Dear New Hampshire DOJ Election Law:
Thank you, for your consideration of my letter/complaint. I am a candidate for office in the same party, and the same position as Barack Obama. Thus the argument of partisan politics does not enter into consideration of my complaint.
First let me say, I knew Mrs. Orly Taitz would have the problem of the Law Commission 11-18-2012, 2 pm hearing, saying they did not have jurisdiction over criminal matters when she brought up the alleged Social Security Number fraud and Fraudulent or Forged long form Birth Certificate.
However let me say, cooler thought prevailing, the criminal aspect of the allegations need not be considered to warrant prohibition on the Primary Ballot in the interest of protecting the Voter in the Primary Election from wasting a vote on a constitutionally unqualified candidate.
I hope my letter/complaint exhibits Barack Obama by his own release of his long form B.C. showed all of us, he was not eligible by the standards of a Natural Born Citizen showing his father is not a Citizen of the United States but is listed as an "Kenya ,East Africa" Citizen at the time of Obama's birth.

Of course this is in no way exhibited as a "racially prejudice fact", but as a "disqualification fact" that is based on demand of our Constitution's requirements for President, and this is the Supreme Law of the Land. These facts afford a removal from the Primary Ballot with the burden of further deliberation or review upon the candidate Barack Obama.
Obama holds by his own record and release of his Long Form Birth Certificate naturally a dual loyalty of inherited citizenship, which is forbidden by our Constitutions expressed demands for president as a Natural Born Citizen. This is a national security concern of voting citizens.
It does not need to be proven that it is forged or fraudulent. Obama's Released Long form birth certificate appeals to the hard facts as prohibitory for running as a qualified candidate, or holding, the office of President. If the intent of the Ballot Law Commission's review is to prohibit unqualified candidates from the ballot in the interest of the qualifying standards of office demanded by We The People through our Constitution, Obama's release of his long form birth certificate is where the facts come from that disqualifies him, and my witness stands against his qualification.
One interesting note to read regarding the Ballot Law Commission's Review:
http://www.sos.nh.gov/Ballot%20Law%20Commission/PDF%27s/Secretary%20of%20State%20vs.%20eight%20candidates%20on%20primary%20ballot.pdf " The Ballot law commission shall hear and determine disputes arising over whether nomination papers or declarations of candidacy filed with the secretary of state conform with law. The decisions of the ballot commission in such cases shall be final as to questions both of law and fact, and no court shall have jurisdiction to review such decision."
This is a absolute powerfully corrupt statement, as it places the review of decisions out of jurisdiction of the Judicial Branch's Court of law including the United States Supreme Court, while at the same time leaving the "Primary Voter" without an Appeal to very important and pertinent information that includes election law and fact meant to protect the integrity of actual qualified candidates as myself, and more importantly the trust that voters give in the hope they can at the very least participate in Democracy's Beacon of hope for the world, voting in the Primary for an actual qualified candidate.
Facts are hard to deny that are actually given by the Candidate to the Ballot Law Commission. Barack Obama need not agree whether forged or fraudulent facts; for that is not the issue. The issue, we all agree on: Obama has given these set of facts contained in his long form birth certificate, and from this, any decision allowing him on a Primary Ballot is knowingly presenting as a choice an unqualified candidate to Primary voters.
Knowingly presenting an unqualified candidate to Primary voters would be considered a dereliction of duty of the Ballot Law Commission.
You also have a point of entry and trust that needs to be considered by the Legislatures of New Hampshire, and the DOJ of New Hampshire, regarding the integrity of the voting system as an agent to justice, our Constitution, and the Republic for which we stand.
I hope my complaint to the DOJ in New Hampshire won't fall on deaf ears, and they will see the cracks in the side walk that need to be repaired.
Again here are the links that detail my complaint and warrant your immediate attention for the eyes of the Nation are on New Hampshire.
1- http://www.thepostemail.com/2011/11/18/presidential-candidate-adds-name-to-obama-election-complaint-in-new-hampshire/
3- http://inagist.com/Drudge_Report/137577430402609152/
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign codyjudy@hotmail.com
www.codyjudy.us www.codyjudy.blogspot.com