Friday, October 19, 2012
Lost… “The Democratic Party” ? GAME ON!
As seen on :
Lost… “The Democratic Party” ? GAME ON!
What does it profit the Democrat Party to gain the Presidency in Obama and lose their way?
Disturbed, disillusioned, demoralized..words that the Democratic Party are grappling with under the surging polls three weeks before the election that has placed Pennsylvania and even Wisconsin in the house of cards falling out from under Obama. Democrats and Liberals are hurt and frustrated with themselves because they bought into the forgery of Barack Obama and its spilling into anger.
If Obama loses the general election how could any Democrat not blame him for their demise? Remember the first Birthers were indeed Hillary Clinton’s supporters firing away on Sen. John McCain’s foreign birth in Panama and naturalization by Congress 9 months after his birth in 2008 and Republican Candidate Santorum led a 24 million dollar fundraising effort on the back of ineligibility in 2012 as he was 3 when his father was naturalized.
The general population is in fact finding an alternative to the forgery and fraud of Obama in Mitt Romney a salient entrée to what the United States Supreme court and literally the entire Judiciary has swatted away culminating in the September 24th SCOTUS Conference debate of Judy v. Obama 12-5276 that featured, from a Presidential Candidate in the Democratic Party, Obama’s entire dossier of fraud and forgery.
Handed to the democrats on a silver platter was Mitt Romney’s head on a Constitutional bases of not standing up for the Constitution yet they refused. An angelic pillar of fire from Heaven existing in the truth of the presidential qualifications in the Constitution showing Obama neither born in the U.S. nor to two Citizen Parents, the entire Democratic Party is paying for the cover-up actually created for Mitt Romney’s win.
The only thing palatable candidate to Americans facing the reality of the shuffling feet of the Judicial Branch on their own precedent to the qualification demands of the Office of President as a natural born citizen is Mitt Romney, just as Obama was to McCain in 2008. Isn't it time Democrats faced that reality?
What the major media outlets and comrade TV Shows are finding out is that their Obama cover-up actually didn't anticipate the Republican nominee showing up at the debates period let alone in the form of a much more business savvy and attractively personable in white tie Mitt Romney as compared to 2008 Sen. John McCain. What did they expect Mitt Romney couldn't find any comedian willing to write jokes for him to read?
If that was the only hurdle Mitt Romney had to clear in becoming “personable” the Obama risk takers deserve to have their political billion dollar campaign hat handed to them. Democrats are indeed finding there are some things money can’t buy and it’s a lesson in taking a stand for the bulwark of the Constitution.
The demise of the entire Democratic Party is on the short track unless they get back on the track that had heretofore been consistent to their taking a stand for the Constitution as in yesteryear Civil Rights stands. From Mark 8:36 we read “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
Obama’s short sojourn in the White House with a Democratic Party majority in the House and Senate will be looked upon as the last hurrah and not taking the Constitution serious or the economy will be the “stupid is as stupid does” epithet written upon the Democratic tombstone for decades. Will the short lived fantasy or delusion be worth the hospice stay before post mortem sets in?
October 20-2012 Obama's Concession speech planned.
It doesn’t have to be. The United States Supreme court has been given the opportunity to rule upon an issue that probably won’t come up again for a good 20 years settling what has not been settled for Americans who have been looking for a United States Supreme Court ruling on the matter of Obama’s eligibility for four long years in the reconsideration request of Judy v. Obama 12-5276.
With the Birther outcry upon the Nation that has been raised with Obama one cannot really suspect a naturalized citizen or member of Congress who’s not a natural born citizen to race into the fire Birthers have created and stoked for Obama. Even by Obama’s admission he hasn't enjoyed being the lime-light of Birther parties.
What is Obama worth to the Democratic Party if he loses anyway? Obama just might be worth taking a stand for the Constitution and exposing the Achilles heel of Mitt Romney which is indeed the Constitution he has not taken a stand for in his 2008 or 2012 run for President for which it would be very hard for even 60% of Republicans believing Obama not a natural born citizen to agree, indeed shattering the base of Republicans with a candidate who did.
It’s a late game interception, but one that would no doubt capture the momentum back for the Democratic Party across the entire Country. We got three weeks before the election but from the record of Genesis we all know what happened in 6 days, we have plenty of time, especially with the Media on our side.
Mitt Romney himself emphasized he had an attractive wife, but we have Bill Clinton!
Cody Robert Judy
Thursday, October 18, 2012
An All American "THANK YOU" to Life Time Memorial to Justice John Roberts
A Big Thank You OBAMABALLOTCHALLENGE.COM for Chief Justice John Roberts Lifetime Memorial in Judy v. Obama 12-5276!
Obama Ballot
Pamela Barnett ; George Miller & all at ObamaBallotChallenge.Org
Thank you so much for being such a patriot for our Country in the work that so many Magazines/Journals/Newspapers/Bloggers/TV Stations/Radio Shows refuse to touch! Your work , Pamela Barnett's, and everyone at ObamaBallotChallenge.COM has been so valuable to me and meant so much, words seem insufficient as credit. It has been a real privilege to communicate with you the last year and I want to thank you for posting and communicating the stand that has taken place with my Campaign this year for President of the United States in the Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign.
My gratitude extends to all your hard work and my happiness is made in knowing we together made a difference. Success is indeed not always measured in winning but in making a difference in a positive way. When it comes to our Constitution as I look back at this Campaign I see there were many who prayed for our success, many who passed on what was posted, and by those actions many who gained a greater appreciation and honor for the work our founders and framers also entrenched their talents, money, and time for the iron pen of the United States Constitution.
We know whose side we are on. Who can say with any degree of knowledge that we have not been engaged in the spirit of truth of the original interpretation of our Constitution in the barricading the biggest door to its pillars which is the qualifications of the Office of the President? Thirteen pages of the forty-eight pages found in The Constitution of the United States pamphlet are references to the Office of the President. These are thirteen pillars strewn together acting as the cap-stone of the Office of President guarding the entire Army, Navy, Air-force, Marines, Habeas Corpus, Free Speech,The Right to Bare Arms,Congress,Our Treasury, and the many individual Rights as Citizens all individually important pillars but by far relying upon the 13 Pillar Wide Capstone of the Office of the President.
Indeed we are living in a time where the sentiment expressed in the letter from our first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Jay writing to our first President George Washington before the Constitution was signed, “Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen.”, could be seen as wisdom that is as eternal as the the bounds of Freedom and Liberty are to our current Chief Justice John Roberts, which you clearly have on record here: and here for all Citizens of the United States and those on-lookers from every worldly perspective and demographic location around the globe.
Tyrants and Traitors of this wisdom are fools in the bastions of hell where the dispositions of mortal man are called godly and the nature of the supreme intelligence is unknown in our Creator God. As I see it the President of the United States should feel it an honor to have the checks and balances as well as the qualifications of the office protecting the security of the innocent from the future assaults on freedom and liberty like a gateway of gold and pearl for the short and tender term of office, until God himself come down and take the reins in righteousness and faithfulness.
Where the President's hands are tied in a rage of anger and frustration he ought to be wise enough to know these are the bounds holy to the future and so We The People ought to be happy when indeed we see our President's hands tied even in our suffering and most devout grieve we can only acknowledge to our Maker. For in those fetters freedom and liberty are floating and also protected for our future tomorrows.
Thank you again for the respect and honor you have given to my campaign for President of the United States in the year of our Lord 2012.
Cody Robert Judy
Thanks, Cody, that was very nice of you. Early on, we noticed your clear understanding of and attention to the very issues which we were trying to communicate. Your "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (as a Democrat "birther") ongoing saga was irresistible to We have done what we could to promote, publicize, assist and even file ballot challenges. The frantic and comically evasive actions of officialdom say it all.
Even though the entire establishment, including the Republicrats, is fighting us, word is leaking out to John Q. Public, via the blogsphere, Facebook, Twitter, email, word of mouth and even occasional patronizing MSM "coverage." Of course, we are just one of many outlets fighting this fight. Thanks to all who have researched, litigated, complained, donated to, blogged, broadcast, publicized and otherwise supported this historic movement.
This WILL influence the 2012 election and WILL influence future legal actions, legislation and future elections. The occasional public figure's wry allusion to "Obama's" identity problem, sometimes by "Obama" himself, proves that we're alive and well.
George Miller
Barack Obama,
cody robert judy,
election 2012,
John Jay,
John Roberts,
natural born citizen,
united states Supreme Court
Monday, October 15, 2012
Reconsideration Request RECEIVED by SCOTUS
As Seen on:
Today, Oct 15th, 7:38AM, The United States Supreme Court received the following letter illustrating the two very different and apposing perspectives that have fueled The
Birther Movement for more than 4 years about Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as President under the strict demands for a natural born citizen. The latest decision coming out of the Federal Court in Washington DC Sept 28th,2012 has upheld the 'natural born citizen' clause unopposed by the 14th and 5th Amendments. In a statement Cody Robert Judy remarked:
"These specific Amendments deliberately were used and acted as illegal usurpation on the Constitution and Justice in the Judy v. Obama 12-5276 appeal to the United States
Supreme Court which was denied Oct 1st, 2012 from the Sept 24th Conference. Having it both ways simply provides a precedent that represents unlawful cronyism and is a promotion disrespectful to law in the coming Presidential election. I simply can't sit by and allow either mis- information fed to the Justices, or worse, go on without clarity, it acts in the justice-for-sale or auction department, so I have asked for a reconsideration and I included the Supreme Court email address in this press release that clarity is demanded. There will be no excuse on this one, the record will be made, showcased, highlighted, spotlighted, and shouted from every
house top in every neighborhood of America if necessary."
Post note:
In the following letter it should be noted that a "Formal Motion" was not ruled upon by the Court. The letter serves as a reminder to the Court of this action which actually keeps the case open as it is a formal motion. Some have asked me why this letter is not a formal motion, well there is no need to re-open something with a formal motion that is formally not closed. The letter is a polite form of oral argument upon which the Court can take notice without being made to look foolish, in my opinion. If there is no action, the next step is always available in a formal motion. My main goal is to establish if the Court's Justices are involved or if they are simply being spoon fed.
Cody Robert Judy
3031 So. Ogden Av. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah, 84401
Ph.801- / Email / : :YouTube: CodyJudy
- - - -
Chief Justice John Roberts – United States Supreme Court
Office of the Clerk – Mr. William K. Suter
Washington, DC 20543-0001
RECONSIDERATION: Standing Mixed up in Conference Sep. 24th Judy v. Obama 12-5276 & Emergency Motion not ruled upon violating Court procedure.
Dear Chief Justice John Roberts: October 6th ,2012
In the humblest way affordable our Founders and Framers sought justice for all under the law. Your Honor, I humbly appeal to the most basic sense of Justice because, I believe, the standing in my case was mixed up with Weldon v. Obama also a Georgia case. As a Petitioner for relief the question I have: How can “No”, and “Yes”, to the questions of my Writ of Certiorari be considered a balance?
In a Sept.28, 2012 ruling in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia Hassan v. F.E.C;11-2189, by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, in principled terms concurred that the ‘natural born citizen’ qualification demand for the Office of the President within the Constitution’s Article II, Sect. I., Clause 5 had not been “trumped, abrogated and implicitly repealed” by, the Equal Protection guarantee of the Fifth Amendment and the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
[(pg.16) briefly, the Court notes that Article 5 of the Constitution provides an explicit method to amend the Constitution. See U.S. Const., Art. V. Even if a constitutional provision could be implicitly repealed in the same manner as a statute, the implicit repeal of statutes is disfavored and will not be found absent clearly expressed congressional intent. See Nat’l Ass’n of Home Builders v. Defenders of Wildlife, 551 U.S. 644, 662 2007); Posadas v. Nat’l City Bank, 296 U.S. 497, 503 (1936) (holding that “[w]here there are two acts upon the same subject, effect should be given to both if possible”). (Pg17). - the Supreme Court has consistently held that the distinction between natural born citizens and naturalized citizens in the context of Presidential eligibility remains valid. See Schneider v. Rusk, 377 U.S. 163, 165 (1964) (“The only difference drawn by the Constitution is that only the ‘natural born’ citizen is eligible to be President.”); see also Knauer v. United States, 328 U.S. 654, 658 (1946) (same); Baumgartner v. United States, 322 U.S. 665, 673-674 (1944) (same). Plaintiff essentially asks this Court to declare that a provision of the Constitution is itself unconstitutional. It is beyond this Court’s authority to do so. “[T]his Court lacks the power to grant the relief sought because the Court, as interpreter and enforcer of the words of the Constitution, is not empowered to strike the document’s text on the basis that it is offensive to itself or is in some way internally (Pg.18) inconsistent.” New v. Pelosi, No. 08-Civ.-9055(AKH), 2008 WL 4755414, *2 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 29, 2008) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted), aff’d, 374 F. App’x 158 (2d Cir. 2010). Because the natural born citizen requirement has not been explicitly or implicitly repealed, Hassan’s challenge to that provision, and the Fund Act’s incorporation thereof, must fail. ] Pg. 17 Hassan v. F.E.C. District of Columbia 11-2189
On the opposite side of the coin is my case where the Administrative Court ruling, the subsequent Superior Court, and Georgia Supreme Court has held that the 14th Amendment did in fact over-rule the ‘natural born citizen’ qualification demand for the Office of the President within the Constitution’s Article II, Sect. I., Clause 5. In these two example cases the affect cannot be given to both.
The two varying opinions are in collision with each other Your Honor. The denial of my Cert by the SCOTUS in fact catapults the latter from the realm of dicta to holding and is being used as such in malicious tread upon me as a sore loser. I am a Democratic Candidate for President.
I don’t believe I am a sore loser Your Honor when I have lost under the laws that govern all, but when I have lost under lawlessness in a contest with specific laws defined as my rights, then indeed it is not only me that is sore but the laws and rights defined as The Supreme Law of the Land that have been trampled in the election contest.
The effect of this case is felt by every registered, and future, voter in the United States of America, thus the magnitude of justice is weighted heavily in affirmation of balancing justice, straightening out the law, and stopping the momentum that seeks to destroy the law, and in such includes the very seat of Justice in which you sit.
There is one more thing Your Honor that I wonder about which came from a comment that the SCOTUS and specifically Your Honor, Justice Scalia, and Justice Alito were indeed laughing at me: Anonymous Comment made:
[ It wasn't so much the clerks laughing but justices Scalia, Alito and Chief Justice Roberts. All three of them have one or more foreign parents, and all three naturally tend to believe that their allegiance to the USA is not affected by whether the parents were naturalized before or after the justices were born. They are likely to have had friends who had foreign-born parents who were naturalized after their children were born---and they did not notice any difference in the behavior of these friends from people whose parents were naturalized before the children were born.]
[The laugh is that Judy was asking Scalia, Alito and the chief justice to vote that they believed the writers of the US Constitution may have believed that the US-born children of foreigners (who the justices ARE) are not as good as the US-born children of US citizens. Well, they do not believe it, and they certainly would not vote that the writers of the US Constitution believed it unless there were actual evidence that they did---and there isn't any. That's quite a laugh. ]
My case has a Motion that was never addressed, or put forward, and I respectfully request the attention to it as a matter of integrity toward law that the cost of it demands and a reconsideration of my lost standing if of course there is no merit to the comment in consideration and Your Honor, Justice Scalia, and Justice Alito are not sore at the Constitution’s demands for a ‘natural born citizen’ for the Office of President.
Cody Robert Judy/Petitioner Judy v. Obama 12-5276
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