Comments and Considerations
The Racist Card has come out to show its ugly head as you read through the comments here at the Ledger-Enguirer which posted this article.
Georgia judge to hear arguments on eligibility of Barack Obama on ballot; Orly Taitz hails decision
One of the worst comments of 'racism' I found here and decided to address it.
Questionman- states:
You racists are pathetic!
At least Obama managed to keep one promise, Bring America together. He brought together every racist, bigot, extremist, homophobic, closet racist #$%$ that resides on the right! It not only shows how bereft of ideas the GOP’s members truly are, their racist rhetoric shows the despicable nature of their character. The GOP are the sworn enemy of the American people and protector of the privileged 1%. These bafoons need to be VOTED OUT because they are so H8ll bent on destroying obama that they are destroying this country because president obama can’t govern. Itis utterly ridiculous that they continue to play these games with filibustering everything and everybody. It’s Offical, Anyone who hates Obama are racists! Obviously Anyone who calls for Obama’s impeachment is a racist, because they can’t stand having a black president And despite what the ignorant “birthers” want us to believe, Obama hasn’t broken any laws that would be considered impeachable, except being black!
Cody Robert Judy responds:@Questionman
Boy it is really sad when the “racist” card is pulled, especially when it is so clearly discounted in the Georgia Action as well as New Hampshire. I am a Plaintiff on the case and a Democrat, who by the way sued Sen. John McCain in 2008 and Barack Obama on our Constitution’s requirement for President.
The biggest foul of ‘racism’ is being played by not informing the public exactly who is sueing Obama with the details so that the public knows I didn’t just pick on the ‘black guy’, but also sued McCain for not being a ‘natural born citizen’ because he was not born in the U.S., but in Panama, this in my opinion failed one of the two-prong test. Obviously the U.S. Senate disagreed with me in giving Sen. McCain non-binding unconstitutional senate resolution 511, but by God when McCain considers with fondness the place of his birth it isn’t the good ole USA. The natural loyalty of his birth doesn’t belong here but its in Panama, as Van Halen would sing it. Besides who needs Congress to tell ya your NBC lol
Obama fails the second of the two pronger without two Citizen parents. Its a Constitutional issue, and calling this ‘racist’ is a sign of desperation, not to mention authorization of fraud and forgery in the Highest Office and being all good with that. That’s really un-American, illegal, and well… a great example of what Obama is outlining as his character truthfully.
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 Eligibility Campaign