The ruse or subterfuge of #CPAC2015 (Conservative Political Action Conference 2015) is that the organizers refuse to support the very stalwart foundation of the United States Constitution in the demands for a 'natural born Citizen' in the Office of the President, or invite anyone to speak at the conference who embodies the conservative nature of which this very important principle rest as a national security measure for our Nation. The deception this year was actually worse than last year when the Republicans had some kind of an excuse not to call for hearings on the ineligibility of Barack Hussein Obama because the Democratic Party controlled the trial house of Congress or U.S. Senate.
The deception actually took place during today's Sen. Ted Cruz speech with conservative talk show host Sean Hannity interviewing Sen. Cruz after his CPAC2015 speech February 26th,2015 and covered rather well on RAW STORY.
Beginning at 7m:22s - 8m:12sec
During this interview Sean Hannity actually pitches for Sen. Cruz. [
Hannity: Alright, I want to warn everybody. I am asking this question because I know the liberal media will. So might as well get it out of the way for them. That's my job I get paid to do that.
Cruz: No, I have not stopped beating my wife. (Laughs) (Crowd Laughs)
Hannity: Ok ,Your mother was an American citizen, you talked about your Dad coming from Cuba. You were born in Canada. You had dual citizenship There are a bunch of Liberal birthers out there that would try to make the case that your not eligible? Just a quick.. short answer.
Cruz: “Look, I was born in Calgary, my mother was an American citizen by birth. Under federal law, that made me an American citizen by birth. The Constitution requires that you be a natural born citizen.”
Hannity: Ok.. now we're going to do our quick lighting round cuz were running out of time...]
Believe it or not the perfect answer comes directly from a highlighted I-CPAC2014 VIDEO that I made which really directed the message right at Sen. Ted Cruz back in 2014!
Like a "candid camera moment" or a 'Precious Moment", Cody Robert Judy candidate for President created I-CPAC AMERICAN 2014 so that you could tell the GOP just how unhappy you are with their "conservative" stand on 'principles' of the Constitution.
Cody as a Presidential Candidate in 2008 took Obama and America's most unpopular U.S. Senator according to a recent poll by Fox, Sen. John McCain to task in 2008 for not being a 'natural born citizens'. McCain having been born as a native son of Panama and being naturalized 11 months after his birth by a Congressional Act, and then receiving his 'natural born citizenship' from his good ole boys club in non-binding U.S. Sen. Resolution 511 in 2008 sponsored by none other then Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama. Judy proceeded to the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276 in 2012 and 2013 without so much as a hearing.
Its understandable then that Cody has actually stood fast upon the principles of the Constitution wherein only a 'natural born citizen', born in the U.S. to Citizen parents, was qualified for the Office of the President. Mr. Judy has stood up time and time again asking Republicans to hear his case in Congress presented with the evidence of professional law enforcement witnesses in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse, which many of the courts defer the issue to on the basis of the political question doctrine.
Now Americans, facing huge premium increases with Obamacare not being able to keep doctors as they were promised by Obama are faced with the dilemma that the Republican Party has not called for hearings on Obama's ineligibility which would in fact halt Obamacare mandates as not being signed by a legal president. Instead Sen. Cruz rambles on he will be the savior to the American people by offering promises as an ineligible candidate for President himself.
Its as if the American People are seeing in front of their eyes the whole reason the U.S. Senate controlled by Republicans now have not called for a hearing on Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse's report finding many deceptions in Obama's long form fabricated birth certificate and draft registration, that being to protect Sen. Ted Cruz's ineligibility![UPDATE MARCH 4-'15- Bombshell: Illinois National Republican Assembly Chairwoman;
Senator Ted Cruz Told Me He's Not Eligible To Be President
Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/03/bombshell-illinois-national-republican.html
To hear Sen. Cruz admit that he was an "American Citizen" by birth, not a natural born Citizen needed to qualify for the Office of the President was tantamount to the bait-n-switch tactic of a fraudulent sale, however, this bait-n-switch has power strings attached to it that include being the Commander-In-Chief of the whole American Army and sitting in the Oval Office as President of the United States.
Cruz admitted his 'citizenship' comes from his mother, and then cites the Constitution telling us that 'natural born citizenship' is what's necessary to qualify for the Office of the President nodding his head as if he is now qualified for the Office. There was absolutely no confusion in the interview of what office he was being interviewed for. Sean Hannity recites in the interview: "President Cruz".
Folks have we heard this story before? A former adjunct professor of Law turned politician and as a freshman U.S. Senator deciding to enter the U.S. race for President?
Senator Ted Cruz-1970 at the University of Texas School of Law where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation from 2004-2009
Senator Barack Hussein Obama-1961-taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, first as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004
What a coincidence both men are ineligible due to one parent being an alien citizen, and being born outside the U.S. We have to assume due to Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse Obama was not born in Hawaii because he's leaned on that as his qualification horse and forging a birth certificate doesn't make a bit of sense unless something's being covered up that would disqualify him from that which assumed is the criteria and meets qualification standards.
If Cruz, Rubio, and Obama's ineligibility is put to trial Folks they are toast. There is no way they can stand up because the whole purpose of 'natural born Citizen' was to exclude any foreign citizenship from the Office of the President.
The Framers of the US Constitution decided, after much debate, that the President must be a 'natural born Citizen',not just a US Citizen, but a 'natural born Citizen.' Only the President is required to be a natural born Citizen. This incorporates two full generations and prohibits any foreign king from even financing his children to the Office of the President of the United States. All other offices like U.S. Representatives', U.S. Senators', even Supreme Court Justices' need only be a Citizen of the United States.
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, discussions and intelligence between Founding Fathers John Jay (who would become the U.S. Supreme Court's first Presiding Judge), Alexander Hamilton ( who became the first U.S. Secretary to the Treasury), and George Washington (who became the first U.S. President) led them wisely to choose the definition of natural born Citizen provided by Emerich de Vattel's "Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law," Book 1, Chapter 19, Section 212, (1758).
According to "Law of Nations," natural born Citizen is a child born in the USA of two (2) U.S. Citizen parents. Vattel's Law of Nations defines how being a Natural Born Citizen differs from a classification of citizenship given to those simply born in the United States. Natural born and being born in the USA do not share the same meaning. The parents can be US Citizens by birth or they can be US Citizens by Naturalization after immigrating to the USA. But to create a natural born Citizen of the USA, 'both' parents must be US Citizens at the time the child is born on USA soil.
John Jay's letter to General George Washington
New-York, 25th July, 1787.
Dear Sir,
Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government ; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen.
I remain, dear sir,
Your faithful friend and servant,
John Jay.
Now the recommendation is as good today as the United States of America is coveted by foreign nations. Has the USA lost any such charm- is it not a jewel to the world with its vast expanses of land, cities, and natural resources or has it all pretty much been spent now? If anything the U.S.A. is sought now more then ever by even greater and more cunning powers then sought it at the time of its founding. To this no doubt Obama, Cruz, Rubio, and McCain would scoff, but our national security is no laughing matter.
I'm not laughing with the audience and Sean Hannity at CPAC 2015. I want to point something out about this letter. Not only is the letter an EXPRESSED DECLARATION that the President/Commander-In-Chief of the American armies not to devolve on any but a natural born citizen ( a clear dedication and warning to two American generations) , but a very strong check is also to be given to any 'foreigners' (first generation citizens) being admitted into the National Government.
Its a very clear warning we should even be very cautious about First Generation Citizens of the U.S. who were still considered foreigners either by one or the other parent or by birth place, and were not as trust-worthy to the U.S.A as a second generation American termed 'natural born Citizen'. Now it was decided that the qualifications for U.S. Reps and U.S. Sen's as far as Citizenship would include first generation Citizens meaning children of foreigners born here, or immigrants and their children born here but even the time for being here was made a stronger check for U.S. Senators then U.S. Representatives as well as a 5 year age difference.
This shows a very clear progressively stringent qualification paradigm according to the responsibilities of the office. U.S. Reps are only elected for two years, U.S. Senators for six years. For the President one can serve two four year terms however two full American generations in a pedigree is required and was seen as long enough to wipe out the plans of some ill intended foreign scheme concocted for the nefarious purposes of the Snidely Whiplash or foreign Despot.
To witness Sen. Ted Cruz perform that snazzy bait-n-switch was just exactly what America needed to see to understand what lies beneath his skin and how easily it comes to him- the forked tongue of a Republican. I've hypothesized Sen. Ted Cruz with such a willingness to defraud the American Public in their hard earned contributions for an Office if he were elected to he would not qualify for, is at best 'pretended' and his 22 hour hold-up of the U.S. Senate over Obamacare funding also nothing more than deceptive practices to gain American's trust and insert the knife with a thrust. He has shown those colors now very emphatically. I wouldn't trust a retainer to that guy now to file a will for my dog.
He seems to me a born loser. A guy who would snake his way into a GOP Nomination and then portend, "I did my best, but it just wasn't to be." You know form Secretary of State Hillary Clinton might even gain some advantage by a GOP Nominee like Sen. Ted Cruz and let me explain this by a question. You might think the Birther movement was started by the Tea Party or Republicans but it wasn't. It was actually started by Bill and Hillary Clinton in 2008. But lets just say after losing to Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, because she either refused or was somehow threatened that if she challenged Obama's 'natural born citizenship' it would be bad news,do you think she would back down twice or be nice to a GOP Nominee who wasn't a natural born citizen?
Now I'm laughing, because if you don't think every Democrat Senator would be called upon to cry for a Trial at the top of his / her voice in the U.S. Senate, as well as every Court appointed Judge Democrats now control with a whole bunch of appointments from President Bill Clinton and Barack Obama you have a really scary suicidal sense of well being, not to mention the Media hasn't exactly warmed up to Republicans since the 2014 election. Do you really think by the definitions of U.S.C. Amend. XX regarding Sect. 3, a "President Elect shall have failed to qualify,", meaning a president can indeed be elected by the public but still fail to qualify, that would not be used by a Candidate Runner Up like Hillary Clinton after what happened to her in 2008?
Bettina Viviano is one of my facebook friends and I've had quite a few FB Conversations with her over an extended period of time since 2008. She was a vice president with Amblin Enterntainment, Steven Spielberg’s company, before launching her own film production company in 1990. In 2008, Bettina was asked to produce a documentary film about voter fraud within the Democratic Party. Remember it was 2009 James O'Keefe who just last week tipped the jar over of Al Sharpton with is project Veritas Eric Garner & Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown all have in common video published Feb 23rd,2015 and pushing over 300,000 views already, who uncovered the ACORN SCANDAL. So you know fraud was happening when Bettina was assigned the production in 2008.
Reported at Godfatherpolitics, [During the documentary process, Viviano says that she quickly became aware of just how dangerous and insidious the Obama campaign was. A number of the Democrats she interviewed refused to appear on camera and told her that their lives and property had been threatened by people working with the Obama campaign. She also heard former President Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be president because of his lack of birth records. In fact, she said it was common knowledge around many top Democrats. Bill Clinton has often said that he would go public with the information when the time was right. Before that could happen, his close friend and head of the Arkansas Democratic Party, Bill Gwatney was murdered in his office and then someone told Bill that he was next if he said anything about Obama’s eligibility. In the video {linked here} below, she said that Clinton was not intimidated until someone associated with the Obama campaign told him that his daughter Chelsea would be next if he opened his mouth. From that point on, the Clinton’s remained silent about Obama’s birth certificate or lack thereof.]
Now you think after all of that Bill and Hillary Clinton are going to sit back and watch a Canadian Born Cruz with a foreign Cuban father walk into the White House as President? No., that's not happening. However, it might be the best way to get rid of U.S. Senator Cruz because if Texas is like Kentucky for Rand Paul he can't run for President and be a U.S. Senator. He has to give one or the other up and he's a self declared wimp about taking a stand for the Constitutions qualification of natural born Citizen as I reported this week. Potential 2016 candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio has said he will not run for both.
So, it might be good riddance to both Cruz, Rubio, and Paul in one sweeping presidential run that could really benefit Democrats taking back the U.S. Senate in 2016 with perilous GOP Scandals so 'conservatively' racking up points with the public hazings of the U.S. Constitution while they spew hypocritically and state they are the party of 'national security' and we all vomit understanding how perilously they have not only exposed us but are set and willing to exploit us.
Here was my Tweet to Hillary today.
Help #Hillary2016 @seanhannity & #tedcruz2016 are walloping me as a #Birther Frgt BO get 2R's Rub&Crz for 2 yrs of BO http://t.co/6YdG3rvXZt
Translated it says in more words than Tweets allow,
Help me Hillary because your Campaign could benefit, Sean Hannity is pitching for Sen. Ted Cruz and together they are walloping me. A few hours ago I was a 'conservative' Birther against Barack Obama, now I'm a 'liberal' Birther. Forget your loyalty to Barack Obama heck he's a lame duck. If you help expose in Judy v. Obama 14-4136 with an Amicus Curiae Obama he only loses two years. He's had six in the White HOuse for good memories. Now turn on him , throw him under the bus on his natural born citizenship and ineligibility. You also get the benefit of knocking out two young freshman Senators in Cruz and Rubio by your heroism who could whip your butt in the Presidential Race, and you might collect their fans campaign dollars at the same time?
The denial of so many is of course a fear of being called 'racist', but on this issue specifically R's and D's have teamed up with three of the major Candidates for President Sen. McCain, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Barack Obama in non-binding U.S. Sen. resolution 511. This is the biggest reason both R's and D's are not petitioning the courts on the definition. They teamed up to usurp the definition, but that is not how America works.
As always,I'll keep you updated as things happen and discuss my case in more detail as we find out what the Court's decision is going to be on the Poll being taken on a rehearing consideration. Thanks so much for your help and support needed at this time more then ever. Remember every "like" and every "share" is very important America!
We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?
Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.
The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.
Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401
Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016
The Commercial is simply called "America"