
Friday, August 21, 2015

Many DEMOCRATS Continue to KICK OUT at 2016 Candidate for President Cody Robert Judy

2016 Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy says the Message is Unusual but hopes County
Representatives Understand

Many DEMOCRATS Continue to KICK OUT at 2016 
D-Candidate for President Cody Robert Judy
Many Democrats continue to kick out at the message of 2016 Candidate for President Cody Robert Judy (CRJ). Of course its not easy to accept the facts that your guy in the Office of the President is not qualified to be there and the United States Supreme Court in a short month will be taking it up again where they left it June 18th before they recessed. To make matters worse their Front Polling Candidate Hillary Clinton's numbers so lofty the last year continue diving in a near free fall, while across the isle front runner and birther Donald Trump continues to sky-rocket. It's the political pie you just could not make up even if you tried to.

"The Campaign", Cody reported today, "is doing just about the opposite of what you would expect a Campaign to do. Its relying and dishing up the TRUTH. Democrats can be upset all they want, but the truth is I challenged Sen. McCain in 2008 in Las Vegas NV.'s Federal Court and not one Democrat complained about it all though I got about all the grits and eggs I could handle thrown at me by Republicans. Its' hard when you have to discipline your own party, and harder still when you have a wild child like Helen Keller before Ann Sullivan come along.", Cody chuckled.

"Truth is Democrats have been getting away with quite a few things that weren't exactly healthy for the Country and we have a 19 Trillion Dollar Debt to prove it and an unqualified person in the White House. Yes, he may be black but that isn't one of the qualifications enumerated in the U.S. Constitution but 'natural born Citizen' sure is and he fails the test- Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents."

Call CRJ the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party if you will without the 10 Billion dollars and you might recognize why its even harder for Democrats to swallow what Cody's serving up. They do not think they have to at this time but the fact is it can change in one day.

September 28th, 2015 the United States Supreme Court is set to rule on the Case that they continued from the first Conference June 18th that began in the Court March 30. "You can call it what you want", Cody said, "but I just do not have any money right now and I think the Supreme Court wondered how in the world I was doing what I was doing. So they questioned me on that."

The question was answered as Cody turned into the Supreme Court bank records of his personal finance and Campaign Finances that showed him living below the poverty line and near destitute June 24th in time for the Court to consider that June 29th before they went to recess July 1st. The Justices chose not to rule on it instead giving it a SECOND September 28th Hearing. This of course allowed speculators good reasons to reasonably consider the Court was in controversy over the Case and was actually in the lengthy Sept 28th date giving themselves more time  to weigh the balances of justice and figure out the best course of action.

They could have just as easily, for instance, granted forma pauperis standing and just kicked it out June 18th very easily, but they made a choice not to.

 "Truth, we are scraping by and it would literally by a slap in the face to the poor if the Supreme Court were to deny me forma pauperis standing which both the lower District Court had granted and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals had also accepted on its face", Cody said.

Where does the balance of JUSTICE come in when poverty is known but wisdom and intelligence weighs in with the poor representing Truth verses the other side that has wealth, power, fame and position but represents a Lie?

If you can consider that question you might ask also are those who have wealth, power, fame, and position actually above the Law?

If that is the case then Justice certainly has no place to Stand and injustice is just a running away with it all. That is pretty much the message of Bernie Sanders also, who is attracting very big crowds in the Democratic Party and has overtaken Hillary Clinton in the Polls in New Hampshire.

His message is resonating with the American People because they are feeling in fact exactly what I am going through and they are angry about it.

On the other side of the isle, Mr. Trump continues to rise in the Republican Polls as he has tapped into the fact that the professional politicians are in essence liars. The Republican Establishment has wasted 2010 where they recaptured the House which are the purse strings of America as well as the 2014 Elections where they recaptured the Senate. All they have seen is Republicans continue to stick out the carrot as they continued right down the path of riding Obama for their wins rather then stopping Obama which is what they were sent to Washington DC for.

Not one Republican has stood up or dared to be a Birther like Mr. Trump has and guess whose leading in the Republican Field by double digits? Do you think the Press likes Mr. Trump so they have been easy on him over the Birther Principle? Take a look and see tell me what your answer of 'easy' is?

Has the Media for election of 2016 Missed the Birther Principle? It appears they have missed it so much that's all they want to talk about now.

For the most part if Obama's Ineligibility and lack of Qualifications isn't a hard dinner to swallow its been  former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Hee-Haw Show over her flippant use of a personal email server to avoid FOIA request while in one of America's top jobs and enjoying a top Twenty Security Clearances that our Country affords. Stupid isn't even a consideration and neither is 'wiping the server with a clothe or something?' If you are that stupid you certainly have no business whatsoever in a Security Clearance like that and yet she's expecting America to put her in the Oval Office?

Is America that Stupid? Are Democrats that Stupid?
This is the worst buck-passing I've seen since Hillary's husband
decided there was more than one way to define the word "is"'

"What do you mean just had over the keys to the Nuclear Codes to North Korean's like car keys?"

You all know when you see someone acting don't you? If you don't just take a look to your left there.

 If Hillary Clinton is an intelligent women who enjoyed a top-twenty United States Security Code and doesn't know about 'wiping' a Email Server clean and has never heard of it by the looks and the statement she responded to the Press with, then either you are stupid, or she's playing stupid.

Why does she need to play stupid to the Press over a National Security FBI Probe being conducted about her personal server used as a complete way to avoid FOIA Request? Do the Democrats really want a person that doesn't have a clue like that with all the experience she's had in public office? I think that this is what Donald Trump is talking about when he refers to our butts being handed to us in Trade and Negotiations because of 'stupid' leaders.

Of course I misspell words a lot and so does 'spell-check', but I know what wiping information off a server means as I think most Americans do especially in the context of what is being addressed by Mrs. Clinton.

The message is as Cody put it, not really all that good for Democrats, but he is hoping to give the Democratic Party a little good news and that would be a way to actually beat Mr. Trump if he won the Republican Nomination and Mr. Judy was given the chance to represent the Democrats in their nomination.

Of course it is really hard to do that when the National Democratic Party will not include Cody Robert Judy in Debates and has not even acknowledged him as a Candidate for President in the Democratic Party which he is officially by FEC Standards. With that bit of an introduction we are going to publish on the Blog what Democratic Party Chairs representing every County in the States of Texas, California, Iowa, Massachusetts, Arizona, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, South Carolina, New York, and New Hampshire received today.

[Kind of an unusual email I know, but there are some very good reasons behind it I hope you understand. Hello, my name is Cody Robert Judy, I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know I'm still here for you running for President in 2016. We had the following published as a feature editorial I'm passing forward, but the real reason I'm writing is because we have got to start facing some facts.  As a Party we have faced many great challenges before, but nothing like the internal combustion that is going on in the Democratic Party at the National Level, who have openly refused thus far to work with me, in either developing a system were they at least forwarded my emails to all Democrats nationally or furnished those for me to email. 

Its seems one of the very time honored traditions of being an 'inclusive party' is really threatened here and my only choice is to reach out to "County Reps" whose emails I can dig up.  Of course I do not want to 'hound' your email box, but we have a great deal going on, and relying on the National Press to cover this campaign against the National Party Chairs wishes is not an option any longer. We are just a month away from something very BIG HAPPENING in the U.S. Supreme Court as well as with the Democratic Party Polling Leader Mrs. Clinton. 

I've always been taught its not smart to put all your eggs in one basket, but it seems as if that is the calculation of the big boys and girls in the DNC. You've probably read about how discontented Bernie Sanders and Martin O' Malley are with only 6 Debates scheduled, the first October 13 in Vegas? To tell you the truth I don't even know if I'm invited yet, but I can tell you a lot of work has gone on in my Campaign with piddly-drizzle-campaign-support and that's got to change.

Let's be honest with ourselves. If the FBI Investigation now consuming Mrs. Clinton's actions and choices with her Server finds even one more National Security violation she could be doing time and that ammo for Republicans will be HUGE! The other concern of course is if they find a trace of the Pay-To-PlayGate Scandal on her server that could easily erupt into a full blown Political Scandal with foreign contributions funding her Campaign. These are not imagined conspiracies if your reading the Main Stream Media Reports..they are happening. 

Of course we do not like to hear about the 'bad' when it comes to Candidates we like, but it doesn't mean we can stick our head in the sand and pretend they are not there. To be on the safe side, I want you to consider a Contribution to my Campaign because we are kind of rolling now and we are getting very close to a BIG TIME SUPREME COURT Case hearing. The following article details why Democrats had better start thinking "Birtherism" is cool, and thinking about the saying if you can't beat them join them. It really does have to do with our National Security. 

We have a very rich xxxxxx to defeat if Mr. Trump is the Republican Nominee and believe me though he says he likes 'women' , they should be very afraid of the xxxxxx Mr. Trump threatens them into with a veto of their right to choose. He's already courting the Democrat Vote you can see thinking about a general election and as my new Video Depicts below in this article, "Birtherism" is not something that is going to STOP him. 

You might think me unimportant because I have never been elected. So 14 Republican Presidential Candidates thought the same about Mr. Trump just two months ago now. Storms can come and shift political tides very quickly so I'm asking you for your help now. We know that the majority of Democrats have not contributed to a campaign yet. Mrs. Clinton has got a big chunk of funds she may never be able to use. Please, help me now by contributing to my Campaign. Believe me, with being the only Presidential Candidate in the Nation to take a stand for our Constitution Qualifications for the Office of the President on a bi-partisan stand, remember I sued John McCain and Obama, I can make Mr. Trump look well, like the video says a "Blow Hard".
That's like someone 'Blowing Wind' when they speak but do 'nothing', which is exactly what his platform message is. He's done nothing, but promises the world. What are Democrats going to do IF the Supreme Court of the United States rules in my Favor, and finds Obama's Identification a 'fraud', or finds that indeed he is 'ineligible' according to the Constitution's demands? Who is in the position to beat Mr. Trump then? 

Believe me, there will be only one Candidate's Name on Democratic Party leaders lips and they might be just as dumb-founded as the Press has been that the General Public has Trump at the top of the Political Polls leading by double digits. How do you beat a xxxxxx  like that? You better have a Plan that makes sense, and my Campaign does. I really do believe the Democratic Party can come out and beat this guy if they tap into the same energy that Trump is tapping into, accept with a Candidate who actually did the work, performed well through our Civil Judicial Process, worked his guts out to maintain that and pursue it to the Supreme Court responsibly. Is that not a message to the public about someone the Democratic Party has couched in their wings?

I'm here for you, but my heck your starving me to death.(smile) I need help! I'm tired of this "hiding", and "picking" and "secretiveness" , Democrats have always been bold, why should we hide when TRUTH is on our Side? We will only certainly lose again if we do not STOP and take a look inside. I couldn't stand to run in the Republican Party if my life depended upon it because I know just how cruel they can be. I know about pulling the choices out from under you. I know when opportunity is snatched and stomped on, and believe me I know what living below the poverty line is, but still scrapping to be self sufficient. 

Thank you for your considerations. Gosh, $25 would really help out right now and I'd be so appreciative to you. Please check out all my blog Post. I've made a Special Feature defending Planned Parenthood from the xxxxxxxx who would just as soon set us back 50 years in disease and medical research and I've done it in a nice Christian way that I think has made many on the right question their own false assumptions. Yes, I like to fight fire with fire and with Christian folks they respect it more than hate it. 

This is kind of long but again, I don't want to abuse your emails and its the devil trying to pick through them for removals. I'll probably end up in your junk folder anyway, so if you find me there I hope we can maintain a civil and open mindedness about what's happening. Please, send this out to your email lists. Its the only way we have survived this long. Believe me I want to start a Fire with the old time democratic values in this Country that will consume dry sage brush like no bodies business. I hope you're with me and can help out with the $25 just for safe keeping. And Please,Please Please, start voicing your opinions in Polls for Cody Robert Judy, and start emailing the National Party that we as a Party need to represent ourselves in debates with others who have not been elected. It bodes well for Republicans who have invited and worked in the press relations to at least spot light the Campaigns of Fiorina, Carson, and Trump...and look at whats happening with all of their campaigns. 

What are Democrats doing? "Hunkering down", "picking audiences", "Pre-selecting Questions", what the heck does that look like to you but an elite bunch of cow-patch. What's wrong with our Party!!! Let's clean House and let them know we are alive and we count - not just with words but with deeds. We want Cody Robert Judy in our Debates Please! You are part of a growing list of County Representatives all over the Country now informed with Truth. Every county Representative in TX,CA, IA,MA,NC,FL,AZ,NV,CO,SC,NH,GA, and NY, now have received this and we certainly are filling in the blanks quickly, so join us in an effort to broaden our selection, represent an equality of choice, and stand for inclusiveness.

Thank you so much, enjoy the article and please watch that new video. Give us a like on Facebook and Twitter by looking us up at Cody Robert Judy for President 2016. We've got a long way to go and short time to get there, but we're east bound and just watch ole Cody Go! Contribute here ]

You know Primaries and Caucuses within the Parties are suppose to be just what they represent a Choice. Some are Open, some are Semi-Open, and some are Closed, but they all represent a choice that is provided. I had a few of these County Representatives, chosen because they promised to represent their fellow County Democratic Citizens in defending, providing, and including a choice for them, say they were not going to pass it on to their precincts or email list. I thought, boy, that is really sad. At least the County Representatives had a choice. How would they feel if they didn't have one or found out someone had taken their choice away? 

One of the best things I've every understood about the Democratic Party was that choice was protected, and freedom and liberty were protected, as well as it being a big tent or what we called inclusiveness. I've worked very hard as a Candidate to get the word out as best as I could, to build a Campaign and represent a Platform for America that I think is very good and will help us. I've got web sites, social media sites, campaign commercials, you name it. So to not be included in the debates or election process really seems like it represents unfairness, inequality, and a disloyalty to the code of Democrats and I hope  that it does not prevail.
Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Left- Cody Robert Judy - D Presidential Candidate 2016 / Right - Donald Trump R Presidential Candidate 2016
BOTH have Famous Reputations as

- WHY IT MATTERS in 2016-
The Main Stream Media might not have ever guessed that the Birther Reputation would back fire and Republicans would have a Candidate for President leading in virtually all the Fields and in all the Polls who was also a Birther, but that's exactly what's happened! Amazing and Crazy Americans who love what is so distinctly theirs that whatever label you put on the Constitution they will wear it with honor. With Obama sitting in the White House as a lame duck turning what he calls the's 4th Quarter and what Birther's call his usurpation, why in the world do BIRTHERS matter in the coming 2016 Election?

The following video was put out yesterday entitled 2016 BIRTHER MISSING IN MEDIA?  Featured in it are the really wonderful and talented News Personalities of Chuck Todd - From MEET THE PRESS, Megyn Kelly - From FOX NEWS and Anderson Cooper CNN interviewing Mr. Donald Trump all related to the Birther Question and his stand on this issue in 2011 and where it fits in the 2016 Election now.
Have a look:


What you are seeing there is Main Stream Media News Personalities actually trying to catch up to the Birther Movement rather than staying ahead of it being told by the 2016 Poll Leading Republican Candidate that he doesn't know if Obama's birth certificate is 'Real' and he doesn't know if U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is qualified because of the "one extra hurdle" of not being born here in America and Mr. Trump's Poll Numbers haven't gone down because of it, they have gone up! You hear Mr. Trump assert "McCain was a Birther!"

You would think Republicans Bush, Walker, Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Fiorina, Carson, Perry, Huckabee and the rest of them would get a CLUE that BEING A BIRTHER is actually COOL? It strikes at the heart of the Constitution and there is no position more influential in our Government or representing our Government in the World. So, why wouldn't you say the Qualifications for that Office are a big deal when it comes to defending our National Security?

Well Trump is if nothing else that we can all agree on a very successful world class businessman. He gets it! These other folks just don't get it and the America People see right through it. As the video detailed in Mr. Trumps own words as a Republican Candidate he expected Mr. Obama to be held to the same accountability as all the other Candidates for President under the law which requires at least he be born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. Willing to keep his own Parties Candidates towing the line, he asserts with Megyn Kelly that U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz has 'one extra hurdle' to get over because he wasn't 'born in the U.S.', referring in general to his knowledge that the 'other hurdle' is your parents have to be U.S. Citizens. 


On the Democratic Party- Birther side you'd  have to be a cat living in the barn way out in the field not to know Cody Robert Judy whose legal stand in the Civil Court Arena is world renowned and has been read by literally ten's of thousands of Politicians, Lawyers, and University Professor Legal Teaching Professional. He's the only Candidate in the Democratic Party who actually has a Federal Court Record against U.S. Sen. John McCain who was not born in America, but was born in the Panama Hospital and has had not one but two Congressional Acts the first making him a Citizen of the U.S. after he was 11 months old which would constitute a 'naturalization process', the second a non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution declaring him by a naturalization process again to be a 'naturalized natural born Citizen' able to run for President because he was born of two American Parents and disregarding the birth place all together.

Although Cody Robert Judy ran as a write-in for President in 2008, he wasted no time including Obama in his law suit after Obama was made the Democratic Nominee with the hard fought battle he and Hillary Clinton waged into the late Summer in 2008. Cody continued in 2012 jumping right into the Democratic Party again, which he had more of a reputation with as a Candidate in his 2002 Congressional and 2004 U.S. Senate races in the State of Utah. He sued Obama on State Ballot Challenges as ineligible for the Office of the President in the priming Primary State of New Hampshire clear to that States Supreme Court, continued the same course in Georgia to its State Supreme Court and ended in the U.S. Supreme Court with Case Judy v. Obama No. 12-5276. 

In the video you hear Mr. Trump assert that Democratic Party Poll Leading Hillary Clinton was the first Birther. So it seems like everyone really is a Birther, so why is it so hard to figure out that its' at least popular as a Root or Core issue to defend the qualifications of the Office of the President?

Indeed you see the Main Stream News Media personalities of Chuck Todd from the very popular political caveat show Meet The Press hosted by NBC, Megyn Kelly with her fierce fighting The Kelly File on Fox News, and Anderson Cooper hitting hard on 360 with CNN all asking the leading Republican Candidate about the BIRTHER PRINCIPLE as it relates to his Campaign for President in 2016.

These are far-reaching and very deeply entrenched News Personalities that have literally billions of dollars tied up in influencing the American Psyche. Should Mr. Trump duck and dodge the question like Mrs. Clinton has about her 'emails' for so long, pre-selecting audiences and questions to surround her couch, or does he answer them honestly? 

Of course the answer is Mr. Trump hits it head-on come what may, and he has been rewarded for it rising in the Polls faster than any other Republican Candidate and the press is looking at him with disbelief and bewilderment because to them THE BIRTHER PRINCIPLE was 'kook' and 'fringe' as they were trained to understand using the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov reward reinforcement method. They were rewarded with access if they played nice.

Taking it one step further the pay-to-play system requires actual contributions to Foundations to gain access to the Party and negative reinforcement has been used with removing Reporters from access who were not so nice with their perceptions, opinions, and writing skills. Anita Dunn - Barack Obama's campaign adviser detailed how they created the Obama Cult of Personality which eventually landed him in the White House. 

Where so much time, money, and talent is placed you'll find people willing to do just about anything. The problem in politics is when that becomes set against the Supreme Law of our Constitution. I think our Constitution is the safest "cult", if you want to have one to make popular because it ensures equality under its precepts afforded to everyone regardless of race, color, prior servitude as well as gender", Cody Robert Judy said.

 "Our Constitution is much deeper rooted than any particular personality like Obama's for instance. That's why I have no problem representing it through the qualifications for the Office of the President through rain, sleet, hail, snow, or sunshine, it will be there tomorrow and Obama won't be.. he's already a lame duck and he certainly doesn't "own" the United States Supreme Court Justices anymore than Donald Trump owns all the other Republican Candidates right now who aren't Birthers. They are still fighting it, but they will come around."

Cody Robert Judy's the only Presidential Candidate Democrat or Republican right now in the United States Supreme Court fighting for the qualifications for the Office of the President as it pertains to the 2008, 2012, and also the coming 2016 Election. Being a Birther still Matters and the witness of that may be the fact Mr. Trump leads in all the Republican Polls, and though Mr. Judy hasn't made the Main Stream Media yet he has done his home-work and a positive decision in the U.S. Supreme Court could land him there very quickly even as Mrs. Clinton's polling numbers are falling over scandals ranging from the Emailgate she's fielding questions about now under an FBI Investigation to the Pay-to-Play Gate scandal of the Clinton Foundation that may yet be conflicted with a U.S. Presidential Race.

Besides the "Right and Wrong", "Equality v. Inequality", and "Justice v. Injustice" side of the Birther Principle that we all recognize but few actualize, we certainly do not want 'Fraud', "Forgery", and "Criminal Wrongdoing" to permeate uncontrollably in U.S. Elections. That is just the simple facts of the issue continual raising its head.  The 2016 Election discussion the Main Stream Media is not willing to let die is why it also matters. Perhaps in their own conscience that is the reason they are the ones keeping it alive?

We just has to report the good laugh we had with Celebrity Heidi Klum as she posted on her Twitter Feed the video of Donald Trump staying she was not a "10" anymore and ripping a sign off her that revealed the 9.9 number! Oh my gosh we roared! Certainly could not hold Cody back from a Twitter to her about it either we are sharing with you now all in good fun.

The Campaign is announcing a new FUNDRAISER because we anticipate a pretty big expense in travel to Washington DC and will be depending upon you to help us represent ourselves well. May you have the faith , put your best foot forward, step-up, and step forward with us into the Support Ring of really honoring our Constitution by supporting CRJ TODAY FOR A BETTER AMERICA TOMORROW.

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site:

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

SUPREME COURT TAKES UP OBAMA ELIGIBILITY CASE - WILL OBAMA BE REMOVED? 2016 Birther Missing From the Main Stream Media- Donald Trump?


2016 Birther Missing From the Main Stream Media-
 Donald Trump?

You might call it insincerity, you might call it the bait and switch, but one thing you can say is the Media now days seem to be very interested in the Birther Movement with Mr. Donald Trump leading in all the Republican Polls. Is this a sincere concern or is it pretended? Of course now Donald Trump is doing and saying everything he can to avoid the "Birther Tag" but the questions persist unanswered by multiple Main Stream Media Sources as the question persist- Is Obama Qualified for the Office of the President?

You can tell the Media really wants to lay the Birther Tag on Mr. Trump in an attempt to discredit him and his assertions in 2011 that Obama was not born here. Trumps considerations persist as he acknowledges he was instrumental in getting something out of Obama though he says he's not sure what that something was referring to the long form birth certificate Obama coughed up after being in office three years and while over half the Country were questioning his Constitutional Qualifications in the Office of the President.

The following fast moving 3 Minute Video undertakes just a few of those Main Stream Media traps being laid down for Mr. Trump to step in. Is Mr. Trump the one the Media should be asking or is there a Presidential Candidate missing from the Main Stream Media?

As the Video Detailed a  really unprecedented 2nd Hearing is very close at hand with a 2016 Presidential Candidate who has standing in 2008 and 2012 suing for damages claimed to the Campaigns due to Obama's Ineligibility. Cody Robert Judy says, " You know rules are rules and we are bound to them at the time that these damages happen. Frankly, the Constitution has not changed- there's been no Amendment to it in the Legislative Branch. That leaves the Judicial Branch the duty to uphold what is Law at this time. The eight attempts in Congress since 2003 only solidify the people's will for the Court's to deliberate with the precedents of the law formed by the qualifications for President demanded in the Constitution's 'natural born Citizen Clause' for that Office.

"Honestly, if the law is upheld, and no one is above the law, then truly Obama will be found ineligible for the Office of the President. Obama's Campaign as well as the Democratic Party Corporations have known this and hoped no one would make it to the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES who had standing and also a record of bi-partisanship, so as to dissipate the very ill-used 'racist card', we saw in the video commercial even Chuck Todd of Meet the Press refer to as an 'insult to African Americans'.

"Since when is the qualifications for the Office of the President and insult to African Americans? I think that assumption is a horrible reference to all of us as our Constitution upheld in its principle form advocates equality regardless of 'race, color,  prior servitude and also gender."

The battle Cody Robert Judy has fought has been a treacherous uphill battle with what seems to be the whole world of Republicans with McCain, Cruz, Rubio, and Bobby Jindal against him as well as the Democratic Loyalist to Obama. However, Cody reminds all of us that popular politicians come and go, but our Constitution has remained in tact for all the generations benefiting Americans both in the past and the yet will in the future and should not be changed for lighthearted or transient purposes regardless of their powerful motives or our seeming best wishes to pat someone on the back. 

"Sure, this November Obama will have served 7 years, but what is that compared to 228 that our Constitution has served us?", Cody remarked, "Our commitment to Principle, Equality, Fairness, and Justice for All, should not exclude myself unless you also want to give up those yourself?", he queried.  Of course no one wants to give up those things when it comes to their time, talent, and money, but Cody has lost a great deal because of the inequality and horrendous treatment he has received by all accounts thus far. 

Cody has endured every racial slur and evil epithet you can think of from both Republicans and Democrats who really ought to be ashamed and embarrassed of their rancid leadership in this debacle. Its not hard to understand when you consider the qualifications for Senators and Representatives differ from the President.

"The natural born Citizen clause is the Law for the Qualification for President and Vice President unique from all the other offices." What Constitutional Amendment claims differently Cody challenges?  "The Courts are our balance of justice for that Law which when ignored set rotten meat at the table for our children to die and get sick on it. Rotten judgement is not in-perilous to penalty- in fact it invites a disciplined judgement."

"Where Judgement is perverted the blood of patriots and saints cry to God for Judgement while the fools errand thinks he might delay the price that will be paid just a little longer. It might not happen today, it certainly hasn't happened for near 7 years now, but it will happen in one day and that will be it. In the mean time, I have suffered patiently for I know God does in fact try the patients of the righteous in good order. We have the encouragement and promise that if we will bear each others burdens he will make them seem light and I have a great testimony of that in my life."  

"Those who have become addicted to instant oatmeal, instant satisfaction, instant gratification, and instant everything may also understand the easy come easy go rewards system as they eat today and fast tomorrow, as they are fat today and lean the next. 7 Years is quite a  long time to be fat and I think Obama has enjoyed the fat days of his existence while I have certainly enjoyed the lean ones of mine. It doesn't bother me. I've always been the type that saved the best for last anyway.

"Obama certainly hasn't been alone in financing corruption or a recovery that can boast what now? 19 Trillion in Debt? Oh wow-wee? Isn't that something to be proud of? The most certain thing is that Americans do not seem to understand the desolation that 19 Trillion Dollars is however it is inescapable now so we all will for sure. Enjoyed the delay one day it's time to pay, you just can't put it off forever, nor when God blows his top will there be much hope in stopping it.

"It is not good news to report or to choke on if you're a Media Reporter, but what will or can they do? They simply shrug their shoulders and move on to the next story. Its not that big of a deal to them. They will get paid for their next story.", he smiles. " You know there are some very special people out there who really are the children of God, the salt of the earth, and a delight and honor to the Heavens. How sweet their rewards will be and what a pleasure it has been for me to rub shoulders with them. It is truly an honor for me."

We just has to report the good laugh we had with Celebrity Heidi Klum as she posted on her Twitter Feed the video of Donald Trump staying she was not a "10" anymore and ripping a sign off her that revealed the 9.9 number! Oh my gosh we roared! Certainly could not hold Cody back from a Twitter to her about it either we are sharing with you now all in good fun.

The Campaign is announcing a new FUNDRAISER because we anticipate a pretty big expense in travel to Washington DC and will be depending upon you to help us represent ourselves well. May you have the faith , put your best foot forward, step-up, and step forward with us into the Support Ring of really honoring our Constitution by supporting CRJ TODAY FOR A BETTER AMERICA TOMORROW.

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You


Sunday, August 16, 2015


Cody Robert Judy -D- Candidate for U.S. President 2016 -
Only Candidate in U.S. History with Bi-Partisan Federal Court Record in the Defense of the U.S. Constitution's Qualification demand of 'natural born Citizen' ie born in U.S. to Citizen Parents
*See Update II  below September 21st, 2015

Have you ever in your life seen Main Stream Democratic Party Candidates so completely terrified to debate? I mean the Republicans did trot 17 Candidates up on two debate stages August 6th three of which had never been elected, but at least had been given some coverage by the main stream media. Can that be said for the Democratic Party? The answer is "No-No-No!"

Will 2016 be turned in for the Democrats to be the new-age election where Candidates hunker down, batten down the hatches, avoid the press, avoid questions, pre-select questions, and pre-select living room audiences as Hillary Clinton has been allowed to do so far or will the Press start to "Candidately" admit this looks pretty darn rigged and crooked?

Edit Excerpt:
August 13th The Post & Email Editor-in-Chief Sharon Rondeau responding to Post run at BirtherReport of that ABC ran of little known Candidates actually had her Comment 'Removed' or 'deleted' by the Moderates of ABC which only reported a Case in the United States Supreme Court of Judy v. Obama 14-9396. Doesn't it seem odd to have a comment removed from a Newspaper editor-in-chief by ABC that simply reports a pending case in SCOTUS? This is sadly just more evidence that TRUTH is feared more than anything.

While Main Stream Democratic Party Candidates for the most part support Obama, there is one that has thought more of the Constitution then any particular Candidate. Is it a really part of an honorable Republican Platform not to have [a]ny of their mainstream Candidates having any Record at all of actually defending the U.S. Constitution's demand for a 'natural born Citizen'? Is that something Republicans take pride in?

After Reading the Following Story entitled THE DEMOCRATS ARE TERRIFIED TO DEBATE, and being summoned in such as either a part of the "Parade of Losers" or "Kooks", I was left out of the "Crooks" account created for Hillary Clinton in the article. That is until, I clicked on the link of 'Democrat Nominees' of Course included in the story and found the most bias account I may have every read.

All tolled the 18 Democratic Candidates for President that I guess the Democrats don't want you to know about. While Republicans sported 17 Candidates in their first debate 3 of which have not been elected to office before in Trump, Fiorina, and Carson those three seem to be doing much better after the debate. Is it any surprise why the Democrats are actually afraid to let me see the light of day on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton-67, Martin O' Malley-52, and Bernie Sanders-73? I would be the only one still in my 4th Decade at 49?

Clicking on my Name- Cody Robert Judy I read the Editorialized version of Hell Associated with my name and emailed them a few corrections I do not think affords me any great latitude, bias, or their site with any bigotry.

The following Corrections might be appropriate for the Editorialized False information regarding my (Cody Robert Judy) 2016 Candidacy for President.

1) I'm not Mormon- The Church Excommunicated me in 1995 for 'apostasy'. That fact should be included because its not right to mis-represent the LDS Church with a nonfactual membership.

2) If you include that, it might give me some breathing room as the LDS Church and State are seen both punishing me. That at least combines the Church and State in a unlawful prosecution of my protest that is detailed in my book TAKING A STAND - The Conservative Independent Voice.

3- The detail of 'Bomb threat' you included in your arm-chair quarterback position is false, unless you also include people confusing B.O.M (Book of Mormon) with the word bomb and realize the LDS Church copyrighted the whole incident. That video tape was introduced to the Judge by the A.G. , but was refused to me as the Judge , also a Mormon Bishop stated in Court 'We don't want 20/20 Barbara Walters getting it.". Releasing the video would also necessarily convicted many members of the LDS Church of brutal assaults and unnecessary, unrestrained, and violent behavior in a Church Meeting.

4) I really don't think any of this information is biased because it in fact represents the truth. If your willing to write the false narrative you did, why not try a shot at the truth? The official charge was 'aggravated burglary' the small print which says, "entering a building with the intent to commit a felony" although which felony is a mystery, and while its difficult to imagine a weapon the Mormon's use as a canonical text B.O.M, you really need to quit paying so much attention to 'Church owned newspapers' writing bomb, unless you'd like to endorse them for President?
The story of that is here:

5) Satire aside - My three Ropes Campaign Platform is here:

6) Now while your spotlighting Candidates for President, and mentioning the worst quite easily noticed, you might just for the laughs and giggles throw in the Best?

Cody Robert Judy is the ONLY candidate in U.S. History to have a bi-partisan Federal Court Record or Stand on defending the Constitution's demand or qualifications for President as a 'natural born Citizen' i.e., Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. His current case is also the longest lasting eligibility challenge in SCOTUS HISTORY and U.S. Case history. If its so 'dis-proven' why is it pending in the United States Supreme Court now? Isn't that a little risky on your part or at least 'placing a bet, gamble, or perhaps your own prophesy?

Ref: Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, NV.

Judy v. Obama SCOTUS 12-5276 AND Judy v. Obama 14-9396 currently scheduled for its unprecedented 2nd Conference Sept 28th, 2015.

You might want to read my defense of Planned Parenthood Special Report before you 'label me' strictly to the right on your last paragraph.

I mean if you want your Site to look like a satire joke you can withhold hard facts. The problem with doing that is others began to look at your Site as just that. The choice is yours of course.

Cody Robert Judy

Guess we'll see what if any changes are made?
Cody Robert Judy lives in Ogden, Utah. He attended and graduated from Utah State University, with a degree in Psychology. Little information is available on his employment history, but he currently owns his own business.

Judy is a Mormon, and his religious beliefs have led him to questionable actions. In 1993, holding a nondescript briefcase, he ascended uninvited to a Marriot Center stage where Howard W. Hunter, President of the Council of the Twelve of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon church), addressed an assembled crowd. Judy then proceeded to threaten Hunter, claiming he had a bomb in his briefcase and that he would detonate it if Hunter did not flee the building. Several audience members and at least two security guards intervened, physically subduing Judy until police could be summoned. Judy admitted to the crime and plead guilty, saying he had done it because God told him he was to be the next prophet of the LDS church. Three doctors who examined Judy testified that he suffered from a delusional disorder but that he rationally understood the charges against him, and he was ruled competent to enter his plea. He served eight years in prison.

Despite his running as a Democrat, Judy has no love for the nation's President. He has spoken out against Barack Obama on the (thoroughly disproven) grounds that Obama is not a natural-born American citizen and is thus ineligible to occupy the White House. He has sued President Obama for this reason, and in fact has done the same to Republican Senator and former presidential contender John McCain, on the same basis.

Judy is a staunchly conservative candidate. He vigorously opposes illegal immigration, calling for the implementation of minefields and high-beam cutting laser fences along the southern border with only legitimate points of entry remaining safe. He categorically rejects amnesty for immigrants already present illegally, and says the immigration system should be strengthened to welcome people legally. He also supports increasing domestic production of energy using fossil fuels, while funding research into more diverse energy sources and the cleaner use of traditional sources. On the issue of healthcare, he advocates for the use of deregulation and tax cuts to enable the population to afford medical treatment under a free market.

With policies decidedly far to the right of the political spectrum, it is ironic that Judy is likely to find his most vehement support among the Republican Tea Party, as he himself seeks the Democratic nomination. His criminal past, however, risks making him into an unacceptable choice for a majority of American voters.]

The following Changes were made to my introduction over at POLITICKS.ORG which we will Post along with my Considered answer found below:

[ Cody Robert Judy lives in Ogden, Utah. He attended and graduated from Utah State University, with a degree in Psychology. Little information is available on his employment history, but he currently owns his own business.

Judy is a former Mormon, but has been officially excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon church) for apostasy. In 1993, holding a nondescript briefcase, he ascended uninvited to a Marriot Center stage where Howard W. Hunter, President of the Council of the Twelve of the LDS church, addressed an assembled crowd. Official accounts (including eyewitness reports) state that Judy then proceeded to threaten Hunter by claiming he had a bomb in his briefcase and that he would detonate it if Hunter did not flee the building. Several audience members and at least two security guards intervened, physically subduing Judy until police could be summoned. Judy pleaded guilty to Aggravated Burglary, saying he had committed the crime because God told him he was to be the next prophet of the LDS church. He denies that any actual bomb threat was made, explaining that he merely referred aloud to the Book of Mormon (a holy text of Mormonism, considered by that faith to be part of the Holy Bible) by phonetically pronouncing its initials, BOM, which was misunderstood to the alarm of many. Records disagree with his account, but he contends that the official contradiction of his story was unfairly entered against him by a Mormon judge and perpetuated by Mormon newspapers, all seeking to discredit him. Three doctors who examined Judy testified that he suffered from a delusional disorder, but that he rationally understood the charges against him, and he was ruled competent to enter his guilty plea. He served eight years in prison.

Despite his running as a Democrat, Judy has no love for the nation's President. He has spoken out against Barack Obama on the (thoroughly disproven) grounds that Obama is not a natural-born American citizen and is thus ineligible to occupy the White House. He has sued President Obama for this reason, and in fact has done the same to Republican Senator and former presidential contender John McCain, on the same basis.

Judy is a staunchly conservative candidate. He vigorously opposes illegal immigration, calling for the implementation of minefields and high-beam cutting laser fences along the southern border with only legitimate points of entry remaining safe. He categorically rejects amnesty for immigrants already present illegally, and says the immigration system should be strengthened to welcome people legally. He also supports increasing domestic production of energy using fossil fuels, while funding research into more diverse energy sources and the cleaner use of traditional sources. On the issue of healthcare, he advocates for the use of deregulation and tax cuts to enable the population to afford medical treatment under a free market.

With policies decidedly far to the right of the political spectrum, it is ironic that Judy is likely to find his most vehement support among the Republican Tea Party, as he himself seeks the Democratic nomination. His criminal past, however, risks making him into an unacceptable choice for a majority of American voters.]

I want to sincerely "THANK YOU" for respectfully revising my editorialized account. I really appreciate all the time you guys put in. Without you many would not even see me as a candidate unless they headed over to the FEC. That's commendable. 

There is still two REALLY MAJOR BIG DEAL, as far as the TRUTH OF THE RECORD is concerned. The U.S. Supreme Court has a 2nd conference scheduled Sept 28th on Obama's INELIGIBILITY and if that goes forward than the 'presumption' that its been legally dealt with could really melt on you. 

So again, we are at an impasse with the account of the Record and the assumptions you have made that its settled. 

Just stating for the RECORD that Judy v. Obama, 14-9396 is up for a SECOND conference Sept. 28th, 2015 is of course current and simply inclusive of the actual Court Record the U.S. Supreme Court is very much a part of TRUTH.

Your 'staunch conservatism' still labels me in the Pro-Life Category where the reference I gave you actually defending Planned Parenthood and my stand as Pro-Choice for Life disagrees in the politically correct arena. 

Why does it matter? Well, by simply stating 'staunchly conservatism' you alienate right away the BIG CHUNCK of D's who support Pro-Choice. I mean its a very big issue right now and there's not to many Candidates who have defended Planned Parenthood on the right side of conservatism right?

That is the truth if you can agree with that? Maybe you need to broaden your "label category" Just an idea? For instance, I call myself a "Conservative Independent Democrat" based on my 'conservatism towards the Constitution in my defense of the natural born Citizen clause outlining the qualifications for the office of President and Vice President, and liberal for freedom, liberty and choice.

I hope that is agreeably understood.
Cody Robert Judy

P.S. I am updating my Blog on this story, Regarding your Post and Link here.

I noticed that you put on Hillary Clinton's Introduction a Video of her Kick Off afforded on YouTube. I hope you will do the same for me? Here is the YouTube url and embedded code for your convenience.


Cody Robert Judy

UPDATED September 21st, 2015:
In your editorial regarding me I found for you some other testimonies perhaps you might take into consideration just to you know make your statement regarding my religion practices correct... I guess? It seems you have no problem condescending 'religious Faiths or practices', but ultimately it might be considered a case of libel.

You Write in your false narrative:
[(including eyewitness reports) state that Judy then proceeded to threaten Hunter by claiming he had a bomb in his briefcase and that he would detonate it if Hunter did not flee the building. Several audience members and at least two security guards intervened, physically subduing Judy until police could be summoned]

Why would I ask Hunter to flee the building? That's so stupid to write.  There's no basis to it at all. I never asked Hunter to leave the building as you state in the synonymous 22 years ago. I asked him to read an apology statement from the Church for treating me so 'rude', which they had done. If your going to include something that happened 22 years ago, at least get it right?

These kinds of problems can be handled within a Church but when the State comes in and starts dictating what words mean in a church meeting, well then you have really lost the 1st Amendment of our U.S. Constitution haven't you and everybody who believes in God is nuts. Maybe that's the way you want it to appear? If so, your a bigger enemy to the U.S. Constitution and a threat to it, then anyone right?

Statement 1: I was on the opposite side, about 30 rows up, but close enough to see the whole thing play out and hear his voice. I remember watching those valiant Elders of Israel dropping down behind the stands, circling, and then when some old dude rushed the podium with his hand raised, the mob pounced and old Cody Judy disappeared in the melee. It was crazy.

( The statement- some old dude rushed with his hands raised. Doesn't that sound like I was 'rushed' and assaulted?)

Statement 2:[Fascinating and sad. I had never known what happened after the initial report. Thanks for the link.
The fellow, Cody Judy, strikes me as a modern Samuel the Lamanites and his claims make a lot of sense in Mormon context - more than those of the current executive team. Plus he has the balls to back up his claim of divine authority:
"I have seen the resurrected Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ and ancient apostles. They have told me this is what I have to do," Judy said.]

( Here's a statement from an eyewitness that states very importantly within the context of the church what I was saying made sense, and was backed up within the Mormon context and by a religious understanding or context of authority.  "More so" this witness states then the current Leadership in his opinion. Samuel the Lamanite was a prophet sent to the people of ancient America to call them to repentance. They shot their bows and arrows at him but could not hit him. He delivered the message and left. Soon (32 years) in the B.O.M. (Book of Mormon) the people were indeed subject to the prophesies made by Samuel the Lamanite.)

Statement 3- [I was there, right behind the stage, about 25 rows up. Great view, saw the whole thing, beginning to end, up close. The stage was close to the back of the auditorium, so really it was one of the best views to watch it all go down. One of the girls in our group threw up. People were crying all over. When they finally got the "detonator" about 50 guys randomly came down from the stands and beat the hell out of him. An exciting evening... Glad to see someone remembers it. :)]

Now, in this context you actually see a witness to 50 guys beating the hell out of me, and that being called an 'Exciting Evening' for a Church Fireside? Can you imagine that all videotaped and held by the LDS Church Authorities, after mine you, what they say was a a threat was removed.

That's an important context. Its like after police have someone on the ground subdued, and then the punching and kicking and beating begins. That is a reprehensible and punishable by excessive force. You in your statements are glamorizing, and enjoying the harm that is being caused in your statements.

Now, of course we notice "detonator" is in quotes, because there was none. Police recovered none, there was no more a threat then you could imagine one made out of a pop-tart. The very disturbing thing is after all that was understood and known, a greater embarrassment came upon the Church Leaders. SWAT Team actually blew my scriptures up on Camera presented to the TV Channels, and they doubled down on their prosecution. Yes, its a huge embarrassment for the Church.

 Charges were escalated from misdemeanors to 1st degree felonies with no more 'evidence' no more damage discovered, and no more evidence of any weapon whatsoever, and certainly no harm to any person. These are the facts. This is why I object so much to your 'framing' the event towards newspaper articles owned by the Church or if nothing else condensing the statement to a sentence.

Since you may be big on my opinion mixed with others in your idea of fairness, How about :

Cody Robert Judy, with no juvenile or prior criminal record whatsoever, court records reveal, was framed by LDS Church Leaders cooperating with the then LDS Bishop serving as District Court Judge of the Church/State. Frames of the video tape were released to the Press. It seems the illegal union of church and state authority lied on their part in a plea-bargain to wash the whole thing down the tube with '6 months time served'. Court Records show Cody's Motion to withdraw his guilty plea three days later after the nefarious trap was understood. He served 8 years in prison with 5 Rehearings. Many attempts were made to obtain the evidence of the video tape of the Marriott Center Incident. KTVX Channel 4  with their own lawyers spent 10K to obtain the video-tape they acclimated would make LDS Church Leaders heroes if nothing was amiss. Many witnesses attesting to what is referred to as a mob of upwards of 50 beating Mr. Judy after it was understood no threat existed, while the Church refused the evidence to Mr. Judy on his Appeals. Mr. Judy refused by his Criminal Court Judge/LDS Bishop the evidence, was forced to take the LDS Presidency to Court who maintained Copyright of the Videotape, and appealed clear to the U.S. Supreme Court in Civil Case No. 96-7655. The U.S. Supreme Court ultimately ruled 'not enough people suffered [n]ot getting evidence used against them' to hear the Civil Law Case.

Is there something wrong with that statement? I mean if you have to bring it up at all?

It is understood the Democratic National Party is in charge for Democratic Candidates on this site.
Contact Information
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 863-8000

Republican National Committee
310 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: 202-863-8700
Fax: 202-863-8820

Cody Robert Judy

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :
 Taking A Stand- the Conservative Independent Voice.

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

INSPIRING - I believe in You