ICEBERG TIP: On A Personal Server, All Emails Are Personal
Hillary's conceptual semantics game with the FBI Criminal Investigation, as well as the Judicial Watch Citizens United FOIA just went into over-drive. On the one hand we have Hillary stating she did not want any chance of her personal emails becoming public to her long time aid Huma Abedin recently deposed under oath. On the other hand Hillary knew all of the emails on her Personal Server were not subject to anyone but herself as judge, jury, and deliverer to any FOIA REQUEST. So 'all the emails' she was referencing in an email correspondence with aid Huma Abedin were in fact "personal" to her and in conceptual semantics she knew the State Department would have to go through her to get anything off her personal server, in fact making every email she wrote whether personal or business, or received as Secretary of State [personal]. This is how the Secretary of State Office of the United States Government was subverted and usurped. No one else had access to it, until the FBI recovered what they did after her Server was confiscated.
If we are privileged to Hillary's own brand of conceptual semantics, she has just reported to her husband over dinner, "The ICEBERG TIP has just cracked through the hull Bill, and we're taking in serious water."
"Clinton responded in the 2010 exchange that she could get a “separate address or device” but said she didn’t “want any risk of the personal being accessible,” according to the e-mail chain. Abedin replied that the missed communications were “not a good system.”
Again, "personal" included all secretary of state business emails, because in Hillary's mind, the State Department did not have access to her personal server, she knew she was conducting all of her secretary of state business on. To sure up this point we simply need to ask Hillary why she chose to go through herself and decide what emails were personal and which ones were private? The follow up question would be how did you expect the State Department to submit to FOIA request on the Secretary of State Office under your tenure?
We know of 165 pages that were not submitted but were indeed Secretary of State Business. On Monday, Judicial Watch, published an additional 165 pages of e-mails from Clinton’s time as secretary of state. Those e-mails sabotage Clinton’s claim she turned over all work-related e-mails to the State Department after stepping down in 2013.
That's were we see the 'semantics code' being used between Hillary Clinton and her Aid Huma Abedin. They both knew that the state department had no access to Hillary's Private Server of which Huma in her continued employ after the New York U.S. Senate and 2008 Presidential Run with Hillary took up residence with her own Clinton-server-email address.
The AP Report is grossly covering tracks for Hillary Clinton, or is in the journalistic mire of the campaign's clutches though as the two paragraphs from the story relate:
This last underlined sentence is very important and is blatantly false as the Memorandum of March 17th, 2009 relates. In a Post Report filed yesterday on this Blog we read of the State Department's awareness in 2009 of the Private Server as well as it's location:
Judicial Watch Uncovers Smoking Gun Clinton Emails
March 17, 2009 memorandum prepared by S/ES-IRM staff regarding communications equipment in the Secretary’s New York residence identified a server located in the basement. (This email shows early on that the Obama State Department was very much aware of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, down to its very location in her house!)
March 17, 2009 memorandum prepared by S/ES-IRM staff regarding communications equipment in the Secretary’s New York residence identified a server located in the basement. (This email shows early on that the Obama State Department was very much aware of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, down to its very location in her house!)
However, that lapse in the Associated Press's June 29th article might be minuscule to the giant revelation coming from the National Review June 29th article that reveals the titanic may have just had contact with the tip of the iceberg. That's the two billion dollar Clinton Foundation Charity. In fact in another story from National Review today we learn the State Department was aiding and abetting the very covert work of Clinton's Secretary of State Business and the Clinton Foundation Charity work!
Read more at:
"Citizens United presented the judge with several pieces of evidence suggesting Valmoro deliberately struck from the official schedule a December 6, 2012 dinner in Dublin, Ireland with several Clinton Foundation and Clinton campaign donors, organized by Teneo co-founder Declan Kelly. Though Valmoro was made aware of the Dublin meeting through an earlier e-mail chain, neither Clinton’s archived daily calendar nor her detailed official schedule make any note of it. Citizens United characterizes the State Department’s decision to go along with the filing as an acknowledgement that Clinton did, in fact, maintain a secret schedule. Collyer was apparently convinced, ordering the State Department on Wednesday to produce 500 pages of Valmoro’s e-mails by the end of August. An additional 500 pages will be released every four weeks from that date, until Citizens United obtains all messages relating to the 14 overseas trips specified."
The only saving grace Democrats may have now is what is called a Conscience Clause which is based on the Delegates in the Primaries of every State being released and not being bound to the Candidate of their State's Primary based on the lies and fabrications that were covered up by that Candidates own corruption in past circumstances and situations initiated by the Democratic Party National Convention's Rules Committee.
Delegates should/shall not be bound to any Candidate so entangled by criminal corruption in previous Government Office as privatizing entire offices of the United States Government. This is a Republic. We the People did not authorize the Secretary of State Office to be usurped by Hillary Clinton anymore than we authorized the Office of the President to be usurped by someone who is not a [natural born Citizen ie. born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.] U.S. Supreme Court ref: Minor v. Happersett. and Judy v. Obama 14-9396.

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