Press Release: It's Time To Clue In
What you may have missed that Cody Robert Judy has been up to in defending our U.S. Constitution and running for U.S. Senate in Utah 2010.
Cody has recently returned from Harlem, New York where he was a witness/plaintiff in the CIA Columbia Obama Trial held May 14-19th. Cody's witness gave the court "standing" as he was personally injured as a candidate in the Presidential contest of 2008 with Barack Hussein Obama's lack of qualifications Constitutionally.
1)Cody sued John McCain in 2008 on his birth in Panama, the only Conservative Candidate in the Country to do so, and served McCain and the National Republican Party Committee days before McCain was made the nominee.
2)The RNC made a choice not to inform the electors of the law suit, which may have altered their choice for a nominee.
3)Within the suit, Cody pointed out and testified that U.S. Senate Resolution 511, (which granted McCain natural born citizen status with two U.S. citizens as parents but born outside the U.S. borders) was co-sponsored by Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Hussein Obama. Wonder Why?
This U.S. Sen Resolution acted as a 'gag' order for all Republican U.S. Senators who passed this for McCain, in a silent bargain for silence on the eligibility issue against Obama, who didn't have 2 parents that were U.S. citizens and whose birth place has been questioned even by his own wife who recently said he was from Kenya, and whose birth certificate posted on line has been professionally dissected as a fraud. Essentially, Republicans got their man McCain, and because of his eligibility questionability, they endorsed, they in affect had a shoe put in their mouth about Obama's qualification issue.
Here: 31 second video Michelle announces Obama's home country http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJihJBePcs
The fact Obama's father is British affectively places Obama under British laws which Cody demonstrated with his testimony which you can also read here on scripd : http://www.scribd.com/doc/22288917/Judy-v-Obama
4) Cody's law suit's against McCain, and Obama essentially prove fraudulent activity by Republicans and Democrats upon the American Voter in the 2008 Election, and have been an intense fight for our Constitution and he is fighting for a Senate Trial where all the evidence presented to the CIA Columbia Obama Trial in which a 12 member jury found Obama, Michael Sovern, and Columbia University guilty of 17 count including fraud and sedition, can be presented to the U.S. Senate with the Supreme Court overseeing it.
This seems like too big of an issue for a single Federal Judge to take on and bare the burden of. Cody's actions prove this is a Constitutional issue that the country can unite on, rather then a racial issue that the left is claiming, to silence the issue and is affectively used to divide the country.
The link of the closing arguments is here.
http://codyjudy.blogspot.com/2010/05/12-cia-columbia-jury-are-chosen-and-13.html (1 hour long)
Here is the Sonoran News article in CaveCreek, Arizona, which is right next to Scottsdale/Phoenix,AZ. and the premier Conservative News Paper who gave a report of Cody's testimony.
They also published my letter of thanks here:
This is American Grand Jury- which you can join for free and is really starting to play a major part in alternative media and tea party orchestrations.
Here is the Conservative Monster You Tube video series recapping each day of the CIA Columbia Obama Trial- Steve's Cooper's website just blew up with hits during the Trial because he was there covering it.
From Cody:
You know I thought a lot last night about what you said about your "hoping" something would happen or come out of what is happening. The thought occurred to me, that if this effort fails, there is no one else who is going to come along to save it, I recall David O' McKay's words,"where ere thou art, act well thy part", and that is the "why" of what I have done in my small part.
I believe our Country is under an assault of freedom and liberty by those who are in authority like we have never seen before, and if you take a look at Obama's legislation passing with lighting speed literally throwing our Country into a massive 13 billion dollar debt and more importantly a Federal Power grab as we haven't seen in our history,you know what I'm talking about.
If something is not done, our children indeed will wake up homeless and enslaved. I guess I would rather take that burden on in my own life with my own fortune as I no doubt am doing in the political activity I have charged with. I need your help, and I hope that you will see with my actions present and past in defending our Constitution, that you will know I am serious. I don't own 4 wheelers, or boats, or new cars, or a home...and the number 1 reason I don't is because my money has gone to back up my mouth. It wasn't easy sueing Sen. John McCain, or Obama, but these actions now are proving their invaluable worth.
My own hope is that every day business owners and citizens, may take note, and give their vote and support to a candidate who is in 'deed' fighting with everything he has verses someone who is giving you good lip service. I guess sooner or later just as the Jews were faced with a loss of liberty and freedom but rationalized their political hotbed with their own economical success until they heard the knock on their own door, and the boots coming up their own stairs. If they had known their fate, wouldn't they have woke up sooner?
When you want justice and deny it, the day will come when you need it and you won't find it. If I have been incarcerated due to violations of the Constitution, the day will come that because you didn't defend those rights, you will need those right but will not find them. What is going to be your choice, and what has been your choice in the past? Taking A Stand is my book, my witness for the Constitution, for my rights, and for yours. If you continue to deny me mine, you will also be denied yours very soon. It's time we come together in the defense of our U.S. Constitution for the freedom and liberty of our Country.
It takes radio and tv adds to inform the public and a little from every one makes alot... maybe you know others who would be willing to help put together a pool for adds for my campaign? I also need 1,000 registered Utah voters to get on the ballot Here if you can help that way:
Here is a recent article on my blog I wrote about Tim Bridgewater and Mike Lee one of the two who will be chosen for the R' Party.
Is America Sick of Seeing United States Senate Seats Sold-Will Republican Voters in Utah figure it out?
Here are a couple of videos from Pastor James David Manning who hosted the CIA Columbia Obama Trial-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugv2ZQd66D0&feature=related "Go To Hell Obama" James Manning Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvdPAOqG7x4 " Last Sitting President" James Manning Video
That's probably more then your share of "Updates" have a good one, and if you'd like to help me out by contributing to my campaign call me (801-497-6655) and I can run a credit card for a smaller fee then paypal does on my web site contribution page here, but if your more comfortable doing it through paypal, here is the site:
Contribute to Cody's campaign for U.S. Senate 2010 UT
Thank you for all you can do, and if you can do nothing else but forward this to a friend that is very appreciated.
Cody Robert Judy
U.S.Senate 2010 UT
Cody's Blog
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