If every single person had to write a song that reflected their personal life, what would that song be and what would it sound like? Would it be a "Happy-Go-Lucky" song, would it be a "Love or Romance Ballad", would it be a "Tragic Melancholy", would it be a Violent, Angry, or Frustrated Headbanger? Truth is, everyone of us has a few songs on each subject we could write.
Maybe you are not putting 'notes' and 'rest' and 'rhythm's' to your song because you don't know the first thing about writing music and only know how to listen to it. That's great, but you are still writing a song about your life. We all are. Maybe it doesn't come through to your ears, maybe you are a painter or an artist of a different understanding; words,stories, experiences all become a part of your song, but make no mistake about it, you are an artist.
The words in a document like the United States Constitution are a song, as are the fittings of a plumber, the casing of a carpenter, or the engine of a car all contributing to our collective song. Mine is unique as is yours, we are not the same people. We are individuals.
Do you remember the movie "WALK THE LINE" starring Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Robert Patrick? I always remember in that movie when Johnny Cash played by Joaquin got his first try out. He and his band went and played an old gospel song. The Studio Producer said and I'm paraphrasing here, 'Well, I've heard enough you guys got anything better than that? We've all heard that song played that way a hundred times. If you were about to die, is that the song you would choose to play, or would you play something different?" You can see a little reminder of that scene here at about 29 seconds. Of course in the movie Johnny Cash plays a song he had written while in the army "Folsom Prison Blues".
The point here as I reflect is we all are indeed writing a song with our lives and while we are all unique in our songs, we all sure can relate to each other and the problems we all have that are similar but different. Sometimes the success of a song really depends on how well other people can relate and incorporate the words of the song in their own life.
Many of you know me more for standing up for the Constitution's Principles, especially the natural born Citizen clause required in the Office of the President that I filed in Court as a matter of record in 2008 and 2012 and now 2014 in Judy v. McCain and Judy v. Obama. The principles in our Constitution are important and using them as a guideline and direction really has kept us out of a lot of trouble.
Of course when they are violated the consequences are seen also and we pay for them in much the same way as you would buy something that was very expensive. Mistakes in our lives are costly. Of course we all hope we can learn from our mistakes and do better, but when we don't learn from our mistakes often they are repeated in our life and that can be said of a whole country also.
American exceptionalism is a strongly debated topic. Many say America is not really number one at anything when you start looking at the numbers and manipulating them. Defense and protection is very important when you have a tyrant at your door wanting to dictate terms on your life. That is where our Constitution becomes real as a set of guidelines for the liberties and freedoms we have agreed upon as law.
Of course some lawyers and elected leaders might say 'law' is really only what is actually enforced. Meaning for instance when you have an unqualified person in the Office of the President, he stays there unless the law is enforced that says we require as a qualification a natural born Citizen, "Born in the U.S. to Citizen parents" which of course is the sensible application of the law to avoid a foreign influence at the head of our armies and military.
When Congress debated this in 2000 the testimonies were really interesting and reflected that something amazing happens in a second generation American that does not necessarily happen or is not necessarily felt through the veins and heart of a person as a first generation American that is poignant or pervasive so the qualification has not changed even though it has been considered fairly recently in our own history. Most Americans probably have no idea what was said in those hearings and chalk it up to 'trusting their Representatives' with a comment like, "That's their job- That's what we vote for them to do".
Elected positions are not really so much about popularity contest as they are a 'trust' to do a job, much the same as if you asked your son to go to the store and buy a gallon of milk and hoped and trusted he would come home with milk rather than a bag full of candy. It seems simple enough, but often it becomes a regrettable circumstance and our elected leaders come home with a bag of candy to rot our teeth out instead of some milk to fortify our calcium intake that will strengthen our bones.
Well, my point here in this blog piece was really to say that standing up for the Constitution for me is as important as my music and both are reflections of my own heart. I can't see laying either of them down because they are both apart of me.
I don't write my songs because I think they will be big hits. I really don't. I write them because that's what I have coming through me. I don't take a stand for the Constitution or run for political office because I think it would be cool to have my picture taken with other foreign heads of state. I take a stand for the Constitution and run for political office because I understand how important those principles are for the people in our Country and a Country is really defined by the people, otherwise the value is maintained by the animals.
As soon as we lose appreciation for the principles of our Country's Constitution we really become an oppression upon our Country seen as something worse than the animals for at the very least they aren't oppressing nature but are abiding within nature's laws. I know that's kind of heavy, but there are truths that can be recognized with in it if one has a mind to look for them.
One song doesn't define me, I've written over 60 songs. Trying to pin me down to one song is certainly denying the other 59 in so many words. You can do it, but it doesn't hold all that much water. I'm certainly more than one single song and I'm more then one day in my life or one period in my life.
I do feel quite misunderstood often about much in my life and I've done quite a bit to try and open the box that many people would try to cage me in and label me as so as to do my part in helping people understand me. There are many who try very hard to keep me in their little box. They spend quite a considerable amount of time seeing to it I'm kept where they think I belong.
As I reflect on this 'effort of theirs', I have to ask myself why? Why do they do it? The answer comes back with the definition of 'fear'. They are afraid of their own reflections if it is discovered they are oppressors or in other words, trying to maintain me in their definition and little box. This is the action of a 'cover-up'. I do not try to cover them up, I'm not anxiously engaged in suppressing their music, or suppressing their 'likes' or 'hits'. I'm not even in the position to entertain doing that,but they are.
I am well aware of this effort of 'cover-up' and 'containment'. It happens on the Internet. There are interest, some might call them 'special interest' because they are a reflection of individuals who have planted the seed, nurtured it, and seen to it that it has grown. There efforts are not valiant, honorable, or beautiful by any stretch of the imagination or definition of the words. They are corrosive, corrupt, and disingenuous in nature. They do not reflect any appreciation, but reflect instead bitterness, fear, and contempt.
Its not my job to change them. That is their own song and I shall not hinder them from making their own song. My job is to give to you my songs and give to you my heart., for that is what I have to give, and for that I am grateful to be able to give you something. Yes, there might be quite a few things wrong with it and it might not be satisfactory to you because of this imperfection or that imperfection, and your certainly able to trash it.
What I am thrilled about is that there are people who love it and appreciate it. I want to say thank you to them and this message is to them for sharing, caring, and loving me. I love you for that reflection and I hope to reflect that love you've given me back to you. Its a lovely process. (smile) Its not that I can't improve either, or that I haven't improved from days gone by. Day by Day, here a little there a little, I don't think there is any one of us who wakes up one morning and things my goal is "not to improve" is there?
Even in our tragedies, sadness,and bitterness we are seeking improvement. With that I want to thank you for all you have done for me. Each and every one of you, critics and collaborators alike. I don't believe you would criticize without caring in some ways for me. I recognize this. My own mother is my worst critic and justifies it based on her freedom to do so. I do not think she does not love me. My own father, God rested his weary body also was a great critic of me falling on my face. If I can take the harsh criticism from my own mother and father, I can surely take yours with some ease.
As we look upon our lives as vehicles often times driving a sports car is not practical on a bad snowy day where an SUV is so much nicer, but we all recognize a sports car is in many places pretty cool and fun. Every star in Hollywood has bad snowy days when they wish they were home driving the SUV before they turned into the sports car. Maybe that's were shape-shifting is a good thing and those who can do it and don't depend on just one certain vehicle are better off in life's changing roads and climates?
I've never depended upon being elected, neither have I depended upon my songs making a living for me. I am more than being elected, or being a one hit wonder and so are you. I want you to believe that and trust it because its the truth.
With that I want to thank everyone who through invitation, came to the private debut of my new single, 'I'M FEELING A NEW LOVE'. It was wonderful! I cherished each and everyone's compliments and have tucked them away in my heart to treasure the rest of my life very sincerely. You came, you listened, and you valued the gift of my heart to you. That means the world to me and is a buffer for being burned, quartered, and trashed. (smile)
You my friends are a joy to me and enrich my life. I could only hope to be some small smile in your lives and hearts.
With that I present to everyone "I'M FEELING A NEW LOVE" and hope you also will enjoy it as just a song, just one little song, nothing more.
Will you now join 221others across the country representing every state in the nation of informed patriots who have liked my Facebook page for President? Cody Robert Judy for President 2016 Thank you for your consideration.
Update on Judy v. Obama 1:14-cv-93 filed in the U.S. Court (District of Utah)
Those wishing to read the U.S. Federal Civil Rights Complaint may now do so here now as it is public information: Judy v. Obama 2014 U.S. FED Case No. 1:14cv00093
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Cody Robert Judy
For U.S. President 2016
If you think “Truth” is worth it, support it and quit supporting the lie. That is the beginning of change, or we can just keep on going down this road and see where it leads with Obama. Which is it going to be?
The Commercial is simply called "America"