Thursday, November 19, 2015

IT'S ABOUT TIME - The Qualifications for the Presidential Race not the President's Race

Breaking Report: The Post & Email

The Qualifications for the Presidential Race Not the President's Race
[natural born Citizen]

The consideration given the Office of the President in the United States Constitution as a Story,  is for all intensive purposes the Main Character. References to the Office of President in the Constitution Index Pamphlet of 46 pages number 13 pages to the closest reference coming in 2 or 3

The dangers of a Despot or Rogue Leader at the Head of the Government were by the careful considerations the biggest fear to guard against and also anticipate. 

In the 1933 Ratification of Amendment XX we find..[ or if the President elect shall fail to qualify, ]. This proposes the most dreadful consequence of a Presidential Candidate falsifying or by other fraudulent means in the form of his identification, precipitating his election by the huge swath of the general public and still as a "President Elect" actually failing to qualify. 

Who could imagine such a horrendous nightmare?

Isn't it interesting that its happened? Of course no one would dispute the requirement of Time of "35 years of age or older, if someone was 34.9 years old they are not 35 years old. 

No one would dispute the 14 years a resident if only 13 years, 11 months had been accomplished. 

We are left with the TIME it takes for two to become Citizens and have a child in the United States. Its a TIME FACTOR, not a race question. This time factor can also be interrupted and would then have to be restarted with the same goal or condition of Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.  

There are few things that make me ill more than to have regulated a TIME consideration given to the highest office of our Government as a Race related issue. That summation that the [natural born Citizen] qualification specific be about anything else but TIME regarded in the U.S. Constitution for the Office of President and Vice President is both demeaning and insulting pejorative not about  Presidential Race, but about the President's Race.

The Main Stream Media needs to ask themselves a hard question: How does a "Time Period" equate to a Racism? That doesn't even make sense! Now what is the tag for someone who calls someone a Racist that actually is not? Actually Bigot might serve as one term if Racist itself doesn't apply.

Whatever the case, calling my Stand for the [natural born Citizen] qualification anything but a TEST-OF-TIME .. and literally meaning a period of time, really makes me ill. 

The respect and love for the richness I find in every race and culture makes it sickening to me and I have done everything in my power to dispute the insulting narrative that race or culture guided me rather than simply a loyalty TIME period. The rationale of the entire qualification was that no foreigner occupy the Office of the President. Those with dual citizen ships are in fact considered foreigners to an office requiring a monogamous loyalty in citizenship ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.  

If it was understanding anyone asked or sought, I have in my blog made my concentrations and meanings abundantly clear.

An interesting parallel has been brought up by ANTI-birthers I think that peals a layer of the onion back in the case that they seek to destroy the Constitution and get around its precepts rather than Stand for it as a defense for our Nation. 

The point was brought up in the context of the illegal immigrants. It was stated in a conversation on Entitled "Confusing natural born Citizen", that Birthers bring up the facts that until the U.S. Supreme Court rules on it is left to the States in the comment:

[The problem is the next leap that birthers make. The right wing is making the same leap when it comes to illegal immigrants]

My response was WELCOME to the World of Obama
The difference between negative proof and positive proof

Welcome to the world of proving a negative, rather than positively proving. 
#1 Scenario ie. U.S. Court: [speaking to a number of litigants contesting Obama's ineligibility] "You don't have Standing". This is not Obama proving anything, and is considered a "negative proof" for Obama.
ANTI-birther interpretation: OBAMA has won over 200 Cases! As if he had positively proven his qualifications. He hasn't. Not one court in the whole USA has actually heard or seen Obama prove he was qualified. They have listened to a whole lot of people who have tried to prove a negative and laughed at them because they couldn't do it, or in my case simply refused to hear the Case on Merits.

#2 Scenario ie. U.S. Court: Your case is wholly incredible or in other words frivolous ( This is what the lower courts said about mine at least not stating my case was dismissed because I didn't have standing, but was frivolous or wholly incredible. I'm not sure which is worse? Stating that a Presidential Candidate's Campaign is not hurt or damaged by one who is ineligible and wins the seat or office in conflict irregardless of LAW as is exactly the scenario anticipated by the U.S. Constitution's Amendment XX,  stating in so many words that circumstances is frivolous in the face of evidence provided which shows a determination against the truth, against the facts, and against the law or stating the illegal immigrants are legal?

The ANTI-birther Interpretation: That's the REASON you don't get forma pauperis status. 

The bizarre twist is they wish better treatment upon those who are not U.S. Citizens then those who are. It the greatest sense of twist this disavows Citizenship in the United States and regulates it to a cause of humanity or Citizenship in the World where in fact minorities, women, and individuals in cases such as same-sex marriage lose the respect and dignity of free speech, freedom of religion, the rights of privileges afforded to all Citizens equally, and many other rights including voting rights the U.S. Constitution actually upholds that a foreign citizenship in the world intends to trample.

#3 Scenario ie. U.S. Court: "Your forma pauperis status is denied in spite of two LOWER COURT's agreeing in the same year, by a Form asking for Yearly Income Reports that was granted and is not disputed. 
ANTI-birther interpretation: 1) If your cause was credible you could have raised the money.  2) You can't point to any Case Law stating the Forma Pauperis Yearly Report Form is good for a Year. 

This is like stating the reasons the poor are poor is basically their fault and of no circumstance out of their realm of choices or circumstances including death, job loss, health, accident, divorce, child custody disputes, and contract agreements abandoned by partners that inflicted a state of poverty.

One true aspect of the absurdity relied upon by ANTI -birthers is that they are somehow compassionate people in the act of opening the door for strangers on one hand and watching their family be slaughtered rather then defending their own family on the other. It might be subject to debate by those being slaughtered verses the ones coming in the front door with enthusiastic welcome who did the slaughtering. 

Our U.S. Constitution is an agreement of terms. The idiotic reasoning tactics of ANTI-birthers are at least in perfect parallel with the derelictic deductive reasoning skills and example stating the qualification for President is the same for those in 1787 as it is for those in 2016 when the Constitution states very plainly in Article II, Section 1. C-5 differently:

1) [natural born Citizen]
2) [Citizen] at the [TIME] of the [Adoption of this Constitution]

and then providing absolutely no distinction for the [two requisites]. 

To state you understand perfectly Obama has occupied an office he has never proven he is qualified for is exactly in line with the [negative proof] hurdle that Anti-Birthers are complaining about. I do understand their frustration seeing Obama occupy an office he was not, is not, never will be qualified to hold based on the TIME factor considered necessary for both parents to be U.S. Citizens and have a child in the United States jurisdiction maintaining the loyalty for, until 35 years and at least 14 years being a resident distinct from U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators.

I have even fought for the frustration of the ANTI - birthers hoping the U.S. Supreme Court would hold; there has not been a dispute between Presidential Candidates in the Office of the President's distinct and unique qualification of [natural born Citizen] rather then allow Obama to be dis proven a qualified candidate without the benefit and access to documentation Obama has sealed; or at least attending to the documentation Obama by his own hand has released showing his father was never a U.S. Citizen in fact starting the Time demanded for the Office of President with Obama's heirs. If Obama and his wife are Citizens their children would be natural born Citizens qualified for President in the Time Consideration. 


This has been the motivation for my Campaign to release the incredibly jeweled, solar paneled,motorized, computerized, glow in the dark limited edition CODY ROBERT JUDY BLUE WATCH. The only watch that allows your finger into Time, because its all about time. 

The Cody Robert Judy Blue Watch
$1,000,000.00 secures yours in this Limited Edition
American Treasure
We are incredibly excited about this WATCH! You have just never seen anything like it in the world! This watch encapsulates the epiphany of the rare,rich and valuable Principle of Transparency, our U.S. Constitution's natural born Citizen clause has afforded our Nation's People in a greater goodness and mercy even than any particular Church or Religion I know. 

Priced reasonably for the many many Billionaires who would really love to show their gratitude for the opportunity America has provided them, (rather than have their work confiscated by the Government), in supporting the U.S. Constitution we here at the Cody Robert Judy Today for a Better America Tomorrow are excited to offer this limited Collection of 200 Watches at One Million Dollars Each! Some Campaigns sell hats, we do to, but we wanted something very very special that set our Campaign apart from just hats, and gave you the opportunity to support a campaign that is supporting the U.S. Constitution like no other in America!

What Church has not held Priesthood for Men only? What Church has not held the healing properties of Priesthood away from minorities and women to vote in the Church? What Church has held equality in the privilege of marriage and Parenting to all Citizens equally? Of course you are free to choose which one, but understand unequivocally it is by the U.S. Constitution that you can choose. 

Of course it is the right of the Churches to discriminate according to their beliefs. We adopt that in the freedom of religions, but our Blessed U.S. Constitution when we see it in the light it was meant to be seen in has afforded the voting rights to minorities,women, and  the privileges of all Citizens afforded to all Citizens. 

While everyone is free to bash and trash each others religions explaining why they think theirs is the truest one, there still remains a respect and honor of even that right afforded by our U.S. Constitution that I love and believe we here in America should celebrate in our recognized diversity.

There are many different religions in the United States who believe with all their hearts America is going to be judged for this Love and Mercy the same way the Islamic Republic of Iran is going to be judged or China, or Russia or any other Nation. 

This of course is a denial of the very reasons God set America as the United States apart in such a diversity and is showing the world what great blessings might be attained in the release of information, technology and an unparalleled Standard of Liberty and Freedom in the world with innovation, attraction,  ingenuity, entrepreneurial diverse inspiration we have called uniquely American excellence. .. Like this WATCH you have never seen is so unique and rare in the World.

We are indeed held to a higher standard also of this kind of Love and Mercy. We find power as a Nation with great gratitude in the cooperation amongst our fellow man, much more than we experience a loss of power in a belief of superiority. 

While many religions speak against freedom of speech, we welcome it. While many religions speak against women's rights, we welcome it. While many religions speak against minority rights, we welcome them. However, that is not at the expense of suffering the protections afforded in our U.S. Constitution to be secure in our Homes and in our Property secured to us in  our 4th Amendment and 5th Amendments that includes "public danger".

Many have suggested it was "not what America was about in a wise protection of our U.S. Citizens from public danger in the potential of importing terrorism and called for a STOP when it come to assuring a rigorous vetting process for refugees or immigrants. Where shall 72% of America's men go if terrorism strikes in our United States of America? Shall we go to Europe or Africa or Russia or China? How about Syria? NO! We shall Stay in America fighting for the Law and our Country. 

I have proposed that any Refugee of course be drafted into the same force that fights for freedom in their land in our land. In other words, how different are the circumstances of fighting for your own land then fighting for America? Are they prepared to meet the requirements of America?

 If you come to America you are expected to fight for America, adopt America's principles afforded to those who are gay, minority, or female. If you cannot do that with a pledge it doesn't matter what religion you are, you will be in conflict with America's Principles under our U.S. Constitution. If you are a refugee in America and you are drafted in the Military and sent to the front lines to fight in Syria how much greater will be your victory in death fighting for Freedom and Liberty?

This might be the reason Obama wants to welcome you? Perhaps he wishes to strengthen our military presents in Syria with you as a soldier for America fighting on the front lines of Syria against ISIS and being shot for treason if you turn around in cowardice? Perhaps he wants to tax you 80% of income for 10 years if you do not want to serve for 5 years in the Military to repay to the tax payer the refugee funds of $65,000 per year?

Obama will not be around in the Office of the President much longer so there is a good chance that what you think the circumstances are of coming to America are not what the circumstances will be in a very short time. 

America will not be compromised. We will not compromise our rights, those rights of women, those rights of minorities, those rights of the LGBT citizens are protected here under laws and those acting outside our laws are indeed punished according to our criminal codes. The Government has the responsibility to assure as much as possible that we maintain a safe and secure America with the rights and justice for all held as a very high Standard. 

This is why I have asked the Governors of the United States to join together in insisting our U.S. Constitution be upheld in the Office of the President. Any person unlawfully occupying the Office of the President must be stopped. This is a protection and a defense of the public safety. 

Now may God Bless you and may God Bless America in the mighty terror of our U.S. Constitution that grips the hearts and souls making weak the knees, sinews, and joints of traitors and tyrants fearing the protections of a God they know not, but whom they shall meet who is the Founder and the Framer of our United States of America.

Cody Robert Judy

The Comment Section in reference to this article are copied below. 

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody Robert Judy Campaign
Cody Robert Judy

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.

OBAMACONSPIRACY.ORG story Link Confusing natural born citizen
.D. Reed [..(Democrats)…come off as transparent hypocrisy given the amount of ridicule Democrats and liberals have (justifiably) rained on birthers]

Justified Ridicule = The saddest tactic of lawlessness being correct in Order ie. The devil throws a raging temper-tantrum in what will never be Heaven. His fight in vain. For he craves the Order of Heaven in the Chaos of his habitation. Not even the devil likes Hell. All desire heaven.

@Pete [Strictly speaking, that’s probably true (that you can’t say with 100% certainty until and unless the Supreme Court speaks on the issue).1. The “general consensus” of real legal scholars is that Ted Cruz is eligible.]

Noticing the difference in Mr. Donald Trump and the @realdonaltrump. I’m wondering why he doesn’t change his name to Mr. Real Donald Trump?

I suppose he didn’t have enough money to buy from others his own name? The draft of placing [real] seems pretty close to phoney when it comes to [Legal].

Interesting that Legal Scholars do agree that the possibility of having an [illegal] person in the Office of President [elected] but failing to Qualify exist.

This would be the quintistoxic shock to MainStream Media , especially if the illegal one was a Democrat. Maybe not so much shock of Republican.

1933 Ratification of Amendment XX. …[ or if the President elect shall have failed to Qualify, ]

Isn’t it interesting that it’s happened? Of course no one would dispute the requirement of TIME of 35 years old if someone was 34.9 years old, they are not 35.
No one would dispute the 14 years a resident if only 13 years, 11 months had been accomplished.

We are left with the TIME it takes for two to become Citizens and have a child in the United States. Its a TIME FACTOR not a race question.

People always want to rush to get some place they are not. Its human nature to get on the freeway and drive somewhere as fast as the speed limit allows.

There are a few things that make me ill. I’ve got a pretty good cast iron stomach. Some say it’s because I consume the BIG JARS of sliced jalapeno peppers (about 1 every two weeks). . some say it’s because I like hot women, ( beauty is in the eye of the beholder).

Whatever the case, calling my stand for the [natural born Citizen] qualification anything but a TEST-of-Time , simply a period of TIME, really makes me ill.

The respect and love for the richness I find in every race and culture makes it thus for me.

I certainly have done all I can and will continue to do all I can to bring this TRUTH to light.

November 19, 2015

Interesting that Legal Scholars do agree that the possibility of having an [illegal] person in the Office of President [elected] but failing to Qualify exist.

If an unqualified person ever were to be elected president, it would be up to Congress to remedy it.

This would be the quintistoxic shock to MainStream Media

Quintistoxic? People might take you more seriously if you used real words.

I certainly have done all I can and will continue to do all I can to bring this TRUTH to light.

You wouldn’t know the truth if you tripped over it.

Let’s face the facts. So few people care about your quixotic efforts to legitimize your specious “two citizen parents” argument that you couldn’t even raise enough money to pay your SCOTUS filing fee and printing expenses. Your campaign for president is a farce. You are not going to be on the ballot in a single state and it is unlikely that anyone outside of your immediate family would vote for you. Your book is #9,757,126 in sales at Amazon.

You are still young enough to do something positive with your life, instead of spending all of your time blogging and tweeting nonsense.

LikeReplyRemove Preview3 hrs
Cody Robert Judy Thank You for caring Rickey. I’m 49.11 years old.. That’s close enough to 50 to make my own words and let you figure them out.

It’s true, I still have time to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice whose qualification, as Justice Thomas admitted is not quite as rigorous, far more lengthy in tenure, and does not require one to be [natural born Citizen] ie. “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents”
Of course blogging and tweeting are very much a part of free speech. Something our Constitution is an advocate for but also something Madame Secretary HRC is fuming about:

Hey just heads up on the new “Comedian Label Warning in HRC”
Video Montage
HRC v. 1st AMEND

She’s going after comedians whose speech she is offended by.
Artical from Judicial Watch

Reasons I do love these two

Next Comment Considertion
  1. dunstvangeet November 19, 2015 at 1:51 pm  (Quote) # 
    Steve: Strictly speaking, that’s probably true (that you can’t say with 100% certainty until and unless the Supreme Court speaks on the issue).
    The problem is the next leap that birthers make. The right wing is making the same leap when it comes to illegal immigrants. They go from:
    The Supreme Court hasn’t ruled on this specific issue, therefore there’s still a question.
    To: The Supreme Court hasn’t ruled against me, therefore my interpretation is the right one.
    As an example, take a look at what the right wing has done with the question of citizenship of illegal immigrants. They started by stating that the Supreme Court hasn’t specifically ruled that the children of illegal immigrants are U.S. Citizens (they have, but we’ll get into that later).
    Then they went to that illegal immigrants are not covered under the 14th Amendment (they are), and their children are not really citizens.

  2. CRJ November 19, 2015 at 2:29 pm  (Quote) # 
    @ dunstvangeet
    [Steve: Strictly speaking, that’s probably true (that you can’t say with 100% certainty until and unless the Supreme Court speaks on the issue).
    The problem is the next leap that birthers make. The right wing is making the same leap when it comes to illegal immigrants. ]
    Welcome to the world of proving a negative, rather than positively proving.
    ie. Court: “You don’t have Standing”
    ANTI-Birther Interpretation: OBAMA has won over 200 Cases!😂
    ie. Court: “You case is Wholly Incredible”
    ANTI-Birther Interpretation: That’s the reason you don’t get forma pauperis status
    ie. Court: “Your forma pauperis status is denied in spite of two LOWER COURT’S agreeing in the same year by a form asking for YEARLY INCOME REPORT that it’s granted.
    ANTI-Birther Interpretation: 1) IF your cause was credible you could have raised the money. 2) You can’t point to any Case Law stating the Forma PAUPERIS [Yearly] Report Form is good for a Year.
    The only thing true about these idiotic reasoning tactics is they are similar to the lack of deductive reasoning skills and example stating the qualification for President is the same for those in 1787 as it is for those in 2016 when the Constitution States very plainly in Article II, Section 1, C-5 differently:
    1) [natural born Citizen]
    2) [Citizen] at the [TIME] of the Adoption of this Constitution
    and then said example provides no distinction for the two requisites.
    To state you understand perfectly Obama has occupied an office he has never proven that he is qualified for is exactly in line with the negative proof hurdle your complaining about.
    I do understand your frustration and I have done everything I could to 🔊relieve that frustration. 😉

Tuesday, November 17, 2015



sponsored by 2016 Presidential Candidate

In the interest of the Public Safety with the Paris France terror genocide murder of more than 120 people spanning the interest of multi-culturalism in our human rights interest the following is being sent to all 50 State Governors in the Union of the United States of America as a proposition.

Public Safety Gubernatorial Declaration

Whereas: The highest priority of a State Governor is to protect the individual State's Citizens:

Whereas: Individual States of the Union are questioning their authority to resist the "Federal Program" of the importation of Refugees and in such the potential importation of terrorism and the threat of terrorism,  that exist with no recognized Foreign State vetting process that can be verified specifically in the Syrian Refugee exodus of millions:

Whereas: the States are subject to implementing Federal Programs by the U.S. Constitution authority as the Supreme Law of the Land in the United States of America, we recognize each States, of the fifty States, participation in the Union to be an agreement of terms in said U.S. Constitution:

Whereas: By said terms, we recognize the Office of the President and Vice President must be qualified according to that Federal Law ie. U.S. Constitution

Whereas: We NOTICE - Barack Hussein Obama, the person in the Office of the President as not qualified for the Office of President required at the time of birth- ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents, as according to Barack Hussein Obama's own release of  long form birth certificate stated as issued and of the authority by the State of Hawaii, his father was [NOT a U.S. Citizen] at the time of birth. 
Whereas: The Congress of the United States of America has [NOT] passed any other ACT or RESOLUTION exempting Barack Hussein Obama as [NOT] needing to qualify as [born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents]:

Whereas: No recognized Court in the United States of America has heard, based upon Barack Hussein Obama's own positive arguments, facts, and evidence provided as a [Witness] in any particular Case of Civil Court that Barack Hussein Obama was a [natural born Citizen]:

Whereas: we notice Barack Hussein Obama the person in the Office of President as not qualified for the Office of President by his father's [Kenyan Citizenship] at the time of birth, he is [NOT] born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents, and thus fails the agreement in said UNION of the States U.S. Constitution.

Whereas: we Notice Minor v. Happersett in the U.S. Supreme Court specified that there were never any doubts that a person [born in the U.S. to Parents who were Citizens] were [natural born Citizen], and to the rest there have been [doubts], we cast our own doubt recognizing the security of our Citizens:

Whereas: we Notice in recognition many Courts have stated no person accept a Presidential Candidate has Standing to challenge another Candidate for Office: That Cody Robert Judy a Candidate for President in 2008, 2012, and 2016 has pleaded against Senator McCain and Senator Barack Hussein Obama up to the U.S. Supreme Court in 12-5276 and 14-9396 that the U.S. Supreme Court has thus refused to hear, the latter owing to a dispute between the U.S. Supreme Court and the two lower Courts that Mr. Judy lives below the poverty level and thus required forma pauperis status:

Whereas: this evidence has not been positively put to rest, but has relied upon a negative presumption, we presume Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified based upon the release of his own legal documents April 27th, 20011 from the White House Press core room.

Whereas: The Federal Government cannot ask the UNION States to participate in a Federal Program through an Executive unqualified by Federal Law: Until a Qualified Executive fills the Office of President, or until the Federal Government RESOLVES the conflict of terms, the States have no duty to abide an execution of Federal Programs, not limited to the Refugee importation of potential Terrorism:

WE thus call upon Governors of the States to support the Constitution Application understood to be the [natural born Citizen] qualification of [born in the United States to Citizen Parents] as the definition vetting Barack Hussein Obama as unfit for command;  unqualified as U.S. President; and As a Disability of the Office of President by the Federal Standard of the U.S. Constitution as Individual States of the Union.

The question left in doubt of any other interpretation of said qualification places in direct harms way [every] Citizen of the individual States of the Union considered a breach of the duty, elected position, oath, and stewardship of Lieutenant Governor, in action of importing terrorism upon the individual States.

WE the UNDERSIGNED Form  Agreement and Attest to this Gubernatorial Declaration FOR the Public Safety.


Please FAX your signed agreement to the United States Supreme Court:
U.S. Mail:Supreme Court of the United States
 1 First Street, NE
 Washington, DC 20543

Telephone:202-479-3000Time Senitive Questions 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1

GOVERNOR: _____________________  STATE of the Union: _______________

All of the Governors have been sent this Gubernatorial Declaration as a Proposal on the above List.
Also: Utah, California, New York, Nevada, Iowa, Oregon, Washington,South Dakota, North Dakota, New Mexico, Wyoming,Montana, Missouri, Virginia, West Virginia,Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Hawaii, Alaska, Colorado, Kentucky, Rhode Island.

Campaign Committee to elect Cody Robert Judy U.S. President in 2016.
Web Site 

Cody Robert Judy Campaign
Cody Robert Judy

Cody's Record is one you can Trust as one in the public service, and one that has served our Nation and will serve our Nation well in the Office of the President. The nucleus of our Constitution that may just be the collaboration or difference between the Truth and the Lie you will have a choice in voting for.

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Help Support Cody Robert Judy's Campaign for President Cody is doing what not even Mr Trump or any other Republican Candidate for President can do. Remember - Principle over Party!

Cody Robert Judy's book :

Every dollar counts towards a Campaign willing to take a stand for your individual Civil Rights and having a President like Cody Robert Judy, you can be sure that your Rights are going to be stood up for because he's the one with a Record in Court to prove that actions speak louder than words. Helping him out today is going to help you out Tomorrow.

1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396

Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin

The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.

Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President

CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.