Author - Cody Robert Judy
Conservative Independent American
Candidate for Pres 16, 12, 08
U.S. Senate 18, 10, 04, 00
U.S. Rep. 02
Book: Taking A Stand - The conservative independent Voice
The Creative Power of the People Being Run Down by Government
Checks and Balances in the 3 Branches of our Government are meant to be a deterrent against sabotage of the creative power we the people have. The purpose of government is to foster that creative power that we as individuals have, and this is the primary positive incentive from which our Constitutional Republic was born. The Constitution was intended to be the defense for individual creativity, making the most positive labor force in the world.
It is therefore a telling tale of a government who wants to possess this creativity for itself by theft, or worse to prohibit outright the productive creating ability of the people by enslavement; either be economic indebtedness which is a form of enslavement or by and through the use of war as subjugation.
Dependency on the government is indeed what is fostered in projecting enslavement in the form of socialism, but even this must be paid for. It is paid for in the form of taxes. The crippling blow of the government made upon the ability to create.
It is true that Government wants you on the dole now. It is true there is a reason to stifle your creative powers. One thing this enslavement to socialism is not though that we can all agree on- it is not a believe in you or your creative powers.
So how is it with the vast improvement of technologies that we have witnessed from, I remind you, 1981 test flights of the space shuttles, the same year that IBM released it's first PC and I was a freshmen in high school- when 64 GB cell phones didn't exist in the pocket of every teen-ager, that the NASA Program became so expensive we had to shut it down?
Texas Governor Perry just slammed Obama for shutting down NASA space shuttle flights after 30 years;"Unfortunately, with the final landing of the Shuttle Atlantis and no indication of plans for future missions, this administration has set a significantly different milestone by shutting down our nation's legacy of leadership in human spaceflight and exploration," Perry said.
Are you really telling me that the vast improvement of technologies has not made things easier and less expensive? Are you really telling me that the convenience, saved time, and speed of technologies have not made it easier and created a lighter load?
Our government is saying the load is too heavy? It takes too much time? Its too expensive? There basically saying that all the advancements in our modern world are costing more, taking up more time, and have become a burden that you must pay for with higher taxes. This is an outright assault on your creativity. Now you know as well as I do they wouldn't be doing or saying this unless there was a massive panic that you would somehow recognize this.
Because if you did recognize this that would mean what? You saw an emperor with no clothes on? You recognized a perpetual oil and gas supply was actually created by our Earth. You recognized that real freedom and liberty were at your fingertips and that our national debt was actually a fabrication with one goal in mind?
To keep the elite who were so dumb or lazy they couldn't create for themselves in the elite chairs. They are panicked they may have to get a real job and they are willing to kill you in a war, enslave you to a debt, and or otherwise do anything they can think of to keep the status quo. No where has this been demonstrated so clearly then in Hillary Clinton's deflect and blame strategies in the Benghazi Congressional hearings while the most important question was not asked: Why was Chris Stevens even there on 9-11-2012 in the first place left unprotected in the barbecue of Libya?
The only problem with that is the cork is bound to pop. The power of the people to create is what, in fact, they are battling. Imagine a government releasing that creative power rather then trying to cross-tie it, and you can imagine what a Cody Robert Judy Administration would look like?
Imagine getting over hurdles in life, rather then having them act as block-aids that prohibit you. That is why our Constitution must be upheld and protected and especially the demands that the President be a natural born citizen qualified according to the Constitution that is the map of protection to your creative power. That is why Barack Hussein Obama was taken to the United States Supreme Court by Cody Robert Judy (myself) in Case No. 12-5276.
The greatest threat to your creative power is a usurper occupying the White House apposed to the very creative power that has made America the opportunity that it is for the individual. We must protect that opportunity and fight for it with every fiber of our creative power and demand Congress recognize Obama is indeed what he is trying to create out of our citizens- liabilities. Obama is a disability according to the 14th Amendment Section 3 and Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court should subjugate itself to these demands of our Constitution to which they are sworn.
Obama is not worthy of impeachment nor is Obama's qualified to be impeached. Obama is not qualified to be U.S. President, and he's not a nice guy for not recognizing it and thinking your too dumb and ignorant to recognize it. He might be a nice guy on the basketball court or the golf course, but in the White House as a walking talking violation of the Constitution he is not a nice guy at all, and most usurpers aren't.
Cody Robert Judy
Why are Federal Secret Service Agents investigating a man whose name resembles the biggest fraud and forgery case in American history?
Turning a blind eye on Barack Hussein Obama is exactly what the Secret Service is doing as Sheriff Joe Arapaio's Cold Case Posse has positively identified multiple reasons why Barack Hussein Obama's long form birth certificate, draft selective service forms, and social security card are indeed either altered or assigned to a different person.
This raises the point that "Fraud & Forgery" when it comes to identity theft and alterations that might deceive the American people are acceptable but a small time case the Secret Service is all over.
The problem is that when area, or in this case Salt Lake City police, contacted Secret Service agents who then file a federal fraud complaint through the U.S. Attorney’s Office in most fraud and forgery cases of identity theft,it is done, but in Barack Hussein Obama's case Eric Holder is unwilling to investigate the guy in the White House in the face of alarming evidence of law enforcement.
This raises a big question however about Obama's commitment as well as law enforcement's commitment all over the country to, "everyone following the same rules" and being held to the same degree of the law. As it stands now the guy whose name resembles Barack Hussein Obama's who was caught in Salt Lake City is being charged with 35 counts so far.
If the law was equal Barack Hussein Obama would be charged with fraud for every single vote placed for him in the 2012 election which would amount to 60,193,076 counts of fraud. Of course this fraud is connected to money also with every contributions to a candidate who is not qualified as a natural born citizen for the office of the president, every dollar was given under an assumption that is false.
This is why the case in Salt Lake City, Utah of the guy whose name resembles Barack Hussein Obama, whose name is Furat Awel Hussain should at the very least be given a pardon by Barack Hussein Obama immediately, or why the Selective Service Agency should not bother prosecuting another case of fraud or forgery. Barack Hussein Obama's exploits in the manner rising to the office in the White House as a usurper have effectively put to rest or mooted any other charges filed against any other person in fairness under the law.
If I were apart of Furat Awel Hussain legal team, I would plead innocent claiming their is no law against such activity as Barack Hussein Obama has got away with it and the Secret Service is not interested in prosecuting any such activity against Barack Hussein Obama whose crimes far exceed 35 counts of fraud and forgery to the tune of over 60 million.
The Attorney General then should not be interested in prosecuting Furat Awel Hussain because of the proven executive choices of Obama in lying to the American public about his being a natural born citizen qualified for the office of the President he now resides in as a usurper.
Equal protection under the law applied to everyone is something we all hoped for, but Barack Hussein Obama has done more to unravel the integrity, truthfulness,honor, and respect for the law than anyone prior in the White House.
Who may have the greater interest in this? Believe it or not it may be the people pushing for same-sex marriage. In a featured story on CNN Obama said, ""I want everyone treated fairly in this country. We have never gone wrong when we've extended rights and responsibilities to everybody," he said, drawing big applause. "That doesn't weaken families, that strengthens families."
Under the current humiliation, desecration, and contempt for the law Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated a dis-respect that will be permanently held up as a standard by everyone being prosecuted, and will I'm sure put many many more of our families in grave danger in society, from those who have sworn to uphold the law under such contempt as local law enforcement officials, to those innocent in our schools and churches as the umbrella of Truth and Honor withdraws from our society and we are left unto ourselves.
One of the reasons it is so important and we have so much respect for Jesus Christ is he subjected himself to the law so that he could become the master of the law and in such he found our respect, honor, and ultimately our happiness. Barack Hussein Obama has no such claim as he skirts the law and professes against the law.
Indeed we all are sinners, subject to our own frailties and there isn't a one of us who is without sin who can cast the first stone as Jesus asked those who accused the women caught in adultery to do.
John 8:4-11 They say to him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what say you? 6This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. 7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the oldest, even to the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the middle. 10When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said to her, Woman, where are those your accusers? has no man condemned you? 11She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said to her, Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more.
Personally, I think if we all did more forgiving then prosecuting we would be better off. It is very difficult when you are accused of breaking the law and prosecuted not to want exactness in the law.
That is why I as a natural born citizen - born in the United States to two Citizens - having run a race with Barack Hussein Obama have felt that the United States Supreme Court has let me down and held me to a standard that they didn't hold Barack Hussein Obama to.
Indeed Congress has held that the 'natural born citizen' clause of the Constitution demanding a natural born citizen in the office of the President and Vice President is indeed different than the qualification found in the Constitution for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators.
I ran the race in 2012 as a qualified candidate and Barack Hussein Obama did not. In deed in spite of the accomplishments of Lance Armstrong in winning so many prestigious races when it was found that he had not competed fairly with the other racers, the Administrations responsible for over seeing those races ensuring fairness and equality stripped him of all of his titles.
So to should Congress and the United States Supreme Court find the fairness and equality of the law in the most important race in America that effects literally every single American, the Presidential Race, and strip Barack Hussein Obama from the office of the President for not being qualified.
The demand for a black president should not supersede the demand for the black president to at least be qualified under the Constitution. The Constitution is after all what has provided such an attractive border to cross for many minorities looking for equal protection under the law. If that is not upheld America is actually debased into a land that no longer respects and honors individual rights, but actually apposes those for the mobs and the gangs to rule.
Indeed what minorities should fear more than a jail cell or gun to the head, when they come to America is the individual rights provided by America's constitution eroded away through the qualifications of the office of the president. Barack Hussein Obama may indeed be fighting for more votes by granting amnesty somewhere, but Citizenship through amnesty to a country that no longer respects equal and fair protection under the law is citizenship into a country that perhaps is as dangerous now as the country they came from. What is the point of following the path of citizenship if Barack Hussein Obama hasn't followed it only to die in America?
Presenting: The Promise Man - by The Cody Robert Judy Band celebrating SCOTUS Case # 12-5276 Judy v. Obama and demonstrating the reasons for protecting the Constitution that provide the opportunity in America. This includes the natural born citizen clause unique to the Office of the President Obama fails not being born in the U.S. to Citizen parents.
The Promise Man
I'm talkn' to all you dreamers -- think America is your opportunity..yea -- you can't hide from me -- I see you out there- loving the opportunity- That America brings -- Yea you got your own style- and that's what I want to talk to you about.
Vs.1 -- You see that ole ball is slowing down but your dreams are speeding up- That economic ladders growing faster and let's face it you aint keeping up- Obama's got a spending habit, he's a generational spending jack rabbit- Now its you he's selling out- and for this there aint no doubt- You're the new American slave-That's what this is all about -- That's what this is all about.
Vs.2 -- You know I don't mince no words --No I aint got time for all of that- But I give this time to you- Hell, you know it's the least that I could do.- Because you are my American brother from another mother- Before it gets to cold- You know that fortune favors the bold.-And that snake is coming around telln' you it aint maken' a sound- And its grip is getn' tighter-Its gonna squeeze till there aint no fighter -- And then what you gonna do -- All those dreams aint coming true -- All those dreams aint coming true.
Vs.3 - You need to walk out on this man -- Whose putting a curse on this here promise land-While your purse is getn' lighter --You say Code your just a Constitutional fighter- I'm telling you 16 trillion ain't no joke -- Turning all that hope into --Now you gotta cope- While this country's going up in smoke -- You know you're all goin broke. --The ball aint slamming down quite as fast- Hell your good times-They aint gonna last-Cuz your freedom suffered a concussion -- Remember this is America -- This aint Russia.
Vs.4- I'm not tryn to be no rock'n rapper- Hell, I'm a politician- I got dreams just like you- I'm calling to your recognition- You know I don't use dope -- Hell, I don't even smoke- But ole Uncle Sam's going broke- This aint what you call superstition. -- Why I'm tryn' to tell you about Obama-Gate -- I'm not tryn' to excommunicate -- But you don't wanna hear -- The loss of freedom and liberties your biggest fear -- I'm just like you -- Writing at my kitchen table- Tell'n you about Obama's fable -- Telln' you about Obama's fable.
Chorus: (insert between verses total 4)
I'm putting on my coat -- I'm walking out on this man (repeat 4 times) I'm putting on my coat-walkn out on this man- make me the promise land --make me the promise land. I'm putting on my coat --I'm walk'n out on this man -- I'm putting on my coat- I'll be your promise man -- Yeah, I'll be your promise man.
The following transcript from the video, and the video seen below is the most benign friendly piece of trash. What makes it so vagarious is its framer Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University Louis Michael Seidman seems so dangerous who would pay him any attention?
Mild mannered, even tempered and a constitutional law professor - wasn't Obama also a "senior lecturer," at the University of Chicago Law School who said he "served as a professor" and said he was "regarded as" a professor?
I'd like to take this time to make some scratch marks over his "simple idea" which I've encased in [] and start with the first sentence which jumps right out of the gate on you like the orders from the leader of a flash mob set to trash a retail store in the mall:
[I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution.]
Simple ideas are genuinely pure and straight forward, but even if he used the 6 words to shock you, the resulting vacuum of the Republic for which we stand has vanished for what we must assume is not a Republic, in which the majority mob rules and the individual loses. What would the ACLU say to that?
[I know, it sounds radical, but it's really not. Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie.]
Well, he has admitted to being radical here but knows its necessary to try and convince you otherwise. Our prisons are full of people who decided to break the law and here he is advocating "Constitutional disobedience" which is basically a disobedience of the Supreme Law of the Land the likes of which every office holder of the court and government have sworn to uphold.
[For example, most of our greatest Presidents -- Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts -- had doubts about the Constitution, and many of them disobeyed it when it got in their way.]
Perfect examples Presidents? - irregardless of any circumstances that our Constitution actually allows and provides for within the Constitution, which would make it not against the Constitution. He uses past presidents, who in his words in the bottom paragraph we would consider "ancient and outdated" as his examples of giving up on the Constitution? How is it possible to use "ancient and outdated" material to discredit "ancient and outdated material"? Shouldn't he be using modern material if he wants to discredit "ancient and outdated material"? He makes no sense.
[To be clear, I don't think we should give up on everything in the Constitution. The Constitution has many important and inspiring provisions, but we should obey these because they are important and inspiring, not because a bunch of people who are now long-dead favored them two centuries ago.]
Ohhhh so he thinks some things are good in the Constitution now and wants to save the "parts" of it that are "important and inspiring provisions", according to who? Him? I find the "natural born citizen clause for the Office of the President quite inspiring that has for over 200 years prevented a foreign leader from financing his own heirs on to the throne of the White House.
[Unfortunately, the Constitution also contains some provisions that are not so inspiring. For example, one allows a presidential candidate who is rejected by a majority of the American people to assume office. Suppose that Barack Obama really wasn't a natural-born citizen. So what?]
Holy Cow!- This guy is nuts. So the Electorate actually does their job and finds out because of a little investigation that the President Elect is only 11 years old and is the son of North Korea Kim Jong II- a son he had born in Hawaii. Anyone see a problem with that? He obviously doesn't. Or was he talking about the off chance insanity plot of the the Pres and VP actually being assassinated and our Constitution providing a back up in the chain of command who would have the authority vested in them, but who were not elected specifically for that office while we got together and voted again? He doesn't like that part.
[Constitutional obedience has a pernicious impact on our political culture. Take the recent debate about gun control. None of my friends can believe it, but I happen to be skeptical of most forms of gun control.]
Pernicious? Such a coy word - Having a harmful effect, esp. in a gradual or subtle way. What? He just said we should abandon the Constitution and he doesn't think he is being pernicious? Then he has the audacity to chum up to the Constitution's 2nd Amendment? This guys dumb and he's got balls. That's a dangerous combination. The fact his friends don't believe he's a friend to the Constitution makes me wonder if his friends are right. His opening statement did in fact say "Give Up the Constitution" rather then "Give Up parts of the Constitution" in some sensible and reasonable term as the Constitution permits, being flexible and adaptable to modern times by 2/3rds of a majority. Does he have a problem with finding 2/3rd of the Representatives and Senators that we the people, the majority, pick actually agreeing on an Amendment? What - its not fast enough for him or is it the fact that 2/3rd is just too heavy of a burden?
[I understand, though, that's not everyone's view, and I'm eager to talk with people who disagree.]
Yes, he's eager to talk to people who disagree with the 2nd Amendment because they are more his friends then the ones he was referring to can't believe he's a 2nd Amendment champion?
[But what happens when the issue gets Constitutional-ized? Then we turn the question over to lawyers, and lawyers do with it what lawyers do. So instead of talking about whether gun control makes sense in our country, we talk about what people thought of it two centuries ago.]
Now he's comparing taking a stand for the Constitution to constipation in the word "Constitutional-ized" is that even a word in the wiki dictionary? Yes it is and it means: Incorporated into a constitution. How does that happen? Oh yes, 2/3rd of the Congress agree to it. Then he reveals his true colors on gun control advocating the notion that people two centuries ago could not have possibly wanted a gun for the same reason our military does, our own militia's do, and our own hunters do? How could the line of thinking still exist of overthrowing a tyrannical government? Is tyrannical dictator king still a word he understands?
[Worse yet, talking about gun control in terms of constitutional obligation needlessly raises the temperature of political discussion. Instead of a question on policy, about which reasonable people can disagree, it becomes a test of one's commitment to our foundational document and, so, to America itself.]
More on Gun Control out of his 2nd Amendment respecting mouth here; funny I've never heard of anyone at the NRA's rally's getting riled about people giving them weapons. Its always the people wanting to take their water and bee-bee guns away that pisses them off.
[This is our country. We live in it, and we have a right to the kind of country we want. We would not allow the French or the United Nations to rule us, and neither should we allow people who died over two centuries ago and knew nothing of our country as it exists today.]
A little patriotism out of his mouth respecting America's Constitution and its flexibility for our modern age? No, he's mocking it. He also advocates that the French and United Nations should not rule over us and then throws the founder and framers overboard with them. He just doesn't understand our Constitution is flexible and provides a great way for Amendments does he? He also doesn't seem to understand that people who lived two centuries ago thought making-love was a lot better then making war. That's pretty standard I think. The proof? We're here because our Daddys got our Mama's pregnant and managed enough food to feed us. WhaWhoo!
[If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves, and stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document.]
Take back our country? From who? It sounds like this guy is advocating for England to take back the States. In which case he is aiding and abetting for something even more ancient and outdated then the Constitution. If this professor from Georgetown University, a school that was on my list to attend when I was 18, is anything like the others I'd say America has no friend there, but old King George might have, and I made the right decision not to attend. Reminds me of a few words of my new song The Promise Man - "your the new American slave, that's what this is all about."