Secretary of State Pick
CHINA NOT SO HAPPY After reading the following article you can easily see why President Elect Trump's choice for Secretary of State is a tough call. Preferred Trade and cheap labor has ensnared or lured away some of America's finest Corporations fundamentally hurting America while helping many other Nations - China being the biggest.
The problem is how do you negotiate with an unfair Trade history, and keep your Trading partner happy. China has been the biggest benefactor of what America in Trump now is calling a very bad deal.
America lost a core Principle of standing up against slavery in the devaluation of currency- China's dictatorship insist upon their population at times cutting pay and wages and trading that for volume in order to lure the American Businessman away.
Profits as high as 90% have made American Businesses and Corporations filthy rich and they didn't have a problem with slave wages off American shores. Republicans and Democrats laid aside the influence of Trade to encourage human rights for profit.
Now China has hooked many businesses and through their prowess got America on their profit nipple weaning away and learning to feed oneself may cause the next Secretary of State the greatest headaches.
Weakness in this position could cause the greatest problems and with Trump's interviews and public statements of four finalist, we are staring weakness in the eyes and the foreign powers know it.
I won't go in to detail about those weaknesses, but it's pretty safe to say, Trump's the exclusive four in top considerations for Secretary of State
have reputations in critique that are weak.
While they also deserve strength rewards in many areas the balance in many respects it seems will be Trump's Secretary of State constantly undercutting Trump's Campaign Pledges in favor of the status quo.
Trump's consideration may be in getting more of a pacifier for Secretary of State, and if that's the goal he has four strong choices to choose from. Perhaps, he should also consider former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?
One thing for sure if you didn't think China was calling shots and dictating terms to the next U.S. President you'd certainly not read this article's opening describing exactly what I just related-
[Beijing (AFP) - Donald Trump is a "diplomatic rookie" who must learn not to cross Beijing on issues like trade and Taiwan, Chinese state media said Tuesday, warning America could pay dearly for his naivety.][ YahooNEWS Share
'Rookie' Trump must fall into line: China media]
["Provoking friction and messing up China-US relations won't help 'make America great again'", said a front-page opinion piece in the overseas edition of Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily]
Team Trump has widened it's door now to more than the original four presumed for the position of Secretary of State seen at an article in the Washington Post [ Corker is one of an apparently growing number of candidates that Trump is considering to be his chief ambassador to the world. They have recently included Corker — who supported Trump during the campaign — former arch-rival Mitt Romney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, ex-Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, ex-U.N. Ambassador John Bolton; Exxon head Rex Tillerson and West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WestVa.).]
The President Elects picks thus far as well those needing to be filled, are easily viewed on this link at the New York Times article and was reported in a Fox News report to be filling the Cabinet on pace faster than records since 1968.
UPDATE Consumer Protections Update from our August 12th Post Square Up not so Square
POLITICAL RETALIATION After an initial positive experience with [Square Up] for over a year in my Business, as soon as my Political Views crossed their Boards and Presidents lines, the nightmare began... and I'm a Democrat!, But I sued Obama for Constitutional Qualification Violations to the U.S. Supreme Court 12-5276 & 14-9396 as a Presidential Candidate myself.
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On a lighter note we here at the Cody Robert Judy Blog would like to celebrate with you our 700th Post. Gosh, we want to thank you for the Success and Joy we have had in Serving You this year. We have much to be grateful for but you are high on our List. I noticed yesterday a surprising number on my Blog Post 700th entry! Very few were just 1 Page long, so I know we are way over 2000 Pages. Now we're celebrating 390,000 Views all over the World. Most are in the USA, but Russia has a respectable 16,000 Views on this Blog!
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We wish all a very Merry Christmas and may you have a Happy New Year!
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Introduction to Goose Charity Group Founded to Help and Assist Males in Marriage , Divorce Recovery, and Represent in Public Advertisement Education of the devastation of divorce from many views. GOOSE stands for [Gentleman's Oppressed Offended Support Establishment] and has goals to teach and support Men in Marriage deter away from Divorce and Assist in the event of a Relationship Break up. See GOOSE ON FACEBOOK
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