Dear U.S. Rep Neugebauer :
As the Chairmen of either the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations/or/ Housing & Insurance I would think "Insurance" under the House Finance Services Committee certainly has jurisdiction in regards to funding A.C.A., and or Obamacare as an insurance.
I was a write-in Candidate for Pres in 2008 and sued Sen. McCain & Sen. Obama in 2008, I continued my standing in 2012 against Obama running for Pres in the Democratic Party and took that clear to the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, and 2013. The standing I have to challenge Obama's authenticity full fills all 3 demands of standing, and the Judicial Branch has basically deferred this action to one for Congress. I have maintained my standing declaring for 2016 as an Independent for Pres. (The text of the law suit is here 2012 and here 2013 )
The burden is indeed great for one judge or a panel of judges and I believe should be heard by Congress, but no one has come forward with standing who could withstand the charges of 'racism' spewed by the Mainstream Media, as Donald Trump served to show. That is where my 2008 suit against McCain I filed first comes into value. I stood up for the principle as McCain was not born in the U.S. and need two acts of Congress upon his identity. Each was a process of naturalization clearly a man-made law. The natural born citizen clause never was in doubt for those born in the U.S. to Citizen parents, when it comes to the most powerful position in the U.S. or the world, do you think 'doubts' ought to be recommended? Of course not.
The cost to me has been life-altering over the last 5 years and I have estimated to be easily ######### time & dollars. I owe the people who have contributed to my campaign this as well as myself. I don't like the thought of letting people down, when Obama was not born in the U.S. and his father was not a Citizen, he fails the two prong test. Also, I did not just use my testimony in Court, but submitted evidence of Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse which proved with over 2500 hours of professional law enforcement investigation the document Obama handed out at the White House Press Core Room was a fabrication, his social security card is a mis-match, and his draft registration has a fraudulent year stamp dated on it.
If you were in a political race with someone in your 19th District who had that many shenanigans out right wouldn't you be upset about no one listening and everyone covering it up?
As such Chairmen of the Subcommittee, I would humbly ask you if you would conduct a hearing on the authenticity of the ACA because it was not signed by a legally qualified person in the Office of the White House according to the U.S.C., Art. 2,Sect 1,Clause 5?
With the Authenticity of the A.C.A, proven to the House, reparations made to me by the House that a responsible Court would make and the fact The House is in charge of Finances, the credibility of the charge would be seen in a much greater light by the U.S. Senate when it went or if it went to them before Obama resigned the White House.
The cost of Obamacare is frightening and it certainly is going to cost us all a lot more 1/5 of the entire budget I guess. I implore you to hear my testimony in the subcommittee you chair so I can further brief you on the fact that Obamacare/ACA was not signed by a qualified President. I can call a number of professional/expert witnesses to testify on these facts if you will hear us.
I briefed two of S.C. R Tom Rice's Aides on this also regarding S.T.O.P. and offered an Amendment, but wasn't called back.
Cody Robert Judy
phone # included
email me- codyjudy@outlook.com / or / codyjudy@hotmail.com
Web Site: http://www.codyjudy.us
Blog: codyjudy.blogspot.com
YouTube: Code4Pres /or/ Cody Judy

BREAKING NEWS : Hillary KNEW & Congressional Hearing HELD TODAY on Obama's Overreach & S.T.O.P Res.
From The BirtherReport.com
British Intelligent Officer Shrimpton,( Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11. ) "reported Obama's purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960. He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama's father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on Obama at a fundraising dinner and the test came back with no match to the claimed grandparents. Shrimpton said Rudy Giuliani's people knew and sat on the intelligence and further stated he spoke with Hillary Clinton's people and that they were quite interested."
How You Can Help
Obama's long form birth certificate has been exhumed to be nothing more then a long form fabrication by professional law enforcement standards and that was brought to the attention of the United States Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 12-5276, for which I served as the Presidential Candidate running in the Democratic Party and after the primary, as an Independent Presidential Candidate securing the 'standing' necessary for the complaint in 2012 and 2013.
Orrin Hatch R - U.S Senator from Utah and Mitch McConnell R- U.S. Senator from Kentcky just requested two sheriffs kits produced by Michael Volin of WheresObamasBirthCertificate.com (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website. These kits (Get Yours Free Here) contain the same evidence released in March 1,2012 (and a little more) that I included in my case against Obama that went from Georgia State- Georgia State Supreme- to U.S. Supreme 12-5276 in Judy v. Obama.
Please urge and encourage your Representatives to OPEN AND TRANSPARENT HEARINGS in the House of Representatives on Obama's eligibility as the solution to eliminating Obamacare. These hearings must be held and the evidence must be heard that are in the Sheriff's kits most all of the Representatives have received now.
If these hearings are conducted in the open and reported in the open, the evidence will mount collectively and the U.S. Senate although it has a majority of Democrats will have to concede to the facts and evidences or will be seen as completely unfit for their duties and as incompetent. Utah would most likely see more benefits come from supporting the Candidates like myself, (well, Candidate as myself because there were no other candidates in the entire U.S.A. who stood up for principle regardless of party), fighting for equal protections under the law in pushing for Open and Transparent Hearings in Congress with two million dollars on Obama's Verification Eligibility qualification hearings on the stage to remove him as a disability according to Amend 14, Sec.3 would be a lot faster solution.
Follow me on Twitter: Official Cody Robert Judy 2016 on Tweeter here
You Can Help Me [ If you would like to help Cody Robert Judy in his bid for upholding the Constitution in “America’s Birther Campaign”, or ABC Campaign ,which highlights the United States Constitution with information and education for voters to understand the tough questions politicians should be answering in 2014, and in the coming 2016 election for the Office of the President please make a contributions here:
We pray for the Lord to save our Country and restore America from the dilapidation we now find ourselves, and the principles of the Constitution in. For this I am Taking A Stand.
Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy
www.codyjudy.us www.codyjudy.blogspot.com YouTube: CODY JUDY / CODE4PRES TV Get Cody's Book: Taking A Stand