Hero to Zero - Cruz 90% sure he wants to subvert the United States Constitution his Advisors 100%
Its not just the fact that someone who is not a 'natural born Citizen' as is the requirement for the Office of the President, its the stating under oath that you are qualified and collecting dollars in a campaign from people who think you are qualified that makes those who run frauds, bullies, and domestic enemies of the United States by the standard of the United States Constitution.
Its really heartbreaking to see a hero become a zero in one fell swoop and an honorable oath becomes a lie, but that's exactly what U.S. Senator Ted Cruz faces in his decision to officially enter the race for U.S. President in 2016. Of course his greatest defender for doing such as a un-qualified ineligible candidate is Barack Hussein Obama. This of course completely turns every word U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has said about the usurper around and places him on the same side of the isle as those who support Obama in the Office of the President.
Of course Sen. Ted Cruz is a U.S. Citizen, but a dual Citizen which Ted Cruz is quite naturally, cannot be President.
"Tens of millions of Americans would be willing to vote for Ted Cruz; to strike him from the ballot on a technicality in an ambiguous case would be momentously undemocratic", but we don't live in a pure democracy. We live in a Republic with a standard that the U.S. Constitution actually stands as a standard for.
The argument from this article states that if the qualification for President is so archaic than why doesn't Congress change it? Well, McCain thought the same way and sought for a change. He managed a non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution because he, like Cruz, was not born in the U.S. . McCain retained a birth right citizenship from Panama and Cruz has inherited one from Canada where he was born.
There are some four U.S. Supreme Court cases that include in the equation, including McCain's Res 511, that parents are a factor in deciding along with birth place a 'natural born Citizen'. Like the age qualification or 'discrimination' as those who want to abolish the qualifications for the U.S. Presidency would have us believe, the qualification for President is different than the qualifications for U.S. Representatives or U.S. Senators.
When people ask "why" I'm astonished at the absence of common sense or deductive reasoning. Is not the "President" duties, responsibilities, and job requirement more than "U.S. Representatives" and "U.S. Senators"? Oh yes, the President commands the whole military and U.S. Reps and Sen. simply fund it. Yes, that is a big .. huge.. monumentally large difference.
'House Republicans are itching to pass a variation of the DREAM Act that would grant citizenship to illegals who were brought here at a young age by their parents on the theory that the place where you’re raised is more likely to shape your patriotic loyalty than the happenstance of your birth. If those kids are trustworthy enough to help decide at the polls who the president should be, why shouldn’t they be eligible for the presidency themselves?'
Of course the United States does allow Citizens like McCain, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Santorum, and Obama great opportunities to take a part in deciding the shape of our Country in the qualifications of the Offices they have held legally. Of course one of the great characteristics of a 'bully' is once he gets his foot in the door he just keeps on pushing and if you don't push back according to the standard of the Constitution as it stands as the law now, they just keep pushing.
Its not as if the qualification demands haven't been challenged and continue to exist as they are. McCain and company tried before in 2000 when the House Judiciary Committee heard arguments both pro and con, and decided to stop it and leave it alone. I sued McCain in 2008 as a presidential candidate as a violator and an unqualified candidate because he failed the 'natural born Citizen' clause for the President even though he was a qualified U.S. Senator as a Citizen.
Denying the differences of qualifications of "Citizen" and "natural born Citizen" really opens the door for any foreign president to also come over, become a U.S. Citizen, and take over our military crumbling us from within rather than attacking us from without. The Constitution serves as a very good burglar alarm with its qualifications and right now the Constitution actually testifies that in the order of a 'Citizen' to become President, one had to be such a Citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution.
Since everyone has died who was a Citizen of the Country at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and McCain and Cruz were not born yet, the law applies only those who are 'natural born Citizens' born in the U.S. to Citizen parents qualify. If one understands the checks and balances of our Government one perfectly understands the vital national security concern of the qualifications that are much higher in all three qualification considerations already established for the Office of the President.
Those who seek to change the U.S. Constitution have the ability to do so by proposing legislation for the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate to approve and than it is signed by a qualified President. Short of this process of altering the U.S. Constitution, those conspiring to bully over it are nothing but bullies.
One very important consideration I believe we all must ask anyone who runs and is not a 'natural born Citizen', (born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents), is why don't they if they are elected to a office in the House or Senate, propose honestly a change? Minus the obvious standard of changing the Constitution, doesn't their actions of not proposing such legislation actually show for you their own un-American character?
Where is the 'honest legislation' from U.S. Sen Ted Cruz to come in the front door of the Office of the President by changing the standard or qualifications of the Office of the President in the U.S. Constitution? If he is unwilling in broad daylight to propose such an 'amendment' doesn't it say to all Americans he is the kind of man who is more than willing to do the opposite to America than the duties of preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution that the Office of the President demands?
Where is U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz's 'faith' in the United States of America if he is not about following the law? If its not about preserving, protecting, and defending the U.S.C. its just about EGO.
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Cody Robert Judy
You have seen the lightening in the sky in violations, now read the thunder that Taking A Stand is. Get it as a Nook Book now for only $8.49, or as a Hard Back Cover for 28.95 and or Soft Cover for $22.75.
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Those wishing to read the U.S. Federal Civil Rights Complaint may now do so here now as it is public information: Judy v. Obama 2014 U.S. FED Case No. 1:14cv00093
Wow!Just found my book, Taking A Stand, on sale at your local B&N for nook users if you prefer over soft or hard bound - only $8.49 That's a Great price
Cody Robert Judy
For U.S. President 2016
If you think “Truth” is worth it, support it and quit supporting the lie. That is the beginning of change, or we can just keep on going down this road and see where it leads with Obama. Which is it going to be?
The Commercial is simply called "America"
This placed me back at the beginning of the rollercoaster ride with an upset stomach and my choices were ‘quit’ or request the Court to serve the Defendant’s if, and as was the case, they didn’t like the way that I did.
1- Affidavit for Certificate of Default
2- Response to Notice denying Certificate of Default
3- Request for Service of 9 Summons and Complaints upon Defendants by U.S. Marshal or other Court Agent including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz,Mitch Stewart Jeremy Bird, Jim Dabaki, Matt Lyon involved in DNC and OFA.
As a matter of House Keeping I am pleased to celebrate with you another mile stone marker of 160,600 views here at www.codyjudy.blogspot.com . Without you this wouldn't be possible, so A BIG AND WARM thank you to all who read and pass it on.