Saturday Sunrise On The CIA Columbia Obama Trial
Yesterday was a good day as far as the march as we all witnessed the rain hold off in the burgening clouds until literally the march was dismissed. Those who had cars waiting made it safely back to the church,and those of us walking back to the church were witness to an impecable timing for a dry march as we were drenched with a sudden downpour! The proceeding that took place were the beginnings of the Jury Selection and opening statement. For a kick off it was hard to really see how things might get any better and everyone seemed pleased. Here's a couple of reports:
Who would have ever suspected today’s proceedings would so far surpass yesterdays as to render it, well, just a beginning with the best yet to come. Today’s March made under the blue skies, and cooling breeze of New York was in many ways another layer added in the stack of bad news for Barack Hussein Obama and Columbia University.
But he does have his supporters who are angry who were disrupting things while proceeding where happening inside here’s a looksy:
To describe this in a way that could possibly be understood I can only relate it in abit of a parable that seems best to fit what is actually happening. Every day the march has in a spiritual sense laid wheel barrel after wheel barrow full of dung right in a row around a 27 square block area. The second day echoed the same result spiritually all around that 27 block area was a continuous line of wheelbarrows stacked now 2 high, and the third day the same stacked 3 high.
Today’s march was very powerful, as Pastor Manning instructed again we make the march in silence and personal prayer or meditation according to each. Today he also suggested that we go two by two, and if possible line up with white person and a black person walking side by side hand in hand. I have to tell you that this created one of the most touching and beautiful marches ever witnessed in humble opinion.
After the march, all proceeded down to the Church again, which is about 7 blocks, where the selection of a jury once again begin where the proceeding day had left off. A few more potential jurors were questioned and then a final 12 were chosen with a couple of alternates also chosen. Then the witness chair fired up.
The first presentation was considered an “informational presentation” and was put up on a big screen for all to see. It was the powerful testimony Lt. Col. Terry Lakin that you can view here also:
Next came the calling of witness and first Linda Bently an investigative reporter for the Sonoran News from Cave Creek, Az ( www.sonoranews.com) She had a very interesting testimony regarding the deliberate alteration of federal mail stamps in Barack Hussein Obama’s selective service record.
An expert witness (Joseph Smith) was called up to testify regarding his 25 years of service for the post office and their dating procedures on mail and his opinion on the dates stamped.
Court was adjourned until after lunch at 2:30pm
And then I was called to the witness stand for my law suit against Senator McCain and Barack Hussein Obama, what I knew about Sen.Res.511, and a ‘Declaration of Candidacy”. Through my witness the Court was also found to have ‘standing’ as I was in the same election race as Barack Husein Obama and suffered direct injury by his lack of Constitutional Qualification. Pastor Manning submitted both my Federal Court law suits in as evidence with all their exhibits and reserved his right to re-call me as a witness if the need should arise.
Court was adjourned at about 4:45pm, and I’m sure sooner or later my testimony will be made available for all to see, however I do not know when or where that will take place at this time.
Thanks for tuning in, and I will do my best to keep you informed.
I also need to ask you for your help in assisting me while I’m here and of course for the trip back home. If you can help with any amount I would greatly appreciate it and especially want to thank my facebook friend Judy Davis for posting Fox News numbers on my wall and asking them to cover the marches.
1-888-369-4762....call them please and ask why this story is not being covered. I have and I have e-mailed two different links.
To contribute or help on line PayPal at campaign site
Or call 801-497-6655 for credit card transaction by phone, leave a phone message for me there, and I will call you back directly.
Thank you for doing all you can do too…together we will bring this to every kitchen table in America.
Cody Robert Judy