www.codyjudy.us Three Ropes Platform
Dear United States Citizens:
As your U.S. President I would be happy to serve you, and first and foremost do my level best to preserve and protect our U.S. Constitution.
That includes Article 2 that demands our President be a 'natural born citizen'. This is perhaps the golden egg of our Constitution, for it protects us domestically from foreign usurpers who would put us in harm’s way, destroy our Constitution, and enslave our future generations with debt and as you know I have done just that in my past in suing Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama for not being qualified by the demands of our Constitution and U.S. Supreme Court precedent that politicians in Washington DC have simply turned a deaf ear on. If at any time in our lifes it was important to send Washington DC a message, sending me to Washington DC as President would certainly put those deaf ears on notice too.
Vision To Believe In Cody Robert Judy's Three Ropes Initiative Platform extends to America a plan to protect the Constitution, Impower our Economy, and preserve our Sovereignty. Here are 3 other Initiatives I think would really help our Country get out of the mess we are in right now, and you can now watch an abbreviated form of the 3 Ropes Initiative Platform because I just finished a YouTube video of it above. Click on it and enjoy!
Cody Robert Judy Releases: CRJ's Three Ropes Initiative Platform 2012
1- America’s Strong Defense Initiative
At least 919,967 people have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq since the U.S. and coalition attacks, based on lowest credible estimates. Obama has continued the Bush premptive strike doctorine and has further engaged the U.S. with the U.N. responsiblity to protect doctorine making the U.S. the police force of the world.
Near 6,000 Soldiers have been killed in Iraq and America has paid out nearly a Trillion dollars for that war. Politicians say we did a lot of good, and our interest justified that, however America's future generations should not have to endure indentured servitude , nor America's hard earned tax dollars squandered on something less than a citizenry willing to incorporate our U.S. Constitution. A war duty tax of natural and mineral resources and the facilities in which they are produced or refined upon foreign soils is fair to the defense used to liberate foreign peoples up to a 35% gratuity until war debt is paid starting with Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Foreign countries are getting in the habit of draining the U.S. as their police force for a gang called Al Qaeda and the word Democracy. While we support freedom and liberty here under our Constitution as a Republic, we should also respect the sovereignty of other nations, and these other nations we are sending so much money into are highly unlikely to adopt our Constitution. Why should we trade one dictator for a legislature in place likely to do the same thing, and not demand our hard earned tax dollars back?
Springs Revolution has become Obama's magic word for America to spend billions in a foreign country and it needs to stop.
Debt clocks on Iraq and Afghanistan
2- America’s Natural Resource Excavation Initiative
Do you ever get the feeling that America’s natural resources are seemingly used against us? Why shouldn't we be able to use our natural resources to pay down our national debt? America’s natural resources of gas, coal, and oil may be the only thing we have left to assure our future generations that politicians haven’t sold them into slavery. Every time we turn around the Federal Government is declaring a National Park in Utah or some other state. Land is taken without just compensation. That's not right. With balance America would soon be out of debt responsibly unleashing our natural resources encouraging greater freedom and liberty among our people. While Government has been used to tie up these resources from the people in many ways, I think the government can be used to encourage businesses here in America in working towards the value standard increase of our dollar.
3- America’s Enforced Borders Initiative
America’s borders perpetrated by illegal aliens abroad, shall, by any means necessary to maintain the dictate of Independence and liberty, be secured by the use of her military ingenuity and intelligence of deadly force. A nation without borders is no nation at all, and the security of our borders is every bit as important as any foreign war in the Middle East. Would any one of us just leave the front door open to our house for anyone to walk through?
Through America’s Conservative values and faithful citizenry, we can be a happy people. Debt has made us miserable, stifled our charity, dampened the hope of future generations, and cost us far greater heart ache. We need to figure out ways to repay our debts responsibly rather than war. While our jobs have been shipped overseas and corporations have found cheaper labor abroad, America is paying the price 2 over, with no jobs, and in purchasing foreign goods. This doesn't even make sense and we are definitely on the road to bankruptcy. As we have seen banks bailed out, city and state governments are on a very fine line to throwing their hands up to the Federal Government and asking for bailouts also. Without any steam to move forward, we will find ourselves sliding back. I think it is more important to get out of the way of the small steam engines of enterprising small businesses that can literally double in 1 year, then to fund a top heavy Federal Government.
America, I promise you I would work very hard to find positive solutions for solvency. I just know we can lead in this effort and with conservative principles; we can achieve and sustain a better quality of life then this massive debt we are seeing. By reducing capital gains tax, and literally allowing many of the federal income tax dollars to be kept in the pockets of the citizens, positive incentives can be seen by businesses here immediately, spurring the growth we need and creating incentives for jobs to come home. Restoring the Constitutional integrity of our Country is paramount to turning the economy around and there is no doubt this will require your faith.
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