rights to so many minorities. If the Constitution is not protected minorities most certainly including women are the first casualties.

Not only does a Brief from Hillary signal a home run for destroying gender inequality, to take a stand for the Constitution, it signals the ability to lead both genders in a field of equality. Hillary is not just running to be the first female American President, she is running to lead a Nation and ours starts with the U.S. Constitution because it is the back bone of so many minorities and gender was considered as such with the passage of suffrage, or the ability for women to cast a vote. That was a huge minority victory for women that needed to be carved out in our Constitution and if Hillary doesn't stand for that, what does that tell you about her stability?

Far from being so prideful that I would stand opposed to a female, strictly based on her being a female for U.S. President, actually leadership,admired and recognized in England for her uncompromising politics and leadership style, was what characterized Margret Thatcher. Showing America Hillary can lead requires acting the part of leading, not waiting around for her turn, as if the Office of the President was a water fountain people stood around waiting their turn for. Leadership actually requires at times being out in front as a trail blazer where things are not always paved with a new black top that's easy on the tires and smooth on the ride.

Hillary is a at least qualified in my book according to the Standards set in the Constitution. Let it not be said "if" my case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 is dismissed without so much as a hearing by the United States Supreme Court with no tangible interference of current elections hinging on the hearing, such as the 'chad' count we had in George W. Bush v. Al Gore (which could turn out to be the ghost of Florida revisiting Democrats again) wasting 2.5 Billion Dollars with a loss to Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio,it could prove the pivot point of regret for Hillary.

So what does it say about her if she's unwilling to defend herself with the Constitution? It says she's unwilling to defend you her biggest and most loyal women's rights advocates. If that doesn't resonate with men, it should at the very least among women, who not only are seeing Hillary's Clinton Foundation accept money from foreign countries with a dismal record of open gender discrimination, along with her paying her own employees who are female less than their male counterparts, both of which have been reported, it shows you she's no Champion for you.

Far from being an enemy to Democrats Cody Robert Judy has been a friend setting the stage and creating the vehicle Democrats could now certainly use. But that opportunity could be squandered or wasted if the U.S. Supreme Court dismisses Judy v. Obama without granting the CERT. In fact referencing McCain's own Lawyers in the 2008 Article is a direct testament of the standing I have in Judy v. Obama. In that article it says, "In the motion to dismiss the New Hampshire suit, Mr. McCain’s lawyers said an individual citizen like the plaintiff, a Nashua man named Fred Hollander, lacks proof of direct injury and cannot sue."

One thing is for sure, and that is the coming 2016 Election presents America adrift of leadership from its legislative body with culpable Candidates who are ineligible and part of a 'good ole boys' club protecting their own. I am not a member of that Club so the Constitution is a Standard I can live with. It was just for that certainty, the forming of Good Ole Boys Clubs, that a Judicial Body was necessary in our Republic, that was distinct and separate; able to see with a clear vision the Constitutional Standards without the pressures of being elected. If the Judicial Body headed by the U.S. Supreme Court fades into the shadows on this, the door is left open for the Legislative Bodies of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate unchecked in a Constitutional Corruption to ruin the Republic!

The six years it has taken Cody Robert Judy to get this principled stand to the U.S. Supreme Court, with the State options exhausted, and his Campaign in 2008, 2012, and now 2016 for President has not been an easy or popular road. By all accounts not one elected person in DC or in the past two Presidential Election cycles has taken the road on a bi-partisan stand with McCain and Obama. If the opportunity is to be wasted it is at the very least wasted with a full knowledge of the Clinton Camp adopting the ghost they choose to haunt them.

Cody Robert Judy
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Friday, May 22, 2015


Is Obama a Risk for Flight out of the Country?

In a stunning show of arrogance Barack Hussein Obama waives his right to respond in a case set in the United States Supreme Court surrounding his eligibility and qualification to even be President by another Presidential Candidate claiming damages to his Campaigns in '08 and '12 based on inequality and discrimination.

Cody Robert Judy (CRJ) claims his rights to a fair and equal race based upon the standards set forth in the United States Constitution for the Office of the President have been fouled by the Cartel formed by the DNC and and OFA (Organization for Action)which is what Obama's Campaign Committee has morphed into and from its origin. Far from the "Citizen" requirement in the Constitution for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators was a much higher standard for President and Vice President in what was termed the "natural born Citizen" clause. This element hinges upon what Judy calls unequal, unfair, fervent and blatant discrimination of his rights and his person in a Civil Rights contamination he claims in his action to be wholly damaging.

The action filed today (May 21st,2015)constituted a willful high mindedness by Obama that the Court will blow the case off and he didn't want to bother defending the action that has been brought to the United States Supreme Court for Justice. CRJ's tenacious fight for the principle and honor of the Office of the President did not start with Obama but actually began first with a Las Vegas, Nevada U.S. District Court case against Sen. John McCain just days before receiving the Republican Nomination. Though Obama was included in the law suit as an Emergency Motion was filed, the Judge delayed ruling on the suit until after the election of November 2008, whereupon he ruled it was 'moot' because Obama had won and the action had predominately been filed against McCain.

Another 13 Court Proceedings have happened spanning West to East, and North and South all over the Nation between that case and the one happening right now in the United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama 14-9396 the Main Stream Media has not sighed a word about to the public yet. That's why it would come as a big surprise to almost everyone accept those paying attention to these News Briefs if pictures suddenly emerged of Obama in handcuffs being led to the Court under arrest to prevent his fleeing the Country in Air Force One, which could very well happen within the next three weeks!

CRJ says there is going to be a whole lot of people pointing to this "Waiver of right to respond" as an understanding the Court will in no way shape or form take the case, but Judy says he can prove otherwise with very relevant and current procedure happening in the Court as we speak.

"All you have to do", he explained, "is look at the cases the Court is actually hearing now and walk them back on the Docket Report to when they were first filed. You don't even have to go back, just look at the Case currently in front of the court or very recently argued."

Cody cited three cases that indeed were being argued before the United States Supreme Court within the last few months or so. "There is a case called Clyde Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ. case number 13-502; Andre Lee Coleman v. Todd Tollefson Case No. 13-333 and Glenn Tibble v. Edison International Case No. 13-550 these cases were in Argument January and February of this year [2015]. They all had quite a bit in common as far as procedure goes right in line with mine and their Petition for Writ of Certiori was GRANTED!


"First thing you notice right off the bat about these three case is all of them had just exactly what Obama just filed: "A waiver of the Respondent to Respond" and all of them had their Writ of Certiori's indeed granted. There is a lot of people spreading mis information out there about what the Court can and can't do. The next thing people say is, 'Well your case was categorically dismissed by the Lower Court and Twice Dismissed by the Circuit Court in an original petition and a petition for rehearing." Guess what, Don't be Fooled? So indeed were these three cases the United States Supreme Court decided to hear."

"That right, Look at them!" Judy said, so we did and hears what we found.

1st Case Docket Report:Case No. 13-502
9th Circuit
Court Decision -FEB 8
Rehearing: Denied
Oct 21 2013 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 20, 2013)
Oct 31 2013 Waiver of right of respondents Town of Gilbert, Arizona, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 19 2013 Motion for leave to file amici brief filed by Professors Ashutosh Bhagwat, et al.
Nov 26 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 13, 2013.
Nov 26 2013 Response Requested . (Due December 26, 2013)
Jul 1 2014 Petition GRANTED.

2nd Case Docket Report: No. 13-1333
Andre Lee Coleman, aka Andre Lee Coleman-Bey, Petitioner v. Todd Tollefson, et al.

6th Circuit
Decision Date: October 23, 2013
Rehearing Denied: January 17, 2014
May 5 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due June 4, 2014)
May 28 2014 Waiver of right of respondents Todd Tollefson, et al. to respond filed.
Jun 4 2014 Brief amicus curiae of Constitutional Accountability Center filed.
Jun 18 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of September 29, 2014.
Oct 2 2014 Petition GRANTED.

3rd Case Docket Report: No. 13-550
Glenn Tibble, et al., Petitioners v. Edison International, et al

9th Circuit
Decision Date: March 21, 2013
Rehearing Denied: August 1, 2013
Oct 30 2013 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due December 2, 2013)
Nov 15 2013 Waiver of right of respondents Edison International, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 26 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 13, 2013.
Oct 2 2014 Petition GRANTED (limited to questions..)

Indeed! Everyone of the Cases were denied twice in the Circuit Courts before appearing on the U.S. Supreme Court's Docket Report, everyone of them had a Waiver of right of respondents to respond filed, and indeed everyone of them were in fact GRANTED, just as Cody had said.

CRJ Continues to Take A Stand for Americans
The next thing Cody pointed out was an interesting question. CRJ continued:

"Out of all three of those cases I've mentioned, do any one of them even compare to the fraud that having an illegal candidate running and collecting money from innocent people for a Campaign Office they are not qualified for? How many millions of people and millions of dollars are being collected fraudulently by unqualified Candidates who just think they can get away with it because no one has been granted STANDING by a Court of Law. I ran as a Democrat in 2012 in the Democratic Party standing was not an issue, but the damages were unacknowledged, and that's what really makes me mad. Its like having someone crash your house and then say there's nothing wrong with a car in your living room. Its unbelievable!"

"Well, my cases have never been dismissed because of that! My cases have all been like ghost just disappearing with a one or two sentence opinion, or as this case has proven, railed against so hard in an unprecedented candor you actually wonder what the Judge/or Justices have against me personally because of quite frankly a total stake in the heart of Court procedure? It's unreal when you have two witnesses in Court testifying of something and the Court won't even hold a hearing on it with Sheriff's Investigations right in front of the Judge/Justices! What do you do in that instance? The only think you can do is move on to the next Court and fork out another $250,000 of DC Lawyer time and effort expenses.

"At least Obama gets the benefit of talking to the Media and telling them what a big pain in the rear end Birthers are. That has got to be somewhat consoling. I haven't even got that much satisfaction. The Media feels so sorry for him, and they scowl at me for protesting that Big Foots Truck just crashed through the front door and wall of my house crashing the floor and ceilings in and look at me as if I shouldn't be bothered? That's why I haven't cared if it took FIFTEEN CASES AND 40 MILLION DOLLARS! That son-of-a-gun has he's truck parked on top of my house and I want it off and the damages it's caused the last six years. I don't care how long he has been sleeping in the White House. He stay there for all I care, just give me my damages and Congress can deal with it after that. If they don't want to, hey, that's the Peoples Problem not mine personally any longer. The people want to put up with that I can't tell them what to do. They haven't supported me that much monetarily, but the few dozen who have over the years, I've sworn to refund their money because I think they at least deserve that as they supported me on the basis of a fair race and that has been violated."

"It makes me sick to my stomach to think about the Fraud being committed on the basis that an unqualified Candidate doesn't think anyone will have standing simply because no one whose Elected is going to cross them. That's just a rotten 'good ole boy's club' if you ask me- Rotten to the core! If the People want to eat rotten apples supporting them, let'em eat until they get sick to. I'm not going to eat those rotten apples any more. I'm tired of it."

"I'm actually tired of doing a job that the People have elected and paid their Congressman and Senators to do. They aren't doing it if they are not apposing unqualified Candidates for the Office of the President. They are basically saying, "We don't care that every Grandma and Grandpa, every Husband and Wife, every Single Voting Adult, just can't do anything about being defrauded because they don't have standing. So what happens? They all suffer fraud and are being taken advantage of. I would not stand by watching and see anyone take advantage of someone I loved physically. I wade into that perp like a wild lion and they'd think twice before they did it again. That's kind of what I've done in Court in a Civil and respectable way."

We asked him, "What's Next with the U.S. Supreme Court Case?"

"Well, you will notice on all three of those cases, if you look at them on the Docket Report of the U.S. Supreme Court, that once that Due date has come, which is normally about thirty days after the Writ of Certiori has been filed, then the case is set for Conference in two weeks. In my case it was unusual because they gave Obama nearly double the amount of time to respond if you notice. My writ of 14-9396 was filed on March 30 and Obama had clear till May 20th to Respond. That's an extra twenty days on my clock and at my expense. The general public doesn't notice things like that but lawyers do and clients do when all that time is costing you. It feels like your being bled out."

"Anyway, from May 20th we could count two weeks on a Thursday, because that is when the Court hears new Certs and we'd come to June 4th. That's when I'm guessing my case will be set for Conference. They will decide if they would like to consider any of the three questions I have proposed to them in offering my case as an example requiring justice. I long ago learned you can be right and still not heard, especially if not enough people are affected by what your asking the Court to consider. In this case, it would just be a travesty for the Court not to grab it. We have the 2016 elections coming up Iowa Cauces in eight months. This affects all parties, both Republicans and Democrats and there is not an election per se hinging on it. Its just ripe for the Court to hear and I think America deserves for it to be heard."

You'll notice after the conference if the Court asks for the Respondent to Respond it usually comes in about five days. Now if that hits the Court docket, I'd really be looking for Obama to say "Good Bye USA", and sail away on Air Force One. He'll take that plane and we won't see it again and he'll be asking for Amnesty from Kenya or Indonesia, because the writing will be on the wall. You watch, it will be a lot worse than when Nixon just resigned the White House. Obama will flee probably right around June 10th if I had to guess."

Anything Else you'd like to add Mr.Judy?

"I could sure use your help America. Yes, it has been a long and difficult journey that is nearly over and America really needs to get on board and believe in themselves. Believe that their small contributions matter. Believe that their Constitution really does matter. I just attended my son's Kindergarten Graduation. It was so cute.
(That's Stradda with his Teacher Mrs Jennings) They got diploma's and sang songs about how they learned to spell and sound things out. Things we take for granted like the months in a year, or the fact they could spell "Rat" but it bothered them they couldn't spell hippopotamus. Well, I sit in a program like that and see my son and see all his class mates. That's the future of America. I wanna be able to say we are passing on a better one to them the we had handed to us. Its hard to think about that when we are 18 Trillion in debt, an ObamaCare costing tons more than expected and raising rates and costing families more, as well as our borders becoming porous and Obama fixed on an Amnesty that really puts a lot a pressure on a lot of already fake job numbers with 93 million Americans out of the job pool and not being counted in the 5.6% unemployment numbers. I know how bad America is hurting and the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger. One thing I know is that if you don't Take a Stand, (that's the title of my book, I had the title before U.S. Sen. Rand Paul did so don't think I copied him),more and more is going to be taken from you as far as your individual rights. It will encourage gang violence and a mob mentality. I've seen that and its not the kind of America we grew up in. A great Restoration is needed. If you believe that, you better get with some Candidate for President who believes it to, and has the action, not just words in the Senate, to prove it to you."


The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Last Day for Obama to Offer a Defense of his ELIGIBILITY in Petition FACING U.S. Supreme Court

BREAKING NEWS: Last Day for Obama to Offer a Defense of his ELIGIBILITY in Petition FACING U.S. Supreme Court
Without Justice What Exactly are you the President of?

Today is the day that a response is due from the Solicitor General on behalf of Obama if he'd like to make one, and also the due date for Obama to make a response to the action of my petition Writ of Certiorari Brief by a private attorney if he'd like to make one. What normally happens if a private attorney comes into the action depends on how they think its going to go. There is generally two actions that they file; either a response to the details of the action as to law and and an opposing opinion they feel the Court should take into consideration in not hearing or taking the case, or which is much more common they will file what's called a "Waiver of right to respond".

What a "Waiver of right to respond" means is they are willing to simply let it ride. In other words, they feel the Court without any opposite opinion would decide NOT to hear the case. Perhaps they feel the lower Courts actions could in no way be turned over, or not enough people are affected, or the Court simply has no interest whatsoever in the case. Such an action can be a little risky because the Court can also look upon it as tantamount to kind of a 'no contest' resolution and that could also work in behalf of a Petitioner just like it would in a lower Court if the defendant fails to show up.

That is exactly what happened in a lower Georgia Executive Court regarding a Ballot Challenge I was involved with in 2012 as challenging Obama's qualifications to even be on the ballot as an unqualified candidate for the Office of the President. The Court and the Secretary of State basically said Obama had better respond or if he didn't he did so at his own peril, which was widely covered by many Media outlets.

We don't know exactly what happened in that case, but what we do know is Georgia got two huge Government Contracts and the Judge stepped in and scrambled all the pieces on the monopoly board. What do you do when someone suddenly reaches over an organized game board and totally messes up all the pieces to a point where no one knows which pieces went where? Well, I appealed that decision clear to the Georgia Supreme Court and then to the U.S. Supreme Court where Obama's attorney filed a "Waiver to Respond", meaning the Court would not be hearing from Obama.

The truth is Obama has never actually had to come in to a Court and make an argument about his qualifications..ever! Now his attorney's have made arguments to dismiss actions based on 'lack of standing' or 'the wrong jurisdiction' or other technical aspects and there is a record of a few lower court Judges agreeing and sometimes going over board and deciding they would like to be Obama's attorney and make the argument for him such as the case was in the state Court of Indiana in the case of Ankeny v. The Governor of the State of Indiana. In that case the Judge decided anchor babies, meaning babies from aliens sneaking across the border illegally birthing them, were eligible for the Office of the President under the 14th Amendment and that the Constitution's qualification demands for Senators and Representatives had been merged with the qualifications for the Office of the President. The Indiana Supreme Court rejected an appeal to hear the case.

One has to wonder when looking at the estimated five million dollars Obama through his attorney's have spent defending the actions against his ineligibility where in the world he has received such wealth if it has not been the tax payers own dime that he has in fact used against the laws or Constitution of the tax payers. That's about the only way one could afford the lawyers Obama has used. You the tax payer have financed and paid for Obama to come up with such junk that supplants the law of even the reason of elementary school age children who understand the concept of the 'natural born Citizen' requirement being something other than what is required for Senators and Representatives.

In my case down in Georgia Obama's attorney bragged about all the cases won on these merits as if it was quite an accomplishment. The affects of that kind of accomplishment is indeed the peril of our Country. I was caught up last night in my dreams seeing the prayers and many many tears being shed for our Country and our Constitution by Patriots, mostly of women. I looked upon them with a sadness of my heart and a pain of understanding their tears, but more or less confounded with their prayers with no action.

In other words, they were bleeding their hearts out for our Country but were not convincing their husbands to join them, or convinced enough to send any money necessary to fight the battle, so they were praying for a miracle without doing all they could do. Faith without works is dead. I have not petitioned the Lord by missing any action in the Courts of Law afforded in our Country. I have not prayed for our Country that was sick and refused the anti-antibiotics sitting on the bench.

Where are these thousands and millions of Patriots with a dollar towards the only Campaign with Standing? Well, they are no where. The widows mite has failed to even be given in this case, so I am very afraid the door is going to be closed on this case. If people, and let's include Congress in that, fail to see the root of ObamaCare and ObamaAmnesty and ObamaDebt and ObamaExecutive Action and ObamaFake Employment numbers, is "Obama"; and the only true and faithful antibiotic is the Constitution's Qualification for the Office of the President, then there is no belief and faith in the Constitution.

I am very afraid the fate of injustice is upon us and God is going to close the door on your prayers. Yes, he hears them that I know, but how can I report to him of the token of your faith in them. You see the expenses Obama has claimed fighting against the Constitution's Claim right? In fact, hasn't your own tax dollars supported that which has been heaped up as debt upon the backs of your children or our future generations to the tune of 10 Trillion on Obama's watch. Do you think that is working? I don't think that is working.

You have all these politicians that you have elected doing nothing to stop Obama on a Constitutional Basis. They are really great at complaining and showing feign as if they are on a great fast of suffering, but its as fabricated as Obama's identifications.

This leads me to ponder a question with the supposition: If Obama has fought against the Constitution's Claims and the Constitution has become of so little value that no elected official is standing up for it and the Judges are losing the courage to rule for it in some relatively good information that the public has lost courage for it by actually supporting the only Candidate in America who has the courage and the record on a bi-partisan level to fight it, then "injustice" is being fought for much harder than "justice" and we are bound to suffer that. The question to ponder is if "Justice" is not your cause and it is better stated that "Injustice" is what your interested in and what you are putting your money towards in support, what are you the President of, and is that prestigious and honorable?

If Obama has used lawyers and money to skirt the law, what is he the President of? Well, he would be the President of Injustice and Corruption wouldn't he? The evidence of over 25 scandals that broke out in 2013 is hard evidence of that.

While we celebrate humbly 210,000 views here at our numbers should be at least 2 or 3 Million. We are behind if not even mentioned in every poll so far and we certainly have not reached a $5,000 dollar threshold for reporting to the FEC. All of this is not because those who have supported us have not done their level best, just as I have. I have spent everything I could and am $90 dollars in the hole. While our Campaign Cause is Just and our Constitution a Cause of Justice, I'd have to say our actual campaign looks like an abandoned U-Haul left in an orchard no one reported.

That's about as real as it gets, so don't think this guy has his head in the clouds and can't see the ground. I'm very rooted in the ground and reality. I appreciate so much those few and brave souls who have indeed done all they could to help us in sending a few dollars, taking the time to post our messages on their social media boards, but we are really drowning in the rotten pool of corruption posed against us by conservatives who support Cruz, Rubio, Jindal and who supported McCain as well as liberals who supported Obama over the last two coming three presidential election cycles.

Of course I know there are others who are discouraged with their Campaigns. How could Hillary Clinton not say yesterday was a bad day at the Office? I posted this on my own Facebook page?
[REALLY BAD DAY AT THE OFFICE: My Campaign has problems but at least I am not seeing them on #Drudge 30 Days into her Campaign #ClintonCash Scandal wipes out Media Impartiality w emphasis of Foreign Finance on Pres Camp #ClintonEmail Scandal has her discussing our #SecretaryOfState State Secrets out on multiple Email accounts she said she didn't have. Kinda makes you wish for the insignificance of Bill's Affair w Monica huh? #Democrats #DemocraticParty #CRJ2016.]

I was thinking we shouldn't feel sorry for ourselves when Hillary Clinton's got 150 Million Dollars and is avoiding questions because of corruption allegations that are rolling around the brains of all the reporters following the money. It seems a certainty that there is also shown to us a wisdom here. That is the idea of saying "It's someone's turn" as it relates to the Office of the President and not someone's turn at the drinking fountain is really foolish and Hillary Clinton and for that matter Jeb Bush are examples of this.

They face questions of not only their positions in Government and their personal integrity, but questions of their families decisions and integrity to the point of basically asking them if they would be willing to shoot their husband, father, and brother for what they did? Its pretty awful, I'm not saying its not relevant, but my point is a fresh face also has a clean slate and it seems a wise choice that our Presidential Elections arrive every four years. Most decisions a President makes, when it comes to tough ones, are going to have a back lash or harmful affect upon someone or some cause that becomes unintended consequences they have to shoulder for the rest of their life.


For those who may be getting tired of me because I have blogged more than usual, you need to understand I absolutely needed and had to make plain the facts that any party could file an Amicus Curiae in support of either party or neither party, which has been done repeatedly and published as a matter of public record thanks in part to The Birther Report and The Post & Email and this blog itself here which indeed went viral.

The strategy is two fold in doing something like this. On the one hand, you are telling the Court you have opened the argument up to your opposition publicly. While I may not have had anyone, and by the Court Record here no one has filed an Amicus Curiae for me yet, by the same token and probably much more important however in this matter NO ONE HAS FILED against me which is also a witness itself to the Court Justices.

I mean I sent this thing out to thousands of attorneys across the Nation both personally and publicly! I have an email list of scholarly attorneys across the Nation - including some of the best and most prestigious law Universities across the Country- Harvard Attorneys, New York University Attorneys,Columbia Attorneys, Duke Attorneys, Princeton Attorneys, BYU Attorneys, UCLA Attorneys, Florida Attorneys, and the record shows the Court none of them posed any opposition to my case and argument. None!That is a WITNESS to the Court. I wanted to make sure everyone including the Court new that.

The procedure now for the Court will be to gather all the papers submitted to the Court and do what's called "Set the Case for Conference". That conference in the U.S. Supreme Court could be set anytime during the regularly planned conference days of the Court over the next 30 days I would expect.

During the conference what we would need is called The Rule of Four of the nine Justices to vote to at least HEAR the case. So, if four of the nine voted to hear the case we would have oral arguments and more Briefs would be filed. I hope this keeps you up to speed of what is happening and please, pass this around so others gain an understanding of the wonderful experience this opportunity is providing us to witness!

Cody Robert Judy

The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rand Paul Swipes MAIN TITLE of his new book from 2016 Pres Candidate CRJ- Why are they Crucifying Constitution?

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul Swipes MAIN TITLE of his new book from another 2016 Presidential Candidate CRJ - Why are Legislatures crucifying the Constitution?

Of course it's hard to deny the similarities of U.S. Senator and declared 2016 Presidential Candidate Rand Paul's new book "Taking A Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America" with '08, '12, and '2016 Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy's (CRJ) Taking A Stand - The Conservative Independent Voice published in 2008, we noticed from this mornings May 19th,2015 article by Alexander Bolton published at THEHILL.COM and republished by half a dozen other patriot news outlets on the internet. Cody just wishes that those in Elected Positions especially running for the same office would at the very least use their voice and pulpits to take a stand for Article II, Section I, Clause 5's demand for a natural born Citizen in the Office of the President and would write an Amicus Curiae Brief as a sign they actually supported the Constitutions demands in Judy v. Obama 14-9396. Taking a stand actually requires more than patronizing lip service, Cody said.

"I was just sitting there reading Bolton's article and got to the last two paragraphs after reading about his busing reporters around to drum up support like McCain and got to the last two paragraphs and Bam! there it was. [McCain once called him a 'wacho bird', but Paul said he doesn't mind. "We're proud of that. We put that on the back cover," he said, referring to his new book, Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America.]

Judy acknowledged, "We did make a new commercial for my book Taking a Stand in September 2014 uploaded on his YouTube Station, and its available in every Barnes & Noble, mainstream book service like Amazon, and is available in hardback, soft cover, and digital streamed on Nook with his publisher. It would be very hard for a Presidential Candidate not to notice with a quick research of the Title there wasn't another Presidential Candidate that actually had that main title. Judy admitted he had a dream of the title for his book before publishing it, which was why he decided upon it.
TAKING A STAND -The Conservative Independent Voice

"Mine does have my Platform for President in it", Cody said,"and I think it would have been very hard to miss by Rand's Publishers "Center Street" his book is also available at Barnes and Noble. I'm quite sure if he didn't want it to be an issue it wouldn't be."

Far from similarities of a title of the book, Rand's stand and Cody's stand are quite different. "Of course we have similarities and I for one appreciate his touting prison reform". In a recent article Paul scathed Hillary Clinton's husband for 'putting a generation of blacks in prison' also published at The Hill by the same author Alexander Bolton.

CRJ continued, " You know the scathing saddness about all the Republican Candidates has been their lack of integrity upon the primary or center point of our Constitution. They will not, have not, and won't take a stand especially for the 'natural born Citizen' qualification for the Office of the President. If you're an elected U.S. Senator you are bound to at least know the qualifications of the office your holding is "Citizen" and that makes the requirement for the President's office natural born Citizen all that more glaring because its different and acknowledged for the Vice Presidential position also."

"I think it also an undeniable and remarkable reason that "Being Elected" for any other office wasn't a particular requirement for being President. All of these guys and gals elected are who you might call the 'elect' people and of course that specification is mentioned in the Bible verse of Mark 13:32."

"With U.S. Senator Ted Cruz I think one of his "signs of the Times" was 'renounced his Canadian Citizenship' that he acknowledged only recently finding out about. I mean, come on, how stupid do you think people are?"

The saddest part is people not understanding of course the Government has the ability to confer Citizenship through a naturalization process, and sometimes the naturalization process is looked upon as automatic, or goes without stating or getting the recommended documentation, but they are still listed under their circumstances of birth as Senator Cruz and Senator Rubio are under naturalization adoption laws of Nationals and Citizens at birth Title 8 USC 1401 a-g, as I point out in my U.S. Supreme Court case Judy v. Obama 14-9396. Being a "Citizen" at birth does not mean being a natural born Citizen qualified for the Office of the President."

"The Identification of Circumstances of Birth in Naturalization Criteria is a Government Identification of not being a natural born Citizen qualified for the Office of the President."

"Unfortunately, we have very few elected officials,wait a minute, let me be honest, no elected officials wanting to make legislative enemies with their colleagues and I'm afraid that makes for a constitutionally toxic environment that begrudgingly is deferred to the Judicial Branch as the legislative branch has no problems crucifying our Constitution on both sides of the isle. It is a sad fact that on this central feature of our Constitution requiring a stricter standard for the Office of the President, all of these elected Representatives and Senators have their eyes on that prize and their standards of morality slip."

"I think that is the main reason that actually being elected to another office doesn't mean that character and leadership for the Office of the President are automatic for those who have been elected. In fact in this instance, which is the central national security red button position, I think its a disregard that our Country can no longer afford, and one that definitely needs to be addressed by the Court."

"I for one have not let being elected decide my course of defense for our Nation. For instance, Allen West plainly stated he wanted to be elected as the reason he would not stand against Obama's ineligibility and fabrications of identification. Rand Paul said, I am not a Birther referencing both parties, based on the what the 2012 Main Stream Media called a 'racist birther lie'. That implication is RACIST and a Lie because I as a Candidate for President sued McCain and Obama in the last two Presidential Elections. The record is covered in some 15 Court Cases I've been involved in and am constantly reminding them of. This substantiates the Main Stream Media agenda for it refuses to acknowledge the record in Court!"

The due date for the Respondents to respond in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court is May 20th, 2015.

The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"


Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Mountain of Communism - Why is the Constitution so unpopular with Republicans?

The Mountain of Communism - Why is the Constitution so unpopular with Republicans?

Republicans tout a 'conservative' stand upon many issues, but what you don't really hear is Democrats touting how conservative they are on so many issues. What is becoming easier and easier for voters to see is that what they are hearing from the Parties Main Stream Candidates rarely adds up to what is actually represented. Let me give you an example, instead of stemming off the flow of contributions from unqualified Republican Candidates like Rubio, Cruz and Jindal, according to the demands of the 'natural born Citizen' requirement in the Constitution's demands for the Office of the President and the succinct 'naturalization' laws that applies to each of those candidates, you don't see Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Rick Perry,Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum,John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, even remotely warning the 'BASE' of the Republican Party of the fraud commenced by those individuals collecting money for an Office they are not qualified for.

Under normal circumstances isn't that a question that everyone ought to be asking all of these Candidates? I mean to cover that question narrows the field down tremendously, conserves otherwise wasted contributions, and reduces the culpability of fraud upon voters. Don't the qualified candidates even want to protect their own Campaigns and their own party members they'd call the 'base' from the wolfs as these Candidates are among the sheep?

I mean if I was a Republican Candidate like Jeb Bush, I think a swipe at the three little wolfs might save some pork! Rubio and Cruz have already swiped millions of dollars form the kitty. Now why do I as a Democratic Party Candidate for President say such things so early in the race? Well, one of the reasons is because unlike Candidate Hillary Clinton, I have some experience in Court on the conservative principle of eligibility all the Republicans disdain with their words and actions. The don't even try to hide the fact that their so far left into the communist caves of the Mountain that to call them Conservative makes even them laugh.

You just can't be conservative and give up the Nation to Foreigners. You just can't be conservative with no interest in protecting our Country from foreign enemies you usher into the White House with no objection or single utterance of our Constitution's, "Objection Your Honor!". The biggest reason I can't and haven't ever stood as a Republican is because Jesus Christ himself took a whip to the money changers in the temple courtyard. He just flat out lost it when it come to the hypocrisy he couldn't stomach and that has much to do with calling yourself 'conservative', but not representing the issues and core principles that are conservative especially in the qualifications for the president found in the Constitution.

Its probably the biggest reason though I have sometimes stayed my Democratic party affiliations toward the center straying as an Independent, when the mainstream of the Democratic Party went so far left I just couldn't agree,but I have not felt one inkling to every go Republican and my book "Taking A Stand"'s subtitle is 'The conservative independent voice'.

Although I've run more races as a underdog Democrat in U.S Rep 2002, U.S. Sen. 2004, U.S. Pres 2012, I did run as an Independent in 2008 for President and in 2010 as a U.S. Senate Candidate as well as finishing up 2012 as a write-in for Pres because Democrats just made the wrong decision with an ineligible and unqualified Obama that I could not vote for.

Who are the biggest hypocrites in the Main Stream Media? Who constantly tells you that 'conservative principles' are good and that 'liberalism' is a malignant cancer while they to this day after day and have probably made more money off of Obama than anyone, while they support and say good things about Rubio and Cruz for President? These are the wolves that keep their sheep covers on, and they are wolfs when it comes to loving the ultra liberal pinata party bash of the Constitution's demand for a 'natural born Citizen' Born in the U.S. to Citizen parents.


Are people who support a Citizens' independent right to have the same tax right offs available to everyone in partnerships afforded and institutionalized by the Government according to the Constitution's principles 'conservative' or liberal? Well, the Constitution is the base line of conservatism according to every 'conservative radio talk show host' I've ever heard so I guess we'd have to say Democrats are conservatives towards the equality of every Citizen's right to marry.

Does the right to getting married at the court house that the Government provides with a Justice of the Peace mean that the right of any particular religion in America is infringed? No, because the Government is of no particular religion and actually is called to abstain from making any law respecting an establishment of religion in the 1st Amendment of our Constitution. Are Democrats respecting the totality of "all religions to practice what they preach" conservative? Why Yes, that is a conservative ideal.

Are Republicans who say, "a Justice-of-the-Peace performing a Government sanctioned SS (Same-Sex)marriage is infringing upon a particular religious belief, conservative or ultra liberal communist? Well, you'd have to say they are ultra-liberal communist because they are representing that the U.S. Government is a religion rather than separate, making laws respecting a religion which is anti-Constitution and pro state communist.

Now could Religions and the Government instead represent the right for religions to choose to perform according to their own particular beliefs SS marriages and OS marriages? Why certainly that freedom of religion should always exist in the U.S. and under the Constitution. That is a conservative stand and if a Judge or Justice took it upon themselves to force a religion to perform a marriage in their church than indeed that would be the Government's intrusion upon that particular religion. That is again a 'conservative stand' based on the Constitution.

When Civil Rights of an Individual becomes an issue who do people turn to more? Twas President Lincoln a Republican who freed the slaves, but it is also Republicans who would invoke an unjust incarceration upon a free U.S. Citizen women for nine months in favor of the rights of an gestating embryo who had not even taken a breath of life yet, who could not yet vote, and did not have the U.S. Constitution's Jurisdiction as a Citizen and call her a murderer worthy of a death sentence if she chose an abortion? Yes, the body is all formed in the casket too, but there is not life. God formed the body and then breathed the life into the body which was an independent soul we recall in Genesis 2:7. Only an independent soul can be murdered.

Of course, Civil Rights in our modern times has usually been the Democrats fought hard for by MLK Jr and the great inspiration he was in getting the purpose of the law fulfilled with a Republican President LBJ, however, when it comes to the Civil Rights that are affected by the same qualifications being held as a Standard for an ineligible candidate for President and an eligible one, where do people go? They sure don't go to Barack Obama.

Well, they haven't gone to Republicans either as we can see, not one Candidate for President is screaming about the ineligibility of three of their own fellow Republicans but there is a Democrat people can turn to in myself, who has been willing on Record, the only one in America by the way, to take Republican or Democrat to Court for the standard of the constitution protecting the Citizenry and the future of our Country for generations to come. If I cannot bring the facts to the light, your only asking that the facts be kept in the darkness for your own gain and to protect your own cave in the ultra left wing communist cave, where I find no light!

You know if an illegal immigrant walked into our U.S. Courts filing a discrimination suit against our Government for not giving everyone in the world in fact social security, medicare, and medicaid the Courts would laugh him out of the Court room, put the cuffs on him and deport him. He's illegal! He's not qualified for those benefits.

The same is true for Obama,Rubio,Cruz,Jindal, McCain and others who are not Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents, for the office of the President. They are illegal for that office if they are not Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents and some naturalization law applies to them. When a naturalization law applies to you, and the specifications of it authorized by Congress apply, you are not a natural born Citizen, you are a naturalized citizen. The first people that know this are politicians. Don't be fooled by them saying they don't know or they have to research it. That is asking for a license to defraud the vote, defraud the contributions pool, and the public.

Those who are qualified who lack the courage to at least stand up and say as a potential Candidate for President, "Those guys are not qualified I wouldn't give them a dime", are accomplices of defrauding the vote, defrauding the contributions pool, and the public and I wouldn't vote for them either because they have no courage to stand up for you and the truth that will set us free.

So we have talked a little bit about the Mountain of Communism that every ultra liberal Republican Candidate has a cave in so far that has declared or sent a message of declaring to the public they might run for President, and Democrats really only have one Candidate who has taken on the issue both in an in-house clean up, as well as cleaning the opposite parties house.

Now one of the points I want to make clear is that if Hillary Clinton were the nominee for Democrats, which is extremely presumptive in her circumstances, and she were to hope that Republicans nominated for their nominee a Candidate who was not qualified under the Constitution as a strategy for winning in a close race that a Court would then decide upon, such as what happened in the 'chad' election between "George W. Bush v. Al Gore" one of the defense that would be used by the Republican Nominee against her would be that she didn't represent it as a standard through out her entire Campaign. The Court doesn't like or appreciate that.

If a Candidate has represented it, warned and warned and advocated and advocated against a illegal and unqualified Candidate then put to the Judge, he would turn to the illegal and unqualified Candidate and say,"Well, it wasn't as if this hasn't been brought up to you. You've heard and heard and reheard the vocalization of the law and just refused to believe it. You deserve to lose."

A Judge would appreciate that much more than if it was a tie vote and one Candidate decided the other wasn't qualified and all of a sudden becomes a Constitutional Hero for the Qualification for the Office of the President while she served as Secretary of State to the unqualified one of her own party, but he might also have to say especially if he were partial to her, "I guess the Constitution has got to be upheld now so Cruz,Rubio,Jindal you lose".

The other idea of a Mountain of Communism the Republicans espouse in the ultra liberal weakness for the qualifications for the Office of the President is that they indeed have now four Candidates officially running or that have run in the Presidential Race in McCain, Rubio, Cruz, and Jindal and the Democrats have only one- Obama. Who has more Candidates in the is ultra liberal Communist Mountain - Republicans or Democrats?

This is why Conservatives who are Republicans now really need to start considering switching Parties and voting for Cody Robert Judy in the primaries next year. A Party is really about who your voting for anyway as we see being a Republican doesn't mean your a conservative and being a Democrat doesn't mean your an Ultra Left Wing Communist Hack. There are many more ways that Democrats are conservative and Republicans are ultra-liberal, but I'll make that another article.

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution so we can break the $5,000 dollar cash threshold that is required to substantiate reporting to the Federal Election Commission. We have ordered the papers from the FEC and they are in the mail, but it doesn't make any sense if you are not on board with us! Many little contributions add up and please remember that you are important! I am important and the rights we are standing together for are important.

Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".

Cody Robert Judy
P.S. We hope you enjoy our newest commercial!

INSPIRING - I believe in You

We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.

Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.

The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.

Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401

Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016


The Commercial is simply called "America"